Marine Record, December 13, 1883, page 4

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■ .■ —'A '** - J .. . . THE MARINE RECORD. like Marine Record, i:STAItMNHF1» IN 1H7N; ' ' KniiTt'il ncconltuK id thuliiWflof llio Unlttd Ntute* ft! i\w J'ost tilth i- »t Cli'vcliuiil n* Hero ml-flu ph muHiT, l'liMUlii'il vitiKly at No. 2 South Water alroit, Cleveland, Ohio, A. A^POHEROY, -Editor Bit PnwflBtOP. ' '—cx JIIlAN< II OI'I'K K, 211 HOl'TH WAT Fit NT II KIT, <III(\\<iO. TK1CMH OF SimsCKirTlON: . 1.00 Ono yt'iir, potttn^r pniil..................•........ Mix iimiitliH, |)0itii^i' iinlil,,:....................:., . Iiiviiiiuhly lit iTilvnntr. The MARINE I(i\mHbetui l*> found for buIo nt thu following (iIiicch: N:o. '1 gouth Wat it Hlict't, Cluvdiuid,., Joseph limy,-No, ' >oiitli Wutor street, (Jhtcngu. Ii. ML'Ma-.tH» *V Co., Nuiiiii, Ontario. Win. (ithllcy, I^CiiimljH.-.Mhhlniil). - ' .1. K. Smit-mlk, Mttiilstru, MU-lllgiin. Artlcli't, letters uml tiuerksoii all subjects nre hoIki¬ ted. ' DWTho 1-diior a^-unu-i no renpouuililllty tor the Opinion* of corn"*| undents. To Insure nol tee, iinitrfl.utois must kIyo imuiu and ndilrcM, iiiul write on nne nlilu of the paper only. POSTAL; TELEOllAPIl. .■ . One of thu most Ijupurtnnt quoBlloiiR bo. fp,pe the country In n proposition to unite a telegraphic lo our postal system. Senator Illll, ot Colorado, hint tilrauly Introduced n bill In Concern looking to Ibis cud. It pro- Advkrtisinii hates. Ten-eeiUs i,,t Pin-, ni.n|»iirffil iiiriisureiiiriit, orSl.of) per [nrli.i-iifli ilistitloiirtoiir w.'i.U^-l.lW; Willi ttlsi'ollllt Oil nulfl" llllKllllllllIK lo S lii.lll) or OV1T. Tun nrwJn n triiiisler steamer built in Wyandotte forthe'M'cliigaiiCenli-nl railroad Was Inui died Monday. - i'ui-.iu-. is n -ri'iiort tluit Captain Davis,-ot tin1 revenue i-iiilur Amiy Johnson, It, lo suc: riyil Kit iiu'iiiuit New-comb iih inspector ol the life. »aviog service iiu I.nke Michigan. Lieutenant Ni-uroinbj who ban gained unu'li praUu for Iliu clllcieut iiilumcr- in which' 11 "•' lm-.. Illliil tin- duller, of bis dlllcc, bus been ordered lo at Wilmington, N, l'.t |lir duly on board the rrvi'iiuu cutter Colfax. Tjiii Duluih Times compiles a valuable ta¬ ble I if in the report of Capiaili .1. \V. Miller, weigher ol' tile Duluih Bonld ol Trade, ol the shipment of vv llcnt hy wilier since the opening ill imvlgiiiliiu lii April to lieeeinlier ■Ilh, Ilie l.i-l -liTpinonl ol .11,1,110 bushels lie- ' enpv' delivered lo tin' ing'imide to Manitowoc. The grand total i f! a urn ice of the linieol' deliwry. 1 shipments l,lf21,'.i.'ll bushels, nlvei. lliilulli ' graph lines nniy be leased lo newspapers or light ti> elalni Ibiril poi-iiion as a shipping i other corporations lor the iriiiisacliou ol point lor giainnn ihe ureal bikes, being mu-; Their own'business upon eerinlu terms hut _ , , .. . i. ,.i i.............i -i...i. i. Lj ,. f., ..............., . Ifl (mind cliciiper to conmruot new Hiiub, ho U Authorized, to take bitlB for Hie woik. Af¬ ter, the llueii hnvo boon acquired bo (.hull c»-_ tiibllrili tulcj^rftpli ofllocs In the post offices mid open thorn to the public. July 1,1887, In the date tlxed by the bill whon messages ntr triinsinisslon by telegraph or telephone, or other equivalent Jlevleo may' be deposited- at till places In the United .States wliere let-' tors are now deposited. The cbnrges for uniiRinissluii of messages,between all plnceri in the United Stales, shall, except ns pro¬ vided, be 'in the rate of-one cent (• r each word cunridneil therein, colliding date, ad¬ dress and signature,' and when .this is paid, by means of postage nifnfps atllxed thereto, messages shall-"lie loiwarded. The execp- llon Holed- In Oibvcbiusc rulers to special rates to newspapers or press associations. Such messiigui are tube charged regular rates up to one hundred word..; for the next loiir.bundrcd words tlircc-tlfihs of one cent per word, and lor each -additional live hun¬ dred Words one-half cent slinll be charged. Kor messages .requiring only one tnlusmis- siuu the posliiuisler general slian make spe¬ cial'rates. Prepayment of pce-s messages shall not be- reipilrnt, biit bills may lie ren¬ dered and , collected monthly. When In sending ordinaiy postal'uie-sages it i- loilud ueeessi^rylo transmit a pari ol the distance by mail, no extra charge is to be made. To cloge HI1 these gaps the Government Is di reeted Jo push the work of esiablislrng new llui^as fast-as Is'praclieahle or biifclnes- Warranls. When,' by reaniii of iuIrciiIcu- lailoii, a message1 Is short on charges, the do* tb-U uey is 10 be made up at the other end ol Ihe 'Ine. Upon the payment of an additional rale, messages .may he repenled hack anil a iler* fci^e'hcr with lid tele- •end Government,' mill CongrcilnniMi Ilriiln- ardulll shortly Introduce n hill Into the House nt Washington to accept the building and.appropriating n sum jiilhYlcnt to put It In shape for n home. It stands on beautiful grounds, high iiiul sightly, overlooklnn I-iiko vldes that thu postmaster gcncri|l slnill ob«Krlt'.- It Is claimed llmt while every provls- lain the ilecessiiry facillllesforsclidlng inca- snges by wire of telephone. If he finds ex¬ isting corporations willing to contract for sending messages' at less expense (linn It would be to eoliBtruct new lines, their lililii nniy be accepted. If, on the other hand, It passed by mil} Chicago and Toledo., Mfilp- [.tltcy eaniiot irmisi nienl from Duluib bi-l seio-on was ;|,7I7,1)1;|, Foovernmeiil Inislne a gain lor the [ire: bushels. cut season -of 3,•„'" 1,1)21 Sergeant .lames 11. New lin, who, lor nearly live years, has hud charge of ihe Signal Ser. vice olllce ill lids pllv, ll'ls been ordered to the War Hepartimuii Olll.-eof ihe cb',et s,lg mil Ullleer, wlieie lie w'll'liave eli'al-ge ol one ol the "division- into which the work ol the servjj'i' 1- ihMdcil.- Mr. New|lii, since tiT- connection «lih' Ibe Iih-iI elllee has ills- cbnrged hi- dlllh-ill a Very elllclellt lliallller, and bin mlllle nniliy jlieiiijs in-lhls ,-|>y, Hl- sllrees'snr will lie .Sergeant. William l.ille, who is fi"U ill etlarge i;l 'Ihe Milwaiilo-e weiilber olllei' The' change will take place In about, ten da}'-. dt message* lor hire. , Is lo be trre and have ecoud, by Iree—ale addilloiiul TAvc'lve veins ago a huge brick building, easnn- why nuslioiibl l,.se no lime 111 push; idling £l."iO,()H», "lis elected in Ihe eastern " J art "I tIn* city, anil was lo he known as the eihm ihe Hennepin cnuul.' •oiiUsruir oil i e pea led win ulng Tin. hiialineu nil.llie Krie have been mine prosperous iIjjiji ever tliis sea-ou.- In 1HS2 Ihe nioveineiil ot gruiti llirongh It was .pvilil.'.i'llldiu-hcls ,ln ISSli ii Inc.eased u Ii."i,:i;il,.'ili7. Tin' t.'liicago Trihuiie, In view Ol these.flgilll'-, oec.sloli (to lelliatk: "'I'he good results llial bnvelieeu seel.led ill ^ew Voik—liirl, b\ building the cutiii1, and *ec r • lug In coni| This rcii.mrk rei In icgiitd lo ihe Hennepin scheme. A huge ulmreol the ll.VWU.UWI bushels of grain lluil, went through the Erie canal this season was carried from Chicago lo Hiiffnlo by inku ves¬ sels, and the fnct that Chicago la nnxloiis to have a canal terminus and become ihe niti'c- jiol for a sliare.ol Ibe grain that' now gins to'llullalo, proves thai Ihe Hennepin canal would hugely rnlncc llint grain univeii|rut through Ihe lake- and Kr,iU canal 1iy luruliig Ii into thu Mlsssis-lppl river. The llennii; plu cnuul might luilp to liold ihe'Vililrouds level; but our lalie^gralu carriers would be buying'this saiisl'actloti very dearly at tl|e cost of ouc-liiill'oi twothirdi, of their irulll'. precedence, when so required by govern¬ ment olllclnls, Senders ol messages may se¬ cure priority over all single rale, or insured messages, hv the payment of double rates." Money orders nniy, be sen! by ti legra|ib, as now, where such elllees exisi, by the pie- pa} uiei.t lor Ihe neeessHiy words, and also the pi^Uuastei'i. uolleiHif advice. Service on oveau tallies is lo be obtained ibe same as on land lines, by negnllining w Ith existing cor- poriilluus or ihe pillehase oi laying of new cables. Competition or "t'liiiljig" hy.prlviilu lines is f.ilustiilh'rl bV giving Ihe posllllilhler general piiwerto reilnee rates to any that nniy he i-ll'hlisl,ei| hv such em ponil ions. No piulli'lllal -Illll is spetllleil lul pulling this iiiaehlnery in operalion, hoi such qiOney' a.s Is neci's-tiry lolie expemleil hy the postmas¬ ter geiieial for ascei'lnliiing the laeilllles re- qiiireil for the wink. -~— — MAItlXK UiiSI'llAI. AT HtllE. We are pleased lo lenrnlhal Ihe-eltl/.CUs ot l'j'ie, I'a., are ug.dil moving u!ll| vigor in Ilie itilcrcsi lit'a llial Ilie'hospllitl III that place. Ion has been liitule for the soldiers of Ihe Into wnr none wlmlevnf hits been iniulo for ihe sailors, of'whom there are nowiilnrgo tuim- ber'lu Indigent bin deserving clreimistiuici^ throughout the country. It Is" eonjUlently believed the General Govcfnmcilt WJ11 no-' rapt the property for-tbe purpose niiuiud, as n large iimnbcr of.^iotb houses are known to favor It.. WUERICAS -ANbllUM.ix WHEAT. .A curious experhncnt bus been Ihe I)rlil»b,governmeiit with Indian, AnieUv lean, . ,\, Russian anil Kgyptlan grains, In order lo ascertain ll|cli' qualities. Kqual quantll'les were wclgbcil,' ground, bakeil into bread and acciirnle accounts kept of all llie,iesu!is. Indian wheal was found to he heaviest by On to 01 pounds lo ihe bushel, against 01 to 111;1.! for Aiferlcan. . Its yield of hour was also greater, but-the per centime of trbUlu, the •iiiiin element of nnlrlllon fn breail, was much larger In American than in Indian wheal. The proportions of glittln were li.-l lo II). 1 per cent, and 8.7 to K>.3 p- r cunt, liulbin wheat, therefore, makes more liueail but Ihe quality Is ngajn In our favor. The scientists making the experiments found Indian wheal to possess n beany, aromatic flavor, coining from the climate urn] soils ol thp tropics, while American wheat possesses ii line, bweet, milky and nutty flavor. They therelore recommend the mixture, ol the Indian wheat with the American and Knglish In the proportion ol 2.") to 51) per cetrt.^The Amuriun.ii farmer lias reason to be iiitnlli encouraged by ibis showing, i ii u i lilt- hospital. The slincluie Has about half.....wlelcil when woik Was suspended lor various causes and it lias remaliHrd un¬ finished ti> tlio pfeseul time. Keceutly the Honorable ;l. Welsh, In behalf of tile Grand A|iny of the Huuiiullc, anil Hoiiornblo S, M. ItrnlAiirfi, Congrfcssuinu of ibe district, have' iiileiusletl Iheiu.-clvcs in the mailer of gel¬ ling the building li'nnsferieil in the United Siatcs(!o\ernincnl, w'ltli'ihc promise .llial II bu coinpluictl tor a soldiers and sailors' home. At Its lust session the legislature of I'eiin- sylvnnla passed un ad so ceiling It, and |idd lug an addillonnl, $."),U00 for the purpose oj: putting the building in repair.' The Sfnlo bill cetles all the right aid title lo the (ien-. ADMlHAl.'l Y ni'JCIMON. 7Vi //in Eilihii' .l/tn'otc Itcctirtl: Although lor- several year- past it lias been the prncllce In the district court of the United Sinics lor ibis district'm give to t4ie pnrly who Hist Hied a libel against a vessel, In .admiralty-, n priority over other lien holders wluise elaiios\i}_ejj> ol equal rank, [n Ihe 'Ute. case of'the schooner Areiorus, lbe„eourt, nflor lull iirguuient, deeided that t'heprnctlec was erroneroti- atid should lie si/changed 'as lo place all claims ol Ihe saniu rank on erfpial luotlug in the .distribu¬ tion ol the proceeds ol sale of Uie vessel, in cases wherein Ibe}1 an' Insulllceul lor ihe pnvnienl of .all clanis, lu lull, w iibout regit rtl to the date of Ihe respeelive libels. This was the llrst case in. w hlcli .ludgc Welker has been especially called upon lo decide the question. # , K. 11. ANNU.V1, M^^m^r/()K THE I'l.OAT IXG BIC'lTflCI/ ASSOCIATION'. Thu aiiutiid mceliiig of [lie hoard of tllrec- lors-of the rToaiing llelln'l Association was held al Ibe I'loaling lletliel in the ilver at llje fool of Si. Cbdr sireit on Krltlay after¬ noon. Captain Thomas Wil-ou, the. presi¬ dent of ihe boari', occupied the chair. Nine were prcsinit. Sei.retary Samuel UalkiT rend ll lepol t ol the }eal's work, showing that the inttltutlon is rapidly In- ejeaslng in iuHuetice and usefulness. An lliereiislug a.leudttneii at the tlevollonal sei- vlces lielil III llul llelliel was slutu n, the allelnllllice liming IhSl beingII,fillli, and dur¬ ing the eleven mouth* til Ibe prthcni jear. 11,7117),, The register In the reading rooin show'ed ll.OUO iiaines lor 1KSI, ami ,"i,h.'il I'm 18SI1, ilmi the fuel llmt only iilioui one In every lilty reailcs regl-ieis _ bis mniic, de- uioiiHtritles thai the reii.llug room had been vlsiled liy'ni least ."in,0llU peisotis. The report furibyr stiiittl 'I'bui the pieseul lluibul was loo small for Ihework of the organization, from folly lo seventy people sometimes Ic¬ ing turned n'way from Ihe ineeilng for wain of room, . Ihirlng Ihe pasi }eurltiu work has 'demanded the organization of an uuifcuoml- nntloniil cliurcli, which no\\/ hiitylilrly-thne inciiiDers. A inlssloiniry coimultteo'or live Indlesaiid live genlleuieu have assisted the clmpbdu In bis labors. Thu ship-keeper,' Ibe inisslumiiy co.iiunittee, anil the cbnplalii vlsiled niiU'iunilii's In need of cunsolniloii; ;I7K weic given avv-ay, nine lonsol coal vvvre distril)iired,aud plains and tlowcrs were placed In many sick rooms. The report mentioned many iu-lai ces wheielhe vv u tch- Vtliiuss mid slitl'eiipg e['poverly-sli Icken and sln-ladun people had been part billy or whully nllovWetl.' Flfly/vlslts vvtro inado to tlio Wards of «lek sailors nt the- £^y Hospital, ami 2,800 papers' and iiuignstlnes were (lit- liibuted union); them. A number of con¬ sumptives wcrenlso sent home ere tlioy tiled. The report mentioned many ciiscb In which (ui'lhcr help iMul been extended, and spoke of sever)il Itfttors received from men who bad been converted lit the«Floiillng lletliel, tiriid were slrlvlng in the Rood" cimso of icinpcmirci) and the gospel. More than one hundred peoplo signed tlin" tomperanco pledge, niany of whom have kept thejow fiillifully.' Tlio I'epiirt.wns.'iicecpted ns iho riipoit ot the'bonril. Mr. Stlloa II.'Curtis', win ndded to thu Boiud if Director!'. All ihejilllccrBCif tlio past year woro re-elected <(lvy>iiru .as'- follows; president, Cnptnln iliMiins Wilson: vice president,. Cnptnln Hubert Qreenhnlgh; irensurer, Willliiin II,' lloaii'; secretary, Samuel Ilarker; ehnplain ii till supeilnteiiilcnt, Hev. J. D, Jones. The Inner Is just entering, upon his seventeenth year of Beibel work among thu sailors. The euilru board, of directors contributed a bnud- somc-siim towardRjL'ftTrying on the work dur¬ ing ihe coming J<fur. Thu question of provlil- lug a lurger'."Wwi-I for the Bethel was dls- cursei1, and Jlvill probably be-decided at iinotber uieeiing.of iliu board, lo be held In n short time, Captain Alux..Cuthbert, the yacht builder of Ilcllvllle, who hulli ibe celelirnted yncbls Ataianla., Greyhound and many others of well known repnlallon, Is building at Miller Brothers "hipynrd, 0|ilcago, a verj liaiidsoiue sloop ync'htj'or some gentlemen, members i f thu Chicago Yncbt Club who intend to tako her toll"' Bay of Qulnte Yacht Club regatta nrjcl season for ihe purpose of winning back tlie Fisher Cii[i, which was won' by the Ainlniila jit the lipt Chicago Yacht Club regatln. The new yacht Is being built on very line lines anil will no doubt turn out n clipper,-she is of Ibe following dimensions, ,length of keel ■).") feel, length over sll.ol feel, hreadlh ot beam 11 Ien S Indie-, depth of lipid-5 fee(. , IKON MAHKKT KK-1'OKT. Cl.l'.vi I .VXD, Deceit lii'l' 12. Transactions hnvo been merely nominal, ue beard no vales beyoi.d suuill hits lor lui-- uieillatu consumption. ' We quote: ell.VllCOAl.'l'ltl inns. No. 1 I ilke.Sllliei-lot.elilUs-ii'-i]'.................S'j:i IMl.tr2.S Oil No. 2 I-it:t' Sii|n nor fliiiri'iiul .............'I imiiu'c, ihi N".. llniitl I l.akf Sii|,..iliu . .,'...........i'l iHit>'j; <m ■ Nns. .'» aii'l ll Liisi- Sniifilor .... ; ....... 'H nn^i/j; (Ml Nos I, a, il. I, .,,-vlislmly .................... »5 lljliiillT IK) St,ni,liialitJiiir. ".ll Iron-........................ ■•» ifctl 00 IlrJUirlal Uj K I.. lk»i»rk "c. t O,cliol.r/|. I'bere Is mi clwmge in tlie market ns to current demand and ^ales Worthy of note, though the elements and conditions Warrant the ludidgencc ol expectations of an early change for Ibe heller. The mills report n marked increase in iiupitiies for ninuufnc- luretl imu, and pi ices are well iiialtilnlned. TI c I act I hnl Iho nail mini u fan urers hnve tie- ' cidctl mil Inclose tltivvn, as ibey eeoteuiplat- etl doing recenlly, gives tone td'lhc Untie. Un} er- generally niy bolilingoll' lill idler slocl; lakiuc, inui ibe iiioVi-inciiis ol crude Iron Ilie liiiliu ceof llle"\ear will lie ct'inlpala- lively light. W eoii-inue'ih e(ilt-r 111 < - jiuijiir parlol Ilie |ilgll>ui ol'th'lr. lljey fudicnle Ihey will place in .l:uiil;in , iIk,'I'u vv'fll he mi inail- etpiaie supply ami s|,oultl ilje, reipu-is ap¬ proximate vv hat-is priiinlse,l,-snujelhiiig like a laniiiie In loiindry iron'unfyjie >iirli/.uiU. The limrkel elo-es Willi pl'iflls w e|l «IISlldllCtl ns follows: - "." .. '........^'-'r.nlosoa ,-n .' 'Jl o.'t " -XI -Ja , ...... I'JIHI '■ ;n 1,0 ..:,.. it mi •• in <hi .:.......1« uo to lit nn .C.V.«ltl'J-.ltlSll'i 7,', .,.: 'hiun': hi,'.a lliin'niiirlintik riiuiiiMl S.T. 1 ., llioiKiiti: llot'l. I liiii|'«lil St..'J hllons Sftllllil I ok'.' N'in l.1...... .....No.;..:..... Anivrlcitn Sioleli, No l ......... , tiul.v ruin Nciiimlltiki........................... Oiltl Slum.....:.................. I VI) Will.I S, ASll MALM'.AIII.H. llilliSllis llf.S,'snltlly. Is.J.Lllltejf' •'.. 5 'JTTo " " wtti'al IiI;[-I,'.T...... ClI no " ':i .'.ti l.itk|. Snli'filor 'sViileaii" nil irniilfv.;..... 21 0« " ?< mi SoulliiTji Cur Win..;!,;,,!!,!!:!!)- tot,! l.lusl ^il ,vi "<.-7 Vi, Tlu)4lliilerslgneil tli'-ll'e lo-vxpress to the clll/.eus ol (Jpiinil Unvon inpl Muskegon our sincere tliiuiks.foiThtj testliiumlnls of-npfirc- clniiou shown us since our return home for saving the lives from the A. C. Akuley,. it was' thought of ruvvnrd, except me reward that all ineit'linve vvboilo Iheir duly, that we endeavored' lo save Ibe |lvus,*iiiid so Ihe sptinlniicous at;lloii of the people aivl Ibelr liheriillly In nil the uioro appreelnle'i. • D.vnii i. Mn.i.i.ii, D.vviii Mn.i.mi. ■ I'.viuii'ii Dai.lev, Cit.viii.i'.s Mil.l.i.u, • .. t . S. l'jn'KllnON, /' ' " of flu' schoonc.' Driver. V

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