Marine Record, December 13, 1883, page 1

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' s. +Jk i '• •A >yv*"«*ir» i i \s VOL. V. NO. 50. CLEVELAND, 0., DECEMBER 13,^883 W 00 Fit A.XXU1I Sinolm Coriita i Cexti , AROUND THE LAKES. CI.BVKLAND. Tho Wellnntl cniinl dosed on the 11th. The Goiipel nhlp Glnd TldlnKS luis been Jtld up nt Chchovgnn, Mich. Cnpinlii GcorReDuvts. of tlie Fred Kelloyi Btopiu'd nt thU port j'esterdiiyton tho Wiiy to Chicngo. Ciiptulo John Low, of the Wnluln, which Is going to winter nt Dnliith, nrrlvcd hero on Mondiiv. Tho jotirnnlf tlmt pnbllslit'd the Story of the 80-cnlled survivors of the Mimlsteo nro cnlllnf; the ittithoi it "cnu'k-biiiliipd crank.'" The schooner T. C. Johiisnu litis llnnlly been tinloiided. She will nniitt it decision In rogiird to who shall be her lulupoowiiers. Mrs. Wilson wife ol Ciiptiln A. Wilson of the schooner C. G. King has gone to Mur- qnette to cure for licr liuslmnil nt that port, who is at 111 sufleiiiiK from his fall. A card was received fioin Captain Bcn- liaiii jesterday Iroin Mnniiiutto, "tilting that Captain Aithuf Wilson was getting along nicely, mid that ho hoped to be In Clevc- lan 1 in about two weeks. Since our last report the Qlobtvdiydock luis been occupied by the HeurytJIilslioiiii and Z tub ChitmHei' lor calking, the latter belli); calked all nroiiml The John Martin will go In tp-day to have i leak Mopped. Hie life saving; st itloils in the Mutli dis¬ trict, compi isiu^; the soiiiIili u i oahtStOfL ikes Ontailo and Erie, will tin closed on Sjitm- diij. 'liipeiiiitcndeni Doliiilna will puy oir the local ei eu tliaidu, anil on Sunday w ill leuw on a vlcit lo tile othei st itloilf. At the coineiitloiiol thuSiiunau'i. L'niim, lield nt Detroit, Itiiluinl I'iiwuim ol ( lili ago winelutLil ciiaiiiuati, .1.1). (iue\ol'Sr Catlieriiien, \iee pieshlcut, .1 I) Mnrplitol roionio, hOiictnt) ,(reoij;c Mttnilliyoi Ton Hopt, in-sintiinl set ichm T. L. Wilson, tlic disc i, -uneedcd in put tint; chains uudci the lice Lint ponj, wlilch was inecipitatcd Into tlieiivei lij an open dutw, and il tuib bieu raihcd out. Tlie work w is accomplished by the use ol foui wind¬ lasses. The villi,e ol ilie piluj in about 1i7,0l)() ami Ilie expense ol niiMiigii nhinii, fOOO fin piopellei ,1 L MilU.t npiniii Elleij, intends to run ns lon<r ns pnssilile between Mae, Island and l'oit lliiuu, in tlie glutei trade. 1 he Mills w ill be iron sheathed lor 1,1ft; [nnpusc. W hen pbc can no-lougei foice passage she will go lino ijiinrlcis at Maiys- vllle, Mich. ^eiihiilloiull leporls ha\e been occupying tlie dniliis since Sunday in lugnrd to the rescue ol [Ineo pis-engeis ol thu Manistee unil tht'li anlvill nt llonglitoii, Mich. The uewspiipeis make I hem gl\e giaphlc ac- counts u| the loinuleilng ol the vessel and the last wolds ol the hnnc Captulii McKay. The sloiy, howexcr, was too absurd to hang tuguthei and has liillen to pieces. We have not the satlslaclluu ot lecoidlug the salety of even three of (lie pedple on boaul the ill fated Mnulatee. A veiy successful seasoiijji_yxoik has been dfiiie by the large steamship Ortokd the j)h<, season (lor thu largest boat oil the lakes,) havli.i; iimde eleven mid niie-hall hips be. tvAen Chicago, Lake^ Kile, and E-cauaba, Inlll^iilg leu calgois ol coal to (hluigo, iuuc>ii\ noil, Ihouii^'otn avi iaging 2,100 tons, mid ele\eii down iiugon. ot an aveiage ol 2,1)1111 ions, .-she transported S.*),1)II0 ions ot luiglii ill loin days liss llmu'seveu mouths. Ulnlu nigiiged 111 tlie lion oic trade her "Iny llmo" has been from ten to twelve dny», On one ttlp while In this trade'she was six¬ teen days discharging nnd taking In a cargo' 8ho hits done no damage of any kind,* either to horsclf or any other cralt, nor tins sho been on the bottom oi lvlng around the hnrboi s, and she has nrft laid by for any bad woather. A Washington special t"> tho Leiulor gives thp following history of the Scablrd, which we deem of Interest to our readers: Among the lost crnifof the season now cloning must be numbered the scow Seablrll, which was cnpsl/ed mid finally became a total loss dur¬ ing the last neck In last July. She w'as an old craft, valued at about $1,000, had seen her best Ji*y"i IHK' many expressed them¬ selves as not suipilscd when it was nn nounced that she was gone. A little fresh Interest has been awakened In her by the discussion of a suit at law In which she .mis tlie"bone ot contention " Nearly n decade ago she was owned by Captain <Iu|m(tcrlach, of this elly, who still liusowueiship in quite a number of vessels sailing these lakes, the schooner Eli/a Gerlaeh, as may be easily surmised, being among tlm number A the lime UicSejiblid was'owned by Captain Ger- hieli anothui vcssclrnan took a fancy to her us being the boat he wuntcd lor"certain pur¬ poses, and sale was made to him Captain hohoneinan, the puiehaser, agiceing to pay (he sum ol $4,8(10 for hi r, and $50 of I (he puichase motie\ was at once paid down I to "bind the haigaln " At the moment this tiaiiMiction wlis taking plat e, [lit \tssel liei- sellwasona Viyagi, and Ilie lein.u k was nuidt by bomc one sii^g^stliig tlie posslhllily ol accident, to w Idch Ilie puiclmsei icpllcri that wiutbci she went ashore ot weir doueu bhe was Ills \ckscl, sjieh was his coulldente that no iiiisloiiiinQ would take placet Iftil hen his (oullduice was mi-phiced, asnbe sloiy shows, loi'the baigaiu had htcn iimde and a hiiinlPsiinj ol moue\ paid, yit beliile the papeib touvtviug tlie ptopeily bad beuu signed on Ilie next day, although they had been written out, K telcgiam came announcing that thu ship Iimi gone ashoic (ii this toiidilion of tilings, and though he had sold Ihe piopeity Captain Ucrlach did (he woik ol icleaslug her, mid In duu time she was onee more pul Hut at this jilncluie caine tlie tinning point In the stoi J, lor now (liptnln hehoneniaii declined to complete the papeis, and relused to accept thepiopeity On lite oilier hand Captain del Inch llimh held that he did not own the propeily, anil dually brought suit (or the balance of the purchase money beyond the $B0 already received. Whcntil»l came on the suit was decided In his favor, as were also two or three later suits on apped In Chicago courts, die case at last being taken to the hupi cine Court at Washington, llei e, as has already been paitialli suited, a llnal de¬ cision has jus' been leudcred In his lator, the total sum now being not only the $4,750, but adding Interest and cosl, ahum |j,000, In reaching this sum and decision something like eight years or mure have passed, and the raft heisell Is at rest on tlie bottom tif Lake Michigan." , »~ SANDl'SKY, S^^CKit lo Ihe Murine lie vrd The Aiiiiiicnn Eigle will run hctwciu heie and the Islands nil n Intel hcventl \tsscls ba\e gone Inlo w Inlet quart! rs lieu. Will gl\e names etc in oui lcgnlni lepoit ot unbent tails. 1 CHICAGO. Bpehini lo tjie Murine Record [The schooner Kcd White nnd Blue has arrived here. Bhe Is not much damaged.] Captain l'eter Pctcrs6n- will gl\c the schooner Winnie Wing it thorough rebuild nt once. Tho scliooiicis Ellen Spry, of Chicago, and Melvina, ot Kenoslut,' arrived at tills port on Monday last, alter long, rough voy¬ ages. ' Cnptnln R. Sentor is having qulto II lot of work done on th,o schooner Lotus, pf this, port, thereby Improving nnd strengthening her considerably. • Captain Peter Peterson, of tjreen Bay, is giving the schooner Annie if. Peterson new hatch combings nnd n thorough tilting down piior to his return homo. The lug Protection, at aband¬ oned foi the present. Manager Higgle, of (he V. O. T. Line, will receive bids for her delivery in Saugatuek harbor. The tug Carpenter arrived back In Chicago last even¬ ing. . Tlie body of'Captain Strecli, of the ill- fated stenmbarge IL C Akeley, was found near baugatnik on rjatenlny am) Hns brought to Chicago |oi burial on Wednesday. He died doing his duty like the noble and good'man that ho was, itnd may he rest hi peace. v^ ' , At Miller lirotlieis'drydnck the schonnei Daniel E. Ilalley Is getting part, new keel . anil stem and talking, schooner Ctildo had some new planking in hei bottom nnd some talking, schooner 11 C Klihartls will haw 1 a sur\ey and necessai\ upulrs j At the Chhngo Drydmk ( ouipanj's uinl schoonei .1.11 H llhcr went Into dijduck I and was talked all ovu, also supplied Willi 'anew iiiiilninast, bchooni r U illiam Jones waswdkul i.II over, schnomi Ida Keilb luis had new pawl posts, windlass bills and tlm- btr heads I, 1 lie sihnoiici J lluiiK i, ( aplaill \ llob- (rlson.aud Ihe scIiimiuci Sainaiia, Captain W V. Andicws, both of Oswego, arrived ' here on Sunday lust, all sale, aflci a \ei\ I protracted and stormy \oyage. Tiny wile I t|iiity-lwo days out liom Ogdensbuig, foui I weeks of which time was occupied by tjiem In getting from Charlotte, W'heiethei loaded I coal 'oi this port. I At the Vinwel Owners'ilrydoik the lug ,1. C. liigiam Is'htivlng some talking and hci stern bearing rVpaliid, tug I nele Sain Is I gelling some repidis to her ludilernnd stetn bearing, lug C W. Caidiier Is reteU- hlg repairs to her stein bearings and some 1 talking, schoonei J it Pi'iillcltl will have | it thorough rebuild , steaudiarge Imperial has I had a new shoe and repairs to hei ludthi , I Dodge & Peter's lug M Mary and Ihelr dredge and scow Ipul g. neial repdrsand calking; barge Windsor got some general repairs; steamship Onoko had some new stanchloiiH to her huriicnue deck and part new whale streak; steamship Oceaulca got her dock calked and some repairs. "" Thu schooner John Blgler, Onptaln John, arrived here on tlie 7th' Inst., In tow of tlm tug Chit ago, 'l'hc Blgler lefi HOIUlo, ciml laden tin this port on Noyem- hei lOih. On the li.uh, when oil Cathead Point, Lukt Michigan, slit had hei head sails turiletlawtu inahiawgalo anil sprung a leillt 1 he Captain m ule tin Little I'lawim- and having got part o| the way Into Ilie bay he lei go hei am hoi-, hut llie\ would nm hold, and Ihe sihoinui diaggeil nshoie ami remnlned there two days, w hen tlio Wind be,- gnu to blow .off tho land nnd tlie small an¬ chor wns got out nstern and sho wns pulled off, Sail was again made and she stand up foi the bay, and tlie anchors were let go nt the liemlol thebnv. The fug Chicago, which had gone lo hei nsslstimco from lids port, then went to her nnd towed her inlo the bay w|iere they stayed iwo dnys In conse¬ quence of heavy weather, and started for Chicago on the 4th. Captain Law son gl\es a graphic ac¬ count of the Pensaukee, which hns flnnlly ai rived safely In port. Being caught out In the great Nmc'i her blow, the Pemmukee . bteanie/rippled b\ loss of a portion of her sails, hadajiariow estape tiom going oh Ihe beach and wiib repni ted lost bv somo papers two or three times 'Ihey flunlly reached ■jitrnln, and after discharging their miRo started nnck, stopping at Cheboygan to take on n cargo of lumber. There they were wenthei bound for several days. They Hindi) got away anil -stnrted for Clilrngo. On arriving oil the B-avers the wli-d com¬ menced to blow a hea%y gale ttnd tlioy came to an nuphor. Tliev discovered the lumber laden schooner Red, \Vldte anil Blue ashore on Benvcr Island, but were uliable t assistance. The crew vvefe busy jettisoning tli«»-»li»>t~loii<UjnnUtllMmth.t-Jt. BWUlliij,^^. vx„ necessary to-remove part o( her cargo In tho hold before she could be released T|in' night tlie Pensaukee dragged hei anchors ncaily' thirty miles and biuiight up at I Ittle Tiaverse BaVi when1 tlie lug ( hit ago towed liti into llnrliorspilng-. ^lio then got miller wav mil sailtid up witliont turlhti mishap,' lint,had had wealhei nlllbew iv I he lied \\ hilt' and Blue Is hound heie and mav have already been lelea-ed and on her way 'Ihe sihoouer isownedbv Shaw,ol Kennsha, and is insured tin $12,000 on i valuation ol f] 1,. (till llei taigo |. lusiiitil loi ji 1,11110 111 1 mil 1. I Siai'l/ to Ihe Vol lite I'efor I I » Di nieiii, Ilei'einbei 11. iNotwItlifitiiiiiling the wind prevails Irom I the ninth to-day, the atnio-plicre isbilmy and genial, w bile the illtliiatiolis ol a t Itisc are remote loi sevetal davs heme at any . rale steamers or vessels having no piolila-, ' iile titiiipaliou at hand are as well laid up, J < specially vv lieu sailors alt 11 tilling out tin $1 pel day Tlie season lias bv no means t losetl although many have hud up Oil itieoigiao Hiiv, on short routt s, sinnll.t rail" ale plj log ill otilei to pit k up sonieltiing lo 1 make up lot lossi s thu lug the season The aleauit 1 Millon 1) \\ aid continues plv liigns usual, in Iween Deliolt 111ft Porl Union,ninl as vil 11 hirs pot beep decided htivv soon sho will letlie 'Ihe sltainer Itllewihl, ply ing on ilie same loi^te, is running and .doing a fall1 business. '1 he tralllc, as icgaids eithtr passengers 01 Irelghl, has hut slightly di¬ minished. There is also ihesteamtr Cliyof New Baltlmoie pi) log between Detroit nnd MiiijneCity,coullnidiig her route, anil Iroin present appeaiaiiceB she may continue llnmigli the, winter. Tlio barge Iowa, ashore on t|ie Canadian s|tli' of Lake Huron has been abandoned ns a total loss. She Is owiied'ln Mouiieid by the St. Liiwii'iice A C. P. Co., 108 tons bur¬ den itntl 0 veins In servb e 'I hero is an In- siiiiinie oil bcl, it I- staled, at about Ihite- iomth-ol hei valuation,, vvhitb Is |7,U0ll 1 itiuilhi loiegoluglt will hescili Unit thu snisnuof ltf^l I-h\ no mem* ovei wllh.yct, [duiitimuit iin .57i /1 0/1

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