Marine Record, March 27, 1884, page 6

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6 THE MARINE KECOKD.. .•'important 'Marine questions. WOMAN WITH ALIEN HCs'IUND. A budgot of Treasury Dopnrtmont OocIb- long wn» received by Collector of Customs Spnldlng ChlniKO, TlioBoof specinl'Inter¬ est to the luku murine nre given below:, Trongiiry Department—Sir: Your oom- munloiitlon of tlie lih Inst, submits nn In. qulry In rejtitnl to the Isnuo of mnrino docu¬ ments upon the following stutemunt of fncts: A wonnin, I,., Is iimitlyo of Ohio, itnd luis nlwnys rdsliletl in tlinl Shite. She mnrrleil nn nllonlfC., n citizen of the Dominion of Cnn'ntlii, but who luis been lor several years 11 resident of Ohio, where linsbnlid nnd wife nro ifqw domiciled. The wife now desires to purbliiiso anil hold; In her own nnine, a, registered vessel-of tho Unltod States. You ... inquire whether miulre piipofs uiui Issue to *> her-us owner. Yim nre Informed Ihnt If by ... • the lnwfl of Ohio her property In tho ve«- sol would not by her coverture become the property of her husband, she could be rce ognlzcd ns owner, nnd n register, enrollment or license of the vessel could be Issued In her name. STEAM VK88KL8 NOT RKIN8PECTED WHEN, SOLD. Certificates of inspection nro Rood for one year, without regard to chunge ot owner¬ ship. Enrollment Jind license should be Issued upon presentation of her unexpired certificate. WATER-TIGHT I1ULKIIKAD8. Sin: In reply to your letter I have to In¬ form you that section 4.490, Revised Stat¬ utes, reu.ulilii)r three water-tight cross bulk¬ heads on unssenger steamers navigating the northern or northwestern 1'ikcs is iiiiindii- . tory upon the owners ol such steamers, as well as upon the olllcers of the Inspection service, and the department sustains the ac¬ tion of the Inspectors at Oswego in re'fusing ing a ccrtlllciite to (he steamer Jingle to car- >*ry passenulirs on Lake Ontario unless pro¬ vided with bulkheads, ns provided by the statute nbova referred to. HOSPITAL DUES. By virtue ol section 4,,")87, Revised Stat¬ utes, no licensed vessel Is subject to murine hospital tux, exccptiucl) a one as Is licensed for the coiiHtlng. tiude, and under the net of March 3, 1873 (IS Stats., vol.3, 4S5,) no ves sel is obliged to keep a time-book unless she be subjuet to the tux, Vessels', therefore, licensed as yachts under the act of March J, 1883, are neither subject to marine hospital ■tax nor nro they required to keep a time- hook. CANADIAN STEAM VESSELS ON TI1ELAKE8. ififstora and owners of foreign passenger' steamers Inspected under the act of August 7, 1882, nic hereby notified that, (u availing themselves of the privilege granted In rule 4 of the regulations for inspection of foreign steamers, which permits docking of the steatneis lo -'be omitted upon satisfactory evidence' that the vessel has been docked wilhln the previous twelve-months, under the direction of the under-wiIters or of the, agents or olllcers ol any foreign Government authorized by law to make examinations ns to Ule condition .of the hulls of vessels," the agents'or owners of such steamers will be required to furnish the specinl Inspectors of foreign steam vessels, at tire ports at which their steamers may arrive, a duly authenti¬ cated certificate (or copy thereof) ol the date upon which the vessel was docked. When foreign summers are to bo docked in American ports, agents must notify the specinl Inspectors in advance of such dock¬ age, so that they may be present for the pur¬ pose of making tho .proper examination's. A fnllure to comply with this icgulatlon mny slUMect tho steamer to be redoeked, unless thovpeciul Inspectors are otherwise sulislleil of her good condition^. The above regulation will bo deemed to bo a permanent part of rule I, pngo II of the -laws and regulations. There will be added to rule 0, Biime page, tho followini; amend¬ ment, namely: "All the equipments of a steamer, such as boats, oars, rafts, life pre¬ servers, and tloats, shall be painted, branded or stenciled with the name ol the steamer to t which they belong In letters not less .than one and oni -half Inches in length." Snil'l'INQ OF EXPLOSIVES. The following circular has been sont to all United Stales ultorneys nnd marshals: By direction of the President I have to In- • form yon It Is reported that certain persons are aiding In tho piosecullon of heinous crimes bv shipping to foreign ports explo¬ sives dangerous in the highest degree to life and property. No proof has been adduced that thU rumor la founded upon fnct, and the President cannot believe lis truth. The honor of this nation, however, n quires that It should not be opened to the Imputntion, unfounded though it be, of the slightest ap¬ pearance of tolerating such crimes, whether to bo committed against our people or those of otliercounlrlcs. Your attention Is there¬ fore called to sections It,353,0,354,5,305, 4,278 - and 4,270 ot tho Revised Statutes of the Uul fed States, which rejnilatc the shipment of explosives, and the punishment of tiiosirMOio infringe lliclr provisions, and you are In¬ structed to be diligent In .voiiretfnrts to pro¬ tein the oll'enscH ilesermeil, and to delect and prosecute those have or may com mltthem. ' Benjamin II, Brewstkii, Attorney General. Subscribe for tho Mahine Record. ' , . 'YACHTING. -J'ho Toronto Mull publlshos the following letter.from Y^m. Dickson, seoretary of tho Toronto yacht club: . Tlio majority ot tho yacht olubs of tho lakes have expressed thempelves favorable to a lake yacht racing association, and some of them having suggested tho time of the ken¬ nel club show In this city for n meeting of the delegates ifhd It also having been found that three delegates have been appointed by most of the clubs, U has therefore been (doeined advisable to call a meeting of three Rele¬ gates from, each club at the Queen's hotel, Toronto, on Saturday, March 20, at 8 p. m., these delegates to draw up a constitution, elect olllcers and commltteo for the present year, decide on a measurement rule, and get the association fairly under way. It Is de¬ sirable that delegates attending the meotlng should make themselves acquainted with the constitution of similar associations as far as possible, and with the different measure- moiit rules. *■ ■ LITERARY NOTICES. Haiiper's Magazine for April well Illus¬ trates the capabilities of that periodical, the variety of Its contents being a remnrklfble feature. Tho frontispiece is the.flrst of W. JJ. Clo8son's reproductions of "Great .Pic¬ tures" engraved from the original paintings, nnd is a gem of iiYl. Charles Elliot Norton contributes n paper of considerable archic- ologlcal valire, entitled "A Visit to Sardls," with Illustrations. The Hohenzollern dy¬ nasty Is the'subject of an entertaining paper by Professor Herbert Tuttle, with thirteen illustrations. Ernest Ingersoll contributes the first of .twopapers admirably well Illus¬ trated. -'A'Lover'S Pilgrimage," by E. D. R. Blnnciardi,,, beautifully illustrated., de- scribe's a visit to tho tomb of Shakespeare's Juliet, In Verona. A biographical sketch of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton, apart from Its literary value, is interesting from the fact that It Is contributed by C, Kcgnn Paul, the English publisher of the recent biography ol Buhver by Ills Am, the present Lord Lyt¬ ton. "Working-men's Monies," by R. It. Bowker is a lull nnd interesting' lovlew. Colonel liigglnsou contributes the four¬ teenth chapter of his American History Se¬ ries', entitled • "The Second War for Inde¬ pendence." Helen W. Ludlow contributes a lino poem, entitled "Easter Wings," The fourth part of William Black's "Judith Shakespeare" is given, 'wltli an Illustration by Abbey; aUo the filth part of E. P. Roe's novel, "Nature's Serial Story," illustrated by Gibson and-Olelniaii. Charles Rende concludes his story of "The Picture," mid thero Is a bright short story by nn nuotiy- •inous writer entitled "Six of One, nnd Half- a Dozen of the Other." Poems are contrib¬ uted by II. H., R. II. Home, G. T. Lanlgnn and Laura M. M. Slarquand. TiieApkil Century has five profusely Illustrated articles and n biographical paper with two portraits which lend unusual pic¬ torial Interest lo tho Apill number. Tho frontispiece is a portrait of tho lateSydney Lnnlor at the age of fifteen, and with the text of Dr. William Hayes Ward's essay on ."Sidney Lanier, Poet," Is also printed a por. trait of the poet in mature age. In "Open Letters," Artlmr-Penn writes of "Sidney , Lanier on tho English Novel." In thelror- der, tho Illustrated articles nre: An inter¬ esting nccount, by E. V. Smalley, of the memories which cluster about "The' Whltc- IlniiBP," iiiid the lire or the Chief Magis¬ trate's domicile; Miss Sarah Freeman Clarke'B concluding paper of pen and pencil "Notes on tho Exllo of Dante;" a descrip¬ tion by Edward S. Wilde of the building nnd partial impairment of "The New York City Hull;" record ol a cruise "Among the Magdalen Islands" of the Gulf ot-St. Law¬ rence, by 8. Q. W. Benjamin; "The Cruiso of tho Alice May;" and an Important and .very entertaining pupcr by Fred Mather, on "Progress In Flali-Culture." An inter¬ esting travel article without pictures Is Miss Gordon Ciimmlng's description of "New Zealand In Blooming December." Fore¬ most among tho uiilllustraled papers, in point of general interest, Is George Alfred Townsend's account of "How Wilkes Booth crossed the Potomac." John Burroughs re¬ plies to Matthew Arnold's recent lecture on Enj.erion, and makes a strong argument to show that Emerson Is entitled to a higher place than the English critic has accorded film. Tho other striking essays ot the num¬ ber are "Uncle Tom without a Cabin," by Walter I!. Hill; and Professor Samuel Wlf- lnrd's Interesting pursuit of scieutlllc theo¬ ries, or "Tho Destiny of the Universe." The sixth part or Mr. Cable's "Dr. Sevier;" tho fifth part of Robert Grant's "An Aver¬ age Man;" anil a j-lioit story In negro din* lect, "iiarso Chan," by Thomas Nelson Page, nre the fiction of the number. The poems are contrlhuied by John Value Cheney, Al¬ fred !J. Sneet William Preston Johnston, R. T. W. Duke, Jr., Robert Underwood Johnson; and in "Brlc-a brae," Walter Learned, and others. Topics of the Times Is replete wllli subjects of general Interest and should be closely icad by all. ' Tub April Atlantic opens with the sec¬ ond nnd Inst part of "Drifting Down Lost Creek," one of the most striking short sto¬ ries recently published by Charles Egbort Craddock. Mr. Crawford's serial, "A Ro¬ man Singer," and Dr. Mitchell's "In War Time" ,both hnvo two new chapters and deepen the Impression already jnndo of the unusual power nnd Interest of these storlos. Henry James contributes another ol his charming French travel papers, this time de¬ scribing Avignon and Orange. "The Return nf a Native" Is ah engaging short 'story by Edith M.'Thomas, One of the most attrac¬ tive of the vounger writers of the Atlantic; Professor N. S. Shaler, of Hnrvnrd College,' discusses "The Red Sunsets" nnd their prob¬ able causes'. " Auntna" Is a story of nvprctf.y Waldensiun girl, by Charles Dunning. Oli¬ ver T. Morton, son of tho late eminent Sen¬ ator Morton, writes nbout "Presidential Nominations."' Maria Louise Henry con¬ tributes a sketch of Madame de Longuevllle. Bradford Torrev has ah Interesting bird ar¬ ticle, entitled "Phlllldnnnd Corldon." There nre poems by G. P. Lnthropand Helen Gray Cone; reviews of sever/il noteworthy new books; and the Contributors' Club has some delightful extracts fronr a "Rhymed Let¬ ter" by James Russell Lowell, not included in his voluniW, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. <^y DISEASE CUKEI) Without Medicine. A Valuable DUcevtry/or f applying Magnetism to the Uw man System. Electricity and Magnetlm uiilUti at never bejore /or Healing the Sick. ". THE MAGNETON APPIANCE CO.'S Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR MEN IS W ii Ct i\ ull 1JJU iUuUIlijttie loll owing diseases without medicine:—pain in thk hack, hips, iikad or LIH 1)8, N.KKVOUH DKML1TY, LUJdIUUO, OKNEUAL DKDIL- ITY, lUfltUMATUtf*!, PA It A L YrJIB, MiUHALOIA, SCIATICA, DISEASES OF TJIfc KIDNEYS, SPINAL PMRASH3, TQRPJP xivkii, Gout/ Hemlnal KmlmJoni, Impotenay. Asthma, llenrt Dlueime, Dyupend.a, Conatlpa- tlon( Eryilp«Ian, Ind.ffestion, Heruta or Rup¬ ture, Cutwrlt, Flies, Epilepsy, Dumb Ague, etc When any (li-blllty ot (ho GKNKItATlVE Olt- GA>'H occurs, Lout Vltulity, Eitck of Nerve Fore* and Vigor, Wanting WeuUnflN*. and all those Dli- eaueaof vpermnial tmture* from whatever cause, tho continuous nice m of Magnotfim permeailng'througli tho parti, murv restore them to a healthy action. 'Jhora is do miritako ubout ttilB appliance. Tfl Tlir T AT1TT?C' " yoHareomicteil with 1U ill El iiHiJlljU,—Imno Ilstck, WcnkneM or tlio Mplno, Fulfinjjof the Womb, LeucorrhoBii, Chronic Inflitimiifttlon and Ulceration of the Wonib, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flooding, Painful, Suppressed and Irregular Moimtrna¬ tion, llarrenneaa, and Change of IJfe tlili la the lleit Appliance and Curative Agent Imown, Kor all forms of Female DlfflcultJea it in unsur- paiuod by anything betor** invcntoii, both iiu a curative agont and flu a source of power and vitAliaillon, Prico of cither Belt with Magnetic Ineoleu, 810, nnt by express L1, O. D., and cxumluntldu allowed, or by roalloiwect'iptof price In ordering send measure of waist, nnd size of shoe, Kvmlttance can be made Id currency, sunt In letter at our risk. Tho Migneton Garments'sre adapted to all ages, art worn over the under clothing, not next to the body like the many Galvanic anil Electric Humbug! advertised ao extensively, and should be laken off at night. Tboy hold their PUWEK FOREVER,' and are worn at all seasons of the year. Bend slnmp for the "New Departure In Medical troit- mont ..Wlthont Medicine," wllh thousands of testi- moitlnls! THE MAGNETON AI'PLIANCE CO,, «1» SUte Street, Chicago, 111. Note.—Send one dollar In pontage stamps or curren¬ cy, lit letterat our risk, with also of shoe usually worn, and try oui Magnetic Insoles, ami,bo conftnraLof the Jower reahllng In our other iklngnoLto AppTfaocoa. 'osltlvely no cold feet whon they are worn, or money refunded. J? JBfATIBi on this dliMM, to ao/snthrar, Otre Ix- AfirUTQ wanted for The Lives of all the Presidents nllfjniO of the U 3. The largest, handsomest, bent book ever sold for lors(tlmn twico our price. 'I ho fast¬ est selling book in America Ituuiensttprofits to agents. All Intelligent people want it Any one can becoino a ■uoecMlul agent. Term* free. Iuijktt Book Co., Portland, Ineine. TRAVELERS' REGISTER. tATCE 81IOHE ,t MICUIQAN SOUTHEKN. Commuurlitetjiiiuluy, No\flml)erl8,at 12 o'clock noon Ilio itniotflTen In the llgurti bclnw l» tli« nswiUndaril (Nlntllulk merldlin) lime, wlilcli U tktrty-thrto niln- utn ilowcr tli»n Clevrlnml time proper and Iwcnty. eight mtnulei ildwer tben the time Heretofore In use {Colnmbui time) by there rondi. Eutirerd. 1 Arrive, 1 Depart, N V, B A A ilxpnu............_.... "0 37 a u °7 02 A u t« 07 i u tlO 87 A It (10 37 A M «1 67 P H Port Clinton Accommodation..... t'lOMAii •2 27 P II NV1D Fmt ErnreM................ 4 22 A u Nottinghum [-unduy oulyl ........ Willi Eipre»............................ 0 44 PU f0 U V u tlO 07 PII WefltWMrd. 'Arrive. | Depart. Feat XJiullcd Exprese............... °11 65 a U,°r2 OS A 11 Mich Expreua vie tinnduiky........ C icigo HxprcH vln " ' ....... •2 S2 A >l| <1l 87 A u ill 07 A >l ti 32 A 11 Mich Accoin, Niirna.k ..... 10 l; A II Councent Acconnumlulloii.......... t« 12 A >l 4 17 P u 1 47 P II Toledo rxprere vln Norwulk ..... «12 oa (■ u »1 02p« t6 02 p M t3 02 P ll *1 28 P II "0 82 P II Ht LoiiIh Kx via bHiiduelty.......... C V Ex vlu Norwilk................ !■ t 4 82P ll Reference mnrke-* Dally, f da ly, except Snndar. gdidly. exceni Mondny. M-'Tort,. Fenns7lraDla & Ohio l\ i i NEW VORK, BOHTOR' AMD T1TE *kMT. The Rhertwt and qnlckext Ronta to Pim. bnrfr. WauihlriaTtOB and Baltimore and the South***!. Central or Ninetieth Uerllltn time. 81 mlnntti alo> or then Cleveland city time. V Until further notlco tralni will leave from the n» ■ Contral Depot, South Water alroat aird Viaduct u hi Iowa: P.OO 0i Dli roan Bleeping and hotel ooaehei'from ieavittaourgh 8:85 a. n. to N.w Tork. Albany ,,S ■Boaton without change. Arrlvoat Meadvllle at il'M. ' wi. Idlnnn.1 PranVlln .1 lQ!nR n. m nil PI*. tn.»„L "' viiiu u.w p iu. L.uppDr|, vurulUK IViO p. m, £jni|fa s-fu p. in. Binghanton 10:05 p. m., Albany 5:00 a inTBoetoii f:4S p. m.: arrlflnj at Now York«:1« a.m7 r0™* 0 lOn n m LIGHTED EXPBESS-Through PnlU b ilAS lli illi roan Bleeping ooaeh from Cleveliadlo New York. Arrlvea atlteadville at 880 p. m., Jamu. town 8:47 p. in., 8alamanea 0:49 p. m., New York 10:10 a. m. HornelliVllle. Arrive at Youngetown at 1:80 a. m Xeadvllle 8:29 a. m., Corrr4'89 a. m. Jameetown6117 a' m. Buffalo 0:2t a. m., Itoohealer 12:88 p, m., Beroella' vlllo, 11:00 a m , Corning 12:07 p m, -EIraira13:40 p. a Blngbarapton 2.10 p m„ Now York 0:10 p. m. Arrive at Pllteburgh 8:50 a. m.. without change. O'Ofljl tfl PITTSBUEGH EXPIfESS - Dally _ iiti\lT),Bl, Through without-change, Parlor car at. tnclied. Arrlvea at Youngatown B.-00 p m., Pltutiura 8i02 p. m., Waahlnjton 7:00 a. m , Baltimore 810 a. n i'11 II Tfl MA1IONIN8 AOMMODATION- 4ill lli Jlli Slopping at all way atationa, arriving at Youngatown 0:,V> p. m., Sharon 8:01 p. m., aharpaivllle 8:10 p. m. ! C aCft n m PITTSBUKOn EXPRESS -Dally- V i3U lli 111. Through without chauge. Anivw at Youngatown 0.80 a.m., Slin'ou 10:80 a. m„ Bbarpa. vllle Hl:40 a. m„ Pit abiirgh 12 45 p in., Ri-turolnt' leavce Plltnburgh at 4:15 a m., 7;JS a. m., 12M rt m nnd 8:45 p m in Or n rn YOUNQSTOWN AND PITTSBURSII IU 03 d Uli ACOMAIODATION-Stopplng at .]] Way atationa, arriving at Youngatown 1:40 p. m.,Pitta. burgh, 5.48 p. in. " Trains arrivo 'at Cleveland, 0:16 a. m., 8:80 p. m. 10.20 n m; 1:05 p. m., and 0:45 p. m, OW'Thla la the only route by which paaaengert can reach Oorry Elntlra, Blnghampton, Now York Otlr and Intormcdltue polnta without change. No chanie to Boalon and New England Cities. ' Baggage cucckcdthrough to all points East Through . tickota and Information regarding tho route can he outlined at the office 181 Bank aireci, and at new Depot of N. Y., P A O. B It., South Water atruet and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. CLAHK, Oon'l Paaa'r Ag't Clovolnnd. O. J. M FEIIRI8, Gon'l Manjgr, Cleveland, O. . M. L, FOUTS,Pii»senger Agt, 131 Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW TOBK. CHICAGO A ST. LOUIS . RAII/WAY. Tho paaiteiiKii cquljimentof Ihla New Trunk line Is all new nn<l is supplied with tho Ititcst applianees necessary to safe speedy and comfortable tMvel At Chicago, passenger trains anir*' from the Union Depot, Vnn Huron street, Following la Ihe " '""...... til further notice: At Chicago, passenger trains ariivc ut and leave mil the Union Depot, Vnn lltiren street. Following la Ihe tlino In effect Not. 18 1(83, and »»'■ GOING EA8T., Lv. Chicngor........ 7.45 a m..................* ..............' Arr. Volpaielw.. 0.87 " ............................... ," .Fort Wayne. 1 oo p. m.................................. ," New Haven.. 1.88 ' ................................ " West Lci|wic. 8.45 " .............i.................. " ArcndlA......... 4.14 " ............„.,........... " Fostorla.........4,67 ".........,...................... 11 Green Springs 5 44 " ................................. .» Bellevue....... 6.10 " ................• ............ I.t. Bollovue.........6.20."- 7 65 a. m............... Arr Cloveland.....0.02 ' 10.22 " Accom. I.v. Cloveland................. 10 27 ' 8 62 p. m Arr Pnlnesvllle.............. 1L88 " 5-05 t " Asntnhula.................. 12 25 p. m. 8 0S "-Conneaut.,...,.". .........,..... 1.05 '• 8.82 ,, "Erie......,.................;,.... 2 00 " ............ '• Dunkirk......................... 8.47 " ............. " Buffulo..........a............... 6.20 " ............ GOING WEST. Lv Buffalo....... '.0.50 a. m................................. Air Dunkirk...........11.24 " ......... . ......... "Erie...'.............1.23 p. in................... Leave " Conneoul,.......3.20 " ,................. 6.15a.m. •' Ashtabula....... 2.61 •'................. 6.46 " " Palncsville...... 844 " ................. 7 48' • " Cloveland......_ 4.62 " .................. 8.55 " Lv Cloveland........4.87 " 6.47 a. m.............. Arr Bellevue.........7 35 " 0.10 " ......... Lv Bellevue......... ,............. 0.20 " " Green Sprlugs................ 0.44 • " ' ............... " FoatOrla..........................10.22 • " .............. • Arcadia..........................10 84 ".............. " West Ulpale..............>.. 11.80 "........... I1 New Haven..,. .......,....... 186p. m.............. ;" Furt Wayne.................. 1.B0 " ............ " Valpraiso........................ 8.66 " .............. '• Chicago.......................... 7.60 " ............. Trains run by tho NlnOlloth Meridian Time, which il nine mlnulee slower than Chicago time, tweDty.elght mlnutua alower thtin Columbus time, thirty-three mln- ule* slower titan Cleveland time, forty-four minutes slower than Buffulo time, and sixty minute* slower than Ihe Sovcntp-flfth Alerldlen ttmr. For Information, cull on nearest agent of the Cob* paoy,ur address a F. HOtlNEIt, Geo'l Passenger Agenl, .LEVIS WIIXIAJI", General llanager. Cleveland, O. Hooky River Accommodation departs at 6:20 a. m and 2.16 p m. Euclid Accommodation depart* at 7:80 a m and 10:12 p m. All trains dally except Sunday. for tho working class. Send ten cents for pos* __tage and wo will umll you free, a royal, valua¬ ble box of sample goods that will .put you In Uiewsy of making inoru mouey In a few unya than you sror thought possible at any business. Capital not required, Wo will start you. You con work all the time or In spare lime only. The work Is universally adapted to both tenet, young and old. You can easily earn from 50 cents tots every evening That all who want work may teat the business, we make this unparalled orTer; to all who an not well satisfied w« will send f 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full partloulars,dlNC- lions, ftr,. sent free. Fortunes will bo made by thoio uhoghe their nhu'e lime id t e weak Uieat succivs absolutely iuiu Dun'i delay btart now. Addrti" Stinsox A Co , Portland, Maine. (hfje a week at home.. 1500outfit tree. Pay absolulil) $UDsuro. No risk. Capital nqt required. Header, if you nant business at which persona of elUnrsix, young or old, isn make great pay all the tlulo they work, with absolute certainty, write for particulars to 11. HHlkt ',iCo„ Portluud. Malue 1611�73954

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