Marine Record, January 24, 1884, page 5

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J u- THE MARINE RECORD. I'ORTIIUHON. The loo brldgo at the font of Luke rlliron ,gave way nt 0 o'clock on t)i6.18th and/tilled St. Olalr river up with solid Ico from W to thirty feet deep. All trains going oust and west w,ere delayed. The cat ferries have been unable to cross, Psssengora ckfsPeir"WestJlay_Clty, MJch on the lco on foot, and took their twins laid up on this side. All baggage unil freight Is delayod. At 8 o'clock the Ice breaker Mer¬ rick succeeded In getting within ten feet of her laylng-up place on the the Onnnda aide. A prominent railroad man said that tills do- lay of the Giand Trunk- will causa the con¬ struction of-a double track tunnel across the St. Clair Inside ot five years. oawKao. s The,river and harbor wan nearly clear ot ico last Saturday, a remarkable thing at this season ot the year. ' KINQWON. Mr. C. E. Michaud, Civil Engineer, of i Yamaaka, through his attorneys, Messrs^ Doutre &4Jo., has takon an action for $25,- 000 damages against the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company, on account ot the death of hla son, who, it will M remembered, was drowned laBt summer at Yamaaka, together with the two sons of Chief of Police Paradls, Montreal. The notion-Is based upon the alleged gross negligence or ignorance of the company's officers. The. keeper of Simooe Light, Nine Mile Point, says tbat the night on which the Eureka was loBt, waa the very worst he witnessed In thirty years. cukdovoan. The Algomah, after fighting beavy, rough ice In tho Straits for twenty-two days, reached Mackinaw City on the 10th and it Is thought she will have no trouble "In keeping the channel open hereafter to St. Ignace. foot oraViot. The ice running In the river last week made some lively work for the little ferry, Geo. Staubor, plying between this place and the Point. D. C. Curtis laid up his senw, the_ B. E. Curtis, for the season last week., MILWAUKEE. The well known Arm of Kirtland & Tuttle, vessel and insurance agents, has been <llsolved by mutual oonaent, Chap. E. Kirt¬ land retiring, and tho business will hereafter be carried on under the llrm name of John W. Tuttle, Captain Kirtland will hereafter attend to his wrecking business Captain Stewart recently sold one-half of tho schooner W. H. Chapman to Anton Stollenwerkfor $800. Tucoma, built by Thos. Quayle's cjonp, Cleve¬ land, O.; Wallula, by the same firm; the Onoko, built by the Globe Iron Works, Olovo. land, 0.» tho H. J. Jowott, buHt by the Un¬ ion Drydoclt, Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and the UoorgoT. Hope, built by Jas. Davidson, The American Ship Building Co. Is al¬ so using one of these steam windlasses for hoisting in connection with their 100-ton shears. _ ", We take pleasure In giving the following opinions and statements of pra'otical men who have used the American Ship Windlass warping tho ships. They have glvoims ex¬ cellent results, and I, do not romemberan Instanvo of complaint from our captains about them." Mr. Herman Winter, Inspeclor of British Lloyds and the mnrlno superintendent of the Morgan line of steamers, who designed and superintended the construction of the Chat- mette, ono of our largost freighting steam¬ ers In the New Orleans trade. In speaking nf tho American Ship Windlass Company's steam windlass on that ship, said: "It works like a charm, has no equal or superior among labor-saving appliances. All they do Is to open a little valve, give It the steam and It Is at work doing Its duty with reliable prompt¬ itude." s^ra^^^^Ka^w^s^isisisia THE PROMDENOE PATENT STEAM CAPSTAN. THE PROVIDENCE PATENT STEAM WINDLASS. The American Ship Windlass Company, of Providence, R. I., has gained great and well merited praise from vessel men who have used the various styles of windlasses and capstans manufactured by It, and which comprise the following: The Provi¬ dence patent steam capstan windlass, Provi¬ dence patent steam capstan wlndlaap, new style, the Providence patent capstan wind- last, the Providence patent power capstan, the providence patent pump brake windlass, and the Providence patent crank capstan. Their steam capstan windlass has been pro nounced the best of its class of labor-saving machinery in the world, and has been adopt¬ ed by the following ocean steamship compa< nleb and vessel owners: Malory Line, Bra¬ zil Line, Pacific Mall Line, Providence Line, Ward's Line, RuBslan Navy, Ocean Navlga< tlon Company, Oregon Steamship Company> Paolflo Coast Line, Oceanio Steamship Co., Central Pacific Rullroad Company, Morgan Line, Commercial Line, Old Colony Steam¬ boat Company, Clyde Line, Alexandria Line, Boston and Baltimore Line, Old Dominion Line, New Brazil Lino, N. Y. & Charleston S. S. Co., Norwich A.NewYork Line, Wln- sor Line, International Steamship Co., Sbh- ford Steamship Co., Boston & Gloucester Steamboat Co., L. G. Burnham, Boston; LT. 8. Coast Survey steamer, U S. Llghthouso steamer, U. S. Iron olads; W. F. Bolden, G, A. Osgood, C. J. Osborn, J. Goidon Ben¬ nett, Jay Gould. N. Y., and M. Leon Say, Paris, tho Southern Improvement Co., and tlio Metiopolltan Steamship Co. Tho Providence steam windlass has also been In use on the following vessels on tho lakes for somo time,* and the testimony of somo of the owners prove rlielr cfllclenoy and economy beyond a doubt: Tho Iron Duke, built by the Dotroit Drydock Co.; the Company's steam windlasses and capstans, manufactured by them at Providence, R. I. Captain Peter E. Lefevre, the marine su-' perlntendent of the Ocean Steamship Co., Savannah Line, one of the best and most re¬ liable authorities In tills country in all mat¬ ters pertaining to all classes of vessels and their equipments aB well as construction, said, "I consider the Providence steam wind¬ lass the best in the. world tlint I know of, We have them In all our present fleet of steamerp, and will put one In the City of Augusta. They do their work with great celerity, efficiency and reliability, nnd are always In working order. As for the steam capstans made by this compriny, they are Invaluable for warping Into dock and'for general use. The steam capstan takes up but little room, and can be worked effectually where men could not exert their force with bars or cranks on decks covered with Ice and snow." .Captain Nlckerson,.of the steamer City of Columbus, said: "We use our steam wind¬ lass quite often, as we are frequently com¬ pelled to anchor off'fy bee bar to wait for the tide before going Into the Savannah river. I usually give her forty-five fathoms of chain, lying comfortably and easy at a long soope. When we are ready to get under way it Is no trouble to get our anchor with our steam windlass. Nothing of Its kind is made that I know of that approaches It In reliability. It Is simple to handle, never gets out of or¬ der, nnd the only bother I evor had with it is, sometimes my mates wanted to run it too fast. I have waited until steamors which were near tno had hove short with their old- fashioned wlndlasscp, before I started to get my anchor and forty-five fathoms of chain, and'bofore they had their anchor at the cat¬ head I had all my chain In and tho anchor In its place. One olllcer and a bay got our anchor and chain. Nothing dan excel it; more than i tile, they are as noiseless as such a machine can be, and In great contrast with the clattering British wludlasies." Captain S. P, Griffin, commanding the Colon, of the Paolflo Steamship Co., sayat "The steam windlass on the City of Pekln, which I commanded when alio was new, was made ty tho American Ship Windlass Com¬ pany, of Providence, and It always worked to our satisfaction, i.over requiring repairs. We want jtist that stylo of windlass on this vessel " John L. Howard, superintendent of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad steam colliers, at Port Richmond Philadelphia, says: "In 1874 our company built eight new Iron steam colliers, six of 1,283 tons, one ol 1,035 tons, and ono of ES3 tons register. Wo soleoted the American Ship Company's windlasses and since then they have bceli In constant use In neighing anchorB and Lieutenant Z. L. Tanner, U. S, N., now in command of the U. S. Fish Commission¬ er's steamer "Fish Hawk," who commanded the Pacific Mall Steamship Company's steamer, City of Pedlng', for two years, says: "The steam windlass In use,on the P. M. steamship City of Peking gavo entire satis¬ faction. It required no repairs during the two years I was In command of that vessel, and was looked upon as thoroughly reliable. It would heave in from ten to eleven fath¬ oms of chain per minute at the speed we usually run It. At this speed It ran smoothly, requiring no attention except an occasional oiling." 8. Howe, captain of steamer D. S. Miller, says: "Wo like the steam windlass and cap¬ stan on board the steamer D. H. Miller, fur¬ nished by the American Ship Windlass, Com¬ pany, of Providence, very much. They work well, by far the best I have e\rer seen, and can fully recommend them to parties wanting a first-rate windlass and capstan." Capt. Penlnngton, marine superintendent of tho Clyde lino Of steamers at New York, a shipmaster of largo and varied practical experience says of tho steam windlass jnide by the American Ship Windlass Company, which Is on the Santo Domingo. "It gives the most .unqualified satisfaction in every respect, and Is without a pier among that olass of machinery; It Is never out of order, can always be dopended on for quick and certain action. This company unquestlona- ably produce the very beat windlass made. This I know from practloal experience." Mr. F. Alexandre, the senior and founder of tho house ol F. Alexandre & Sons, whose fine steamors are engaged In the New York, Havana and Moxlcan trade, put one of the latest Improved steam windlasses, Illustrat¬ ed In the small cut, on the flagship City of Alexandria, and says In regard to It: "The w ludhiss gives the beet of satisfaction. Tho fact that all laifo steamers In tho United States use the American Ship Windlass Company's steam windlasses In preference to any other kind made, prove the superior¬ ity of this windlass. Our steamers are obliged, from tho nnture of their route, In anchor often and frequently in dangerous places, and we are compelled to have for our own protection, tho vory best and most per¬ fect ground tackle and maolilnery for get¬ ting our anchors, or riding to our anchor?. Wo believe In tho Providence steam wind- hiss," Mr. A. Vnnderbllt, of the Ward. Lino of Culm steamers, it gentleman of ability and skill In his profession, and one of gioat piaetlcal experience in machinery, slates that both tho windlasses and capstans have given entile satisfaction, in the licit which he represents. Captain E. Splccr, Ji., of tho Mallory and ltrazll lino of Bteaniers, biij'b: "Wo use the .steam Windlass made bv tho Amcildan Ship Windlass Coinpany,of 1'j evidence, R. 1 , on all,our steamers, and they havo always giv¬ en ua pcr'ect PiitlPlacilon, nnd wu u,u fully endorse them as being thoroughly reliable,- lliey are the best that are made any where." The ofilcors of tho Sound steamor Massa¬ chusetts say that her wlnalnes Is Just spfen.,, did, Is alwaje In order, and docs Its "work without any falling. ' Captain E. V. Gager, who commands tho steamer Louisiana, of the Cromw.ell line, which Is supplied with a stoam'wlndhvs made by the American Ship Windlass Com¬ pany, of Provldonce, R. [., when asked his opinion of tho windlass, said: "It Is the best appllancoj In the1 world for handling anohors andohalns. Of this there can be uo quec. tlon. It Is simply perfection Itself, and no steam vessel Is thoioughly equipped with- out one of thorn. Ourd work to a charm In every respect. It Is, I repeat, perfcot." We think wo have, for tho present at least, prodnccd abundant and convincing proof from practloal users of the steam windlasses and capstans made by the American Ship Wlndlaas'Company, that this establishment produces the moBt perlect machine for hand¬ ling anchors and chains that Ms made In tho world. They aro not only speedy, but rell. able, easily handled, almost noiseless, aud take up but little room, comparatively speak. Ing; when once put in are a fixture, andean always be dependod upon. This company have, for yoars past, been adopting Improve, menta, but it seems almost, now, Impossible to make a windlass more perfect. In addition to tho above extradf we have- the following letter from Captain Thomas Wilson: Cleveland, O., Dec. 21 issi Affi,R85!{^,nU'^>^y' *™i. GKNTtKUB^-h,*^^! wlndjass which youtput Int2 the steamship tC,T entire satisfaction* and I cheerfully recom end Its use on all laige steamers, yours truly, Thos. Wilson. Passed Assistant Engineer G. W. Balrd U. S. iL^ultflsaa follow.a:_ " ' __ ' U. S. Com. op Ftsn and Fisnwiius 1 SlKAMKnALUATIIOSS, *( Woou'a HoLt, Mass., Oct. 8' 1881 I America., bhip Windlass Compaiy, pr', ience, II. I.: ' '*• *r0TN Gkntlkmkn.—In my quarterly r«nn»f » the Albatross! haveUered& feR" concori/lngour windlass: "The steam Wind? lass never having given any trouble, nor re 6tEAM CAPSTAN WINDLA88-NEW STYLE, Our small cut shows the company's now style of steam., capstan windlass. The ad¬ vantages of this style of WlndlaBS over their old steam windlass are: First—It can be set up In one-quarter of t|ie tlmeifcnd at one. quarter the expense required vttion the en¬ gines are hung up to deck above. Second—The engine being connected to tho plate and all the parts of the windlass being tied togothor by the same plato the whole must remain always inline; If the deck above twists or Btrains or is entirely crushed In or swept away*, the windlass can be worked by Btoain as efficiently as before. Third—The engines aro moro accessible, being at tho right height and in the most convenient; position possible; the engines, locking gear of windlass and friction levers bolng all within reach. Kouth—The windlass can bo sot up In tl o shop, and every part (Including engines friction stands, deck pipes and hltts) bolted to Its place and maiked, so that when set up on ship boaul, each part must come to Its place without trouble or delay. The above advantages combined with and In addition mall those good pointsposaosseds^ by the old style, would seem to lecommond this windlass to the coniUlence of at! In want of a Hi st class machine ' 1

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