THE MARINE RECORD. ghe $arine Mecord. KSTAIIMNIIF.U IN IH7N. Loiorcil accuidliiKtu Hid Iuwb of t\io United Siuiua al tlio I'titit 0,11m tit < li ulutirl iiN'HH«im(HtiiM iHniier. — ——.------ ------^k-^r— J-^fri , ■ ■-------- PublUliiil uukly iipNti I ttoutli Watuf ilroei, L'kvolunil, Ohio—■-----""^p—r~ A. A. POMERfrY, Editor anil Proprietor, IWAN< II OFFK K, M4 MOUTH WATER HTIIEhT, I'llirAIIII. TJ5HMK OI HI HHCItH'TlONl 0 it! ymr,4xiiiliiK( piltb. -llx lUutlttlH, JiattllRf piiil J2.00 , . 1.00 Invurlnlily In nilviiiiir. 'IhcMAKIM. Ill < OlllMiui bo IijuihI for isle nt tho f illowinK pint mi No '1 Sotilli VYiilir nlrecl, Clcvilnml Jowpli l.ra>, No JH1 -out!i Water street, llilcago J) -JlcMmlur* A Co , Hirnla, Ontario fleorgc I'ris on, l.sunnt>a, Michigan. # Win lio-llo), Ijiuinalm MUhlgnn I i: Nunorvllh, VlanUteD, M1cbiu;un Articles, Mlem sn<l quirks on i\l] mdijottfl uro hoIIcI- trili •VTho Idllor itvuux-a no rohpoimlhlllly (or tin; oplnLonH or LorrLrtpoiuli nts .w- Tolnanrcnollce, iniilrltintoni uiusl Rlve name and nililre*!, null writt on ont tilileof the pnptr oolj AmEHTlSING HATKI. Ten ccnls pi-r lint nonpareil, or SI 20 per incli, tiicli insertion loor weeks 84 00, » llli a llliornl discount oo ordt th ainiiontlnu lo Ho 00 or ot t r Di! Lkhsfi'k wijk helms received nsBiir- ancc from the engineers llml the Panama cunnl will lio open in five years. Tim dykes linthc region ol Wolrvilif, X. ■i., Imvc been badly bioken by lierce storms mid iiDiisti illy high ililos,' ami hundicds of acres ol land .ue under water. OonsldeiubleBiirpilse exists Unit so tunny vessels went nslioie on Long I'lilnt jvlih n northwest wind which guve ilioin reasona¬ bly Atiiooth wntei along the north shote aiid a beam wind. Woiid comes from I.undnn that the Brit¬ ish steamci Condor, from Liverpool, mink oft Momlen, Holland, on the 18th Inst., during n violent etoim Eighteen lives weie lost. The cngliieeis wore killed by the bursting of ttiQboilei. , ■ "v . ■' ,'■ , ' 1JIKJC UARUOllS. Among the recoiit reports of bends, of bit* reniis to tire Intormitlonnl Rtjjreiiitji Dqpsrt- nicnt, made forHhi; purpose df In's'ructliig the President relntlvo tot his .forthcoming message to Congress, thnt'oT©cnei|il Wright, chief ol the corps of englnW,rt','"ft *1 prime Importance to marine men. What the Pres¬ ident'* recomiriendntlpii win bo news from Washington alone can reveal. Speculation at llie present moment Is rendered all the nunc absorbing In view of the recent agita¬ tion which pievalled all-over the ennntryj concerning thevliver and h'nrboi appropihi- tlons^Whelher the ellect ol tills outcry will he Imind In the Piesldoiil's message In the recommendation of decreased apprnpilatlon, w bethel the advel'se .comments passed unheeded by him, oi whether, III either event, he will pursue a calm and liberal comse, leuialnsto bcsecH.*' Asbefoio stated, we regard pilrtol the oulciy as political dem- agoguei) and paitaspuie jealousy.- This conclusion Is icachcd bv consltlcilog tbe question In all its phases, Ihc/compnnillVe hlnuunci'of woik at present In progress, and breakwater runs oljl Into1 the litke -on the wostitdlBti|ncporJ,luO lept^mlJ4.0t)0 feet piirutlol with the shofo. '{lie yroposod ex- tonslnn of tlio east plor at the niotllli cl the river IJNW fopt, will complete the inulosuic. It will aflord n harbor of rctugc 'nbnrly one .nillo long, with an area for" Anchorage ol lSOaoros, Iho depth of J10 aeros of which will bo from scventcoirto twenty.nlnc.fcot. At Fnlrport J2H,074 in all has been expend¬ ed, wiiliih has resulted In seeurlng a sixteen foot channel. The same depth hinuboen at- 'lalnod at ABhtabulii-hHrbnrj__wJii.'re a total appropriation ol $3-10,001 covers ttie inirinr cxpendituro since 1800. JIilo harbor lias presented peculiar difficulties, whore a pile projection to the neck ol the peninsula, n jetty nt the cast end of the peninsula, and u long stretch of pier work, to the required depth of lako wahirof sixteen feet, have been necessary.. The total amount appio- prlntdd for this Imrbor up to the piestint time has been (Q81,!IB7. In all the Ipirboj-s mentioned tlio engineer leeouiniend* a coiv Tint w bin ves and buildings of the Ameri¬ can htcamshlp Line at Philadelphia burned Sntiiiday night, Including a large amount of merehandito and slx'eniloads ol westeri pork, I'hc lire binncil foi tlnee hours, and caused tlOO.OOO dainiige, A tug and two ■ til veai-els. subtiilncd blIIoub Ions. Till re.ent violent N'ovember gale bid Its allien live days diiiiitlou, and it is now well enough to take n retiospeetive view ol ltB>i0BiilH»jHo far us at piosent knowii^tlieru were upon the entire chain of lakes Hi cas- unities and 57 livet lott The Miluation or cirgoand hull wlllatu jlom estimate ainoiinl to hpwards'ot half a million of dollars.. 01 comse It niiiNt be taken Into Loiisideintloi1 that tbeie are vessels aslioie or hliai.dcd at various'points, that hnie been lepnited as total losses, which inn) In lescied eie the Buiibon eloscb. But even In llie event ol such "ncovciles it will not elinnge the llgures we have arrived al. The giealest loss was that of tile steainsliip 11. E Aekiej on lake Mich¬ igan with 51,0110 bushels ol (din and loin lives. Long Point, l.nke Kill, lias gathered In Its piopnrlinualu. slime ol vii Hills, lllose of the schooni is I.eadvllle, HU/Ing htar, Si¬ beria and h. ril/geiulil, the latter with all )iauds. lliere. seem lo bo some doubts as regards the Wade, which. It Is thought, must have fuutidcicd with till hands below the islands, as nothing !»«*- been heard ol her crew, tahc wa» In command of Captain l)a- vid Brown, w ho had ninny yeais' experience and was a cuieful iirirlnci The niiines ol only three nre at piesent known in; the Ill- fated Pit/gciald besldis her master, Cnplaln Daniel Langdon. 'The others were Kobert Stevens, Charles Illngliitni and Andrew Ker- gmon. Ho lar as we lurvo been able to glean t|ie total loss in lite w ill jiot exceed llfty- sevcii. It ls|muili to be legnetlxl that there lias been so mm h negligence on the pint of tliosi to whom It piopiil} In longs, by not keeping the moid of m ws sliippcd at eaeli port, 'llieit nie ^ciinn n's unions lu almost every pint, \v\ tin uukiiowli an 11 J'leqiient how us in times past. Justice of approprlalloinl_Jor oilier pur¬ poses, and from motives quite above the single luieiest of lake navigation; though let us linsicn to asserl, as we have many liurcs-belore, we hold that to speak In this ln((Tt'«i alone Is entirely Just and pioper We do not seek to covei up this plain Intent b) pietcuse of any sort, oi hide a selfish mo- 'Ive nuclei the gin b of general welfare. The good of our hike marine Is oui purpose, and I bill w e shall advocate the best w e know how. As to the propriety of the expenditnro of money for the making and Improving of lake harbors, while the Government spends any money at all foi such purposes, It cer¬ tainly cannot find any worthier object. The Uiitklng ol haibors must not Co regal ded ns a lice gill when resources are" derived from Ir. This Inrt makes It n dirty. In our way of thinking thcre'lsli marked contrast be¬ tween the system of harbor Improvements and the Government's lavish liberality in donaiing public In)ids to railroads and in everyway fostering these cnteiprises, many of which have'grown from these gifts Into mammoth monopolies, which tin eaten to give the Government no little trouble In the near In tine; and the coutinst In amounts expended on rlillroiuls and navigation Is as millions to hundreds. No, mailne Interests have no occasion to beat about the bush; ami we speak out boldly and above board lot the niobt liberal appibpilations for the Improvement of harbors. If any howler for i ivi i and haiboi retrenchment um llml uiuse for giumbliiig in tlio use made ol inniicj 111 the following iustaiices we should like to have It pointed out. A good fllteen and one-half toot cbanncl has been obtained in Toledo, wheie there was a nar- uow, intriiate channel of only eleven leet, and the lolnl appiopilatiou since 18UG has bun but $(184,700. During tbe present veal, ending June dO, less than $27,000 has been expended In Impioving anil maintain¬ ing Ir. Al Port Clinton the total amotuii his been $,10,000, and with lids a live foot channel has been deepened td nine ICct Pioin the lake to Slindiirki |luik,s sixteen leet Is needed and the cpgluiei leeoinmeiids this iucicase a Mi lost ol $(10,000. I p to this time bill $ 1011,7711 has been gHlu lo Huron, and a toiiiteen fout channel luib been made whci.e a bin existed, which, at lowwatei, wasdiy. Al Black Hlvei theoiiginal depth nt tlieenliniiic lo the Hal bin, was time leet, Willi a total nppiepilation ol (100.1.W a slx- lii u tuol channel has been obiiiluid Like gopd results have betn obtained nt ( levif- laiidl In 1825, Hlien the Improvement ol Cdjnbogu livei llrsl begun, llieic was three leet depth of watei in u mil low ami intri¬ cate channel through n'loiqjsimil bar ubjie close ol the tlncal jeal f. 15-1,000 had been ex piuded, tlieihaunel was beventeen to twentv Ici'I In depth between llie roll load bildge ivliil deep watei lu the lake, null a O.'O loot pile protection lor the old sunken it est pier. From time to time the foi million of bins nt the infliitli of the liver has'compelled addi¬ tional diedgliig, the cost being Included In the iihnvu sum. Oui bienkwnlei, a stupi n- doiis piojtit, In ku ping with the marine In- teiestMil *i> tit) Hie sl/e ol Clcviland, foi which th.- ungual estimate was $1,SU|I,0(I0, will piobajblv be completed foi liss Ibaii f I,'2(111,0(1(1, a most commendable leductloii, i I llie cost, lit $11100,000. Tills there ate'no good lensons why his sugges¬ tions should npt he followed. OBITUARY. Captain 80I011 S. liiiiuagc, wlio died at Marquette at 7 .ilO o'clock on Monday even¬ ing, will long be remembered by bis Iriends In Cleveland and elsewliere as one of the most upright men that ever sailed a vessol. Ills bi8t hoursoJ activesert ice weie lu keep¬ ing with his long life of use-fulness,.devotion to his mates who were lu danger and distress. Ho lay, with the Samson, through the cold and storm alongside of the slriuided schoon¬ er Wiibnsh for hours, and was tireless In his dibits to lescue the perishing ciew, and never consluTBrwUhJs woik complete until the las. one of them was aboard the Sniiihon, the rescue having been attended with the ut¬ most danger. Captain Kuninge was horn In Cleveland, on the coiner ol Euclid avenue mid Sheriff street, In Novcmbei, 1819, just sixty-four years ago, and when but fourteen years old he made his llrst voyage with Captain Koot, of Black River, afterwards becoming master and part owner of several good boats, among which we may mention the P, S. Johnson, llie C II. Johnson and the Hsnuon. lie owned one-quarter Interest in the bamson and was master of her at the time ol Ids dentil. He brought out the schooneis Wljigs of the, Morning, the It. G. \VlnsUw,nil(jS the piopeller L)ean Richmond and tUj{H(iiimtjiy and the steamship Persia, anifso' hlgli was he held in the estimation ol_thc Wlnslow Company, on account of his good judgment, Bcailuiiishlp and other qualities, that he was called by them the "crack captain ol the lakes." He continued lu theli employ from 1837 to 1871. Pol fitly years lie has sailed, which is pi nimbly a longer service than auv of the Cleveland navigators, have seen, and perhaps thei e arc not many on the lakes w ho can surpass it. Cnplaln Itumiige was always fortunate, Inasmuch us lie nevei lost or stiiiuded his boat, which speaks well for his judgment und skill as a'scaimrn. Cnplaln Huinage recently bought two largo larins In tbe nelgbboibood of V\ nshliyrton, Has., wheie Ills InuiUy resides, ami ho'intendei! at the close ol the present season, to sell bis in¬ terest lu the lug >>nmsoif amr retire to his farm lo spend Ids remaining da) 8 in ease and comlort Mis. Moieau, Captain Hom¬ age's sister, intends to go to Chicago to meet tliecaplaUt's wife when thev will piinced loiiclhii to Cleveland. Ills muthei. w lio in eighty loin yearsold, Ib still Ijviug InClcve. laud, as me also Iwoslsteis. Illsbiolhei, llitv«i) Homage, dlul last .loir. Cnplaln Riimagc leaves his family In vei \ eomloi ta¬ ble circumstances A sboit lime beloic IiIb the nver einpjled Into the labe. At lbu..dcpaitul'o trom Cleveland and 911 the nav up the cnplaln comphiliied ol headache and the jlcprcssion Incident to hcu.11 .disease. His lemiilns will be conveyed to Woodbind cem¬ etery and be Intoned lu llie fnhilly grounds A A'filV IKON STEAMER AXD AN 1UONTUU. The volume ol shipwreck nud dlsasloi that lias pomed In upuiMis sliu 1 the advent 01 Noveinbei does not ih'ter t'litcrprlsc, lis we have just learned Ihilt a party ol Cleveland gentlemen, wIiom1 mimes wu wlthbolil lor tlie present, lime plan I a contract with the (ilobn lion Woiks lot 'the coiistiucllop ol a new Ironsteninu to be lluisheil and ready -----------------f-j——------f---------*------------- for sea In im) spring ol 1884.' All the work on this Iron'uhlp *lU'lnuroilUcTJd by mathe." mntlcnl oalaulittion to absolute accuracy, of wliltifrSbftPftretit Ouoko Is a living evidence. T'liWaw^ieilmer will have 11 keel '240 foot, aiidvaB<!",|vJll"bo 2(11 Teet. oyer all, with 30 feet beiun-nitd ii feet moulded dgpth, and a water bottom jvlth 11 pump,to work l(u similar to "ifijt 1111 tho/stenincr Onoko. She wHftliavtt^riireil mnsts, cabins fnrwipaJ and aft, lor tiro crew, n hoisting engine on deck, TliTil, Included In her ouillt will he one of the fllobil potent "stenm windlasses. The en- ginei wl' compound will,' cvllnders27 and GO by ,10 Inch stroke, with 11 stenm re¬ versing engine. The boilers will he of steel 10Jy feel In diameter and 10 leet long, al¬ lowed a woiklng piossuie -ol one hundred pounds. f The same llrm has also a contract with the Inteliliitlonal'Brldge Company, ol Montreal, Canada, lui the construction o| an Iron tug, which will be seventy-lit e fei t oyer all, beam seventeen^ f"ot llislde ol tendeis, and nine leet nine inches moulded depth. She will havelhiee atliwnrtsliip bulkneails and two fole und iiftjjulkheatls. The main deck, pi¬ pit Impose, boiler house, engine Irooin and bulf urkslvUI be of wrought iron and the lull of imk.' The cabin lor the crew will be lite tiudej'the main deck. The engine will be 20 Inch bore with 20 Inch stioke and will haven giaifiiatetl cut-oil, double cranks ol wioughi iron. The boiler, like that in the steamer, will be of steel, seven feet in diam¬ eter mid tltlnpon feet long. The Globe will mannfncliMc aH\tho mnolilneiy necessary to put her in iiinniug nidci. She is to be com¬ pleted in'llie spring of 188-1. [ Coacludcu! //o»i 1st Putje ] at tbe main entrance Will be continued np to close of navigation. Patiiek JSmllh, who took the contract to raise the sobo^nor Jlobn T. Johnson llrnlly succeeded, vv4tl'i-uie*iild of four steam pumps aiul canvass jackets, in releasing her. She was taken Into the old river bed nud.per- mttted to sink in shoal water near Kndcllll's shipyard' whero the survey vviib hold (hi Tuesday, Mr. Parsons of Buffalo on behalf of the underwiJtcrB and John Camion for the vessels Interest. The Globe Iron Works are building an engine for Cnplaln Bindley's steamer City dt Cleveland It Is to bo a compound ;I0 and -OH by 48 inib s'tToke, with steam leveislug motion anil everything necessary to com¬ plete the wli(rfe-englnedapartnicqt. She will also receive too new steel boileis8 leet 8 In diameter 18 feel long and to carry 100 pounds rf steam. The same linn is building a new engine for the steamer J. b. Pay. Also building and compounding engines lor the steaineis Fred Kelly um) Cumberland, and a new one, previously mentioned, for the new boat being built nt Quayle's sblpvnid loi Cnpinlu Wilson. " on iioi 1. .Sf*c'fll to tht Mat hir Jiecwd Demon, November 30. The crew ol tin schooner Bln/lngStnF has arrived in port, also ilist of the Leadville 'Die tug Andrew J. Smith", which rescued the schooner Starlight lu Geoigian Ilav, and altci wards took her to ft place lor Icmpnnjiy ■ epulis, Btnrtel with her loi Detioit When well out oni'Lilke Huroli a renewal ol the rftoi 111 set In'with great fur). The lines parted, and In spite ol every efloit on the pail of ibetiig, a lescue was utterly impo*. slide iuiiI she w as It II lo hi 1 lull bin hud On boinil two Hlenin piimns and the follow- lug men lu 1 lunge James Fbiulgnn, Thus. Ma)Ilia, John Hnuo ami I.. Pepper, who, with the eialthave, be)mid a doubt, gout lo Iho bottom. The schooner J. It. Pellon. fn Iglited with conl foi l>clioil,Minndrdoii Saturda) morn¬ ing last oil Bols lllanc. al llie inouth'o! the Detroit ilvei, und tilled The captuln canie to the cilv loi lellel ami In diie time Bhe will be got Into port. Tlio eaplati, says It Is the Hut accident that has happened him/or many years. ThesleainbargoJ. M. Osdoin arrived here¬ on Satin day and reported the loss of her small am lior and tluilii at Point au Pelee Island, and n|so llml the sclioonei Geo, W Davis lost hoi big author In Pigeon JI115. flip news Is leieUcd heie, li) the Way ol Mniqiieiti, LakeSupeiloi, thuttho barge 11. M. Blown, lousoit ol 1 he htuuubarge ForoBt ( it), had stiaiiiled in the Sault St ^lnrie 7-