Marine Record, February 21, 1884, page 4

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THE MARINE THE FITZGIBBONS BOILER A correspondent of the Syniciuo Sunday Homlil speiilw M follows of n bollor of tliu Fltisffibbons puttern now under construction in tins city: There In now biilldlr.R In Hie boiler nhnps of the Kingston! lion tvorko n lingo boiler, which Id destined for use In n new steamer now building lit Clayton, which will ply on the St. Lnwronee rlvor. The boiler Is of the new iWiprovi'd Fltzglbbons puttern, nnd Is tlie'lnrgost ever iniinnfnBtured In Oswego, - bclijg eight feet In diameter by sixteen feet In length, tine] Its weight will osceod twenty- sis tonB. There nre to be 142 Iron tuboa penetrating the Interior, which will give a heating Biirface of 2,000 square teet. The design, were drawn by W.S. Smith formerly of Utica, now In the employ of T. P. Kings- - lord, und the work is pr»gi easing under the supervision of Mr. Fltzglbbons, the patentee of the new feature about the boiler. In the last few yotlrs nearly n score of these bollei s liave been in use in the states'aud in Canadn, * ami idr. Fltzgibbonn claims they have In every instance given.entiie satisfaction and fully demonstrated their superiority over any oftlie old patterns in use. Mr. Kings- ford has now a contract to build another somewhat smaller boiler lur the Hall brother; of Ogduiisburg. . 51r. Fitzgibhun, the inventor of this boiler is a very Ingenious Oswego mechanic. He has Invented and put into use mrfny valuable machines and implements. His Improve¬ ments of the Hteain boiler aro said by those mechanic* who have tested them to be of gieat vuiue and of such a character as will cause thern^o be universally adopted everftii- nlly. The city saving bank has had one put into its banking building. It has already been found that it will take only half as much coal to warm the premises as was con- Biftaed for the same purpose last year, although, as everr one knows, the present winter has been characterized by much more severe weather than lest winter. It was a boiler of the FltzglbbonB pattern which was recently introduced In the city hall ldr heat¬ ing'purpose and those acquainted with its merits say it will not require halt the fuel to supply It that the old boiler did, and will warm the building a great deal better. In¬ deed, the fault most likely to bo found is that it will keep the ptemlses too warm, un-. less care is taken by the engineer to moderate the supply ot steam to the radiators. The improvements mado by Mr. Fltzglbbon are jiiBt «8 valuable and equally available in the construction of.maiine boilers and those for driving machinery generally, as tor heating purposes.—Oswego Times. I A'NOVEL INVENTION. A very novol scheme lor establishing a permanent channel iu the Mississippi river has been presented to Congress in tho shape ot a petition by the inventor, M. J.'Adams, wlib asks for an appropi lnt(on to enable )iin¬ to bring Ills experiment to a successful termination. He says lie has completed -13,. 000 feet of what Is known as Adams' flume, at a cost of $9,500. It is thus described : "It .is a perforated tube about twelve inches in diameter shaped like the letter ¥. divided __hi{o_two chambers, upper- and lower, by a partition. The upper holds the water under the necessary pressure tlie entire length of the tube. Tho lower lies quiescent until the ' operations commence. The water on the upper chamber is let thrcugh the opening iu the paitition into the lower chamber and through the jets stirring up the sand, hold- in suspension until the current carries It off to some lost place, where it forms banks like a canal. Tho number of jets operating at a time is covered by pressure. Whore there is any obstruction it is opened on It like a battery. No sand, gr-ivei, or moderated hardpanenn stand near it. To lay It In one unbroken line In the center of the river from Its head to the' Gulf, It will se¬ cure a channel the necessary deptli through¬ out and keep It open all through. To give the invention an undeniable test would require about three miles, which can be procured Irom St. Paul down, It being almost checked In summer. The result of the test will give a permanent channel the distance laid, ntlnidlug a valuable permanent Improve, nieiit at ono quarter the ordinary cost."— l»Ur Ocam. n period nf more that) twenty years. It l» claimed that she wa« the first vessel to land at the Wellington pier, which was con strutted about 1830. Captain Alex. £o)lwk, ef Port Stanlei, hue, on the occasion nf bis retiring frorq sail¬ ing, received from Mr. Charles J. Hope, the chairman of tho Hamilton & Nbrthwcsteru Transportation Companr, .-a testimonial expressing flic company's hlgn regard for his services. During tho past tllty-four years the captain lias sailed the lakes, and for nhimt forty jours has been associated with the p-esent II. A N. Triinspor'utlou Cn , and lie has ever been found a leailessly honest man, n noble sailor, a Christian and as truthful as tho rising sun. Many changes have taken placo in lake navigation slue- Captain Pollock sailed the schooner Sli Charles Bagnr through the Welland canal. The testimonial la beautifully cngrnsseri'ou pin-eliment.—St. Thomia Times. FOR SALE, Her length la 195 feet, beam 2fUeet| and hold. 10 foot 10 Inchon. BnllorlT fuot long, 7 feet diameter, three Dues, two 10 Inch and ono 17-Inch, l.nglno 22i<3; Carries 240,000 font of lumbi r Speed, 11 miles Unlit, ando 1-2 loadod. Insurance raluatlon. ilft,800 Ad> dress Maiunu Hecoiid OOce, No.2 South Water street, Cloreland, O. FOR SALE SIMBARGE DAIS! DAI. Length 112 fwt, Deatn 21 fMt, depth of bold 8 foot, onalno 16x18; good steaming boiler 5 feet In diameter, 10 loot long CftrrylrjK capacity 130 M'plne lumber, or 100 cords of wood, or 7 QObiish Wheat Addresa, Camuiv John Avderhon, 13-1 North Center Atintie, Chicago. HI. FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS, SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOILFR. 14 Inches d|. ametar 43 tubes 3 Inches diameter and 12 feet lonr ateam drum 30 Inches diameter, 40 Inches hlah: front grates, aitlngs and breechings, good order? SECOND HANDMARINK BOILER, in gdbd order: Shell, 7-16 Inch Iron nlalo; dlnmotor, II (cet 0 Inches, lonlrih, a feet; 129 tubes 4 Inches In dlsmoter, 11 tool 4 Inches long, three flues 18 Inches diameter: two Ouoj 18 Inches diameter, two Sues 10 1-2 inches dlnmotor, Are box, 6 feet long, 4 feet high, steam chimney, 7 (cot high SECONDHAND MARINE BOILER four feet wide, 01-2 feet long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 1.2 Inch tubes "1 Inches long, cast Iron brecohng, good as now. SECOND HAND MARINE ENGINE, dtuble direct- acting 8x8 inch cylinder, shaft and wheel far yacht or tug, good as new. N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, I-LEISURE BOATS AND SltLINO AND 8TEAU TACIJTt, YAWL BOATS, SPOON OAM, tTKKHINO WHEELS, ETC, ' 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use ih* Magneton Appliance Co'a Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY 85. They are priceless to ladius, okktlkubn and cinL- DBKN WITH WKAK I UNQS, DO cue of I-VKUUONM OK ciiour is ever known where theso garments are worn. They also prerent and cuto iibAHT dikhcuitiks, COLDS, KHKUMATIHU, NKUKAIQU, TIIKOAT THOUDLKS, DIPTHKKU, CATAItltll, AND ALL KIVDHKD DISEASES Will weak any service for tiikeb waks Aro .torn over the under clothing. FIRST VESSEL BUILT ON THE BAY. In 1801 nays the Belleville Intelligencer, < nptuiti Muniey, father of tho Into Hon. E, Vhi ney, of Belleville, who eiime to Klngi-ton In 1707, und who hud acquired some land In I he vicinity of the Lake on Mountain, near I'lcton, conceived rtio Idea ot building a \e»- «1 at the. hitter place. lie found an abund¬ ance of red cedar on hii land, und knowing tlie durability- and toughness of this specie* of wood, determined to test It in the con¬ struction ot his vegBe|. The rosult Has a handsome emit, capable of currying "700 liniii'ls of lloui beHeatli her hntehuh," nhli-li traded on Luke Ontario for many > c ir« and •"iiiiuIh a small lorltine for lier onnei." This pioneer vessel on the upper .waters of the Imv was named the Princd Edward, bin- JvuhIii K„ni t.nnii|t|,„| during ihe «ai ol ■"» 1S12 14, and was loi a time rniplnji-d In¬ fill" Government us an ai mt'd Vi'ssel. We have no iiiituna of iikim milling how long the Prince Eilwaid uus In commission [ir when, how or wheni she ended lu-i -areer, out it la piobable her services tl\temlulover It is ncidlens to flcscriho the symptoms UU111111111, of thli nauseous disease that Issapplng tho life aud strength of only too many of the fafrost and best of both sexes Labor, study and in America, Enroua and Eastern lands, have resulted in tho Mugnutlo Lung Protector, adorning euro for Ca¬ tarrh, a remedy which (ontains No DituooiNa oktue Systku, and w.lth tho continuous stream or AfiKnotism penhcallng through tho uflltclod organs, uusr kkktohk TUEUTOA 1IKAI.1IIY ACTIOI W« I'LACE OUII PKICI for this Appliance at less than olio twentieth of the price sskeu by others for remedies upon which you take all the (humus, and WL esi-lcially lllviTEtho patronage ot the many i-kkhonh \\ lu, have tried Dltuo- U1NO TIIKIH STOMACHS WITHOUT KFKKCT. HOW TO OBTAIN V&ffi&tf&Z'Y, tfiejf nave not got them, wrltu to (he proprleton*. en¬ closing the price, In letter ut o t risk uuil (hoy wilt bo aent to you at once by mull post paid tiend ataiupfur tho 'New Depurluro In Mtdlcal Trutmint without mkmcinic," with thoiiHaiidB of leitlinuiiluls HIC MA(.NUTON AI'I'LLAKCK CO, 218 BUto Street, Clilcngo, 111 Note—Send one dollar In podUiguntauiiiiir (iirrui- cx, Id letter «t our ri-k, with »tro of shoo usually worn, and trr u pair of our M-gnotlo Insolu-, ami bo oon- ▼Uioedof the power reiiding in our .Magnetic Appli- aacai. Po*itt?ely no told feet when thty are worn, or nUmey nfwuUd* m Phoenix Paiiit Co MANUI ACTURUIIS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. oliici: AMit vcroitv 16 liciniaD St., CLEVELAND. OHIO. T SM SM PE Locky Celeb ALL Our S Tlie met nittfll Id th Htylw. hq ASK FO Illustratrd ON $8 It is with it Watch Alumi of the mend V OUR M Uitiim.jluK tunuined by Hom rr* t To CdIH n«n«rnl A Dutlei o H lb*> Tolniu covers, and iiddrins |H)Htn 397179

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