Marine Record, December 27, 1883, page 4

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I a THE MARINE RECORD. $h6$larine§ecord, KSTAItLIKltan IN 1A7R, Hnlortd ncconllng to tliu laivao! tho United Htntca at tho Pont Oil.™ at (lovolnnd ns Hecond-clnM irinttor. l'uWInlnJ wcoKljr at No 2 South Wntor Btrflot, , Olorolnnd, Ohio. * li POMEROY, Editor .aiiil Proprietor. BRANCH OFFICE, 341 NOlJTll JVATKR NTItF.KT. CHICAGO. TKItSIS Of HUIIHCltiTTiONl Ono year, poHtuso paid........... ......$2.00 Six aioatlis, jio^Ukij |iuld .........,..................... LOO Invnrlably in advauce. f ThoMAltlMlltL'COltDconlio found tor Kilo at tbo following pluces: | No 2 Houtli Water Btrcet, ClcvotandJ Josiph (irnj, No 281 South Wutor alroot, Chicago. D, McMastcri A Co , burnlii. Ontario. Wm. Gfxlloy, Lsciwaba, Michigan r J. E Sonicn-rlllo, Manlitee Michigan Articles, letters und quorlc-s on all subjects arc solid- ted. * aYarTho Ldilor liflsiiiiiai no respomibility [or tbe opinio*! Of correspondent!. To Iniuro notlco, contributors must give nauio and aiulreei, anil Wrllo on ono side of tbo papor ou'ly. ADVKHTISINO IlATlSe). .^tencontB peroral, nonpareil measurement, or 81.20 per lnch,«nch insmton, lour wools $4.00, with a Ilboral discount on orders amounting to 840 00 or over The schooner Polly built In 1804, and now undergoing repairs at Owl's Ilcnd, Me., Is said to be the oldest icssel of the United States merchant service afloat. H8r con¬ dition warrants the hope that Polly may live to seo her hundredth birthday. Hollow st el shading, which has come Very generally into use In Europe, even for 'such heavy work us steamship propeller shafts, is found to very much lessen the' weight In proportion to tho decreased Itrength. It appear*, for example that a ten- Inch shaft, with a hole lour Indies In di¬ ameter, has its weight reduced It) per cent, ' with u loss ol only 2.25 per cent of strength. W. E. Robinson, of New York, represent¬ ing an Inland district, and who voted against every fiver and harbor bill yet presented In the Bouse, has been made a member ol the coiunlilteo o|i rivers and harbor*. The great lakes are not represented upon the com- hiltlte except by new members and the chances for any suggestions fiotn ilium look lug towards the improvements ol the great Inhiud^wafers ure not promising. Ameiusan wheat In Bohemia, far up the ' Elbe, after transportation 1,000 tulles or more witriln tillscountrj, and 3,000 by ocean -vessels, 1b naturally looked upon as curiosity at Vienna. But that Is hardly an excuse for the assertion In a V lemui dispatch, I hat this "ilrst cargo of American wheat Imported in Austria" aulounted to "100,000 hundred- wt Ighl ?' Ships of 5,000 tons do not cuslottt- arlly navigate the uppi r Kibe. , But with all •allowance for Aii&lrhiii amazed e\uggeia- tluii, the spectacle of a cat go ol Chicago wheat within a few miles ol the Danube Is still Interesting Tiif new sloop jacht which Is being bull at Miller Biotliets Shlpjard (Jhliagn, _!)) Liipinln Alex Ciiihbeit the celebrated jiu hi builder ol Belleville Onl , Is nearlj com¬ pleted, and now that hei oiiiside planking is all on 'she Is indeed, although yet in her rough state, a thing of beauti.and when she Is planed down and cleaned oil she will be put excellence. Captain Cuthhert him made yacht building and yucht Hailing a life 1 >ng study and has deservedly met with a laige amount ol 6ucce«s. Could we but have him residing bete, which we hope to do ere long we would make Chicago famous throiighoutlhe yachting mil Id. Wk print on another page a letter ftoin E, W. Gould, President or the National Board ot Steam Navigation, In which he makes sonic valuable suggestions in logard lo hos¬ pital fees and other mailers of intciest to our readeis. Wo hino received Olllelal copies) of the piocoodliigs of the last meeting of the board, held In .\<!w Yoik City on the 21th nnd 25th of October*, which we puipose printing In the near future. Also, In tho snme connection, we print the proceedings this week of a meeting ol the association of owners arid ngenls of steam nnd sailing ves¬ sels, which hits virtually tho same end In view ns that of the Steam Navigation Board —the Interests ol mai Ine men. A blank for slgniiturescnn he found at tho Murine Rec¬ oup olllcc. Wo bellove that as marine hos¬ pitals arc cutlicly under the. supervision of the Government, It should also assume the tnxjevy by appropriation from tho national treasury, and we hope to see 11 hill passed during the present session of Congress to that ollect,' thus lifting from murine men a biiidunLlHi, Is not only'it nuisance In Its preswpTljijiipe, out-an-lnjustlce' as flellv—• HI lrEXS AND HAIiBOIiS, Cnngresi has already taken steps In ro-or- ganlzlng (he committees whoso duties can not helD alToiltlng lake navigation Improve¬ ments, The House has substantially recog¬ nized the leport of the cotntnlttco on rules, which-croates a 'now committee on rivers and harbors, though ultimate action nmy change the matter Bomewhnt, It Ib proposed that this new committee shall absorb the (hi- tll'sof the old special committee, which for¬ merly overlooked Mississippi river Improve¬ ments.'This distribution looks reasonable enough and It has tho approval of represen¬ tative Regan, tho prospective chairman of the committee on commerce, for the reason that his committee, under the new in range nienl, will have more time to look after the Intor-Btnte ooinmeroe bill, which from pres¬ ent appearances, will be. this year a measure of extraordinary magnitude, It seems a lit¬ tle odd, however, that Blackburn, of Ken¬ tucky, should be chairman of rivers nnd har¬ bor b. He may possibly know a llttla mpie about rivers and harbors I linn a life-long master of a sailing ship does about cutton raising', but the selection of a man from a land-locked State does not look exactly right from a loke-shpre vlewr A proceeding still more odd Is the creation of a new committee to take care of American shipping, of which It Is said Sam. Cox, of New York, Is to be chairman. Three committees, on rivers and harbors, on commerce, and on Bhipplng, ought to be enough to look after nil the nav¬ igation bills certainly, and it Is probable that matters In our Interest win receive n world of ttttontloiLwIieiLtlicxjjBLliiltLthelr limidiu but tho trouble will be to get them there. It may be doubted whether a sufficient num¬ ber uf our new-fledged statesmen possess the critical acumen or Judicious'selection neces¬ sary to steer all the nautical Dills Into pro¬ per haibors. With all those new committees In the Ifcld there Is a good eliaueo for w rung- ling when questions of lefereuce come up. companies responsible In part for the loss of life last season. The wngc question wad loft to local branches. They fix their own wagos Powers mid Bernard wore appointed dele¬ gates to tho labor congress to bo hold |n Chicago In 1881. The executive committee was lilstrtited to prepare and forward te Congress such bills as may be deemed necessary for tho protection of seamen. IRON MARKET REPORT. Cleveland, December 28. The end of tho yoar shows It slightly Im¬ proved tone, although no Important sales have been made. Holders expect a rise In tho eatly months of tho now year We quole prices unchanged: charcoal rio ibojc. ** No, t Lake Sttporlor charcoal RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. At the last meeting ol the Marine Engi¬ neers' Association, December 20, the follow lug resolutions of respect weie adopted. Wiikhkab, it has pleased the Sovereign Ruler of the uulveise to remove from this life Earnest Root, of Lorain, our worthy brother and co-laborer In the noble cause of elevating the Btandard of our calling; and Whereas, It becomes us as brethren of this association to express In filling lan¬ guage the sorrow we feel In the Iobs of our departed brothei, th< n lore he it Ilimilveil, That we ilei ply feel the loss we tunc sustained in the death ol him, who., though lemoved from the transitory scenes ul [his Hie, still lives In the hearts and mem¬ ories ol those who loved hlin. /V(.iii/un/, That we tendei to the bereaved wile mid lelatlves ol oui diseased lumber our heaitlelt sympathy in this their hour o| nlrkllon. 0 Iti'solvttl, 'fh-it these resolutions be copied In the minutes of this association, and, as an outwatd token of respect lo the memory of ourdepaited brother, our charter bedtaped In uinumlng for the space of thirty da;a. HlmiUuI, I lint a copy ol these lesolulloiih be sent to the lainily ol mu deceased brother and published In the Ma him: Rixohd. *"•>■ ('. M SloIIIUItl), .loiiN Smiiii, Committee. The International Seninnns' Union closed Its annual session here Wednesday. The lollowiug officers wetu elected for the ensu¬ ing year: Piesldent, R. Powers, Chicago; first vlco piesldent, J. I. (asey, St. Cath- ailnes; boloihI vice president, Peter, Lyitili, Cleveland; treasure!, Joseph Bernard, Mil- waukte; secietaty, J. D. Murphy Toronto. A resolution was passed holding Insurance Maxwell,'1U0; JulinT. Johnson, 010; Mon No. 2 Lake Superior charcoal Nos. 8 apil 4 Lako Suporlor,.. Nob. S and 0 Lake Superior .. Noa 1, 2, 8, 4, », b>llibury ...... Southern charcoal irona.......... 82.1 OOMSOO ........... 29 00<Sa6 00 ................24 00®27O0 ..... 24 00(327 00 .............. 00 00(SB7 00 ...............28 00§33 100 C"ficirtn<TU. Reported by K L Harper & Co Although the market remains unchanged since our lust as far us prices are concerned, tho prospect for the neat Inturo grows brighter. Inquiries are iiumorousnnd gen¬ erally for large amounts also for early de¬ livery. It Is a showing ot short slocks of pig Iron In the hands of consumers. In view of this and the comparatively light stocks In the hands of producers,theie seems to bo no doubt but, that the market will soon take a turn for the better. The mills remain ver-*, active whit a lull quota of orders at fair prices. We quote as follow s; rouKDnY. Hinging Rock Charcoal No, 1 ...............923 50 to tU 80 HnnglDg IUnk Chuixuiil No 2 .. 21 25 " 12 25 Strong Neutral Coke No. 1.........,....„ . 10 00 '• 20 00 " " •• 'No.2............„. .18 00" 19 00 American Scotch, No. 1..................18 00 b) Id 00 onsr roftQK. Nootral Coke............,................ 118 28 to J18 78 Cold Short... .. ...... 10 00" ISM CAa WnitKL AHX) UALLKABLB. Hanging Rock, strictly cold blast ... 9 27 75 " ' " warm blast...............24 00 " M 50 Lake Superior "Vulcan" all grades.....^ 24 00 *' 28 00 Soathero Cor Whoel, alrlcUy cold blast. 28 50 " « 80 THE MERCHANT MARINE. ■ , LAKE MARINE OF 1S8S. The record of the season just cluBed shows up a large list of disasters, and in view of he fact that a large majoilty of them took place at the commencement ami the close thcreof,ltlp, with two or three exceptions, the largest on record. The larger proportion of accidents have beun through collision n'ljil stranding; next In rutin, from having sprung ileak, and of these It Is doubtful it a large number ha\e been reported or come to the notice of the press Quite a number of cases of foundeilng have reached the newspapers and have boon so reported but In the plnaseology of the event they lime nut been coi recti}' stuled. Several instances whete a craft has sprung aleak and soon alter gone down have been thus set down as having loiiudered, and so cases of stranding and soon aft t being released, si ks, Is re¬ garded as having foundered. We do not look upon such siatciueuts as being correct. A .vessel founders by being engulled by heavy seas during a-vlolcnt tempest, bhels boarded by a heavy bod) of waieraud Is triable Jo rise and consequently sinks. .The case of the schooner Wells Bin I Is nil Instance In point, bhe h id solid hulwaiki.. was heavily loaded and being hoarded by heavy seas nnd unable lo iiic.sank nuclei the immense pies sure of water, an I was thus a eleai cine ol fouuileiliig. VesM Is ale tuqutiilly reported ashoie when In fact Ihey had stranded on some point, icef, oi bar Oui table below will be touiid us complete as can be airived (join a whole season's close applluallon to tui'h mallei, with a past experience ol twenty-one jears. The tonnage given hete Ib gloss, except when designated net. CI I VH.AMj. P\ti]idhi8—.1. M Osunrn, 111(1 tons, Os. ear Tow nseud 1,0.18 tons; llusluets, 1)85 tons, llavuiia, 1 011, bpuita, 1,017, II. I. WoiihliigUin, 1117 ton*., J. S. Pay, 1,220; V. .-h\ii1ii, U').r>, ri.Chaiubcilaln, 1 207, Piogiess, 1.6U0; Fred Kelley, 020; John N. Glldd'jii, 1,323; Good lilt, 120; Fojest City, 1,2311; lleuiy Chlsliolin, f,77ftl Republic, 1,31.1; Wocokon, 1,100; S, J. Maeey, 6-18; Conti¬ nental, 1,188 net; Colonial, 1,188 net; Jarvls Lord, 771, bn.lth Moore, 1,11)1; K, H. Male, 1.18(1, Hubert Wallace, 005 net; Raleigh, 1,2011,Cuinbeilaud, 1,001; Cuiuioraiit, 1,200; Vienna, 1,000, Beutoii, 118 _ A'caooiieil,—Mqiiguagon, 301 tons; General Franz Mcgel, 310; Zacli Chandler, 727; So¬ phia Mlnch, UJ5; John Martin, 038; A. C. tlcello.SJO; Vonus, 232; Selkirk, 811; Ho-, public, 314; Thomas J,, l'arkor, 028'. Mag notlu, 1,502; John Burt, oM8;Gruco Holland, 028; M. SI Warner, 0UD; Geo. W. Davis, 280; Exile, 353; Shnwneo, 571; Goo. Sher¬ man, 323; James C. Harrison, 518; Ahlrn Cobb, 781jAlvn Bradley, 010; David Wag- stall', 310; S. II. Khuunll, 310; Nogaunci', 040; Thomas Qunjle, (114l J. F. Curd,370 j Fled A. Moise, 602; Geo. II. Warirlngton, 650; EmmaC. Hutchinson, 735; II. J. Webb, 432; City of.Cleveland, 1,528; Ishpetnlug, 4"8, Specular, 1.002; C. H. Johiisoti, 832; John O'Nell,01fl;KatoWlnBlow,730; Mont- gomery, 208; Kingfisher, 517; Frank Perewr, 524; C. G. King, 457; Colonel Cook, 200; Helena, 804; Richard Wlnslow, 88B; II. P. Root, 110; Theo Voges, 101; Constitution^; Venture. 20,11. G. Cleveland, 204; Vernle Blake, 34; Eliza Gerlaeh, 27U Volunteer, 53; Cataract, 103. ,, - ' , Uaiaes—General Burn«lde,'307; H. P.IBald- wln,473; Pacific, 100, C. L. Hdtolilnson, 207; G. D. Norrls, 282; T. G. Lester, 240; Soinl- nolo, 188; Trulls-port, 203; Joseph 2Q2; J. H. Austin, 389; Midnight, 287; Guiding Star, 324; Little VVIsBithlckon, 376; A. Walton, 372;J.C. Schnoor. ' Stem wheel steamer—Valley Mills. Scow—Hnsaactis, 100 tons. Steam scoic—R. Greenhnlgh. Tugs—Samson, Wm. Goodnow, N. P. Surague, George N. Brady, Constitution, Annie nubbins, Maiy Virginia, C. E. Bol¬ ton, W. II. Donn, John Warawlck, Patrick Henry, James Amadous, Peter Smith, Mag¬ gie Sanborn, Fanplo Tuttle, Charles Henry, N. B. Gates, Ida Sims, Silllo Starkweather, American Eagle, Forest City, W. D. Cush- man, Helen, Florence and Chits. Castle. Sleamltghter—Robert Greeiihalgh, Jr. , CIHCAQO. PropelUn—Boscobel, Coiiemaugh, Conos- toga, Iron DnkV, Chisago, Montana, New- burg, James Fl«k. Jr., Joseph E. Hurd.R. P. Runncy, City of Truvqise. John Otlfl, Nip Igon, Slariiccii, Roanoke, Perrolt, City of Fremont, Fayette, Peerless, Inter Ocean, W. Ii. Welmore, George T. Hope, Oregon, An¬ nie Liiuile, E.v'E..Tirotnpson, Lehigh, Ly- coming, nlawHthii tdid Ouoko. Schooners—Edna, American Union, T>. P, Rhoqes, John Mee, S. G. Andrews, Coral, -chiiylklll, Fleetwlng, Japan, Lottie Wolf, Sardinia. Leo, Nassua, City ol Toledo, Iron- sideB, Cuyahoga. Waukesha, Pilot, M. E. Cook, Golden West, Northwest, Thomas P. Sheldon, Rosa Bell, Moshcr Llbble Nau, Mystic. S. P. Wilson, C. North, Planet, T. II. IIdwIhihI, Helen Pratt, Nclllo. Rcddlng- ton, Marengo John Ruber, Melvln S. Baeon, MorldngStar,Niagara,Evelln Bates,Gilbert Knapp, E. P. Rojee, Ebenezer, K. M. Stan¬ ton,'Annie O. Hanson, L. Van Valkenburg, Maggie ThoiiiDson, Nalud, Sunrise, Truman - Muss, Scotia, Medlatot, J ulliLU-Jliit-iilUJiv- ra Fuller. White Cloud, Delos HeHolf, C. Amsden, I'elegraph, J..I111 B. Wllbcr, H.1I. Badger, Minnie Muelki. Marv B. Hale, Teinnest, A. J. Dewey, M. A. Mulr, America, Belle Wiilbrldge, Jeiinnle Mullln, 'Minerva, Rlilng Star, b. B. Pomeroy, Clipper City. Robeit Hi wlett, A. P. Nichols, South Hu¬ nch, Magdalcua, Gd.rge A. Minsli, Oatileh, Homer Kockaway, Sllgo, Newsboy, Ucdd- eii Fleece, Jessie Scurth, Milwaukee Belle, Mary D, Aver, Hurl let Ross, Col N. Ellsworth, II. W, huge, I. N. Mason, L. M. Brown, Belle Blown, T. Y. Avery Phenlx, Annie Dull, Willie Loutit, Hattlo Eml.'Kllen, Muntpe|ler, R. B, Hajes, Lllm- heiinaAM. fc. Tremble, C J.Wells, R.J. SkhlniopV^ui e Horn, Rouse Simmons, Kate Lyons, Ottk Leal, Pallillncler, Ninth Cape, yyderbatl, B. F. Biuce, Bertha Bariiefl, BIs- iiiank, Topsy, Francis Palms, Queen City, JiBsle Phillips, Ilallle Unit, Bangalore C. NIIbsoii.L. B.Qiates, E Vesta, Minnie Slau- son, Adlrnndae, H1111 n-l Ross, Gerrltt Smith, Otter Sophia J Lull, Commerce, Lotus, El- leu Williams, Glade Muriay, J. \T. Brown, Clad Tidings, H\ II. Dunham, Uay State, L. Ii. Shepaitl, Maggie Dull, John Minor, City oi Chicago, M, Ii. Higgle, A. S. Mowiy, Lcmniit, M. W. Page, Page, Charles Fostei, W. O. Goodnian, Adveutuie, Lhe Oak, Ce¬ celia, Kate Hinchmaii, Jason Parker, A. Biadlev, Mj ttle, C J Maglll,' Sodtis, Moses Gage, 1 M Fnrtesl, O. It Joliuson, Mozelle, George I) l)oupiiian,,C. II llackley, Levi Grant, Lottie Cooper, Laviiida, C .1. Roudur, A. .Imk.-nn, Magnolia. White Oak, Antares, Lauia .lohiison, A. G. Moiey, Flotetta, O. Shaw, Spin), Annie M. Peteraon. Advanco, Geo I.. Wren, R, C. Ciawloid, Win. Jones, John Bean, .1. G.Masten, Alice, Olga, Claru, Ida, GiuceM. Filer, Ell/. Nicholson, Cam¬ den, Our Sun, II. A. Rlchniontl, II 11. Moore, W. II. Hawkins, Michigan, Moonlight, Pewaukee, Eniellue, E. R. Blake, J. L. Mc¬ Laren, ('. Mlchelhou, l'eisla, Kate E. llo«- i4ial. Crnlci, Kacliic, C O. MIxel, 11 F. Wade, lvei Law son, J. V. Taylor, II. Rand, 'Antelope, A. M Beers, F. M.,Knapp, Alex¬ ander Adilatlc, Maine, Si Tempo, J. D. Sawyer, Ralph Campbell. Four Brotheis.G. Ellen, Beetle Calkins, Maiy Collins, Ada Modora Chae. Marshall, Wlnnlo Wing, Rnd. leal, Muj. N. II. Feiry, George. Jiarqen—Manteuee, Empire StAto, Peshtl- go. Active, E.T. Judd, F. Lester, Kate Dar- lev, Miuluette, Wnj ne, Henry Wltheck, Win.VGrudt, Traiiblur, Maiy E.Pcicw,!). R. Mai tin, Butcher Boy, Planet, Uranus, lleisehell, Windsor, City of Grand Haven, 0. O-I)., R 1. Gibhs, Golden Age,. Brunette, Alert, Advance, Mlniichahn, Iron C11IV. Din 11011. jSitJtivAcd! Stcameia—Northwest, City of V_

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