Marine Record, January 17, 1884, page 1

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.LS..nelrs,r¬ralss ■ i?SB.^Pf ■ ^sSi^" DEVOTED. TO VOL. VI. NO. 3. ' CLEVELAND O. JANUARY 17,1884. ABOUNDTHE LAKES. S3 oo I'm Akxuu srfioLi Conns a Ciwti CI.KVKI.ANU. Calvin & Son will build n new binge In tho spring nt Garden Island. Grover & Son will supply tho steamer H. J. Webb with now who rigging. Cnptnlns A. Meyers finilJ: Bulley, of Ver- mllllon pi.ld u visit to Cleveland on Monday. A. Bruce; of Menckaiiniee, thinks of bulld- Ing n 811111II tug for Ashing purposes on Greon Bay.~ Lnko Clmniplnln l« frnznn over, nnd navi¬ gation closes earlier than nt any tlmo within the pnst twelve youis. C. L. Russell li is sold tho steumbiirgo S. E. Sheldon nnd tho schooner 8. P. Civ to ■ Messrs. Grover, Bradley and Stone for $50,. 000. The stearnbaigo J". M. Oabnine will go In¬ to Globo drydock iilid leeelvc new upp'T decks ns soon its it is vnented by Sophtn Mlnch mill tugStnrkwcn.tlior. , It ia snld thut tho suit begun in tho United States district court nt Mllwnukoo by the Dennis Brothers ngnlnst tlio owners ot the tug Henry Marshall, will bo settled, botli parties making concessions. The atenmbnrge John N. Glldjen is Imv- tng extensive repairs dono to her machinery jind will Iihvo steniii reverse gear ndded to her. Mr. O. N. Steele, englu.oor of tho Ono- ko, is aupcrmtondliig tho work. Tho Northwestern Tiniisportiitlon Coin- pany's stonnibnigo Forest Clly, Captain i—j. - Bnssett, iff having liur cargo of lion nnr milmuled by the now automatic liolBiliig and conveying appiiriitus, ulilch has recently been elected bj tho Blown Hoisting nnd Convoying Company foi the H. Y. 1\ <!t O B. 1 h's is the Ihst tlmo tho iippaintus has been lined and ir^piks iidmirubly. Cftptaln C. I*-. Moi Icj r~Wte ol the steam barge N. K. Fnirlmnks, and Captain \\ W ' Moise, late of the Hleniubaige bpnitn, will in future cm ry «n the bui-lncss (it cum hick ml brokers and vessel agouti, nt Llieii ollUeml- jolnlng the Central '1'ug ullkc, turner ot Kui-t River mill Main elii'fls They aie getting the new olllce ^miglj lltteil up and will be pleased to iiceivu calls limn their minimnis friends. The hinge Oltv of Cleveland will be uin- vcitul into a steiunluige and \V, G. Lu Pelley, iliip-joiner, Is suppljing hei wlilr new cabins lore and aft. The foie pabiu will bo'18 leet long and ;i8 Icet wide, nlth texas nnd pilot house, and wllllboiitiilu looms loi tlio captuln, mate iimLjnievlsiiiiiii 'I lie af¬ ter cabin will birwfeet long and w III con¬ tain a dining fouin 17\U, engineers room four stato moms, mess loom, kitchen, w^sh room mid watei ulmul. \V. II. Iludcllllu, hlilpbnlldcr, has supplied the sehoonoi Kinnm C. Hiiiehlnsoiii Cii|italn C. L. Hutchinson, with new dutkn, hatili combings nnd envois. Hu is suppljing new floor and new deck to the schooner George II. Wnnnlngton, three masts to tlio schooner 11. J. Webb, a new stern to the towburge 'General Buruslde. The steamer (pood Hit, Captain-Mills, Is Inning her toiwanl cabin leiuodeled mill some staterooms added. The schooner C. L. llnteliiiison will he re-calked, above the watei inaik, lui iclllng will he uedged nnd she will huwi one new keelson t0 8tiengt|icu lift. A caeo Isio.v pending lu the Com t of Common l'leas at Cleveland before Judge- Bmber, lu which the Cujahogii Steam Fin- mice Company mu the plalutllls and liufus K. Wlnslnw defendiint. The plaintiffs claim $8,350 due them for supplying and erecting the engine nnd boilers on tlio stenmhnrgo Woenken in 1880. which the defendant re¬ fuse* to puv and iiinke* a counter claim of $15,000 (Ar ilnmagoa wn-tiilneil in ennso- quence of the engine and holleis hnvlng been bndlv constructed and pi need upon paid vessel. Kline & Ingersoll are for the pluln- [iinji and Runny and Goulder for the defend, ants. The new stenmhiirgn building nt Thnmii« Qnnylo's Sons' yard fm Captain Thomm Wilson li well advanced. Her celling la nearly lliilshcd and a huge portion of the outside planking has hi en put on mid Her deck flames are all In. "die la ver\ mongly built, and In addition to very stinng 11nines she Is iron strapped diagonally und has two Iron nieiies on each side, one of which Is let Into the frames on the outside ntul tho other into the ceiling, and they will be strongly bolted.togetlier by bolts running through the frames mill ceiling. She will have two freight gangways on each side which will adapt hor for carrying lion oio, grain, or rolling freight. She is 2(10 feet in length over nil, 245 teet keel. 38 feet Ileum and 21 Ji deptli of hold, will have six hatches and will carry tineo masts. Hei engine and bollej-s will be supplied by the Globe Iron Works. W. II. RiidulluY, shipbuilder, has laid the keel mid Is getting up tho Irmnes of a vety lino towbarge for Wallace Brotheis, Giiwp mid others, of Loiuin. The barge will be220 uiiljeuutli ol keel, 30 feet 118ft?6Triepth of holJ^ha fee^over-ftHrilO-feiit leimtli ol width ol beum and , \ DKTIIOIT. Special to the Marine Record. Dktmht, Jnuiiiiiy 15. On Surdity thc_wentlier mnderntMl suffi¬ ciently to relieve the Ice blockade on the 'fir- trolt river, and thus enable the rallioud steamers to pnrsuo the even tenor of their way. But on Monday the cold set in again, notwithstanding tlm thaw begun with I he1 commencement of the fuir nnuon, nnd, as heietolore predicted loi ages past, it was presumable that it would iluis cimllnue un¬ til the next change. But this era has bc- ilime changed nnd tho old way of weather prophesj Ing has eflerltuillv played out. The LakeSijpeilot TimisitCompmij, din¬ ing the m'iisoii of IS83, was cmiipo-ed ot ten llisl-ilass stcumeir, and llie dlstanue the) triivetsetl between Biiflalo and lJuluth Was 1,150 miles. Slxol these steamers performed thlitccn loiinil trips, the Ail/bun and Nyaek twelve, the st. Louli eleven, and the Aielic tvvontv-thrce. The lust named steiunei went no farther west than Hancock, on Lake Su¬ perior, wll)i Detroit ns her eastern terminus, wlijch accounts for the cxeiss of tilps above noted. The St. Louis is rccotded as the lowest on account of mi accident to hoi mn- chiueiv and her retiring emlier at ilie close , ol tlio season. Thunbovo showing comes up "to that of foltner seasons nnd (lie truffle, nei- haps wild tew exceptions, equally so. The Headquarters of this line are at Buffalo, nith K. T. Evans, ns general managir, while at Dbtiolt J. F, Whiting has foi many years been the very efficient superintendent, and to whom 1 am Indebted lor the foiegolug as the Pinker Tiiiuspoilntlnn Company vfiia organl7i'd on the ninth Instant In tills city for the pnipnse ol mmlno fansportatlon, with a paid up capital of |00,000 divided Into 2,400 sliaii's at $25 per shine. Anion Pmkcr ho'ds 70" shares, Bj rnn W. Pai ker 707, Hugh W. Dyar 000, and Addison R. Mnngcr 20S, ail of whom are residents of Detiolr, and are owners of the stemnbmge Annie Smith nnd other flouting stock. The Pat kir Bros, have been in business heie lor several yemsand are pcrscveiiug young men. The vessel spoken ol lu my lu»t letter as having enpsi/ed near Bin Point, Lake Erie, In July 1708 was the Braver, and not tho Bean, us the t.vpes made it appear. Captain John Mlnii,n| this city, and well known among all hike men, is enjoying lilmselt hugely at the skating rluk m d astonishing nil others in that line of profes¬ sional sport. Though along in yems lie litis yet lightning in his heels and lias not foi got¬ ten how to do It. Since the annals ol lake navigation no steamer ever iiitnlncir to so greir li notoriety as tlie C'aiolinu. In 1837 mi insurreitloii arose In Canada and that country was alivo with troops fiom'ono end to the other. \t this Inncture the Caiollna was In winter" quarters at Bullnlo. She was chartered by u pin ty of Canadian re fogies to transport supplies Irom Bullalo to Navy Island, a few miles above Niagara Falls, and at which point a lew hundred of the patriots hail es¬ tablished theli hejidquaiteis. Tho Cutollnit took hei di nrfrttrre Irom linltato on the 20th will have double decks of three-Inch whlti pine, a ceutrebonul box 30 feet In length, and will carry four masts. Her niniii kelson, sister kelsons and two ildeis will be KixlC inches, llooi kelsons from 14 Indies to 10 Inches and bilge kelsons 8 Inches. Celling to louei deck 0 Inihes, celling to upper deck 5 Inches. Her frames will he 17 inches nt the bridge, 15 Inches nt the bilge, 7 Inches at ihe top, extia lloors ami futlocks, and her npislde planking will be lout inches In thickness She will have a loiuid stein ahd will make n very liandsoino and serviuiblo btngo. 'mIic will be inntoit to the steaihb.ugi Robert Wulhice. CHICAGO. SiHCittt to lilt! Vrtrtiie Ihzord 'II o nnileiit siiltol Belli Wiidfiams agnlnst the clly is now on trial bcloio Judge Wlll- I.IIU80II of tlio Supeiior Comt. Wadhams asks $10,000 damages to ItU -tiropci ty front- 200 leet on West Polk stiect ami 200 feet on tlie rivci on account of the building of [lie Polk jjtieut Viaduct. MeniaA Bates occu¬ py the premises, which are claimed to he woith $70,000, as a lumber ynid, nnd Wad- Iwiiiis i Inims that Its value lias depreciated at least 25 per cent. The trial has been con¬ cluded nnd the Juiy returned a verdict foi philntllt lor $5,000 The slucklioldeis of tlio Chicago Drydock Company held their annual meeting on the 10th Instant, nnd re elected Ihe old board of dlicctors. t W. II. Wolf was chosen prcsl- Ident, Ihonins Davidson secretary, and das Mow ntt superintendent for tlie ensuing jeir A dividend of lei pel eel t on tho capital slock was declared. Mine than 200 weie docked during the year ending I hei 31,1883 IVIth such an exiellcnt st'ifl of olllcers, mid the worthy mid liidctatigua- tile James Bates as thulr vvoiklng loiemnn, ive hope that the yoar 1884 will provo very successful. statements. The propeller Oconto is undeigolng a thorough overhauling nt this port and is also leeching a new boiler and compound en¬ gine, all of which Is being cm rjed out under the supei vision o| Ciiptaln G W. McGngor, h< rtommandei. It wiih stilted in an evening papei here a day or two time, I lint WaidV line was going to build a new bleaiiit'i to take the place of the Kcwueiiaw, to lost $120,000 and lo hu propelled by the mnchinciy ul flic lust iiaiiicd hunt nnd. ot course, a sli(cwhtelei. Ihe naiueol the boat was to he the Oakland Now aiUldi was In the mind's eve ol the it- poitei, and so. tin as its being cuiilutlout thcie is no leilalnt), at least loi the present. lu couveisnllon with Captain" Waul yester¬ day ho stnte'd that the whole thing depended on future unaiigeineiits which are yet to he consummated—pii.hubly tlm getting up ot . the icqulslto amount pi stock. Cnptirtn. ( al ChaiuliLilaln, ol St. Chili, put In mi(jippiarancu at this pint ycslcida), on business nllahs. The sale ol the slcamliaige Mary Mills by B. Wlillnker & Son, ol this city, idhidid to in niv Just lettei, wiih lo the Mnnlstce Lum¬ ber Co ,011 Lake Michigan and the pi ice »na $8,000. 'Ihe qunrtei Inleiest In the Sweet- beuit was purchased by C. K Woodinll, ol St. Clair, at tlie tlguie already given. The steamer City of Cleveland Is undergo- Ing repairs at her dock nt the loot ot Wavne strict. Those ol her consoit, the Northwest, me well nigh completed. Willi tcfcrciico to „..,...... these Htennicis 1 nm Indebted to Mr. .Innies vesselsNCioekelt, Hist engluiei ol tile Deliolt slmo Diieiu- )die came out, foi the iiilormntloii that the latter steam.t consunieil during the naviga¬ tion of 1883, 3,080 tons mid 1 ..110 pounds ol coal and the Noithwesi 3,.I0"> tens and 507 pounds, An association lo be known in the lutiiie of llcci'tiitier. Hl)d first tuuclifllg ut Schrosstr; mado a lew rips to the Island and back and ul nlght-lidl moored nt the schlossa vvlinrf. During the hlglit she whs s|eulthlly seized by aotno armed BiillshiTs from Canndn, cut ndilft, set on Are. and left to drift ovei the Falls. Due in in, Amos Dm fee, fiom Bullalo, was killed during tl......dee. The alluli 11 catcd intense excitement at Bullalo, which lasted tm months nfteiwnid But beyond this the ( aiollno hail n lilstmy she was ( hiirleston.S.C , in 1821, ol Noiwny plnu and mppei .tastflind She was Hi tons huiden and low pressiiie. Hei oilglnul nanii was Carolina, which was snliMqueiit- ly ihangid ns hefoie noted She was Hist brought to Ogdenslmrg and used as ifeiiy stemnci, thence to Bnllale),"plying betwcm that pint anil Chi|)pewa Duilng'thi navigation of 1810, now llfli- Ihree jinrs ago, thcic weie mil) sl\ sienm- ers plying betvim Bulhilo nnd Detioil, " » hlch at llull em ly pel iod w as tin w i slel li terminus o! steamboat loutes, c\eipt una I sionally to Giecn Baj oi the Snull. The lollovvlng nru the names ol steamers and up- l^ioiiitinenls Supeiioi, 100 tons, low pies- I Mile, (.apiulii W. 1 Piiise.Nlagni i, lsOtons, | low priwsuie, ( apt (.. Blnku: W in. I'enn, 1 275 tons, low pressure, C.iptidu J P. Wight; Win, Peaiock, 120 tons, high | refl. sure, Cap'aln J. Flaharty;, 250 tons, high pleasure, Cnptnln Geirgi Miles; Homy (Jay, 318 tons, low piossnre, Captain Walter Norton, At Bullalo Townsenil & Colt wele lu the lot warding business, also Sheldon Thompson, Smith it Mary," und Erie, Miles & Sliehlou, at l'""lr- ptnt, M Phelps, at ( lev eland, C M. Gid- dlngstt Co, mid otheis, Union, < . stimil. nrl, smidnsky, J. W. Holllster, Detiolt, O. Newbeuy, .1 R. Don, W. S. Abbott mill D. (t. Jones *_________________ [LoHfllllllll'XI •"" ;'"(/l!|.

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