THE MARINE RECORD'. OIIIOAOO, ' Jlimlal lo Ihi Uarhu Jlncorif ' , , Tho Bohoouer Guiding Star, nshore nlmut twelve mllcB bolow .Milwaukee, has been abandoned to-tlic undcrvvrltors bv thcowii; Jfira. On Sunday, nlglit, dui'ljig the heavy gale, the Bchnoncr Kllziibcdi .Jones, coin laden, from this port, wont ashore on Kacino reef aod it Is lenrcrj site will become a loud loss. She la making n great deal of water. 'Pho schooner Potomac, lumber laden from Jiiinlsteo to Chicago, went ashore ilorih of tlio plors off Frankfort,' on Sunday nlglit, and became a total loss. The crew—were' saved. Tho Bbhoouer itjulical went- into Miller brother's drydock midgut her bottom calked and a new centrolioard. 'I he piopcller Ore- £ou Intel Borne repnirs to her atom null some calking., T'ho eohooner TeinpeBt, Captain Moore, went out on Sunday uiorNili'lglast, light, but was forced to put back when off Kenoalia. SI10 experienced a veiy rough time and lost liermlzreiitopsall and split her mainsail he- lore she got bnck to Chicago in the evening. A largo fleet arilved on Sundiiv and Mon- •day, many ol the vessels beating evidence 11 ihe henvy gnlelht-y hnd expeilenccd, and iirovlng by the minulliy ol Iclc'les linnglug Horn thoin that wiuler Is fast approaching. A largo number ol vessels will make it their Inst trip for tlio season The scliooner f.lncoln Dull, which went nslioie off Washington Island, has been aban¬ doned by her owner, (inptnln Davlil Dull, of Chicago. Her bottom has gone out of her, and eho has been stripped. She vvaa built by Miller Brothers at this port In 1800, meas¬ ures 200 tons, rated 111, -valued nt $5,700 and Is insured in the Union, of Philadelphia, for . $5,000. Tho Bchooner Lucy J, Clark, which went nshore* near Cross Village, wns released by tho tug 8. S-Coe. on" the 12th Instant, and when in tow of the latter', bound foi Stur¬ geon Hay, Bho jviib Blruck by a heavy gule, the tow lino parted, mid Bho capsized and sank, cairylug (Villi her the mate, the engi¬ neer of the Blcnm pump and tbe.cook. Thu remainder of the ciew were saved- At the Chicago drydock tlio schooner De loads Wolf la having a leak stopped. The Btcambarge Annie Laurie received a new wheel, tug Mllloi a new shoe, Bteuoibnrge Milwaukee n new wine], sleanibnige Alcoun. is getting 11 new, I100111 and gall, schooner Santiago n new*iregiill,baige May ItlclDnd- son n new bow spilt nnd jilihotnii, schooner- Wolverine a new jlbboom, schoonei ( . A1ustlc.11 n new roiiircbumd.airil the siliooii- vj- UcrlleCnlkiiis 11 new cntliend. Cnptnln T I). Mcllilde, of Grniid Haven, who wns in coii'iuaiid ol Hie steainbaige Mllvvnukee, lias been missing Hi ce Tuesdn}, tlieUth Instant. The Milwaukee left Chica¬ go on thai date hut was forced to put back on account of Hie loosening ol her wheel, .mil 011 hci 1111Ual, at aboulO \), til, Hie cup- in'u went nshore to go to llic Chicago dry iloikto hnve her put In dock, ntul lie has never been seen or licnrd of since, lie had iihout $100 In his possession at the time lie went nshote, uud feius are entertained Hint lie has met foul phi). Captain Mcllridc was in his,'mill jcar, of lull complexion;carried a niiuliichu nnd 110 side wliHCei's or beard, weighed nbont 180 pounds, and was live feet eight Inches In height, ills wile, w ho Is here from Grand Haven, Is making ever} cRoit, with the aid ol detectives, to find him, ■ ^CANADA. SjMciat to Ml Marine Heard A good inanv vcssuIb run in for shelter from the wcnllii-i ol Monday Inst and 1111- 1 .-bored out In the liny. The schooner Monitor oie laden for hike Kile pons went ashore on Scull Cholx l'olnl ltiBt week nnd was abnndoui-il to Hie under¬ write! s. Asllicsboii Is veil link}, alio pro¬ bably la a (01 ui loss. The management Is linpt)lng tin d vks pieparatory to a siispuisiou of shipment as (toon al tho weather becomes cold enough to freeze the ore. The Menominee compauv'a fleet la laid up, nnd UiuJ.O. T. bmita ;uu oil their last trip. . • *' ' The Julia Willaid", coariadelt for Milwau¬ kee, run in licit' lasl'lueildiiv morning n.llli three feet of natei lu her I10I1I and Ihciicn worn out at tlio pumps. Tho Bclinoner ltccd Cnie, coal laden (01 Mllwntikee run In lor abetter on Wednesday morning nntl laid until Friday evening, Heimona shipments of nro from Kaennabn, pfglroiinndqiinrl/to WedncBdny November 7th 1883,lr802,K)2 tons. —Departures Nov. O.-t-Pronoflura Henry Clilsliolni, It.j|v llnckolt, City of Clcvclnni] Wm, JlcUregoK - 1 . -Nov. 10.—Piopellera H. I'. Itnnney, W, L,, Ilrown, and Minnesota; schooners .T. ii. Kitchen, Massnsolt, Ahlra Cobb, nnd Thomas Qiuiyle. /* Nov. I2-—Steamer \|iun Smllh, Miibsb- chuselts," Monolinnsett; schooner .1. II. Kitchen and J. O. King. • Nnv.-l'!,—Sicai|iei"3im bliciIll's, Bclinoner F. W. Ginoul. ' ' 1 IDIMIIli.N. Special In thu Marine lltcanl Tlio anIvnls nnd depsi tines fi0111 hei0 have been very lew for the pnaf.weck aside Irom thp regular bonis, The sienmer .Inlih A. Dlx lins gone Into winter quarters nt Mll¬ vvnukee, the owners contcmphile' making some rcpaiiB to hull and boiler. • Steamer F.'A 1». M. No. 2 left Ludliigton oil Tuesday morning for On ileal lug Milwaukee her master discovered a schooner ashore on Fox l'olnf Heof there being too much sea to lender assistance, pro- cccSed to Milwaukee, Tlio schooner proved to be tho Mystic Slar of Oswego, conl laden. The tug Welcome and lile savingcievv went to her assistance. , The woitherln tills section has taken a decided change; il heavy gale set In"} estcrda} morning from west«outhwcst, accompanied by a heavy'san. Tlio slenmei i\ormiiu in at¬ tempting to enter Pcntwntor missed the liver mid went ashore, the schooner Cbailes Lullug also went nshore at the same place, in ntteinpfiug to Bull ill. The schooner-Mais of Ludliigton collided wlihrtlie south plet nt Ludiiigton oairylng nvvii} her jlbboom nud demolishing about flity feet of the elevated n'ulk from shore to the lighthouse. Steamer No. 2 arrived nt Ludliigton live p. m. twelve hour* Into. HUM AIO. Special lo the Marine Re -ord The sleain yacht Huntress which Was sold to Chicago parties Aivornl months ngo 111 lived bore on the 10th under clinrge ol Cnptnln Imseii. The purchasing parties fnlled to meet Hie terms and she was sold under fore¬ closure and level ted lo her former owners. The steambargo Isaac May and barges Severn, Miiskoka and Waiibasheue were sold on the lOlh by vi-tuo of'sevetal libels b) llnllcl Stales Marshall level. All ol Un¬ heals wt-ie hid ill by Moat of Mou- real. Isaac Ma) foi $ld,000, hevere lor $5,100 'Miiskoka for $J,200 and Maubaslienu loi $3,000 John C Millet ofToirtnto lioliK 11 llrst nuiilage on tho Vessels for $10,000 ami Mr. M1111Klinrijv second mortgage loi ^.'i),000, Aflei pn) IJxg the claims noil cn.sjs and the second mortgage the Imlauie ol theproce-eds will be applied. Mr. Moat's second nioilgage. The boats are vitortli about $50,000 and will cost Ml. Moat al\out $l."i,0W). II VV AUKIK. Sjtecltil loltu Martne /irionl Private adviceijieieivedhcie state I hit the sclioonei Lilly El, whiih left here on Suiiihi) night with part ol a cargo ol oats, wus ashore at Maulsli is Instiled lor $7 Conlineiital, am Hilling hull ni belli Jones, coa o„and high and dry She 0Q0 In Hie 'I hiiines, Mersei, Union. [hi the big schoonei KH/a- I laden, uiiSini Itnelnc ic-el She hud scveial holes piuiibeil in lici bottom, and she now has slivci/l leot ol watei In uci hold, and her cargo badly daiiiigeil. 'lugs mid ITghtcrs went to lier. The Jones inens- uies 010 Icjns, rates A 2 nnd valued at J2S,(i()tl Insiiicd for $21,000 In tlic.hull pool. Abel, of Ilullalo, Is Iheowuei. The cargo is Insured by Chicago Agencies. A prpvute dispatch lo-da) aiiiiouiiecd that the lug Ccu- vesleidav released (he scliooner Lucy J. t link f 1 on) the beach at Cioss, Vil¬ lage. Another expedlilon will leave here In liu uioinliig for the wicikcit schoonei ciiililiug Star. During the'hoavr gale the schooner Aslitti- bulu capsi/eif oil'this poitnnd vventloilie botlom. iCrou- u]\ snved. 'Ihe Aslitabiila was bulll 111 Is.'il, mnl ■■<< 11— mill ll.'i Inns hhe uittil II 2, anil wns valueil at $1,500. Audi)sou,ol Milwaukee, wasllie ouutiv 1'iobilhl) no insiiiauii. - 'ilie steauibnige Akeli of Grand llaveii, foiuidcivd on MdihIiij, nine milts oil Hol¬ land Mich, mid It Is lopuituljhnt six ol lu-i crow Including Captain Stretch, wore lost. Tlio Akcly lelt Chicago with 50,000 bushels of corn for Ilullalo and Sunday she picked no lu mld-Jiiko tile tug Protection with the crew ol the abandoned schooner Audi, loi several ilajs' tluiuglit to be lost, and had il not been for file Akely all would liavo,lioeu lost. The Akojy, whllo tow fug the Pro¬ tect Ion. lost hoir'sniolte atnck'nnd cnnva^B, ilmV shifted her cargo, but she held 011 tp Jlic Protection until Monday'nlglit, vvlioji they hi came sepnnited, nnd noon nfic-r the Akely foundered. Her cargo of corn wns Insured In the '-Itlg Finn." She measures 1,18.0 tons, wns hiiirfaTGniud Haven in 1881, is mined by Klrhy Jt Akely, nnd valued nt $00,000; Insured for $-10,000.' The schooner Clin a Paikei, 011 the hcadr leu miles south of Grand Haven, will tin-, iloubieilly be 11 total vneck. sanbiirky. , Special lo the Marine Jtetord The John T. Johnson, which went ashoic at Cleveland on the 11th Inst, ore laden, left Escanabii on the 7th Inst, nud Is owned nt this port bv Messrs Kstes, H)nn A Johnson. Ilercmgo, consisting of nhout 000- tons of 010, wns consigned to Tod, Ktanihungh &, Cpmpnny^TClevehinil. Tlie scliootier Consnello, lumber Ijidin, is pounding to-pieces against tlio dock and can¬ not be rescind. The,propeller Tuttlc, bound fur Lake S11 pel loi with coal,got agiound hero this morn¬ ing, while ahe wnsgoliiKOiitol thechniinc) Her stern went up on tlio 'bank, and liei rudder wns unshipped. She Is- lu 11 good position mill will sustnlu 110 damage. Cnptnln B. P. Dwclle,owner of Ihe sclioon¬ er II F. Meiry, of this port, rciclved m'oM from Dunkiik that his vessel Is nshore about 15 miles below Unit port. The Meity is valued at between $18,000 $20,000; unin¬ sured. UlKIIOYUAN. Dining the storm of Suudn), tin- tug Champion bound up with the schooner Ivenl mid Viinslow became disabled about twenty miles below Cbebirygan and Hie tug Levia¬ than went out and brought her Into port. 'Ihe Kent and Wiuslow sailed up. Tlio Bliautnhip 1'iogie-s lost both and oih In Ilie Straits nud cmiio inside, flic tug Col onel got tlie Clark ul), but had to"j5t her go n mile fi nut Cross pillage and 1 tin lieu loi sheltei. NiWs i-iui e from there to dm Hint the (lark had rolled and went dovv 11 nnd drow ucd linie ol her ciew (. aplalii Dnvla, of lliu nit,el Ami) John .on, while ellllslng i.houl hiseauh ol dis- jis'teis iliscovi-rcd Ilie nilioonci ,1 I (use, co-11 laden, nslioie.on Hog Island, a reel be¬ tween the Ileaveis and Ilie Slunk, anil lu had shape. Mie Is lull ol watei. Ihe.lohn- 4.011 hi ought the mate and captain (low 11 lieu mill the tug Ievlalhau h Tt at nine loi Ihe vvieik Mist oilier largowlll have to he -laken 0111 beloie she can be lehasid. 'Ihe piopellei St l'niil, hound up, caught Ilie and the tug Vt liinlow woiked Willi tin 11 hose foi two tin)s putlluir thu lire- out. She was tliiall) sciiltlednt lletoiu lu twclvi .luloj water and was saved I10111 furlliir di'slriu- t.oii, I'lie Hie oilgliiatid hi tlie I111I1I In mine lime wllicli was pill ol herialgo l-iiiti ill lt(^ The tug Mm king lliu) It'll lu u- this chinn¬ ing lo low lu ihe'si lioonei L (. Hulls, now lout miles fiom Ooileihli, u! anchor with her canvas gone. The sens-are.strll riiiiuing high. It was 111bt supposed the vessel was the Merrlinac. Tlie si hooncr I). Kelly Is anelioicd two miles sontb of Sand Heath I'hc [iiopelloi Kstaiiaba lost pint of liersnlls. She Is unloading, nnd will have but a sm-dl iiluojint of wet gialii. 'Ilie.lolin Mm tin has not vet mlivid at Kiui-ardlue. \ dispatch from thcie sayjs ibeie is a hugi vessel at am lior oil that pOH. 'I he hchooneis Colonel ( 00k, A. J. Kogi rs, and lug- Spingiie ale lu pint The piope-lh 1 Vandeiblll, Aigoiiaut, and Lvcomhig mint- down this alleiiioou covcied willi suuw and ice. U1MM1 l|AVhV. The schoiuiei nsliorc suiith ilheie is not Hie Arab, hni the tin, t-master,! lani Paikei, Caplaiu V I 1 wl-, vvldi Ii loll ( hliago ^ntiil- dal iilghl 1 0111 I nh 11, loi ColliiigwiHid, Onl. At JSlg 1'oiiil Sible Sunday sin was slunk h) il'H|"'ill and inaliilalli ihsiihhil and iiiucli ol hei canvas had hci 11 iiuiieil awai nlntc tlien.'She louglit Ilie si as against hcavv oil.Is, nn,I spiliiisluy; alonk whs benched nt I'lKjouJiliei ,-ri li.'IO p. m, She Is ow ucd nt u) Jolinnnn Llndbrcn, nud 1 Infill 111,cc. She luid of ci>i 11 -.' lupin oil for Mjb.1 Willhdh I'eter- -"A'l I'Wnliisloir, vnln-ed ant on boanH $0,000, (1 son, nnt\ j^JHfKFollii mid ^Vllllnm Oloson, Heni) 'J'upffllc'. Kmliew Nelson, Robert Zlnllio, Hi-)ii) Finncls, iinil Clinrles Stewart wcie resi.....1 bv ii Hue by Ihe Oinnd Haven life saving crew. Cnptnln Do Young, iimkl great cxelttneiu. Cnptnln Anderson, of the scftooiiei Joseph Dresden, from Chicago, lor IVnhwUwfpul In hei e last night. At On. in. .similar, he saw nil' Itucliie a blnek schooner willi ledciriaii, luiubei laden, with her stem eighteen feet out of water, nnd udandoned. Tlie dead hod) of Captain Thdhias Mc- Hrjde, of Giand Haven, who'disappeared In Chicago Noveinbei 0, nas fonnd this morn¬ ing id Chicago cieek. l-OIir LOIIIOIINli, Hundreds ol people lined the piers nud W'ncli Monday auxjiisl) watching two vessela living lo make this I1.11I101, nnd the tugs Rooth nud Hector llgl ting the lienvy seas •wlileh vwno rolling. 10 assist them 'Ilie flrsl ptoved to be llic Ed|vnril Blnke.oAiied by Mi. St, John, ol Si. Catherines. Sho suc- cccdciMii getting In between the plcis nil light, when Hum tig Inst her line, and, boforo slie could gel It again the vessel drifted oil' between one of (he openings In the eusrpler ami went aslioie. Tlie Rooth stuck tohor, and mil- nlng lu close 10 her, lost wheel nud ludder^ Twn other tugs then went to her nsslslniuc, nud tin-) succeeded in getting tlio vessel oil into the harbor. The Hector hnd hetlerluck with her vessel, the Hobokcn, •- and utter a hard light sum ceded In landing hei 111 llic hai bur all right. The Klilkc is loaded with coal for Kingston. Slie lost her jlbboom anilbovvspiit, about nil her stills, and Is lcikiiigflsnllv. The schooner Ilamoud reports Ilie sehlionel Ladvillo ashore At. iCungsiKjini, , t'lMWAIHC Tlie scliooner Chillies Luilwlg and sleambarge Not mini weicdilved high up on the beach here on the bul no lives lost, IjllA.Ml llAl'IDS. Ciiicngo tug Protection is in distress liere, will, helm and wheel disabled, short ol fuel,' anil a crew ol nine on board TlnjSt. Joseph life saving 1 rew unfiled Saugntuck nt 6 JO p. 111., but 1011I1I not get ,1 line lo the tug, ,11 d will iiinke no lurlhu eOoiI till morning on aiiouni ol lite- hi.iv) gale anil high sfls Ihe I'loloiilou vv 11- bulll bv Jolni Gu-goiy in'f hiiago lu 1ST.I she incisiues (10 tons mil inlet A i, with a viilunlioii ol $10,000. Sin is 1111i11-.n1 eil. Ihe Vrnh, iier low, 1111 iMiros 1,'iS tons, and was buill.iu 1851 al Hiilliiio bv Lavavea .slieiales B 1, and is valiiid al $1,000 Instueil Lnptalu siarku is pin I oh net • ' 1 i 11,. A leiiihle galo hns lictn i-tging ovei tins section shoe Sunilni 'I he si hoonei Mmv went ashoic I isi nlghl hclwien Kile and Ilullalo.. W hi 11 ilnvbitak came-Ihe crew ol seven men wcie 1 llnglog lo Hie rigging , Tin v win resi ucd in a htill perished con¬ dition scl KRI l's llcltllOII. 'I hi schoiiin 1 Wllll-tiu Home from Iletioii and hi in 1 ul 10 Kingston w lib a ciugo of grain lemlied lliln poit this uioinliig with anils gone and \isstl In a sinking condition 1101 III-si ui ihe schooner Albalrnss ispiohabl) ashore near Oak Oiihaul "*" Sin hail crew of tin00 green 111111. Ihe fale ol Ihe 1 row la un¬ known i'he sletimbaige Albfon lowing In 1 was ohllgnl lu ciil loose and retiiin lo ( h u- lolte 1 wo schooners me nueiiored west oil ( bailolte one showing signals of distress. 1 hi hloun is so seven 110 tug, can leave Die hniboi (o rciiilei assistauci io\m-ai 1. Ihe mhooiit r Man, ol St Catherines," 1111111' iishou near tills harbor at midnight It was blown high and di). The crew jumped Irom the vessel to the shore, nnd, oj enrr) lug Iter a line, m ide her fast to a trco siihio^iun. • T«- Thc schooner Una was1 illsniaiiNed five mil. s Oils slih ul Pint \\ ishlnglon, and wns ph ked up b) Ihe piopilki Sugiiuivv Valley aild hioiight lulu Ihls pint lh) siow 1 iiiiu'I was in (he b 1) on S1111- ilnv and when last seen was diiflhig across llic lake, "hovj lo " 'W /'s