Marine Record, January 24, 1884, page 3

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THE MAKINE RECORD. of tho Emperor Morbus Aurelleua; Maynel Bold tells in 'Tho Lnnil or Fire" or H.llirlll- lnj; pursuit nnil cpcnpooi Its 'heroes Ins milliner which cxplnlns ho* thntcnuntrvtic. rlvctl Its mmc; Albert Diirer)l« the punjeut ofonoof Mrs. Clement's popular "Art mid Artists'! pupere, which Is ucuumpniiietl by several reproductions of the muster's work j while Louisa M. Alefttt'a set'oncl "SplnnljiR- whool atory." entitled "Tubby"* T«b(«- oloth," Is n title or the Revolution nml the Rebellion that will be onRerlrrcnd by boys nnd jflrlsnlike. A rliiirmliip;'poom, culled C'Drlttlnic," by E. Vinton Blnke, Is lllus- trnted by Will H. Low; G. E Bnrnea him (loun g like office for 0. I'. Crunch's poem, "Phcnton;" nnd J. C. Benrd nnd J. M. Nil sent Imve innilo Intnrestlng plctnr<-^ for n tlencrlptlvHuketoh of the "Plumy Trwa «ntl Miniature Lmidacnpen" of Juimn iiiul Chlini, by J. B. Coryell. v LUMBER NOTES. - The total lumber cut at An Snble nnd 04- cotln thin neaaon foots, up 203.879,521 feet. The shipments were 182.872,742 feet. A new and hireer engine lia's been placed in Lolsl's sawmill, whlitli Id expected to turn nl«r. nil the power needed In" the machinery. The lumbering operation in Maine nnd the BrltlBh Province*, will be much smaller thla winter than for some >eurs past. The expenae-ot getting out the lumber Is becom¬ ing greuter. (According to the Diiluth Tribune, Mr. Ducoy, nl Muskegon, a liiinnerniiiii oi wide experience and well posted nn the deiallx ot his trade, thinks Duhiih lumbermen liiivf slightly overdone the business but there is no renaim why ihnt elty should not be as great a lumbering center us Muskegon. The Sturgeon Buy Lumber,Company line established n bunkjiig 'ground on the shore ot the lake, south of the villnge and north of Whitehall Bay point, and all the logfi that arc being got out In 'he neighborhood of -Crbmwell'8 place are bi-ing banked there. This makes the hauling here considerably shorter. ■ Saya the Mtiskegon News: "One reason why the cut of lumber this year Ib less than that of last year Is owing to the late start made by the mills last spring, and on ac¬ count of the dullness of the market none of the firms cared to make extra exertions to In¬ crease tho amount of lumber. It is believed that the cut on Muskegon lake will not vary much from 1B82, taken all' together, owing to tlie new mills and the Increased capacity. On the north side there lias been less lum¬ ber cut than last season, but there is more stock carried over. On this side the rovemc is the case." __The shipments of lumber to the United Kingdom iriiin the port of Montreal during the season ol 1883 was 1,8H0,88(J.27 Quotee Standard oj\ EQ,514,378.teel broad measure. Of IhlB 1.410,073.40 were lorwarded by steam and 425.0U2.30 by sail. In 1882 the ship¬ ments amounted to 44,800,125 feet. The shipments from Montreal to lilver Plane during the"season of 1883 were 450)587.10 Quebec' standard or 12,038,822 teet.. The shipments from Lower St. Lawrence pons were 222,000.5 Quebec standard or 0,130,000 leet. The shipments frcr Plerevllle for 1883 were 02,055.17 Quebec standard or 2,048,020 leet. Haskins & •Dennmine, at Marble Point, Bail river reservation, have 500,000 leetol splendid logs on their skldways, but none banked tor want of snow. Ileitn Bj'eset, also at Marble Point, has about tho same amount of togs on the skldways, and has commenced to haul to his landing. Haskins & Denomlno have 1,400,000 feet on sklihvnys at their Bad River camp. DaubM Palmer, at his camp on Potato river has banked ou a slfort haul 600,000 feet.- N. Baylleld, Iiiib just put in camp on Potato river, and has about 100,000 feet on skids. B. Armstrong has also put In a camp on Bad river, as well as Raymond and McDugall, both camps go¬ ing In lor a mlllloil leet. The want of snow has greatly retarded lumbering operations throughout fho Ashland <ll»tili'i. ' T. E." WILSON, . mmmwww smut* All Kinds of Water Work _D0KE PROMPTLY TO ORDER HEADQl'AnTEB , N. C. PETERSON, Boat Builder, Pt.F.ASUuR DOITS AND iAIUNO If ■> STK1M TACIITJ, tawl d'oats, aroo.i oAits, UTiaaiKO whebu, Ere. 38.5 Atwater 8t., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICD. Upson & Walton's, Stiver Street,] Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE, AT THE' New Yort, Peonsylrania ft Ohio R. R. MEW YORK, BOSTON AND TUB- EAST, Thc.ShortMt anil QnleUratRoniti to PltU- bnrfr, Wmhlnjlnn and Balllnor* v and the Bonfheaat. GLOBE IRON WORKS, SECOND HAND TUBULAR HOILUl. 4+lncheJ dl- anioter 43 tubus Jl Inrhci dlumt'ter ami 12 foot long, ■team drum HO Inches dlamouir, 40 Inches hltfh; J runt gratci, ilitinga nnd breech lugs; r otl order. . SECOND HANI) M All INK HOILICU, fn go<H order. Hhell, 7-16 Inch Iron plulc: diameter, 1) tVot fl inches: Iunutlu 18 feet; 121) tube* -I facliea in dlimular, 11 leet 4 jnchfi long, tbreo fluim 18 lnchen dlumt'ter; *wo fluoa \4 lnchea dliinioter, twu tinea IU 1-2 Inchiw-illnmoter: tire box, 6 feet lonj., 4 foetliitfti;(ittiamclilmnoy,7 feet high 8KCON I) HAND KARIKK BOILER four feet wide, 0 l*2ifet long, fi foet high, sixty-four 2 h'X inch tube* 00 lucliM long, oist \u») breechng, good aa now.. SEC >ND HAND MARINE ENGINE; dtubredirect- Sarrira 240,0m f«t ofTumh-V' S^.jVm.'lo. I^hr, f-^1S8^wCyll"d'ir' *haR "nd "^ '" JMhi "' FOR SALE, EXPORTS OK GRAIN. A comparative alatemunt of lha exporm of grain from Now York to Knropo In 1883 shows that, the American strainer In no longer on the ocean In the transatlantic trade; and that the American milling vestel in there, so to speak, simply In inline. Of the 1,180 steam vusaela which' hn-t year crossed the ocean, carrying 14,205,000 bush¬ els of grain, the United Slates can lay claim to not a single one, while of the 1(10 sailing vessel, carrying 4,252,930 bushel*, American ■hlpownor* are reoresentetl by two of the very' smallest cargoes, aggregating 25,(130 bushels. Of all the iiatlona America Ib now the last, though in 18S0 there were seven nationalities—the Dutch, French, Danish, Portugese, Ittiulan, Spanish, Swedish— which were behind this country In the ocean carrying trade. Great Britain now heads the list in shipments by steamur, her record for the year being 780 vi'mi'Is anil 20,111.910 biishclr, while Austtia coiuim tlrst in sidling v^s-cls with a record nt'llfiy-nnt' ve<sels and 1,IDS,(I8! bushels In shipments. Great Britain Manila tilth on the list In shipments by sail, but she carried 15,(I()0.0(M) bushels more than all other iiai'lnuiilitlei i'»nil)l:<<'d.hv steamer. iter length li 135 feel, beam 2G foet, and hold. II) feet lOliichsrt. Boiler 17 feet long. 7 feat illaiiiultr; threo Hues, two lit Inch and one 17*lnch. Knglno 22x12 Carries 2111,0110 foot of lumli<-r. Speed, 11 railoa llghr, and 9 l-'2 loaded. Ineuraneu valuation, 91o;800. Ad- drain Maiunk HkcoiidOIUco, No.2 South Water street, Cluveland, O. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Uu the Magneton ApplUnco Cy's Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY 85. They are priceleiu to ladikh, okntlbmbK and chil- ORKN WITH WKAK LUNOHJ UO C^fl of 1'NHUMONIA OK citoui1 ih ov. r known whom tliette garments are' worn* They; also prevunt nnd otlro iikaht pifkicui.tik-h, COI.DS.'lUIKUMATINM, NEITltAI.dlA, TIIItOAT TUtfUIlLKa, UIKTHBHIA, CATAltltll, AND ALL KlNOltlCD DJSKASIM. Will WKAit any service for tiikkk vkaiis. Are .torn OTertlie underclothing, PATADDU It i» needle»» to cleacrlhe tho Byraptonw UillaUnili ofthls unutwousdlHease that Is.Banning the lite and iftreiigih of only too many of tho (uirest and beutof Doth noses Ijibor, itudy'und research in America. JCurone und Eustenx Iu'kIs. huro resulted in the Mugiiotic Lung l'rotector, atrortlliig cure for Ca¬ tarrh,» remwly which contains NoDituauiMi uktiik Svhtkm, and with tho continuous stream or Magnetism pemiething through the iitllicted organif;1StUHT kkxtukk TUKM TO A HKALUIV ACTION. \VK 1>LAUK OUH 1'ltlCK for this Appliance at less than one-twentieth of (he price uaKeu by others for remedies upon which you Uike all thecliimcw, and wk kjjpkciau-y iuvitkiIib pairouageof tho many pkr^).ns who have tried nitua- QINO THKIR HTOMACHd WITHOUT BKPKCT. UflWfPn nDip A III Tl11* Appliance. Go to your nUW IU UDlAlfl druggist uml a>k for them. If uioy havu not got thorn, write to tho proprietors, en¬ closing the prict1, tn loite'r at o»r risk mid they will bo sent to you at once by mail, poet paid. Wend stamp for the "New Departure In Medical Trealmont without ukuicink," with thuusundaof testimonials THE MAl.NKTON APPLIANCE CO.. 2'8 State Street, Cliicugo, III, tug; good u new,' TRAVELERS' REGISTER. L\KE B1IOIUB 4 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN Cdmmcnring Sunday, Noveinlier 18, Rt 12 o'clock noon the time given In the figures below is the ncw'standard (Nlnetlfltli meridian) time, which Im thlrty-thr. u min¬ utes slower than Cleveland time proper nnd twentt- efght mtnuleB slower than the time heretofore In use (Columbus tliuo) by theito roads. Eastward. Fast New York Exfircai.............. N Y, B A A Express................ Elyriu Aicomiiuxlaiion.............. Port Clinton Accommodation .,.* BuRato Acconiiundatiou.............. NYAB Fiat Express................ Cln.Vk St. Luuls Express............., Connoaut Accommodation Nottingham [aunday only] Night Exprew.............. Westward. Fust Limited Exprotm.......... Mleh ExprcMM tIii Sandusky. ChlcHgo Exprefs via ' '* Mich Accotu, Nor walk........ Connoaut. Accommodation..., Nottingham, [bunday only). Toledo Fxiirois via Norivulk Ht Louis Ex via HitnduHLy.,.. C PEx viaNorwalk............. Port Clinton Accommodation Itefcrenco nwrks— * Dally, f dally, except bunday, I dally, except Monday. Central or NinMlolh Mrrldlen timfl, 88 mlnnlei slow or than Cleveland city time. Until further notlre trains will leave from the now Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct ai fol¬ lows: IS All Q ltl ATLANTIC EXPRESS-(Dally) Pull- U.yi/ fli IU* man sleeping and hotel conches from Lpavltis*>uigli B :J3 a. m. to Now York. Albany and Hoston without chang". Arrive at Meadvllleat 10:40 a. m. (dlnnir) Franklin at Vim p m, Oil City 12:80 p m, Corrv 12".ffip. m, Jamestown (Lako Chautauqua) l.8fij». m , Huffglofl.'oO jh m Itorhester n;20 p. m.j_Horneui- vllle C.-OOp m [auppTl; Comlnir 7:'.'np. ro. Eltulra(t:05 p m. BlnghtiituD 10.05 p. in., Albany A:00sj in. Bostoo i:4fin.m ; arriving at New Ynrk6:] O'Ofl 11 m LIMITED EXPKESg-Thmugh Pull- L 16U lli ill« uiitn alcppiiig coach from Cleveland to New York. Arrives at MeadvlUo at (I-UO p. m', Jatnea- ton-n 8.-47 p. m., Salatuaiica 0:40 p. in., New York U'lin n TTl ^I(i^T EXPUFS^-fDally except" iUU Ui ill* wunduy)Heeping(oachfromCleTelan4l IIornellsvHle Arrive at Youngslown itt 1:.10 a. m., Mca<|vl]|,-H;W a. m., Corry 4;fiu a. m. Jamostown 5,>>7 a, m. BuiraloU.-ZOa. m., Itochos'er 12:58 pt tn., Hornetla, villu, 11:00 am , Corning 12:07 n ru, Klrairal2:40 p. m., Hinghnmptmi 2.'lt'p in„.New York 0:10 p tu. Arrive at Plitshurgh ft.-AO a m . without change. n,rjn n m PITTSBUIWill EXPHESS - Dally- 6iAU ll.llli Through without cMmge, Parlor car aU tflched ^rrivonat Youngstown^.-OU p m., Plttaburg D.02 p. ni., Washington 7.-01U. m , Baltlmo'efllu a. m. Ji 11 n m MAIIONINO AO.lMODATION - 4ill jli llli Stopping atoll w"ay a'ations, arrlvinirat YoungHtown C;55 p- m., Slim on a:0lp. m.f ShurpedviUa 8:10 p> m. CiXn n m PlTTsnuntJII KXPItlSSS - Daily - D .OU d. 111. Through without chai<go Arrives at Youngstown U..B0 a.m., Slia-on lO^Oa. m., 8harpa- vlllulO-MO a. tn„ l*lt sburgh 12 4flp iu., Re turning, leaves I'iit'tburgh at 4; 15 a m., 7;45 a. ru., 12^o>. m., nnd 8:45 p m Ifl OA" Q m YOUNC.STOWN AND PITTSBURGH 111 OD Q 111. AtOMMODATION-Stopping at aU Wi> stailnns,arrivlug'at )oungt>iown 1:40p. m.,Pitts¬ burgh fi.45 p. ni. TralnH arrfv*- at Cleveland, (1:15 a. m.( 6:30 p.m., 10 20 a m; 1:05„ and !i:tt p. m, ■WThiB is Hie only route bi which passengers can, rt'iich Corry Elmira, Binghnnipb)nt New York City anil Iniermi'dlnte points without ohangu. No change to Boston and New England Cities, Baggage checked through to all points East Through ticketa ancf Information regarding the mute can be obtained at the office 131 Bank street,, and at mw Depot of N. Y., P B., South Water street and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. CLABK, lien'l Fam'r Ag't. Cleveland, O. J. M FElUtIS, (itm'l Ma.VHr, Cleveland, O. M, L, FOUTH.Prfssenger Agt, 181 Bank Ht. Cleveland. The Nickel mate! NEW YOnii, CHICAGO A ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. Note.—Send onn dollar in postageatamisor'curron- ..... ' ' "' ' of 'v" " tr/ii ": „ vlncudof the power residing In our Mugnctlc Appll- cy, in letter at our ri k, with sUo and try u pali of our M»giioilc luaoli shoo tiHuiilly v ami bo ooti■ uncee. Positively no colli feet where thty ari worn', or ffw/wj/ refunded. taix Paint Co 'i MANVFACTUnDHS OP. ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE ANDFAC-rOBY 36 MicbiEan Sty CLEVELAND, OHIO. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMKNTIC: A NTKAM COAL Clovelnnil, Ohio DEAN & CO., IIOATIIUII.DERB. DETHOIT, • - . - * - MICHJ Sitbsorlbo for tho JI.uiini: Itix-oim. tti'iuinniliofcMM of tho vopti kinil und or lonfr atl tutrobo.nouruil Inil>[»u . •!v,i.,.riliSi!S.T!!,^*'.,!™fc™'j^?^!™rwlHtr'vtfl BEE LINE Cleveland, Cblumbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. ~i!_ -------------- Thin lathaonijr tine making oireot Connection withal tlie principal Trunk Line, of tlio ICaat for all Soxtlioni. HoulhwoHttTD unil Western points, either by way oi Cincinnati, Indlunapolls or tit. Lonlaaud all Hallway Town. MISSOURI, TEXAS, NEBRASKA, NEW MEXICO, ARKANSAS, KANSAS, COLORADO OLD SI EX 1(0 ANDT1IK PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. ihTmmn »antiilfiirThcI.i\e.ol all tlm PrrnUlunta UUtnilJ ;it tin,11 H. The lurKi'it, lianilmimrat.Ji _________ .. . t liijSkiiM'r nolil for li'Mi lliiiu tivlci- our prlit;. I he fnit- !•/ Helling lunik In America linini'inieprellu tu iiKrutH. All InlelllKi'iit jtcupln It 7Any oini run humim u Hiioi'i-wiful iiixenl. Tcnni fn.1' II u.i lYr Hihik Co., I'lirlliinil, Mnhic.___________________________________ ADDI7P 'Sl!l11' N'x rents fur |kimIjiki>, ami ri't'SUu rnlZlti fri'i', II ceilly Imx lit ilinals ivlili li will hel]! yen tu mure luiiney 1-Ik'IiI Itwuy thsn iinytliln^ rise In thin wollil. All, uf I'lllu-r im-x, sllrimil rriini llrst hum. The lirniul ruiiil tu furtiiue opeiis licfuro tlio wiirkern, uliiiilutuly sure. Atuucu, Tltuif A f'i'., Auttinlu, Millne: a ESfTlckets hy thin -fiopulnr roiiic for aiile nt nil riigulHr'Tckel Olllccf. E.B.THOMAS, . 0. B. SKINNER, General MsnUKOr. Truffle Manager. " ■ A. 1. SMITH, (leneral Passenger Agent. CI.KVKLANK, OHIO. CLEVKLA»tp, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI i INDI- • ANAl'OLia Commonclnir'SunilBV, November 18th, tralmof thu Hen l.lnu—CloTelnml, Culunihus, Clnclnnntttt liiiliau- apolls Hallwaj— will leave uml arrlvu ut Gldvuluii-i uu follllWH, CUNTItAI. STANIIAKD TDtK, !Ct iiiIiiiiIiih sl,,w„r Hum Clevehinil lime: 7 82 I 1(1.2! Tho passenger equipment of this New Truak lint is nil new nml Is supplied wllh the lutcst appllamta necessury toaiife B|ieeily anil comfurlablu trnTel. At cliicngn, passentrer trnlns arilre nt anil leave from the Unlun liepot,.Viin Buret) street. Following In ibe^tltue in effect Nov. 18.108.1, and un¬ til further notice.* ' . GOING KA8T. ' •=»• Lv. Chicago :....... 7.47 a ,in........................... Arr. Vali-aial-m. 07 " ................... ," Fort Wayne. 1.(111 p. m...........„..............'_""_„ " New Haven., l.a.1 ' ........../;................ .'• West l-olpsic. S.45 " ,.................. .............. '• Arcadia........ AM "............................... •• Fostorlii......... 4.57 " .........:...'............!'....'.. •• Green 8]>rlngs fl 44 " .................. ■i Bellevuc........ 6.12 I.v. Ilellovue......... 0.2-j ArrClovelnnil..... 0.02 I.v. Cleveland............■...... 10.27 Arr I'nlncsvllle................... I1..13 " . " Ashtabula...........;...... 12 2.5 p. tji. '• Conneaut..,„...........:...... 1.(17 . " " Krlo...................... 2.00 " '• Dunkirk.....................a.. 11.47 " " Uiillulo...................... 6.22 ." GOING WEST. I.v Buffalo.......... 11.47 «. ui. .................. Air Dunkirk...........11.24 " ......... " Erie.............. 1.23 p. m................... " Conncjiul. . . 2 17 " .......:.......... " Ashtabula. . 2 Ru ' ................ '• l'alnrsvllle...... 844 " .................. " Cluveland........4.82 " '................. I.v Cleveland....... 4.17 AirBellevue......... 7117 I.v Bullcvno............ •' Oreeu Springs. Fosturiu.. (1.47 0.17 . 11.22 . 9 44 .10 22 Accom. .182 p. n ffl' Lt'avo (1.17a. m. 114(1 '• 7 411 ' 8 67 i- Arcadia.......................... 10 34 ' West Lelpsle.................. II.Ho ll New lime........ I 35 ■,. ■ t'urt W.iyne.......... 1 .12 • Vurpnilst)................... ft ft,1, " Chlcngn......................... 17.82 " 83 iniuiilus sluwer No. I, (Cincinnati A rolumlius Exprews .... Nu. II, IndliiualKillH A \\ hci-llng Lxpri'ss . Nn. 17, HpoclalCulumliiii.v. Cluiliiuall Kx. Nu. .1, *-|i|'c1h1 1ml A hu Uiuls Dxpri'nH Nn, 8,1'ui ('In. Iml. A Hi. bmls l.xpresi. Nu 7'ISyllluii .1 CI. A W Ai*................ No.'-', C«l. A ('III ,1 Ind. i:\prcis........ Nu. », (lulllun A ('. I. A W. An-......... Nu 12, Hi, l.uul»A- li-illau.ipulUI">pre Nn, 11, Cnl. Clu A luiliitiiitpull^ lAlircsi.....| Nu, I, ('u!umlius,\-.t iiii-uiiinti Exjircsi Nu. in, Wheeling Impress............. Nu. II, Cul., Clu A N. V Fnsl l.lne Tiitius luarlteilc daily, all utlicr iriiins ilnlly cxceji Sunday. - Deparc ~7 .111 A M li III A M I 211 I' M "I in I' M 'li'lll I'M" I :lll I' M Arimi. ll III A M li 111 A M .' 811 I' M » ,Vi I' M 11 i> I' M ii.-n I' M I III A M Trains run by Hie Muollelh Meridian Time, which la nine mlnulei. slower llisn Chicago lime, twenty-eight mlnuti'H slower than Columbus time, tliirly-tliri-etulu- lllesslower lluin Cleveland tune, fiirty^fuur mlnutta sluwer than Biiltnlo time, nnd sixty minutes slower Ibnn the Suvcntp-llfth Mcrldlcn lime. For iiifuriualluu, cull ou nearest agent ot the Com¬ pany, ur address < B. K JKIllMili, Gen 1 1'iisscugcr Agent I.F.r'Ih W1I.I.IAMH, • " •*""■ Gencrat Miiuager. Cleveland, O. Ilnrkv ltlver Acciimmodatlon departs at « »0 a m und 2 18 p in. Ktltlid Aceimiliiodiltiuli doparut at 7;')t) a m and 10-12 pin. All trains dull> exci'pi Sunday. GOLD' ______tage and wo will mull ynu Jut, a royal, valua¬ ble Imx ot muuplii gisuls'lnat will lull yon In the way ut making inuri'nfuiiey 111 a few ilu>s tlitin ynu ever- thought possible al any business Cupllul not niiulriil • We uill slurl ynu. 111111.111 «urk all the Knie or lii spure lime only. 1'liv work li universally udiipted to luitli sexes, young and old. Vnu can easily nn from Silicon to JS every ovenlug Thai nil who want work luai test tliuliihlneis, we make Ibis uniiuralltil uiref loulUlin »r« nut wellMtlsllni «■• ulll send 81 t„ , UJ furlho truulilii ot wrlllugiiH. I nil pnrllruliirs dlrei- llnns, ele., sent free. I'miunes will bo made by thoso who git e llli'lr ulinl.Mluu'I" fn work. (Ileal suciesj iiliioliilely sum Ikm't delay Mart mm. Address Missus s c„ , I'ortlund, >fuhie. (hOfJa u.ekiil liiiuin.- j.'idoniillltuce. I'.y absTdulelr JUl) inn- Nurliic. Capital uul reipilred. Ite.uler If Jim uuiil lupines nt which persons of oitherm'x \01111g01 11I1I, 11111 make gruil ]iay all lliu tlmil Ibey work, with alisoliili'iirliilnly, wrllu for iiortliulars tu , A I'll,, I'ultllllld, Maine "larsiu 17�277 92

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