Marine Record, November 22, 1883, page 3

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I THE MARINE- RECORD. - 3 RESCUE OF THE MEItRIMAC. Tho rescue- of tlie barge Morrimao by tho tug Torrou', which arrived at 8 o'clock, Is ono of the best efforts of Cifptaln Chris. Moore's llfp.- Uo left Port Huron Wednon- day night nt 10 o'clock iind found tho. barge fifteen miles oft the Canada slioro and four miles north oC Kincardine. ■ Tho crow of the Mcrrlipuc woro In n most pitiable state, not having had n ineo.1 or slept anyjdnco Sunday morning. They were used- up, and upon arriving hero the captain of tho. Merrtmnc fainted threo times from weakness. His orew also desorve the highest-praise. On Monday the Vessel shifted her cargo so that the rail wns under w-ntor, and again tho same thing happened. Both times nil hands trimmed the vessel bnck. Sonic of the inch f;nve up when ' tlie tug have In sight. A inwser wnB passed from the tug to the,ves¬ sel, and nftor live hours' work her cabin wns slipped anil they started lor, the west shore. When oil' Point nu Barques tho vessel again shitted her cargo, nil lights went out on both the vessel and fhe tug. The vessel was loak- Ing while Intlic sea's all hands til the piimps ifor ten hours, until ihey got under Iho laud bejow Sand Beach. She arrived and will go under the clovntor to-morrow. 1 lev captain and crow madca protest at noon and think there Is'some wet grain in her.' To-night the captain gave way from exlmiislioih- He says that bud the Tom-nt been two hours late sho could not have found tl.o Mcrrlmiiu afloat. This vessel Is In the worst shape of any schooner that has come Into the river Cor yeais. She Is a complete mass of Ice and drawing sixteen feet of water. Tlie Torrent hucf bad usage. She Is covered with Ice and snow. Every dish, table, and chair on her is broken. leqAW Wo see Hint already the disaster conseqi' upon the launching of tlie Daphne is having 'considerable effect upon tho method ol launching, as conducted on the Clyde ship¬ yards. Strict rules aro being exerolsed In connection with the number of men nllowed on board vessels about to bo launched, (lie numberHel»>g-«nturally minimised to those who aro absolutely necessary for carrying out the operations. I.oo-fc weights are enro- rully rcmoved/nnd made Inst/ nnd more im¬ portant of all,'lh"our'vlew, proper calcula¬ tions for the stability of the vessels at the •estimated launching draught, are now being generally carried out, and whero such rules aro not entirely new, greater attention Is being paid to accuracy. The owners of tho , Daphne linvo had most eXhaustlvo anU roll- able tests carried out as to hjr stability wlfh the loaded seagoing condition, and have . lately Issued specifications for i\ nojv vessel, ;".4(> tfiko.tlm place of the Iris rMutly lost. '". 'Pile owners are careful to liwbrt special ' '.<!lim«ca with regard to the question of KiiibllitV, the builders bclng*held responsible -. that Hie "condition of high .launching and ■ "progressive stadllliy, wlUi .complete outfit slmll bo obtained. Th6 owneM, further rc- Miiired Unit the builders tyUnULVO to test, by Inclining tho stability .of tlio wose'ol when fluislffiU, and aupply'\jtlio oiwiocs 'with: the eiirv'e of stability, and tho, fiileullnhw Qf the. same with fornnrfn'; nS,> Inclined body plans, showing centres uf gmvlty niur birov- aucy and metiicentres. fins Is'V inosien couriiglng resilH flVim a lamentirW^necldont, and we hope thnt, the lessrtn is being * thoroughly t'ken (JV^mjirt,. viz,, that nil mechanical or buH^ltiJfijWjjitibns whatso¬ ever should bo ru'diaetpiCfwftiiibiioliito ac '■) ,r curacy of tiuujie] Engineer ' ,t V.Variac, ., *»" The toilers nowl-jtiost Inifnvlti "'V.X'i I'M the .horizontal. n'iuJi(tubujnr, < » "flrfd type, set in bricWdrJi: given are Hielr cheapness In ijol. _^^. economy of,malutyiiiuicei nilJ.-BtrBtam'T'n, tlio.«xceedh0jdy High p"r«tfsnre<$i*»«j*flju ■" lowing agidiisTfetrong currents, --a -"v^-' ;-\^ ■•>' ■■ :"%-.-.!:'> ..':^ '^6 ,T- ITCIUN'G ' PIL^^SYWTOMS AND * -sV-^v' • c.UUtE- ^- "' " " -i 'Vhs-symptoins are n^ls^rellko persplra- ,\llon, intense' Itchlns/,' .paftlciiuTrly.'at illght nfter' getting warm In' lied; Beemo as If phi worms wcTe'criiw-llng.lii aiid about t|ierco- tiiin.; the |)rlvate |H*rta>i'e nftQii-ntteoted. • Swnyue'a olntinent Is a pleasant, sure, pure.' Also for all skin diseases. A. ANDREWS, **■' HARDWARE^ .'* ^f Ranges, Stoves & Tinware, tio. 259 Detroit St., CLKVKLANPl OHIO, DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent IMtMKNTIC .1 NTU.IM COAL. <:liv,liiiiil, Uhlo FOR SALE. Xn Iron ynrht lift fei-t lmin very flimllv rtnlilicil arm fumlHliuO. Uruli :il-2. fit I nuw vunr fnai, KiMiuiro Af l>. I*. Nickernoii. llurkni'tta Illoclc Kuclld AVuHtmlua, PURIFYTHE BLOOD ACT AS A — liEARTCOMCTOR And by cleansing, regulating, and ilr«nglhenIno Hio orfjini ol digestion, socrdlon and abtorpllon, mro rtpoploxy. Fits.' Paralysis, Norvoutnoti. 0'ninim. Debility, Biliousness* Bad Breath* J»un- rllco, LUer and Klrtnoy Complaint, Lack ol Appollto, . t ow Spirits, Indigestion or Dyipopiln, Headanho, Crnstipntlon Foyers, MitnriaundContagton.Fovor nnd Ag«o, DiarfliV-i Dm,. ;y, Cplds, Rheumatism, ■* NoiirdTtj'a, Gout. Fpnmlu Weakness, Urinary Oil- orders, and nil frregu antles ot tho Sploon, S'nmnrh. Bladder nnd Bowels, It p r innlTliyltc s« O N K A SON, Fhtldflphli, H. \-,K'-Vut H Unt'OOmTFOTtTHBM I • II. t' "• *! i ■ Hit Hull In art; AiIdrMf, TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Una iho Mngnolon Applla^coCu'i Magnetic lung Protector! PRICE.ONLY i'y. Thuy are pricelesi to ladies, okntlkmkn and ciul- DRKN WITH WKAJC^LUNOS; QO C»i« qf P.VRUMuMA OK atom,' ia over known whero those gnnnutita arc worn. They also prevent nnd euro iikaiit njFKinrr.TiK.s, COM)-), U11KUMATI««('HEUlUUilA, TIIKOAT TltOt'HLKM, 11IITIIRK1A, (JATAItlUI, AND ALL KI.NUltKD DI8KAMK.S. Will wkaii any sorvico/or thiikk ykahh. A^p .writ ovor the underclothing, 0ATADDH ^ la needier(oik'scrilio thenyiuptomi UlliiHlIulj of thlunnuseoundlHeas» that In eflpphffc tliolltound rilronRih of only*toi> many /If tlic^fltn'eit and bout of both soxes. Jjjbor, Htudy uud renenrch In- America, Etirouo ami" Eai tern In "da', hiivo rcsutU'il In tho Mugnotlc Lung I'rotcctor, iiiUjrdlnK euro for,Ca¬ tarrh, n {cnuxly which coiitninn Nu pituo(iiM) u^ Ttrti Sv.htkm, nnd with tlio'eontliniAmisirO'imiif M>iKn"t'H'>i permcatinR tliroiiKh thonlltlctod organs, must HKiTintK TIHil! TO A lIKAMIIYkAC*ri0N. W« I'LAOK (It'll i'llj*:" for thin Anplinncu ut leu than oiie-twi'iitioth otypl price nilieo, hyoHiort for nynedjua iijm»it^wbIi*h 1 J-in uiko nil tho chances', nnd wi'/khi-wuli' " "' " pntrontiK«iof fh« many i'KiuiftNrt"Svh»uliii (fiSdiHKin HTOMACii* HfnrmiqvjJiflimjri H0M00BTAfl|.^JR,afe. the> lluvn nut gut tlieih,* wriui ti elfisinjr, tlio price, In ll!itor*iitii*'r ■cut to yoimt mini l>y nuiil, poit _ Send btiimpfiir tlio "'Now I>«| Treaimimt without'- xii;uici>k*; leitliuuiiialN. " • .i . ,,.., THE MA(iS7:TON AJtf*rilAJ.VTMVJ , , . . 2ittNtatuSMrwtyT*hWipi, 111 . Notk.—Send one dollar Iti^ntttaife-titiii mil * nin1 c>, In letter nt our rl k, with nl/e of »1hh- iiMinllr'wurii, uud try ii piilr of our M"Kfi"He InmUc , mi>l "" etm vlnci'dof tho powir rctiduig tn our .Mnnmllt Appli- unccjt. l'(iiltJ\L'ly nu <]«»/*/ /"/ ittirn thty iirr yttiui, »r mount rrjninhtl, \ apt. D. S. Webster^ VjJvMsia AND INSUItANCIv'.\(IEHT. I WrjojI.tenGe Posts, Bark, • CTQrnvUOHT AN>)S()11>6n commission. SbartfiifcMFMlitii of Canadian >'. Voiiiifi-Treijilils Specialty. .■ ,/W Wootibrldge Street Detroit, Michigan f feitix faiilCu M ,JUNUPACTUHKlt8 OF PLASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AN i> VAC TOBY 36- HiCDigan SI, CLEVELAND, OfflO. boat washing and general laun¬ dry irl a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. C|air Street^ TjlepHone 118 OROITAN, Proprietor. TF^ Wfadi§on, ,'\ .VuirMKIH.Y HBVKItK HOt)8K)_ Detroit, Mich. Moil Ontrnlly Loonlwl. Stront cars puna tlui iloor ovory I'ow inluuteB to Dejiota mill nil pm-tH (if the City." Threo mhiiito'n wiilk lo I, S A M H, I) & M,imil Wiilnmli Dcpiilh. . ^. Bate, »180, to 18.00 per day.' .tlKvu«l'«»lllvoTflllii«l7 foriho nli»Tu dliuMOttiyTu tlno tli«iutiuUu(c«iHwnr III* wnntt kln<l »nd t>t long M»tltlUi^ Ikto bounoumil. Indonil, lUHttlull,vlllcar/. Hint I wIllMiiut TWll lllin'I.KIl VHKU, hiHutliur will! ft VAU UAULKTHKATIHK na Hill tlUuuo, In any auirunir. tllvn Kx. I|»M »IVO,BllllrtM. I'll.T. A. UUMUli; 111 hirl Bt, M. Y. RAPID TRANSIT. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Slciim-Wlcatlitn Company.- The 82.25 Route FOB DETOOIT StmrsCity of Detroit & Northwest WooUcldyn at 0 }>. m. from 211 Illvor it. Coiinocli Willi Htcamorii' ' CITV OF MACKINAC, CITY' Ol' CLKVKLAND. From Dntrolt, SIamlily< uml duturtlayk Hj J Q ■> W«iliiB»rtny« * Frlrtnyn n'tQ IRA M FdB. MACKINAC, HI. iKlinci', C'liehoyKftli, Alix-na, OhcoiIii, Baml Ik>acli, I'nrt Hiiroi , Sf. (line, Marlni> City, nmkllijl four i\v liartun h imcIi wi-ck. fc . . T.-K. NICWMAN. Ant, 21 lll«'riil.,S'lovc'Unil1 u. ii, wniTcoMH, o. r. A T. Am., Doiritii. TRAVELERS' REGISTER. UKi: SlKtUK.A'.MICllMAN HH Tlir.UN. ' I us: mini i.ii.1 Ni'M Sink i:\j.ii-i .!....... N V, 11 A A i:x|it.H, ............ i:i)rln Aiiiiiiuiiolnilim ........ I'm) ('Union Ai-[-oiniiioilitti<tn . Itiillu'o Ainiiniii'ilitlloii........... \ V A It Ku»! I.x|iri-<«H.....t..... I unni'tiil Aidiiiniiixiutloti...... Sttllinnluuii f-muliiy tnil) | ..... MjjItL Cx|irc** . ................ U'i'tl«iinl. | Ainw. | ])<-|nirt. I X', \ M I nil a M ■•7 »"► \ M ••' J10 A M i-^.V. Ml .:, .,.,... Ml II"' \ M ........... HI U*i 1 M|N1 l,") \ M •■2 '2\ \' M, •■'Z .V) I' M ."........ | *l ."i0 I- JJ ]ll II' P M '.I nil A M flu in r M'tli^'H i'/' Arrl\t-r|~I). |iiiri7. 1'iiNl Llniliol l-x|m—t............. Mil U i.xpn-hrt vl i .saiitluNky..... I'liiniK") LXpren* via " .J... Mich A ceo Hi, Nurwitlk............. CoiiTU'iiul ^rLiiuiiiiialiitlnn........ Noltlnnliaui, (Mimiay only)..... Toll-do Fj£j>n»n via Nurwalk .. St Louis l,x via hiimluslty...... C I* Hx via NurwuU................ Purl Clinton AiTmiiiiuriliitiiin. jtefua'iico miirkH—*■ Dully, | ^ daily, except Monday. Illl I' M ]<r>ll i> ii «7 m v m ta »)» p_«, ilaily. uxcL'pV Hunduy, BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbia," Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivfirs. ■E TRAINS WEEK DAYS, I'WOTHAIX.S SUNDAYS, , [,cnvp Ch'\cliniil, wlili 'I'IiimiikIi I'iiIiici ■t'liili'lro-nml Klcy.11111 Slvcplui; ('in-»,-l'(ir COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERREHAUTE ' —AND— The Nickel Plate! NEW YOItU, (IIKAOO « MT. IOVI». HAII.WAY. ' Tlio |m«<cii(|or vqulunipnl of- Ihli Now Trunk Una [mill lion nml la »i|i|UIihI villi tlio Intent »|i|i]loncil non wary lo info npoiily nml iiiinfurtiiUo Ir.lVnl Al (■liirani, rai»illi<«r tr.lrn orilri' nt ohd lonre from tlie Uiilnif I),., in,.V(in Huron «treel. ' . . iMillodlng In I In. linn. |„ oifci nov, ia, js83 ,nd til furtlidr iiolk^: ' : GOINII HA<iT, I.v. OnUngo........ 7.47 n .....................', .... H..17 ............ Arr..V»l uiniw.^ ," l-'ort Wnyne, " Now llnvoo....... " Went Ij-I)h|c. .l.lii " Amiilia.........4.H " Ficlol lit......... 1.57 " (in-i'll HpritlKs .\4I " llcU.'Viii-....... (l.l-i I.v. IMIomii. .. Arrttyvclnwl I.v I'U-Vl'lllllii Arr I'ltliii-iivllli " AhIiIiiIiiiIii. " ('imiiiciiiI . " :.. . V Hiinldlk ... " llnll.llii ... l.oo ii. in.' • : ST. LOUIS . 'WITHOUT CHANGE. • ",'.. ' '" ^---------->------------------ Tuii U(ho only iinvnukini! Direct Connection Willi al' the principal Trunk Uui-a of tlio for nil Soiilhorn, SoiilhvxMtcrn nml ■Wcalcrn poliila, ulthor by tfuy pf Clnclimnll, linlliiudbiilla oi St. LoulaaniT ull rullwny Town, JIISSUUKI, ARKANSAS, TM\AS, . - '- K ASS AS, nkbbaSka, colr.uu.vno 5fE\V MEXICO, OLD MEXICO ■ PAC Equipment New and Comprising all Modern . . Improvements'. The Best Roadbed aad the'Safest Road in the West. t3P"TlcketH\ by tliln |>ni>ultir route for aule lit nil rogiilnr'IVkcl OI11j.t>. E. B.' THOMAS, 0. B. SKlNHER, I Ona'rJl'MlliliBor Tnidlt Muiugor. ! ■ . A. J.SMITH, ) -s (iinurul riv-itngtir Agent. <\ CI.EVitI.ANI>, OHIO. . __ CLLVEI.A-NI), COI.UMIIL'a, C1NCINN.VH-.t IN'DI.—r—^ CummunHiM Siin.luy, Juno .'llh, Unlmof tliiltoo MlKWllrvolnnd, Ciil»niliu«, I liullinull .1 InnliiiinHl" Ilnllwn) will lenvc iuul trrltcnt l'lo»eluii.l n» fulluna •Ut-pilit " "S.-IKl A M 7 111 A M ■ Ull r H >L'-1,1 I'M "7.1(1 I' M ', ikj I'^M linn No. I. Clni'lirioll.t rnlumbua Kxprew^.... N«. 11, ImllnnniHilIn ,1 Whwllnii l.xpn-v. No, l7,.S|i«-l»l0olumlw«.t tlnrlunnll Kx.. Nu. il, Huurlia Illil 1SI- 1-oul" Kitliroiia iNo.Ji, (ill. Ull.. InJ. \- Si. I/nils l-.xpri- N-i 7 1' I. ,1t W \ (,,'"■- ■ A( r . N,,. ■!, Col .V ( In A lm( l.xpnn* No K, f. I. A \V Aiv ... ■ N.i i;,st, I,mis A 1 n.| i.iin |...]is I \pi I In A liiil!.iim|"ill-i I \|'(r No, I, (oIiiiiiI.iikA I'llnliiliili l.\|>ii'i No 111, Whcluui l.\|ii'-" No. II, I'In Ininlll A N V li<l l.lnc ^r-— in i H'uiiim ° ,1; Sun.lny., ii A M !. \ II II I' M Hi 1' M ,n r m I , I' \1 I III A M Iv Hull ill. AiiIiiii.MiL. . " IjIc " (Viiiiii nut ' A-.lUMl.uli, " i'inii,Mi(Si- " CI.-i I mil. I.t I IrHlilM.I Air 11,-11,-vn,- l.t II. Hot ii,. " «.r..... .tin-Inn ' I'.....Irlu .. .. " An mini..... ." Wet " i-li ".-.' *' 7W II. m. 1MB " III.3S »• Accont. .........^,> I" « ; «F<-i p. 1 ....... 11.113 » Bin i: 0.1 .........I.. ■.117 " Ii 113 „ . ........ -Jim " ........ :i 17 •• ......-.....i.'-j " tiiii.M, \vi;st. ■ 'i IT ,,. iii.............. n .'i • • l.< ntit- - '• " ............... 1. Ku in Ii II, •' .in " .......... i .i- " ..i II 97- '• 1 -7 •• 11.17 u. III. :,;. '... ».£■: .....ii.ii " t .'j " .ii " ...........ii.nn " .......... i :!■» p. in. •t-....... K'J " Noit-4JiHf-n , I' rt fr -jii.-'. " Viilpnilh-i.......'........ r, ,v, " '■ <,.-......................7.ns " ::'.'..:::'.':.'.:; Tiulns,r*n lit ll,. Nlnoili-lli Jlorldlnn Tlmo, trhloh la nine liiinino-.l.mer tlutn CIiiciik., llmo, twuiilt-eluht mlnuli-H alnni-r limn C.ilii'inliua llni.-, Ihirty-tlireL'mlu- illwalnwi'r Hun Clovolniul limo, forty-four mlnuloa alotit-r Hum Muffiilo tlmo, n'nd nlxty nilnutoi ►lowor Hi,Hi llio^iontp-Bfth Mirlilion tlmo. l-'or Information, rail on ncnronl ugont of Iho Com- pony, or ml.lri-aa a r. noriNitii, I.KV'I^WII.UAJ.-, "°»'n'"-"«"A^'. (it'iicral MaiiBKcr. Clcvcinnd, O. Km h* llKer Act •iiiitiui<}ution (|i'|mrtJi at 6 20 a. w iuul 2:\'> |> in. ■ llm-lld AiTniiiiiindnlifiii dcpnrH ot 7.30 a m and I0:1'J p id. All trulusdiill) exctjn Sunday. New York, PeiinsylTania & do B. R. (Kornicrl) A. A (i W, ltallrqail.) NEW YORK, IIONTON ASH T1IK KANT. j, .ill hiIh r ir.mii ii illy i-uipt J lie MiortcNl nml ^ulck^l ll»u(f to I'ltln InirB, UnMHiiifion mid llultfmorc nml tltc4 NmitlK'HNl. Until fiirtlier iioliit] traijis vtill lenvu from tlio new Ci*t inil I'fp'it, .Nmili Water iinttanil Vlndm t ai ful- low-a' ■ T Of! n in Ari.WTI lAI'lH-s^-tJiallj) I'uiJ. I.6U (It 1U> inni) -[ffplng ami hntd Ci)i4< lit-M from l^iullit'tiUBii KU) a in. tn New York, Allitiij) ami Miotiiii witliiiiit iliaii^ hirlor i nr from ( li-M-laiid ami baltiimtma. \rruo ut MukMHi* al ll.'.'O n, m, (liliiiicrl 1 riiaklin I.' .U p in , 4>iMnj loop m , (i»rl r\ 1 imi ii m., iliuiii'ttnwn (I.'iki- rlimitnutiuai i flO » m, ltiifii|lu(I H r - ,'-1..... - ■ '......■ * '* " »• - «.....'■■■'» i ■ I-. ■■■ Hui 1i«"«Iit ■* lit j. iii ; Morni'llt- .UU- D4(}|i ju [firpp. r],(<i(iiliiK ri JS p in. nimmi 8-57 p in. IltiiKliDiitni! llr.'irt p in , AlUnriy lulOa in, Huston ■2 I,*) p in ; arnv lii« ut New Y-.rk ti Mi O'fiflTl 111 UMm:" i:XI*ltl>s-'lim»iiKli Pull. L iJU lli ilii iini'i ctL't'niiiK (»arli from cli vcland to Ntiu "\ nrk- Arri\uiiit Mcmlvjlh al u :>~t p in , Juiih-h- loun '.I I.I p. in., SiiluiiiitiiCH iy li) j(. in., NL.W York ll)-JoaTin. 11'llfi 11 HI Nl<'"1' i:Xl,Kl'^-(|)ally except lliUJ II. Uli >iiih*h> j S4f|iiim ciinuh fnim CluveUml JJ»r,ii>1|i\U,n ArrlM at YouiiKntnwii nt l:fi5 a. m, Mi-iiilv-illi ■I'i'iOa in , Torry (r'A) it in, Jamestown 0 18 a in, lltitlulo U tea in., I toe lieal vr 1.10 p, m , HoriiellB, ville, II *.»0a m , (WniiiK IJ Kip in, Umiru C'.M p. ni. ' HliiKliainpt'tn 2 5ltp in., Nt"* ^ ork 'J *J/J p in. ArriTo lit I'JiltimrKli «i !•"• h nt ,,\vitli,(iut i'liiuo.'«. a m _ _ pirijSin'lMll KXI'KIChH - Daily O'Afl',11 111 I'H'liSBt'lHiir KXI'KIChS - Ilaily - liJU P.IU. ThroiiL-li ftltlimit HiatiKO, 1'Uflnr cur at- tii(t«l Air vex ut Youiipsiowii ft 00 p m., Pittsburg '7:4M it in., VVi^iliiiiit'Oi) ■'•o,i» ■>• nnitiiM.i»« ~ — 4:35 p-. E, sh,iipin« Yoiiii^-tiowii 7JJ.ri p. in , .... .,. ... ■u.i.^.i,,™,, ii v" i' i«.| » ui3uurg '7:4M it in., \Vu4liliiiLH>i> 7i)'la ni ,naUimi»re8-l!) a.ui. "J ■ - MAliOMNtJ .VM MUDAflON - iK ut nil wuy^'alions, arrivlnK at _ ingsiDKii 7JJ.ri p. in , filmron » HUp in , filiarpwyillo HMp. in. t'loiiiintNttt U'a\lttHliurnh with tmui No. '20 for Mi-iiilvilh) ami Inlermvdiate polnta Airirqji'at Mi a villi'll 'J0j> in. 7 .nn q m I'lnvni'inin hxriti^s - Daily - I ,L\) a, lit. 'Illruuk11 without rliangn Arrives at YouugtiiiAn lOfUPa,!!!., Hlianm || 0^ a. in.,. Sliarpt- vlllell 111 a m , Pll-nlnirgb U l.'i |' m , KctitTnlng,- Icavos lllt-lmrgh at -IWii m , &-V,i a. in., 1,30 p. m.( and 4 20 p in , Ufl/; Q m VOl M.MDWN AND IMITSHUHUII U0*fl llli V( (iMMODATinS-htopping .»t tn Wn\ nlailiiiin, arriving At Yoiiiig8lown 1 in p. m.,Pltt§- uur^li.oJO p ui. 'tj-aiiis arrlvw al O'evuliind, Ml) n, m . 7 0,^ p m, 10*W» tn; 1 00 |i mi, uml in 1ft p ui, iWriiH Is tint only nut« by wliloli piuwe-ngorn ran roncli Corry Klmira, Itlnglmniptun, Now Yorlf Oily apd inliirmedlate point* uitlimtt ilinnge.' No ciuingo to Host mi and Now liiiKlond Cities. llaBuugocluikid tliMHi^li to all points Kant. Thniiyjh iRkeiH uml lufortnation regarding tlio ' mule inn heolihtlni'd at the »tiled HI Hit nil street, and At n.» Delx^^iU^, Y..P A 0 K H , South Waturatroet ami Viit.^n^i'luvefaft^jU. A. E. CLAHR. Ag'l ("Ii veluiul.O. .1 M hKUHlrj, ni'tfi "l"velu:nl,0, — M. I-. FlJUTfei, ' ' .issitygor A Rent, )'A\ Hank SL. Cleveland, O. An in .lb. p, . u D V in \ih in r, I,', t I,, . imLuill Iim f..t Lean ImumiM DEAN & CO., i"ii)ATiiffli.iii:u.-. -■ii. 550

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