Marine Record, January 31, 1884, page 7

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THE MAPTNE RECORD. too NeTcrsmt Cork: jacket Twenty per oorit. mora buoyanoy than any «tber Lire-Preiiorver In the market. Is the flAFBSt and only RELIABLE LIFE PRESKRVKR In EXISTENCE, na proTed of fie Into-w nick on the I'ncltle Coast, of the Ptioitie Midi Hteiimnldp, "City of Saa franclaco." RINO Bl(OYS AND FENDERS. 3IOHAR0 HAMMOND. en > •n en -i Approved and adopted by the Uhltetl Suites Board of1 Supervlirlnfr lunpectorn;nl8o by the principal Oeoiin, Lake and River Steamer Lines, na the otdy Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D._KAfil^raLER140,148 A1 BO Worth St. Near Center St.. New York. PALMER & BENHAM, Bucceason to J H. PALMER 4 SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Water Street. Roomi8 A 1. _____ Cl.PVU.AND . OHIO MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 81 rialr Htreet, RoomW CLEVELAND. ' OHUl__________ THOS. WILSON UANAQINQ ownfr Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent, 01 HVKLAXU, 0, HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents Mud 168 Broadway 114 La Halle Hlrwt MILWAUKEE, WI8 ( HlfAUO. ILL DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, JOHN COON. 240 >> Water Street [ICAff) LLINOIS ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 Ll8»lle Street __ CHlLAOIl________ILL.____________ A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, U Exchange at Juffalo, N Y. HTIF YOU UO NO I RECEIVE MY MONTHLY UJ1' OF VE«0Et& OR x vl - v.KAi'i Kill I s ROBERT RAE, Wralty and Insurance Law Office, UoouitW, MorcljaniV luUding, UlItAQO III_______ ::«m STATIONARY Paper Mill Bloichora & Rotuios. Odsomoters,Salt Ems Snioto Stacks. AikfoP kinds of HwwyPWe |t Start MrM. office & Works, 844.246.248 250 252 And.254. TT"™*""!^ ferry at. m^ OIL STILLS & AGITATORS. Promptly Attenaod to. PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT, H.a&J.H.'Oalkin, CouDBrsmitHs and Plumbers Steam and Gas Fitting, GALLEY STOVES. 8110 S ail Went St., Cor, Lalght NEWYOBK! Circular* sent upon application. ESTABLISHED 1830. -UAHnrAorUaiRI or CORDAGE * OAKUM. Gtnn of AMERICAN, RUSSIA Mid ITALIAN HEMP of the tary belt qui'lty made to order AT ONE DAY'SNOTICE. MANILA indBBAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. ________Factory. Brooklyn, N. Y,________ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N I- Cor CaluttihiiH Avn t Water it HANMIBK\ OHIO______________ BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, Vtiaeli chartered, purchmed anil "old. contracts mado foraiiAnwand heavy freight* Lak* Superior mid Lniviiuubn Iron oiu thai tern for «lu- iilo trip or imason uHpocIutty , Ote.ffiiittx'tt.ig CleveW.O. ______' lolii|ihono Nn OKI ' KNEIP & MORRISON, PKOCTOUS IN ADMIIIAI 1 Y, _ \15,Moiiroofet Hooiu HGIiIiuko V. D. NICKERSON, -MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main - St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN MiU, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE.. DETROIT. MICH. SMITH'S PATLNT MlTALLIO lIFJs BOAiS, ■P-SC—J BSBT -&.JSTX>'F. sryn pon phiops to SMITH'S EOAT ■WOEKS. 169 South ftref, T.'e-w York ST. MARY'S OHIO MONITIXIER OHIO OUR FACTORIES. ""iS^ffgJ? S DE GRAUW, AMR & CO., MAM rACillltl IIS AM) IMlOltllltS OK Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains-, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT^ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandler' Goodi, Geneially. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP Hilling. flnllroiitlnrNli iimliniil u»r, I'Miri M'll.t lieiiilrnJnrt.iix Works .....ntry, llronrr) orxinriir lt< iliui^.llruliiiiiK Qiiursi,«».(I'llitrsur rimiin- Inni, irrliciiiliiir or llyitrimlir HIiiIiik, isinklii* 1 oiinilalliiuii, (nllir Him, Nener, Well Mnklnr mill nllicr I uulrai,lflr* Murk, or llitl»liiir Muter liirnny klml lit MuiiulnrlurliiKor I li«'l*ur'|Mi«i%. urn i i mi niim trutod tlciTlptUu iMiikon tin M-W PI l>OW Tl II, i :il inilmr 1,1. ul> ., hi, ,1 prlcta. hunilriHtaof ttntlmmiliilH 11< Miilltlfrio lit n lliun r n lit It H,r timnolLur Bvorypump tuatodbeforu ellIpmunt unit icutiriiutuotluaropruiiontoil. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Pulsouieter Steam I'limp Co., 83 John St., Now York Cltj, U. S. A. 44* Suu PrlCLU nuxt Ibuuo of thin Paper "%4 KATZEIMSTfcilN'S BELF-ACTINQ METAL PACKING FOR PISTON nODB, VALVE STEMS, Eta. Adoptud and In nee br the princli il Iron Work) and Stoamahlp Oomp. ni< a within the lutalglit yonnln Ihla and Foreign oountrtea. For full par¬ ticular! and reference! addren ' L. KAT^ENBTEIN * CO 100 ObrlitopherSt, near W*t Strom N. Y. LOUD, BOWLER 4 CO, Agonla lor Clereland. 0 8 RAND II B IIUBOER, RAND & BURGER i , [SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH 3D^"2" DOCK ATTA< BED TO THh WORKS. AL80 PREPARKP 'JO DO ' WEEOKING AND TOWING^ Willi THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, lo Imi lied on abort notlcL, by tunllor telegripli A. O. WIIBKLKK, CUAS ONEWUCH Maniger* WrecktnR Mintflr FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IN WORKS SICONDIIAND II IIUI All Hull lit -It Incline ill. milt tor 41 lulim 1 Im lira ill iniLtcr nml Ufcot luiijr. cluiiin ilriiii Klin Ikh illuniLtir 41) lnclitn h||ili (runt Krulm nllltiKi nml t n it lilngn k mi Iftler SI lllMl UANIi MAIIIM Hull I I! In kim I unlur si II If In h linn |iluli II im tir, I lut I luilifla, I k>l> » I il 121 ml in I In Inn ii limn lir II I ,1 6 In li nil lit tlir i limn IHIiilIiii II in tir '"oil in, \l luil n linn in l» i Hum III 1 . null l| n ml. r. lire luix c'la loin. IIuIIiIkIi »t. j n tliliuiij 7 foul lilgli M( OS li II VSH MVIHM Hull I II Imr liU wl l« f. I . ( 11 limit 11" t hli,Ii ■.Ixly-fuir '. 1 . inch lubta m Intllud IliUh c-iat irult breoLliliK) Kuod aa now SIC>ND HUNnMAniM I MUM il.uble dlroct- attlng'HalliiclicyJInilor,ah^ltuml wIill! lor yachtor tug, good mi new ' Dhoenix Paint Co M MVNUl AdUHIItb Or ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OlIICI AND l VCfOUY 36 St,, CLEVELAND, OHIO, 6664 46 4217

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