Marine Record, November 15, 1883, page 4

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=ar THE MARINE REQORD. $ie Marine §ecord. HST/\rililNim> IN IH7N. ,1 merit) nii-nidliiK to llw !»»» "I tl"> Unllul Stall!" at IllO I'.lHl (lllli iMlt I hvi-lnnil In* HrninililliMiMK'lir. Piilillilicd uimly ill No 2 Snulli Wntor slrool, Cleveland, Oliln A, A. POMEROY, Eiilor and Proprietor. 1(RAN<II Orrit K, 341 HOtTU WATKIt NTItEKT, t"lll«'A«0. ______ tkhmh ok sunscnirriONi Omi year, pottiiRP piltl . Mx month*, iiosliifli' I'"'i (2.00 .. 1.00 Invariably in adfanrr-. ThoMAIUMMtlLOItbciuibi' (ouiul for Kilo at tho following plnew No 2 8oiilh-Woti'r ill nt, Cleveland (Jwpli lira), No '■'HI south Wali-r street, Chicago D McMastem At". HnrnU. Ontario Oeorgo I'ren on, fjcnnliln, MUlilgan Wni clodlcy, Ucaiinlm, Mlihlnan .1 r, Bonivrvlllc, Monliloo, Michigan ArtlclM, l> flora on* !li">rle» on all «lbJoiH "re *0"11* ted. flVTho I illtor ns'iinus no rcftpoimitilllt) for the opinions of corn hj nndi nli*. To Inlliro notice, l-inifrlbiiloni mllil aire mime and «dilresa, «ml ivrlfurnn ono Hlduof th<- |ia|icr onl) AUVKHTIHINd ItATICH. *" Ten cents pi r line nonpareil niciisiiruiiuit or SI 2'J per Inch^cacli Insertion, lour »i els W 00 »llli a lllwml discounton onlirnaniounltiu In Sill Odor over________ Tun regular meeting of tije civil engi¬ neers'club was held Inst Tuesday evening lit wlilcli Mr. A C- Gclchcl read ii pupei on steam boiler explosions ami same of the onuses, which will b« f0Ulltl '" "cxt week's Issue. It Is snlil llml (liu Btealntont bi.ntfiei-8 Is unusually nctlve nt Cincliiniitl, and.-thai .Btcnmboiits lire getting unusuall) good freight rides. The slag? ol water Is good mid navigation l» <'ii») bolh npiinil down Hie river. <. A aif.Kliiih been nnide'of ilie French Lulu ber Compimj'e liilir to tlie Suite Lumber Company for "U>e sum of $30,000, with n siriall poitlonof lund adjoining. JJvepw- chascra/rjitik; nmttjig >>'e btyivlcst, luniber cqneenhs In thi^^'/t-o'inirrMiig iimbng flic l/ffcorpbi iitoifcKeJU'y*, ol Chicago* Iliitillc) Itrtm jMWnuSe<fr^nkirhi,or Oslifcniui, and Ihe l,ovfjoyt<JSCj3DtiJ«*>II!•-•. Possession 1- to be tfven lijftnedialel) "1 >, -"•*■».»• > M-ulii eouipTalnl In made bj fihlppirs and vessel ow nfi s thaHliMi in nlng bj "flu signal si nice was given of this Inst gient wlinl bioim, prolmblj tliu mohl sovuio ami enrlnr-, III); that lias i-ci-hlred for it niinilier of years, Aftor Iiavlnji taiiKl't »*t«s shipping lultiiM-. to rely unfile rorci-ljilitof tlic signal sejvicL- tor warning 6f gieat Bloruih on flic takes and tlwu, as In thlsjn. twice., to full to give mcustomed warning, puncs vcrv . — to hlll|\pliiir, V* t-upiiiln-, ivpm'ug ... " "~.wji»wd bac-n^-i^iifui i/orf iinii«ifiirej "' .'-TBlAJiIi»,"l>it'HIj^K?^'"1"!■" |1||MK <'\f " t>'Viik"i'ilie pmciniilims tlint obtnlitod " " . Sljimil Vl\lu inmi'lobe »0 »enerjill> -Hipoii Jl l» inn-ibis ►tnnil'eiiipc- . rnllii-i ►iuIiIk(i1\, iifvnUielfB^'thrnn Biict llli i-S nf llui Hfi'-siiMTS at tills port III lliili-i'lloitstoiesciie tliedlstiess'ed scliooner •Tollii T. .lolinaon mid lior crew, to mclc hut to them tlio imrtlftflliiit Isduo 10,111011 who taltu 1 lie post 01 danger, during thu storm,' mill eiifliiir thgharsDIps"of thepofllloii wItli- 0111 tho least, complaint or scmblsitco' of fear. In tlio estnbllitlimrtitof this hiPtlttt- tlon the fjovcrnmeiitrtt'sorves innoh erodlli ami the men ivho tnke their lives In their own hands, to hasten to the rescue of distressed snitmcu, cannot iccelvc lop much honor. It wns owing to special ProvU1o.nce,'wc might sayr' that every man of llieni'WHi not drowned ajtor their depart- me from the Johnson, as theli boat wits cit()- sized In tho combing breakers- fiom the shoro, some of them being rescuoj only nf- t(i the most strenuous exertions. Cnplitln 0. C. Goodwin, who was struck a scvort blow by somo object" when tho boat capsized, nns for quite 11 while unable to attend to the duties ol Ills olllce, and other members of tliecicw beli.g rescued Inn nearly helpless condition. ////. JlLX\hl'I.\ CAXAL, The daily pnpusol Chicago, almost with¬ out exi option, Iune taken tip again null are pushing willi all their nit, the project of the lleunepln hliiii miiiitl to connect lake imvlga- linii with that of the Mississippi liver. It belli otui)'us, In assuming to *pe!ik, not for I he Intelestsol Chicago, 1101 foi nil} purlieu- hit btnte 01 qiiiutil of Stales, but solely foi (hose of tho laktis, to take up the subject mil e'xniiiluc it Irom'llils point of vlciv. II this manner of treating It should 'be de¬ nouncer, sclflxh, 01 nsd'scriiniiintlng agnii'iBt geneial mrlonal welfare, lo the Interests ol II single clns«, we tit lenst hnve tlie^cxample lor thU Line of aigiiment in tlie attitude ol ihe Chlcngo joLntnls. wlileh, nolwitlistnnd- Ing tlicii pious proicBslons to the cootian, irre pleailing foi the especial benefit of their owl. beloved cit). This subiect was laken"' iipniiuij jeais-agoand the Fox ilvel sjheuie'S)„||(l||,B of yltliei ol these canals!' Tills foi connecting the lakes and the Mississippi probabl} lias the prccedonce of age. The FojiY'lvpr scheme proposed n waterway from I'rairle du Chien to Gieen Hay, L'ike Michigan; the Wisconsin mid l'ox rivers were to be utilized and slack wlifer ninirc iivailnhle Uistead of 11 newlvconstructed'ljn- iial the entire dlstnnce, about one hundred and sixty miles. Tliiee millions mid n linlf ui mom-} have nlrcntl) hi;cn ^expended in liiyilnVIiig Fox river lur tills objfet. iMln- ucsojii" mfil VVIk-oiisIu, no paithiilar coin- uutnweiiltlu., weic moie iicaily concerned In work,, 1I10 cN.cagoTribune says, Is cMlnintert at less tliifit ten millions of dnllnrs',' These pnpf,rs liavQbc^n lahoilng for the past two weeks lo show that the Fox titer route would cost tw.loe or (liieo times Mint sum. Tlnev rltllcttlo tho slack wntur-nnvlgiifloii of tho VViscofiMu river, with Its dj kes and dnliis and other appliances. "Tho fall of tho riv¬ er," says tV.o Tribune, "Is/VCTgjtrent; the water runs, so low from .lime uulll wlntor thntpiere Is seaicoly onouili to nnvJ[giilo a caiioo, npd Mfc chnnglng tortant <<lsU)Altftl of tho river is quicksand. The probability' is that the rnpld current would wash the siintl Intb nny BVfltefti of dnms thnt could bp constructed, fill them tip In a shoit time and thus 1)1 event navigation. And dams would have to bo constructed every three or four miles for tho whole dlstnnce. All the ex- pertinents made up to this time Indicate that odcfjiiftto navigation- nlong tlio Wisconsin 1 IvfSr cnii only be obtained -by tho construc¬ tion of a ship cnnal; and If that be true It is 4n the Intcre-t of Ihe Northwest mid the w'holc country thnt tho louto betwopn the. Mississlppl and Ihe hikes should be from Hock Island to Chicago." This theory may he 11 very reasonable one. It Is ceilniiily the most natural at w lilcli a Chicago paper could by any possibility arrive. Tlio Intci-Ocenn takes moie clcvntcd mid pnulnlle giouud hi fnvni of Ihe lleunepln caniil. In Its mind nil scllishness should be sncrlflced for the good of the tiuiinioii eountrj. Alliincsoinnud Wisconsin slioiihl join liniids nhli Iown and Illinois, let the Fox river ptojecl sink, and show the couutiy that it is loi no soidiil mo¬ tives tliat they nsk the Government to build the Ijciincjiln cnnal. In (tilth, oonsldeilug die sltuntlon, the advocacy ol those papers borders on the ridiculous. There enn be Utile doubt tlinl the lleunepln cunnLlins tin- advnntnge over tho-Fox rive', but the ques lion that arises 10 lake interests Is w helher eltlier will I e of nny benefit to them. AVhn' be llieefleet on lake unvljrntiou of the men engaged In conducting the sloainboat liasIgnlluii'being about 1,00(1. The wngo« of*' tlio men wore vmloiis, Tliecnptnlii received lor tlio Benson from ♦HOI to 1,001); first mate, por month, JUIO to 40; jcoond mate, $18 to $28; steward, $25 to $35; otiglncor, $10 to $00; wheelsmen, $15 to $J0; flroinon, $18; sail- me,$10; flrBteook, $»; Becond cook, $18; third cook, $10; dockhnnda,, $10 to $15. _ Tlio following named Btoitrocrs with their •UMnago and ttMBtors woro plying during 1830: '., \ JiTcliIgan, 472 tone, Cnpt. A. Allen. » Monroo, 841 tons, Cnpt. I* H. C(«ton. Undo Siun, 220 tons, Capt. G. It. McKeifele. Nlngnra, MO tons, Cnpt. C. C. Burnett. UnndtiBky, 377 tons, dipt. T. J '1'ltus. United 8tates, 300 tons, Capt. A. 15. Hart. De Witt Clinton, 413 tons, dipt. A. II. Squler. Daniel WebBtor,858 tons, Cnpt. Moris Tylor. Gch. Porter, 342 tons, Capt. Waltor Norton, Now York 325 tons, Capt. It. C. Bristol. Clins. Townsend, 312 tons, Capt. Simeon Fox. Sheldon Thompson, 211 tons, Cnpt. "Knoa. O. II.' I'vrry, 352 tons, Cnpt. U. Wllkoson. Columbus, ,11)1 tons, Capt. A. Walker. North Ami'i lea, 308 tons,Cnpt.J.Iy.Edmonds, Robert Fulton, S(l8 tons, Cnpt. It. Hart, flios. Jedcison,4^8 tons, Cnpt.Thos. Wllklns IVnm-ylvnnla, 305 tons, Cnpt. .1. M. Lumly. Wm. I'e.....251 tons, Capt. John F. Wight. .1. W. H. qurt-tion is aiiBwcied by the result elTocted. The gient object sought by shlppeis Is an outlet to tho BHibt^ril." it'secihs to us-- tliough we.pnt;.tjie4ir(!ftor before tho rendei ii6'n propoBKIon" luerely—thai n ship cnnal from Lnkc Mld|ignn to the.MUslsslppl would furnish this outlet. Thnt Is, it would ftiinMi an outlet, to'luke tonnnge. It does not seem llkel) -Orntin* lulol to lake tonnage could be hlfiiiBftiugif."efiVcv|l. Thin would drpciid upno the niHanlageiljiOHsek-i'djOue above aiiotlier, II hiiih thcie should be, by the Mississippi llvei 01 lake mid Kill inntil iiHIte lo llic- sen- tliis cutern.ilse tlian ai» otheis, foi the lea- [ |)(H,"j.(i ]ty ti,[s t-li|]> eanal from Chlcilgo 10 '&: efore gale-. 1111 Jljf Jen-^UUes- lh|U iinvlgiJlbrH Tlii- M h 1 :nlc". hlmi Id In Wn'ipcil iijiiiiitl b} tin- m ii ice ol tlic<luyenu|fciiyiHTvli'<',ift they arc umiiiII) the inoBpe^eftiiyiil Inslln'g. J On Sunday forVnoon O M. Chase, super- liilcndent of Michigan Slate llslicrles, acconi- E' d by C 11. Itrownell, his assistant, ami ;e M. Armstrong, foreman of the kjr hatclierles). went to Harbor Springs to give sornetHrftothiiis in regard to tlio slilp- uieiit of-npjiw n liaVing chin tt-ied the llsli boat Mncklua\v, manned by Mosespctwiiler, iiU sons Georgo ami ( liarlcs, nntl Ills nephc«\ George, nil eitwrmliccd mid brave senuiun, tbev omiiayowrtn leturn, in spite of cam- ost'rcijio>atJ»|i(a)B, to attempt the perilous ^"pitJBfrgtfT W"ti|m about half vvnj across tj c •boat wiij seen to capshur. Although It seo-ned lmposBlble-for' a boat to livo In such n sen, a " voluutoe,r crew made a desperate attempt to rMOtie two of the party, who could be plainly seen from the shore*, clinging to Ih'eboal, 'but they were nimble to leacli them on m countuf a blinding snowstorm and liea\} sea, and were linidly able to get back them¬ selves. The whole parly Was Wk are again called upon, by the noils. miii (hit I hell vntciway would fiiiulbh «ull!elciit outlet for llielr pcojlucls and en- Jlveuthe business,uf those legions. These iiillllnAa! of tnuihV, did not go,far, and the oliLrya year m so agoovert^Iuit wan callod ,V)hi>' t liniids <>T 11\pV'uTiil haihoi n|T- hul wlili h tpoifxliiri} licit] tor III Id betuciu stloTis of lliu •4>Ut a hlpp" tu ihe Fox 1 Ivcr -, 11111 <• 1111,11 tfiuii^i JMcrl)ow of jealous [TfnJfV'p* <*«<'ei 11, fim iiOnuf fnclieif. *'\CUR^ nloiK-y ^mis behige»|ienip' tl>e-'K|i'« fl^piojecl the Hennepin ugllatori 'tiirtf (0 jieep with a vet} sniall voice. Lillet lliey cvldeutl\ saw Ihe Fox llvei scheme iiumhllng to pines 11111I11 ihe llvj-i and harboi'cry With unil.erliliie like su^U^ellon, but now [Imt Ihe public -gorge raided b} these itppropiiatloiis has gone donu.the} have elevated tlicii Mikes with leiloubled Voluine 111 tie hopi to coinpletcl} crush the Fox rlicr plan, In wiilih they will no doubt he aided b_\ tin- nalural autlpalli} for any thing, tluil Is old or In ili-j least Inliit-' Hoek Island ships could go lo Jtock Island willi caigoes, but whin would Uiey hilng back' What prulUjIj^irjv/Ailfl betiintap- piilg tlio Misslsslpplinii freiglits must, until Ihe mat lei Is moie lull} developed, icuialn aiprobtcm II our lako vossels bioughl back much lielglit, It would be fibm above Kixk Island. Whether this would he enough more than lliev now gel from I .like Supeiloi |»>rts to in.ike up'lie ilitleienii in shot leiilug ihe }nais locoini-.' In piesi ui ioiiii,lsi,lsopi(ihlcinallcijl, It seems pin scheme has been nTial-lakf (uiiiesuVsVoiild gnhi vet) llnlcbv , „.,. 1...L.1._____...<rs"i, _•.'•;:. ■_____.'i.........V .,........_,........ , blind it ngninst possible humbug In ihfcncn. Wlmt iscullecTtlie Ueuuepin cniilil scheme proposes a route from Rock. I slant) .to Chi¬ cago. Sixty four miles of new canal would huvo to be dug from Hock Island lo Hemic pin, nsmiill lownoii the Illinois liver. Kiom lleunepln Ihe Illinois llvei (uiild be niadi navigjible—so the.advocates of Ihe selienu elnli'i—to Kankakee, w hence thV Illlitols mill .....ihlgau canal could he made available by ciiliirgeinciit. '1 lie expense of this entire ttuvYaliiBtrucllonof tjie Hennepin caniil .sTKXMlOA'MMJl ,IN 'I1IK OI.DKN IIMMK. s/irt ial I orrctjiondtnee tij tht Minliie llnvul Dnimil ,Y>-m miii 1 10. I hi ui|iilal luvesteiUln sleainhnnis on ihe hikisln 1SIII was $|,lKHI,0ll()of 1 11 ill.- up wauls, '1 he expense ol lurin-uig thosi wiiiih perlormed regular trips thrrtiigh thu lakes, liiiludlng vrisgcs of iiieu, wood, provisions and ortlliiint coullhgcneles, was flinn $100 to $16ftiper*lla}',l'aeli: 'Vue aiiiouut of wood consumed by a BlcidUhnat illiiiTig 11 hip ed Willi failure, no mailer fiom winy cause (hrough the hike and tliitk, from 100 10 SOU 1'lic-slate of reeling on this subject may be /ar^, avenujlng, probibly, 3(K) colds. Each Inferred fiom the heading of 11 iecentcdllo^o|)0|lt pcifoinied froiA thirty lo thirty five rinl In a\ Chicago paper on "l'he'Fijx and ' WIseoTTsmtlthei lluiiibug 1'iospeit.'" Ol course*1he^bllc uiliifl ihii.hI lit*made 10 see the humbug of Ihe old project in order lo ti Ips dm log tlit- season and, of course, con sinned 6,(100 imda of wood. The whole amount lonsiiined bj tweiily-four boms, Ihe number lljei- employed mid engnged in reg- 11I111 11 Ips through tlie lake, .was 120,000 cords. Tlio Binnllcr bonis mid Ihosqemplo} cd on the rivers used 30,000 cords, making the total amount consumed 150,000, The pi Ice of wood varied in dllleieiit pr'rls fiom $1,50 to $1 pei uuirl—au inge $1 75- milking die average unit of wood lonsunied b} sli-nni hunts ovei $250,000 n veal. The nuinbei ol liaiidscmplo}ed 011 holts In those days was Irom twenty loihltlj— lliesiusllei boatsem- plojcd Iroin H lo 15—llic whole nuiiiber of \l\iniliuhit- fnnn /Hi pttiji' j Rohiiisou ii( 1871, Isfdjl tons, mid Is valued al $33,000, The Quebec was Indeii with mei cliandlse, and was scuttled to prevent pouudlnjiflo pieces. She was built nt Chat¬ ham, Out., In 1874, valued at $50,000, add Is 700 /ous bin den. Willi the present etatoof the weather h«i situation is decidedly a pre- , carious one. In tfo same locality the schoon¬ er Gladstone Is also aelioie with fair pros¬ pects of going to pieces, bho waB built on I.ako Ontaiio, n Canadian craft, in'1800, and 1b 175 tons burden. At Itnyfleld, south of Godericli, the schooiiet Nemesis is ashore. She. linn been thii 11 en years on Hie lakes, is also Cniiadlnn, and 78 tons. The stennibarge O. Townsend was ill lien back from Siiglnaw Iln} wi-h a loose wheel, and hni nrrlved here toil gone Into 1I10 Detroit drydock for repniis. The scliooner Mclvlrnrfound Blicl- ter nt Sand liench during Hie blow, covered t with Ice nod most ol her rails gono. The steambmge John II. I.yon and the Iiosb ves- jil-l David Dow s lie gioundi-ilat St.Chdi flnlsX^ JPTiirge Hi el are tit Sand Ilt-ach, wcntlui bound, among tlicni Ihe steamer C'liy of Miukinac, propelleis Toledo, Ontario, K. K. Iioberts, Oconto, and Taioiua also Bteniuera Milton I). Wnrd and I'earl,sleainbarges City of Concord, Queen of tlio West, Chicago, Snllnii ami low, lugs l'eler Smith, .lohii Owen mid Siimiger, schoonerB ( iiilewnnil I' S. Ames, 'ihe sieninbiiigc lCsc'nnifbn ar- rfved (here on M0111I11) nearly on her Icnins end, having sliillt-il her emgo. The barge Mcnlinnc broke adrift and Is at tho meicyof ihe eluneiils, uliliout snlls. Al vaiious points along the iniisLdoeks have liecu de- simicd anil innieiils lost. 'Ihe inslniicia are so nuuiennih Hint J> vcnuld be In mln to paitii'iilarl/c. OSwHil) The siliooiicr Mar} A. I.e] den got in willi I lie loss ol her main topmast head. (ji-iuge ( . I hunt Is upu led nslioie on 1 In Foul Slionls. I lielitC'sineisiiie'iiinkiug elloits lo Inke oil Ilie new. 'Hie siuill sihooiii-r Vision, ol Kingitoii, Captain Tyo, wns nbjiif-hulf a mile oulsldo the pleis, when she wns struck by the S1111- da) gale anil (blow 11 nn her beam ends. .Vic ejuhklv ilghled bin al Hun lustaiil lierjlli ntul stassall wi-)e ciiitled away. Site becmuc unmanageable, and btgau dillllug lowttid the shore mid soon reached the v Iclully of thct_ lime kiln pier. She stiuck tho rocks heavily live 01 six UjncS but llually swung ofl nnd under hej foresail woi kud out n short dis- imice In Ihe Inke. The gnlii meanwhile was inirenslpg In severity and Caplaiu Tyo, see¬ ing it was Impossible 10 oblnln nn ofllog lei gonn michor but Hie chain «uapped liken pipo stem nntl the doomed vessel again drilled on the rockH, 11 shot I vlls(^*ce tiunt of- the lime kiln pier iiniMmincdlatel^opiioalto the N. Y. O &. W shyps The life savers rc'i'iied tin new. 'Ilie Vision was owned by ( nplniii 'lyo and .hums Tliompsoii of King¬ ston, Hie foiiner having 11 Ihlrd hiterl-st In lici. Slie I- valued ill about $3,500. Aa she lay is 111 pri'sc-ni Hie Vision Is not ;is high us. dining Hie night ajid e-nily morning. /

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