Marine Record, March 13, 1884, page 3

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THE MARINE RECORD. order Sutiircliiy to piirchnse n siilllug vewcl j Pp« D PafnQntQf 9. Pt\ nt onuo unci seiid nn expedition to explore uou' ■*• UCUUGlllOl Of l»U., ......Ship Cfiandl.er8 and Sail Makers. Hudson's Buy. A liirge gnntf of men will be sent out. They will bo deposited In small parties lit different points along the ittnlta for that purpose qf taking observutlbns.' They will bo supplied with" provisions gufllelent for two yenrs. Bepdrts will be sent in eiuly und frequently. The expedition will cost »1DO,000. Orrln Merrill, Orlsliiiny, line begun buI», iigiilnst Che viuiiiI and steamboat company to rcco\i)r $20,000. Jn October Inst Merrill was n pussonger' on tho cnnnl packet Le^ln Lawrence from Utlon toOrisknny nnd while passing tho steiiinbout Jupiter owned bytbf dqfBndunt«t the vulve of the "nurliico blower" wns eareleasl y opened, letting tho h&t wn'er and Bteam escape and discharge Itself' in the Lawrence. The steam and water sti uck the Merrill boy on the abclpmeu, thleh>, Iojth and other part» of tlie body, burning ajid scalding him so badly that he was confined to his bed for several weeks. Captain M. Smith, of tho Biltlsh steam¬ ship James Tnrple, who iinlvedat Balti¬ more February 28, Irom Algeria, states thitt on Fehruaiy 23 the steaniei enteied a Ifipril- that laBted twel\e Ihmim, during he tilled two canvas -bags with fish oil, lowered them from tlie vessels bow, so thai the oil would ooze from the bags and mingle with the seas. A good result u'ns perceptible ilmost immediately. It quieted the wmers, .tntJ-Ciiptiiln bniilh sajs that hebelieves it siveil [he flilp liorn linvliig her decks swept loio nod alt. Captain Nni Villi, of the Bteain- ship BjUiali Ciown, whirh uirlvcd at I'hll- idclphlfl on Februiny 20 from Liverpool, lepoits that tho vessel experienced dreadful weather and tried tho experimentVhanging over the ship's side canvas bags tilled with oil, and found It to v.ork well. It prevented the bens fioiu bieaklng inci the vessel. Messrs. Allison Whly, ol Philadelphia, nnd Chniles F. Majei and S. S.Lee, of I! dtlmore, appealed before the House Wajs and Means Committee in opposition to the placing of bituminous coal on tho free list, it asseited that such action would be suiousiy felt in the interior of tills country, biciiuse foreign coal Would not be very liurtlul along the coast. On the domestic article there was a main In of only 15 or 20 (ems on the ton, and taking oil tlie picscnt duty would have the effect ol closing the mines of this country. Even ieducing wages would not be beneficial. All the Breakers declared that they could not understand why this particular interest had been singled: out, and Inquired.of Chairman Monison] lrom what source the agitation to put tills coal on tho freo list emanated. No leply wuiefllven, however. In conclusion it um- demonstrated by statlslios that the Uniled btates paid higher wages to ItB miners than the provinces ot England. TRIl'LB. THhRMIC MOIOK. The announcement is niado ol the dUcov- erypl a new remarkable motoi known as lliu "Triple Thermic Motoi " The new mo. the ponui Utile vapor of bl-sulphide ol tui¬ tion. It has been In praetleal use, driving a skty-horso power cne/ino In the eemeni paving manulactory on West Foitv-sixth btreet, New York. The discoverer of tills means of applying the new powei and in¬ ventor of the machinery adapted to Its use l» W. S Cowell, formerlyof Pittsburg, who; It Is claimed, has been at work many years, on tlie application of tlie same malorlal from which vapor Is generated. Bi-eulphidc ot carbon Is a dlscovory of tho last centur), 'I lit) force and power of the vapor in Its ap¬ plication far surpasses that of steam, and Its application nnd regulation is already under mere perfect and sale control than steam, l'be invention or discovery consists In evolv¬ ing bl-sulphldo of carbon into a vapot for opentlng mnchinery by generating heat In¬ to a generator nnd transferring into a ves¬ sel containing bi-sulphlde of carbon. The latent heat of steam is utilized to convert the bl-eulphkle of carbon Into vapor, only 118 degrees being necessin y to produce this vu- I'oi A prominent engineer of Chicago, giving tho result ot Ills examination nt. the motor, says: "I saw a tllteen-horso power linllei with a Very llttlo Hie umlii it gener¬ ating Bteam which generated thp new motor, which in turn inn an onglncof sixty-horse powei." A syndlcato has been lornieil whUili < ontrols the Invention of all patents, with a capital stock of 125,000,000, of.whlch 1*8,000,. 000 has already been realized on tho stock. Ex Governor Hubbard, of Texas mil ex-Col- [mm Hiilrtl, ol lip-ton, are mentioned as he- lug hugely Inteles'ed In the new motoi syn¬ dicate. Ship Chandlery Goods of all ■ Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Steel and Iron Wlro Itopo and nil Its Flttlngi, lo 208 Mi Water-si cmcAoo, ILL. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. fy £. rOLK;& CO., The Well-known Directory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Comp'ete Guide to the MARITIHI.K INTKIttSTS ON TUB LAKES. FOR SALE, Her length in lR.'i feet, benm 20 feet, and hold 10 fee I lOindiurt Bnllu 17 ft tit long 7 hot diiunUur, thr«e tlutB, tun In inch nnd one 17-lnth I'ii^Iiio 22x12. Carries 21i),(KK)feit'iMuint)ir 8|ieed 11 miles li^ht, and 9 1-2 loaded. Iusurancu yh hi a lion. $lr>,80u Ad- drtym Mahisk RFXOituOlBce, No I South Water street, Clovoland, O. FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Dimensions of hull (15 foot tm,r alt. 10 ffut bumi, H foot ho d, nnd ulOrttmriH -10 toriHulth 7 ft ol draft, inn bo Hindi1 (i foot draft 'lho niiRinc, 18x21), Ih In QwHIhhh condition, will) uUtuw bras-itn, new rings ih cj Under and turns a Hlx-fout \rhctl wIUlIi was new Inst nummi Thp holler is one. ynu* old, it largo tnoufjh to hum w ood or ioal nnd Is allowed 100 pou nds nt HtLain. Prlcu 84 6011, nnd must ho suld inside ot uixty days, Address MaUINI. IttCOltD Oi I 1UIC. FOR. SALE, CANAL SCHOONER. Onu of tho host canal srhoonera on tho lukos, Hound in every particular und mralftht A2. Capacity, 6QQ ton» iron oio or 21,000 bushels of wheat Can bo purchased for 88,000 OnMlilrd to ono half cash, liatanco on easy terms. Addrtss Maiumi Hkcoiid Ofhok. SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. • GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. These Lamps (rlvoa more brlllfintllKMtlmn Any Signal Uinip now in use Thoy Itavo been adopted by tho principal Ocean nnd Lnko 8 ten mors und Vessel^ and aro for sale in tho principal ports on Ihc Atlantic const and lakes' French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels, Manufactured by Send for catalogue. Felthousen jfeRussell, ST. MARY'!) OHIO. MONTPELIER, OHIO 130 * 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. 04JL FACTORIES. BRECKENRIDGE, MICH CARROLLTON, MICH DE GRAUW, AYMAR & I., Ir MANUFACTURKUH aKd IMrORTEflH OP ^ Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Roue, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Skip-chandlers' Goods Genially. * 34 and 35 South-st, New York. THE NEW F U LSOMETJlK CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, CqMPACT, Dim L!, ELECTIVE d. iCONOMICAL ETC^M PUT.TP IN th: rvnxcT, for r lining liquid* nil li't mill uit to lltil t< > r Nn \ln< liln«.r,, >o oil, Ni» Hpetlul cart. lull h(.u hi p nn, tl h, u . Iiithi. N\ III | till, uirfil, Hiinil, pulp, ett , \\ itlimu i, |iii , t . Itw p ti I" Ni i ,1, < M \ u ^tt mil pmm Ti .in liollur t» inn II. t'litt <,00 i, iIluiU ]M,r limn i*,0, l.^llll Jl . urn, .i.«iii> do. mum ci.ii 1)1 .it, ni',. i i vii) .1.. m;i is . mi-Ji... w J.'.', jt.000 (In. *'-'7.1 41 lllht dm dim, 111 II I) rtu. »uul>| ]-MI,(Im(> liu mil,(MlO c mpiirii IIiIh Willi i iii ,i In i Fuiiip 1 ii>t, Wrln (nrllliiH r l ilil mi|iii I ii .' Vn'Mine I'VI.'iOHbTlUS KIAU II III-1(> .I' I ...» im , . ii \oiK<Ut\,X .h.A SMITHS PATUNT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TSCXZl BUST A.JNTJD OXXjaAFSaT1. , The MAiuir»J<Mcuitu luib lomoved 10 tli° Leader Biilldlnij. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Uho tbt Msguoton AppliuuceGo'a Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY $5. Thoy an priceless to mdiks, qkntikmbn ivocini- DREN WITH WKAK LUNQH, HO CHS Of I'NLOMONU till CRour it over knuwt) whuin these gunnenis uro worn. Thty slso prevent uinl euro hkaki difkjcuitii h, COLDS UIIKUMAllHM, NKUH-AJUU, IHIIOAT TItOUItLM; UIPTIIKltlA, CATAItitll, AND ALU KINDItKO DlaPASFJ Will wbau any scrvlco for TtintE ykaiis Are tvom OTartlis under clotblng. H Alp A pDU ^ 1b nttdleas to ilescrlbe theBymptoiiia Uiililllulli of this nluiHcous disease that in Hupping thulitenud atretigili of only too many of tiiu futre-st unilbwtof boib suxvs Labor, atudy and rtai sn-b in America, Euuidc and I<aatern la da. hsvu rtsulted in tho Magnetic hung Proirclor, alUmling euro for Ca¬ tarrh, a runtHly'wIilch ninUiina No 1)hU(hiinci ok Tin Byhtlm, uml with therontinuDtiHBiroimior Mug no lb in permeating thnuigb the it Hi It tod organ*, iiusr huhtouk THEU TO A 1IKAI/1HT ACTJUW W« HACK OUIt I'BIC 1£ for Ibis Appliance (jt lean thsn one twuutfethof thu price aakeu by othorn for remedies upon which you take all tho (buncos, nnd wk usrucuiLY mviTtttho pairoDuKeof tho many runsoss who havu tried dhuu UlNOTHKIH HTUUACIIH WITHOUT KVKKIT. nnWIPfl nCPAlU TlliB AppKmoo Go to your HUW IU UDlfUfl drugglat and shIc for them. II they tiavu not got them write to tht proprietors, on- dosing-th* price, in letter atai'r risiuliud they will bo Kiit to you at once by mail post paid Mend stamp for the "New Dopurlure in Medical Trmtmuut without ukdicinsV' with thuuiiaiids of teitluouiuls I lib MAUNLTON API'LIANCKCO, 218 fltato titret t, Chicago, 111 NoTh — Send one dollar In pontage stumi ■ or turrui- cy, in Itttor at our rl-k, with size of shue unuully worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insolti-i, and be con Tin cod of tho power residing In our Magnetic Appli¬ ances I'opittrely no cold /eel where- thty are irorn, or monsy rtfunded. ________________. SE!VD j^ob rniCEs 'TO SMITH'S BOAT WORKS, 159 South Street, New York T. E. WlhSONr All Kinds of Water Work tDOJ/M'PROMPTLY TO ORDER ' III ADUUAHTLII!<, Upson & Walton's, River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. ]kii Paint Co m I CURE fits: \\ hrn 1 »riV r i n 1 '!<• n < > ""in luorply tn «lop tliuru [ r I Whrnli-prr tltiiiiuiiiltliiial la tli ......... _..........Htrply*!" »- . otlnuii roturniiitujii.l niouii »ri(illc ..;...« 'nuifiKfKiH KPIIhiUVor KALI IM) HHKNI'H.S a llfu I ni|t xiinh Iwiirmtit my romody loi tliu vrorit c m»« H< uHiUu oltion luivn fallud l« im roxuin I >r ni ii '<« r i Hlnffiicuru Hun I hi uuci ( r NlnnlUuKii 1 u >mo Uiittlu of my ItifNllHils rumutly 01vult*|ir annuill' >l Oltko It rr>iilK>< mi ittilngfiir it trial kful I wlltcuru ymi Hond «11 cents fi —Yimnn Soud'aU cents for postwgo, and roceiytj rnl/lB,' fre«, a contly box of goodn wblth will help you to more money right away thou hnythlng e .0 . his world All, of eltW sex, mured Irani flrrt hour Th* broad road to fortune opuoi beforo tha workorn, aMolult ly suro At onto address,,! nm A Co , AugiwhiMalnj APTJljmo wanted fur Ibi IJ\^»o^ h11 tho Presidents alTljil lu •>( the U b iho lurgeat, handnomo»t best hookev> mold f r Ii -s Ihun twko nuc prku 1 ho fast- tat h lling IhioU lu \inentu IiuuteiHvpntiltt to ugents All iniLlllgiiit Kople wjiU it Any out tan btVoni" a niict-thaiul Hgeut leriui fne luitkin Wook ts, Portlaml, Maine MANUFACTUUEKS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. • OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Michigan St,. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. V. D. NICKERSOfa ^MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, PLEASURE HO ATS AND 8AIIJNO AND WTEAlf ViOHrS, YAWL 110ATS, SIOQN OAUS, BTBKJUNB WUKKLS ftt 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DEritoiT, men. Vessel men SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, ('nntiitutiuj all polulu of MAKINi; LAW (is de- toraalned by tho Upited (jtntts Com u OwitorSr. Chnrten, Keitlstry, * 0U11 ,---------------ON- Svninon, Frol|[htM, Town|f«. CollUlotiH, Kn roll t ne ntii, Gen^rnl Avernire, Common Carriers, Outlet) of Senvmen, Masters St Owners, 11111 of Lad In if, IVnireH, J60. Tli« Tolunui ia bandsomily bound In stiff Hoard jcorera, and Hue r-nu'liBh tloth binding bent 1o any uddresh pontic paid fur 91IHJ 4 175211

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