r y THE MARINE RECORp.- .[Concluded from 1H page.] It It reported Hint tlie nHtno of the new gtenmer now-being built nt Clayton will be tlio Ciipe VInopnt. Two of the largest elevntors In Toronto were burned Inst Friday night, with 175,000 bushels of grain. Captain Hull of tho" tug Robb brings nn notion against Captnln Humor to recover $150. It appears thnt Robb was engaged to tow a number of dredges to Presque Isle from Toronto, but In rough weather one of h|s scows went nshorq nt Port Darlington nnd Hunter refused to pny, hence the iictlon. It appears thnt the Dominion Salvage com¬ pany did not get pnld for the services of Captnln Donnelly in connection with the. unloading of the sunken schooner Sum Cook,] As tlio monpy wns not forthcoming the ense urag'put In Dr. Sniythe's bunds, nnd ho hns seized the ore which wns taken out of the bont, nnd which is now lying nt Brockvlllc. Tlio ore Is vnlued nt $1000 nnd Is owned by Hull, of Ogdunsburg. nnd the company's claim amounts to $050. iLnppours thntJt wns Captain Merrlmnn"who engaged Captnln Donnelly, hence the dlfflculjy about (lie money, CHICAGO. Sptoial to the Marine Record. William Hnrman, owner of the tug Tom Brown! was lined $50 January 31st by Justice Footo for violating the smoke ordinance. The propellor Depere, of Goodrich's win¬ ter line of steamers, arrived In Chicago from Manitowoc with a-general cargo Janunry 31- The centre pier and abutments of Bush 'street bridge, will be rebuilt by Fltzslmons - & Connell nt their contract price of $53,500. Judge Drummoiid, appointed district judge 34 ytnrs ago, will retire under the recent re. ' tiring act, which allows him full pay the rest of his life. A shoi t time since there was argued before Judge Drummoml In the United States Cir¬ cuit Court, amotion for nu injunction on a bill Jlled by the Goodrich Transportation Company against the Pcshtlgo Company and the City ot Chicago to restrain the Peshtlgo Company from obstructing tlio northern pas- sngo of the Illinois Central railroad bridge over the Chicago river, by mooring their large lumber barges nt their dock( which forms the northern boundary of the northern passage of the bridge. Judge Drumniojid re¬ fused to grant the Injunction nt that time for one reason, among others, that he questioned his juflsdlotldTTuecause liotlPflnT Goodrich Transportation Company and the Pe«hllgo Company wero citizens of the same State- Wisconsin. Mr. W. C. Asny, sollcltoi for the Goodrich Transportation Company, Hied another and precisely similar bill in the United States Circuit Court against tlie Peshtlgo Company, but making Albert E. Goodrich, who Is a citizen of Illinois, com¬ plainant. In It Mr. Good rich'states that he is nnd hns been lor over twenty years the owner of over four-fifths of the stock in the company and that he has devoted nil his time duiiug that period, and all of his ability, to tlie iinpiovcuient and management of the business of the company, mid has Invented large sums theieln to attain jluit t!iid, nud that now his interest 1u tho company Is a ver\ valuable one, .being wortli ovei $100,- 081). He tbeiefore usks fm n pclpetunl In- luncllon to lestrnln the Peshtlgo Company tioin obsliiictlng the bridge passage In ques¬ tion. In August, 1883, ^Judgment was recoieicd In the city of Buffalo, N. Y., In favor of Mrs. Cornellu^llninilton, as administratrix Will ,j the will annexed of Kllslia W. Ensign, against Gcorgo W. Holt Individually and as the surviving partnei and as tlie* executor ot Charles EiibIl'i), deceased, lor the sum of $017,000. Execution wns Immediately Issued upon the judgment nnd a levy made upon ono-half of the Marine Block In .Buffalo which was sold under the execution for $75, 000; the piopellers Cuba and Nebraska, of the Commercial Lineol steamer*, which line navanncd by Georgo W. Holt und tlio Into Charles Ensign. The Cuba was sold foi $00,000 and Hie Nebraska for $30,000. Bo- toro a levy could be made on the other steamers of tho Commercial Line, being the propellers Scota, Russia, Kouaoke and Col¬ orado, thoy wero nsslgnod by George W. Holt to Isnno O. Crlssh, the present Police Com- iiil-bloucr o( Bull'nlo. lor the geneial benellt ot uudltors. Knily lu Deeeinbei folloiUug, upon np- pllcntlon ol Mrs. Hamilton on linr judgmont Judgo Daniels, of tho Supreme Court of Buflnlo appointed F. L. Dnnforth, of tho Bank of Attlcn, Buflnlo, receiver ,of tho propellers Russia, Scotln, Roanoke, and Colorado, pending n decision as to tlio Valid- Ity of tho assignment to Crlssy. Under this state nf facts Mr. Dnnforth, the receiver as above, tiled In tho Circuit Court of Cook County recently ,a bill against James L. Beck with, of Chicago, Issnc O, Crlssy,.and Georgo W. Holt Ijidlvldnnlly, ns surviving partner nnd executor of Charles Ensign, to set aside n mortgage given by Holt in the ubovo capacities for $8,000 on tho propcPer Roanoke to James L. Bepkwlth undor which he seized her nnd advertised her for sale. In the bill It; Is charged that Holt had not the power undor'the will of Charles Ensign to mnke such a inortgnge, and that the mortgage Is a cloud upon the title of tho rccelvor to the Ronnoke. » T|ie nttorny for Mrs. Hamilton, -Mnssrs. Roges, Loeko & Mllburn, of Buflnlo, have made a proposition to M. C. Kuelp, solicitor for George W. Holt, which If accepted by Holt and the Charles Ensign estate, will satisfy the whole or the $017,000 judgment by the .transfer of the propellers Scotia, Russia, Roanoke, and Colorado to Mrs. Cornelia Hamilton, she also to retain the Cuba and Nebraska, which site has already purchased at the execution sale under her judgment. On her part Mrs. Hamilton Is to assign to Issnc O. Crlssy, as assignee, her certificate of sale of the half ol tho Marine Block in Buffalo, as well us the Ensign homestead in Buflnlo, valued nt over f 50,000, and all other personal property belonging to the Charles Ensign estate and George W. Holt, consisting of stocks, bonds, mining properties, patents, etc. By this settlement, If mnde, nil creditors of George W. Holt and the Ensign estate will be paid In full, nud a residue equal to about- $100,000 left to Molt and the Charles Ensign estate. In connection with this litigation some interesting facts may bo given. Geoige VV. Holt-was the uncle of Ensign, Chillies En- sign, nnd Mrs. Coruelln Hamilton, nee En¬ sign. Early In tlie Utiles Charles Ensign, who had been admitted ns a member of the Bull'alo bar, being a very bright and promis¬ ing young man, nnd tho favorite of his uncle Holt, was taken by him into his steamboat business and give an Interest, becoming In a few year" the head of the Arm ol Ensign & > Holt; Shortly tl»3rWfwrT;iielgTn&"lIoir started Elishn W: Ensign, a biother ol Chailes, in business ns a conimctor, und assisted him financially up to within a few years of his death, they being consulted In all of his matters. E. VV. and Charles En¬ sign afterward built the Cloveland viaduct, as well lis thousands of miles of railroad through the East. They wero interested jointly in a largo number of other matters. Late in tlie littles Ellsha's w lie obtained a divorce Horn him, bnt married him, ngnln-| during the war ol the rebellion. She again obtained a divorce fioni him, but they were again man led. Mic again In the seventies petitioned lor n dlvoue, which action ivns pending at the time ol Ensign's death, hi making Ills'will Elislui \V. Ensign made his slstei, Mis. Cornelia Hamilton, bis sole devisee .Shortly niter Ills death his wllo gave blilh, ton child, which died In Inlaney. After the judgment ol $017,000 was obtained by Mis. Hamilton, the widow ol Elislui W. Ensign petitioned the Sunugate Court ol Eile County, N. "i'., to set aside hU will, claiming that the posthumous child was his Sole heir, and that she as the mother was the only legal heir ol the child and entitled to his estate. A hearing was had nnd her prayer refused, but the mallei is still pend¬ ing on an appeal to the Supreme Court ol New York. The mutter of (he bill of Dnnforth, re¬ ceiver, against Captain J. L. Beckwlth, to restrain the sale nf the propeller Ronnoke, cniiio up again beloro,, Judge Druinmond In the United States Circuit Court Febiunry 5th. Mr. Franklin D. Lock, of tho woll- known Buflnlo law 11 rm of Rogers, Lock & Mllburn, was also present on behalf of tho receiver, und inked for a four weeks' stay of proceedings, but retused to deposit the $10,- 000 required by Judge Drtimuionft foi a re¬ lease of the Roanoke, Judge Driimmnnd re. lused to grant the stay of proceedings, nnd ordered Ciiptnln Heckwllh to udveitUo'lho liropeller over again for sale. Leave was given to amend tho bill of tho receiver so ns l.to charge Beckwlth's knowledge ofth'e.ln- solvency of the Commercial lino at the time of taking'blfl mortgage, and n motion will probably be ngnln mnde for nn Injunction on-tbe bill ns amended prior to the snlo of the vcssol. Tho Ronnoke villi be advertised 'foV the sale nt her dock 'hero at 3 p. m. on the 10th Inst., subject to all admiralty liens. Captain Beckwltiris'represented In this by M. C. Ifnolp and Leonard Swell.—Inter Ocean. BUTFALO. Dun A. Christy of Duluth, ngent for the Lnko Superior Transit Line, Is In Buffalo consulting with the owners of the line In regard to next season's'bus'lness. R. Mills & Co. have sold the steambnrge on the stocks In their yard lo M. J. Cum- inings, Captnln Patrick Griffin and Captnln Win. Griffin, nil of Oswego, for $00,500, com¬ pleted. Mr. Cumin fugs wns fortunate enough to lose Inst season several of his ciuinTschooners which wero Insured. This ■class of verscl Is worth but little nowadays, being too small for profitable service. The steamer in question Is 250 feet lone, thirty- dye feet In beam nnd twenty-three In tho hold She Is double decked and will enrry nbout 1,700. She will have a compound euglre with cylinders of 20 and 48 Inches and 42 Inches stroke, and eleel boilers each 8 by 10 feet. She Is in frame and celled, ready for the Iron strapping, nnd will be finished by the 'opening of the next season. Captain Putrlck Griffin, who was In the. schooner Lcudvllle fc"r some yenrs, will command the new craft. Tho sale was made through Rogers & Brown. MILWAUKKE. Special to the Marine Rncord. Wn]f& Davidson are building a schooner length,pf keel, 104 feet; breadth ol benm, 33 feet; depth of hold, 12 feet. She will have a raised floor with extra floor timbers and fnttocks up to the bilge. Hor frames will be soaked In hot brine and she will be iron strapped. She will be specially bulft to carry graiji to Canada and bring buck cedar. Her capacity is to bo 15,000 cedar ties, 32, 000 bushels ot wheat, or 000 tons of ore. They are also doing general repairs on the schooners Reed Case and Wu'ukeslin nnd the wicoking lug Leviathan. , ' TOUT IIUIION. Captains Cowan nnd Hutchinson have pur¬ chased the schooner Young America. "Cuptnrh~TVTTriiroTley'riiiigo stoamer, now In process of construction nt his docks nt Murine City, piomlses to be a mngnlflcent vessel. She will be 250 feet long, 38 feet beam and 22 feet hold, and will cost about $100,000. Captain Frank Hebnci and Mr. W. F. Bolsfoid have purchased a bull interest In the steamer F. J. Dunford. Captnln Men linnn bus undo taken to open n channel across the bt. Lawrence at Ilroek- vlllc, for the car fen lis, and lw'll do It. 'The Algomnh, Captain L. R. ISojnton, broke her w heel In the lee w Idle dossing the st|nlts to bt.Tgnuce on Monday, and now lies helpless In the ice. A geiitleninn connected with the ilvei tiulllc told a Commercial seilbe tills wick that he bud lived In this elty fortuity ycurs, and that never In all that time wns the lie in the at. Clair i|B thick ns It Is this winter. Captain John I)u//unl will sail Ihe silioouer L L. Lamb. The Mca.mbnrgl' Alcona will Ire com¬ manded by Cnptnlu Chamberlain, ol St. Clulr. The schooner Snow Diop, lying near Well's mill, is loaded with hay for Coin- stock & Co., of Alpenn, nud will leave port us soon ns navigation opens, with Captain Geo. Buzzard still to the lore — Commici ci«7, POUT AIITUUR. Tho stonmbnrgo J. S. Severn1) has' been purchased by Wjdter -Ross & Co., of Port Ai tliur,' Canada; price $12,000. bho Is to be used ns a passenger boat. Her upper works will be entirely remodeled before she leaves for the noi th." UAV CI1Y. The sleaniburgo Montgomery, which bus been for yenrs under the command of Cap¬ tnln Swnrtout,of Algonuc, bus been repaired to the value ol $5,000 In the drydojk hero, and Is now lu good condition for the opening of navigation. SANDL'BKV. Tho inuoldnoiy of die slcunior Hayes, lying nt this pint, is Mug ovei hauled ami i repaired, nnd the bont In being strengthonod by the addition of n number of timbers. OWKN SOUND. The ft P. II. Co. are ejecting a largo elevator and other buildings at Owon Sound, whloh-is to be made the shipping point In¬ stead of Algomn Mills, 'Tho company bnvo already ' begun laying down their spring freight. Ciptaiil John McNnbb will sail the Cnmpann, nnd Nell Campbell, late mato, will tako charge ol Hie City of Owen Sound this year. Captnln Anderson takes ono ot 'Hie-C. P. R. bouts". ' HAULT 8TK, MAItUS. ' The suit of Emma Clinton, of Saginaw, against Root & Miller for $10,000 damages for having her leg broken while gettlhg'oir' their boat resulted In a Verdict of no catiso of ncilon. > A new pump has been put abomd the Argylo. It wns made by Mr. P. M. Moore. «PUHJ1H. Captain E. E. Napier has gone to Mil¬ waukee, where he Is endeavoring to pur¬ chase n large steamer for the Agate Bay route. Captnln John B. Haycock, of Winnipeg is In the city, Captain Haycock Is one of the best know n steamboat men In tho North¬ west und during the past senion hns been sailing the fust steamer Northwest on the route between Winnipeg and Brandon. H» formerly commnnded tho Centennlnl on 'he Mississippi. '• . ' New-ribs lmve been "put in tlie tug Nellie Cotton In pliiiw ill l.liiinw iH^lfow-jt-ttiA HniB* she was w recked. Two rows of Iron plates have alrendy been put on mid riveted and several patches mnde near her keel. The present woik will mako her nearly as good us she ever wus nnd will cost nbout enough to buy n new tug. New upper works und machinery will be put In und by spring she will bo ready for use. The U. S. Const survey schooner Drift, ly¬ ing at thcNew Yoik nnvv yard, Is to replnco her present windlass with a PrdVldenco iron pump hiuke windlass Horn the Ameri¬ can Ship Windlass Company. The steamer Knlckcrbockbi, ol the Cromwell Line, Is nl- so to replace her picsept windluss with a Providence sienm windlass of the new style, same as put on the steamer Hudson, of the same line, last jenr. LIFE RAFT. Mr Dnvld Ivahnweller, the Inventor nnd mnntifneiuici' ol the world-wide known Neveisluk Cprk_LIIe_Jiickets. has-liivontod a fife rait, combining ns he claims, tho qual- iiles of very gieitt buoyancy, extreme light¬ ness, durability and simplclty, which can be sold at less money than iinv other life raft In the market at the pienent time. It has been submitted to the board of supei vising inspec¬ tors, now In session at Washington, for ap¬ proval, which being obtained, ho will nt once begin their manufacture on a large stale. — NavUud Quzeite. MARINE DIRECTORY. We have now in cciuse of preparation a complete and coinpirht'in-lve guide to the shipping inleiests of die great hikes. The huge amount of capital invested, and the Inipuitunceo! tlie vaiious Interests en¬ gaged in Ihe lake navigation of the United Mates and Canada, wniiunl the publishers In the hellel that a I tillable woik containing lull iuloiillation regaidlng these linpoitant innllciN will be ol gieat service to all those engaged ill tiarleon the gieat lake system. The. woik will contain a complete list of all vessels navigating the bikes, in ranged ulphnhrtlcull), and showing the ifame, class oi rig, tonnage, nude, wheieand when built, and by wlioni, pint ol hail, ownei's name, etc., caielullv compiled hum official sources and col lei ted to the latest dale. Also a no¬ tice ol every poit on Lukes Outailo, Eiio. Union, Michigan, and Superior, und their connecting livers, showing theli situation, population, piiucipul directory ol all Inlei¬ ests connected wllli navigation that are lo- 'iited at that poll. vl/.. the names ol all ves- el owners, shipping agents, ship bipkers, maiine Insurance companies nnd their agents, murine reporters, shipbuilders, ship chandlers, Mill uiukors und riggers, block nnd tackle makers, ship smiths, etc., and of all trades counectt d with the shipping in¬ terests in all their blanches. • In addition lists will be given showing all custom bouses and customs officers. United Stales Revenue cutters, marine hospitals and Miigeons, and the regulations pcituiulng theieto; lights nud lighthouse! and the keepers thereof; docks, wharves, diydouks, lite saving dlsti lets und stations, signal sen* leu Btatlons, customs turllls, distance of va¬ rious ports, etc., etc., loriiilugin tin t,a com¬ plete eplloine ol Information lehuing to the navigation lutciests of the gieut lukis. The patronage ot all luteiested is ic>.pei,'t- fully solicited. II. L. Puih &(,'<>., publishers, Tribune building. Detroit, Mich. .