THE MARINE HECQFD. I LITERARY NOTICES.. HAM?»n's Machzinb for Muroh dots not contain n single nrtlolo In Its vorlod contents thnt lms not i strong cliilm upon tlie ntten ilon of renders, ttnd Its llluslr»t|on« nre Superb. The frontispiece enjrrrtvlng ft in . Illustrntlon of the third pnrt or Wllllnm Blnck'iJiew novel, "Judlih Shukesponro," from « drawing by E. A, Abbey. The opon. Ing .nrtlclo Is a description ofSt. Louie by, Wllllnm Henry jBlshop, Bplendldly Ulua- trntcd. This Is 'followed by i» deso'flpllre article, entitled "The Yorkthlre Const," by Wllllnm H. Kidelng, picturesquely Illus¬ trated by .Hurry Fenii. The fourth putt of E. P. Roe's popular novel, "Nature's Serial Story," discloses the Intelligent fanner's winter flretlde,. with Its social and intel¬ lectual attractions. Colonel Hlgglnkon's American History serial grows more'and more interesting now that the Colonial and Revolutionary periods are pawed. This month's paper "The Early American l'renl dents," is especially novel and Interesting. There are two articles of distinctively literary Interest—iJr. E. M. GallaiideL'a pupor on "The Poetry ol the Deal," and a sketch of Will Cnrlton, biographical and critical, by J. T. Trowbridge, with a lino portrait of the popular author of "Farm Legends." Dr. Qallaudet's article Is Illustrated by six por¬ traits. Charles Reade 'Ofitributes the rlrst part of a short story entitled "The Picture;" J. R. Talr, the landscape m l\rt, contributes a general study. "The Old Toivn-Cuunclllor;' and a short story entitled "Luvo Is tint Enough" is from the pen of the lute William M. 'Baker.- The poems of the number are nil noticeable. Will Wallace Harney.contrlbuteH an article of timely Interest on ■"The Drain¬ age nfthe Everglades," Illustrated by maps. Mr. George H'illiiiui Curtis tu the Easy Chair discourse upon the "elevation" of Air. Tennyson, private lives of public men, Margaret Fuller, and the opera season In New York. The Liternry Record Is full q! able and valuable leviewx of new books. The March Ckntuby.—Von Moltko's portrait, which ts a flno liontlsplecc, and the chnraiter portrait of Irving as IlSmlet, lend a personal Interest to the March Century. Each accompanies a striking article; Miss Helen Ztmmern tells the remarkable story ol the life of "Count Von Moltko" with anecdotal interest, anC J. Runken Towse contributes n pointed estimate of Henrj Irving's dramatio art. The paper on "The Next Presidency," by ex-Attorney General Wayne MacVeagh, l» a powerful analysis ol the political situation, aiidacuttlngsallre on the men. who are responsible for abuses which await the reforming hand of the kind of President Mr. MacVeagh delineates Another Important essay, by D. MeG. Means, discusses methods for "The Suppression of Pauperism." And here It Is appropriate to mention the subjects dlsous«eU in "Topics of the Time," which are: "A Chinese Wall -tor American sArt," "The Christian League of Connecticut," American Copyright League"; while In "Open Letters" the Rev, Dr. Charles S. Robinson continues his sug¬ gestive and humorous eritlsm of Church music, J. B. Peterson Writes of "National Aid to Education," J. C. richaft'er of "Sug¬ gestions Regarding Temperance .Work," Mary B Wlllard of "High License," S. K. Strotlier of "Prohibition in Kansas"; and the anonymous author of "The Bread-win ners" replies forcibly and sarcastically to strictures upon his stury. In their order, the Illustrated papers arc an Interesting descrip¬ tion of "The Now Washington," considered both in Its material and social aspects. Richard Grunt White writes, with his usual pill), about "OI'd I'ubllc UuilJIugs In Amer¬ ica," and the pictures explain as well as embellish. The second paper of Mr. Bon- jamln'e "Cruise of the Alice May" deals with the South-west coast »f the Gull ofSt._LaW- leiice, as far norfb us Cape Gaspe. Miss buiili Freeman Clark'h llrst half of her "Notes ou the Exile i>| Dante" Is Illustrated by Harry Font), after sketches by the writer. John Burroughs describes in a delightful way, "A Hunt for the Nightingale" In Eng¬ land. The Motion v! the number Includes the lourth part of Robcit Grant's "An A>er- age Man," the llfth of Mr. Cable's "Dr. Sevier," and a «hort stoiy, by Octave Thanet, dealing with social picjudicis in a Western city and entitled "Mrs- Flnlay's Elizabethan Chilli." The poems aie by Sidney Lanlei, John Vance CneHey,-Ji|ine« Herbert Morse, Hamilton Aide, Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, Helen Gray Cone, Frank Dempster Sherman, and others. - , , LAKE YACHTING ASSOCIATION. The Oswego yacht club held a meeting ut the Doollttle Houac lust evening for the purpose oftiiktiig action on the movement which has been started by the Toronto yacht iluDtora Lake Onmrlo association with a uniform set of rules and code of signals. ,'lhc pioposlMqu is it'gimleti with favor by vachNmen generally and In the meeting last evening the opinion was freely ex¬ pressed that If the plan could, bo made to work It would bo a good thing. In ordor to luptlier tho designs of those having the mat¬ ter In charge, Commodore John T. Mott and VIob Commodore W. B. Phelps, Jr., were appointed aoommlttoo to attend the oonvoli¬ tion when It shall bo called, giving tliein power to nbt for the .Oswego yacht club to Xho fullest cxtept. The convention will probably bo 1ield In Toronto.—Times, Febru¬ ary ISth On tho authority of a lady In Washington, J. R. Randall relates the following: '*A master machinist every now and then fancies he Is a bolter, and about to burst. He throws himself prone upon tho floor, and Insists ii| < on his family drenching hlni with cold wa ter. They always humor him. When about half drowned his right senses return, and, to all Intents and purposes, for weeks at a time, he Is a sober, clear-headed, money' making, business man," - He Is probably n bloated bondholder. Captain IraF. Unit writes that the crows of the R. G. Stewart and Dove will return to Dultilli the latter part of the mouth.— Times.__________________ Aft'lERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. The American Ship Windlass Co. Will du¬ llish thu following windlasses: For English steamer Vertinnnios, fit New York, a Providence steam pump brake windlass, to rcpbice the English wlndlas* now in use. ' For suhoonor H. H. Brown, a Provldonce capstan windlass to replace a Collin & Wood¬ ward windlass now on board. For schooner building at Cooper's Point, N. J., for Captain Jamos Hand, a P*ovl deuce pump brake windings. For 'schooner building hy David Clark, at Kennebiinkport, Me., tor Giptalu Jacob Phillips nn(Lothcrsvnf .Taunton, Mas«., a Providence patent pump brake windlass. For tno-solinniiers building by Goss, Saw. ver A Packard, of Bath, Me., for Messrs. Church, of Taunton, Mass., the Providence pump brake windlasses. For the five steamers building by Pusoy, Jone« & Co,, Wilmington, Del., for South American parlies, the Providence Hush deck capstin windlasses. Notwithstanding the dull-times the Wind¬ lass Co. havq more thiin their usual ordcis for this time of year. Their windlasses have always given satisfaction wherever they have been used, and owners, masters anil builders feel satisfied, when arderlng the-e machines or culling for them In their con tracts, that they will get a good article and one free from all mfiingemenU.—Nautical Oatette. ST. MARY'S OHIO. MONTPELIER, OHIO. OrfR FACTORIES. FOR SALE, A. Fine Harbor Tug. ■ Dlmeniions of hull 65 feat over MI. 16 foot beam. 8 fcot third, and measures 40 ton* with 7 feet draft, can be nude fl feet draft. The engine 18x20, Is in Aral-clan condition, with nil now brasses, uew rlnga In cylinder mid turns n six-foot ffticol, which was new last season The boilor In one year old, Is large enough to burn woodorconl rind U allowed 100 noiindi of atoani. Price 84,6ft), and must bo sold inside of sixty days, Add row Maiunk IIecoud Officic, FOR SALE, CANAL SCHOONER. Ooo of tho bast canal schooners on the lakon, muq' in overy particular and straight A2. Capacity, GOOtonB ,ron ore or 21,000 bushela of wheat Can bo purchasod for 83,600. One-third tu ono-half canh, bnjanco on easy terms. AddrcitsJrfAitmE Kkcoiid Okfick HUECKEKRIDOE, MICH DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO MANUPAOTOTUm8 AND IMPORTERS 07 Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, r Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON' & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers' Goods Genet ally. 34 and 35 Soutlvst, New York. If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP itohxi aosennt vo Book on tho NKW PUIAOMETEII, contoinlrft greitly reduced (pr1oos, hundreds of testimonials otc. Mulled tree. Prlci'n lOOpcr cOnt. lower than other Everypumptested boforoablpmont and cruarnntaed 01 represented. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEflUALED. Pnlsonioter Steam Pump Co., 83 Jolm St., Jfow York (%, U. S; ii i J^ Wlpo Prices noitlaatio of tills roporia ' . SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, Tram bsubt ajnx3 ozx^i^.x>zia,x>. SEND VOtt PRICES TO SMITH'S BOAT WOttKS, 159 South Stroct, ITew York, T. E. WILSON, All Kinds of Water Work *D0NE PROMPTLY TO ORDER HEADQUARTERS, . Upson & Walton's, 'River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE. Her length Is 135 feet, beam 20 toet, and hold. 10 fee) 10 Inchon Boiler 17 foot long 7 feet diameter;-three flues, two IB Inch and ono 17-lach Knglno STJi-tf. Garrits 240,000 feet of lumber Speed, 11 ml Ion light, ■ad 9 1-2 loaded* Insurant*) Taxation. Hfi.tWO Ad¬ dress Maiunk Kkcord Office, No.3 South Water atreui, CtoToland, O POR SALE ■ STEAMBABGE DAISI DAI length 112 feet, Warn 21 feet, dujilh of hold 8 [set, end no lfixlH, good Htoainnig boiler 5 font In dlnmeter, 10 feet long CurryluK cinucU) 130 M pin" luuibor, or 100 cords of wood, or 7 00 bnitli wheat Addroia, Captain Jwin Amjkuhon, 131 North Cunior A rtmle, ChiutKU. 111. N. C. PETEESON Boat Builder, PL«i8UBI BOITI *ND IHIMNO AND nflElU *TtOHT«, riwu uoiT»,.'Mi'00t( oiua, muBo wukeu, Etc. 385 Atwater 8t., Near Riopelle, DKHtOlT, MICH. receive 111 Ann inn Stiiid six ceuUfor poaUige^aiid re< rltl/lili free, * costly box of xoodtr which help you to more money right »way than anything ehw In tins world. All, of elihoraax, auoco«d from tlrftt hour The broad road to fortuno opuiii before tha workera,ali<>olutulyauro. .Atonoo addrww,|TitUKA Co , AuguiU, M»lne wauttMl for The Uvea of all tho I'rtmldenta M of the U 8 Thu*largest, handauuifHt, twiit ^ok «TiT lohl ft»r lo'-a than twlcu our price 1 ho faat- «st silling twokin Ahiitilu Immeiisuprojltit tu iiguuU All iiiielllgeiit jieople want it Au> one tan betome a Mict'L'*ful agent Teruii fno IUllkt^ Jloux C«, Portland, Maine. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use lha. Magneton ApplIanoeCo'a Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY 85. Thoy are prlcelem to ladikji, oknti kubm and cinL- DltKN WITH WBAK LUNcft) DO ClL-ie of PNKUUON1A OH choui> is ever koown where these garments are worn. They also prevent and euro iikakt DiKHrui.TituS, COLDS, HHKUUATtaU, NEtfKALOU, TllllOAT TltOUU(,t-H, D1ITIIIC.IIA, CATAHKII, AND A LI KINDHKD UISKANhJ Will wKAii any eervko for iuhkut yuaiuj Aro torn of tr the utidur clothing It Is neodletifl to doacrlbe the nymptnmi 1 th, uuiuiLiiiif ot thin nituseoiia dlnciwe thatifumpjiltig tlio life and iftrength of only too many of the fufroit and bewtof both soxea ijibor, ntudy and roaeuirli in America, Europe and ijistoru lands, hare nwulted In the Magi)otic I^ung 1'rotvctor, affording cure for Ca¬ tarrh, a remedy which contains So Dhuuuing oh thk ^YSTitM, and with thocontlnuounatroamof Mngnetlinn penfieatlng through the fiflllcfod organs, muht kkhtokk THBM TO A HKALTIIY ACTION Wk i'LACK OUIl i'llllK for thli Anpllaiice at loss than ono twoutlnth of the trie* asked by others for remedies upon which you ike all thflUiaucoa, und we ksi-kcui i r luviTicthe patron age Df tho many pkiwonu who have tried »uuu- U1NQ TIIKIH STOMACHS WITHOUT HYVKCt. f DnHTiPn nPfPATal ™* Appliance Oo to jour UUW iU UDlalfl druggist mid a«k for them. If they have not got them^wrllu tu the proprietor*, un¬ closing th« price, In letter at 0"r rink mid they will bo sent to you at once by mail pout puid 8end stamp for the 'New Depitrturo In Mid leal Trettiment without ukdicink," with thoiitiuiidsof teatlmonluls TUB MAON1/TON APPLIANCE CO, m StaUi 8irect, Chicago, 11) Note—Send one dollar in postage atiiuii a or curren^ oy, In letter at our ri k, with slue ot shoe uhuuIIv wornV and try a pair of our M'gnetlo Insolo*. and bo con- ri need of the power residing In our Magnetic Appli¬ ances. Positively no told /«( when thty art xoorn, or money refunded. Vesselmen O . SilOL'LI OUR MARINE .D IIAVE LAW BOOK. Containing all polnis of MARINE LAW torsained by-the United Mates Courts ,---------------ON--------------. Owner*, Charters, Kesrlntry, -olliu Resimen, rrel|flitjt, Townge, _„ ___rf t Colllalona, Enrolliueiita, QeaerAl A\em|re, Coumion Carriers, Duties of Seamen, Masters A Owners, I11U of Ladlnir, Wavea, Ac Ths Tolumn Is handsomely bound in stiff Board covers, and line Kiurllsh (.loth bLuding Sent to any address pontage paid for $1 00 DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. UOMtATIl) A NT1CA1I t'OAL riev«lan«l, Ohio MANUFACTUIli:iia OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. C^KICl: ANDl'ACrOUY 36 Miciigao St.,. CLEVELAND, OHIO, FOR SALE; AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS SECOND HAND T1IUUI.AI! BUII.l li, U Inclim clu ametsr. 41 Inbua 3 Incliea dlHiuutur and 12 feut loii|r. Hleam arum ao inches dlamolur, 40 Inclicfl hlith; trout *Sratei, fittin^B snd bre«chlnga, K^od order. SECOND HANI>MARINK BOILER, in goodonleV: Shell, 7-10 Inch Iron pluto; dlaiuetor. U loet 8 lucbw, lonitli. 18 feet; 12'J tubes 4 Indies In dlsmuter, 11 feet 4 lnchi's long, three flues 18 luchu, dUmutur. two Alios 10 Inches dlnnu Icr, two tines 101-2 Inches dlnmeter, lire box, 0 feet loug, 4 foot high) steuin chimney, 7 feet iil|ft!. HI CUN 1> HANI) MAKINb RUILKII four feet wide 0 1-2 fi et louu, o reet lilxh, slity-fo-nr i 1-.' Inch tubes u> luelios long, aist iron broi cling, good as now. bl»iNI) HANDMAHIm: RNOINK, dsubledlrect- ncting Bi8 inch lyllndor, uhuft and wheel for yacht or tug, good as new. I CURE FITS! lltihiHiul Uuiti lirti it I lii iii i ptuni Hit»lti I mioiii >. mdlenl turn Mlknk'K if" ?'"'*" * ,f Mr K"11 Kl ^Y ' r KAt.tlM) MLKNKUd a Wo I ii« Mmlr. iMsrriiiit iiiyroitiiidf tiipuru tliu wt r»l cuim lliirHimu ottiflr» hiiv »ftillnj In no rvawni fir tint iMnvrouhlngnriirii H ihIkiuul W ir *tr..Mll»« *ii.| • »rnil..itt.iii>riii) luru!lll.lomiii.L.I) (jlv« E«i>ri.M»iiiTl,>it \ Aldru«I)r U (T HOOT 190 luarlHL, ^3wyo^^v. i>nk« It roiid *^. 897177 92 36