Marine Record, January 31, 1884, page 3

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THE MARINE RECORD. 1 llfo; propeller Tlnjjn, Luke Eric, 4 llvoa tuflr Crawford, st Clilonfro, 3 llvoi. 1804/ PropollorNlle, nt betrolt, 3 Uvea; tii(?Wlilp, nt Chlppewn, Ontnrlo, 1 life; ntciimor Algomnli, on Luke Michigan, 1 lift-; tug Sur.ceu, nt Detroit, 2 Uvea; propeller Tonnwnniln, Chleiigo, 2 liven; sleiuiier Pon. tlno, Grniid Hhvoii, a-Hvus. , 186S. Tup; Stieeeaa, Cliluiigo, 1 llfoj tup Funny White, Baj City, 1 lUe; tii|{ P. Spnf- fonl, Chlcttgo,1 life. " 1806. Tntf Ellen O'Brien, Nlngiini river. I life; propeller Trailer T.ake Huron, 3 lives' tug Bed Jacket, Chicago, 3 liver. . 1867. Tiir H. Jfllumon, Snglnnw. 4 liven; tug W. K. Mulr, river St. Cliilr, 7'llven. 1808. Propeller Governor Ctiplinimi, BiiC. lalo, 12 liven; tug Old Jack, Cleveland. I860. Tuir Abii Cowoll, CIpvpIiiihI, 1 life. 1870. Propeller Guiding Star, Po.rt Mall- land, Luke-Erie, 7 Uvea lost; tug Tornado, 0«wcpo, 3 lives. 1871. Propelleryl.akB'Bri'eze, Bay City, i Uvea; tug B. B. Jones Port Huron, 8 Uvea: propeller Maine, Ogdeimburg, 4 lives. 1872. tug ftlngnrn, Detroit. \ life. 1873. TugG. VV. Furrnii, Port Huron,] Hie; tug E. Gallagher, Lake Michigan, 1 life; tug E. L. Anthony, Milwaukee, I lite. 1874. l'ngTiiwbp, Lake Huron, 8 lives; tug Starkweather, Cleveland, 1 life; propel¬ ler Brooklyn, Detroit river, Hlivei'. 1875: Sleiimbnrgc E, Thomiieiiii, Bay City, 2 lives; lug K. II.' llillord, Biillnlu, 2 Uvea. 1878. Tug J. \V. Bennett, Mackinaw, B Uvea. 1870. Stenmcr Alaska, Lake Erie, 3 lives; tug C. W. Parker, Chicago, 4 IIvcb; tug Black Bull, Chicago 2 lives. 1881. Tug A. H. Ward, Chicago, 5 lives. 1882. Tug American Eagle, Lake Erie, 6 IIvob; steamer Klchelleii, river Hi. Lawrence, 4 lives; lug Wlotzel, Lake Michigan, 3 Uvea. 1883. Propeller Colorado, Luke Erie, 4 lives; tug Erie Belle, Luke Huron, 4 lives. SOMK EAltLY 11I8TOY. The first United Button light vessel for the guldnnce of vefselB ut the head of Maoklnnw Straits, or pusslng Skilliigulce was the schooner Louis MuLiinc, built ut Detroit and launched lrom Oliver Newberry's dock In 1832, and stationed soon' after ut tbe alove place. The first attempt toward the construction of a lighthouse ut Chicago was In 1831, and was to have-been completed in the full of that year. It.was a failure, owing to the quicksand over which it was built. One also at Thunder Bay Island the siure year was destroj ed belore completion, owing to the near approach of the swells of Lake Huron, and the washing out of the mortar between the stones. The lovs of the hclioon- er Supply is mentbned'us having occurred In Mackinaw Stralta, November, 1832, freighted with 160 pound's ot salt. She bilged and sank In about three feet of water. She was owned by the mission at Mackinaw, and her loss was attributed to the inefficiency ol the orew, who had hut little experience in lake navigation. - For the Improvement o| Cleveland hnr- bo', on Lake Erie, in 1827, $ 10,000 was ex¬ pended' under the udiniiilstrutloii of John Q. Adnms. And for the building of two piers ut Oswego harbor, Lake Ontario, $33,348.64. On Luko Ontuilo In 1818, the steamer On¬ tario, tho first on the lakes, was commanded, by Captain Robert liugunlii, and In 1827 by Captuln P. lngalls. The agencies were C. HotchkUs, Lowlstowu; O, Hatha way, Youngstown', Alvln Branson and Matthew McNulr, Oswego; P. Bntterlleld, Haekett's Harbor; Alumvorth & Lee, Cape Vincent: A. Chapman & Co., Morrlslown; John C. ltush,Ogdensbiirg. Prices curreut ut Detroit in 1818 were as follows:' Flour, $8.50 per barrel; pork. (26.00 per barrel; whisky, |30.50 per bnr- ' rel; beef, 10cents per pound; corn, $1 per bushel; potatoes',75 cents; turnips,50cents; elieeae, it)cents per pound; lumber, $15 per M ; butter 25 cents per pound, and port wine 50 ccuu per gallon. J. W. H. The llrsi general rciau>-CTf-the highways of England was ilireeiud about the, year 12H!>. THE ETNA GRATE. yjAiuiUL This Improved Shaking Grate Especially-Adapt¬ ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron forks, Mannfac's.. (jfHcaaml Foundry, corner of Kim and Sprunwit*,, CKKVKLAM), O. ^ffl.Zl E. WILSON, All Kinds of Water Work tD0ME PROMPTLY TO ORDER HEAliQUAItTKIl Upson & Walton'*. River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, LockportiXew } ork, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL, ROLLER BUSHED OR WITH Our Self-lubricating Phosphor Bronze Bushings. Tlie metal In -theau IltiHliinu;* In the Celebrated. Plio-|ilior-llriiii/,o, ihe beitl beiilne; metal In the market, uml |.erlivt lubrlietois they are fail i-upeim'ilinii; nil nhir stylo«. Fursalo by .-HIP ('lHNULKlln everywhere AUK FOIl " ANCIIOK IIIIANU" TACKLE 1ILOUK8; 'rATKNTKl) NOVKMHKK 13, lHStl. ItlUHtmt tl Catalogue!) anil price list raallod freeon ai plication. Sample orderaKoltcltcd. N. C. PETERSON l TRAVELERS' REGISTER. Boat Builder, PI-KASUllK VOATH>nAM> SAILING AND HTKAM YAC|l,Tt, TA.WL UOATS, |££K>N OAltS, HTUK1I1NU \VIIBUI.S, ETC. 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DJSfltOlT, MICH._________• FOR SALE, Her IcniUh is IS,') feci, bourn '2fi fiwit, and hold, lit feat 10 Inchon. Duller 17 feet long 7 font dliuiiett-r, throe tlut'8. two 10 inch mid oiiu 17-Inch. * Knitine '^i4'i. CitrrlfB 240,000 foot of lumliiT. H|>ced. 11 liiilcit IIk-ii, and 0 1-2 lundod. Insurance vulmtloii. g 15,300, Ad* druHt Makink Ui.LXJKPOttlcf, No. 2 Smith Water»tn*ut, Cluvulnnd, O. Boatwashing and general laun¬ dry in afew hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Un<* (lie Magneton ApplianceCu't* Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY 8.'). They am prlcelerLi to i.aihks, okmi kmi.n ami cjui.- DltKN WITH WKAK I.U.Mlh; utl L*-t) til I'.NKtIUIlMA uu cuoin- in hvit known whom theou giirmenifl are worn. They -lino prevt-nt mid.uuti) .iiuakt uitMnJi/iius, colds, kukuwatisu, .nkuhaluu, iuouulks, UIITIIUIIIA, CATAltHII, AND ' ALL UIMMIKU "lUSKAMEH. Will wkak luiy.aervlm for thubk \uaiw Am Aoru over the under clothing, , uiilAtllllli of thli uhumious dliH'uitn tliut Inbapiilng tliu lllii and ifirongili of only loo many of the fjfrosi and htvtiif both hoXi-s l^uliur, ittudy und rcnvurLli in America, Kuntne and ICaiftoni lu tin. hitvu rraulted In the Mugiiotlo Luiik 1'ruUtcior, ultorulntf euro for Cu- turrh,» rrmudy which coniiiinH NoDitUQiiiM^oPiiiL Syhtku. uiul with the I'dntinuonrKtiruiHiiof Magnetisin lioniiimllrirt tlinni^h ill- ii III I c led orn-uiM, ^K^nuth uikm roAHhAiiin act.u.s.' Wi. I'im< i. ohm run-*: for lhl« Anpliaiicfl ut Jriw llmu oiiu iiuyitiutli of th^ price unUt'tl by "ilium for rciuidit'ti ui»oci which yon taku ull I lit- t-liaiicoa, and wi; hHl'l.flAl.l.Y iuvitkUio pmroimgi-of tlm Uanv I'kk^osh u ho huvu trlcil intuo (UNO T1IK1H tfTUUACHH wmfouT KKFUT. _ WTO OBTAIN a^itaru,,?0,.^0'!'! thoy nuvo not g«n thorn, wrlio to ih» iirnprlotorn, en- L'luaing tlttt prim, lu loitur ut o'.-r rUk mid lli^y will bo will to you at mico hy mail pjiid, Send Dtampf'ir the 'New Deparuiro In Mnlfcul Trt'iiini'Hii Wiiiiour ukdicink," witlt n.uiihundi uf luattnunilals 111K MAUNl.TnN Al'I'l.lANCi: CO, 2'tiht.itt'SiriHl, ('IiU'hkii, 111 NllTI. —S'lld OIlH dl'illH III pl)itU)jl<ntlllll HOI tuiri'ii- i'\, in Irtural our rl Is Willi hi/e of sh"t> utuiilh worn, and ii > a paii "I our .M-Ktictn: liimilo-, and l»- c»in viiui il of tun pmur irnldnij; In our M»KUi'lli- Ajipll- iHlci'fl. l'o-itividy nocotti Jtet uhere thry 'me utnn, oi vwtiey rtjututed. LAKE 8IIOKK A MICHIGAN SOUTUEHN Conimiiiiringtiuinliiy, Noverol-erlS, ut 12o'clock noon I ho tiniL'KiVvn In the figures below hi tlx nt'w Htaudnril (NiuetiHin meridian) tlms, wlilcri U<thirty-thrui min- niea slower thuffulovi'land time pn>p«r und twcntr- eluht mtnuteu hIowlt than the time nerutofore In use (ColunihuH time) by theau rondii. _______Kaiiward. _____ Kant New York KxpresQ...."......... N Y, B A A Expnaa.........„....... Elyrlu Ai-comiiiodMilon............... I'url Cliuton Accommtxliitlon ... llufliiio Accommodation............. N YABKiH Kjtjireiw........... Cki.Sc St. b-iiis Ex^rfis .......... Oomieaut Accouiinodutlun........ Notlltiglmru [nunday only]....... Night Ex^rora................. | Arrive. J Depart. *1 07 xu\~n 22~a ii *6 *7 A It *7 02 A »i t» 07 A W .............. til) 87 am ........... flO 37 a »l|tK> fi2 A M "1 57 r «; --' 27 r m ............. ws :t71' u ............. 4 22 A u 9 4t ruf............ t9 Ai v MflO07 I'M New Tort, Pennsylvania & Obio R,R. NEW YORK, noHTON AND THE EAHT, The Mhoru-nt and «tnleU«nl Kantc to PIIU- K burn. WKaliliiatUin und Ilalllmoro und <lw HontheiMI.' 5.50. CtntriilorNliiofltlli Mfrldlen time. S3 mlnnt™iluw cr tliun < lovoliiQd city tlluu Until further noilro (rami will )fa*e from tbe new Ctintml Peput, Hou h ^VNter nrruetaad Viaduct <u fol¬ low* n m ATLANTIC EXPItESB^(Dally) Poll- y.uv u. III- roan aleeplng and botel eonrtiee from I>avltia"uigH H:3S a. m. to Now York. Albany and lloton without chang". Arrlnat Meadillleil 10:40a, m. (dlnn' r) Franklin at 12:08 p m, Oil Oty 13:90 p m, Oirrr 12.XB p.m, Jameitown (l.nliii Chautauqua) 1 Hi, 'm, Bii0oloft.R0p. m Itoihotcr iM p. in.; HorneuV tIIIo O.-flO p m [iupp»rli Comlnii 7;'.'t p. in. Etraln. 8:06 p. m. ntnghanlon 10.05 p. m., Albany A:00 a. m. Beaton 1:46 p. hi ; arriving at Nfw Yi.rk 0:16 a.m. ft iim n m LIMITED EXl'RESS-Through I'ull- L \wi lli ill, man (deeping ciarti frnm Cleveland to New York, Arnvrnat Meauvlltu at0:30p. m ,Jame*> lou n 8:47 p. m., Hulainnnca DM p. ra., New York 10:10 a, n>. n'flfl n III NKIHT EXI-IlF88-(Dally except ,UU II, UI, Minduy)Hi.| from Cleveland ■ Iioniollnville Arrlvu at Youngstown at 1:60 a. m., Mciidvllb' 3:26 a, in., Curry 4:911». m. Jameitown6,67 a. m, Itufl'alo 0:'JO a m., Itochua fr 12:68 p, in , Horuella. v lllr, 11:00 a in , Corning 12:07 n in. Elmlra 12:40 p. m„ I i|igliain|iUin 2.'H> p m,, New York 0:10 p in. Arrive* at I'litflliurgh 6:60 a -m , without clmnue O'Ofl il 711 I'lTTSBUIU.lI EXI'ltESH - Dally— iiliV 11, 111, Through without change, I'arlor car at. lin'lied Air»vi'« at YoungBlown f,,w p in., Itttaburg 8:112 p. in., Wiulilngion 7.D<la. lu , Baltlmoie 8:111 a. m. i<\i n nl ""aiionino aoimoiution- 4ilT Jli 111. S "I'l'lng at all way >'ai!oni, arrlvlnuat Younh-'own 666 p. in., Hhaion 8:01 p. m.,fiharredvllle 8:10 p.m. fj ,1(1 n m I'lTTORUIKW EXPRESS - Dally - D i9U d. 111. Through without change Arrlvet at Yoiingainwntl. 110 a.m., Bha'on 10:30a. ni., sharpa- vllh'111:40 a. in., Pit ubiirgh l«45]i in., Iti'tiirnlng, leaven Pllt.hurKh al 4:16 a in , 7;46 a. m., 12^5 p. m., null 3:45 p in " inOCo m YOUNIiSTOWN AND PITTSnUItOH lUOUd Uli A(OJIMODATION-J>tn|,|iliig a' all Way nations, arriving hi Vouug->iuwn 1:40 p. m.,Pltta> burgh 6.46 p in. Tralm, arrlv" al Cleveland, in , (3:30 p. ui., 10 211 ll m;,l:06 p. lu., and 0:4.*, p. ni, -*ar-TlilH la me only ruule b. which passengere can rench Corry Elmlra, Itlnghiimpt. n, Nuw York City anil liitermt-illiiiu [Kilnu without change. No change to Bnaloo ■ml Ni-w Kni'lninl CIIioh. Ihigitage rhcckiil through lo all point! Haat 'I hi..ugh in Rt-iH ami niloriiiatlon regarding tbe niule can ht- ulitiilni'd al the olRco ]31 Hank atreet, and ai u w Dipot of N. Y., I' 4 O It IL, ttoulb. Wateritrwit anil Vlmliirl, Cleveland, (I. A. t, i l.AliK, i.rn'l Parn'r Ag't Cleveland, O. J. M KKKIlIS, (iou'l Ma,i'gr, Cltvelaud, Q. M. L. FOUTs.l'aiMnner Agt, 131 Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NKW YORK. CHICAGO A ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. Tlie paMcnKcr equipment of thli New Trunk lint In nil now nmt'ls (-supplied with the Int^pt nppliann> iH-ri-nary to sate Hiiocily und comfortsblo ir.-iTel, , At C'luciigo, jiaBUi Hirer tr/iin» anirt' ut tot]Sf«Te from tliu Union l>tn ot, Vnn Ituiuii Mtreet, Weatwiird» Fiul Limited Express.......... Mich Express tIu Samlunky . Ctiicugo Exprei^B via " Midi Accoin, Norwullc.......... Coiineaul AL'L'oinniodiitlon.. Nottlnglmm, [>unduy oulyl.... Toledo KxprciB via Norwal(t ... hi Intuit) KxtIu SunduHty„..... V, I* Kx via Nurwullt............. I'nrt Cllntnii Ai'coniniiHlatioii. .. I ArrJTo | Depart, ■a sa a «>J2 urrr« ^J '22 a M <* «7 A u g*i U7 a ll. i>!)2au ....... til 12*11 |8 12 a u' .... I 17 I'M 1 47 I'-u l<12 M l' M il\ 0'J v M "1 tti I'M *1 ^ l' w t« 02 v u| ••i) H2 I' M t ^ 32i' M lk'f-'rence nuirki*— ° Dally, fdallj, except tsuudny, ^tlnily. except Monriiiy BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbi's, Cincinnati and Indian- a]Kilis Railway. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. HP-'l'IcketH hy this pupujitr nintu lor attle nt till regulnr Teki't OllliT». E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, iVllcial .Maiulgur 'Imlho Muiui^.-r ^ A. J. SMITH, (ttnerul I'aitsi'iiKvr Ayont. CLKVKLANIJ, OHIO. CLIiVKLAND, COLUMBUti, CINCINNATI A INDI¬ ANAPOLIS. Coiimienitiim Hinidav, NuTumber 18tb, truliiHof the libit Uiie—Cleveland, ColumliUH, (.Incinuuti A. Iiidlun- upolls Unllwa.—will leuvi* mid urrlve ut ( k-vcluii i ni foMuHn. I'KNTIUI. bl'ANliAlU' 11MK, it.l IllllUlU'S nlo^ut tlun Clmulaiid time I CURE FITS! . -ii. ..*- 11 ii- r'li i ■ *. .1 l. I Mm I'l..... II 1 "' II i|.n,|l, , .[,1 .11. I, Cuicliinull A i-'iiIuiiiIiuh Kxpri'hH..... II, IiiiIiuiiiiiimIIi ,1 \\ lu'i IIiik l'x|in'-n l7,.S|ioliil(iiliiiiiliii-A C'lniliiiuill hi :l, --iiihIhI luil A ht Luiiin Knpri'-i ,'i, Ciil lln. lud A Si. Luili l.ipa»i. 7 i.alliiin A t'.l. A W Am.............. *::•"£ A Clu, A luil I apu-M .. .. », Cialll.ui AC. I. A W. An-...... I.', hi. lnii;»A Inilliiinnnlli I \pi ii.i i,l l In A !li,li.ii,:i|«.ll- l'\|ii.. I, t oIimiiIiiis,; I'iiiiiuii in !.x|.ri^, I", Uhi-i Capri« II, I..I , i'ii, a ,s V r,»t I.I,. I' iilni. iiiiirki^l ' il.ui), uj;'i.lli,r ir.inin ,|„l|y , ,,,.j, III put l »7,.ln A M l> III A M I .'ll P M »l III I' M "ll'lll I'M I :|il I' M ArriiL-i h, in ATt '■' I" A M [ -• .-,11 p M I 'i M I' M .1 Jli P M I ii I' P M I I HI A M I T I Following If I he time In eUect Nov. IS. 188a. and an. til further notice. . ^~ GOING KAST. Lv. Cnltago....... 7.47 a m............... Arr. Valiaial^i y.^2 " ........ .............. J" Port Wayne 1.0(1 p. in.............'.'.".'..' ............... " New Haven.. 1.3A ' ............... '■ West U'lpnlc 3.« " ...'"""!""" ............... " Arcndu........ 4J4 •' ................. .............. " Ptwtiii in..........4.57 " ..'.!'.!!'.....!!!!!. .............. " Green Spring fi 44 " .............. .............' " Belliivu..... (1.12 " ,.""".'".'.'.'."" ............... Lv. llellevue......... (T.2-J *' 7fl2a.'ni ............... ArrCjovi-liinil O.IW •' , •• ' "jiico-™" l.v. riiivelaiul............... 10.27 ■' |n. . Arr Palneaville ......... 11.33 " ti-or, " Aalltllliula................ 12 25 p. m. fl OS ' " tonneiiut.................... 107 '• 0 3'» " Kile ......... " ' " " " Dunkirk......................... 3.47 " ...... " Buiiuiu....................... s.22 " ;;;"■"....... (iOINCI WEST. Lv>. .. . 11.47 a. lu. Air Dunkirk 11.24 " ............................ " Kri»...... 123 p. in ........:;:::::;: ■•u.Ve' h",'",'1"!' '/.Nl .............. 617a.m. " AhIiIuIiiiIo. 2 .MA + a in *■ " ivini'Hviih.... 3 44 " ..::;;:..... ,.,, " Cleveland . .. . 4.32 " .............[[^ B 5, „ Lv. Uli'vi-lunil. .. . 4.fi7 " fi.47 a"*'iii' Airllellevuu........ 7.17 " 9 17 " ' ......'" Lv Uelltivuu.......... .. 11,22 " ...... " Green Springs.......... 9 44 " ....... ' FoHturta .................... 10 22 " ............... 1 Arcudlu...................... 10 34 " ........... " Went UtpMlc.................. 11.XO '•■ " New Iluvei.......... I 33 p. m. ............. " Kurt W.ijuc ........... 132 " \............ "' Vulpnilao................ 3 35 " ......... " CIltciiKO .....,.............17.52 '• [l"tt]....... Trains run liy tlie Nlimlltth Meridian Time which 11 ulna lulnuliwulowiT lli'in Chicnitii lime, twentj-eiitbt nilnuten eluwer tluiil CiiliilnliiiHlTiiie, tlilrty-threeiiiin- llteeiihiwer than Ch-veluud tune, forty-four uituulee ■.lower than Ilolfiilo time, ami «lal) mlnut,., „]„„,., tliun the .Si',eiil|i-llfth Merlilleu tlun-. l-'or information, cull on m-iireM axenl of thu Com. puny, ur atlilrem II. 1 . IKIItNnit, ' Geu'l PawienKor Allent IXV'Ih WILLIAMS, " " ' GeiitTal MuniiRer. Cleveland, O, ItoikvJtlver Accommodatloii doparu al 8:20 V ta and 2:13 p m. Luclld Accoiniiioilntlon doparts at 7.30 a m and 10-lt pm. All tinlnii dully eieepl Hiimtay. flflT II *■'"■ tl>" wnrkliiKr-lu-n, Send ten cciiIh for po»- UUllU Hue unit wu will iiiiiII you /trr, 4 loyal, valiia- I.I.. Imx of filimplii it.KHli, Hull will pul you III lliu wny of inaklln; iiiuri'imille) III 11 f,i» duya than J.iu ever tlioii||lil |.nvllili. at any ln»lneaa Ciipllal not required Wi'MilHluit Jim. ^niieali work all tin, lime or'In aimreiliiiiiiinl). Tlie work In iiiiImthiIi, adapted to Imlli »i-aea, ioiinK anil of.l. You run e i»llv earn from Bllii.|ilstii85oviryovi'iilii,! That all who want work nun ti-Hl lliohu-lni'se, „.. uiiiki. llih uiipaiiilli.<| otler to all nlin an not null >.,itlalliil »e nillaendtl tn iiaT* fiirllie innihlo nl wriliiiKiii I'ull pirlleulliis,dlruc-. Jlonn, eti neut frir. 1 ortiinea will lio made liy tliuan »hii Kile lli.'ir whole lliiie n> t o wink, l.ieul mireem lili-olulely Mini Ikili'l ileluy Man now. 'Addreaa minnis A C11 , Porlliiid, Maine. r (JlPP'n »n-k .11 li'-ill. AilWuiil......e. Pay ahsiluUiW 0>UU -iiri" Niuisi.. lapital nut rei|iilrnl IliaiUvif )iui « .nit Iiimiii-s nl wliii Ii p. r-oii»'ii( either ao'i, lulilliroi .'lit, ..Ml iiiiiIn- |;l, 11 |.uj ull Hie Clint, Ihoy w'nil,nhli ill,.uliit,. 1 r.niiij, wilie lor parlluilanito II. Ilini-r , a fu., .Piiiihiuil, .1 lain.- 85

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