Marine Record, November 8, 1883, page 1

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r VOL. Y. NO. 45. CLEVELAND' O., NOVEMBER 8,1883. ti 00 Pbr Av\<jm ■fiNOiB Conns S Ce»h Vessel men SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing nil point) of MARINE LAW ns de¬ termined by tho United Htatcs Oourta ,----------------ON"----------------. Seamen, ' Ownen, Freight*, Chnrtars, Towaffe, Ileal* try, Colli nlonn, Knrollment*, GeAHrnl AncTngc, Common Carrier*, Dutlrai of Senmen, Mtutora 4 Owner*, Bill or LuilIntf. Wwr©*, Ac. Thfl volumn la hnndiomely bound In atlfl Bonrd coven, aud Duo EntfllBu cloth binding Kooki of tins bind generally coat $J 1)0, but wo will nond it to utiy address, poatjige paid Tor 91.00, or with the MARINE RECORD lor ono year, Dotli tor only SI00 Addrea Mabink IUco»d Cleveland O. ^V AROUND THE LAKES. CLKVKLAND. It is snl<l the steiimbarge C. H. Greon «111 appear next season us a double decker. It-Is enld tlio scli*oner Laura Johnson, ashore near Michigan City, will be jeseued. TJie-craui-idLaafe.------- ____._____ ___^ Carpentcis nro still at workjepaliiug the dninirge to thiT propeller Ontario. She ar- livcd at Dufuth from Sarnhi on tho 3d Inst. As the Ouoko steuuied Into the rlvci from tho coal docks with 2400 tons of coal It ap¬ peared as It there was buoyancy aiidcaiiaclly for as iimcli nroio. As soon as the eaigo Is out of the John B. Mei till she will be icpi.lrcd. blio was light¬ ered by Captain Qreilnhalgh, and although leaking Jjnlr), It is not believed the tost ol jcpalrs will be great. Captain I)a*ld Mull, owner aud master ol tho acliponer Wnitfnret A. Muir, was In poi i ycsteitiay with a cnigo ol tnc ( uptniu-Muli ranks as one of the ploncei s ol lake naviga¬ tion, he Inning hailed thlii) lour veins. Considerable anxiety was felt In Chicago marine circles In legnrd to the schoonei Red¬ wing, vtlileh left Duliilh for Bullalo with a cargo 6f wheat two weeks ago. Ke-ira weie allayed, howevei, by a tt'legiam fiom her captain at Detroit *a) lug thai she was in good condition Captain Chapman, ol the stcambarge Cumberland, which in lived heie Mondav, rcpoUs the Bteambnige Mayllowei ashoie at Point Albino and the bnrge r.llllc MaJ con- soi l of the Ma) How 11 in a wntei logged con¬ dition some dlslunic mil Uln supplying them with biead, the only assistance the) lcqulrcd, he caine on He llilnks the\ w ill 11y to make Bullalo I'beru Is some k-lnil of ohstiiiiilon noiih- ward o| tin bin point lightship at the iiioulli ol the Detroit ilvei. btvend visscIh In uns- Blng there repoit sulking. When diawlng but iQUitcen feet 'Ibis is a inaltci that | should bo looked afloi by the piopei niilhoi- llles. The sclioonei Donahlson had liei forefoot cnirled away thi'ie last week She wont Into Globe diycloek leaking badly. At the Globediydock since (Jul last lepoit the aohoonei Donaldson lecolved a i.ew loie- foot nud had her butts calked; the II. A. Kent hail the damage lopalied which was caused by running on her anchor in tho straits, the teg S. b. Mono lecehed 1 epulis to her stern bearing. The J. M. Osborn will succeed the Kent. The Sophia Mlnch and John B. Merilll will g« In altei the) have djscluugcd theli cargoes. The life saving ciew, at thlapoit, which has done so much lellnble woik during the past week, Is coinpused ol the lollowing gentlemen: C. CJfcVjodwIn, captain; Law¬ rence Dlstel, No. 1; YvHJIani Goodwin, No. 2; John Evcrlelgh, Xo. &; Jay Lindner, No. 1: Cbailcs Leonard, No ii; Joseph Goodroe, No. 0; l'\ T. Hatch, No. 7, Deles Haydqn, SPo. 8. Mr. Tovatoftho llim of Tovat & Ci angle also lent matetlal aid on one or two occasions. The custom of tho great dailies In teport- Ing vessels as clearing light, say from Clove- land to ( blcagoj at this season ol the year, should be adopted only after much pains have been taken to ascertain If It Is true, as It leflccls ninth n pontile wisdom of the mat- tei of the \essel aud oftentimes causes much uneasiness to the families of the marhiers. The fact that the vessel cleared light from Cleveland to load at some Intermediate point for Chicago would be more in keeping' wfth truth nn,l common sense. ' Frleght rates are still firm fhul rule at about previous quotalions, with the follow¬ ing cluirteis reported. Monday—schooners Emma C. llutehlnsoit, ore, Escanaba to Cleveland, (11.50; Pewaukcc, coal, Ashta¬ bula to Chicigo, p. t.; steamer Business, "cDtilrAshtnbtrln-to-Ctrlcagopp. t Tuesday —schooners A,nnii Siuith, ore, Escuiiabu to Ohio potts, p. t.;J.C. King, same, Dela¬ ware, Eicnimba to Cleveland, $1.50j S. P.~ Mlnch, coal, Toledo to Milwaukee, fl.Jn: Maig.irot Mi|lr, coal, Cle\eliiml to Chicago, IJ1.00. • J Ca|>talu Philip Mlnch, ownci of the aohoonei Sophia Miiiih, Is probably better 'pleased with ( aptain ( hailes bwailwnod and the tug Champion than anv othel toin- blnation In tills poit, jis It was piliiilpnll) owing tn Captaill.Swnitwood's tit Iclinilla- llon to hold on to the line and hring the Mlnch Inside the tneakwntei, Wheie she was pun11 cd out, that she was saved Iioiii total meek*. Purely a matter ol common sense as the captain had been signalled to i ill loose, If ho had done so aftei all the othe: Jincs had paitcd the Mlnch uould hajogone b ick on the beach. \ \n« that the htiiiiiiiil Hock has been made a beacon of wauling to inaiincis.St would be advisable loi the Go\eminent to turn attention to the P< iilusulai Point leet, or Eleven Knot slinal, is nn\[gatois lonsidct it oueol tin most dangeioiis spots tliev have to gnaid ugiiin-i m theie is no light thin On a dink in logg) night It Is aliim-l Im possible I" dUlliiguUh tho exai t IihiiIIit »l the ilangei hqiuiw Island Is nlso t onsid-' eied a piopei plate loi n lighthouse ns It Is mi the*thin I" ilit snails, and vessels on tin wav tH'iii l'"\eiit li-lnnil would 11 it n ha\e a lellable mink to inki Mull heiiilug iiml iniilil make I he ninth passage nit limit , lilli, uln We mi ullimeil hint week that a paituci- shlp had la en lin uieil lielweeu 1 hunias llui- phy mid lli'iii\ Knot, ul Ltnaln, In the ship building business. \\i .ire gl id m sto tliatlhtv have alreinh luclu'd i, unilintl 11oiit pailien it Ninth \inhtisl to build \\J sleainei of the follow lug dimensions lit> feet o\ei all, 2.) Icct beam, anil 8 leet d/pth ol hold, blie will hare a high pressTrfe en¬ gine 1SV20 Inches and will tinn a seven foot wheel. She will be used In transporting | llufcKtonc Iioiii the Islands to this port Captain Chatles ( hapinaii.of I.oialn, will' pinhahl) lake touiuiiind of lid1 new stcauar Tin sleamlmigc S II. Ilulibell, which aillved on Tuenln). leported 'hat her con¬ sult, the bulge Genera! fluinsiilc had paitcd hei Hue and was In d ingei. ol dillllug ashoie. 'Hit lug Die.iduaiight, with the lite saving ctow aboard, went In seiuchof her. They found her about ten miles below this poit. Under tow of tho Dieadnaught she wa« safely made fast to \Vlnslowrs dock. Permit us to say again that too much ctedlt can not be given'to the life saving urew at this port, lis they nie always ready to endure any amount of hardship to succoi vessels In illstiesa or ic«cue the endangeied lives of of tho sailors. The Sophia Mlnch has been leleasefl. Di¬ rer Wilson went to the bottom of her and ascertained that thcliood ends of the plank fin J transom had been damaged some, and that by placing a'cin vas Jacket under her inn aud over the hood ends of the plank on liei stem Bhe could be towed to liei dock. Upon thla rcpoU a gang of men ttiidei coin- mum! of Captain Geo. McKay lightered about 80 tons of ore, and with the stcam'pumps ol Captains Gieenhalgb and Bradley fljie was pumped out, after which the river tugs Champion and Moore and four of the har¬ bor tugs pulled on her and succeeded In eleai lug her from her sandy bed. She was towed to the nail woika oio docks where ^hc wlll~dlBchirrgc~hei' cargo, after"whiclr she will go into dock foi iepulis, which, considering the njecmlous.^qiuHttnii-r'n w-tilcl'i slie was situated, will be cotnpata- tivcly light, being continue! to the deck, a poiliou of the cnbli), hei ml?/en nutst and sails. The condition of the hull Is good and the frames aie stallnch aud sound. ( IIK'AGO. .SjtoIiiI lolhr Vmiiir 1'niud A one-hall Inttiesl In the schooner Laura Johnson has been sold toaWll]iain ifedman. Coiisideiatlon *.iOU, The schooner Mary Nan, of this port, went ashoie on the heath oil Grand IIa\en on October 30th The crew weie rescued b) the life saving statloh nien. The vessel has become a total w leek. l'l>esleambiige MIchaelGroh wentashoit on tin beath at Muskegon near thcnoith plei on Monday last, Captain heth Lee, o+ Muskegon, has toiitlacted to get her oil loi •f'2,500, and he v III do so If possible [ I lie nroptller -Mii-liiiul Gn h, which went on the Ijoiu h at Muskegon Monday moinlng was H leastd she Iscousidoiahl) damaged ] The silicone) Ottaw^i, Captain Hntter, ai ihcdhcicnn Mnuda) afteinoon lioin Man islet miuus one ol lier jibs which uim tilown to slueds In n heavy squall between Grosse Point aud Waukegan Mondnj moinlug Itates itie tlrirToii a basis ol 3<,( tor corn tiiul 4t lot wheal lo Bullalo. Charters To llollalo, piopellei W II. Itanium, oats, piopitlhir Pied M<ircui,coin, prtqieller Ore¬ gon, coin l'o Kije, piopeller Dflawaru, w lieat and torn, lo barilla, piopeller Ks- i iniiba, Coin. Total, 282,000 bushels. Vesieiia) moi nlng thesleamship Oregon uin\ed fiom Milwaukee light, and went lo I lie Centinl tle\a[orto load torn loi Bntialo Altei neni 1} all hei cargo had been taken on it was dlsto\eied that she was in a leak¬ ing condition, bhe went lo tho I qlum eh- vator to dlschaige her cargo and will be placed in the diydouk for lepahs before (nailing. The mishap will be an expensive oik . Jl" '1 he schoimei i Itiioln D.illlsou tin lock* at Detio I Ii nh d lull ol walei. 1'hls lint wat, h h gia m'hd to t aptain David Dull, hei ttw in i, )isitul,i). 1 he dispitih was signed h) llie taplitln, whoa-kul that a tug with a stt mi pump mil haw/ti la sent lo hi 1 u-nt-t ■ im • III out <. V lull w id king < expedlt Ion has been ordered to gn to her from Skcanabii. No fun her information has been received, bhe Isjiound lor this port with a cargo ot hardwood lumber, consigned to WllHani Ripley A .Son. Dptiolt harbor is In Bay De Noquettc at the toot of Green Bay, and Is riybHiI place for vessels to go ashore unless tlWars-well Insured, on account of the many u"iingorous rocks In that vicinity., The Lincoln Dull was built at this port by Miller Bi others in 180!). She measures 200 tons, rates Bl, ami Is valued at $5,700. >jbe Is insured In the Union, of Philadelphia, for $4,000 At Miller Brothers drydock tho tug Calu¬ met was calked and Ironed; ihe steambargo Gcoige Dilnbar had some repairs to her rud¬ der, and the sleambaigo John Otis, formerly the 1'ruesdell, got a key to her wheel. At-the Chicago dry Jock the Schooner C. Amsden had her bottom Calked and her rud¬ der repaired; the tug Muriel received n new Bhatt and a new wheel, also had her bottom calked and will titled up foi her trip to Now Orleans on tho 16th; the schooner Higgle had a new main giifl, and. tho sthobner Hal- Inrnn a new-main gafl. At {he VesYel Owner'?dfyiloek_Boliobiref John-llino. b«i her'd^ck^ihirt^OWciriotts." talked; cuhtilbont Day Dawn had some re pairs to her port bow, whicli were rendered necessar) by her being In collision with a tug on the rivet, thc-stcamshlp city ol Tiaverse, of the i hlcago, Grand Haven and Mackinaw line, had hei bottom talked aud othel nctessar) repairs piioi to laying up. of 1110(1. S/(Ci,l//fi/A< Vtiiilx l!n ml Dniion, Nov ember 6. The Detiolt ihei was illuminated !a6t evening by an e\teiisl\e the on the opposlto shore doing damage to tin extent of $20,C00. The tug W P. McRae, engaged in towing wood barges between Detroit and Wallace- burg, has bun libeled tor fll2 damages loi negligent towing. A dispatch inched last e\en[ng, llie .'nh Ii atant, repni is the stoamlmriie John Osborn stiandtil at Porl Siiiillm, Lake Huron. Al¬ tei throwing ovei 200 ton* of ore she was llb- arated I he tug Mailln hwain anived heie from Detour In a duniagid condition, having been inn into while theiu hj the i uipeller hi. Paul The cost ol n palm will loot up no| tin from ♦.")(Xi. The supposed burning ol a sleainei oil Kond Lull, Lake Kile, last Wednesda) night, was probably groundless, as Mich appeal- aiices are not uiifitqueiit at all seasons of the year. 1'he barge W eeks, width uas dismasted by fouling with a bridge at Cleveland a few dins sluie, Is In the-Detiolt thy dot k lor at- leudauce which will sum up somewhere about $.100, A telegram to herowner at Windsor, Out., u pons the schooner ( uclhi walei logged on I ake bupeiloi Iwtut) miles distant fiom Poit Aithiir. bhe was built-in 1805 and ii 351 tons burden. Valuation: $0,000. The Moiinioi Keweenaw arrived hore on Saturday afternoon from Luke Superior, if- t'l a seiious disaster |u the Sunk liver. \s she In not jet in a pohliloi, for a survey, tin amount ol dainagea t iiinut be tleieimined upon. * Tlie scow 1 lank Mollis, wjn'yt) was inn Jlftti, stink, and tllsiiiaslitl ni'fhe silverHt. t llii, is pi i \|inis|j it purl id, haslicc n raised .,! i Ii {HUH

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