THE MARINE RECORD. Plymouth, unci filter bocnme mneterof the Hunter, whloli wn» wrecked «n St. Clnlr riv¬ er. In 1851 lie fitted out the Iron piwnongor Btonmcru tndln, Chlnn unit Jnpiin, or the Anchor Mno, nml took commiind of the Chl¬ nn. He remiilned-on her until 1870, iiohlev- , ing consUleriilile populnrltj'. In Hint yeiir ' he wii8 uppointrd Government loenl Inspec¬ tor of eteiim hulls, which position he tilled pt the lime of hUdenth. Onptiiln DIcImoii wns regiirdcd in n cnreful,' competent, nnd - reliable nuvlipitor, nnd wqa well known nnd respected nt nearly nil the hike porta. Ujt 'talllnic record ii llr«t-ulii»», nnd na Gnveim- ment Innpeotor he wan efflulont nnd truJlt- " worthy. Pernonnlly he \vn« of n kiSiiIhI, ■opun-lienrted nature, and strictly' hrtnornble In his Intercourse with men. Ho .leuves n widow but no children, mid it brother, Cnp< tnln VVIlllnni Dlekxim. 1 THEjEL-NA GRATE. We desire to cull the intention of our rend¬ ers to the merits of the „Ktnii unite, u cut ol which Is presented In another column oJ'ihU issue. „ThlS unite, which U very diiftible unci easily denned, Is ndnpied to burtr\V{lio moBt liilcrior qiuiliiy of slunk eonl, nnd beliifr n Blinking unite, produces a Btejidy drnlt which obviates the necessity of cleaning llreg so often, nnd consequently naves coal, nnd 'Is easily adaptiiud to any furnace, and can be set In without hiiv extra expense. As mi evidence ill the wleeiu In which these grates are held Inr lAiitiiio purposes we are permitted to reler to the billowing lis) of hteinni'i'H on which they have luni; been in, use and Imve given entire sallslactlun : Steamer Egyptian, In uso 5 years. Steamer Cd.moraHt, In uso I years, steamer Wocokon/ln iiho 3 years. bteamerCily ol Home. In use 2 years. Menmer Ciiintierlunil, in uiu 2 yulrs. btcaroer i>. W. Hunt, in usoti y. sts. MesmerH. 1»* Cotilnberry. in uso 5 years. Btcamer K. O.IJnle, in inwfi years. Steamer II, M. (Jllixiiolm, in use s years. Mcami r John N olI.Klcn, In use 21-2 yea,ra. steamer Sniitb Moore, In uso 9 yearn, steamer William Edwards, in hid 4 years. Steamer Hobert Wallace, In use 11-2 yuan. Mcamor 8. E. Everuit In use 2 yetrs^ • Steamer Colonial, In uso 1 year. Steamer Continental, In lire 1 yt>ir. Steamer Buffalo In use 3 1-2 yean, . Ktcjimer Chlcogu, In use 21-2 years, hteamor Progress, iq use 2 yean. Steamer Osc»i>Townsond, inu»o2 years. I Steamer Mayflower, In uso 2 years. Steamer City ot Concord, ip use 9 years '- gteamer Garden City, jo use 3 yean, feteamcr It B. Hayes, in am * years. Steamer Sparta, louse 1 year. Steamer Vienna in uso 2 years, • Steamer Havana. In uso I year. Steamer H. C. Schnoor, in use 0 years. Steamer Ohio. Steamer ot City ot Cleveland. The steamer building at\4t, Clair for Woods, Perry A Co. . I The two steamers building at Quaylci for Captain Thos. Wilson, Bldowheol steamer Sea Qu"1, . Ttig Kellef, In use 2 years: Tug Abinsod Sumner, in use 1 year. Tug Bennett, in use 5 years. Tug Eras. L., in use 6 yeurs. Tug Goodman. Tug Joo Harris, Tug Music. TugAnnld Mollea They hnve also been placed In most of the public buildings of this city, Including the public-school*. All orders sliould be addressed to G. C. Barnes, care |Globe lion Works. Bend for catalogue, SIGNAL LAMPS, — iVITII- Patent Fluxed Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THEBEsf&AYOIDCOLLISIONS. . Those Lamps glvo a moi e brlllnnt light than my Signal Inmp now In use. They have boon adopted by tlio principal Ocean ami Lnku Bteamera and Vessels, and are for sale in the principal purls on the Atlantic const and lakes. French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured,by Felthousen fc Russell, _________ , 130 * 141 MAIN ST., BVFFAIlO, N* V. THE/ETNA GRATE. G, C.JUNES, Alt. This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Irou Works, MauuTac's., Ofllco Bnd Foundry, corner of Hm and Spruce-am,, CLEVELAND, O. ST. MARY'S OHIO MONTPEUER OtfR FACTORIES. BRECKIiNRIDGE, MICH MICH TEUER, OHIO. WiU'Wl/JWUilO. CARRULLTON i DE GRAUW, AYMAR HO., ____MANUKAC.TURKR8 AND IMPOIirBIlS OF Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers' Goods Geiieially. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. THE NEW PUl^SOMEXjtiK CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, OUMBLE, EFFECTIVE 4 ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for rnlslnp; liquids under Hint up tn 100 foot. No Machinery, No Oil, No Hnecllil Uara. Cutv bo wurked aiiHpendvd by a elutlii, Will puss «rll, mud, Niimt, l»uli>, etc., without injury to Itw pitr-tit. N«*eilM tuny it Ntonm pipn from boiler to run It. Price, 000 iralloiiH per hour, riM); I.won tl 1 «T»I 3,01)0 do. aiOO; 0,000 ilo. »!,-. i; 10,000 do. Itl7.1l 18,1(10 do. •Miibi do. *arst 45,000 tin. <•>■»»; nn.tii.o tin. »auo: iuo, do Si.000. Cxinpare this with un> other romp List. t Write fdrllltlHIniteddeijciliilUiilttmL im >i Ic-HnmiuiflK, Ac MaUetlfite. rUtsOMBTKK S. KAM I'tMtP CO., 8:1 .l.iliii St.. New York City, U.S.A THE STRAITS OF MACKINAW. There.Ix much speculation its to the (lute when craft vim get through the Strain* of Mackinaw this spring. Vessel owners lire In no hurry lor the opening, but when it comes the shipping Will nt onee commence to move. The steamer Algomnh Is making regular trips norm's the Straits in n channel |, cut for her, but the lice In the Straits, aiitrj" nil the way fr^tn the Luke Michigan ami Like Huron entrances is very heavy. If there Is mild weather, with wiirni Unys how nnd then, copious rnliiB,'and heavy windstorms, the thoroughfare wl'l be open-so that btenmera etui pass by AiitlL 15. h. The whi¬ ter hiiB been the coldest lor many years, anil the Ice Is much heavier tlutti usual at this lime. The following table shows the dates on which steamers first passed the Straits eaehsprlng for thirty'years: IBM.....................April JISI1809.................... April 23 JS55........................May 1 1870.......................Atirll IS taw........................M»y 2U871......................Aprils itt7...................May 1 1»'2..............„ .. Ai.rll a ISM____............. April 0 1873.....:.................Moy I IKVJ.......................AprlU 1S74 ' ........... ,. April 21) l«.0 ..............April 18 IBM............ Aprils IMil.....................April 25,1870..............April 28 iw.2.........._.......April IB-1877.......................April 2U I»li3...................April 17 1878..............„. . March U 1W.I...................Alirll S» 187U................. Apr I 21 M>5 ...................April 2111880.................... „AprllJ 18l.ti..................April ffl11881............ May < h07............... April 2il 1881......................Aprlil 6 l»t,8................April 111 1883..............April a A FRESII-WATEK, WHALE. The Iniest sensation Is the fact that the crew of the fishing tug Geele caught a sturgeon off Muskegon u lew days ago that measures 11 *eet A Indies In leugtli, & feet In clruuniferenue^ and weighs 1,173 pounds. Booth, the Chicago oyster man, Is credited with having secured the monster and It Is to be brought hero by one of the east shore steamers, It Is more than likely that the curiosity men of the various muse¬ ums will make a scramble for it. No such llsh has ever belore been seen In fresh water and the llshormen and sailors express great wonderment. Some of them Insist that It Is not a sturgeon at ytll, but is a species of fresh-water whale. File your Maiiink Ijkuukus for re orei ic. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE 8t»«l and Iran Wire Rope and all Its Fittings. to 208 M ffaW„ CHICAGO, ILL. Nr-C. PETERSON Builder, PI.EABURR BOATS AND IAIL1N0 ANDJTXAI| TiOBTl, f TAWL BOATS, 1PO0K OAHi, BTKB11IW0 WUKILI, ETC. 385 Atwater st» Near Riopelle, DETBOIT, MICn.—*- FOR SALE TWO FISHING TUGS. Both well m)n|ilc<H\ir (lililnir lioal'k or tufrulog. hol- lowlnn uru (hedimriiBioiiHof Nu 1; length, 4K feet: br ltd tin 11 feet; itcijth. fi feet; o/iKino lOxlii; new tttoel hollur; Imllc in JH8.!. l'ricu SJ.fliK), ciimU. Np.2: U-nglli. 42 fo l^liromlth,,12 1-2 feet, depth, 5 foot; built In 1H81; engine 14x14, now bollor. l'rloe, 84,000, cntfh. Aino onu douhlo murine en^no 14 1-2x20 inches, 7- foot I'lilliutelpliianvhu 1, in A] cdiidltlon. Prlco, »1,300 ennh. Ad drew Maiiink ItucoitDOPKicK. FOR SALE, Her length ts 186 feet, ^enm 20 feet, and hold. 10 feet 10 inches. Boiler 17 leet long. 7 feet diameter; thro© mien, two 10 Inch and one 17-Inch, Knglne ffir*2. Curries 240,000 feet of lumbvr. Speed, 11 uitlm light, undo 1-2'loaded., Insurance valuation. $lfi,800. Ad- dresa Marimk HkooiAj Office, No."<! South Water street, Clovelund, O. FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Diraeniions of huJlA5 leotover til, IC feot beam. 8 feet hoid, and ineasurtu 40 lon«wlth 7 fuel draft; can be mado G feet draft. The engine, 16x30, li in flnt-clmi condition, with alt new braiwoa, new rings lh cylinder and lurai u nix-foot wheel, whkh waa tuiw laat aoaaoD. Tbo holler is one rear old, is large eribuftli to hnrn woo*l or coal und la allowed 100 pound* of Hteam. Prioe 94,600, and must bo nold inside ol ilxty days, Addros Majunl Hkcohu Of KILE, SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, *~ T^OEI BUST JkXXXt OBHAFI18T. SEND FOB PRICES TO SMITH'S BOAT WOUKS, 159 South Street, New Yo^rk FOR SALE, CANAL SCHOONER. One of tha heat canal whoonora nu the lab en, round In ovury particular nnd Btraight A'2. Capacity, Goo Ions Iron oio or 21.800 buihela of wheat Can be purehoaed for 87,600. Oo«-thlrd to one-half cnHh, balance on eaay terms. Address Mahinh Kkctiitn OfkiOk. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Ub0 the Magneton AppUanoo Co'i Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY $5. They are priceless to laimbk, qkntikmkw andciiii-- DKKN WITy WKAK UUUQH) HO (a • ol PNjCUUONIi OK okoui' is efi r known wheru tlieoe garinmita are worn. Thry bIho prevent and cure iikakt uipficultius, COLDS, RUKUKAT18M, NKtlKALUU, TIDIO^T THOUBtKa, U1PTMKUIA, LATAKKH, AND ALL KlXIHiKB VlHKAttA, Will wkak any at'rylce for tukke tkahh. Are ,om over the under clothing, nAfnADDU It la needleia to (leacfibe theaymplomM of this nnuacoua dlaeoae that lfl»i Phoenix Paint Co., MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Micbpi St.. CLEVELAND. OHIO. (tapping l f4 treat tiio lite and tftrenglh of only too mauy of the and bwtof both leiea Ijtbor, study and research in America, Eurono and Eastern lands, hare r«ult>d iu the Magnetic I^uig ProWctor, affording oura for Ca¬ tarrh, a remedy which contains NoUituouiNQOPTinc Htstku, and with the continuous: itireNn) of MAgnetlsm ptrueatiag thruugh th* afflicted organs, muht KKWTonic THBU TO A HKALTIIT ACTION. We PLAOK OUR PRICK for tbl* Applitnoe1 at leas than one twentieth of the prtc« »ked by ofchera Tor remedies upon which you take all ihaehvncea, and we khpkciali.t tuviTEtho patronug»of the many pkiuwni who have tried oroo- UINO 111 KIR STOMACHS WITHOUT KrrKCf. ------------ThlH Appllanc*. Op to your drugflist anil H>k for tliehi. If ., "write to itn prnprletont. pii- cioiliiigth« priw-, in letter at o«t risk »ud they will bo t to you at once by mail, pom paid. lend Btampfor the "New ltapurlure In Medical Treatment winiOUT mudicink," with thuimaiida of laatlinonlulB THE MAHNKTON APPLIANCE CO , 2lBtfhitoStr<H<t,Cbicngo, 111. Note.—Send one dollar in )HMAfiontnmiaor lmu-bisi- * -'■ .....-**" worn, ) oov lured of the ponor resiaing in our m*«i>cuo AppH- nlum \\}*M**\y no ceUt /eet whwt Ihty or* vorn, or mney rifuruled. HOWTO OBTAIN SSWfflS tuey lisvu not gollhem, "wrilo toilis pro|irieUir^i(fn- NoTK.—SenilonBtlonurln )M>nlstluninin|s<ir lmlt oy In Ittlor st our rl-lLwUb sue o( sliue luusllv w •nj irr » p»l"it uurMsiriiBtlo Insalos sntt bo Tlnrrilof His p..»iT rrsldlnx In our Ms«iitlio A| DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. »ONI>tTIC 4 MTKAM COAL CIrv.lnnil, " Ohio V. D. XICKERSQN, - M'ARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge. Cleveland, 0. PflT 11 'or tnti working olaiw. Send ten oonte fur |»a- uUilU Utteand we will mail ynu free, a loyal, valua¬ ble box of sample goods tlml will nut yon iu the way of making dloru money m a few uttya Uian you ever thought posNlblu at any biMinetn Uaptuil not roquirwl. Wo will start you. You ran work all the lima or In spare tlmu only. The work U univerually adapted to both soxes, young and old. Ynu can eturlly earn from 60cenUto85flT»Ty oTening That all who want work may tostlhebuiilimPH, wn hmke this uiipwuUol offer) Mall wlnj art not »Hl Miitlulled w** will send 81 to |iay for the trouble of writing us. i-'utl pitrtlfulurH,dlw*o- 'tlons.'rtr.. Hvtit free. Fortunes will bo umdo by tlioae who glxe their whole time in t<te work (iiwit suedes* uhHolutely suio IKm't dclnv btart now. Addient hTtNMttv .t Co , Portland, Muitu'. FOR SALE. AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECONDHAND TUBULAR BOILI'll, 44 IdcIim di¬ ameter, 4^ tubiiH ,1 inches dlamolty and 12 feet long, steam drum IH) Int-hes djuiuutor, 40 Inches hluh; fnini grates, fiitingti and hreoclilugH; good order. ' SECOND HAND MAKINh BOILEK, in good order; Shell, 7-10 inch iron plate, diiimuter. 0 ftut 6 Inches, longth, 18 feet, 12V tubes 4 Inr hoe in d is meter, 11 feet 4 Indies long, thrue flu us 18 Inches d la muter; two fluea 16 lnehea dlumoter, two flues 101-2 inches diameter: lire box, 6 leet long, 4 feelhigh; steam chimney, 7 feot nigh. BECOND HAND MAIUNE'UOIl.EIWour feet wide, 0 1-2 feet long, fi fott high, sixty-four 2 Ui Inch lube* 00 inches long, ant iron breechng, good u new 8ECUND HANDMAHINE RNOINE, deubledirect- acting 8x8 Inch cylinder, nhalt and wheel (or yacht or rug; good an now SECOND HANDMAHINE ENGINE, ldghi*oH8urP, 28x80 in good condltinii mid fonuorly in thi nu mnhargo J. S. Fay, MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. (R. L. POLK k CO., The Well-known Dii'eotory publisher^; 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have' ready for circulation by the opening.of Navigation, a Comp ete Guide to the MAIUTIMK INTBIttSTH (IN TUB LAKES. *Thsvs.po.lttvsr«m.(l]r7nrfh« »bo»« disestsTbyTtstiw IhoijasndsofCMM of Ins wont ktntl snd of loovsundtn. b."?.b^Rcur,A™,1",,"!ii0,"0°* '■ "f *»»> '»"• «i»t«i" WifJittBfi'^UIimLMrM^lontbsrsillli.VAC UAULBTBIUTIlil on this dlssu^ to •o/sulDmr. Ult. I.- snss tr.o, wdnss, vh. T. A. BLOouiK in rtsii it., M. r. APPI7P N""11 Hl* oonlMfur |kwuv«, K'xl rt-c«iv« nUilli. Iri'i', a t-dally l.o» <rf Uouds wlucli vlll liclp uin tiiniurr iiioiiuy • i^lsl a way Uwu snyHiJsi^ oImj In litis vnrlil \II, <>( ti|ihiT ma, tunimi from llrnl' Iiiiui, Tlio liVuiui mail t*i fotlutiu uji«iis bcJUrii thti workf«,nl.....ulilynyio Atotifu siltlrcss, Tld't A.C11 , AugusU, Mtlno. '