THE MAHINE RECORD. tfiirnnnffl pbesents ? smrers (PUUpUUU m tlBANDEST OFFER EVER MADE M ANT PUfilMBS. A HOUSE AND LOT 0B $5,000 GOVERNMENT BOND FBEE Iq order to Inoi Ice tho f ollowlnj mftbe... tain iidviuitatfo ordorjiuidffitj wo wlh"ent«r your n*m« on our g ...KoA^v^fi^To^^iio'i.v: . w.i vh.i wiiM 1/w-i.nii known noblKaUon.'TIU: nOtlMtMOLp MAOAt!INK,MftMlw wltli n «umhpraV«« Jl. wljt-li outlUu tlio Holder toons of the followtall MAONIr'lCitNTANQ' .OOSTLV PRMBNYsW•" Bl'on n»»rto our rataoribora Utrch lMh, f^WaftIhiTClaSen mS" ni your miasarfpuon und out your mends to Join youi In tola wsy you can get your sabscrtpUoi] me tor u LIST OF PBESENTS TO BE GIYEN 0UB SUBSCRIBERS llgusa and La*. In Ne* York Olty..81tl.oo [ I'.«. 1 It.». lovernment llnad.............. 10 If. N. Greenbacks or »ooo .ooi... So ft.». " •• lioo •• .,„ *SJ'i»- " - " tso " ... A KleinintaqttanOrand lManes.151] Also, 08.577 Other nwfnl arnlTAltublo,____, ntolAtof 100,000 VAI.tlAni.K ANfl U"j scribes will noel>e THE Ij(llfHEllOIJ) T All ot tlio ouovo |>n>Mnts will bs RwsrdM, la mhicrlkonrnt our MIIHIUAL FESTIVAL. IN Nli:}V VOKK OlTV.Jlul----"■----- IrBU'SsJIdColn Sllrer WsUhes,.| .adlc«'€liBlHalneWatelies......... isnUfnrsolllnlro illaaioad lUnaa sffaaialllillKul'atteNS......... leanUmlNbbclOfeebsllleeek... iotoiT.Bli ATb»«u,ai»e«eli..:..... Tfrt'eftetFrolTKiriTM.......... and «)eau>PMkelKnlres.. LpAxlHli'or anejroar and an elevaiit Prcunt tMmMca. ,*{ff,frlrm'siTro"!.V«^v;;"i'n,V.,»K lOtattenaeaUi hitrtt uwir prownto tent to any part of tbo ttwardft will be t^ryrnrdeAJfl MtH t* evrrr Bub*wrib«r "" TrPapo ^^&V^&Mmfk® ■ xnitxthopfunoootUnfHendioraoquiUnt&nccn.andvoviaaWnatwylTBf " -■-"-------* Simd^OalBO.lril^tho'nrunof ofttnfHeii _ .. tvelvA nonbered receipta, thuifftvlnjjyoa twgri Dn» NOXmSS 1JIIS OI»POIETUNITT?rWo » ir aojuiUntftnccB, and t» .------- aocurvi tlio UAOj . reoiclpt that la reftr to any Ntjw fflJaerlpU) Iobo and ____.__. ___^,o»randammibaF««1 worth from Hi cent* to 915,000, York publliaora aatoqai------- par r iouid i albllitf. Mom'jrirtiumaotonoortwo dollar*can Im aunt by onJlniur lotteri lorsuriuuiB abouid be aunt by ltegjitcrod totter or 1'oit Offloo Money Order. Addroas ait ordurato ■ THE HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE CO., 10 Barclay St., Now York/ OUT THIS OUT and show It to your Trlonds, nolahbort nnd ncqualntnnoet, ns It Is tho last ohnnoo you will hnvo to take advantage of tills offer.______ TESTIMONIALS. dentil—Tin Housiiiold Miourm arrlrea NRUlarlv and la a weleomo visitor. I assure you. I wonld not do without It. lllte.0. E. Oauiuun, Wichita, Kan. Gents: —Enclosed plenao ilnd twenty anbaorlptlona. the foanlt or hnlr a day'a work, I can eend yon IqU more; everyone like* the Manilne. V. VV, Uoodi, Loncasuir, I), H. HotTOtnoiD MAOADltl Co., Gents;—Allow mo to conirrattilnto you upon oettlnitout ao fine >nd pare ■ ITIairazlno. It la worth dpnblo any oilier dollar publication 1 have aeen. Itxv. L. 0. Divmroirr, Hudson, O. I enelone twenfyaewen more anb> acrlntlons.wlll aend you more Inafow doya. Tin lUauras take* better than any I ever canvassed for. Bend reoelpta and magazines with your usual promptness. J. a. Font), Indopendenoe, Iowa, 41 Vox Row, New York, Dec. 88,1883. During tlio put (Our years the proprietors of tho llousinou) Haoazdie have paid us over ?50,000 lor newapaper adTertlalns. hey liovo alwayaVbeen prompt with us, and we consider them perfectly reliable. Jlio. F. Fuiluiu & Oo. I admire your magaitneverymuch; my cnbV drenUkotoroadltv Itlapnrelnllterntare and refined In tone. J. U. MoQtun>, Oolevlllo, Po. a PAiut Row, Now York, Jan. 9,18M. It Is ns safe to send money to the Household MiOiiiNB Oo, aa It la to hrlnir It. I have no hesitancy In saying that they will do ex¬ actly ae they affree, and evorythlnff will bo aa repicaented. K. DuHOiMBHirrcH, Advertising Agent. Liwiston, Mo., Doc. St, 18K). I think tho HouaanoLD Maoazinb tlio beat dollar monthly lu tho ennntry. J. B. CONBTAKT. Wonld conalder It cheap at $1.«0 ivttlioul preaenta, A. ft. JUymond, East Saginaw, Mich, FOR SALE, llor length in 135 feet,-Win W} foot, iini] liuld, 10 foot lOinchud, Boiler IT foot loiirT. 7 feet illumutur; three thiol, two lit inch and one l7*iocl.. Kn^lne £2x43. Curries 240,000 foot of lumber. Spfed. 11 mtlcn lighr, and 9 1-2 limded,—Iuailnv>co viluatlon, 815.8W). Ad- drcnnMARisKJlifconD uiAce, No.2 SotitW Waterstreot, ClovoIamj^O. ~~— —~^————_:___ DAVID BARNHISEL. Agent. DOMESTIC A NTEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio rT_~DEAN & C0~ UOATilUII.DfiltS. DETBOIT, jficiia FOR SALE; AT TIIE GLOBE in mm, SECOND HAND TDIiULAK HOILI'lf, 44 Incliofldt. amoter, 4.1 tubi<a 3 iuultea diameter arid 12 foot lung, steam drum .to inebed'dlamoli'r,-4a tncJics hitch; front grata*, flitlnge and brceolilnga; kuoJ order, - SECOM> irANmralMNK-«OILKU,-lii Kood order,' Shell, 7-10 Inch Iron plate; rtlnmctor, i> lect filiichw; lunpth, 1b feet; 12'.) tubes 4 inclicn In dlaniutor, 11 foot 6 incliUB long, throQ thti'H IS inch in ilInmL'U'r: *wo tin us 14 Inches dlfuuutcr, two tluos 101-2 lnchun dtiimolor; life box, flfect lonf.l4foothiRh;Btoamchiiniii'yl7 foet high •SKCOND HAND MAHINT, IIOILKU ftmr>ot wida, 6 1-afi'Pt lonn, fl feci liiKhi tilxi) -four 2 1-2 inch ttilx* CO IiicIhm loiif, ciyt liuii hm-cling, gootl^aa now.' SEC 'ND HANDMA1UNK ENGINE; duuljeilirect- acting Hx8 inch cjlindor, bhuft and wbcoF fof yacht or tug; good an now. N. C. PETERSON, UsalhoMiiBimtoii AnplluncoCo'a I ^T 9 Magnetic Lung Protector! % PRICE ONLY 85. Thoy are prlrclcsi to i.adiks, oukti.khkn ami ciiil- DRKN WITH WUAK LUM.S; UO C»,0 ol 1'NKUSLO.sU Oil ciioui' ihqvpi known w lie re tlieoo garniuuiB arc worn. They also prevent mnl euro iikaiit d'u-'I'iculv^. COLD8, ni.KUMAHSM, M-UUIAI.OU, IHKQa'I TltOl'llLhH, IHlTHEltU, CATAltltlf, AND AM. KINDltKI) DHKAHI.S. Will wkah imy »er\Ili- for imti.i; \ kahm Are 'iur1i over the imdurclottiing. UnliiilUilj Of tllln llilliM'llll!. (IfnOIIHH tllllt ilMt|llllllK tlio liw) und rftroiigih of onl> too mimy uf tin- (.ifrcii and hcttnf both uoxea la.ibor, ntntlj' nud renenrcli In America, Euroiio und lui-tern lu<-d», Imvo ri'Hultuil In the Mngnetlr Lung I'rotectur, uiltmllng cur.- fur Cu- tarrh, a roniwly which roiiiuliiH No I'm (humiOkiiikJ Systicm, and with tho cuntlniiodMiiroaiiiof jMiiKii'tlHiii permeating through the nltllrtud orgnni\, must ni:sroiti. THKM TO A 1IKAI.1I1Y ACTION Wi; I'l.AC'i; (Hit 1'KH I. fur thin Aiiplltuico at less tliun DiiH-twuntiL'th of the price ujtlled byolliula fur rcniedlt-s ujHin which you mko all tin' rhuiires, uml wic i.hi'I.halli ivviii.the putronugitof the iunv i-kiisoss \\ ho huvo irlud nimo- uinu tiii:iu sruMACiis wiiiimti ituhci. . plluiice. (Jo to ynni t uml unit (or iliem. If khvj iiuvu Hu( Bui tiiuau, ...... to 1 lit) propi-letoi-M. en- cloalug tlio price, in l«Uer ttt o-r rink nud the) will be Bent to yon at muu l>y mail post paid. fck'ud btiunpfor tho 'Now l>t'|iiirtiir« in Mt'iliral Truatiuunt wiinoUT iiimiLi.Nh," with thoiisHniln of teBtlinonlula THE MAltNl.TON Al'I'LIANCE CO., 2'HhUtt«Siri!i;l, ijli.rago, III. Notk.—Suiid cmo dollar In pn-«tiigui>tiiu. nor eurreu- cy, in letturat our ri-k, ivilh hiw uf ulioe inuully worn, and try 11 pair of our MngiH-tic IiihoIch, and Le con¬ vinced of tliu pi.wor n-aidii.g in our Altigiietle Appll- anccs, I'otiitlvely niifolii feet nitric they iOc uorti, or tuonay rtfnwled* uimi tiii;ik tsroMAuni niiiiDin nt HOW TO OBTAIN JXJtC they have pot got them, twite to vui«rta.po«ittTtr«mt(ly7brth« nhoTo (1imm«TdtTu□■• ! thouH&da oreuM ot tha vonft kind »nd of lotif iUn4lng havo bMqoarwl^rDjlMd, 10 Mroni U my nllhinlMtftleur. lft«IIwinMDdT*^UOTTrJMFlTlit^^«rwUh»VAt: / t'ADLBTBBlTIHIonihl|<llw4«»Vtoin/iu(Ti.rtr. Ol«Br- dim * P. ft «4dm*, PU. T. A. HLOOUU, 111 Fetrl St., M. T. A fiPVffllO wuntinl fur Tim I.lvci of nil the 1'rcHlriontH illlijillU of the U S. The lurgetit, handfoui'eflt.beht book over aold for lu>-» than twice our pru e. I ho fiutt- eat aolllnc luiok lu Amurlra Iinuii'iiHuprollU to iigeutti. All Intelligent people wunt It Any one eun becoino a BiiotM'urul ngent. TelnH free. Iiai.liit Bimik Co., , fori land, Maine. APPT7P t^ni' M'x <,|'",l* 'or I,,rt,, r>r' ""^ «,(,'ivo rtllZlUt free, a cosily box of goods which will lielp voir to mure ni<iin,*-'ru,*ht awav tlnn nny thing elw In tliir. wirliU \ll,of cl'li'T H'\, HiK.cid trom \\>»l hour. T)m btnol io«| lo full..... dviin ,»-f t" (hu workiTi., iilHuhiit'ly niiro. Attiinu nddrebv, Tkiik,A < i.., Augintii, Miihij', *f i I'I, K A SUn K UO AT a AM) SAILING AMU HTKAM VACIITi, YAWL I10ATB, IfOON OAHS, STKHEUNO WlIKKt^, h^O. 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DKntOIT, MICH. Capt. D. S. Webster • VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENT.. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, KTC.;mOUGIIT ANfl SOLD ON COMMISSION. Cliarterine. anil Freighting of Canadian - Coarse Freights Specialty. No. 64 Woodbrldge Street Detroit, Michigan TRAVELERS' REGISTER. I.AKi: SIIOUK .1 MICHIGAN SOUTIIKIIN. ('oiiini'jnrliighiuidii), 1H, ut 12 o'clock noon Iho tlini-g[\en in the HiturcH below Ih the nt'H Htiiudard (Nliift.i'tli tiierhllan) tlino, whli-li In thlrty-ilir.e iiita- utei "lower than (J!o\elimd time proper and tweuiT- clght mtuuleii hIowlt than the here to fore In use tColmnhuH time) by theno roadi. ^^^ j_ Kaatwurd. ___^ Fiwt Now York ICxprutw........... N Y, II A. A LxpreM,.i..N. - .... IClyrlu Arcommofintlon............. -Purl.Clinton Ad'omroodittlon . BtHI'a'o Aeeont modal ion,.......... N Y A II Fhhi Kxpre«>*............. Olintflt f/llllt Kxpn'M Couneuul Accoiiiuioihillon...... Nottlngliiim [-iiiiiduy only] ..... Night Kxptfus........................ n 22 a u «7 t)2 A M | Arrive. | Do part '■"1 07 a m[ *6 «7 A W ta 07 a h lo :t7 a m| io ;t7 A M *1 57 I* ji He Westward. Fust Mmlied Kxprosa................ Mich Kxprct.H via Hnndusky...... Chicago Kxpn'FH via " ......, Mich Accoui, Nurwulk............... Conneaut Acioninmdatlou.......... Nottlnghuui, [Sunday only],..... Toledo FxiifUMit via NofwalK .... St IxjiiIh Lx vja Sundurlliy......... " I* Ex via Norwalk.,. tlO 52 A u " 27 r m *a :i71- m ,............. I -1 'J2 A U 9 44 1'ii|............... tO -.'.J l'MtlO»7l'« Ardie^ | DepuitT 1*11 Wa m. 12 (filli f2 'I'l a m '1 117 a u l& 07 A Ml |8 12 A Ml I 17 p si' '12 *2 i' m •H ()J l- ii ft! 02 V M a a2 a w tR 12 \ M t:t 112 i> h *1 2S v « l'tl 32 I' M ron t'IiHUin~Accoiimidd«iioii,„..! \.';..%.........; 14 32r si ItcforunVo nmrks— ■> Unlly, f dally, dxcept Sunday, § dally, except Mondiiy. BEE LINE7" Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian* apolls.Railwny. - The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.. New York, Pennsylvania & 01R, R. NEW' YOIJK, IIOMTPN AND THE F.^ftT. Tim Nliorfrat anil QnlrkpaiBonlc lo Pitta- bnrir, WnalllliElon nml Ilnlllmoro nml tlio Nonthrnat, .r«nlnil or Nlrtntlcllilli rlillan lima 3,1 mlnulc* slow erthou Cln-i'lliml clt>- lini<> Until lurllior iiiulro trains will Imyo from tbo now Cnntral Do|,ot, Houili Wat?r siroot and Visduci os fol¬ lows: , . • " fi 1(1 fl IB AT,;A,N"r'," KXI-HESS-dlnllj) Pull. U,JU (1, In. mmi nli'rpliiK nml hotel comlirafrom ls'avltia'>uigli *M n. m. i„ Nuw York, Albanr and llo<ton witliuiit chaiifi". Arrlvi'ntJIoailvlllonl 10:40s. m (illnniTl Krnnklln nl K:U8p in, OIKIijr fj;30p oi Cirry IWB p. ni.JumoBlown (Ciiko Clinulnuqim) l.Mn. m. IliiBnlo/l.SII p. ni.-Hoilio«tcr M6 p. m.: IIornellF- Tlllo (1.00 n m [supprrl; Corntiiir 7:VJ p. ni. Klmlra«:05 p in. ninghunlmi 10:05 p. in., AlhnnjlVOOn m. Boston 1:45 p. in.; nrnvlniz at Nuw York 11:18 a.m. 9'flflH m LI.MITE11 HXrRESS-TliroiiKl, Pull- 6,6U,U, 111, nian slcirnliin ennrh frpm flovoland lo Now \ork. Arrives nl MllnMllo'p. m ..Tiimfs- Sjlamilnea Ojlfi p'. m.', New York lo»n H.-47 p. ni.i 10.11) n. in. n,nn n m kkiiit Exi'Ui:ss-(ii»iiy pJC«pt ■ UU II, llli KumlaylSeopiniiconch from Cleveland Hornellsulle , Arrive nt Yiinngstown nt .|:,',o a. m/, Meadvllle 3:'2,Vn. in., Corry 4-;,!l p. m. Jnmestown5,ft7 a. in. Bufruloll.-UO a. m., Itocliester 12:68 p, m , Ilornells. vlllo, 11:00nin , Corning 110" pin.' Elnilrn 12:40 p. m„ Hinahniiiptoii 2.'11> p ni,, New York £1:10 p in. Arrive nt PTltsliiirgli fi:.10 n in , witliout change. n.Oh n m I'l'ITSBUWIll EX1-HF.SS - Dally - - 6,uU LP. IU. Tlirough wltlinnt etiango, I'nrlor car St. tnclicil. Arrives nt Yonngstown n."0O ji in., Pittsburg 8:02 p. in., Wosliingioo 7.-0!' n- ni , Balllhio e 8-111 s. m. i,11 ri m MAIIONINH AO.lMOIlATION — 4,11 U, 111. Shyiplng nUnll wny slntlons, arriving st ^^, Yoiingritown il .V> p. in., tjliniou D:01 p. jn., ShnrpoJville 8:10 p. in. C 'Cfl O m I'lTXSntlBOII EXr»ESS - Dally - D ,3U d, 111, Tlirougli without change Arrives at Yonugsiown 0 :>0 a.m., tlluvoii 10:30o. in., Hfisrps- vlllo 10:40 n. m., IMt'shiirgh 12 4fl p n)., Itrttirufng, ^s lenvcs I'lltiburgli'ut 4.-1&A in., 7;4u a. in., IL'^p. m., nnd 3:4.1 p in 10 It o m Youxiis'rowN and l'lTTsnunpn lUOif d HI, A( OMMOUATION-Sloppiiig a> all Wlj slalloos, arriving ut Youngqlown 1:40 p. m.,Pitts¬ burgh, 6.45 p. in. Trains arrive nt' Olevfllnml, (1:15 0. ln.ptin0 p. m., . 10-20 ft. m; 1:0<r' p. ol., and '.i'45 p. m, fHTThls Is tlleonly roule'b, which iinx^engers csn rench Corry Klmirar Klogh.impton, Now York City and Inlorinedlilte points without chullgn. No clisoge lo lloHInn and New Knulnnd f liit>n. llngKago eliccked tlirougli lo oil points East Tiiiough (ickots ana 'Information, regarding tho mute can be oblnlned si the niflco mi' Hank street, nnd Ut m w Depot of N. Y., P ,<t O. Ii H., South Wator streot anil Viaduct, Cleveland, (l. A. E. Cl.ARK, Oon'l I^aaa'r Ag'l Cleveland. O. J. M KEItltlM, Qon'l Man'gr, Cleveland, O. M. L, FOUTS.PHMengcr Agl, 131 Bank SI. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! ^ NEW. YORK, CHICAGO * . NT. LOUIS , . RAILWAY. PiiiEnix Paint Co,, MANUKACTUItHHS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND l'ACTOUY 3fi Michigan St„ CLEVELAND, OHIO, M V. B0BGMAN, Proprietor. The Madison. (FOhMKRI.Y KBVKRK H0U8K) Detroit, Mich. Hfoal Centrally I,o«at<Ml. a> Street ciii'8 pass tho door every few minutes to Depots nnd nil purrs of the City. Tlirt'ti minute's wiilk to I. S & M S, I) & M,itnd Wnlmsli Depots. ______Eatos HHO, to tD.OO pd^day. ^ Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. ■i hi" i» tbo only line making Direct Connection uithul Hie principal Trunk Lines of tlio Kant for all Soothern, PoulhWe»tern anil Wealern |ioiul.i, either b>- way of Clnrinnutl, InilJiiniiiMillA or St. lxmlsand All Itallwuy Tonus ■illSSOUKI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NKHHASKA, COI.OKADO' - NKW MEXICQ, OI.I) MEXICO ' ANDTIIK TACIKIC-COAST. The paueliger equipment of this New Truuk Line In nil new nlio lb supplied witli the latest appliances nee, snary lo Bnfo (tpoedy nnd cmnfortablo tr.ivel. At Cineago, paHsunger trains orlive nt and leave from tile Union Depot, Vim Huron street. Following Ih llio time In ellecl Nov. IS. 128.1, and un¬ til further niillco: (iOINO FAST, Lv. 'Ohltngo......... 7.47 s in................................ An. Yalpaiaiw, 0.37 " ......................... " Fort Wayne, l.lin p. m........ Lv, Now Haven., i.ii.l West U'lpslc. 3.4,', Arondij......... 4.44 F'oitoria......... 4.57 (Ircen HprlriKM fl 44 IJldlevue....... (l,|o Il4'llovtle......... ll.'JJ ArrCloiehuiii 9.03 Lv, (.'U'veiand........... Arr i'nluesvllle........... " Aslitubula........ " t'oniieinit............... " F.rle......... '• Dnnklik................. " Butrulo................. 7»2 ll. 10.22 ' 10.27 ii.ia • 12 2.1,,. 1.07 ' 2.(19 ' m : Accom. 3 .'i2 p. m B-O'i fi.0,'1 " li.112 r.vTlulIol..... Aar Dunkirk..... " Kile....... " Conuenul " AhI.IuIhiIh. " rilini'Siille.. Cloteliind.. .............. B.2 (IOINI, WEST. . 11.17 n. lu. .. .1124 " I2l|i in..........: ■AIT " ........ 2,10 ' . :t 41 ■• .v."";;; . 4 (12 l^'iive <> 17a. jn. Ii hi 7 4.1 K.r,7 Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. ^■"Tickets by thin populnr run to for onlc ul (ill refijiiliir Tckct Ollleet. E. B. THOMAS, . 0. B. SKINNER, Ucnoral Msnngor. Tnttllc MaiinKor. . A. J. SMITH, (li'iicrul l'liHsungir Anoiit. CLKVKLANIk, OHIO. CLKVKLAND, COLUMBU8, CINCINNATI tfe INDI¬ AN A 1'OLIH. Com mun ring Sumlov, NuvimijHir 18th, trulun of tiiu Boh LIuo-s-CloTelaud, Columbiu, Cincinnati A, ludlao- apolli Kullwttj— will leave'aml irrlvo at Cltmlutvl as follOWIt, CKSTnAI, RTANOAHI) TIM it, 3.1 UllUlltoa dloWUr tliun Cleveland time:______________ N<>. 1, Cincinnati A ColuinbiiH Exprcin..... Nti. 11, Indlitniiimllr. A NVhrcliiiK l'x|in'Kfl . Nn. 17,Hjio.-lulOoliunliiiM.t Cltu-lniiatl Kx. No. 3, Kjiociil Inc. A Ht, Utuli. lOinroH.i Nn, fi. li»l. Chi.. Intl. tV St. I»ii1h llxiircbs , N'».7,(iilliun A C.L A W Atx................., No. -2, Col. A Chi. A Indt Kxprvm........... No. H. (iiillloii A C. L A W. Alt............... No li, Si, l.ouN A IiiiliiLinpoiirt t \jirt'H'< No. o, Col. lln. .v. ImliaimjHilia Kxi>ix"u... No. -I, I'oluinIma A <'inpiii]itili lixiinn.,,. No in, Who Iiiim l.x|»rvHH N*>, II, Cn' . ' ii '.V N V '• -i |.| Train* mark Sunday i>t)|iuri ■>7.:i(i"X it ti IU A M 1 J() 1' M "1 40 I' M ■■ll'IO I'M j ;to i» m Arj-no, kd il>"A M i' \<r A M *i Ml I* M y.v, r m ^'.'O v M i! I'i I* M \ \i 'MU|ll Lv Cli'Vclumlffir. . 4.M " (1.47 AirJIulUnim......... 7:17 " *t 17 l.v BulIi'Uiu.......... - ... Vi'2 " " (irot-ii ^jirlnpi. ......... y 4-i " ' Koitoria........................ low " ' Arcnilln........ ............. Him " ......... " Wi'Ht Iu'lpslc ............. n.'Ul " .."'. . ' " Nun Mineii . ... 1 It") ]i. ni. .. **«.Furt W.iyim.......... , 1 ,VJ " .......' " ViilpralrM).............. (. ,V, " ....... '• Clllciiffo ...........;........|7.W " ,'.!'......... ■ Trnliisnin by tlic>.hnjli.'th M.'ririlau Tjmo, «lilt Ii is nine mInitio* Mom r ijuin CIiIchko Him , I wi'nty-t-iL'rit iniiiutcH nloiwr lluin ( olumlHi,-. lliiu>, lliirly-tlin't'iiiln- tito* rilowri Uiaii C|i>\i*luii(l tunc, ftnij-(i»ur mluiiltw r>li.ui'rtliiin Huff ii lo linif, inn] Hjxtj inlnuti-* n In wit l tin ii IlicN-vrntp-flflli MtTiilit'ii liino For liifomiulion, I'lill on nnirrat nguni of'dic ('oiu- puny, or ttddrrw a r. hohm;!., Oon'l PnsioiiBor Aut-nt, LEV'I.S WII.MAMH, Cit'iirml ManuKrr. Cloaoliuid, O. Rni'kv Itlvor An '* IT) p in KiKllll Acomi.....datum di'jmrts tit 7 .JO u ui «nd 10 12 p ui All traina dull) oxevjn Hmiiiuy. loiiimodatloii dcparU at C->\)[n in (Jflin forth0 W"^lntrpln«. Send ton cents for nos- UUilU tftKO »ml wo wilt mat) yon free, a royal. vjiIiio- hie box: olMtiipla kooiIii that will put you in tho way ,„- - -.........- — ......"'nan) Klin|l\W| IU botli moxch, yotuiK and old. You oim oanily oarD from fill routi to 8-'i ovt-ry oroiilug Tlmtutl why want work iiuiy tent tlio ImiiIiu'H", ^i- mnko ttitH iinpuriiHoil oirer; In nil wbo «r< not woll HutlHllrd wo will »enil $1 to jmy for tlio Iroublo of writiiii/ori Full piirlleulnrn,direc¬ tions, olc., wot frt'O. Fordinra will bo tnudol>y tlioto wlio |{ivo thoir wholo tinit'lo t'io work. (Jrotit rniccons absolutely hiiiu Uni'i dolav HlHrt now. .\ddwrw ^siinsiin .V (M , I'orlliiitd. >lttiii". fh/JC a wj't-lv in lunuu. ^i do omul i.i I-. i »•/ <• lis.>ltttuly ttOu-HM' N'n rl-' . Cup-Isil n I minimi Id tulrr, ft joi v ,ii)l Ini-ln.-s i't nldfli pi.....- of i-Iliorwx, .........««x, iuj.'o • Id. km • nn\M p.iv jill ihc liiuo ihoy wo k, with nli oim • i 1*1" ii \, Ui lie lor pa rtii itlun to I'olll.lltil, lUilll. II. Mmi i i , a fi 574