THE MARINE RECOBD. E. /• WEB'S 4? CO., Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. [ESTABLISHED IN IRSO.j H J WitnnACo,will charter Vo>»ola for Uko Trade, Special attention (Won to C artorlng Vessel" a the Lake Superior Iron Ore Trade, both ipr tho season nuj single trip, ARCADE BUILDING, 101 8T. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio,- TELEPHONEjlUaldonoe, No.' 133R. PALMER & BENHAM, * auccniors to t J. H. PALM LB A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, Mo 130 Water Street Roomie & 7. CLEVELAND. • OHIO. SCOTT & toMftlMANr- Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. AltontIon aim givon to the purchase find »»lo of Iron Oro, Telephone, No. 18. Offloe, 130 South Water-St., Cleveland, O, MOORE and BARTOW, .Ship Brokers and Agents, So 121 St flair Street, Room 27 U.LVLLAND • 01IIU THOS. WILSON MANAOINO 0*J.Ht Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent CtEtHAM) O RICHARD HAMMOfID: JOHN COON. PaperMiU Hojchns &Eobries. Gisoniota,Salt Pans Smote Stitte, H all kmds of Heavy Hate &. Sheet WWinfc OIL STILLS & .AGHTATORS. __________Repiiring Bramptly Attended, to. Office & Works, ISBSSBJUB ■■»„,„,,«. „^. «•■*» m.24B.248.350.|5^d.254. ^B^Bf l^SML^l^ Perry S« * ,fAMKS PATENrilLIG LIFE RAFT, H. C.& J. H,'Calkin, Coprsmitlis and Plnmliers, Stemn itntl Gas Kitting, ITALLEY STOVES- SSO A 2677 Woat St., Cor, Lnlfflit NEWYOEK! Ciu ular* sent tiixm application. BECKER & KELLY, _ Vessel Agents, Vessels chartered, purchased and no]d. contracts made (or oonrsa and heavy frelglits Lake Superior and Uaciiimbu iron oru < hftitora for nlu -gift trip or season*»pociulLy- 130 Water St Room 14 Nttvafonil . Coal A iron Ex Biuld'g, (jlCVuldUU. ' rolephons No 953 ' IBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents «6a«d!6» Broadway_____MILWAUKEE. WI8 114 U Halle Street CHICAGO, ILL; DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, i32 So Water Street, . CHICAUJ,_______1LLIN0I8_________„ ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents "127 LaSnllTStreet CHICAGO,- . ' ILL. PROCTOIIS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroe St Iloom s4 Chicago ROBERT RAE, Idiiiralty and Insurance law Office, Room 37, Merctiant-i' building, CHICAGO, ILL WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cor Columbus Ave A Water St, SANDUSKY, OHIO, A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange St. Juflalo, N Y. btif you do not receive MY MONTHLY LI3T OK VESSELS ORsjvi u\ se\i> fciK :'l Established in 1830. WM. WALLS SONS, ------UAHUVAOTUUKRB^ Or-— t* CORDAGE * OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA anil ITALIAN HEMP of the vry but qua'lty mode to order "AFoBS DAY'S NOTICE. MANILA andSISAL BINDER TWINE Offica No. II3-WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., ^SWp-ahandJersrSaHmakers— AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railwayand Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO., J9Lrmr ■* w_rmm. Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, arity cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. » f>t.A\ .t (0. hOOf OF ST iin/H \T DETROIT, SUCH. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC <t STEAM COAL Olev.Und, Ohio FOR SALE, AT THE E SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOIL' B, 44 Inolicadl atueter 43 tubes 3 Indies diameter unci 12 (out lung, •team drum 80 Inches dluiuoter, 40 Inches high, front gratea, ftttlnga and hrooohluga, good ordor ..SECOND HANDMABINK BOILER, In good order, 'Shell. 7-10 inch Iron pinto, dliimotor, I) liu il Inches length, 18 feet, 1JJ tubas 4 tuchca In dlamuler, 11 feet 4 nchea long, three fluoi 18 luohes dluiuotur, 'wo dues 10 inches diameter, two Hum 101-2 luohes dluiuetcr. Ilro "ox, 0 foot long, 4 (oothlgh, stoma chimney, 7 foot high SECOND HAND MARINE BOII.I R four foot wide, el-2 feet long, S feat high, alxty-four 3 K! Inch tubas 00 lnoluM long, oaat iron broochng, good as now SECOND HAND MARINE ENGINE, double dlcoct- Jetlng 8x8 Inch cylinder, auaft and wheel for yacht or ■"I, good u new. C THE /ETNA GRATE. This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iroa Works, Maunfac's., J.*.. Tiie Kcvorsmk Cork JacKei Twenty per cent, more btioyanoy titan any other Llte-Presorvor In Hie market. Is the. SAFEST and only RELIABLE LIFB PRESERVER In EXISTENCE, as proved ot the Into wreck on the Pneitlo Coast, of thf Paoine Mail Steamalilp, "City of Saa Francisco.'" RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. W ► M 91 CO ► H CO "3 Approved and adopted by the United Stntea Board ot Supervising Inspectors ;also by the principal Ocean, Liute and River Steamer Lines, as the only Reliable Life Pj^sep^r. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D. KAHNWEILER HO, 148 & 150 Worth St Near ('enter St.. New York. KATZENSTEIN'S SrLr-ACTING METAL PACKING FOR I'ISTON KODS) VAL1E STEMS, Eto. Ailoptt'il and In usa h7 tho |,rlncl|inl Iron Works unit btmniship Compa ulca wlillln tho lostelght ycarsln this and Foreign countries For full par* titulars and references addroaa L.KATZENSTEIN4CO 100 Christopher St. near West Slreot N. Y Q S RAND II B nUBQER RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS,3 ____mm____ DSBTT DOCK .ATTA4 IIED TO THE MOItKS. ALSO PRtPAKED TO DO WEEOKING AND TOWIKG WU'H THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANlfoWOCWIS. CANFIELD Wrecking I Towing Line, PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockport, New York, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL, ROLLER BUSHED OR WITH Our Self-lubricating Phosphor Bronze Buskin as. The metal In theso Bushings Is tho Celebrated I'hosphor-llronso, tlio beat hearing matal In tin! nuirkot, ami beluir perfctt lubricator* they are fust eiipvrm.ding all other style*, tor sale by SHIP CIIANDLKRS over) where ASK FOB "ANOIIOH IlIMJfD" TACKLE llLOcks | 1PATENTED NOVEMBER 13, 1883. ,««. ' Illustrated Catalogue) and prlci4lst nialled free on application, bunrnle ordcra Sollcjled Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, &c, To bo had on abort notice, by mall or telegraph. A. O. WHEELER, OHAS. GNEWCCH. Manager. Wretklng Muter 42 5695 0943 85 5664