Marine Record, November 8, 1883, page 2

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THE MARINE RECOP.D. dulomUnlS'cliilmed (hut the piinsngo over the dnni wns siiio. Jutljjo Aelieson enys thitt thorp wna no nccoaalty for tTopnrtliif; from the ciistoninry course—throiiKh the Jouka^-' unci that having jiHu1A0d.11 iioedlunii rink, alio miMt bear tlieoniiBcquonci'?,mldliic that If the ulnlm of the defenue regarding the milety of the. pn6anj{o over the dam he ad¬ mitted, Ihi'ii tilt! imiHter oftlio Ventura was guilty of culpable negligence In striking tho pier. The dnmageii awarded nro f 1120 34, with liitorest froln Fubnjnry 5,1882. . ' cAnmi'.ita must rnoTKCT PAStaaKits. • Tho United mates Circuit Court, 01 Mem¬ phis, tried tho ciw> of Calvin Smith vs. steamboat II. K. Springer, with a jury, who returned n verdict of ft-1,2S0 for plitliulll. 'l'ho suit wns brought for $25,(100 by plain- tlir, a passenger, bocimai) the mate kicked (int two of his teeth, the cause coming under the stntui! defining Mayhem, unci also upon the ground that common curriers, • should protect their passengers liom injuries sought to bo Inflicted by their employes. v GKNEKAL NEWS. . The cxporlniont with the nir shir/ in Paris litis been unsuccessful. The further extension of the Signal Ser¬ vice mi the Pacillc coast Is heked for by Sun Fritnelni'O ineichahts. Tlie Honorable Benjamin F. Buttorworth Thursday formally assumed his duties as CommiHssloner of Patents. TlieUlssisslppirivar steamer Katie Kountz burned Thursday at Arknnsns City. The loss on boat nud cargo Is $83,000. . The scheme lor the erection of American grain elevators throughout Russia has been approved ol by the Stale Council committee. Thursday Goncrnl W. T. Sherman for¬ mally relinquished the chief command of llioTJnlte# States, army, and General Sheri¬ dan assumed the same. Arrangements are being made for the con¬ struction of two dry or graving docks nt Hunter's Point, San Francisco, on the prop¬ erty of the South Sun Francisco Dodk Com¬ pany. The Secretary of tho Navy 1ms detailed Ensign John B. Beriiudan to proceed to Co¬ rps for tho purpose of making a report on the geogloglcal and other sclciitlllc features of that Island. Secretary Folger has Issued n circular jvhiuli provides when meats eiucd with lm- ported'snlt aie'slilpped coastwise or Inland - Ironi one disiiiut to another (or exportation, MARINE LAW. tlKapONMUII.ITY OF VIWSKt. OWNBI18. Ill the United -Stirtes District Court re¬ cently Judgo. Illodgo't rondcred a decision _ of considerable Importance to vessel owners US It relates to the responsibility of carrying cargoes In unsciiworthy cnift. In June, 1880, Pervls & Dunn shipped it cargo containing 19,000 bushels of corn to Kingston on tho schooner Lily Hamilton. The schooner wns hut six yeins old. and classed, by the In¬ surance compantes as A 2. She left Chicago and proceeded lis far as Wollnnd Canal with¬ out mishap. While In the canal and towing throqgh niocky cut at Thorold, Out., alio struck a rock, which stopped her headway. The rock rolled under her and Hie passed over It. After going 500 feet.further she filled with water and settled to the bottom. A diver made an examination of her as she Iriy on the bottom, and discovered n holo eight Inches in diameter between the frames on her starboard bow under the turn of the bilge. Before the hole co'uhl be stopped up 11,000 bushels of corn of-her cargo was wet, the remainder being taken out dry and turned over to the underwriters, the Phcenlx Insurance Company. When the Vessel had been raised and placed In tbediydock It waB found that the phuilMhrough which the hold hall boon punched wns worn down to only one and one-lialf lushes In thickness. The dnmaged grain was sold nt Thorold for 15 ocnts per bushel, and suit was brought by the shippers of the cargo against the owners of the schooner to recover damages. The llbelhints claimed that tho vessel was uiisen- worthy.on account of the thinness other plank at the time the cargo was taken on board, and therefore her owners were liable ffor damages. The defendants allege that they were not aware that the planks were worn, and proved that the ve»s6l was per¬ fectly tight On her voyage, and would have taken the cargo through safely bad she not struck a rock; also that the force ui the blow was eufll.'lent to liavo broken a plank three or four Inches In thickness. Judge Blodgett, however, decided that the planks were to thin for a seaworthy vessel, and held that the owners were llablu for loss and dam¬ ages. .Robert Rne represented the plaintiffs and Schuyler i, Kremer the vessel. Tflf- NOT I.IAiIlK W1IKN DhlAI.M1D I1V BAD \\t THEIt. vv One day last'yeai the sicainbirge Olenn, with the barges Mohawk and Keystone In to», became disabled while entering the harbor at Milwaukee, alid her owner con¬ tracted with the oh tiers of the tug. Welcome to tow tho bnrgei from Milwaukee to Bay City and return. The consideration was to be J810. Owing to a stress of weather the tug was detained at Milwaukee four days, at Mnuitou Island one day, at Petoskey three days, -and lost a day at Cheboygan takli|g coal. On account of this series of delays tho ■ owners of the barges refused to pay tho tow bill, claiming that the tug had failed "to per¬ forin the service for which she was engaged within a reasonable time. The Milwaukee Tugboat Company filed n libel against the barges, and they were seized. Yesterday .1 niliie Blodgett decided that the owners of the wig wore not liable for detention occur- ilog Irom stormy weather, and ordered the lull amount paid. Schuyler & Kremer ap¬ pealed for the plantill's and Atkinson & At- kin-im for tho defendants.. I I.HIE full UAMAUK HUH1AINKII IN DKI'AItl'- IMI I'HUM IIIK OIIDINAIIY C1U.NNK1. Judge Acheaoli, ol the United Stales Dis¬ trict Court at Pittsburg, has rendered a decision which It will be a ell for sleamhont- meu to know, and especially tow bom men. The ca«o was. that, of C. L. Snowden ol Co , vcisiisthe steamer Venture, brought to re¬ cover for damage to coill boats belonging to plaintiffs, Uurliig'ii high stage of water In lt>S2 the Venture, with a low of loaded coal barges belonging to thcplalntllts, went over ■ Dam Xo. 2 fn preference to nailing an hour to pass through the locks, the ordinary pas¬ sage way. Slitf passed over, tho dnm safely, hut struck a pier of the railroad bridge about' 180 yards below. To pass through the chan¬ nel pier,"which tho master of the Venture thought "necessary, the low had to be run dlagoilifllj', aftor passing over the dam, with only 200 feel between the head of the tow nud pier. It was dangerous to hazard the . fan with the tow. though the boat Itself could have made the trip with safety. The I Tonnlngon, and the deepening of "Hint stream In 1784- went far to Atird. oponlng a waterway Irani Kiel, on .the Biiltlo.- During J/jjfopast fifty years tho project of n regular ship has from time to time been broached'; and now Germnny, having pos sesfled hcrsolf of Holsteln, is In a position to build It within her own domains. The ca¬ nal, of course, would hnvo military ns woll as commercial alms, ns it would enable tho Baltic and NorthSca squadrons ol Germany to prom'ptly ro-lnforee each other. • At Chicago Drydock Company's yard the schooner Driver had <i leak' stopped; stenm- bat'ge White & Frlaut got'a now shoo; the ateambnrge Charlie Rltz got now Iron plat- Ingt'steanibarge Douglann-liud n new wheel; cunnlbont Charles .Walker had a general overhauling and repairs; propdllcr John B. Lyon In tow of the tugs Alpha nnd A. B. Ward, having cglllded'wlth her near Harri¬ son street bridge when at Iter dock unload¬ ing, knocking in her quarter and doing con¬ siderable other damage; schooner yacht mooning Star, Caplnln Sam Moore, has had her masts taken out, and a general fixing up. A HARD JOKE. SjifCfnl Cwiupofidctto Mirtnc Jleiortl. - 4 , Dvritorr, November 3. Our old friend Captain .Sllah Diislln.'loii many years a stoambontmiin on the lakes nud rivers, but now In retirement nt Detroit, may properly bo clas.eed nmong the eccentric of. the old school.' The following Incident which took placo during the. navigation of 1847, we gatlicr from the Tolodo Blade. Cnptiilii Dustln wns In oommnnd of the steamer Chutauqun, and on one of her re-_ turn trips from Detroit, as was usual, as¬ cended, the ship Mlitd at Mnnine for-pnacnii. gers and Irelg'lit. While there li steamboat, n schoonWIind one or two scows entered the mouth ol the channel nnd so arranged their position as to complete!} prevent all ln-> gress or egress. Meanwhile tho Chataiiqum having discharged enrgo nud received freight wns returning to the lake.. On arriving at tho mouth nt.lhe canal nnd milling It blocked Captain Dustln thus addressed the captain of I he schooner: - "Will you.allow gome of mj men to cast oft your lines and permit us to pass? we will make all taut again." ""No, Sir," replied the captain emphat¬ ically; "we don't change 001 position for entry for refund duties may be linitle at the I any such craft." port of original shipment. . | Captain Dustln, thinking that perhaps the . Tlie propeller Prussia was fined $200 for "inn was, not In earnest, sent Somo ot his not reporting her repairs on her arrival at Kingston. The money lias been deposited, and tho vessel is free to leave when she likes. The line Is iinCcr consideration yet, nnd the money may be refunded. At the beginning of 1882 Sweden possessed a mercantile navy of 4,151 'vessels, measur¬ ing 530,000 ions, of which 3,397 wcro sailers, with 450,000 tons, and 7BJ steamers, with 80.000 tons. Tho number of sailing vessels had during the year decreased with 184 ships. The Secretary of tho Steamship Owners' Association, London, lias written to Kni'i Granville, tho British Foreign Secretary, urging that fresh action be taken, with the concurrence of the association! looking to the cutting ofai second canal across the Isthmus of Suez. The Secretary of Stnto has received from the Geographical Society of Franco a very handsome gold medal, Intended ns n testi¬ monial to Lieutenant Frederick A. Sehwat- ka, U.S. A., In recognition of his services in the successful expedition to King Will- lam's Land In 1878-80. Baltimore, having over $20,000,000 Invest¬ ed In oyster packing and oVer 30,000 persons engaged III the business, Is taking measures to prevent the destruction of the oyster beds In the Chesapeake Bay. It Is proposed that the period of rest lor oysters shall be length¬ ened and extend from April Jst until Octo¬ ber 1st- While the Now World Is busy with canal projects from Chagrcs to Clioptnnk and C'hopt'iuk to Cape Cod,'uo less Interest In this sort of engineering enterprise Is felt In Europe. Among the lately revived under¬ takings Is the old one for connecting tho North Sen and the Baltic, The tlrst prac¬ tical steps toward Hovering, the Danish pen¬ insula were taken Just a century-ago. The Elder empties into tho Nortli Sea just below hands ashore with the friendly purpose of removing the scliooner, Intending as soon as his boat whs through to replace'iter, without trouble to her crew. The captain of the schooner, dlscovei lug their object, unit his hands asiiorc armed with clubs and Iron bars •and under Instructions to resist any efforts to cast off the lines by which the schooner wni fnstened; nt the same time giving Cap¬ tain Dustln to understand that he-did not in¬ tend to. move one inch. A few moments passed In expostulation convinced the capjaln that he must fight his way through or lose his trip. "Now,'1 said he, "It Is not necessary to spend any further time lu words. If you don't movo your vessel out of my way, I'll run into her and knock her out." "Hal Hal my dearfello.v," icsponded the captain. "You must be Joking now. We ain't afraid of any such threat. We've got too much limber hero for any such old dug¬ out as yours." "Hold on to vour steam," snid Captain Dustln to his engineer, "and hackl.ei. We'll show them what this-old dugout can do." The little boat wus backed to n sulllelent distance to give her full headway, nnd aimed directly for the "suhooneiJs bow. "Now let her go boys,'with n will, nnd bo sure nnd. hit her square." The boat seemed to leap rrpm tho water with the llrst revolution of the puddles, nnd rushing on with tho speed of thought, nnd un^lur the full Impulse of a powerful engine, struck the scliooner by the side of the stern and cut her to within a; foot of the water. There," said Dustln, "that's one of my jjkes, and now If you don't get out of my wjiy I'll cruet anothor |ust like It, ami lot daylight In upon your cargo. The schooner mizzled and the Chnutnu- qiiajL'amo uu. J, VV. II. RECORD OF DISASTERS. Wo conipllo tV following list of'disasters for record:. ' •The propollorOsonrTownsund caught fire Inst night nt 0 o'clock, caused by explosion of n lump In an alleyway near the onghx.. She is pretty bndlv burned lsetwuon tieoks lift the smoke stack. The cnptiilii says that from fifty to seventy-five dollars'will cover all the loss. The tug Adams' rendered very ellectiial assistance. Theclty hose companies wore also on hnnd.—Intcr-Oceuii. A telegram to the Boston Marine Insur¬ ance .Company stated that the schooner Monitor was ashore on Fuel < rolx Point, and In bad condition. Later Information, says that she Is full of water and will proba¬ bly provo n total loss. She linn been tiDtin- donctl to the underwriters. The Monitor was bound from EscaniiUn to Cleveland with a lull cargo of ore. The Monitor Is owned by Captain' It Ionian, of Biifl'alo, nnd Is val¬ ued at'tl2,600. There Is an Insurance of 15,000 lu the Boston Marine, nud $2,500 in Crosby Dlmmlck's Agency on the hull, and her cargo. U also fully Insured. She was built at Detroit In 1804, and. thoroughly ro- bullt In 1881. She" was classed A2, and measures 323. A dispatch from Port Colbbrno to the In- ter-Oeean says tho steamer City of Toronto burned to tho water's edge. The lire, broke nut amidships a little after 0 o'clock nnd lastod till 1 o'clock In the morning. The cause of tho fire is unknown. The City of Toronto was brought hero from NlaK'ira this fall, ai,d liej paddle-boxer taken off nnd her sluilt cut nt each end to enable her to pass through the new canal. She wns to hnve been thoroughly rebuilt by the Mes'is. Mulr Biothers during the coming winter, Sho was owned fiv tho Hon. H. J. Dnggett, of Oswego, N. Y.v Tho loss Is estimated at $30,000. She was Insured for a compara¬ tively smnll ntnnuiit. The Homer Hlne, Itimber-lndcn, which wns doscrted off Snnd Bench, came ashore below i'lno Point, about ton miles south of Klnkardlne. Her bowsprit, foretop-mnsts, jrtid canvas were carried away. She Is ap¬ parently in no Immediate danger of breaking up. The schooner A%b of Milwaukee, bound froiii Starkoy Pier, near Frankfort for Mil¬ waukee with lumber, piles and wood, wonl on the beach near the south plur, St. Joseph. Captain Charles Sta'rkey and Ills four men landed safely. The value of the boafiind cargo Is $4,000; Insurance, $2,000. The ves¬ sel lost lierccnterhoaid and part of her deuk- Joad. The rudder was disabled comlngj'n. The vessel can be saved probably. V The schooner Ketchum Is on thoilxWUrr at Gil's pier, and Is in bad condition. Site is iwned by Mueller & Christie, of Chicago, ml rales Bl; valued at $5,000. ThU is the third time, she has been ashore this season. Tho schooner John B. Merrill, ashore at Cleveland, Is owned by George P. Sanborn, Mrs. Hunter, nnd James S. Porter, ot Mll- woukee. There is an Insurance ot $22,000 on the vessel, divided between the Buffalo Shoo and Leather. JOinn and Continental. Sho was Jightered sixty tons of ore and wtecked by Captain Grcentmlgh with one lighter on each side. She was found to be In good condition. '1 he Sophia Minch. which lies a short dis¬ tance from uherewiu did. It has been ascer¬ tained Is on an old wreck, and Is broken lu twoamldshlpv " AN INTEREtjMNfi HISTORY. The little wrecking schooner Experiment, ashore iitSatigatuck, has had a must remark¬ able career for a small vessel, and many ot the older lake captains will remember some of the facta concerning It. She Is now nearly thirty years olil, hill has been rebuilt so re¬ cently that she Is a very good little craft yet. She was built at St. Joseph, Mich., In 1805, by a man who u Ished to use her in carrying fruit. The mime of the man cannot be learned, but ll is sufficient to say that he, with his wife and child, lived aboaid the vessol together, lu the fall of 1850, when the baby wasa little over a year old, the ijx- nerlmeiit was sailing for, SC. Joseph from Milwaukee, where she hud'a must successful trip. When'off St. Joe u white squall struck the Experiment, and she, having all bur can¬ vas exposed, wns Instantly capsized. Tho captain and his two assistants wore never heard of again, and the Experiment, a few days later was cast upon tho beacli near St. Joseph with her bottom upMnrd, It wns be¬ lieved that nil on board had perished. Nev¬ ertheless a search was made of theunblp, nud the llrsi man to got under the vessel was alarmed to hear, cries which sounded as If they emanated from a vigorous pair of In¬ fantile lungs. The searcher listened to the eivlugioran Instant, and then crawled in ilie direction from which It came. He was terrified while thus groping along to come utio'n the dead body of the wife of the oap- laln of the vessel lying on tho celling of the cabin, but he recovered sulllclentlj to be alive to the sense of duty, and aftor a short search-toond the child of thodoad woman safely tucked away uu a shell' a^ove the wa¬ ter. But the Infant's cloildng, was wet and the little thing would undoubtedly soon have perished but for the timely aid which reached It. I'hc Imby was taken out, lind with careful attention was restoretl to health, nud has slnco grown to hn a mnn. The story was that the mother, alter battling with the

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