Marine Record, November 15, 1883, page 1

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;EE&P3I!B©-T:0 -C.P MMER C E,* E N. G.liN E feR I NG A NO S CI EIN C VOL. V., NO. 46. CLEVELAND O., NOVEMBER 15..1883. J2.00 I'm Anj)t;if Si voi.1; Ciipim 6 Cbkts Vesselmen SilOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Continuing all poinli o( MA11INK LAW ai do tcrmlned by tho United Htatcs Court* Benmen, FrelBllt", ToTRge, Colllnlolu, Q«neml Average, Oatlei of Senmon, Omierii, Chnrtora, Itoffllitry, KnroGmentn, Coimhon Cnrrtara, Mnaters A Owner*, both roiid thfViugh the gale gallantly, the Chandler.- Icaklujr badly, however. .She. : showed u ling of distress when Ilia crow be¬ came exhausted lit tho pumps. Tug S. S. , Stone wt-utrout with n iresh crew, who wore linulcil nboiird wlih n rope. Thev succeeded in keeping the Chandler iiflont until sliowas , towed Inter the harbor on '.Tuesday. Tli<S Chandler la valued at (18,000 am)'Insured for 114,000. Sl'io will go lino drydock heie for repairs. Chase and six others from a boat oil 1'etow- sky, Jllch. Mr. Chase was tho superintend- eht ol Stiito fisheries, his mission being the tlir.tribtitioii of llsh eggs nt various points. The schooner II. F. Merry, which cleared ftnin hero on Saturday last, with 'wheat for Buffalo, went ashore night following at Sil¬ ver Creek, Lake Krle, and beyjft|d a doubt Is broken up cro this. She cntjidoiit In 1800, bidjt nt. SandiiHky, and f.70~toiis burden. The Owen Is a now craft which made her iippenrauce hero on Friday lor Iho first time, Bill or Ludlnir, Wngen, Ac. limn fa covers, aud lino V kind generally cost address, |KMUgepald .... ,.,»■., ... .........- - RECORD (or ono your, both for only S.1,00 Addrou Itarink Haconix. Cleveland O. I sou, (Jiiptnln Peterson, ore laden from Esca- I naba, under consort of the steamhtirge Ohio, Tho storm which swept over the lakes on Sunday Afternoon and all day Monday and I laden with wood. Sho was built near Chat. Tho volumn I. handMineiy bound in .nil Hoard | Monday »»K"t. «'« perhaps iu,orc disastrous ham, Out., Is ninety-two" tons buriljn. mid ':!.?l,!:''"nbl"li,l,'.'l!' 1°°,V'"»" I to shipping than any previous one for a will cost,a*lien filled with iiiifehinsry, $8,000, ; 83.00, nut #e will-send It to any , , . ' ' , ,....,,..». . Id for 1)1,00, or wltliibeMAitlNl:, long number of years. The John T. John- | Captain Daniel Crow, of the nbovo place, Is the owner. ■" - On Sunday evening there turned up from AROUND THE I AICHS i w".8 Iet K° "hen nbout twelve niilea ofl- this ( Iho north went what sallois term iln old ______ ' | port, when the storm struck her. rShe east | snllter, otherwiseil living gnltjof wind from 'her anchor, which dragged, tind'slio was | that quarter, which, .up tv the present writ- cast upqti^tlio-bench. The crew of the ' lug, Is slill howling with intense euid. Thot j doomed 'vessel, Including six sailors and the 1 couk, stood in ilio rigging wailing for help, I which arrived In iho boat of the life savers, (Captain C. C. Goodwin. Loavlng -John ' Evi-rleigji aboard tho Johnson, they rigged C1.FVKI.AN1). To the Editor Marhm Jicond; You are Authorized to notify Captains ol vessels on entering tho Clevi'land breakwa¬ ter to go as far up as possible so ns not to blockade the approach, other ves/ sels making « safe entrance. / John Kiiiiiv, Harbor Mast&^ Tho'storm made qullu a breach In the breakwater. Tho damagp to the hlz^le A. haw Is ettl- matcd at $1,200. The treatcli for the baigc Mitriuinc has serious disaster will bo lit-aul fronniniQjig the shipping there can bo no doubt. The Hon.Charlos Howard, a vessel owner and forwarder here In oaily limes, and of whom honorable mention wasmnde in these a hue intending to bi lug the, men ashore in | columns a short time since, died in this city it basket. On the return the boat containing ,,„ Wednesday last at tho rlno ago of sevonty- tho lifo savers was capsized, all having a | eigju. His funeral on Friday was largely narrow escape from drowning. Tho moilar | attended by many of our most pioniinent was placed In position and tho shore end ol | uin^ns, the crew with thu assistance of volunteer | [ Kivo the- names of (ho following craft Tovat, who Is always on hand In an-omer which arc sheltered here for the lime being: geiicy ol Ibis kind, sfcceedcd In' putting a,1 steaiiiliiirgo Ilfawallia and consort Mlnneha- line over the Johnson, which was skillfully hn, sleumbnrge W. Cowle n'ml tow, propel- caught by Mr. Eveilelgh, and Hie entire lers Arclic and Clly of Dresden, tug James thus lar proved un^iicccsslul. The lug C. I*. Smith,, with. Captain Iliad ley's llghiers and steam pump?, Is being lil¬ ted out for the release ol Hie Johnson. j ^ H|l(flJy (o ,,,„„,_ 8nllirnlcil „,)(j,,,,. Captain Brajlley's tug Biady has been dls-i,,-^,,, „,,„, „,„ U(lld wat(.,. They were patched to the rescue of the Chlshol.n, dls- hoil,|tub,y!l| nllvr lhoy rau.he,| lhe abM on Lake St. Clair with a broken shoe. doi.k(1 llull „,.„ thanklul tor lhe warming Considerable anxiety is felt in regard to rom!0 ,lldolller ,I„nlc. that were funilsheffi Slettllrt). „1Tlved Monday morning Iron, tho fate of the Ryan, bound for ■•airport In | ,„„,„_ .,,„, Johlllloll j8 ownoj by j^u,, 1{jv , ^^ mM))i ^ HJCUxU.rh^, ,„ l||e air & Johnson, and lifsuri'd for about *ltl,p00, |1(i|K|lt of tlio gale. She it-ports seeing the She'was built at Huron In 18711, rated A2 and registered (ill) tons. She h valued at .flU.OOO. Adams of, Jtufl'nlo, barge Middlesex, bi-Iioi ers W. I. Preston, and John Jewell,/also Plymouth Hook. The steamer City ol Cleveland, Cnptnin tow of tho Ohio, the latter vessel having ar¬ rived at Ashtabula, her desllnallon. mTho schooner George .Sherman catncol! ^_^Smllh's drydock'niul was towed to J. W. lirover & Company's dock, wht-ie she will ■tlo up and be stripped I'oi lhe Wlnler. Tho center abutment of the Main street bridge has been undermined and washed out to the extent of six or eight feet. The in-1 noil. mi- J!f< tint UK1HOII, I SikcMhtlti 1/m N'ovembei U. Saliois' wages are $1 per day. Tlis scow Oiiward has gone Into winter board of linpiovemenis has decided lo build <iunrters here. »HOW abutment. ' . '_ The propeller Wi««ihli-koii, Tho schooner Magnetic wliich gallantly ,'hound, arrived heie Ibis morning. sleambarge Prciress lying iippareiitly dis¬ abled, near tho*}lniits, with a tug at hand. Beyond this llicije was nothing onti-UIu lhe usual routine to report. ' The Canadian steamer Jtnpcrl, which pasted up llic hitter pint ol the week fioiii I.ake Ontario wllpi supplies for lhe Canada Paclllc railway, J.nke Supeilor, was loiind upward ' rode out the storm about a mile mil, ullei getting Inside got stuck in (he ilinn of the Willow btreijt bildge. She was liniilly re¬ leased by (ho lugs S. S, Stone and Pelei Smith. At Globe drydock, since our last leporl, tho J. M. Osboru received about lllty Irel of now planking, lhe schooner John B. Mer¬ rill had some calking,, leaks btopped and a now rudder stock. The Sophia Miueli is now in awallingsurvuy and repahs. V. D. Nlckcrsou, murine aillsl, >» now at Captain Mclliide, of the steamer .Mllwau- I kee, on hake Michigan, is missing. The steamer ( It j- ol Mackinac lei ton Sun- 1 day nt 'J p. m. lor Macklimc and way points. Tlie sleambaige ICulupilse Is III the De¬ troit (Irvdork. The lug Sweepstakes Is re¬ pairing her-shall. | The thiec-inasled, vestel icpoiled ashoie at hong I'oliit U doubtless, the Siberia, which lias been there for some lime. TliObteainei St.Piul,of Waid's Hue, lei ton hot last (ill* ol lhe season lu J.ike Supeiloi to be so deleclHe abandon lhe trip, tarlp boats licit- turned out u biiec woik on a pastel painting which, when cum- on Fililay laM, and Hit- Toledo on Saturday, pleted, will hi) the event of (he season In lhe way of marine pictures. Ix_ixi)rt'seul8 lhe "Wreck on thu Beach," tfio slranded schoon¬ er Sophia, Mjncli being (ho object, with (ho rl.vortngVcim'inplon and Moore, aud threo' harbor tug», nt woik 5" 1»**f. The picture , Avlll bo live feet by two anil one-half, aud will be finished In Mr. Mckerson's masterly insurer. On Sunday evening tlie.tuliooner Magnetic mid Zaeh'Chluiillerj oro laden for this port, were caught by the stopn when about a mile out and let go their anchors. Thty Well Irelghted loi that region The lino schooner KHziiboth Jones, with -10,000 bushels of corn, is on Kncliie reef, ami report says will be a total loss, She was built lu 1857; valuation fjO.OOO, and 01(1 tons burden. The Scow Homor II. Hli.e has dually been' given 11[> as a (odil loss, although a portion of her caigo ol lumber will be saved. She was bu(ltat Fali'port lu 1871 and was valued lit about #^,u«y. reported la the drowning of Mr. Orin M, on reaching Siirnia, as to Tlio sending ol hake (Jo¬ ins toason has uiil thus lai I'ho mlsloilnncb Ihus far have amounted lo some f :i(l,()0P. . 'Wiere is bill little to be said lu the line ol hike Irelghts at tlio preseul time, hi hnoueis II. F. Merry and K. Fil/geraljl took wheat for Ilullalu at 2 '.,c. Tb<r(oi iner c leiued on Satiiiday for her deMliiatloIT; huiubei be- tweel Tuwi(s,niiil\J)etrol( Is governed by Bay City rules. Captain D. Webslei ii-ports tlio bulioouei Beuedlet, barley, Klueaidluelo Walkenllle ^opposite Delioll), nl lo. N. S. Whlpple.-ol ihls city, has puichascd lhe schooner George M. Case, gi\lng as an euuWiilent, properly here valued al |11,000 She was built at SaugatucU on Lake Mlchl- jrau. In 187l;hns two imiswaud classes Al. shelhii been plaved in conininWl ol Capliiln David SldiHjy, late ina-ter of the Nellie Gardner, wrecked a short ilinesihce on hake Huron. Tuesday, lhe lll'li, (he wind has veeied to the southwest, and Is piping alUinggalc. The returns trom the sturin Ihus lar are ?J1 i'he most lamentable of casualties, -so fijr ^coming In, yet the complete statistics wfl not arrho for a dnyoi mo. In (Ids \iclulty llieie Is nollilng of special niDinen: to report. In the Detroii-'rHer, at Figlitlug Island, the steainhnrge Glasgow anil low are ashore, al¬ so two or three oilier barges. They will sus¬ tain no oilier damage, hunt-vet1, beyond de- tenllon, and will soon be got afloat. " ' . ATiolher Important triumph In the lino of wrecking_bas been achieved by the steamer Andrew .lYHiuitli, of Murphy nros. line, in the rescue and gelling into harbor of tho schooner Starlight, stranded In Georgian Bay a short time since and abandoned as a total loss. The vcsi-el had become wedged hi a ledge of rocks, and so (Irmly that others who had undertaken tho job gaVo It up as hopeless, In order to move her she had lo be lacked up with screws. She will be brought here for repairs. A large fleet is sheltered at Point an Pelleo, at least so reported by passing stoamers. Reports are also hernldeil ol vessels seen at wujous points with llnfes of distress, but nothing definite lias been received. From ^ tho east sNoro of Lake Michigan It is stated that lhe schooner Lnoy J. Clark, after being released, had rolled over and llireo of lier crew drowned. The schooner Potomac is ashore at Frankfort, Mich. She Is forly-ono years old, having been built stUapa Vincent in J842, mid h 208 tons burden; valuation shout $4,000. She Is next to the oldest craft on the lakes, I notice some mutters referring to narly marine history from a correspondent to a • Chicago paper.' He states that (lie first steanieMoClilcngo was (he Superior in 183L1, . lie cites the year correctly, but not tho nanre ol (he boat,"n;1null was the Sheldon Th,o"mp-.-V 4on,1'nptiili»'A. Walker. lie further'states tliojjlrst tug at C lilcngo as the ArchiineadcH, Vhlch Is also incorrect. Tills, he s:iy«, was iiT 1852. It is well known lo many yet on terra llrniii lhat the ICostulh, a side-wheeler, was (owing vessels In and out of that port hi 1S50. There aru other inaccuraiios men¬ tioned which I do not care to correct at this time. „ The death of Captain lleber Squler Is an¬ nounced as having taken iMac't- at Philadel¬ phia o'n Saturday last, aged blxiv-ono, Ho • commenced hks career ol a sailor as early as 18J.">, and, by millorui uprightness, arose lo lhe connnand ol several piomlneut stcameis on the hikes. In l^ntl lie sailed the steam¬ boat Kmplic between Buffalo and Chicago, and lu lH.'il Ihcsteniiibhlp Brother Jonathan nut of New York. In I8."i.) tho steamer St. hawitiice between Biillalo and Sandusk), inking lhe place ol Captain John Shook, who coiniiiniideil her in Iho early pintol that sea¬ son. In 18."il lie was b,i the piopeller Orien¬ tal and Mihst'qiicnily Hit: St. Joseph and KeMMio, anil later on, the City ol Cleveland on hake Michigan. For se\eral years lie as-tuned (lie agency ol steamboat Hues re- speclholy at Dunkirk and Grand Ihut-u, He wan widely known and had hosts ol lilend". The vessel reported louiideied at Colches¬ ter leef, proves to be lhe lightship, which, with Captitln Forest, the only person 6n board, has gone to pieces. The tn.g Swnln was sent from here to her relief, but too Into In be of avail I^fc-iii I.ake Union the side¬ wind skaimn-,9iuiultoba and the propeller tjuebee, both belonging to Healty's hhie of hnke Superior steamers, are reported ashore near Southampton. The former, I learn, will be a lot a1 'loss. She Was built at I'm I r Continttul uti $'U ji-njt U»^7.

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