Marine Record, March 6, 1884, page 6

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THE MARINE KECOKD. CAPTAIN OTTINGEK'S PROPHECY. Cnpciln D. P. Dobbins', superintendent of the ninth United Suites Lll'o Siivlnir, District, Inm letter to tho Krio-Ilornltl, guys: My nttcutlon Ims been riillwl to tin rtrtlelo In your ptipcrof Jiinunry 21, 1884, liennVd "Cnptidn Ottlngor.'s Prophecy(" whicli, "being full ol mlasliitemcnis mid i erronoom conclusions and well ciilculiite'd to enst discredit and an-, just reflections on tho lift) snvltip; service to which I Imve the honor of belonging, I clniin the right m.d privilege or vindication through your columns. There mlixtntumenlB nro us follows: 1st. Tlini Ciiptiiin Otlinger's mortnr wits 'used In tlii'owjng ii line, to the ship Gcorgln ashore on tlicJewy const some thiity years ago. 2d. That Ciiplaln Ottinger, In connection jvitli Hobcrt P. Pitrrolt, Invented a mortnr iu 1877, by wliluh n line could bo thrown a distance of 7W ymds In ordinary weather ' and iiuu yntds In tlic severest gale known on the coast. 3d. That, owing to the Inefllclont miinnjjo- mem of the life i-nvliig service, rmiliy lives have been lost which might have been baved bv means of ihe life si^ylhg Iniplemenis and itppftuiiccfi which have been placed In the hands ol tlirOovcrnnicut lor 1111111^(ears pust, and which Imve been set nsldo by the present mummers or the servico to gratify a spirit of jenloui-y and suppress, from public knowledge the credit due to the inventor of these appliances, (Jnptiiln Douglas Ottinger. 4th. That a breeches buoy, euilable only for the English dill's wheie lite wreck Is fur below llic repelling party has been stibsll- _tuJfid,ior the life car, nuiklug It almost eer- tniil-death for any one to come ashore dur¬ ing n storm. And that a toy gun (Lylo's), suitable only for 11 boy's Fourth of July cel¬ ebration, tuts been substituted for the henry Ottiirger mortar for throwing lines to dis¬ tressed vessels; and which last substitution was demonstrated at a cost of fourteen hu¬ man lives from the British burkemlnc Elmi- -nn, on the Jersey const, January 8,1884, thiough the failure of that gun to throw a Jiliej>yerjhat vessel, although but 300 yards irom tho beaclu " - 5th, That the piece of ordnance con¬ demned by Captain Ottinger, (Lyle gun,) fulled to throw a line on board the steamer Fred Mereur, ashore on the Erie Peninsula, —Noveinter-lSrlSSSj-tliougli-wily—^OO^-ynHls- J-fioilLthe shore. Otli. 'I'halX'nptain QuliiJtor Invented, pat¬ ented, and three yc'are ago bullfBandTvheels- by means of w hlch the lieuviest appliances of the lile saving service could be transport¬ ed qu'okiy and without fatigue to the crew to any distance over the loosest sands of the bench;- und which wheels were presented to the Government by the inventor, and urged to be put into inunedi ate use; but which, to tlila day, huve not been pdrmltted to do service. > I'KIt CONTRA. The Indisputable facts ub to the above mis¬ statements are as follows 1st. There wits no such lliing In existence- 4uerely-ujJerJUn-tli»-Trea8ur-V_Departineiit1^ as mortar or gun designed or constructed by Captain Ottinger when the ships Georgia or Ayershire went ashore on the Jersey coast over thirty yours ago. The mortar that throw the shot lino to each of those ships, from which over 400 lives were saved, was the oM- fnshloned eprouvette, twenty-four-ponnd round shotgun, with which each Dissaving station 1ms been supplied from tho begin¬ ning. 2d. In the years of 1877-78 Robert P. Par¬ rott, of the West Point foundry, designed, and under Captain Ottltiger's superintend¬ ence, constructed an experimental gun or mortar neighing538 prtunds, which In a pri¬ vate trial, with favorable wind and clear weather (It is claimed by Captain Otiiuger,) threw a ilility-three-pound.projecille, with u . small "hist resort" shot Hue attached, some 031 yards; which gun Parrott patented as his own Invention, und on Captain Ottluger's recommendation sold to the Government for the llle saving service, und which was Im¬ mediately placed ill service at a life saving station on Cape Coil, performed its first anil last service at tlie wreck ol the schooner iSnnili G. Fort,on Peaked Hill Bur, April 1,1870, ai d where It utterly failed. In several trial-, to curry n line, lanjn or small, the required distance of 440 yards to tile wreck, und lives were lost In consequenve. Very niiliiriilly the Purrott-Otllnger gun, after this disastrous failure, was "laid aside" as nut suitable for ihe life saving vervlce. 3d. In the year 1870, at the request of the general superintendent of the life saving service, H. I. Kimball, and by permission of the ordnance ' department of the United States Army, Lieutenant 1). A. Lyle,. U. 8. A., produced a bronze gun, weighing only 165-pounds, which, on olllclal trial, threw a seventeen-pound projectile, with a No. .0 braided shot line attached. 074% ynrds, measured distance, which gun, proving to be suporlor In portability, range, safety mid durability, to the old eprouvette mortar and tho later ParrottOttlnger heavy gun or mortar, was adopted by the Government and Immediately placed in service in euch and every life saving station in the country, vrhero it has been successfully used during tho live yenrs of Its existence, at 87 wreck* , without fulling to reach and relieve. The breeches buoy has been chosen anil used by the life saving crews, In preference to the life-car, to do service at .eighty-two wrecks and brought 713 lmmuu heiugs ashore In safety and wlihout ever losing n single life. Tlie, bearing many vital improve¬ ments1 over the' original Franols-Otllnger life-car of 1840, lias been chosen by keepers as suitable for service at three wrecks mill landed seventv-four persons in safely during the live years just pust. Tho Ottinger siind tires (or wagon wheels, with my own "detachable improvements," were on my recommendation constructed at the Government expense und placcd'Jn service at the Erie Ufa saving sintioii, some three years ngq; and huvlng failed to obtain uu op¬ portunity to roar their merits iu actual ser¬ vice at that station, the "Board on Life Hav- savlng Appliances,." undercook to make a practical or experimental test on tlie sands of fhe Erlo Peninsula, September Ik, 1883, which, owing In part to* tlie damp condition of tho sand wns not satisfactory. The llred wheel* were then ordered to tho Jcrsoy cousl,- where they arc now being put Into autuul sand bench service, the result of which will be reported hereafter. The,charge that tho' destruction of font- teen lives on the bark Elmlna Is due 10 the inefficiency of tho Lyle gun in failing to throw a Hue 300 yards to the wrecked-vessel cannot be sustained; us tlie fuels disclosed tire, iliut the Lyle gun threw three difleront lines over the vessel, iwo of which slipped oil' the rigging mid yuMs und were recov¬ ered, while the th.ird was caught by Ihe Ill- fated crew with aloud cheer,-'the whip hauled oil' and mudfc fast wltb the bight around the loreyard, which of course cut oil' all possibility of using if; then, a rising tide, with freshening gale, following, swept the lust .vestige of the ship with her living freight out of reach or sight ol mortal, and eight poor souls were numbered with the dead.' ' As to.the attempt to tire a No, 0 biaided shot line 550yards or moro,'ln teeth of n'liur- rienne und blinding snow storm to the un¬ seen und stranded steamer Fred Jlercur.No. vember 15,1883. guided only by the sound of the' 'steamer s whistle, It will never be Isnowrrhow far-iej/onrf or how much short those two shots came of riMclilng that vessel. No jnirouvette mortar or ,Purrott-Ottlnger gun could liiiV«done~better-thaii-the-Lyre gun did on that occasion. The shot most probably fcllliey'ond the wreck. The charge thut life-saving appliance* Invented by Cuptqhi Ottinger and by him presented to the Government have been set aside by the present nnmiigers of tho service. ■WjtlLtbelobJect of excluding ilnd suppressing from publlo~knowledge^hB~crcditrdno-to the Inventor of those Implements, cannot be sustained; and every station In Ihe United States life saving servico has for the lusi live yeins been supplied with the life car, ihe breeches"biniy, fhe eprocivetto mortur; and the Lyle gun; which, 111 connection with their surf-bouts, euch and every keepor of the stations are permitted to use, In case ol wreck, us, In their own good judgment, they may see pro'per. Finiilly_uB to the fling thut the general superintendent of the llfe-suvlngservice "Is and being a mere "land-lubber," has no knowledge of his own regarding the wnnts of the service, I have to say that after eight years' service under Ills management. I huve yet to discover the first error of Judgment on ills part with reference to the life saving service. S. I. Kimball has made the success of the life saving service the study of his life, and given his personal attention to the in¬ spection and management of tlie stations and crows, as .well as the olllce In Washington. And |t would trouble t|ie "senior cupluin" or any other revenue marine or naval ofll- cer that I have ever met (and I huve met a lew) to keep puca with otir practical general superintendent in inspecting stations, crews and apparatus, or In drilling the men In the use of tho beach and mortnr apparatus—tl|c management of the surf boat, tho resuscita¬ tion of the apparently drowned, the swim¬ ming to the lellef ol drowning pcrsonB, und the use ol the Inlernutioniil code of signals— In all of which he Is wonderfully prollcient. To S. I. Kimball, the country owes a debt of gratitude for his successful reorganization of the life-saving service arid its attendant happy results. With tho aid of the board of life-saving appliances (composed of such able, practical men us Captains R. B. Forbes, Garrison, and Baby, 01 the merchant marine service; Captain Merry man and Lieutenant Walker, ol the revenue marine service; Cap¬ tain D. A. Lyle, United States army ord¬ nance department; two of the lifc-Suvlug district superintendents, and one station keeper), the general superintendent has been enabled to select and adopt for the ser¬ vico the latest approved Inventions and ap¬ pliances for the saving of life from among a world of good, bad, Indifferent and clap¬ trap offerings of Ingenious Inventors, which have been offered for the consideration of the board; and now presents to Ihe country tho best orgauimid, the best equipped, unit tho most effective llfe-suvlng service In Ihe world; as iiltjfstejUiy. the late London Fish¬ eries mid Life i/avlng Exposition with ii» gold medal, anil by the slUI more eloquent fnct that .whereas, before the service wus re¬ organized by Mr. Kimball, one person nut ol every twenty-nine persons on. wieckeil vessels were lost on our const; now thf av¬ erage Is less than one person lost out of every 113 wrecked; or, a decrease of nearly 75 percent. What more convincing proof could be given ol tlie wonderlully Increased efllcleucy of this branch of public service V DISEASE CURED Without Medicine. J ValuabU DUc»mv/or tttpplytng Magnettim to tht JIu manSyibm, JUsctricity and Magnettrn ttHluwt ai n«iw btfortjor Healing tht Sick. the Magneton appiance co.'s Magnetic Kidney Belt FOREMEN IS WARRANTED TO CORE^^arr^ without mixlli'inc:—pain in tiik iuck, iurn, ukad on L1HM, NWlVOUS PHMT.ITY.I.UMIUUO, OKNEIU!. PKIIIL- ITY, IHIKUMATHM, PARALYSIS, NKUIUU.IA, SCIATICA, PISEASKflOP TIIK KIDNKYS. SPINA!* DUICASKfl, TORPID LiVK(i, Gout, Seminal Km I*" loni*, Impotenoyy Aatlmift, Hniirt DUeiue, Dyapepaln, Conntlpn- tlunt Krynlpolun, IiHllffArUlon, Horn In or Hup- turn; Cntnrrli, Pita*. Kpllopiiy, Dumb Affile, etc, ' When any d-billty of ilttt GENERATIVE OR¬ GANS occur*. Lout Vitality, Luck of Nerve Force and Vigor, Wanting Weuknoaa, and all those Dii- en*<*H of r iiflrnuiml nature, from whatever chum), Ilia continmiufl ntronm of Mngnutlim pornnjiiiintf through tho pm t«, must rwitoro ttiuui to h Itoulthy action.. '1 hort i» no ni[ntn\c nbnui ttiiw nppllnncc. I'll I'M? T A HTD0 • " y°« a™ »naiote«l With IU iflD LMltiOi""! uiih> iJacU, Wonknesa of tho Nnlno, r all 1 tiff of tho Womb, I^euoorrliaDii, Chronic Inflammation and Ulcerntloit of the Womb,1 IhoIdontiH Ilomorrluifre or Flooding, ruinful, Suppremod find .Irre^nlar Monatruu- tlon, IlnurennoNH, nnd Chtingo of Life, tlilala the Iltnt Applliinoe find Curative Agent known. For ill furmn of Female IMflleultlaa itifl uoaur* pntmed by anything beiore in?ent(i'lf both no n curatlvb agent and ai aaimrcft-of-pownr and Tlbilleation,' Prlcuof cither Belt Willi Magnetic insoles, $10, not by cxpreiw C, O. D., and exonUntitiop allowed, or by mall on receipt of price. In oiderlng send meoaureot waist, and also of shoe, Kcmittunce ran be made la irroilcy, sent Jn lottor at our risk. Th« Magneton Gurraeuts are adapted to all agea, are worn over the under clothlnir, not next to the body like the many Galvanic and Electric Humbngs advertised so eitonslveiy, and should be taken off at night. They hold their 1*0WER FUREV^R, aid are worn at all seasons of the year.. < Send stamp for i he "New Departure In Medical tres t- racut Wlthont Medicine," wllh tboiiaajidit of teatl- moi.iala. '"^^ •/ THE MAGNETON APPUANCE CO,, 218 State Street, ChJcaco, III. Kotb.—Sard one dollar in poBtage-Btamps or ourreo- ey, In letter at our risk, with slxe of shoe usually worn, and try out Magnetic Insoles, and bo convlnoed of th« power rwidlng in our other' Mngnoilc Appliances. Positively no cold feot when ■*— refunoW*-^ i they-are-worn, or money New York, Pennsylyania & Ohio ft, R. NEW YOflK. nONTON AND THE KABT. i The Khorlmt and QnleUMt Hon to to Pltla- bnrr, W»«hlnBton and Baltlmora arid tlie Hontheait, Canlml or Nlnntloth M.rldlan Um>. 5? mlnntei ifbv - or thin t'loTilnad city tlmo. Until further notiro tralni will Ie>r. from tke n»» Contra) Dtpot,South' \V«Ur ainotind Vliduotu fol¬ low,: R '■fl 9 m ATI'a,n™ EXPBESS-tDilly) Poll. U.JU (li 111. nun aleoplng and hotel ooacnti from 8.35 a, in. to Now York, Albany anil floaton without chang". Arrlvnt Mtidvllle al 10:40a m. (dlnn.r) Franklin at 12:08 p m, Oil City 12:80 p. m- Corrr 12.S5 p. n, Jaraoitown (Lnlio Chautauqua) l.u >' . m . BulTalot.'60p. m Bonheater s.'20 p. m.: Hornalli. Tlllo 0.-00 p ni. [auppiT]; Cornlna 7:V5 p. m. Elmlra 8;0& p m. Blnghanton 10:OS p. m., Albany n:00 a iu. Bolton MS p.ra.; arrlvlna at-Now YnrJtjB:15a.m. "" IS-Throudh Pnll- 'inm Clovoland to _ ...-----------------^.'30ni, iu., Jjimea- 8alamnnca Ml p. -ia., New. York; tbatlwtltMDdTWO^Bb^UU'PfflU/ „ UiBLBTBaiTISHonUiladlaaaia,uanT*an0ireK Olri«J. TRAVELERS' REGISTER; LAKE SHORE 4 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. : CominsnrlngBundny, November 18, at 12 o'clock noon the llmoglvou In tho flfturea below la thf now standard (NlnctlHth meridian) time, which In thirty-three min¬ utes alower than Cleveland tlmo proper nnd twenty- olght mtnutea alower than tbo tlmo neretofore lu uau (Coluinbua time) by theae roada. ' i-^atward. Faat New York Exnreee . N Y, B A A Expreaa!*:.., Elyria Aeoommo<laHon- | Arrive, | Deport, Port Clinton Accommodation.....MO 87 a u BufTaJb Accommodation...............f 10 07 a u N Y A B Faer'Expreae......... Cln.A St. Inula Ezpreea....... Conneaut Accommodation,. Nottingham [efunday only] , Night Eipreaa..................... 'i 07 A u «1 22 A M •« 87 A II »7 02 A u •*1 67 P u tlO 62 A u -«3 27 PM 03 37 pm i Wah 0 44PU t» 42 P M flO 07 P M Westward. I Arrive. | Depart. Faat Limited Expreaa..................r>ll Uau Mich Express via Sandusky........ Chicago Exprcsa^la " ..... Mich Acconi, Norwalk.....,......„ Conneaut Accommodation........, Nottingham, [Sunday only]..... Toledo Fxpreea via Norwalk ... St Loula Lx vfa S*ndusUy„..... C 1' Ex via NOrWalk................ Port Clinton Accommodation... •2 22 A u JO 07 A u t» 12 A u 4 17 pm >12 52 P It »1 02 p II tfl 02 p II »I2 06 A u <» 37 A u 0 32 AM ffl 12 a m Reference ran-rka—* Dally, {daily, except Mouday. 13 02 p u •I 25 PM »0 31 p u t 4 321' 11 t dally, except Sunday, BEE Lifcl~ Qevelond! Columbus, Cincinnati—and Indian- apolls Railway. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. QTTIckets uy this populttr route for mle at nil regular Tckflt Ofllccf. • E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Truffle Manager. A. J. SMITH, General Paasongor Agent. CLEVELAND, OHIO. nam ^-••iB>i-">u>. suiw |*. (sbii <IIUI11IJ | 46 p.m.; arriving ot New York6:15 a. 0 i0fl Tl m LIMITED EXPQ&S. 6 ,6U li' a11. man sleeping cnaeTKfi New York. 'Arrives at Meadvillo at 8: New____ town 8:47 p 10:10 a. m. n'dfl n ltl "WIIT EXPRESS-(DalIy except „ iUU p. ;llli .Sunday) Scoping coach from Cleveland! llorueliBvllle Arrlvo at Youngstown at, 1:50 a. m .' Meadvllle 3:25 a. m., Corry 4.-60 a. m: Jameatown 6,67 a m. Buffalo 0.20 a. m., Rochcaier 12:58 p, m„ Hornalla. villo, 11:00 am .Corning 12:07 pm, Elmlra 12:40 p. m.. ninghampton 2/19p m„ Now York 0:ltt p.m. Arrive at Pittsburgh 5.-50 a m., without change. 9*0(1 II HI PITTSBURGH EXPRESS - Dally _ LtLM li. 111. Through without change, Parlor car at¬ tached. ArrlTca at Younmtown 6.00 p m., Pittaburar 8:02 p.m., Wuahlngion 7.-09 a. m .Baltimore 8:10 a. an /I'll II IU JIAllONINO AOUMODATION- Sill Vi 111, Slopping at all way stations, arriving at Youngatowu «:M p. iu., Sharon 8:01 p. m., Bharpejvillt "' '/ifl fl ' ltl PITTSBURGH EXPBESS - Dally - . iJU fl. 111i Through without chauge. Arrives at Youngstown 0..30 a. m., Sharon 10:80 a. m„ Sharp*. ville 11V40 a. m., lltiabnrglr 12 46 p m., Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 4:16 a. Hi., 7;46 a. m., 12*1 p. «.. and 8:45 pin1 r * 1(1 U Q m- YOUNGSTOWN AND PITT8BUE0H IU J3 d. Ill, ACOMMODATION-Stopping at all W>y stations, arriving at Youngstown 1:40 p. m.,Pltt»- burgh, B.46 p. ra. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 8:16 a. m„8:80D m 10.20 a. m; 1:05 p. m., and 0:49 p. m, aWrrhlalatheonly route by winch paaaennra can roach Oorry Elmlra, Binghampton, Now Yori OltT and intermediate points without change. No change to Bolton and New England Cities. „ Baggago cheeked through to all polnta East Through- tickets and Information regarding Iho -roulewi beobulnodatUiej)fflce-181JlanJtatreaf, anol' at now Depot of N. Y., P lO.EIt, South Water street and Viaduct, Cleteland, O. A. E. CLARK, Uen'l Paaa'r Ag'trieveland, O. .-Clereland. The Nickel Plate! NEW^TOBllV~cmCAOO-* ST. LOUIaV ■ UAILWAT. «. "• w«n«^, ami, mm r A» i-XJeveianu J. M FERRIS, Oen'l M»n'aT, Cleveland, 0, "M. L,FOPTl/,Pasaengor Agt, 181 BankBI,.-C Tho passenger eqnl|imrnt of this New Trunk line Is nil now nml ll supplied 'with tho Intost appllanaea necuBflnry to eafo flpeody and comfortable travel. At Chicago, paaaentier trntr,B~ariivtt at and leave frbm the Union Depot, Vnn Burou street. • Following la ihe time In effect Nov. 18.1883, and ua- til further uollce: GOING EAST, . • Lv, Chicago.........7.47 a m.................,......... An. Valpaiaho.,.. 0.37 " Accom. 8 62 p. ii 5-05 y 110.1 8.32 „ L.*avo 6.17a. m. 6.48 " 7 43 ' 6.57 '• CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI A INDI- ANAI'OLia Commencing -Sunday, November 18tb, trains of the Bee Lino—Cleveland, Columbua, Cincinnati A Indlau- apolls Itallwaj —will leave and arrive at Olevelaipt aa follOWB, CXNTBAL BTANDAIID T1UI, 33 UlinutOS slower than Cleveland tlmtj: TJoparl^ No. I, Cincinnati & Columbus Express .... No. 11, IudlanaiKills X W het'llng Lxproiw . No. 17. Special Columbua ,t Clnrlunatl Kx. No, .1, S|)C'clal Ind A Su Louis I^xprcHa No, 6, Col tin.. Ind. Si Si. bulls' Express.. No. 7;«alllon & C.L 4 W. Aoc................. »7;30 A M 11:40 A,M 1:20 I'M «1:40 P M <«:40 P M 4:30 P M Arrive. No. 2, Col. A Cfn. & Ind. Expreaa............... «fl:40 A M No. 8, Galllon A C. L A W. Aci:.................. 0:|O A M No 12, SI, Louis ii Imalampolla Kxpriw..... °2:50 P M No, 6, Col. Cln. A Indluniipullt Kljar.-n...... 0:56 p M No, 4, ColumbusA: Undnuiitl Express........ ^.^O P M No. 10, Whet'llug ExpruNi ................... . 0:45 PM Nu. 14. Col,, fin A N, Y. nisi Line......I l -lfl A M Trains inarked <> dully, nil oilier uuiiiT^nTnyTxcenl Sunday. _ 'ort Wayne." 1.00 p. m. .................. " New Haven.. 1.85 ' .................. " West Lelpslc. 8.46 " .................. " Arcadia.........4.44 " ................. " Fostorla.........4.67 " '.................. .'* Green Springs 5.44 "" ............... " Bellovue........ 6.12 " .................. Lv. Bellevue......... 0.22 " 762 a. m. ArrClovehind....... 0.03 ' 10.22 " I.V.Cleveland............._ ... 10.27 ' . Arr Pnlneavlllo................ 11.85 '* "• Ashtabula...................... 12 S3 p. ni. •' Conneaut....................... 1.07 " " Erie.....................,......... 2.00 " '• Dunkirk......................... 8.47 " " Bnffulo...../..................... 6i22 " GOING WEST. *— Lv BulTulo......... 0.47 a.m. , AJr Dunkirk...........11.24 " ....... " Kile.............. 1.23 p. m..................'. " Conneaiu ...... 2.17 " ......... "Ashtabula..... 2.50 •' ..........'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' " 1'aUlcsvlllo......3 44 " .............. " Cleveland....... 4.52 " ......... Lv Cleveluud........ 4.57 " 6.47 _ Air.Bellevue.........737 " 0 17 " ."....".""" Lv Bellevue....................... 0.22 " ' ...... " Green'Springs............... 0.44 " •' Fohtorla..........................10 22 " ............... • Arcadla...„..................... 10 84 " ........... " West Lelpalc.................. 11.30 " .""...'..." " New Haven................ 1 85 p. m. ... " Fort Wnyue..........:....... 1.5? " . ........ " Valpralao........................ 6.66 " . . ".".." '■ Chicago.......................... 7.62 " .............. Trains run by the Nlnotieth Meridian Time, which ia nine minutes slower than Chicago time, twenty-eight minutes slower than Columbus time, thirty-three min¬ utes slower than Cleveland time, forty-four niinutee slower than Buffalo time, and alxty minutes alower than theSoventp-llfth Merldlen time. For information, call on noaretl ageut of the Com. pany, or address a P. HORNER, Geu'l Passenger Agent, LElTIIj WILLIAM", General Malinger. Cleveland, O. Rocky River Accommodation departa at 6:20 a. m and 2:16 p in. Euclid Accommodation departa at 7:30 a m and 10:12 p in. All trains dully except Sunday. ' (1(11 II for lho working elaaa. Send ten cents (or pos- lIUllU lane and we will mall you ft-, a royal, valua¬ ble box of sample goods that will nut you In the way of making inuru money In a few days than you ever thoughtpoaalblo at any business. Capital not required. Wu will atari you. You can work all the time or in spare lime only. The work la universally adapted to bulh sexes, jouug and old. You ciiii easily caro from 60 cents to 85 every evening That all who want work may test thebiiHlnusB. wo make tills unparulleil offer; to all who an not a ell eutlafled WH will send 81 to pay for the trouble of wrltlngiia. Full pirllouliirs,direc¬ tions, etc.. win free. Fortunes will be made Uy those who give their whole time lo fie work tirest success absolutely sum iHm'l delay btart now. Addresa Stinbon a Co , Portlknd, Maine. (tfifi a week at home, ft 00 outllt Iree. Pay absolutely $UU sure. No risk. Capital not required. Iteudor, If you want business at which persona of either aex, young or nlil, urn make greut pay all tho time they work, with auHoliitectrtnluty, wrlto for particulars to II. IUi,l.t-r ', ,t Co., Portland. Maine \ 27

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