THE MARINE RECOBD. E. J. WEWB & CO., chin Brokers, Vesaoh Owners and Agents. [ KSTAW'ISHEO IN 18IW.] • u I WHim A C<> • will t liurtpr Viihh Im for I nlca rrmln iniiil nil*!'"" Hi'"",1" ^ niiormK Vomo). n tlin 1 U Sill"rlur In'" 0ru ' ,l,r *-IW0111,,1(1 «lii«le trip _ ARCADE TUILOING. 101 ST. CLAIR ST., CMnralnnil, Ohio. •pirnUnUC!olllM<,'l"u' ^ I ELCl HUNtMllnHldimco, Nil. 1»S8, palmerITbInham, 8HCCI MOM (0 J H PALHhH ASON, Vessel Owners & Agents, .\ o nn Watnr Street. Roiiraa 0*7 CL.bVM.iAND ' • OHIO TCOTT & ®m<RIM&M. Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers1. Attention also given to the purchase and snlo ol Iron Or Telephone, No. 18, Olllco, 1.10 South Wnter-St„ Cleveland, O. ""llOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 91 Hair Street. Room 27 U.bVU.ANI), OH1W THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWJ.Hl Wilson's Transit Line. Oen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0 BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, V«ueli cluttered, purchased and Bold, contracts roado for coarse and heavy freights, l)ak« Superior and Eatanftua iron ore charters for ilii* -■- *-'-.......---------'nlty. Maul. 0. RICHARD HAMMOND. vie trip or fteaBon a specialty 130 Water St Room 14 Unlet iron Ex Build'g, ftlrphone No 9U HIBBAR0& VANCE, Vessel Agents 6fl«adSt)S llroad»«r 1H U Hullo Slrui U 1IILM AUKEF, WIS IHICA'IO. If.L. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, UI So Water Street » C1IICAU )._______ILLINOIS ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 I asiille 8tri.fl CHICAGO • ILL KNEIP & MORRISON; PUOCTOttS IN ADMIltAWY, 115MonrooBt Boom M Chicago ROBERT RAE, Mralty and Insurance ' Law Office, Room 37, Moichauut' hulldhig ________ UUlAtiO, Ihl______________ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N 1. Cor Columbus Avn A Water St, SANQUSK.^ OHIO _______ A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange it .lufhlo, N Y. MTU YOU DO \OI lti:i HVK \n MON IIII.Y I I <l HI VI ^Kl ' tilt - M • '-l'V> I OK dOljN COON. OIL STILLS &■ AGITATORS. Piper Mill Bleachers & Rota-ias. Cisonotei,Salt Pans Smote Stacks. Lid all \ nds of HeatyPlate & Sheet ItoriWoik Office & Works, WaaissEssffiiv i»,i,*«.^a, \h*v? P>rry St. ' ,„„„„_ Repairing ftomptly Attendodto. PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT, H.O.&J.E Calkin, Coprsmls and Plnmbors. Steimi mid Gas Fitting, a&LLEY STOVES. S&O & 287 Wont St, Car, Lulgtyt NEW-YOKK! Clrcnlnr* hpM ufinn application. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, -MANUFACTURERS 07—— CORDAGE * OAKUM. Canus of AMERICAN RUSSIA ami ITALIAN HEMP of tbe rery bust qui Uj piado tu onlai AT <IJ>L' DAY'S NOlIGb ,M ANILA ami S18AL BINIILU TWINL No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tie Ncvcrsink Cork Jackci Twenty per cent, more biiotjimoy than any otlinr Llfc-PiOHcrver In Hip hinrkct. Is the 8AFKVJ' mill only RELIARLE LIFE PRESERVER in EXISTENCE, its proved ul the Into w reck n\\ the- rueilk! Coast, of the Piulllo Mail Steamship, "City of San FranoUoo." RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. > M ■HI -j JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN MNI, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. • DEAN & CO., DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. HOMI.NrH' A Nil. Ill < Oil. < leittlnml, Ohio FOR SALE, VI 1I1U E SKOM) HAND 1IIIIUI Alt IIO|I I I! II ImImill minor 41 lulu 1 I in. lie til mini r ui il Ufiitliiu«. sUani drum IuIiiiIioh illatiiuttri III liulu i hlkli Irunt LralcB, llitlnyH ami bn echlngh, ^oo I < nli r hlUlND HANDMAUlSl 1IDILI I. Ill «oo I r, Jiliill 7-16 Iik.Ii Iron iilnte, ill iinutir I li 11 li Inches uiklh, IMiul, UJluIaji Jlmhtaln illaiui lir, Ulwil * laliuliiHB, tlirtn UutH IS iliulun ill im. li r i»olluo»lu luclua dlllluxtw, two Hum 101 i Inclim illuiiiotir. lire box, 0 foot loni,, * lootliQill, atoam clilinnCjr, 7 foot high SI CON II HAND MAItlNE llnil 1 It four dot whip 11-2ficl lung B foot high, alxty-lour i 1-J lUOh tubol fao IiilIioh long, cast lion brcoihug, gooil aa new SICHNI) IIANDMAUIM, ENOIM., ilaubledlricl- acting 8xB luob cylluilor, almft and whool for yacht or ■oi, food u now. i ./m. tt as wlj- -m wu, ~kb m-G je^. 00 - Patent Yawl Boats of all Leiuiths, Pleasure ainr Hunting "■- Boats, Sail anil Stedni Yachts on Hand. 'Also, Life Boats thai will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. HhAS ( hi mop oh s7 tinner m n hit. Mini THE /ETNA GRATE. G. C. BARNES, ill This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. 'Globe Iron Worts, Mauufac'-s., Ni . -I < I I \ I I VM> O. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockport, Xew York, are Role Maniiftictitreisoftlie Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL, ROLLER BUSHED OH AMIII Our Self-lubncatuifl Plmphor Bronze Bushings. Ttiumelalln tllcat) limbing li tbo ft lolinih il IMi!is|ihor-Ili mro llu litit Inuring tiitthl hi till* in irkrl anil l.ulnu i ulii t lubrltators thtj tro fait mi uw.ihjih all uihcr aljlol 1,'rMilal.) -III1' CMHNI>LHlsmn»hiru ASK FOIt " \MJllOIt ItltVNI)" TAC'Kli: UI.IK KS, iI'ATI,NTM> M>\ I.M1U It 1.1, 1KH I. Uluatratitl Calalogfleaand prlci 11-.1 uialloil fiootiuai plttalloii "-aiupleorilt rs^illcllnl Approved mid niloptod by the United States Board nf Suporv lulng Inspectors ;also l>y tin- lirlnelpirl Ocean, Lake and River Steann'r Mnes, as the onlv Reliable Life Preservci. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Ch Hilars. D. KAHNWEILER140,148 & 150 Worth St Ni'iir Outer St.. New York. KATZENSTEIN'S SELr-ACTING METAL iXackiNo fok piston rodh, VAXA 12 STliMS. Ktc. AJopUiil and In uif \ij tlio^rlyciiml lion Work* nml Steamship Com pa mpa within tlio laateiglit ycflntii thlsiud Foreign V countries Fur full p r- tlLuln^a and rtferencot ad drew L KAT/rNSTUKACO 169 ChrlnlophiT St near AWit Strtut N, Y * \^f^ It. B IlUBQI It. RAN D«& BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS,! WITH IDIS-3T- DOCK ATTA< nED TO Till; WORKS. ALSO PREPARED 10]DO WEECKING AND TOWING wiiii i m: Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC,WIS. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, . Steam Pumps, > Lifting Screw; &c\, To bu hail on short nollco, by wall or telegraph A. O. WUKULKK, CHAS. GNEWUCU Manager. Wrotklng Muter 62 46 18 4645