Marine Record, November 8, 1883, page 7

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THE- MARINE RECORD. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 121 SI Hair Stroot, Iliiom 27. i'l i;VI.I.A^I) ■ iVillo_________ THOS. WILSON MANAOIVO OWNKII s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Veisel Agent, ______________rll»Kl*Mi'i n._______________^ HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents W nnd SUB nroadway '114 Ui SsIIb iln-i|l MILWAUKCR, WIB rnirAUQ. ILL. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookpoft, N( Y. DOl.K MANIIKACTUItlSIIH OK TIIK CI5I.ICHItA.TKD "ANCHOR BRAND' Tackle Slocks. ALL STEEL "Improved Ajichor" Snatch llloclo. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, ' 2<U*o Wntor Street, ,. _______CH1CAII ). • • ILLINOIS._______ ATKINS. &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 LsSallo aired run A(7ll • 11.1 A.M. BARNUM, Vessel,Agent and Broker, it Exchange at. JuRalo, N. Y. f^-IK YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY I.UT OF VBSSEtA OR >• VI «•. SKN*1' P'lK "I ROBERT RAE, ilty and Insurance Law Offfce, 1(0011117, Meiclianls' bulMliig, (IIHAdd, ILL WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cor Calum.HM Av« A Water St ,/^ SANDUHKY, OHIO, ' PALMER & BENHAM, SiiCLeHnora In J H. 1'ALNtrtl A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Water Birect. Ifiiniii" 0 .4 7 | CLhVhLAND - OHIO__________| ■Jllest lnitirov^i«cili ROLLER BUSHED OR WITH oim SELF-LDBRICATINft PHOSPHOR BflONZE BUSHINGS. The. metal in theje Hunh- Inga is the celebrated Phas phor Uroiue, the best bear iitr metol in market nnd being perfect self lubrica¬ tors they orij-fnat supersed mg oil other styles For sale by Ship Chand lers everywhere. ASK FOIl'"ANCHOR BKANH," ItLOt.K.^. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. Sainnir onlurs sohrttft CANFIELD i •, Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steanv Pumps, Lifting Screws, 4x <£c., Tii Ih Ijud oitmIioiI witlu, by mall or lilegrnph BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, •tl« clnrti rul |iurclini«l nml wilil. routine I» mntUi fur conrin ami litav> fn luntn A. O. WIIKKLKK, Mnuanci. OlIAH. OVEWUCII WncJttiiK MHiitti LhLi suuer.Mi nml I-.u^nntiif irmnn. i limt u'k trip (ir Huanon a npuLialt) 110 writer Ht Iliiom 14 . ■ U(l| l Iruii 1 x llmld'K > liil.pliom Nn 0M Clevelaou. N. C. PETERSON, Boat Builder, KNEIP & MORRISON, 1 PROCTORS IN ADMMAL1Y, 11^ Monroe bt Koom M ChtcnKo vTd. NICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. .UPSON, WALTON & CO. Ship Chandlers, " Sail Makeru and Riggers- £7~Onoof tlie largest utouka o( WW** Hniu* In tho IInlteO .Suites. < l,KVELANI>. - - - - * HIO. I'IPASUIll lie I ITS AS 1 A\M liuns, SKKl" II SMIIMI ANItrfll-VM \ACIlTh, UAI1.S, HTHhlllNd WIIHUJ, ICTC. 385 Atwater St., Near .Riopelle, i>i:ruoiT, mich/ lm, yoonn, AND Vessel Brokers, DULUTII. AIINN. UtOHAnO HAMMOND. JOHN COON. Paper Mill Bleachors fcltaorios. Gwomotos ,Sall Pans Smote Sticks. And all kmdsof HenyPkte tSlieet IronWork Office & Works-, " J44.a+ And.254. Perry St. / OIL STILLS cV AGITATORS. Repairing Phtoptly Attendodta 'assail SIGNAL LAMPS, -with- Patent Fluird Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVQID COLLISIONS. TIilhp I ninpii ((ho n nioro lirlllnnt Unlit titan ony Signal \i\m\t nuw fn uhc 1hi>> luuoboen uilnptul liy tlio principal Ucean anil Lnko SUmncra and Veittl^ an J aruiur-«alu in tin. p/mupal purli ou iho AtlantU cwut-ami lakw. Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Sontl for (U'ltl'iRno MKiiufaitund by Fl.LTHOllHKN * ItUSSKLL, 1.10 * 141 MAIN ST., IH1JTALO, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 1830 vis- Li -MAJJUFACTUnKltf OP----- CORDAGE * OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITAI.IAV HEMP of the Tory beat qua'tty made to ordor AT ONC DAY'SNOrlCE. MANILA nndHISALBINDERTWINE Office No. 113 WALL STREET; NEW YORK. *~ Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TBS BUST A.1XTI3 OJBCSl^.FXlS'i'. SEND FOR PRICES TO SMITH'S BOAT WOHKS. 169 South Street, New York Improved SNA mi 3l0( K Cla-*|) billet (I DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. Clnvelnntl, ohk CALKIN'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT, H.0.&J.H. Calkin, Stuiuri unil Gim I'Mtllni;, GALLEY STOVES. 1 .t Ml West St., Cor, LulirlH NEW YORK Clrculiiia xoiit iiiidii tippllt'iitlou. THE MARINE LAW BOOK J ------IS JJOW UKADY.-----> SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS MGNALL & LOUD, Boston, Mass. Note Miiiiul.krIiir«>rH In V.H A. ofour Celeluiited Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail CLEATS,-MO liiiproviMl Snatch Bloc* Clasp Opened THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE 4'ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, mlsinu; liquids mult r unil up U> I Oil liutt No Mu* lillicr^, No Oil, No 8|ie«tul Ulirf lli.u lit hu»|h uriotl III It rlmlil. Will |»inh ijrlt. mild, sauil, lliilp. ut*. , nlllioul 1 si|ns 3 lo Its |Hirtn M1.U1U onIV 11 sUolii pipe from lluller til lull II I'M,,. 11(1(1 Kulloii» |>i'r hour, ».-,(!, |,JOU ilo. • 1.1, .1,111111 llo SJIOO 11.0110 1I11 »|.1a 111,000 (III S17,t, IH,Mil) il<> S1JJ1, <jo,000 (lo «>7o 41 IIOO llu SJ400, 110,01,0 do B>AuO , 140,000 llo ajl.000 C. lupari tills ultli nu> oilier I*.....|> I 1st \\rlt( forillllHInituliliMitnillu l,o„l. ((III, I, "(lllloi-l I- A, Untied net PUMOMKTKUSiB/VMl'l 111' CO., 8 1 John <il , N. » !•■■ k Cll>, 1 s A ht Mury'8, Ohio. Monlpulloi, Ohio. oar 1.11,101111.8. k Ikt'ckuiirlili;!!, Mltli Ciirrolltop, Mich. JIANUFACTURKB8 AND IMl'Oniltlllt OF OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MAII1NE JJARDWARIl AND SHIP rilANDLKUS' GOODS UENEUALI.Y Fos 34 4 38 SOUTH ST., HEW YORK- 134 88 4915

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