VOL. VI. NO. 13. CLEVELAND. O.. MARCH 27,1884 12.00 Pir AMltCll SlXOLI COP1V5 CtXTt tfROUm TEE LAKES. Erie canal rates nre mnde very low. W. E. RubscII, President ol the National Murine Engineers Benotlchll Aceoeliitlon in In the city. Clinrters were hfnde on the 24th lor the Queen City, Johnson and Goshawk, ore from Marquette to Ohio ports lit $1.20. Jt is to be hoped t hut Cnptnln John Kir by, who is the most efficient nnd littentlvehiirbor master that the port of'Clevelnnd hits e\er had, will be reappointed to thiit position. A number of members of the boiird of trade have made the recommendation nnd the matter will be referred to the council. Tlie Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Com¬ pany will commence opening the route this Benson on April 1st by the departure of the stenmcr City of Detroit from Detroit and the Northwest as soon after as she enn be made rendy. V. D. NlckerSon, marine nrtist hat sold to Captain Philip Mlnch his tine pastel paint¬ ing representing the rescue ot the 8ophla Mlnch. The new barge building at W, H. Bad- .-JUVo*^ shipyard Is being, hurried along, an last ns possible. Her lower deck frames nro being put In »gd she wiD be launched nol later than June 10th. She will bo consort to tho steamer Robert Wallace nnd they nre chartered by the Republic Iron Compmy for the season to carry Jron ore from Marquette to Ohio ports at $1.35 per ton. The stonmbnrgo J M. Osborne, owned by 11 J. Webb & Co., wns In Pre«sley & Co.'s drydock getting a new upper deck, thereby convening her Into n double-decker. '1'he tug C. E. Bolton, was also In drydock for n nun crank shnlr, new steel outbonid nnd fixing up for the coming season. The old case of John P. Clnrk against the Barge Alko Strong, in which Clark claims damages resulting from n collision between the stonmer Alnekn idul the bnrge Alice Strong, on the 28th ol June, 1878 about n mile from tho Cleveland harbor, has been again continued. The ense of Win McGill against tho bnrgo Oscar Towneend and barge Edward Kelly, othcrwiso known ns the "Sunrise case" has been continued until October. The engine for Captain Thomas Wilson's first (we number them now) now steamer jt Qiinylos IS about finished. A spar fifteen feet In length will bo let Into tho bienkwater six and ono-hnll ffcet ibout twent}-live feet from the cast ond, on »bk.h will he placed n light.'tho light wll| bang about llfteen teet above the water. 1 ho work will be done undei the direction ot Geoige Tower lighthouse kcoper. We recoul tho first arrival o( the season— tbu tug James Amndus with barge load of limestone. The steamer Vlennn Is In Globe drydock, receive necessary repairs. 'Captain ( urn- m|ngs, last season master of tho Osceola, will command her the coming season. We > congratuluto the Cleveland Tiiinsportntlon Company for securing his service. The ense of the Mechanic's & Trader's Insurance Company ngnlnst the schooner JI. P. Baldwin, has alsp been refene^l to I.oren Prentiss, Est]., as commissioner, with authority to hear textlnioiij and argu¬ ments ol counsel nnd imikn icpoit of lis findings, This hi nn action for general aver¬ age and salvage, and arises nut of the snvlng of the "sehoonoi Baldwin, which wput ashore npp'osite the mm Ine hospital On the 7th ot December. 1881. The Insurance compnny claim to have laid out, expended money and Incurred obligations for which they nre lia¬ ble to the amount ol $1,000, nnd alleged in their libel that on the piinclplcsand accord¬ ing to the law of general average the schooner should -contribute the sum -of $2^22.68 of the total expense, nnd therefore claims n lien upon the schnoouer for that Amount. 'J he net proceeds of the sch'oonei nre $2,812 55. The case of the John JenkB against the schooner Mnnjfluk litis been heard nnd sub¬ mitted to the court for n decision. This It an ni'tlon to recover wages due and damages cnused by personal injuries received by the libelant while on duty at the wheel of the Mjontnuk when she ran aground in the Sault St. Marie rfverru the summer of 1881. 'f he case In the Dnlted States District Court of Frederick Botson against the tug John Martin, In which the libelant claims wages due him as cook to the nmount or $85.42 was disposed of last week by a decree In favor of the libelant :or the full amount, rand Judgment was also-rendered against 1ho stipulators upon the bond givep for the re lease of the tug. In thecal ot the United States Dlstilct Court of W. E. Chapman, et. al. agnlnu the Didllbii Iron Mining Company exceptions to the commissioner's report were overruled, the report confirmed nnd a decree rendered for the libelants for $1,730.27 (tho nmount found due by the commissioner,) Notice of appeal to the Circuit Court has been givon by the respondent nnd thirty days' has been allowed within which to appeal. The amount of tho bond to be given being fixed at $3,000. At the Globe Iron Works Is being built the engine tor C-iptnln Thomas Wilson's second new steamer which Is woll under way at Qimyle's Sons' shipyard. The en¬ gine will bo n fnre-nnd aft compound, cranks opposite, 27x50 Ipchjow. pressure ov 30 Inch stroko. with steam reversing gear, nil ot these details making It a duplicate of tho engine built by this firm for the Kobort Wallace and similar to tho machinery they have In the works for Captain Wilson's otli- ci now steamer which Is now being made ready to go into tho water at Qnayle's. The steamer will haven hoisting cnglnoonthe spar deik wltlc n pony bnllei sufficient to run it, the bilge and fire pump to bo operat¬ ed by tho hoisting engine. She-will have one return Hue boiler, Otis stiel, 10%,ln dl- mueter by 17 feet long, with double furniiLes nnd will carry 100 pounds of stenm. There will be ti wrought Iron pan and lion deck beams under the boiler and Beaclie's hot all casing over the bolloi. , Messrs.Ilnnntord and Hughes, assistant engineers of the International Bridge Com¬ pany, were In the city Inst week Inspecting tho work .on the Iron tug building by the Globe Iron Works, with which tlioy ex¬ pressed themselves highly pleased and con¬ sidered her to have tho finest lines com¬ bined with the greatest strength of nny craft they had seen. She Is about rendy for launching and her machinery Is ready to go aboard. • The City of Cleveland will receive her new inachlnen thii|ug the owning week, built by (lie Globe linn Works. W. C. Russell, of tho well-known firm of Felthouse'n & Russell, Buffalo, pitltl Cleve¬ land a visit this week. ' I DKTHOIT. Special to the Marine Jlttortl DirrnoiT, March 25. Tho wealher, at this writing, Is balmy, the sun shines brightly nnd sailors nre basking, In .considerable noihbers, along the docks be¬ neath I's rays, after crawling out from their winter domiciles. There is no ice to be seen hereabout and ndne In Lnko St. Clair, yet the St. Clair river is reported cjammed with that commodity from shore to shore, drifting In large quantities finm Lake Hffron. There can he no mistaking the fact that on or about tho middle of A'prll there will be nn Ice Biilllclent to impede navigation at nny point. The steamer Riverside arrived on her llist trip this (Monday) morning from Maiden, which may bo set down as the eommeno- ment of her season's business, nnd before I close this dispatch I rany bo able to announce the arrlvnl of the steamer City of New Bal¬ timore, from Marino City, on the river St. Cln|r, such being the expectation of the agent here. The tug Torrent, cowmnnded this season by Captain Shep Curroy, arrived up from Trenton on Friday lor tho purpose of over¬ hauling. The steambarge Ida Allen, laden, from Maiden, ^arrived on the same date. Some of the harbor tugs have already com¬ menced work on the river, shifting vessels fo receive grain, The schooner Mineral State lias fust received on'board 22,825 bushels of wheat for Buffalo at ,'! cent rate of freight. T'he-sohoonflfcV! ' Wilcox-has also taken 25 000 bushels Attlko ratofortho same point. Tho Hon. Moses Alerlck, bi other of E. G. Mcrlck, Esq , of this city, and one of the oldest and most honored citizens of Oswego, N'.Y. luis been visiting the Inttcr gentleman for a lew days past. There are but few who do not know these aged patriarchs of n past generation, E. J. Vance, steamboat owner of Bay City, made a brief call on Fridnj, as did also Cii| - ,tuln .lames Davidson, of that place Captain II. Buckley, lor ninny years a woll known vessel owner and master, passed through hoioon Saturday, en route to Chi¬ cago. Latterly lie has taken up bis icsldeucc I In Her Majesty's dominions at Foil Eric, Out. The steamei Pearl Is in the Detroit drj- dotk for general ovci hauling, receiving new arches, etc , proparatoiy to golngon the De¬ troit and Alpena route as last year, com¬ manded by Captain John Edwarils. It has just been given out that the new Canadian steami rs which aic to ply between Owen bound anil I.aku Hupcrloi and coin- posed ol the Athabasca, Algomn and Cnm- piina will bo commanded icspecllvelv by Captains Anderson, Mooround Footo. Such being the arrangements Captain Allan Mc- Intyro will continue, ns formerly,-In the Peerless. Ward's Lake Suporlor lino will this sea¬ son make their landings in this city at the largo and commodious wharfage at the foot, of Randolph streot. Captain A M. McGregor, who last year commanded the aide wheel steamer Spartan, will have charge tills year of the survey steamer on Georgian Bay owned b) the Ca- imdlan Government. . A sail vesrel, name unknown, p issed dnw u iniu-cluiutiel jesnidiiy, apparently from, some point.on Lake St. Clair. As she did not land here the nn'uie of her cargo was not asceitallied. '" Tho new steambarge building" 'by John Craig, for Alger, Smith tfe Co., of this city, will he named the .Schoolcraft and will be ready for launching In about two weeks. The other steamer Mr. Craig has on hand lor Ira A. Owen, of Chicago, will be called tho Midland. She will be framed and ribboned In about ten days. . .Morgan it Rice, vessel brokers here, hsvo received the ngency of the Union Insurance Compnny, of San Francisco ' Captain Paul IJirvy, who had suits for $5,000 damages because ol n fall at the Board of Trade building In this city, In two dlfler- ent courts, asTefcrred to In my last letter, was lion suited In both cases. Opinions are mu di divided In both Instances -as to the rulings In both courts. The United States steamer Haze has been newly painted and placed In readiness for the'puftiose of locating the buoys on the Detroit jlver and elsewhere, and tho Dahlia, which attends to the upper regions, is also being plnced In readiness for n like purpose. The new barge building nt Marino City for tho Toledo * Sjglnnjw Transportation Co. has beeiuinoicd the Minnie Orton. Tho bnrge building at Bay City for Wm Forbes, of Porjt Huron, has been named tho F. W. Wheeler. Tho tug Sweepstakes ami propeller Ocon- to are In drydock for general repairs. Later—The ice, which, ns above reported, -was drifting hi large quantities In thorlvti St. Clair, has reached here and U pnsslngJn small lots*. This will delay the ni rival ofiho steamer Baltimore for n day or so. The steamship Chaiincj Ilurlbut and tho schooner beniitoi, owned here by Candler Bros, liavo been chaitered for six voyages to freight ore from Escannbu to Ohio ports at tl.lO. The schooner G. S. Hazard has had her- name changed to linn btnte. The weather continues mild and warm with local rains which will hasten an early opening nt nnvigatlon ■ J W. II. I RAMiIOm. Special to the Murine Iteenrtt, Saturday the tug Moss started to break a channel through the Ice that blocked our liarboi, and nftcr nnhilo tho laige tugD V Hall steamed up mid snmslitr a Cham el through, nnd gave ourellli'eus.nn exclusion mi lake Michigan. In breaking tho he tlo Hall Waited a hole In, lu>i stni'linnYd (|iiaiter which Is being repalied. Sins is n poweilnl tug, as \ou may judge fiom tbo fact Unit the Ice she broke thiniigh was fiom six to eighteen inches in thlckmas Tho new tug owned by the .Shaw Broth- era (pot jet mimed,) was launched on tie 22d. Sho took to the water like n duck, sfco' Is 45 tect keel, 0 feet beanij -4 feet hold, bus upper cabin nil ovor, lind will inn a* a terry on Betsy lake. • Tho steamer Geo I). Sanfnrt Jr. left on the 22d for Manistee, hlie Is tbo tlrst boat outol winter quarters on this shore, nnd will mako regular trips herealter. C C. Miller bus received temporary np. polntmeritas kcepei ol pier head llgbt here. The tug Je.sle A Sit Held has received a largei engine and a new coat of pnlnt, nnd locks as liesli as n daisy. 1 ho tug I,, l„ nwsnnls bilng rebuilt, as Is alto the i,Z liuhj. B