Marine Record, April 24, 1884, page 3

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THE MARINE fcECOFD THE STEAMSHli? ONOKO. It is the Cushion for people on the sonbonnl mid CotiKrcwuiiBii nt Wunlilnatoii to nc- knowleilge tlwt there U Bnmethfiig of n Ink murine iibotit like thin: "Oh, »ei>, they lint a it number of smiill auhnonprn rikI .ptoumoi *, It's n little lake comilno; bii'lnuan, ami they don't nnd onn'temploy lnrge criift. Compnri- the ciirROos of ocenn uriift with those ol the little liikeornft, Why, 11 goiitl nlzeil ship lenv Inn New York would cnviy sovernl of th'o-e hiko honker?, ctirjsnim, jiiimts, smokestack-. nnd nil." The Inter Ouenn hn» nlreiidv show n tlmt Clilcngo has u grent nlliny more crnli iirrlvlnj; mid cleiirliiK nil the time tlinii nil the principal nenpiirt* combined, nnd it cim shojv now Jlint irtiiny of our «teniiiisra ninl chU vessels lire 2,000 tone regli.tpi mid o(ver, mW curry II om 3,000 to S,000 tons of n clirgo each The senbonrd, people nnd Urn Cop- jjressmen coitiilnlj t'linnot miike tmrnrcrnll ] k« ilil'. And tlm'lnkes wnnt deepei wittci in [he i nnnecUpK I IVeis nnd i iiiuiIr,unci wmil the Inn boig lmprovii',1, lieciiime still InrKfi trnlt iiiu on theftniks nnd Mill he put on the stocks just as soim/iM the depth nt wnter In the bud plnues In/the ilveis Isinuieiisednnd as coon as the ennuis nru enlnrsed. Vnrloii» plans me talked of loi levlvlnjj Hie Ameri¬ can ocean ninilne. Here Is n piosperons lake mm lire, worth more now than the ocean millIne, nnd lake shipping and com- meiclnl Inierests demiiml that it be fostered and eneuiinipocl. Their demand Is not grem All thuy nek Is that good channels be fin nlshod by the General Government. Thei ask no subsidy or aid. All they wantii) (rood uliter nnd safq harbors. Ilaibor Improve nieuts have been commenced at vnilous places on all the lakes, and If the river nnd ~ harbor bill of this session((loes not pnss nil the work nlroatly done will hi destioyed The stenmshlp Onoko built by the Globe Shipbuilding Co., Cleveland completed tnk lug on n cargo of outs In Chlcngp for But falo. It is the lnrgeat cargo ever taken on bv n lake craft, nnd shippers and-vesselmeir are justly proud of It It Is 103 868 of bush, oats. The record of the largest cargoes 1» now as follows, all oats • 3 Send far t ninlognu SIGNAL LAMPS, Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. - GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. Then. I.n„rp. (ttve n mo,o brillnnt Unlit ihnn aitytogniil Lump now In tiae . Thojr hive born adopted by Ilia prlnclpnl ocean and I.nko Stcamori nnd V«h and arc for >nle in the prlnclpnl porta on iho Atlantic coait and laicoa , French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Felthousen * Russell, s tan* hi main st., niti'i'AT.o n. Steamship Lehigh, Anchor Line Schooner George W Adnma fate imship Onoko flint Benson) Steamship Onoko (prcaont cirgo) Blinhcln „ 124,000 1.(0,(1 0 130 fiO'l 1K1,8o3 THE NEVVSTEAMbHIPNOORDLAND The new tutcn stenmshlp Ni>tiiilliiiit|, tin latest addition to thcKed Star Line, arrived at the'Cbmpnny's dock, loot of Grand streel Juouy tity, N. J., on Apiil lltli lioin Am werp, nnd wns thiown open for Inspection to.membersof the press on the 14th. The Xoordlnnd, which was built by Messrs. I.nird Brothers, ot Birkenhead, England, Is verj similar In style and ariangemeni to the Westernlnnd, which was nlsn built bj Messrj. Laird Brothers, for the snme own¬ ers. The dimensions of the Nonrdlnnd, » hlch is n line specimen of the shipbuilding art, nre as follows- Length on main deck. 400 feet; beam, 47 feet, depth ot hold, 33 teet 3 Inches. Bei gross tonnnge Is 4,700 tout-, and indicated luuse power, about 2,500 tons, with ndead weight capacity of about 5,000 tons. The hull is constructed throughout ot steel, with four complete decks, three ol them steel plated. There Is amldshlp prom enade deck 110 (eet long, w itli n deckhousi amidships nnd under, and turtle backed lore and aft. Accommodation Is piovided for(18 flrst-clnss, 53 second-class apd over 500 steerage passengers. Tho first snlodn Is at 'he fore cud of the deck house and the sa¬ loon for-the Becoiid-cuiss piiigengeri^js in tile aftet part of the deck house. Tiny ate both nently lurulshed. On the promenade (luck above the saloons, Ik a deck house 10U liet In length. 'Ihe steerage papscngetsari' located In the 'tween decks tin the whole hngthot the ship. The lentilailag and banning arrangements throughout the ship me of the most approved nt}le, 'Iheelec trie lighting of the saloons, cabins nnd en¬ gine room is complete. The musts, four In niimbei, are of steil, squiiie rigged on the toie nnd main, blie has 8 v< ry large life bouts nnd nn iibundance of life pieserveri". The appjlances loi working largo are ol the most approved kind, nnd the wlndhiss andj capstan, wnrpiug engines, steam and haiHjsteering gear, nnd telegiaph ariange merits nre nil that can be devised to insure the convenient and easy woiking of Un¬ ship. The engines have two cylinders, the illametbrol the high pressure cj Under being {S Inches, and the Ipw pressure 85 Inches, «Ith a piston stroke ol (10 Inches. Tho pro¬ peller is four-bladed solid. 'I he boilers, which nre of steel throughout, except the lubes, nre three In number, oval, double- ended, with 18 furnaces nnd one funnel, l'helr working pressure la 80 pounds to the square Inch. The steamer Is ohissed at Lloyds 100 A and in Bureau Veritas.— War- 'tltiu IieyiHtei. THE ETNA GRATE. G. C BARNES, lit This Improved-Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. Glofte Iron Works, Mannfac's., Office arid rVmndry rormr ofUm nntl Hjiruco-.sti, CLEVELAND, O. ! Established iri 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KIND9 OF. MARINE ENGINES Cor. Detroit &. Center-Sta, CLEVELAND, 0. ST. MARY'S OHIO MONTFELIER, OHIO OtfR MCTORIES. BREGKENRIDGE, MICH CARROLLTON, MICH DE 6RAUW, AYMAR & CO MiNUFACTURKItS i.NP IMFOnTKRS OT Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers' Goods Gbmially. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. gO^L D03OT& SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-marine Drilling and Blasting. ~"~"for sale Wrecking Expeditions Accompanied. \ TWO FISHING TUGS. Contracts Hade for all Kinds of Diving. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. . ' < Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Storl nnd Iron Wlra Itopo nnd nil Ita Flttlngl. in:! an CHICAGO, ILL. .N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, PLBASbllE DOATS AND BAILINO AND CTKAU TIOHTI, YAWL DOAT8 APpONOAIU, BTIlKKINO WUK&Lfl, tTC. 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. FOR SALE, *% ETe-w.Ircn T" Dlmonsiona 78 feat loug, 17 lout beam, 11 foot (loop, draft, 91-2 foot, enRinc, 20x20 new mecl.ltoi'er 7Tcet in ill uitttr, It TllI lung, allownl llj,\ uuuiIhhIoaiii llireo iroa broaat hookit forwuril, coIIIhIod bulkhead forward, wator light bulkhutd forwanl of Im)11(ic, iron ooal butibtrs h ilir MlIu IiuUIkikI n[i at hIi ft gltuid, with Wuiur iluht Iron dock forming tht floor of after cnhliv Iron decks, bulwarksaotl dock houst*, Iroq tow poiti aft Heavy angle Iron franuw, with rot onto harHoaat- Uirnate fr iiuofl. ^plato Bteol floor pluiufi, bollpr. *n- , gino and IwAring foiindation of iron I or salocboap when machinery tan l»eooniplet«l by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, M.UiNEH A DKI8COLL, CI.KVKI.AND AOFNTH. I CURE FITS! '".iiIIIhiiI tioll imrutiiriiHii.lii u'lIi1!:"!'1""" "'"in ki'ii'm"- 'IKMsa.lUol IK .....I) Iw.rrm I mv "« r.lci... II lii/kooiIit. I tl (fill, J .. „w..r. *■ lllnff't flit i H ilntuui. I r Mr.ill ..........iihllllilarniui Ji fcl. P<|, ...lull ttitff PHIrlxl .i I I Mllluiru \ [ il KOiir ,.. I ..i.i « „\« r 1 llllMl. i ly I irn lie Allr i Hr II i m $CC > week >t homo MlWoutlltl *VU«ure Noriim. Upital not n.n.................. J"u wont Innlui'n nt which nirnonaof uilher»i, 'ouiig or old. cun make .........'....................— work wllh H IUilw , 4 Co , l'orll»u'd' Maine. THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, M05T SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE li ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE T.1 MTKET, for rulalho; Uquida ifiulor iffitl up to 100 fi i I. No Jllut hlnor*. N.i oil m„ Sireclitl t)nre. Cun lio win HONponni il In u i luilii WIN |iinh ^rii, imi.i, Hllllll, IMlljl, utC , Ulttlllllt ill |llr\ to llM |l ,lt» N. Oil. lrtll\ H Mil Hill pij, , ,fr"iu uiillor to run It I'tllo, 1IIIO kOIiiiin por liotn r«,0, l,,iiu i| *75, i (i in do, Hi oi) (i ono iiu mis looooiiu hi;:, isuoiii Hi!-,; JI OOP do. tUlR. 4-> 001) ilo 111 HI, (III il I) ilo »,1iMl, 1.1) 0 il do 01.000 I' uipnro tliU ultli i o\ mini rump I l.t \\ rni for Minion I dil .nip i» I ■ > i Im i i I. .U Valtnl it" PULIOMhTl.HK 1 \\l 1'L 111' CO , « 1 John hi , V » V.ik CID, 1 I ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners &. Agents 127 USillt Strt.i-1 4.JHLAU0 - ILL. Vesselmen M(OL'Ll) HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing nil points nt MAIJINb LAW ah de¬ termined by tbo United Utuioa (xjui ta | SenuiMi, Ownori, Fr«lKlit4i| Chnrbrra, Tuu-Mr^r Deotjitry! t CoDMon*i Enrottuieiiti, (WmerA. Aveniiret Common Otwrior*. Dutlei of S«Mnen( Mmteri A Ownerti 1UU or XaHdlnir, Wuuei, Ac. *Dt« Tolnnin In liandHotntly bound in rtiff Briurd oovera, will 'Ine 1 iiLfllnb t loih UiidUig. boot to any udiUotu iHiHtuge paid for Si ihi Phoenix Paint Co., HANUtACTUIlI IIS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. 01FICL ANIllACrOllY 36 IjCDlgaii St.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. UolliVclI ndaplLd for flahlng bonis or ttiKglng i<oM- lonlnguro tliedlmeimlonsof No 1 1 uigili, 5»/eet, hr udth 11 ftet ilepth 5 teei, engine 10x12, new Bt«el bailor, built in 188.J Price 8J 100, cash No 2 I/pgtli, 4Jfo I bread..., U 1-2 foot depth, 5 feet, built In 1HH1, Liigino UxU now boiler. Price, $•1,000, cash. Alan onu doulilo marine engint 1-i 1-2x20 iuclioi, 7- foot I'hllmlelplilu »lit I, in VI umililltm i'rlco gl 300 tllSll AtldrtJW MaKIM Ut-iOltliOlTKK FOR SALE Her kiiRth i» Hi ftt I I tain >6 fiet nnd hold III fool IIIhitlii-i IVillu 11 full Ioiik 7 fiet .HniiiHir three IKiih two I, huh nml 0111 17 inth IniJiiu ^x-12. Currk. >W Olio fut nf lumh r S|,,,l II jo li. Ilkht. nod 9 1-i I, lull.! Iiuoiraiicii v liiuilou (I loo Ad- dre.MMAlilNH It) (-Oiiliillllct, No J south U liter .treqt, UlviIuiuI O Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. 1'ay absohttelr Capitol not requlrul Ikuiler, if * 'hich ptriruiiHof uilhori'X, .l«u luuKD grout par all tho lime they ...... .Wlute certainty, write, for partkulin to | nuet oailul tigeiit APFVWH *unt»il for 1 tit. U'Uc-f nllthe 1 rmultiitH iluijllllJ <>f the (J S Iho lurRCdt, liumUumiHt beM book ot* r sold f r h mi thuti t« lit. our prim l hi fu»t- obl willing hook in Iiumi rTht*| rolitn to uguita All ljilolllhi-iil ixiij tt> wuut it Any untf tun buomo u mict uulul agent lenuit fno H\i'j;n Duok Co PurtUnd, Ualne DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. IIOMfcNTIC A NTKAM Clfivelniitl, COAL V. D. NICKERSOX, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge. Cleveland, 0. POT fl '"r llltl ^Vt,*"Ull>K oJuhs ^tiud U II ot lit" ftrr j-Orv UUilLI tu^o und wo will mull yon tref, a loyal viilin- hli Imix of munple g<M»ds thuL nil! nut you in of m»Ung nuiru in mt\ in a lew duyt thun thought j ontlblu nt any hnMutm '(■iipitid im Wo will hum yuu \miuui wiirk till tin pun tlint, only The work Li imivt mully the wit) you imr t rt^juln.l rLine <>r In _ illy ndiptMt to bollimxtM joiing unit old You i an oiiriflv lumfmin 60icntH lo&.pievi ry o Ten lug Hull all who wuut wttrk iuu> ti»t the1 bu-diKHH wo imike thin uupiu-iillitl ofT'tv 1) nil who art not well HiitblM «■ will »oiid SI 111 iiy for tho (rouble ol writing us I til) p irlli ulnrs tlirwo tionu, ctr . m ii! free I urtuuiB will Ik) umde b) tbosi. who gi\e their whole time to the work <ni<ut muiihwh ubnolutely nuto Don't dilay bturt now Addrrtm tmsWi rt Co i I'ortlund tlay , Mulu FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Dlmt naionn of hull Ar> feet ovor All 1C (ml twain. 8 [ ol ho d, id d inmsurLN -10 loiuullli 7 ft < t drntl <*hu bo idim1< trftit draft Iho engine, Ih in flrot^NU toiidltiou, uith nil uon bratwo", \n,\\ rlngtln (.jlludtr mid turim a Nlx4o(it wlmtl whit h v,a» utv, ln»i niivou Iho holler H om juir old is Inrgt eiimigh lo bnrn wood or ion) timl In all >wtd UK) iioiiiuinot fHiitti Prieo S4 70n, nnd must bo h dd tunldo of tLlrt) duj h .iddrotn MAlUNh Hi-(-1)1(1) Oi mt. FOR SALE, THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBULAU BOIL It, 4-Hncheadl. muotar 41 ttilun 1 Im hen dimnotor ami 12 feet long, * twin) drum ItolmbeH dlumotir, -10 lnche> high, I rout gniteif, IKtltiurt and hroechingH, g od order SiroM) IfANhMAUfNl- «()!!! ir, In , " ..... illitiuotor I Im . 7 Itl iiicti (ton jiliiii IniKth *M I .J tul Midi, I in fun lung lliruo Out h IS lotli lllllllMdi till! Ill box I f.Lt loiu good order, t li iudied lln bit in diiiiuotor 11 hit 4 illtimUr <u<i Hum 10 llim 10 1 J imh«* diniiitiiri lire 4fiilhigli rtlt imchimiit >,7 ftt t lilgti SHO\|. 1|\M) MMtlSl Hull 1 It f„nr htt wide, 0 1 .! f U I oil, rfittnikb tlxt\ imr ■! I -' inUi lubei (0 tut hti h ilk nut lion briithiiL, tf o I iih tit w SI ( NI) lUSlt MAItIM I MdM .dtiitik lUrtct- i\< mik HxH Im b i > liud< i, shaft mi I «In 11 for j m lit or tug goo I IIS 11 t\ a rtll/lLli fne a ninth box M gotnli whl h will lulp \ou to mo n moiioj tij,lu it way Uuui Nnja>ing olau in tills world Ml of olihirm-x, uuofOtHl Irnm first li ,ur Iho broail run I to foHiupj opwus Imfuco tfte worJinrn abtolultly wire Atonou ftddrua^TuUKACo., Au^uatK, Maine 5469 �13971 4917

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