THE MARINE KECOFD A MODEL WRECKING OUTFIT. ' Altlioii|?li CtilciiBO alanda proiitmlnent n« ,!,, hirgent nml most Impnrlnnt port on-tlio ,n[i)i) chain ol Inkon, It him niwiiyR beuu |i llituiit In tvicuUlig appliance*. Iliinclicdu to vu«flel»1iuvu been wrooki'd In tliln vicinity, in I limy Imvo baon nbitnUonud mid allowed ;» pound to pieces when they could have <j,|ly been readied Imd proper imalatiincc Wen nvnlliiblo. The Imrbor tugs Imvo nlrendv -ewlerod uniortiiiinto vesnolg ttuoli nld na their imltml power mid suelinnpllancea us could bo puked tirf would permit, but In nmny In- ►uiicea: their uld proved ol butllttlo viiluo .Vine of the ttiK» are fitted out for tlmt ctpcdiil work, mid when vcaacls (ret nahore M mips hnve to be obtained In fine quarter, i, meera. In nnotlior, nnd by the time n com¬ petent 'wrecktng-tuimter linn been secured nnd tho tug put to Men much valuable time ,, lost Thla, of coureo, hna only happened when wrecks occurted at thla ond of the lake; but a large numbur of Chicago veisols have 'been wrecked In Green Bay or* on tho jiniiieroiia Islands nnd shoals in the vicinity of the Straits. In these cases assistance muit necessarily tome from other souroeB. 1 ho only wrecking outfit on the west shore of Luke Michigan was qwned at Milwaukee, mil who" that was employed,elsewhere, as was often the case, the Detroit tugs wore cillctl upon or the veaael becomes a total lo->. I'lie terrible disasters of late year combined with the limited resources for rendering aid Imve created a demand'for an outfit at this paint. Tho underwriters guaranteed to support a local enterprise of that character, j.mlJ S Dunham, a prominent tugman and vessel owner, has promised to supply it. In facc'hls promises have already aasumed a uiiglble form, and by June 1 Chicago will have the most thoroughly equipped wreck¬ ing outfit on the lakes. * A large and power¬ ful tug will be built for the work, and It mil be supplied with all the latest improved lppllnnics. The contract (or building the tug mis let yesterday to Miller Bros , of this port, nnd the work of "laying down" was immediately commenced. She will be built of the best white onk from a model designed b) Finnk E. Klrby of Dotiolt, who has the reputation of being the beat marine atchitect in this cohntiv, Het dimensions will bo us follows Length overall, 82 leet; length of keel, 70 feet; breadth of bPiim, 10^ loot depth of hold, 11'^ feet. Her hull is calculated to weigh about -ivcnty-tive tons, and her-outfit and supplies unhiding engine, boiler, and fuel, the same imount. 8ho will have a lemnrkably flaring ' bilge, which will give her a largo carrying c umcity, it being estimated that she will 1 irri nine or- ton days' supply of coal iinoiinting to foity tons. Of the seventy tiij» engaged In harbor work, thew Is but one that «111 carry over eight or ten tons 0! < ul Notwithstanding Iter breadth she will li ive flue lines at both endB. It Is calculated tli it when she Is fitted out she will draw 7>£ 1 11 lot ward nnd Vy, feet aft. She will be out of water I or ward 11 leet, and the distance t nun the water-line to the rail at tho lower point will be 4>a fcet> Her house will be hiy low, and designed for especial use in tin riih ago river, enabling her to pais under llir hildges I he build w III bo built by John Mohi & ■"Mi of the I e-t Otis steel, 1% feet shell nnd Nil it loop, nml will utm 10') pounds ul' stum I, will have a fore-nnd-nft steiini- doiiie and two furnaces. The latter will h% 1 iiet longunc S feet wide. I lie engine it to be built by Robeit 1 rrinnt, nnd will be 175 horse-power It mil be high pressure, with a twonty-foiu- iikIi i \ Under lind twenty eight inch stioko. In iddition to other important improvements ilieie will be mi adjustable cut oil and Dun hir plston-pncklnc. , She will linVenn elglit- t'<t piopollor wheel, anil la calculated to make twelve miles an hour Hei stern "firings will bo bushed with lignum vltre WliPii'complele the tug will tost $15,000. J lie Wrecking outfit will be very complete, the total cost will including tug, pumps, linueis, and lifting screws, amounting to ihout no.OOO There will be four pumps V fourteen-lncli Worthington will be used, for wate- only A twelve-Inch rotary, m uuifiictiircd by SliBby* ol Sriieui rails, N , V , will he used lor wnti r mid gruiu Mr Diuiham hns also Kenned an eight indi^ " iiliifugal pump ol dllh lent pattern than* ui\ <\i>r usid on the lakes In addition to pumping watt 1 and gialu It will punipcuii] n«t larger than sevnn iiiihi'sln diameter, from llic hold nt aHiinkiin vo-mI. bubiuullne <ll*>u and lightens will itu mtipuny 1111 ox- Trillion wlion uetasSiii), and the tug will <*-commanded by Captain Charles Koacb, iiHtllcleiit and experienced wrecking mas¬ ter When not otherwise engaged the tug will bo kept in commission at this port ami, '"gage In heavy towing A waii'liouso at [»i Chicago diydock will contain tile wreck- "K nppnintiis Captain Jnmoa It. St. Clair 'I- licon appointed Superlnteftdent of the line. S«nd for ratalngut SIGNAL LAMPS, -w 1 I'll- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST &AVo5 COLLISIONS. TT.oi! Lump, uImj a more lirllMni Unlit (him one signal Lamp now In uw They hove been mloptoil |,v (ho prluclpnl Oocan anil Uko 8tcninora ami VmmI^ nnd •rd lor tale in the principal porti on the Atlantic- conut anil |»kci. French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers for Steam ers .and Hotels, Manufactured by Felthousen fc Russell, 130 4k 141 MAIN ST., I1UFFAI.O, N. Y. THE/ETNA GRATE. s. c, baies, m. This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciailyAdapt- ed to Burning Slactf. I 1IIUUU1UUU., Offlco and Toundrj rorner nf I hn untl Spruce-Ma , CLEVELAND, O. ST. MARY'to OHIO MONTPELIER, OHIO QtiR FACTORIES. BRECKENRltXJE, MICH CARROLLTON, MICH DE GRADW, AYMAR & CO, MANUFACTUIUR8 AMI IMPORTERS 07 Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Sltip-cliandJers1 Goods Geimally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. Azro Qoff's bureau of Advertising, ISO Nuuku Street, Now York. a^ iiM"""m"nt» Inwrtwl hi nil the leading INtpera '"" UmailuM la the Unitiu HiATKiMiud .Cakadas ii.2.MIIJM" 'iUa- S""'1 f°r K tlnmloii and Hand SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-ma, me Drilling and Blasting. STI'IU* 111 AKISGS HfcPAIKKD. « ITIIOLT <,OINO a i(> i)it\D<;( k. Wrecking E'rpediiions rircoinpanied. Contracts Made [iir all Kinds offlmni. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, W UtNI-ll i DIIIMCOLI.. CI.EM.LANI) A<.f\TN. Geo. BJJarpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers/ Ship Chandlery Goods of all- Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Steel and Iron Wire Rapo mill all It. Fitting.. 202 to 208 sralli ffater-st., CHICAGO, ILL. N. C. PETERSON, Boat Builder, I'lRARUKr 110ATS AVU 8AIIINO AND HTKAU TAOIITi, YAWI DOATll flPOONOAKI, 8TKKRIVO Wlf|iKU, KTU 385 Atwater St., Near Rippelle, DKfltOIT, MICH. ' FOR SALE TWO FISHING TUGS. Iliilh wi |l mlii|iliil for Hulling iHmln or lltRglnK 1 ol lowlnif uri) tlietllmeii.iontiof No !• 1 enntli, a feot. Iir mltli 11 iLet iippili. 5 leet iin«lno lOilJ, in w sIimI liolkr built In ]88i I'rlcc (lltlO cosh- No i Un«lli,-l.!fo I hrmultli, U 1-2 foot ilipili 5 (cpl, linlll lit 1MS|, uijldo NH4 now boiler. 1'ru.o, W.000, cash Al.o ono i|oulile murlni. enRliiL u I-2XJ0 Inclio* tJ- foot I'hllaiiclpMa »liuul. In Al cullilllloii I'rlou 11 3O0 cnsli AildrmuMAittsK rtKaiHiiOl-iicu FOR SALE, tier length n 135 (cct, beam 26 tot, (ind hold 10 frol lOtnchort Byiltr IT fuel Iouk 7 fottt tllutnt'lor.tUrBe lhit», two Id Inch and one 17>inch I-nirine £!x42. CnrHc» J40 000 fout o( lumber Hpoed U niilen light, mid 9 \-l Imdeil. Itimira»gu vgluatlim. 815,300 Ad drenaMARivK ItKOOituOtBci. No,2 8outlr\VatQmtreet, Uerolund. O FOR SALE. A Fine Harbor Tug. DhuoiiHiuiuof hullftr> fMto\or nil \G foot beam* 8 (itt hn (I, ai d niPtsiins-lO toimullh " tut draft, can >><t iu*»l* Hfiuidrpfi Hit inninu lrtxj) „(» in fint*rln» coiulltlmi, with ull in w liian»to ntw rings In cylliuh r mid luniu ii tix fnnt irUul wtikli wuh liuw liut hi a *m Iliahulltr if < :n iuir old, Is Iftr^t LiKiugh to burn wood or toul mid i* all iwtd UK) noun la»t ttltsm Prit i 84 "Of, mid must ho .s »Id iiiildtj ol thirty daj s AddroM MAltl^^ Hminn OtucK, If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP "For MlnhiK, Rallroritl nr Rtrnmbont u*e, r«per Mill, Chemlral or «<t» M «rK» Tannery, Drewtry omuitnrllt finery, »™inlnp Oil Brr\ci.,Celliirii or WhhIt tlnn«, IrrHBtlnn or Hydraulic Hlnln*, slnUliiic I'oiindijtlaii», «oflcr Dnn^ Newer, Well tllnklilc nnd other C<lntr«elorH• Work, or RnlH inr - VFnter fnr-any kind of Mniiufiicf uriiiK or Fire Pnrpnxe, writo for on iiiu. tretoil dimcriiitlvo book on the \KW PIJLMOWKTF.H, cijiuhilnif Bnntlj mlnud Iirlooi1iuflilri!il< of tmtliuoiilalu otc Mnlliil ffoo l'rli-ia 100jh r lont lower tlrnn otliLr BvorvuumpteMeillieroreihlDment nnd«u»r«nte»aa»reiir«iontO(l. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Pulsometcr Stcniu Pump Co., 83 Jolm St., Now York City, U. S. A. Ur * " I'rli«» iii iHbiiio of thin I'epir "do TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Usa ihf Mugueton AppllanoeC ■ h Magnetic Lung Protector! l'KICE ONLY $5. rhti) UlupHl^llHtO LADIKIi, UKWTLKHttl AM) tun- UKKN 1VITU VVKA1. I UNQH, HO TB.e Of |NKUMOM> OI{ (Hour l» nvi r known whero thorn) gBrinMim urn worn. They tlm) prevent nml euro HhAltl DlFl-luillllui CHI 111 llllMltUlllU, NIIIIAIOIA lllllOiT 1I10UIILU1, D1ITMKRIA I A-Ultllll, AM) ALL KIMIILKI) UIHh.AW-H W III wkaii ao> si.rvii.0 for tiikke tkaiih Are ioni ov.rtln umlort hilling rtiminTjn II b ilowj-llio Hn .Jinptonn UAlaUnUi of llih niiuNioiiHillwUHO tlmt l.i-applna the Hie null Jin n|,lh of only too uiiiliT ol tin LifroNl uud bent of both i'*48 Lahor, ntiuly uuil rtiinr li in America r union nml lA.teru 1h» iIh. Imvo reunited In lln Mucnetlo I nut 1'rotielor aflurdlnK ture lor Ca- Urrh,» remiily whleh conUiln. No UnuonitoQnirK Ststku, mil wltb the nontlnuouA atrenm of MRRnttiam narmeatiii through the aflUotod organ., uuirr uinxiBit thbutoaiikaiiiitaOtiov w» "■")« ">"' ">"0» ........____ W» riAOH oun I'lttoE for thla ApnllaoM at lea. than oue Iweotleth of the nrloa-uiked by other, lor remedlo. u|x)0 which you take nil Ihe.l'umi* »nd WB KSPIKlAlir lUVITKtlin palronBgeoltlio «a»y rKiiaovnwho Imvo tried onixi OiKOTiiEiiiirrouAaia without KF-raar ------------ThU Appliance Qp to your __ druKuint and a»k fur thoiu. U fhey'liavo not got them write to th« proprietuni, op HOW TO OBTAIN they nave not got tnom wmo iu m* ^u|hi,w«i ™- (,leaiiig.tha prim, In leiler alo r rlak nud they will bo aent lo you at once by mail poHt paid i Hand atauplur lha 'Naw Depurlure'lii Medical reaiiuuui WiTilour UKtHaNK, with ttiou.aniuof Troauuurii tviTilou '""""""'""nil. MAHNI.TQN APrUAhfl CO 2<8 8t4it<'tarn t, Chicago ill .Semi one dollar I n iw.ta^a atHiif a or luthvi- i 0011 AppH- aocea Poa'lUv.iy no fid /«« »ftm l»<v irt «*«, or wwnoy rt/umW Not« —Semi one dollar l n postage aum a or tu cy, In letter at nor rl k, with <lie o( ahoe iwuallir i and try a lialr of our Magnetic luaolej anil1 bo Tluced of lh» P>"" realdlng In our M««neUo A Phoenix Paint Co., manui vcrum its op ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. Ollltr IMII VCrOItY 3fi Micilgail St.. CLEVELAND, OHIO FOR SALE. CANAL SCHOONER. Ono of tlii> hei'canal srlmoiiurs on tluf lukoit, uound in t\trj imrtkulurrtiid mrui^lit Ai. Capacity, GOO toil* Iron Oft i r Jl 000 biislitls of whtut Can ho purcliuwd for 87 rKX) Oiih third to oni hnlf cash Imlance od easy tcrmj \ tilastMvKiM Hi-toitnOKMtS DAVID BARNHISEL. Agent. IMHIfrNIH A NTKA'M < O W i IfielniKl* Olllo I' f.) XICK£JiSU.\\ MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge. Cleveland, 0. limpid e iiirYru uio m1 wo at goodi that will Ptt you Id tho way money In u few ilaya than you «rer ■ >ur biHinua Capital not required HflT ft lur lll° workliiK cIuhm Send tun obnlti'fur ik>»- UULU t»K«»*U wo wlUumll ynu /r«, a royal, Tuluu blohox of aiij .......""* """ " of making tuft thought poailL____ . ____.____ Wo will atari you You ctm work ill the tima or In tit)arotiniu only The work in uulvflnallr adapUd to both lexta, yoilug and old Von ran eaajly eart from 50 centa to 83 artry ereniug That all who want wotk may test thtjauslnaaa. wo make thla unpanlM offer, to all who *>" not well aatliHod w« Mill aend tl to pay for the trouble of writing ua Hill pnrtioularH, direc¬ tions etc , aeut free tortunea will bo, made by-tboae whogi\e thole whole, time to t*a work Great eucoeai ahtiolutely auto Don't delay SUrt now AQdrtai wtssoN 4 Co • 1'ortUnd, Maine FOR SALE,. AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SI COM) HAM> TMDUIAn ROIII R 4-1 Inch.* Ii- niniiur 41 tuturt I tin In.i dliiuiLttr und 12 feot long itLitui driiui lOlmhis dlumettr 40 Indus liiiili Irniit prints thtiiiKd nnd brtocliliigs «("»' ordoj SILOM) HANDMAltlNK BOH I It i)i hoodorhr, SIilII 7 Ifi inch Iron plutt dittniLtor, 1) Ki t C lutlie-i ItiiKth 1H ftet 1«> tulRfl 4 inches In dlnmoier, li hn \ inches lon^ tit no Hulk IS hicliits dlunoUr, two Hun Itt Inchtfl ttliumttr two Hiuh 10 1 I Inditt dinmelLr. lira Ijox Gfi ut luii|, 4 foot hixh.iituiim chimney, 7 f«ct lil»,h SI CON 1) HAM) MMUNI BOIM H four fiut wi 1 0 1 2f<<'t loi)^, r> foul hiuh nlxty four 2 \-± inch luhen lit) hn hctt long otiHl lion lirctchnx good as now SK NI> 1IAM>MAUIM 1'SOIM dftiibu? dir 11 mliiiL, HxH inch < ylludor whuft o«d* \ Iilu) fur yacht »r tug g>od as new SI COND II VM>MAUI\r I S..IU liiKli inssun 'Sxfl) In rod I c M| lliitiu ml f i iiiqrly iti tli tliniubiiTL, J S Uy MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. It. I, TOLK &CO., The Well-known Dii'eotory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Complete Guide to the MAH1TIMK INTERESTS ON TUB LAKI S havoa|M.u!v.r«a)i<ly forth, .hov. tliMaMTbylte u*i iiwnd.e(HHa or Ilia wont kind and or Ion. itandlnj r. beaneand. Indaca^Boalroa. 1. my raltti loIta.tneacy^ !M..,Jfi'i!;!,J.t7u>i<>TT%urKKa;io( „VAULITBUTIHIoatnladuMa^toan/auirBrer"OlT.i.. orMaalP.ftaildraaa. DH.T.A.HLOCi;i£mr.>tHuN T. A PRIZE. help \ou to o Bond itix cent* for poataKt and receivu frue, a ooWy box oi ( oyrigJ wfaich wftl anytttkif elan wouey i*i(tlil away . _ ^ _ In tub world All, of eluicrnrx, iuoof4d from f&m hour lha broad road In fortune op«ni bdMe flta workers absolutely sure Atoaoe addroiinTRUit A Co , Auyuita. Maine ^ 887117 7718