water a lung time, and finding the struggle1 hopeless, placed the bnhy In ns safe a posi¬ tion ns possible, nnd then.resigned herself to the inevitable. Tho "Experiment has since had many ups nnd downs,-111111 tor n number of years past has been owped and command¬ ed by Captain HelVel as a wrecking vessel, She has experienced a great ileal of trouble wlillo-engngedjii 1 lie wrecking huslno'S, anil . It le thought that the present ncchlent will end hot; career. ' ' ' , -v- ' ^y ■'■■*- ' " ; ■*' r , . ' •■ • '■■■■■ .-THE' MARINE/RECORCv '. ..--i.y - , . . ' ......> ■"' ' ■ ', •■ Jl 3 . ' CANADA'S WATERWAYS. On Monday night Mr. Hugh McLonnan, , President of tho M-. T. Company, road a most interesting paper on tho "Waterways ol Canada" in Association Hall, Montreal. He reviewed the progress of navigation In C1111-, ndnfrom' the tlufc of the discovery of the St. Lnwreuce. After referring to tho dis¬ coveries of LnSnllc, he alluded to tho time when Ontnrlti Wns opened for settlement. In 1800 the first steamer Accommodation, nppenrod on Canadian waters, between Mon¬ treal and Quebec, ami In 1813 the Bwilbture, • 140 feet long, 21 feet beam nnd able to make tho trip between the two cities In thirty two hours, wns launched. The honor of this en¬ terprise Is due to the Hon. John Molson. Tho Frnnieuac, Iwdlt noar Kingston In J8I0 nnd°1817, wns the first hfko steamer,'nnd It wits looked upon ns an.experiment, ns steam had never been used for lake navigation be¬ fore. ,The Queen Charlotte was built at Snekette's harbor lu 1818; her engines were built bv Ward Bros., of Montreal. In 1821 the PrhrSMidward was built nnd with tho Queen Charlotte formed a line up the Bay ol (Julnte. In 1817 or '18 the jlrst stoiuoor was built upon.the upper lakes at Buffalo, to run to Michillu'iicluac. The tea kettle was doing its work. The Improvements between Mon¬ treal hud Cotenu. bad proved very servloea- blejo the trade, larger boats were'usod and the trips were fnade in much belter time. In 1840 the Oldlleld, Captain Shepherd, took the first passenger from Montreal to Kingston without transhipment. Other steamers were built, which connected with lake boats. Those were the palmy days ol navigation. Every lake town had its fleet nt schooners, but the const ruction of the G. T. R. greatly Injured the St. Lawrence trade. He then named those who wore prominent in the palmy days: Captain Patterson, ol tho Ireland, the llrst Canadian—vessel that unloaded In Chicago, and imload\d in the canal; Captain Whltnoy, of/the Gr>at Brlt- alh, Captain Richardson, Captain Twohey. Captain Dick, Captain Sutherland of the Traveller, lion. Senator Hamilton, Captain Moses of the Bay or Qulnte, Henry Glider- sleeve, shipbuilder, nnd cithers. 'The speak¬ er concluded fry snylngj When we think that in 100 years wc have uiniloHiuh strides,- what may we not expect lu the next-Kill yenrs. , ; PRACTICED WHAT HE PREACHED. A clergyman of New Yotk State preached a sermon the other Sunday on "Fools," and then blew nut his gas at the hotel ami went to bed to he suffocated. Glad to hear of one man who practiced what he preached—and when any person Is nllllcteil with itching piles apd cannot sleep a wink nil night l<n scratching, we feel pleased to learn that such an one has commenced ihe use of Sway tie V ointment. Rest and hiipplnesB will soon re¬ turn again. ADVERTISERS Can l^eam the exact-costo£ ao^roposecl line of AcU vertising in American Papers oy addressing Geo. P. Rowel 1 & Cos Newspaper Adv'g Bu¬ reau, ioSpruceSt.,N.Y., PURIFYTHEBLOOD ACT AS A HEART COMCTOR And by cletnilng. rtgufflttng, •nd.strtnolhanlng Hit organi ol digestion, locrellon tnd absorption, curt Apoplexy. Fits, Pnrnlyili, Norvotiineu, Dliilnoii, Debility, Blllouineii, Bid Breath, Jmiiv dies. Liver and Kidney Complain), Lack of appetite, Low spMli, IrnHgesfloo or Dyipenili; Headache, Conallpallon Fevers, Malaria and Contagion,Fever and Ague, Dtarrhoia. Dropsy, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Qout. Fomalo Woalnoss, Urinary Dlit orders, and nil Irrogujnrlties ot the Spleen, Stomach, Blidder and Bowels, «> Prepiwl Mltjbj ltr.slVAT.Vl: JsKrW.Pblliiilphls, Pi A8K\ut B imPOQlBT FOB THEM. Prl^.'JMI..ri»" • "' f.Mh, Hallo, RAPID TRANSIT. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Htoiun Navlffittlnn {Mmpuny. The 82.25 Route FOIl DKTItOIT Stmrs City of Detroit & Northwest Wci'UiIajh ultiji. 111. from flt till;or at. ('uiinoitn with .Stoumcriu CITV Or MACKINAC, . MTV. Ot/ CLEVKXAND. .From Detroit, Mnmluyi mitt SutiinlityH ut d • J n |U| WeiliiumlayH ft Frlil»yM »IJ| 4 tZ A M FOIl MACKINAC, St. iKmnv, CHiL'lioj'Lfnii, Al|imui, Owoiln, Sand Itfuch, Port Harm , .Si. Man', Murine City, liiuk'h'K f'mr ili- tmrlun h fiicli week. .~ T. K. NEWMAN. ARt, £1 Ulvnml., < Iwclmul, (J. I>. WJUTCnMH, (1. P. A T. AkI„ Ui-ln.it, TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKI^SIttlllE .k MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH [^ Umc ilife Magneton Appliance Cy'H Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICK ONLY 85. Tliey am prfrelesi to i.aihks, t\yy ixemt.n amjchii- iikkn Willi ivi\\k r.).Mii; mi emu. ot I'mxmiinm oii unot v i» rv. r knuwii « Imru theao KarijiuriiH arj' worn, Tlicy alio pruvftit ninl puro m.utr diki i< i i.Tih«v COI.IH, Itllhl MATISM, Mil 1UU.1A, THIJOaI TIKll IiI.N, lllinilKJtU, CAlAltltH, AM> AM kJMHlKI) DiSI.AUK*. Will WKAH any amku fur tiiuii. uus. Are orn over tho iiiuler r.intiling, PATARRTf l! i» n««€llom In iliimrUto tiieiyitiptnitiri uiiliiUIUl) of ihlft nmiwoutMliHiait'i that [*Hipping thu lilfttinl rflruiiRili of cmlj tou many of tlm fuire«t ninl ln-HtDl" both huxi'h, I-ulior, *luily and runt'nrih In America, Kmoiio fail EiTHtiTii la' tli, have riytiilti'd in Lliu Mauiuitli! Liiiig Proli-cMr, alltndliiL; cur.' foi Ca¬ tarrh, a rcniLtly which coiitalntt NVDim i.i.im. tir i iih S\htkm, and ttltll tho/•niitiiiwMw stroiiin of MiiK'n'tlum pormealinR thmu^Ji tli.* nJllu ted tirgnim.Mi si iu.*h>uk THEM TO A HhAl.ll|V All ID*. U'R I'UOK OI'II I'lllt'i: for thin Applimicu at h us than miu twonltulh of the nrlco anlffd hy olhurn for reini'dluh niton ntiieli vim. taku all tliA I'lmnooH, and Hh kmcmialm immtivM patronui'Dof tin* MANY'i'KitsoNS \\ ho haw I Wed ihu'(£ OlMJ TIIKlll MOMACMH » ifIICU'T Kl FH'I. UflW Tfl flP'PHTV Tuu AppllauiiT. (in to )um nUYl 1U UDliiin (IruKuNt uml a-k for ili.'iiu II thry lla»< imt^goi them, write to ihu 'i»ri>|jrlotorn, en- "iHosirig tho prict1, In Ii>ii,-r utlcr risk mid thuywlinro ■cnt to you nt rmpo tiy mail, poll paid. Cfciitj rttnmpfor tlio 'Now Dopjiriun* in M»'dl.al Trcatmuul wnnot-i mum^ink," with thour-ninla of li'Hllmunlala. 111IC MAdNhlON AI'PLlAM'i: CO, 5»«* huttn .Sirw*t, ChlruKM, III Nuik —Send oii« dollar In poi)titxurttanii'»or nirrt'ii- c) i In letter nt our ri !(, wMi sl/i> tif shot' umhiIIv worn and try a pair of our MiH'ietlo Inwil.'-, ami i>o enn ilneedof tlie |X)wer rralcfiiiK In our .MuKiii'lif A[i|iU- anuei Po4ti\uJ> twttitd jettlihere'they ttrc umti, ui mmirif rr/uiiitrd Knstward. Kiwi Nnw York Kxpri'-ts.......... >T V, II .V AKxprtHH.............. Klyriii AicomniiHtaiion........... Port Clinton Ad'oinmodiiiion . Bulla'o Aci'iimmiidatiou........... N V A B KttKt Kxpn'riit............. Ctitinrimt Ac'i'oiniiioilalion...... Nottlnnhaiii f-undii) only] ..... Mgbl KxprexH .................... Weritwanl I'iiiI Umiiud Kxpii'i.1............ MIlIi llxpresHjrla Sindnsky.... ChlmgiT l.xpri'fH vlu V ..... Mieli Au-oiu, Norwalk..... ('oiiiiciint Anoniniodnllon........ Vottln^tinm, [viiuday oulj ]..... Toll da Kxiire*(i \ln Nonmlk... St Limit. I-.x via Nmduaky....... (' P Ex \ia Norwulk ..... Port Clinton AtcmnnuHlatiou ,. Itefeivi-eumitrkn—*■ Dull), |i flatly,.excfiiit Muudav | Arrive.- j Popart. '■■I iVi A Mliwi W\ M n7 Irt aM'*7 IWa m t« K> a m'L:........... \U (O a v.?,?m........ \l\ O'i A MfJt IB A M *'& lii I* Ml V2 fif) !' M ......... <'■! JiO I'M |tl ICi 1' m[ il IW A M ^(1 U\ I' M|tl» a.ri I' M | Arrive. | Depart, 7Z,U M a vi^lll 1$T\\ C'J fill •. M ".i (fi \ M . i (I. X) A )l 7 (M) A H .......... fll -10 V M The Nickel Plate! NKW YOIlli, CIIH'AfJO A NT. I.OIII8' "* f RAILWAY. Tim vluuetiuer pqtii^nH.ntof tlii. Now Trunk Mne t« nil new imil li, hu|>|ilinl with tin. luteal appllancoi niTvwiiy to hiiIo HpciHty ninl rnmfortnlilo tr.iTi'l. At^ I'tnriigo, |.nMi'ii«i>r tritn» unjvi' nt anil leave Inmi'itlii' union Dim n|, Vim Huron »tiwt. Kollonlun la il.o tlino In olloct May U.VKi, and un¬ til further iioLlcc . (iOIMi HAST. Lit. OliiitiRii....'..... H.lft-.n m.........,...................... • Arr. VolHiintip, iui)5 " " Port Wayne. 1.110 p. in.......................",'.'...!'.'.!! " Nmv llnvmi.. '-'.(1.1 ' ........ " Went U'llnlr. I.tr, " ....................... " Ari-mli.i......... r,.l» •' ................. .„" ... " I'li^inrin......... fl.'tf, " ■ .........t............. " Un mi Hprlnj,^ lll'J " .......................'.'!.."'.'." ItlLiii I.V. lU'lll'MlO.... Arr lluvi-lnnil... l.v. (!li'Vt1jinit.., Arr I'lilm .vl|li>. " AHlltlltllllll... " Oiiineiuil... " Kile.......[..: '■ Uimlllrlt.f.... " Biilt'nlu....... : n III . li.V, U.WI Kill) n, m. 11 oo I.Slfp i.tio :i 17 • .. Ml ' sai • ."7 66 " l.v Itnltadi... Ajr Iliinklfk.. " Kilo.......... " COIIIICIIII! " AnlilntHiln '* 1'ntiH'HVllli " Cluvrliind l.v rii'Vi'laiul Arr Itellevuti.., l.v Ilt^levue......... " tin-on StirhiKH. ' Kmlorln......... " AlL'IlllllI.......... " Wnl MjnU.. " Ni'H1 llmell " Pert W-.y!!!- .. 11 VulnmiMj....... '• ClilcliK".......... Trnlnl run hy t'uliiinli 11.113 .............. 13 11 |i ............... I 1» ............... I ..111 ......._...... It« ..!!.'.!.'".'.'."' Illoi) IIOlNt. WEST. Itl.llin. in........... .11 Jill Accom. I '.HI p. in Mi • ll'Jh ■ ti " 7.1/1 n. dim ' . u. ki " . 10 07 ' 10 III " .1100 " . ll.M " . aim p. a ao " . nil " 8.20 " I^'IIVO n 11 nl lit J' »U," ii a.' '• Kit..... I I.'. I' M ! In r M .. "1 21 l' Jl 13 -I'l ■ •■ ^1 :m i* 31 *1 brrv w , jtum r m "7*lni r M t-r» oo I' n Inlly, I'Xct'pt biiinluy, . ...................., -lilch Istwoiity nitn I uIih timlor Hi ,n ChlciiKu Mini', lire ininiih-* ulnw.r ' Until (.'li^olunil nnil mIkU'oii inlnutca hIowui iIi.ui HiiJ- titlolfmo. l-'or liituriniitliiii, cull on nenruat iigonl ot lliotom- pnii), or aililni), v 11. V. IIORN'l'll, fioii'l l'lni^'iiyor Agunl, l.FIVIji Wlt.MAMi., :ruL MnniiKiT. (li veliintl, O , HocUj Ittvor AirMiinninl.ilIon ill piaw'nt "7 .io .i m |ilatlt|, tia,in in (dalh], lo.Vi a. in |Mnn.ln\ ,,,,lyl l.l.lp in. Idnlljl; 4-r>p. in |sii,idnyiiiilr|;7l«lp.iii (buliiliij only] Kiit'lldlliic.-a,iiniihilloiiile|iarlHat la-^0 |i in lilullyl, ,i r, p. in. [iluily] ,-M.ma Suiuln\ ; t ,IJ p in [Sundiij only | -~~ New York, Pennsylvania & Obio R. R. A. ANDREWS, HARDWARE, ' Ranges, Stoves & Tinware, No. 259 Detroit St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk'Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. . j Ir-'onui'il) A. .1 (.. W Itullraad ) THflEE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, '"^ y»>«h. ""htom am. ri»: Kant. TWO TRAINS SlTNOAYS, j Leave Clcitiliind with 'I'll rouSfeli""1 Jjulnt'Q Conches nntl Elej;iint hlct'pltiK CnrsfTOC COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CIIANGK. Boat washing artd general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. Capt. D'. S. Webster, vi:s.-,i:i. am) ivMJit.wci: auknt. t ' Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, r.it;, iiot'tiiir an^i sot t'UN ciimmi-mon Charteriufi, and Freighting of Canadiau Coarse Freignts-. Specialty. No. 64 Woodhrldge Street Detroit, Michigan Phoenix Paint Co,,. inii i» tbo only ihu'innkiiiB Direct Connection ivltli nl lliu »rlni-l|»ul Trunk Unfa (it tlio Ilait fur nil ^oiillif-'rii, SinilliiM'nli'rn mill Wratt-rn poiulH, ultiler hy wny ut t'liicliumtl, liiilluiiii|iollnur SI. l^inlsantl u 1 Itaitffny Towns .illMSOUKI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KAN'SAS, NKHUASKA, . COJ.OKAHO NEW MEXICO, Ol.l) MEXICO an'd'ihi: n r.H'Il'IC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. MANIII'ACTl'ltKKS Ol ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OI.'KRK AMH'.U nun 36 Micnigair St., CLEVELAND, OHIO.' ' "ISy—l'likcli. liv.tliU |iii|iiilni riiiiti' lot »nle , nl till ri'Kiilnr Trkut Olllcct. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, i.t'iH-riil Mniiiiuur 1 iiiiHl'Mniuigur. A. J. SMITH, f^ ' It. nt'nj I'lisHi'mji r Atft'iil • I £lkvki.aniY <(lll(». -------•------------ '< l.l.M.I.ANH, t'OI.I Mill's, I 1SI isf^t'l ,1 l\|i|. AN.VltSI.lM. " ( niiiiiii'iii-liiK Siiihlui, .limn JtMi, IrnliiNiit tln< llm' I uu-—Ui'viiluml, (iiliiinbwi, I linhiiiiili A hHi.ii..i|«.li» Kullwnj will IrliM-.mil nrrlvi* ui t'lCMilimit :m [iilluu. Tho Nliortral null <tui<ki'«l Itontr lo I'ltln- blirsr, WiiHhliitfloii nn«l Itnlllniorc - nnd Slip NuitllK>8)Hl. ^ , ' , &—___________ ' ' Unlil further nulli u trtiitiN »ill lonVc from ibu new (i-rural l»fpot, Niuih \\ liter ntri'tl nud Vmitiut an fol¬ low* T 9fl Q lH -\"'I..\NTI IXI'Hl^-(I^iK) 1'ull- I.6U (li UIs niun HliT-hiiitf hml luilfll coin lius from , b'tt^tiH'miKh 9(fi ii in. to New York, Alliany nnil Hintim nilliuut j.liatiK" llirlor i .u from t IimvIhihI nmi Snlitiiiiiiiui. Arrhf nt Mcnihllli* m II so n in. laimiiT) 1'rmiklii) 12 :u |> in , (liM'itj Mm ji m ((<)r. ry I (Kl p m., Juiiiistoftii il-jik. t'liiiu1iiu(|tiii) idOu. in , HiKtiilol. I»ji in ltoclit'wUT ■* in ji m ; llonicl/t- vlllv il 4U |i m [ttiipivTlft'oiiiliitc s .'5 \, m. Eluuni H-57 ]} in liliiKlitvitmi l0.sVip. m , Allini} bAOa in. Boston 2A[) |i in , itrrii Inn «< N«'w ^ "rk i> .'•<) u in. •HOT! 111 uMITi:ii ^XI'ltl.^-'llirmiKl. I'u||. L iJU lit ill, mini ulecoliiK n'lir-li from Cli'vulnml to ^ Now ^ nrk ArriM-i ut MuiiM|Ii at <> .Vi |i. m , Jmiihm- tnwii 'i I.I ]i in., Nilaiiiancii 10 Ml |> in., Now York i 10 2,"] ii in. ll.UJ II. 1U, huiiilu))K«'|iiiiKioiu'hfromCleu'lnml j lloriiHlH\lll« Arrltu at Yoiiiik»Iowii at I fifl u. m. McmUmL'Il.'tO u in., Corry a 'Hi n nt Jiuiitwtowti 0 In n m. HulTalo il 4ft u in., lUn'|iriM>r I 10 |». in, HoriH-llh. vlilo, 11.20 n m .CurniiiK 1^.5.1 ji m, l.lmini 1:21 ii m., Miiiuliaiii]it»ii ■> Till ji in,, New \ork '» 2.1,ji. in. Arrno* 1 at I'TilNlinrKli t> in a in , without i-liuiik't" 9'Afl n m I'l'nMinu.H i \mv» - i»aii> _ I 6.JU [I, llii TliroiiK'li nltliout <<r,n>Kv. I'arl.sr oiir.it. 1 liirlittl. AtirlM'rtut VuuiiKBluwii TiOO |i in , HIitslmiL' 7 4h i. m .IVjmIiIiiuiiiii 7*011 » m , HiiIiIiiuku H l-t a. in ' /I'M 11 TAJ) ^AlHiMMi . \o.l MniiAI'ioN -- 4,JJ ]f, ills >il"l'|>ii^ ul all \\,i\ i-aiioiin, arriving nt YniiiiK-'li>«ii " 2*'|l in , Shiuitii H III ji m , Slmri-i'^ illo S.4II]' in. tiuiiiH-rlHul Uinlll-stiiiiyh whli tram No. 20 foi Mi-inhillr ninl itiw-riht-tli.iti ijoIiiIh Airivtif-at Mm. t.llli-11 20 )• in ^ -7 iflfl Q m "" lMtl lli,i[ - M'Hl-SS - haily^- I .ZU d. 111. KxtoiKh nltlmut t)>aii|{> ArHu'x at YmiiiKiiiiwii 10 (Hi ii.ni, Slianni II 02u in. sliiiri)*- vlllo II HI a in , I'lPi-lmrt-li 12 lr, j..... [t. hirtiliiK, li'ti-. i'» I'tlL-burj-li at 1 1H a in H; "In in., 1 10 ■, m imil 4 211 |i in - , ' ' UJ d- Ul, WOj-.IMOli'.imN-Mo,.,-,.,-- »t all Wiiy ntiiiliniH, nrrlvliiK ut ^ utili«rihiwn 1 i% t> in .I'llln- Imrh'li, il 10 ji in ' 1» IM.'UtOir. DEAN & CO. iiiiAli)|iii.ni:iti. FOR SALE, [I ■No, I, Cincinnati.-; rolumlm.i Cxprtsi ...V. No. 11, lii(llniiii|)«)IU .t W litTlihK ]Ai>rv»ii No, 17 H|ioilult'iihimlmt A. ChivliiniiiLKx . No. !1, b|iucltil Iiltl A ht. IjiUlM KxiiruHf. Nn.fi. t\»l. < 1»:. Iml. A Si. Unit KxpW.h-. N.s 7 *' I. X W \ (!nUi.....\«i- . / . ^t'l'l'urt. nK INI A M 7 10 A M 1 ,ill 1 M ~-l« 1 M "7 111 1 M '> i«i 1 M \i rn Iti'l Irlltlh ,1 111.', [,rl, l:,..,lil V, |,v|, mh\ Iml.I 111 |i i I llllllihl'K Hillii 17 h'i'1 liiiiK 7 tnl .li.mnli i. linn' linen, IHn lull.11, anil olio 17-lmli l.iiu'lur J.'xIJ. Uurrl.'»2lti,WKili't'li'l liiiiilii-r M|niit, II mili'n IIrIiI, iiiiiJ 1) l-J liinil.'il. IniMiriiiiio \tiliiiilloii, &l',,mm. Ail- ilrrNi, .Mviusk Iti.LutiliOlllcL', Su.J Snntri U'atoi ^lu-rl, Cioii-liinil, tl. I N« J, I'.il A I In A- tint I.M.I, s» I N" », I I. .1 W \m . Nc. U. Mr. l.i.uhA lii,ll,ini|~.llH I \|.i N.. i,, I'nl fin .V IiiiIIiiiuiu,,IU I Mii,- Nil. I, ( oliiiiiliiin.v i Tluninitll l.xim-. N.i Ill, Whri'lliiK 1/XpniH . ..... . Nn, ll.Timlliliiill A N V I isl l.lm. I. iniMii.irkol .Lull, nil i.ili, bundiiy. I 7 111 A M I 111 i> A .M i .ii r \i 1..... I' M .1 Ml I' M 7 I • I'M I III \ M Trillin) trrlvo nt (1li>%elnnJ, li JO 11. . lO.Wn. ui, 1 00 p. in-, uii.l lii.l,r) jt in, •ITTIilB la llionnly louts t>v wlnoli imiM-iigi-rn cun p roi.cti Curry Klmim, ltlii|{liillli|)l'>li, Nirn Vurli Clly Ullll IlllUrilKllfllttl |H>I|I|H Mltlllllll I'llllll^L' Nnilntngu ti> Button mill Now Kii(jlaml CUIuh ltii«HiH,"« clnrSMM tlinni(,'li lo nil piiluln I'iiiI. Tlinnitili lickPIH unil infiiruisllon TrKiirdlnt; ilui niiili'inii lieotilulncil at tlie ntllcc 1.11 HmiU nlrf,il,'niid ul ii » lli.nnt nl N. V , P All It .11 , smiili Wultirmrtfl ninl Vluiliicl, L'loilmul, O. A. E1CI.AHR. Ui'li'l 1'iis.s'r A^'l I li \< luilil, t). ' -O ■ .1 M KCIIItlM, lirti'l Mn.iV'r, I l< vl'lnn.l. O. M 1. FllUTu, • PilHHCnRor A(,'enl, i;il Hunk M. Cli'Mjliiud, IS FOR SALE. ~~ .Mi iiii'i xl.aiil \ in hi lr- liv,l l.il,;; 't f, it Iumui, .11,, I >llt]> - I.'i- t.M 1,1-1, i|„l vis[1 l""lll[ Lllqilll. .i| Il I' Nil icriiMp I n> li-l \v, line stall 11 tUil) fxti'fi't FOR- SALE. All liulijiii'lil 111 tin lunu li r\ ll.M 11% llubli, ,1 ,ni,l (nilihli.il. Inull I ]-'2 li.l inn- in. I...I I iii|iui..<;( h 1'. S'i,ljir»,.li " • ' II i. Lin > link I mint Au-'tiiliuii 397111