Marine Record, January 17, 1884, page 7

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THE- MARINE RECOPD. 5 ■ •». «* No. 2. Uko Snnorior clmrcoil.............28 ori(j2S 00 Mm. S ami 4 Lako Superior..................£1 OnS.!0 110 No«, 0 mid 0 IjiUu Suporlur........... 23 00035 00 No» 1,2,8, <, rt, s-li»bury........,............ :i5 ooifiirt oo Southern Car Whoel...........................,,'a 00(^33 00 , Bqmlld by Ji. L. llatper k Co, CincimdUI. The business ot tlio week litis been fairly acilvo numerous llbernl order* hnve been booked. Several huge transactions go over unoonsumatcd bemuse nt disinclination of certain I'ui'iiiieeB to meet figures oll'cred by buyoiB, leaving icsolutcly detuimined to ' pile their iron rutlier (linn dell nt losing prices. Tlio elements of tlie maiket lire lie ilthful. luom lepnrta there appear to be superfluous stocks or visible cereal", nnd the pluntcd crop is In excellent condition. The, nnd ngrlcultiirnl linpleniont mitker; anticipate nnd are preparing for nn Active buslnesB. Steel rails' nro In notion dcninnd, nnd nn ndvnncet in pi lee* Is re- porteii. Tlio Block nf ci ode iron I* not huge, nnd with mnpllc confidence and an nbnndnnee of money n revival ot triillle would be reu- Bonnbly Ib'oked for, nnd it piospeinus yenr indiented. The only feature of ilie un- certnlnty arises from apprehension of n. tnrlfl'ngltntlon which IsliiBiiillcem tououtra- lize the substantial facts, nnd « ell grounded hopes for early good limes. We quote ns pi Icos current. POUNDDY. ' Hinging nock Charcoal No. 1................»22 60 to 823 ISO Hanging Rock Clmrcoil No. 2 . ... 2125 " 'UK 8trong Neutral Coke No.l................. 10 00 •■ 20 00 " " •• No.2................ 1800 "11)00 American Scotch, No 1..........................18 OS to 10 00 qkkv ronos. Noutril Coko.........................................WO 75 to 817 26 Cold Short........................ 10 25 " 10 76 CAU WIIKEL AKD HALLEA11LU. Hanging-Rock, strictly cold blait....... t 27 76 " " warm bloat..............2«O0"2<60 Lake Superior "Vulcan" all grades ..|...« 24 00 *' 25 00 Southern Car Wheel, itrlotljr cold Wait 20 60 " 27 60 [ Coiiciwrfed tfiom M page.] 1 '% With reference to vessels lost nt nn, em ly period of hike history, It is u mutter which cunnot be complete for rcneons nlrendy as¬ signed. The first instance of n vessel foun¬ dering on Lnke Ontario the Washington _in^98,jujdjilljinnds loBt. This veBsel wns the AiBtln^rclinTirveSel bulirnbove Nlnga- la Fulls, nnd wns conttrneted at Elk Creek, above Erie, Pn. She w ns taken to Luke On- tiulo over the poilngo, a dibtunce of nine miles between Chippewa, Cunndii, nnd Qucenstoii, below I lie lulls. Instances ol vessels foundering liuve been raie, except in Inter ycifls, foi the lenson tlinl tliey ueie of small tonnnge and could dodge Into almost any Inlet, which, during Inter veins, could not bo. thoughw>t.* • y In November, 18Uo,~imsrilllu gnlu" sfrepl ',' over the lakes, dining which tlio schooner A'i Comet, ladon wltli hollow w nro from Mudl- , ** eon dock, on Lake Erie, went down with llvo lives. The schooner-Bridget foundered lnl835on Lake Mlclilgnn with nine lives. Schooner Lagiange, Cnpmln Clinching, foun¬ dered on Lake Kile, nnd seven lives lost. Schoonei Godolpiilu wns wieckednt Dun, kirk. Dining a teirlblc \ovcnibei gale on 1 Luke Kiln Hit less tliiin thlilceii liven weie lost with the schooner Fue 'liadei, a Cuia- dian ciaft. yt 1837. Shoonci Helen Mail.Gipiidn Judab -« liaiisoin, louudeieil on Lake Knu wilb nine ,'* lives. Schoonei Drill lutiiHlcieil on Lake ?t Michigan. iScboonei Ulien,Ciipiain Butklc-v, a, wiecked jit l'tf-ipiu Isle, Lake Union. The v hcboonei Iliaiidywluc w leikcdou Lake Kile. fy ls,)S. Sclioouer Eagle wns wrecked at Elk i Oieok, Lake Kile hcboonei ltohcit Iliiius ^ wieckednt Ashtubt.hi. Schoonei haintogu wrecked ncsi Coiincniit, Lake Eilu Schoon¬ er Toledo necked nt Uiuiul ilvei, Lake. Erie Schoonei lien Ballon wrecked near Con- neiiiit, Lako Erie. Mbchooner Lady ol I be Lake wiecked near llullalo. 1811. Scliooiiei Cclcbte toundctcd on Lake Erie with 8 lives. Schoonei 1'ost Hoy foundered on Lake Mlclilgnn with 10 lives. 1843. Sclioouer South Amerlcn loundeicd lu Uiike Erie with ten lives, Schooner Young Lyon foundered in Lake Erie with eight lives. Schooner Superior wrecked at Mich¬ igan City. Lako Mlclilgnn. Schooner J. L. King wiecked on Luke Eile. Sclioouer Equator wrecked on Lake Eile. Schooner II. M. Kenno wiecked on Lake Eile. The schooner Alabama wrecked nt Fnlrpoit. Sloop Erie foundered on Lake Mlclilgnn , \\ 1th six lives,. 1814. Schooner Wavo wiecked on Lako Michigan with thirteen lives, Schooner Vic¬ tory wrecked on Lako Michigan nnd live IIvcb lost. Schooner Astol- wiecked nt Cop¬ per Harbor,. Lake Supeilor. The foregoing will ho continued inoie definitely In future Issues with other Inci¬ dents ofonrly Inko murine. J. W. II. mjl'I'ALO. ( , Leopold & AiiBtrlnn, pioprletou of 'the Chicago & Lake Superior line nf steam- ci s, Tiii'Bdny bought of the Unloil Steam- bout Compnny, the propeller Jny Gould for ♦35,000 cash. The Gould was built by the Union Drydock Compnny In 1800, nnd lust season rated A2. Sho has a currying capac¬ ity of about lfylOO :ons on fourteen foot draught. It was undeistood that she la to lake the place of the lost Manistee next sea¬ son on Lnke Suporlcr. In that ense alio will likely be fitted up with passenger nccommo- datioiiB. Tlio Gould li laid up at this port The purchase was made by Joseph Austrian, Who left for Chlcngo. Tlio llebnrd&Toiirbor Lumber Company i5f Lnko Superior, liavo bought of Fred Gooeli, of Sandusky, the tug P. L. Johnson, for $12,000 ensh. She was built' In 1875 nt Cleveland by Lnfrlnler. She inciisiirei 140 tous and rated A2 the past boiiboii. Slie will be used in connection with the extensive lumber business of her now owncis In the vicinity ot Peminiulng. The steambarges Alpena and Huron City, owned by tills com¬ pany and wintering nt Buffalo, wero offered for Bale. Should these be disposed#f tllej Intend to procure BteamorB of Inrger capacity. WINDSOR. The ferry bonta nre having a hard time of it, Tlio ice is piled up In some places three nnd four feet high. Tlio boBer In the passenger ferry boat Fortune started to leak Tuesday, and she was obliged to lay up for repairs. The Ex¬ celsior will run InJier-place uwll she is ready to resume work. The new transfer ferry for the Grand Trunk loiul will contain the machinery of the present ferry Michigan, which will ge> out of service. The bull will bo taken to Windsor where the woodwork will bo UnUuc.ll.__ iLlLBiild tlnit_the pew ferry, although orlginnlly Intended foi the lletidlt river, will be used ns a transfer between Poi t Huron and Sarnia. TOLEDO. The Seciotnry of the Tieasury has «p- pioved the appointment of Captain II. A Brown to bo Inspector of oiisioins at this port, vice Ilemy O. Roemer, suspended, thus Indorsing Collector Batlolle. CINvIlO _ OAN „ Captain Todd Uoyntou, formerly of the on each side. When red nnd black checked nro piilnteil on a buoy It marks cither a rock In the npou sea or nn obstruction of small ex¬ tent with a channel nil nrnuiul. If there lire two such obstructions and a channel be¬ tween them, tlio huoy oh the right of you will have led and white checkers, and the one on your left will havo black mid white ehbcki'rfl. A green buoy, will be placed on the sea side of any wreck obstructing n chan¬ nel Willi the word wreck' plainly painted on -It in white letters, provided there Is n clenr elinn'ncl all around It. Otherwise an even number will be painted in white above the 'wreck' w lion the buoy la on tho right word aide of the channel, and an odd number li the buoy is on tlio-left." r ItenrnTjaTge-r^rrodn^tewtHVlMts-titkim^ ninnd of the steamer Algomah until Captain Wells Is well enough to lesuuie coiunianil hliiinelf. Sho will come heie when site tenches St. Ignnce, and tho.present route be abandoned. The ice outside the huihorU about eight Inches thick, nnd bhe would have no dllllciilty In .funking this Inn bnr. Slie Ipis now been fast lit the Ice eighteen daj -. (.81 ON. Captain Booth bus puichnseil thetugli nn- blei lot Mi II. Neclon, ol hi. ('alliaiiiif, The tug which will be used in canal lowing, n'it bought Itotii Mi. 'iduioui, ol Ticiuon, loi $1,0110. J. Ilusllp, pi (iaidi'it, Mund, lias been engaged to icp.ili hul bollci anil put hoi lu good condition. u vn.m'b it a Hnon. It is lliuiiglil that the liiirrtiugbs will be unable to get I lore lion) Milwaukee again thlbwlntei, unless the weathi't niodeiatci, and the Ice which now toveislhe lake din- nppeaisoi weakens so as lu enable the boat to gel Ihiough. BAMllMiV, William Old lias commenced suit In the Common l'lens ('emit lieieagnlnst Viilcnilne Files, (lie Milan ship builder, loi $10,001) damage* loi injuries sustained nolle Old was asslsllng In gelling the scliooiiei Golden Age down the Union ilvei. A windlass broke and the lffver struck Old, fracturing Ills leg, breaking some of Iter ribs, and other¬ wise Injuring him. GLOBE IRON WORKS PATENT STEAM WINDLASS. Tho development of the ship whidhisi on the lakes is n very- correct exponent nf the extension of business nnd Improvement of vessels. The first was the log windlass, oper¬ ated by Inn dsplkes with wooden pawl In wooden ratchet. Then camo windlass Hugs and nippers, oporntod bv a common beam. On account ol leciug up of tho lings the next Improvement wns ratchets on tho rings surrounded by a shell with pawls to operate on ratchet, Tlio full shell, not protecting the rings from ice, was dispensed with and n sectional one substituted In Its placo, as now in use on log windlasses. About this time, owing to the Increase In tonnnge, the wood¬ en pnwl nnd pawl ratchets were found un¬ desirable and substituted by a cast Iron =3= ed by tho Globo Iron Works on llioir com. • pound marine engines. .It is applied l'o> tlio ordinary aniazocn henm by tho addition of n vertical arm, connected to tho piston rod of tlio cylinder, whoso valves aro oporated by a hand wheel, which alteration does not Inter-' fere with the successful operation of the or. dlnary hand brakes. Tills arrangement lias been applied to the slc.imbnrge D. Lent)' and has given poifcct Pntlsfncthpn, Cnptnln John Prluglo haying taken hi his- largo anchor and fifty fathoms of chnln, wltlitwo boats In tow, lu the short spaco of twenty minutes. In fact, (aptniii Prlngle enys the Introduc¬ tion of this device saves the vessel the cost nf two hands. In nil jirohnb'llty the Globe Iron, Workn will turn out a number of those steam altaclimcnts for the coming sprlug. The Globe Iioli Workn leel It encumbent upon them to express their Indebtedness to Cnptnln Georgo Slonc,.of 'Brndley's Line, Cleveland, and Cilplaln George McKay, of fho Clevchitid Transportation Compnny, who culled their atientlon to tlie gicnt advnutngo which would he gained by a spool wludhisa operated by tho oi dlnary nmnzeon beam and brnkes, nlso to Cnptnln John Prlnglo of Ma¬ rino City, for insisting Hint they should up. ply stenm to this whidlnss. Mr. J. F. Pnnkhuili, of the Globo lion Woiks, has the credit of designing tho spool 'whidlnss with brake attachment and Is the patentee of tlio stenm attachment to.the same windless. GLOBE IRON WOUK.V PATENT STEAM WINDLASS. nd three east Iron paw Is nnd pnwl plntes, nnd a further Improvement was made by dispensing wltli the wooden jour¬ nals |n llinliei beads by Inscttitiglu the ton¬ ne o| the log »iought lion shads woiklngin cast lion boxes on ihellmbur heads. The next gient Inipiovement wns the iiilioiluellon of the patent anin/.een beam, which gave gient- ei lunge ol powei, hiding lluee dllleicut speeds mid eoirespnndiiig powers. Owing to the inltoiliictlon of steam, I lie hu icu"c ol bin-lucbs anil the low heights, laiget \em-els weie ici|ulieil and, coiim cjuenllj, betaiei 'inchois and chains had to be usul, w.bLh FROZEN TO DEATH. Tho details ol a \ciy sad occurrence leached the city on the 0th lust. William and John Slieicock, two fine young men ot Howe Island, went to Clnytuu, via the,lce, to make a payment on a schooner which tliey bought there recently, l'hcv lcuiniucd over night lit that poll and Marled lot homo late the iit'M moiiiliig. About nn houi after tliev lelt the AinetU'iin shine ihe leceni liea\y smow hloiui cauie-ou. and 11 wtrsMi lillntiliig that tbe\ weie unable to see wheie thej were going, ,unl tlualh lht'\ lint llieit \\n}. Allei w.imhiiug about till diukness ........... the\ becaine separited, and tbeii tieu'i-sllnli'd a w ludlass that would o\ei haul I vinU in the hiiow e\h inMeil W ht'it itioiit- Itsownchaln and that would be mole L.,.|-1 lug,, woke John, who dug a hole in a . , ,iiii. ., ..... i M ow bank ami tietplf lain and simple In Its opeiations. Ilnsie-r ' julieinenl was tret by I he Globe lion Works' READING BY NUOV/S Suys a well Infinined pilot': "When you eotui any Innbor in the wotld whole the cliiinnel is uiaiked by buoys you will find Hint tho'-e on your Tight ns you pass lu ate painted led, mill Hiobc on your led black lljou should see one palmed In led and black hoi l/.ontal bands the sloki should urn as close to it ns possible, bccuNollluit. indi¬ cates the centre o! a nanou jliaunul. Hums wltli red mid black veiIleal snipes inaik tin: ends of spits and the ouler and Inner ends of extensive ieefs, whcic llieie Is n channel pool Wmilluss, and Its udvantagih ale that the powei Is applied by Ihe same beam anil bitikes that weie lu common use on the oi- llnnn log wIndians, which Is no intunsidet- ablo iKhulitage, us miIIois had nothing new lolcain, and Ihe shupjlcity with whhhll woiks makes the loweilug and gelling In of ship's aiielioiB in u heavy sea it \ety easy mtittei, It being so ntiangediis to tJike in one or both at once, oi pity out one and take lu the olhei. ll tonsists ol a loiged Iron shall liuVhig babbited beuilngs In lion boxes on,the pawl post and bits, the cliuliis making a thice quarter turn lu close lilting chain ihcavct. They aio^tlirown Into and out of gear by inserting or wlthdinwlneii wrought iron plug In Hie sheaves. Both sides ol enclt sheave ale pio\ldcd with hlc- llun bleaks adjusted by sciew and hand wbccl.eaeh biuke ol sulllcletit sttehgth to pint Ihe cable. Owing to lite small eiews enrrled upon sleanib'irgcs It has been' found necesbiiij toopt'tatetlte windlusstsbj steam. This lints been uccomplialicd by Hie patent device of the Globe lion Woiks, the subject of out Illustration, consisting of a slcam cj 1- Inder with a similar valve motion to the steam ic\crsoengine now uiihcibiilly ndopt- litink ami tieiplig Into it leiniuned Ibeie all night, xaw thai he was about 100 5 ai ils I Him a house whii li is on the j.|ioii ot Utlutlstone Llaiid, ami lit- iihwIliI hum bib cold btil and inniuigtil lo iittiiulihe alien-., thin ol Ihe Iniu.iiesol the house, who went out upon the ice ami took him liiihaigi. Ihe pool lellow's fi'el, and It gs nbo\o the ankle-, bin bauds and a pinllouol his nick weie badly ho/en. ll lb said thai bis leet and hands dropped oil In ihe hohbC. He told it pitiful tale al|onl Iheli waudeiliig; how thai William left him to go a little to one side to look loi hacks and ne\ci inade his appeal nine again. He tailed loudlj bin theie was no icbponse. The lepollol the sad all th spiead niouiid thettmuh> and a seaii'Ji lor the inlsbiitg man wusnt nine lu- stiltiletl and continued foi days without sin- cess. On ihe llllli the body ol William Slier- cock wns found frozerrstiff. The wind litui removed a portion of the snow oil tlio slioul. tier and by tlilb menus the cornso was dls- eoveied. The body was found bv Low Chinch, of (ianniioipie, allei a umsl diligent senrcli, nnd laken to hhetcock's btti home on Howe It-land, to wliich place Joint hail been taken nlso. It is doubtful when the hitler will lecover, us lie sutiered tuulbly while Ivlng In the hole In tho snow ovoi night. It Is seldom that it falls to nm lot lo chron¬ icle such lionrhentllng clit'itiiibtiiuces us those above naiinted. The young men weie honest and Industrious, and having saved some money pmclmsed it small vrnlt, which they InU'tidcd to sail next similiter. Tho illl'ulr litis lluow n a gloom over Howe Inland. —limijatuii Xaos.

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