Marine Record, April 17, 1884, page 6

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6 THE' .MARINE RECORD'. . • GENKKAL NEWS. The Welliim!' la .cxpctitcd to bo opened to imvlRiitlon nbntit the 28th hint ;' The exposition of the Kcoly inptor wnfl - ngnin postponed Thuwilny, lis the "work of perfecting lh(e Kriiilinillon" la not flnlshcd The Dominion Government hat npproprl- ntod (3.000 with wJiloli to erect n steam log whistle on Glbrnrtnr Poln't.'ut the eiitraneo to Tdronto, hnrtor. HepresoiitiitT^e Longi of MiiBsnehnsctnv wns before the vyTtj^ and mentis 'committee - on April Stli.niHl.mlKle tin tirgunicnt In fa¬ vor of milking foreign materials'ninii- ufnotnrcl Into articles for.Amorleun vessels tree of duty. " ' .' Mr. Ellis, from the committee on nppro- priRtlons, reported back the Semite bill nil- tliorl*lng the Secretary of the Navy, to oiler a reward of, $25,000 for resoling or nscer- talnlng the late <>f the Greely expedition . After a brief debate IheMilll passed. Tlie'iinniial meeting OB the stockholders of the American Steamship Company, was held 'at Philadelphia on April 7th. ' The annual report for 1883 was read', Showing receipts of $084,7(10 and expenditures of $000,897, leaving a deficit for the year of 1883 of $222,- 131. ' A bill uppropr'ntlngf 40,000 for the orec- tlon of a lighthouse at or near Port San (lac, Lake Huron, lias bc6n .favorably reported on by the«ougrcsslonnl eoiiimltteo'on com¬ merce. It Is thought the appropriations committee will also favor the.project. There arc no Indications of an earjy open¬ ing of navigation at Toledo. There-are now' - in store In tho elevators there 4,025,021 bush¬ els of grain, of; which amount 2;441,80-1 is whqntand 1,571,078 coni. The grcater^nrt- of this must find an; outlet to the bcaboard, and will bo taken mostly by lake when nav¬ igation opens. The United States dispatch, boat Dolphin, built at Roach's yard, was successfully launched Saturday. A large number of persujis were present/among them Secretary Chandler, Admiral Mulluney, and other oftlcers of the navy. Mr. Koach wns himself complimented on the'line appearance of the ship. ' Representative Barksdale has reported favorably from the committee on commerce the bill introduced by Mr. James to provide for tho purchase of the property known as the/Seap.ien'8 Retreat, In the town of Mid- ■ tlletown, N. V., at a cost not exceeding $280,000 anil the use of the same for the pur¬ poses of a marine hospital at the port of Now York. Air. IJ. B. Smith, secrtnryof the produce exchange, says that the House committee on rivers and harbors have unanimously adopted the project for a straight channel from Toledo to tho lake and have appropri¬ ated $25,000 for this year. The recognition of the new basis is the Important considera¬ tion, and secures the establishment of the straight channel when the rlvor and har¬ bor, bill passes Congress. Letters have been received from Captain Morrison, of the ship Rainier, lost in the Pacific Ocean January 3, near Ujaal Island, of the Marshall group. When the vessel wont among the bruukers the natives came oil'In boats tuKlHOiik the captain and crew ashore, fifteen miles from the point of the wreck. There are fifty Inhabitants on the ' lslaiul governed by a king. The natives were very kind, and did everything for the oprutort of the crew. Some of them can speak English, having learned from traders. 'The island Is three miles long, ijnd 250 miles from the nearest mainland. Tlic nearest laud is the Phllliplne Island. It transpired (in the Kith iust. that Chi¬ cago Is to have several lines of suburban steanie's the coming' summer. A fine, new steam yacht, just completed, is receiving her "flnlshlug tbii'clies1' at Lake street, and will ply between Chicago and Lincoln Pack. Another Bteam'tyaclit will ply from Chicago 'to Evnnston, touching at Lincoln Park and various points along the shore. The little steamer Adrlenne will ply between Chicago South Chicago and Ilnmniond. A little pro¬ peller, lust completed on tho east shore, will mike dally trips south from Chicago, touch¬ ing at various points, and having South Chi¬ cago for her tOrmlnus. Two little uteamera, and perhaps four, will ply between the city and the southwestern suburbs along the Chicago river. It Is understood that boats formerly run In the pleasure business In the lake basin will bo put on this route. An important shipping and- commercial venture' has hoeh, or Is being, lloated -In Greenock for 'the' purpose1 of acquiring and Bnlllnga number of wooden.vessels In the Quebec timber trade. The capital', which hns boen.flxod al £80,000, If 300 share's ol £100 eiich, has been, we believe, pretty noarly subscribed, although In flic niean- time It Is not Intended to call up more than £75 or £80 per share. ' Tho mime of the company Is' "The Clyde and !}.. Lawrence Shipping OompnnyV^LImlted," and one ol .tlio'main features of the company will lie that, as a rule, Insurance with underwriters will not be effected upon its ship*,' but tho company will lay aside Its owil Insurance fund. It only remains to bo added that the promotors of the company are long ust,ab- llslied Clyde ship owners, and have Find a lengthened experience In the management of ships In the dumber trade.—Liverpool Journal ni Commerce. ~C, E. BEN^AM, 317 Detroit Street, KKICI'S IN STOCK DISEASE CUKEP: Without Afoilloiim, A rtlnabltllltfinnry/or mpplylt^ MaQnrtlim nlh^JIv mmSyiUm. KlKlrlclly and tfngiutlm vUUM * cu nmbr'Jutforvfor IlrnU&o IhlSic*. , '■ ' THEMAONETON'APPIANCECO.'S . ' ■• ' v. •"'..-■ Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR MEN IS.; VARRANTEBTO'CDRE^W'^" without nxJdlclne:—pain i.v the hi At, mrs, hkad on MUM, NHRVOU* DIRlUTY.MJHniUO, O KNUR A I, DBIUL- itt, niKuuiTiMr, niULwis, nkukaUm. sciatica, Disiumuor tut kidnkya. spinal dbkash*,, Tonpro Livtcit, Gout, Seminal EralNHlnn*. Impotwitcy> Aittunt* Heart IHseiua, DyHMpsta* Ooiutjr*- tlon) KiyjitfMliu. Indirection, Hernia otyltup¬ turn, flaearrh. Plleit Epllepiy, Dumb Agfier-*J«. When any debllUMf vho OENKnATIVE OJ^ CANS oocun, Lost Vitality, Lack opNerre FoToe Mill Vigor, Wasting WeaJaieitt,- aiuf til thoie Dl«- , ease* of ■ perponal nature, from wh/ioffrcnuao, the 'cpntfnuous itroatu of '.Maftnotlim jwrueating tbroHfdi tire port*,-mum restore tnum ton totuthjr tdfau. iliora. Is no mistake about tills anptlanco. '• • ran TUP T AT1TPQ■ « f0"»M•ffl|°teii with ill illtl LAJilJI)*>"lnme Ilaok. Weakness oft]ieHplne>Falllnirof yie Womb, Ijeucorrliflen. Chronic Inflnminatloii and Ulceration of the Womb, Incidental* Hemorrhajre or KJoodlfiff, Palnfal, Suppremed and Irreaular Menstrua¬ tion, Ilnrrenness, and Gknnfre of Life. thU Is the Best Appliance and'Cuhitlve Afrent known, tor All forms of Female Dtflloultle* It Is unsur¬ passed by Anything before Invented, both as a curat Ire agent and ns u source of power sud Tltallzatlon Lubricating and Lamp Oils of the Best Quality, AND A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK¬ ERY AND, TABLE CUTLERY. S ! Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERSOFALLKINDSOF MARINE ENGINES AND Cor. Detroit & Center-Sts, CLEVELAND, 0' STEADY SMBB0ARD AND STOP AT Capt. Dahlke's ONE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE And KxumliiPuFIn* Line of Spring Goods at Very Low Prides. 297 Pearl-st., Cleveland,0. & M 8 South Water-si Cleveland Agents for Akron Rubber Co.'s Valves, Hose; Packing, etc. F. *H.BORN, PLUMBERS. Mannfactnr rs of Hoicl Raufies & Lanaflry Stoves, aud Dealers in • i SUPKIilUK •.AND. '. FOR SALE, ' ETe-w ircrx iMiia'llSloiia ?H foul lung, 17 foot bf'iLtn, 1] foot dtwp; draft, D 1-2 feet; ciikIov, 2Dx^>, now muttl li i w 1 Joet iu dliitiulur, 1!) ft'OtJong, nllowed 11^ poundHHiu«m. 'ihrw Iron broist IiooIch forwurd, rollifiun bulkhead torwunl, WBltir light bulkbcHd for inn I of butlor; iruu tout bunkers, water tight liulklrtml nfi ut ulioft (timid, with wutor •Ighi iron deck fur ml fig the tloor uf ofler cubln Iron detHcii, biilwurknand dock houiii's; Irou low pi,its ■it. Ilt'svy udkIo Iron fntiuvn, with rst en*, burs on al- turnatu fr (ii)ta:'>H P'al*'. hlIWI lloor plmiw; Iwllor, en¬ gine and Ix-arliiK foundation of Iron. K«r salu clieup whfii much 1 nary oin txjoomplutsd by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. [Ull \ WIIU II B B VIUILD U* JIU W(J( IUI| TIIU1IAAI1UI1, rrlcoof either Bslt with Mstfhotlc JnsoleaM$10, pent / express C. O. (>., and exsnilniitlon -allowed, or by mall on icoidpt nf prlco. Ip ordering Rend'measure o( wslsl,*mt ilzd uf alum, Itomlttaoce cqii bo muds is currency, Hontln letter st our rlak. The M'tgneton Garmeiilimro adapted to all sgei, sre worn over tbo under clothing, not next (o the body like the many Oulvanlc and Electric Humbugs advertised so-extensively, amUhould bs taken oft* st night. Tbey bold* thulr l'OWEK PUUEVGK; *sd are worn at all seasons of the ) car. Send ■ismpftfr tlie"Nnw Departurs In Medicaltretfo raent Wit lion t Medicine," with thousands of teutt- tnoMala. . THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO,, U18 State Street, Chloajro, III. Note.—Send one dollar In postage utarans or curren¬ cy, In letter at our rlak, with alse of shoeffiually worn, and try'out Magnetic Imojea, convince i of the power residing in our other Magnetic Appliances. Positively nucold feci when tbey tire worn, or money refunded, /-—' Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. A (IPMTQ wanted for The Llvoi of* all the Pri'tftdenti flUf-lIUO of the U S. Tho largest, luuidsotuest, be«t book ever aold for leu than twice our pTlce. i be fast- pit iclllng book in America Immenwproflta to ogenln. All IntelMgent pooj>lo want it. Any one can bfcoinu a auceestful agent. Terras free Ham ktt Book t'o., PorUand, >Wkie. TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE gUORE i MICHIGAN SOUTHERN ComtuenrtngSunday, No.emtMrlS, at 12 o'clock noon tho tlineffWco In tho (Inure, b«low la tli« nuw itHndjinl (Ninetlotb meridian) lima, which 1h thlrty-tiir. o min¬ utes slower than Cleveland time proper and twenty- eight mtnutea slower than tht.Ume heretofore In use (Cotumbiis time) by then* roads. > ICaatward. _______ Fast Now York Ezjtresik.........., N Y, B 4 A Elpnuu ............ Elyrla Accommodailon....:......., Port Clinton Accommodation . Buffalo Accommodation............ N Y 4 B Faat Eipress..........'... Cln.A St. biula Ezprcts.......... ConneauC Accommodation....... Nottingham [aiiuday only]..... Night Expretts.......,............„..„ [ Arrlie. | DejiuN. "I 07 x w «1 a x it <•» 37 a m »7 U2i'u t8 07 a. u .............. ■10 37 a u ............. 10 37 a M "1 67 p II Westward. tlO 52 A M 'VJ 27 P « •3 117 p al ........... 1 UiK !M4pm|............. t9 IS'P M tm 07 p II I Arrive, | Depart. tB 12 a u Fast I-iiOllcd Expie-a.................«11 M a M "12 05 a M Mich Express .1. Snndwaky...... ^ 22 am ^ 37 a at Chicago Kipros flu " ........ Jo 07 ah 0 32 a « Mich Accom, Norwullc......„................ '- ■' Conneant Accommodation.......... f8 15 a m NottlUKliuin, Sunday only]........[ 4 17 i> u Toledo Fxprera via Norwalk .....["12 .12 p M Bt LoiiIh I'.x viu Sundusky-..... L»i 02 r n C I' Ex tIu Norwullt...,. ..,......... \Q 02 plji Port Cliutnu Aciommodatlon..... ...........I M7 l- u t:i 02 p M «1 2.1 P M "0 H2 P H t4 32p>l Iteforcuca marka—" Dolly, t dally, eicept Sunday, i dally, «ice»l Monday. BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI A- INDI¬ ANA I'OI.Ih. _ / Coiiinu'iii'lntf Suioliu, NovhiiiImt I8lli, trainsijfTlie IKi.i I.Iiip—Ui»rliiiul, Coluuilms I liu'lliiiull A loMlau- ■ |iolis llullwm —will ,Va\,. iind iinlve ul rlt'vi.|/iii I as follows, i;k.stiiai. arAMiAiiu tiiik, :\3 iiiliiutes'slo»CI inan Ctet eland tluni; No I. I inelliumi A r,iluiut)OH Lxpio^s No. II, Indianapolis A \\ IWelMin l.\pre>s No. 17 .S|iorlulColumlM!H.V (Tin Innati Ex . No. 3, Speilitl Ind A SI. Louis KxpreM No, fi (Jul t In.. Ind. ,t Si. biuls Kxnress Nn.7, Uallion A CI. A W. Ace........„..... HujMrrt '■•7..III A Jf n 10 A M 1 20 1' M "1 40 I' M W10 P M jj.H0_PM Amre. •»:*) A M H.-I0 AM «2;S0 P M 0 SS I' M '3.2U P M 0.« P M 10 A M. Nq. 2, Oil. A Cln. & Ind. Einreai.......... No. 8, Oulllon A 0. L. A W. Aco.............. No 12, 81, Louis A Indiannpolta Kxprrai No. 0, Co). Cln. A Inillanitpolli Lxiinwi No. 1, Columbus A Cincinnati IOiianaa..'.' No. 1(1, Wheeling Express ... Nu. H, Col., I 'In A N. y. tint line........ ,. „, A .,, TTalua marked * <Mly, all ollior trains ilallr eacimi Bunday . ^ ^ tSTTIukets liy iIiIh poptilnr romo for sale nt nil rogiilar Tckct OllIc«f. E.B.THOMAS, 0. B. 8KINNER„ General llanltger. Truttlc Mtnkger. ^ A. J. SMITH, , A) Ueucrlil Pisieugoc Agent. r CLEVELAND, OHIO. New' York, Peniisylvania & *r>:«' itohM, noHfon Aha> 'tytviikt Tli» Nbortn't and <tnl«kcat Bntits to p|(li bnrtr. W»«hlii»ton nntl lta>l((ni»r|i and tbo Houtbewat- . pantral or Nlnotloth M.rldlen time, ai'mlnrfu..,. •rTS»b-CH«l«Bd tlij time.- • m"""4' ** Until1 furthtr mUm tr«4ni will iMTalhm Ike «.. ContMl Depot, Soutli .Water itraet and vUdiio] uf!" ffl a. m. f»^,B^a Le.vlttihorgli BM a. m. to Now Vork, Albani .J! Boston wtthodl diangi-. Arrl'uat in./n d nvXdllW£rt Franklin*at 12:08 p. m, OU^Clty 1210 d „*• Sr'lX^? JtS' J»m»'»»n (l-to Chauuaqua) iPu ,' i&. BuftloS.Wv m. noohMtor S.'SO p. aj? HonSfci rule OVOOp m.[iupperli Corjiln<rT:»(l |. m. kiSSX? n m.BlngfiantonWiMp. m., Albliny foo a tTSaSSi ha p. ra.j arylylna'at New York 9:18 t.m; aonoa 9 "9fl 11 Ml ' trtlIT1ED EXPnESS-Through ran. A ifiOi, ill" "'•n alejnlni aiuh from Cle'alufh Now York. Arrives at Meadvllle at 6:30 n.m j,„;J* lotvn 8.-47 ,i>. m., Salamiiuea 8:«5 p. a.. New V«* 10:10 a.m. ' " "-"'" 11'fln Tl m PWK EXPBKSS-fDallr ' excim 11 ,UU. P. 111. Sunday) Seeping coach WCI.,32* HorneilsVllle AfrWe at Youngatown at l-io • » Meadvllle 8:25 a. m., Corry J.-5U i. m. Jameetowns'w.' m. Buu"alo-I);20 a. m., Iloclics'er 12:58 p, m.\ Barnaiii flha 11:00a ni; Cornlug 12.07tim, Elm^iSMoTo ' llinghamptmi 2:19 p ni„ New Vork »:io p m. lrrl™ atPIitsliurghS.-.lOa u., without chaaao. 9"9fl n in JL'FTSBUR:\H ExpirEss-D,ii, _ 6,6U U.lll, Through without change, I'ador car at. taclied. Arrival at Younitatown BOO p m.. PlUabor. 8:02 p.m., Wiahlngton 7.1W«. m .Baltimore8:l»Va i'11-II HI 5!A"i°NISli„ Ab-IMODATION- Will "■ 111, Slopping at all way nations, arrlvlnnit Youngstown 0:85 p. m., Slinion 8:01 p. m., Sharpenili, O*tU p. tile r fi'lfla Til "TTSBUKIjII EXPRESS _ Dilly- 0.0U 0. 111. Through without change. Arrives,»t Youngstown O..* a. m., Slia on 10:30 a. in., Sham, villi) 10^0 a. ro., Pltiibiirgh 12 45 p ra., RotnrnlnT leaves Plttoourgh at 4:16 a in., 7;45a. m., 12S5d n andSH5p,ni ' IflQ/ifl ni YOUNOSTOWN AND PITTSBDHOn lUJO d HI, ACOMMOD.TION-Stopplna at iS Way slutloDi, arriving al loung^iuwn 1:40 n.m. Pitu. burgh. 5.45 p. m. Tralni arrive at Olevolaud, 0:15 a. m.. «'S0 n m 10.20 a m; 1:05 p. m., and 0:46 p. ra, <""•" ■•■ •W-Tbli u the only rouw by which paueDien can reach Corry Elralra, Binghampton, Now York dtv and lntarmedlnte polnta without change. No chue. to Boston and New England Cltlel. p Baggage checked through to all points East Through ticketa and Information regarding lbs mute can hr obtained at the offlco 131 Bank street, and at new Depot of N. Y., P A 0 It R., South Water stnet and Vliduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. CLARK, Oen'l Pals'r Ag't Cleveland. 0. • J. M FEItltIS, Oon'l Man'gr, Cleveland, O M. L, FOUTM,PAM«inger Agt, 131 Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickej Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO * AT. I.OI7IN RAILWAY. Tho passenger equipment of this New Truok IJni Is nil new nod Is supplied with the Inteit appllanees. necessary to sale speedy mid comfortable travel, Al Chicago, uassenjier tmlns unlvv at aod loavfl from the Union Depot, Von Buren street. Following Is tbo time In eflect Nov. Id. 1888, and ua- til further notice: GOING EAST. Lv, Cltkago......... 7.45 a in. Arr. Voloaioiso,. 0.37 ." " Fort Wiiyne 1 DO p. m, " New Haven.. l.:i.1 ' " \Ve,st U'lpslc. 3.45 " " Arcndia.....4.44 " ■"TostorluA.....4.57 . " " Green Sprlngi 5 44 " . " Bollovue....... 8.10 " Lv. Bollevtio......... 11.20 " Arr Cleveland....... 0.02 ' Lv. Cleveland.................. Arr Palnesvlllo............... " AshUlbula..................... 1225 p, " Conueaut...........'............ 1.0.1. " Erie...............'.............. 2.00 " Dunkirk........., :............. 3.47 " Buffalo........................ 5.20 GOING WEST. 0.50 a. 111........., .11.24 " 1.23 p. 111.......... 2 20 " ....... 2.51 7 65 a. m. 10.22 " 10.27 ' 11.33 lu. Accom. jSp.a OOCl 0 32 „ Lv Buffalo...... Ajr Dunkirk.... " Erie........... " Conneaui . ^"Ashtabula. .. " PalnesvirTo"!7rS44 " Clevalund....... 4.52 Lv Cleveland....... 4.57 Air Bellevuo.:....... 7 35 Lv Bellovue.............. " Greou Springs. •' Fostorla................... f Arcadia,.................. " West I^lpslc........ " New Haven.......... Furt W.iyno... Valpralso........................ 5.55 Chicago......................... 7.60 0.47 a. m. 0 10 " . 9.20 " . 0.44 " .10 22 " . 10 34 " . ll.HO '.' . 1 3.5 p. ISO " I^-av,' 6.15a.m. 0.48 " 7 48 • I.S5 '• /.:.. Truin.4 run by tin' Nlnutfoth M««ridlin Time, whloh if nine minuitw slower tlimi Clilcuuu tln.e, twotitf<efe» miiiutus ulower than Columbus tlnio, tblrt/-ttir«wiiuii- Hi«R«luw«r thiu-Clcvelind time, forty-'fuur mfuuM than Buffulo time, and nfxty mlitulei ilowtr lluui ihrS.'Vt.'iitp-lifUi MtTiilleil tiam. T<ir iiifiiriuutluu, ijjiII ua ueurfHi ngoui uf tlit) Com- pany, ur tiTilreAs . D 1 . linilNKR, Uil'IS WILLIAMS ^^ Oeiieml MiiiiuKifr. Clavi'liinil, O. Itnrlcy Klv«i AcniiiinuMlutioii Ummrtn at d^o »: m mill 21.1 p 111 ' , Km 1UI AcPDiniiimiull.iii depurls nt 7 JO a m and l0 It \> in All iniiiiH (lull* rxn-pi Siimliiv Vesselmefi> sitlOULD-HAVK OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Coittaiiilnn all polnu ,»( MAIUNK LAW ai do- turwlawt by tliu United btutua Com to OvrnoiNi. / Oharlm, KiiroUmnit*, Cuiauioa C*rrt«r*» Outlei or S»9«yea, Htutor* A Owuen, 1W1 of Lmllma:. Wikoi. £o. Bi« toIuuui (a baniisoiuely IjuuoJ la *UT Board 00T«rt, an J Hue KngHih cloth MudUig, Smt to ujr Btldrau |Kiitft«« paid (or f 1,00. FrolffcU, CuWnlom, 0«ueral A\ermgtt 0529 296081

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