THE MARINE RECORD. Troy t.oiir Buffalo, K5, nnd a Bite number by the explosion of tlio Amorlon on -Luke Erie. At midday on Saturday,"a sight oontowlint marvoloqs presented Itself nt Hutching'! whnrf, noar tho loot of Shelby street, and hundreds of citizens -rushed to the scone fo sco what was going on. It will bo remem¬ bered that a short time since tlio propeller St. Paul toolt hor dopnrtnro for Lake Supo- .rlor with n cargo of llmo'ln barrels and car- • Uoye ot acids. On reaching Detour she' stranded, was soon oil lire and scuttled. Af¬ ter toriipornry ropalrs It was deemed advlsa- bloto aba'ndon tho voyage and return to Do-, trolt. She arrived here and the process of removing her enrgo vim commenced. 'This was found n tedious and difficult task,'the llmo having becotno a hiiisb of mortar.' To deposit it In thorlvct was'forbldden by tlio harbor master, and to land It upon the dock wnB found to bo a slow proceeding. Such was the flltiuitlon on SnlurdnV, when gas and smoke of a fiery appearance'wan seen escaping from iill parts ,of' the bout nnd many supposed she was .really oh .lire. The nclil contlnue'd to viiporize nnd It seemed impossible to quench It. In the cnursoofn lew hours ordor seemed apparent I y restored. Later, at 5 o'clock, smoke Issued from the steamer making it certain that she was on lire. The fire department was summoned and it wiib feared that she was doomed to destruction. At first, as was the case In the carlfcr part of tile day, water seemed to pro¬ duce Utile or noellect, but.after awhile It accomplished Its purpose. At 0:15 In the evening the flro again broke out, tho fire tie- pnrtment were again, summoned and soon had it extinguished. The interior of the hull and cabltiB nre seriously damaged and the loss will not fall short of 120,000. She now lies sunk alongside of the wharf and proves a serious drawback to other steamers which Inake this their landing place. The St. Paul is owned by Wickham & Co.,of Huron, O. The fire, beyond a doubt, was the result of spontaneous combustion. During the lire David Jr|nglayson, the mate, was ovorcome by the fumes from the auld vapor and was removed to till) marine hospital for medical,attendance. '■ KHCANAUA. .*^>eetof to the Ma-ino Ilecml Last Tuesday five inches thickness of Ice had formed on the Kscnuaba river. Captain Graves of-llie John S. Richards :,i rivi-tl wllh his vessel Inst Sunday, In low ol thc'Aiidj' Johnson. Shu had been driven about between bore and the Straits for over :i week, hud lost'her loiesall and cenler board, hail lulu at anchor In the Straits, at Beaver Harbor and at the south of Mtiultotl, had been so loaded with Ice that the sea »weptlier decks, not even her signal I'oufd he cleared for hoisting her signal of distress, when the Andy Johnson found her near the Maiillou, unable to get away, and lowed her to Kscaunbii. Captain Graves Is lull ol praise to the ollhjers and men ofthe And) Johnson. She also hud on board the cicw of the schooner Monitor, taken'from tho w reck of that vessel on the South Mani- toii. The Andy Johnson had cruised dur. iug the whole of the previous weekol storm .in d Irosl in the north end of Lake Michigan, a-slsting wasels in distress. Besides saving the erew ol the .Monitor, and bringing the Hlchards safely Ihto port, she assisted the .1.1. Case aahorc on Hog Island, had pulled o-l the bench at South Maiiitou harbor the steamer Lawrence, and rendered valuable help to oilier distressed craft. Captain Owen in rived with Ids \epscl the Kseanabii, Monday Inst and all you can get out of bin' as an answer to the question about Ids cxpcilciice during tile terrible 11th and I'Jib Is: "1 limit know how we saved her." The Argonaut'was caught in Liike'Michi- giiu, mid had a narrow escape, llie^ea break¬ ing over her llrehold and put her holler fires out, hut by cutting through the bulkheads, nnd leting the -water Into Ihc hold, they were able to start them again and get steam to work her off shore. . Tho stemnbargu Alcona, w Ith her consort the San Diego, arrived here last Monday (ii>in -Milwaukee for a load of ore, but on account ol delay In getting the cargoes (ore being frozen Ippockul) left Tuesday light for Tawas to load lumber. The sc|ioouor Floretta came In leaking to such nu extent as to be uiillt to taken enrgo . and was towed to Chicago by tho Delta. Shipping of ore has boon slow workfhr the Inst two weeks, nnd the fleet now In port nnd loading Is mnklng Its Inst trip. Some straying vcssols mny drop In yet for n lond, but the shipping senson Is over. The schooner D, \ unco, cDal laden and bound Tor Mllwaukeo camo lioro for shelter^ Novombor 20il. wind bound fresh from tlie1 south, dojiso fog. ' Am unable to get this week's oro ship¬ ments.! It Is pretty certain tho coming wcok will bo tho dosing up of tho season.' nuWAi.o. Special lo th* Marine Record' ' An attachment hits been filed In the county clerk's olllco ngnlns tho propeller Oneida for running Into the schooner I ronton nt Cleve¬ land In September and damoglng.hcr to the extent of. ^1,000. , Mr. John Kchttt'liouse, owner ofthe barge Iowa, ashore below Cave Island, light at tho j'ontra'nco to Georgian Bay,- received a letter from Captain Taylor stating Hint the barge would prove a 101111,1089. She was uninsured. Sho was valued at $10,000. Her crejv are doing well, nnd expect to leave for home In a few days. Two sections of the stcnrnbnrgo built In Scotlnnd for the Canada Pnclflc railroad, arrived frtnn tho Welland Cnnal nnd Will-be put together here. . The stenmer City of Rome nrrlved on Saturday with the Luzerne from Chicago. Tlio schooner will probably. load coal for Sandusky, and be towed there by tho Cum bcrland, now in one of tlie Mills docks for a now wheels, The'Clty of Koine will bo laid up here, nndNlrring the vi inter her mnchln ery will be altered. Sho now tins n Hollo way fore-and-aft compound engine, made hy the Cuyahoga works, of Cleveland, Its cylinders being 32 and GO Inches, and stroke-18 Inches The grain receipts at this port for last week wero 1,433,300 buBhcls. Conl ship¬ ments amounted to 28,820 tons. By canal '311,040 bushels grain wero moved eastward Tlio propeller New York, with a cargo of merchandise, left for Chicago at noon to-day. She will tow tho schooner G, S. Hazard up from "Cheboygan, If she finds tlie latter there. Tho Now York Is the last of the railway lino stoamers to go :*up this'season', Tho steuiner Iron Chief coal ludeu for Chicago, left this nflernoon with tlio schooner David Dows. The latter will he dropped at Detroit ami laid up there. Tlio steamer Cumberland left to-night for Cleveland, where sho will go Into winter quarters. Jtll.WAl'KI.I'. fty*ci«/ til tlir Mnrtne HiLord While liinkiug Sheboygan Innbor'iliirlng the heavy southeaster on ihc 2,">tb, the schooner Guhlo, bound for Chicago, ran on the >• reck of the schooner Petrel and sunk. The tug Welcomo has siieccded In re¬ leasing tlie schooner M. (...Collins from the rocks at Sister Bay. The tug Maxon and a diver went 'to the foundered schooner Ashtabula on'thc 24th- All attempt Is to be made to tow her into tlie harbor. The tug Hagernninu, with a steam pump, left for the schooner Glpsey, ashore at North Bily. The Glpsey Is ow tied at Sheboygan, and valued at $7,000. The repairs to tho wrecked steainbarge Michael Grolian are about completed.' The' damage, Including wrecking, Is $8,r>0l). Ml. CI.K.UKM, A'jm-c/ii/ la the Mm Iik llntuil Work on O. ('hapten and Captain Gll'icil LaCroy's new steiiniharge Is progressing very last. She ls.uow nearly half planked and will probably bu completed In about two mouth's time. Boats tiro beginning lo^;o Into winter quar¬ ters, among which wo note the following at this port: llie steainbargo S. II. Johnson, Captain Paul Record, steainbarge Handy Boy, Captain Webb, and her udllijoiI, tlio Nellie, Captain John Diiproy;.'tow, barge Pillion, Captain Peter I'clkey; towbrirgo Jennett, Captain Poler Grahon.j.and both of the A. Weston's tow. T|io. steambtirgo A Weston will ptobably winter at New Bnltl more. ' Tlie scow E. Fox,<4«niber laden forAVm, K. Hall, arrived on the 20thlust., wllh her jlbboom curried away by the'late storm L'HKIIOYtlAN. Tlie Leviathan released the schooner Case Friday and lowed her Into Beaver harbor nnd came down hero, where she Is stationed for jobs. No pumps were left on the Case Her own pumpB koep-her frco by hand. Tho tug Sill will tow hor to Manitowoc whoro she rcpnlred by Itnnd ife'tfurger. The Schooner China ashore nenr Tobor- moroy, Georgian'Day, is ii total loss. She. wiib flying light. The crew were saved. Tho China was a cannier. Sue was built nt Port lioblnson by Abbey In 1803, rated B 1 for comae freights only, and wns Valued nt $5,000. .Probably Insured. D. O'Nell of Hamilton, Can.,.was tho owper. Tho schooner Hazard,-coal laden, was picked up on Luke Huron by the propeller Lehigh disabled-In steering gcnriinS towed to this port, nnd Is awaiting tho arrival of the propeller" New Y'ork to tow her to Chi¬ cago. ' . , l'OKT HURON. The schooner Young America was re¬ leased Irom the reef above Sand Beach, this afternoon by the tug Kellogg. )• Tjio barge Mills, of Buftnlo, Is of) Sjilphur Island leaking. The tugs Moore and Sweep¬ stakes left to look after the Mills, Sherman, and Huugefford. Tho Sherman is nt Black Itlver, In Thunder Bay, ■ •The barge Mcrrlmac, In tow of tho tug Torrent, broke ten stanchions, jrnll, and bulwnrks in tlie Ellen Spry. Tho Spry wiib struck by the s'qiuill coming down Lake IIu rnn, and lost her head sails and nilzzen sail. Tho schooner F. L. Datiforth lost tier two jibs Hi tlio same gale while'oil Au Sable, Lake Huron. The Merrlmac wet 5,000 bushels of corn from hor hatches mid decks. A man fell qyoropartr from the barge Tempest on Fritljjy night' atpl \ro,5 rescued by Mr. Wm". IjjiiKn- r'f-u"^ Tho lug GhnliatoTclhlle-ftrtills afternoon with either n,l)ooBe wheeheryniroken shoe. She became disabled on Saginiuy> Bay while towingjhe barges Shernlmi'a'nd Mills from Georgian Bay to Buffalo with lumber car¬ goes. ' She will gq Into thc'Vfrydock'iit De¬ troit. . ' - ;, DAILKY'S UAIlUPUjt-? The schooner Gypty ran ashore at the entrance of North Bay. She Is loaded with furniture mutter, all lor Sheboygan, She Is lying on a rockv bottoAi.' Trie Gipsy was built at Sheboygan In 1882-,' Is owned by Kelton, of SliebuyEiin, rti(ed A"2, and was valued nt'i $7,1)00. • InstiWd. Whether her cargo Is Insured Is not known. OWKN SOl'NII. The steatner Frances ■SUIrfUh, from Port Arthur, arilvVdJiercUfn tl.C—i4_ll|. Captain Uubertson ieport4~t(K achooiu;r Straubenzic ashore Inside L'qlHJ/*Porphyr in a com¬ paratively safe position,' iintl'w'jll not rccekc much damage.' Ibjr,-i;ud(kii" was carried away and tow line,parted. 'The BtGiinibiirgtiJ. Lotluilr subsequently"had (6 let go tho barge Corlsaiide, which Wjtl'weatlieicd the gale and made Sau't Sie Mlirln jilljtrlght-; Cap¬ tain Synics, ol the Lot hull', got Into .lack Ash Buy and Is now hunting thc-noitli thole lor Ills barges. It Is also l('ported hy Captain Greene, ol the schooner Woodward, that the schooner China Is pshoic at Cope Hind. Luke Huron. The vessel Is light and lying In a very dangerous po-hion. MAlllJI'I'.'lll!, Captain Wilson, of the schooner^ C. G. King, fell down" a hatchway, hi caking three libs and Injuring his hack. Tin' propeller Wlllllhg came In last night will) a hurtled c\Under bend, b'hu was towed in by llie schooner Guiding Star. The captain of tliv-.stt'iunvi. llaekley re¬ ports i ii lining tlnotigli portions id the wieek- age of the Manistee between Oiitonagoq nnd Portage canal, fifteen miles oil shoi Mcssis! Leopold & Austrian lor lime believe Ibul-thc eullLu--cT'cw me nt tin bottom ol Lake Superior, wheie they will rciii'iln, as thai liencheroiis' body of watfr never gives up lis victims. 'The lilepds and lamllies of the lost clew have all along entertained a hope that theeiew might have escaped, but now this hope Is lost. osw i Oo. 'The Hchoojier Mary Copely Is laid up nt Mut'ilslowii . There Is a repdrt in the strcets-tliAt suitors! wn'ges hitye beenvralaod to $0 a day, ' . , The George C. Finney will goon Mitchell & Giillagher's'doek. i KVANHIO.V On the 251 Ii lust, at I u'eloek the schooner Cuyahoga, of Chicago, with il cargo of rail¬ road ties and cord wood, sprung a leak oil (Hellene. During four hours ' the water gained two feel'with all the pumps at work. After tacking "evcral (lines she camo to anchor oil'Wlnnoikn 0:80 a.m. Tho lenk wns found nnd partly elosedi A signal of distress wns hoisted, wlilcb was soon dis¬ covered by the Evnuston llfo saving crow. Captain Lnwson, before launching tho aurf- bonf, lelogrnphed to the Vossol Ownors Tug Company to send a tug to tlie relief of the vcseol. After n pull'of four miles the llfo erew reached tho schoonor' rtnd fouftd her In tho oondlllnn above stated. At 2 p. in.' the tug Union reached tho Cuyahoga and towed her to Chicago. NAYCITV, The tug Music reached Bay City on the 22d from Muiilslng, Luke Superior, wlierc she Wiib forced to leave her tow—tho barges fjofichif, Eiiinui A. Mayes, Favorite and NcU son, all coal hit en; bound for Port Arthur, Out. The Fayorlte is minus her nuilngnll and two shrouds, and the Nelson 1'icr fore, boon) and her stays. 8AN»l/sKY. The work on Ohlemiichcr Brothers' new stcombiirgo Is progressing rapidly'at Cap- tain Moiik's shipyard,at this-port. Tho stanchions arc being put In, and she Is parl-ly planked.. ShcAylll be completed about March 1, Her ongliri- will be put In by Harney & Kllhy, and her holler by the Portland Boiler' Works', of Ibis city. * , . wiaiuox. , '■,. The steamer Eclipse, which left Algoniu for Port Siirnhi, wns caught in a gale on Wednesday nlglit oil' Pine Tree hitrbor,.ond is supposed to be lost with all hands, as part ofthe wieck and thicc bodies came aahorc .vlth llfo preservers marked "Eclipse." Papers found-on one of them Identify him as Captain Bush.ol ijarnla,. James Moore,engi¬ neer, of Thessolon. The third Is unkiiowu. John Drew was cut loose from this steamer alone on a scow, which drifted ashore at Pike Bay, and ho is the one known survivor. The Eclipse wns a tug, measured, seventy-four tons, nnd was built In Hamilton, Canada, by Cooper In 1878, Palmer, ol Hamilton, Is the owner. Di'i.r'iu.- The propeller Oscola arrived from Bufl'nlo with merchandise she will try mid make the return nip through tlie Sault, nnd lenves as soon ns she cmi get her enrgo on bonrd. • Tho barge Egyptian and schooner Pelican and propeller Quebec are now on their way here, and will probably winter at piihith. The weather is veiy cold, mid ice Is mak¬ ing fasj. It is iloiibtlul If the Oscola cn'n gel out of Luke Superior. Niivlgnllon Is practi¬ cally closed, except short trade, i.vsr I \WAS. There is n violent gale from the southwest. The tug Moore arrived In search .-of the Gladiator's tow of schooners just hi time to rescue the schooner Ulssell from the violent poi.ndlug she was receiving outside ofthe East Tawas Salt Company's r|ock. The tug struck bottom several limes In getting a line to her, but Anally succeeded lu getting her to anchor without damage. Yesterday she pushed about 15,000 .leet of lumber Into the lake, trying lo get it Irom the dock. SI. .Illsl-.l'll. It was reported last week that the luinbei lH»leii"v*ohooncr Regulator, on the bench south ol St. Joseph, bud gone to pieces and became a total wreck. The underwriters haw ascertained lluit the report was untrue, and will send a w locking1 expedition, to release her. The tug A. Mo-lier, .with a complete wrccklnx-OHtttr, wasTHsJeiivc Chicago Mon- MAKE ,2(1 FOR (TIKIS'PMAS. The publishers of Riitleilge's^loulhly oiler twelve valuable rewards In >bcir Monthly for December, among which,Is in following: We will give $20.00 to the per¬ son telling us how many verses there aic containing but tluec words each In the Old , Testment Soilptutes by December 111, lbs3. Should two or more correct answcis lie received, the reward wdll be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner ^December ,15, 1883. Persons trying for tlie reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) witli-'lheir answer, for which they will receive tho January Monthly In which the mime mid address of the winner ot tlie rownrd nnd the correct niiswer will bo published, ami lu which" several more valuable rewards will be ottered.. Address Rutledgo Publishing Com¬ pany, Enstou.'l.Viina. .