Marine Record, December 27, 1883, page 3

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THE: MARINE RECORD. A 3 power jo All vacancies and make such other ohangesln the committee as they may deem noccSBiir/. ThUsd—that tho coin ml l ted adopt Immcdj- nto measures lor the formation of. similar or- fliiulzutlonu In all seaport .and Inland towns of the United Stiitea with a view oi receiv¬ ing the co-operation of all persons Interested lu thli matter. ' • Fourth—That' tho committee he author¬ ized to employ a clerk to alien.I lo llio cor. respondonoe, koop the records, collect stutls- tlcs, and to do generally the clerical work of the committee ' - Fifth—That the committee sliall.elcct one of their number treasurer, who bIii'iII tiike. charge of all the funds, nnd disburse llie same onlj upon tho order of the committee, Sixth—Tlnty n bill bo prepared to Ins pro- sentodto the next Congress of the.United Stntos'providlng for a change In tho present syBtbm of supporting tins murine hospital service, whereby It shall bo supported by on appropriation by tlie general Government, nnd all cxlslinng laws modified accordingly.- Soventb—That to pay the necessary ex¬ penses of this committee In Carrying but this plan, owners be asked >o contribute upon nhe following basis, viz.: ' " ] "Passenger boats, ilu cacli; ferry and sldc- wheol lowboats, jlO each; tugboats, f5 each; barges and lighters^ each." hls.fifvnr, the' law would hardly bo worth the trouble /|f Its.enactment.- Its value ii|id, pfflcleircy would also be grenllv dlmlnliihodj'lf not entlicly destroyed, by al¬ lowing IU ailmlulstriitlmi to be hampered and Interfered, with by various cmlfllctlng jurisdictions. The Judgment of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massaehiiss sits la reversed and the canoe remanded, with ill reel Ions to take such further proceedings us may be in accordance with tills opinion. BESPONSllBlLITY/SF SHIP-OWNERS. Washington,. ' Dec. 17.—The Supreme Court ol the United States rendered a deci¬ sion of great Importance to all Bhlp-dwiiers In the case of the Providence and New York Steamship Company, plaintiff iu error, ngainat the Hill Manufacturing Company, Tho principal question raised relates 10 what effect shall bo given the act of Congress up- proved Mnrch.3, 1851, entitled "An actio limit tho responsibility of sliip-owners, and for other purposes." In May, 1808, the Hill Manufacturing Company, of Boston, deliv¬ ered to the Providence uud Now York Steam¬ ship Company a'quantity of goods to be transported by steamer to Now York City. The goods wero carried safely to Now York, but before being unloaded the steamer burned at tho dock by tire, which originated in a building on the shore. Suits for damage, were thereupon instituted In New York and BosWn by the owners of thogopdauguluBt the owners of tho burned Btou'i'ship. The latter responded by Instituting proceedings In tho United States District Court for tlie- southern district of New York to limit their linbillty under the net of 1891, above relerred to, which provides In tho Hist section that shlp-ownois shall be exempt from liability ol osBes 011 board ships by lire, unless the lire Realised by design or neglect of owners; nnd In tlic tinrd'nccrlorttha^the-lMiilltjuit ship-owners lor embezzlement, loss, or do- Btruc'tfoii of goods on board ships, Incurred without the privity or knowledge of such ' owners, shall lu no ca-e exceed the amount or rnlucof the interest of the owners In the ship or vessel niid.bcr Irelght. In the course of these proceedings Ihe steamship company entered Into a stipulation to pay Inlocuofr the whole amount of its Interest in tho burnod steamship, lobe divided equitably among the Owners of the destroyed goods, und asked to bo discharged from further lia¬ bility. The stipulation wns accepted by the court, and a decree entered forbidding the owners of the burned goods, (including ihe Hill Manufacturing Company) to further prosecute claims lor damages-on account of their destruction. The Hill 'Manufacturing Company, notwithstanding the prohibition, continued to present the Suit in Massachu¬ setts, and llnalfy obtained Irom llio Supremo Judiciary Court of that State judgment iu ita favor. The steamship coiqpuny sued oiu" a writ of error, and brought 1 ho ease lierp for final determination. The question was whether tho Institution of proceeding* In tho United Sfutes District Court to^llmk Its lin¬ billty under the act of 1851-superseded °md barred the proscutlon of claims lor tlw same losses and Injuries l)> other courts. The court, In a long and elaborate opinion, holds: 1. The proceedings lu Ihe' District Court ot the United States, under the not of 1851, to limit Ihe liability of ship-owners, super¬ sede all oilier actions or suits for liio same loss or damage In State or Federal courts, Oilier actions and Suits ought to ceaBe after proceedings of limited liability have been in¬ stituted aud the-vulue nftho ahlp and pro¬ ceeds have been secured or paid Into court, whether the court Issuo-i an -Injunction or not. , —. 3. ThcHoWiiiid damago by lire on board ship are wltlifli the relief of tho third as well us the llrat seetinu of Ihe act. 3. The Massachusetts State Court erred In going on with the case after proceedings had begun lit the United Stales District Uqurt; which, under the act of lS.'il had full Juris¬ diction and plenary power. Tho value and Importance of thin law, the court Bays, to our maritime commerce, can hardly be estimated, hut the practical value of it largflly depends upon tho maimer in which It la administered. > If courts having (he execution of It administer It In a spirit ol fairness, with a view of giving ship own¬ ers the full benefit of the liniutiuiliea Intend¬ ed to be secured, the encouragement it will afford commercial operations will he of'lnst- Ing Importance; but If administered with u tight, grudging band, construing every clause most unfavorably tignhrst llie ship¬ owner, and allowing as little iib poaslble to FOR SALE, AT THE s, 8EC0KD JlAND TUBULAR BOIL'-H, .44 Inches rlf. amotor. 43 UibuB 3 Inches dinmoter amI-J3-faot long, itenm drum 80 Inchon dUmotur, 40 tncliw hltfh; front grate*, fittings and hroootilngn; good order. SECOND HAND MARINE BOILUK, Id ffood ordor. 8liell>7-4fl inch Iron plato: dliimuto'r. 0 Irot 0 Inchea; length, 18 foot; 120 tulwa 4 Inchon (n diameter, 11 Icui fl inches long,*Hirec flui'» 18 Inches di.tmotor; «wo IhlosH inches (Uninoter, two Hues IU 1-2 Inches dlnmoLor: lire box, 0 foot Ion:., 4 foolhlghjatoum chimney,7 foot high. SECONDHAND MARINE BOIl.KR four feet wide, 01-2 feet lonu, 5 foot blRli, nlity-four 2 U'i molt tube* 00 inches long, cist'Iron breeding, good ns new. \8ECiiND HAND MARINE ENOINfydaubledlrcct- nctlng 8x8 Inch cylinder, whatt mid wheel"for yacht or tug; good as nww. . • \_______ * Ns C. PETERSON, Boat Builder, PLRASUnB BOATS AND SALLI^O AND STEAM YACHTS, YAWL IIOATB, BPOON OAltS, 8TKKIUNO WHKKLS^KTC, 385 Atwater 8t., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. ' ' Kiistwiird. " ___„ KiibI Ni-w~YurIc ExjircM..,*........ N Y, 11 A A Express................. Ely Hit ArcnmitiiHlation...........„:. Port Clinton Aceomtiiodiillnn ... Bullu'o A<.T(iniiiioiliition.,,,„....... N Y A B Fast Express...............; Cin.Jc St. l/mla Express............. i Conn cant Acconnuodutloti........ Nottingham {qiindliy only]....... Night Express............,............-.. DM/ID BARNHISEL, Agent. KO.HKNTIC A NTEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio M.' V. BOBOMAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (KOHMKItl.Y 1IEVK11K UOyalS) Detroit, Mich. Hoot Centrally I.ocnt«l, ' •Btrcet cura pass the door every fow minutes to DepotB and all parts of tlic City. Three minute's walk to L S <4 M S, DAM, nml Wnluish DupoK. _,______Ratm il»0, jo^ fS.OO per day. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. ADDT7I? Am^ rtix C0U,M'«5 poslflrj1'. ll'"l reoatvii rul/llli (n-e, it costly tmx»or ^uoda wiilrli will help yon to mure money rlRliiawny thin aiiytliiri[t/('lBt) In this wurld. All, of either' sf-x, suetvi-il fnmi ilrst hour, Tho liroail roiul tt) fortune opuns huforo Hio urlteni, absolutely sure. At oiicu nddross, TitUh A Co.', Ujjtis tn, Maine, q-0 PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use tho Magneion ApplisnceCo'B * Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY 85. Thoy are priceless to i.awks, uKNTi.itMK.f and cirti> DRKS WITH WKAK I.ON(,i.H; no CHiO of [»SKtI.M«)NI-l OH ciioui* is over known wttoru these gariuciita uru wnru. They also prevent mid euro luuitr dikkicitm'IKs, COLD.4, IIHKUMATIHM, NUIHAJ-HIA, lllliO.r TIUMMILKS, DUTKBIilA, L'ATAUItll, ANU At.l. VIMHtKIl DI.S1:aHI,-S. Will wkaii nny wlrvke fi^r thhkk vkaiis. Aro ,iorn over llie uttdtir clothing. It Is needlcv l<> deserilto till' synt-ptoms ..,____ of this iiauseoiis diseiisu Unit isriuppiiiK tlfo'lite und ritrength of ouly ton many of the fairest CATARRH, i! Mm lltd nml Kin- mid tiext of both sexes Uibor, study und rest-andi lu Americu, Kuruuu uud iCuuturu luiidi, have resulted in the Mut;notlc 1'UHK' l'nttvctor, utfordinu cure for Cii- Urrh, u reiiuxly wliich luiiituins N« DuiruuiNd oktiik Hvstkm, anil wlU> IhecuriiliiuDiisitreiimof Munneli^ni ponin'iitinB tliroiiKh the uilllcteil orf{uns, must uksixiuk Til KM TO A IIKAI.1IIV ACTIOS. WK 1'I.AL'K (Milt I'ltllli: (or this Aiipliuneo ut lem tlun lUio-tweiitluth of*tl»' price linke<l by otliern for rnuedles U|>on wlilcb you tiike all ihnVbuneyi, nnd wic ksi'IKIM.i.y imvitkiIki pntronaK^of llie many I'Kiisosri who huyo tried jiitUd- (iino TitKin HroUACiis wiTiiour Ki'i-'iuH'. BOW TO OBTAIN Et«'a B^uLr.! tney linve not K»t llii'tu, write to llie tiroprletorn. en- clusliiK tho price, In leMtir ut o-r rink uud tbey will bo ■ent to you at oncu \>y mull, poit puid, Neud ntuuipfor the 'New JVpnrturtf In Mt'dlnil Trcuiniuut without MKUU'i-NTt," with tliuusundH of tesllmontuls TllK MAHNKTON AI'l'LlANCK CO, l»»HHtiiUi Hired, llliieiiKn, 111. Noti:.—Humi uuo ibdlur in po»lii)iesinnr sor cuin'ii- fy, lu letter nt our ri k, wflli hIzc of Hboe uiunlly worn, and try ii pair of our Mni'iicllc Insulin, uml lie con- vlmvifof the |tow<r rcsidluK in uiir Mugucllc Appll- Blil'es. Positively no ooltl fert where they (ire hwm, or money refuntied. , A ftTHfrflQ wanted (or Tho Lives of nil the Presidents nUllWlij "Mho H S. Tho lur«oit, liandsiunest, best twok over Hold fur le-u tlian twice our price. | he fust- ests.'llinK Iniok In Aumncu IiuiuunuoprollU tirugeiits. All InlulltKUtit |wo|tlu wunt It. Any one cuu lieconni a success fill iitient. Terinu free. llAi.urrr I1ih>k Co., Piirilund, Maine. _____________. CONSUMPTION. •1 tiiwo»jniililY«.r<mn>ily fur tho nlmvn iImumo; by lu uid thiunsndiof c»»u» or tliu wnr*i kind unit at Innir atandtnx bavu tiounctircj. IiidMil,toitrnnuI*my fulth liiiisutllrvy, tliut I Wllliuu.t TWO IIOTTLBd FRKl£,tuffutlior wtlti u VAU UAIlLKTltKATIttK«>nthin dliouo, tounyaiiiruror. Dtvo Ei- orou A1*. O, udUruis, pit, T. A. ULO0UU, lot 1'usrl St., N. Y. Capt. D. S* Webster .r VESSEL AKD INSURANCE AGENT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, Eta, DOUttHT AND 80l,p ON COMMlMON. . Gbarterinn and Froiiliiiiit' of Canadian UUQluU llul^lilu . UyiJUluUji \ No. 64Woodbrld|jo Street Detroit, Michigan MANUFACTURED OF ELASTIC IVtlXED PAINTS. ^ " OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 lumen St.," CLEVELAND; OHIO. TRAVELERS^REGISTER. LAKE SHORE A MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. CoimniMirtng Sunday, Novemljor 18, nt 12 o'clock noon Ihn tlinufilTon In tliu ItRurcn below ia tlic now sUmltml (Ntnollitlli merldlnn) lime, which In tbtrty-threo rnln. Mm Blower tlinn Clovi'lnnJ time -proper and IwentT- el|{)il mtiiiiti'M xlowcr tlian the time licrcloforo tn use (L'olumtuiH tlmi') tty tlieao riimlg, ' • __________ | Arrive, •f (if*~M «e 117 * ii t8 07 A M ill 117 ill :i7 a >i <■! 67 r u ^Deimrt. "r^TTi °7 03 a M tW 52 A si "2 27 l' u •3 »7 l- il 4 22am 0 44 I' M (0- 42 I- M flO 07 P M Wcttward. Fast Limited Expr(*H.............. Mich ExpreuH via Sandusky..... ChlcaKo Exprem Via " Stlcll Acconi, Norwalk............. Coiineaut Acconimodallon........ Nottingham, [Sunday only]..... Toledo Fxprchs via Norwalk... St Louis El.vla Sunduatty....... C P Ex via Norwalk................ Port CllnUin Accommodntioti.'... Itelcreiico ninrks—<■ Dully, f \ dally, excopt Monday. ■>ll ns am,«I2 05 a u •2 '22 AM "i 37 A u Arrive. | Di'pnrt. 80 07 A M |8 12 A M 4 17 r si 0 32 a si to 12 a ll I 47 p si ■12 r>2 !• sii t:t 02 p si "I 02 p si1 *r 25 P SI W 02 p Sl| "0 32 r, si ..............| f4 82P.M dally," except Sunday, BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian- ..apolis^Jtailway. The Great Central Trunk'Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS.SUNDAYS, I.eiive ClevelnmJ with Thmugli Tulnci ' Coiiolies nml Elegant SI«>upInjr<Jiirflt fur COLUMBUS, . CINCINNATI, • INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AKD— ST. LOUIS WTrtlOUT CIIANQK. This Is the only lino niaklni! Direct ConnOCtlon with ill tho prinelpul Trunk Unesot tlie East for all Southern, Soulhsvt'rttern nml Western polnlH, elllier by way of. Cincinnati. Iintluliajwlis or St. Ixillllaud all lUllway fowm .ill.SSOUltl, AUKAXSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO. OLD MEXICO A.VU I'llli I'ACIEIC COAST. Equipment New and 'Comprising all Modern Improvements. new KorK, «syivaaia Ut udio STltr JM2W YOn«l nOKTON AND THE KANT. The Nhortrnt nn<l Xkulrkrnt Itout« to Plitfl- : bnrflr* Wmihiinrton nnd Itnlllmoro nnd thA Nomlicnnt, Contml or Nltidlicth McrlJIen time. 83 mliintcnilow crthmi t'hivultinil city llmu. i, , , Until fnrtlior imliro. trnlnn will Icnvs from the naw Contral Iw^ot, Houih Wtitcr mrootond Viaduct an fol- lown: $ . % ' k All Q m -ATLANTIC KXPIlESS-(daily) Pull- U.JU fli llli man HU'crUiift nnd hotel couch en from LenvitU'turgh 8:!15 n. .in. lo "Now Tork, Albany and Hoitton witlioni chnn^ . Arrive nt Meadvllle ni 10:40 a. tn. (dinner) rrnnklin ni lU'UH p m, Oil Citr 12:80 p m, Corrr 12.H5 n. nvJumeMowii (I/iko CliaiitnuqunJ 1 M p, ni.- Buffalofi.SO p. m Itn-lieMcr ft;20 p, m.; Iiornellf- Tlllo 0.1)0 p •m. [mipp-rl; Cuniiiip 7:V5 p. m. Elmlrn8:05 p ni, lilnghontoti 100) p in., Allwiny ft:00a. in. Bolton 1:45 p-m,; ttrrivlne nt New Y..rkfl:lfia.m. -n.nfln m MMITKI» KXW&tS-Thmuffli Pull- 0 iliv ]), lUt man hIccpIiik cimch from Hovoland to Now York. Ai riven at Mi'tidvilli; ntG.-no p. ru , Jnm(;i- town (t;47 |i. m.. SuiiimiiDca D:4fi n. m„ New York 10;10n.m. > • ■ ■ U'fin n 111 W<*»T EXI'ni:SS-(I)ally except ,UU Ui Uli MundiiyJSi'fplpg conch from Cleveland lloniullpvlllo. Arrlto at Youimntown nt VM a. m., Meadvllle 8:M a. in., Corry 4;6H n. tn. Jamestownbtr>j a. ni. Buffalo8:20 a m., lloeheiner 12:58 p, ni., Hornelli. vlllo,ll;00a m , Corning 12:07 n m, E]iuirnl2:l0 p. ru., Itlnghntiuptrin 2:18 p m,, Ni-w York 0:10 p ni. Arrive at I'utnhurgh o.-.V) h m , without clmntin. , fliOn ti tn riTTSUUItt.H EXI»KESS-D»Uy- ItiUV [Ii Jlli. Through wUhnut change, Parlor cur at¬ tached, Ai-rlven at YounRHiowii 5:00 p m., PlttHbUrg 8:02'p. ra., Wrudilncioo 7.1)!i a. m <Baltlmore 8:lt) a. m. iill n m MAUONINU AO>IMOI>ATION - 4ili JIi Jlli Stopping at nil way n'ntioiiH, nrrlvlnnat YomiKntown C..V»p. m., Hhaion 8:01 p. tn.. Sharrojville 8:10 p. tu. R'fillQ IT) I*ITTSnUn(H! -KXI-IUCSS - Dnlly- U iJU d. Jlli ThrouKli wltliont clinnge. Arrivou at YouitK»town'.i..30 a. in., aiiaron 10:30 a. m., Sharpi- villt! 10:40 a. ni., I'ltiafmrgli 12 45 p ni., Kotttrnlng, lenvca IMiL'fbnrgli at 4.-15 n nn., 7;J.r» a. m., 12,55 p, m., and 8:45 p m.Qj " .U Q m YOUNfiSTOWN AND PITTSBUnGH 03 d. ill. ACOMMOUATION-^toppIng at all ay itntlona, arriving at Youogalown, 1:40 p. m.,J>ltta> burgh. 8.4S p. m. / Trains arrive at Cleveland, C.i5 a. m.,6:3Q p. m,, 10-20 n. tn;l:05p. m., and 8:45 p. m, NTThis lithe only route by which pasaeogon can ronch Cofry plmira, Blhghampton, Now York City and Intermediate .points without chango. No change to Boston and New England Cities. Bngnage checked tlirougli to all points Enst Through tickets an<r Information regarding the route can be obtained at the office 131 Bunk street, and ' at new Depot of N.'Y., P A O. U B., South Wator street and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E.CLARK, GenMPaBs'r Ag't Cleveland. O. J. M FEKHlti, Gcii'l JUan'itr, Cleveland; O. M. h, FUUTS.PitHwnger Agt, 131 Bank Ht. Cluvelund. The Nickel Plate! NEW YOnil, «'lll< ACJO A NT. LOUIS' RAILWAY. Tin1 pifwoiipor^'fiiiljuiicnl of tlih Now Trunlc l^no lit i»ll-tiew-ai„L-!i*-»Hi»|illwI -wltl^tlm-lHltiHl^b|,|,llanc«8 lloci'E.nrj' to 8Hfo Hpmly unit cnmfortultlu tr.iTef, At ('Indigo, |iaMunucr Inilnn nnlri' ut aud li>u^a fnim lln< Union llt'itol, Van Ullruli HtriH'l. FulloffluK Ih I In, linio ill I'lliict Nov. 1H, les:(, aud un¬ til flintier imtku: OOIX(i CAST. I.v. I'hlinRo ......-. 7.-17 i\ in................................. Arr. Y[!l|miiii«i 11.117 " ," Kurt vViivii,'. ] (III j>. in................... "".".'.'"". " New llllM'll,. 1 11 ' .......................'.......... " Itnl U'lpilc. 3. IS " ................... " 'Ari'ilJu ........ 4. II " ..................... " Fmliirla......... I.S7 " ..........,..„..'.' ............... " tirci'ii ti|irlii(ri ft U " ................. " Il'llovui'........ n,l» " ......................".'.'.'.'.'."'.'. il.v. IlulluMifi......... li.22 " 7fi2 a. in............. Arrl'luvi'lllliil....... Ull» " 10.S! ' I.v. Clcvi'lunil..................... 10.'.'7 Arr I'lilnriivlllu................... 11.39 " Amiliilmlii.....,................ l^'-'lp, " Coiiiii'am.......................- I.U7 " Krl,'.............................. i"ll " Dunkirk......................... 11.47 • " lliiiriili,........................... 8.i! Arcom. ll «2 p. m notNII WliST. . II. 17 n. Ill........ ...I1.1H " .. 1.23 |i. in. .j... 11.-17 ll. in. 0 17 " ".'.'.. ill I " .... ni'.'i " ... mm •■ ..... 11.10 " .... i_:is p m. ...'.' li'.M " . 1.,'llVP t'» 17n. IU, ii --It; •■ 7 -III ' S.S7 '• HJ-Tiukcta by this piipulur route for sale lit till regiilnr Tvkct Olllcw. ^ E. B. THOMAS, 0^1. SKINNER, General Maimnur. Trulllc Malinger. A. J. SMITH, (il'lieriil rilHuuiiKer Agent. CI.KVI.I.ANK. OHIO. CLEVKLAND, COl.UMHUU, ('INCINNAI'l k IS 1)1. ANAl'OI.I.x riuiunulK'liill Silllilav, Novi-iiilit-r IHtli. traliiitut llie ] Hue Line—Uiiveliiml, Coliiiiilum, I'lnelnliiill A linllaii. apullH tiailwaj— will leave ami «rrlve at -I'levi-lan I uh lelhnvit. I'KM'UAI. htaniiaiiii IIMK, 33 luliiuleH nlu.....- tlian Clovelniiil lime: _____________ I.v Hulliil.1...... Ajr Dunkirk.... " Krlo........... " C'unni'iuil... "■Aslilnliilla..... 2.SII " I'alli.svllle...... 3M " C'luvflilllil........ 4.5J I.v llevelaliil........ 4..'i7 Air llellevue.........-7.17 I.v Ilellevue ............ " llreeii NprliiKi. ' l'liMoilu.................., " Areiulm.................... " Weal Mini?....... " Ni'» llnv,......... " i""rl W.iytie ......... " Viilj'iniiiM)......... ......... " Cllteae,,,................... Trahis run liy III',' Nliiullell, Meilillnn Ilinei ulilrli is llllio minutes slower 111 111 Clllea^i, Itme, iWeuty.eielit liiiliutei, rtlnwer lluili l'.iluinliu> time, jAr/ry-lliree inlii- »eAMlnwer limn Cleielaml tlmi', finlCrfiiiir miiiulud .lu'i lliaii riiitlalii lime, nml nixlj^numUA Moh-it tlian 111.: Si'ieilllHlltlli Merlillen time. ^- I'ur liifuriiiatiiiii, eall en nearest ugont of llie Com- |iany, or uililretu II. V. IIIIIINKR, "(leii'l i'lWM'iik'er Agent, I.EVMS WII.UA.MS, .. (ii'iierul MnniiKer. Cleveland, O. Ittieky ltlver Aeioiiiinoilntluii ite|iurta nt ii 20 n m uml 21ft p m. , Km lid Aeeniiiiiiiiilntliiii ilcpiirl.s nt 7..Ill a in and ID 12 p in All liuimtilnlh exi'i-pl t>.....lav. I. Clnclunaltei CulutubiiH Kxprcna.__ II, IndlniiapollH A \Y hurling Kxprem.. yt, apoel»rCiiliimlui» A Ctnelunali Kx, tl, HlitlvUl llld A tit. l^ula Kxprtliui ■. n, Col. Cfri.. Jlid. Jk .Ht. Iyiiila hxpreiu,.., J, (ialjliiii ,(: U.'I. .E W. Aic.^....^..^ N„. 2, (1,1. !i I'lli.A' llld. No. «, lillllloli A (I. I,. A W. Are................. No 12, Hi.'l.ouln\ Iliillana|iiillM lApieai... Nn. ll, Col. fill. A I c,. I Ii, ,,!>]» .11-, Kxpir.-,..... No, 1, CoIiiiiiIiiihA Clueiniiali Kxpro.-i,....... No. Ill, WJieellllg Kxprem.............;........... M, Cul.._i:in A N. V. Line. liepart '7:311 n.'.io I."JO "l.lii 'll.'IO 1:311 ~\iri\ AM AM I'M I'M I'M I'M A NI AM I' M I' M 1' M I'.M A NI FOR SALE. An iron Hiniin yuclit :tn U-rt l,ni^, n f.ct Ix-uin, ;i feet doep; ruim very tntt.nml well fdiind. Kniiiurc uf P.1', NU'KKtjHUN, KllCll'i AviMlllt' SUltlujJ. FOR SALE. An Imn yiirlu :i.l feel link vcrv tim-llv lltilshed imd uriilHlu-d. lirall 3 l-'J.-W.l itin-* imy fait, ' Kin|uiiuol 1>, I', Nifkcrioii IIiiiUcm- lUnfk Dtirlltl AvrSlalinn Triiiim iiiurkedMiiil)', u'li ntlicr iruma dally uxcepl Snndny. • l DEAN & CO., iioATiirn.iii:ifv DKTIIDIT,.....MICH'". D8C 414

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