S'THE -MARINE RECORD. j .MAHlNll AI.CIHTU'IUUE. , 'J'lio nini'vcloiiH ulinupi^ «Inuli nuiriiiu iirrli Itucturo htm iniilTniuif In tliu ynrl lui-ntv yem-H, oupuclnl'y upon ilio liikt'v, Inn manor tlmt oei'iiin to In- Vm v Milln iiiiiIi'IsiihhI, III Uci,It Unut cotrilioiil, kumin tlmt innIno nrclilUTtnii', iim ii n|i|ilien to Ilie- counti iii'llim of vcbU'Ik, Ih iis I ■ 111 > (> 111111L ii n I lie nit <il ilvJI 'ongli'ticrtnit In to tliu niii^iriii'iliin nf nill- roiida. Tho speed, iwriihti'm, mill every¬ thing wlilcl) la "XprcK'il (il ii vuwl ilepi'i.ila upon tliu i-WI I mill one <>t tliu iiirliltoct, who iloeluim Iter model, mill in coiiM'qiii>nce ol llila chuIi yrair liii" iiiilcil nil linprlivciiieiil If not n coinplutc liiiiuviillun In iimrliic lnill*. Faiilllcea ol ileBlgn In n thingnl llie pu-i iih (Iio cimtriittlng purlieu Inviirliibly lU'iimiiil ii wrltli'ii giiiiruiitiiu llint tliulr vessel uIII hi' coiiMructed in u-miuiiiei wlilcli will null ♦ tltctnKelvcp. A v|nrt to llie. ollloo ol liny nlilp- blillilcr luveiih u number of cm loin ui.il In- tcrcRlliifC ililnffs in tills mutter. I'lic lli-t tiling winch will uttruct tlio nlteiitliui ol iliu visitor, II li<' bc<ii nuiitlciil until in imt, In n long mint of picpuiul models uliluli rep- rimtiii'.t'il In u nilinittire mi iiinny \ei.M In tlmt liiivoicenuitiiitriicteijliy lilm. Tin «• iiioili-lx nro cnrt'liilly preseived anil mniiin 1n lull Biglll, I'lllltT IIBUI ll'llf Ol lilt) Hlll'lAI'KB III the fiillnri) of tlielrint hllcei. To I lit; liimlliiblii't viewing these 111111111111/0 api'Lluteii* ol tenvuli there Ix n muiienem titiin.l litem, mill llicv nrti' iiniiiii'luHling in I hi't-xtri'iiit!; lint to untillenl men they in c tin loud in liln l.mtij, mill liu ulll Btiind for hour* Htmlylng eiieh model in compming It null eonm other, tlitliiitlug euiicliittloiiu I nun cneh Pf mole in luwi In¬ termit. It, requires n keen expeilenced eje to discover «hwvln a viMwI'usfimltn llu. or tnknow, in fmt, lluit »lm him miy limits lit till. The nveriigt) citizen ol ( liicugo nmv , ' admire n ve»nel null ilenoiiui'o iiiiiuher; lie may cull one beiiinllul, grnce'iil, unci Judge thtit she Is h fast miller, iintl sny ninny tlls- itgreHble: things nboitt n sister cni'tpuul then be indiscreet enough to Inipurt Ills] opinions to some nautical until. The Inttei is ei Itlcal ul«itys In spnnkiiig of vessels,nilil lie hcgllm to qiiCBtiou his ooiitldHiit just to discover whether lie is it coiinohweiir ol tlmt urilcle (ir noti mid its h rule iiuikes lidli'tiloiis his \iews by shotting tlmt they sre bused alto¬ gether on the fiicr tlmt oinSveasrl Is palmed nicely mid Hie other is not. Tho nvernge iHiidnuiu judges vessels altogether bj the condition ol their pnlut. It is mi easy iimttei , to tllsliiignislr the vessel built tt Ithln the lust decade fiom those constructed oieviutisly. not only by their pro»ervitilon but by the changes hi uiihiifitiire. There are still tunny snllors who remeuiher the old-time ___tujjHjtnil•Iwrks, wli'eli Jiehl lull »t\ny over lake nnvlgntioii. They were siniill b/eoiri- pailsou Willi the latter-day vessels, mid tteie eonstrtninid chiefly with refeieuee to speed, beamy of Hues, and what is known as silli¬ ness, or ability to carry utiivas. While these craft predominated, the commerce ol the icrent lakes was In Its Inlimey, mid Inrge tou- unge was. not in dninaiid. Models ol inatiy ' of these vessels stilt reuuiln exintit, allliough a majority of ilieui have been swept oui of existence. With the demand of iiicrmslug ton migo einne another lorn change In models. Tho beautiful clipper lines in vessels ills appoared until now they are rarely, If eter, seen. One of the ^iluUpal causes, which led to the wltlidi aw«l of Btpinrc-ruiijcd tes- sols wan a toiidencv to itdtico sailing ex¬ penses. Thev ret|ii!n< huge crews, and ves¬ sel 'iwiieis demanded trait whlih could be openucd with lew men. 'Ihese thauiies have been hastened legal dli>a ol Ihe destruction of buitity In vessels, mid sujh uiifi ns the Otiislui, Golden Age, mid Hope tire the results. The tendenc) Is to make large carri¬ ers, in ij this Is prnctli able on the lakes be¬ muse ol the proximity ol luubois ol shelter. A titrious tonture about the construction of un-elr. is the illftcrcuco w hit h exists ben teen them when built lioin the smut models mid mold* One may be pcrleet In evei t itspcu, while the other will prove a dismal Iniliiie. Theli lines are apnniently tin siiine, nnil the Mime >-lze of timber has been plneed in tliem, but tney are uevtriliLless tlilleieut, mid nobotlv knows what the difference Is. Kten the skill ol the best iliinlne iiuJilleels hns l>ilii thwarted In attempting in explain thli peculiarity-— CVnwiijo '/mm, X. 11IAI UA( 1'.. I lie stlauishlp II .1 .Jewell, the "ulie- hur-i " ol the Union I.lne, niilveil litre at 4 o'oloik jesteiiln) nluiriiooo, lintiiii; miide the liu-lcst IIlp on I'ttonl between llulliiln and this pmU, beating nil liti pietious itt- orils. '1 Ik- run lioin l'oil Union to this libit was lilatle in 28 holli* and il) iiiIiiiiiim, she lintinn passetl 1'ort Union in 11 111 o'clock llouthty forenoon. 1 lie U idu i 1. l'roM.lil the CIiIohko ami OeileiiHlmig l.lni, width Is looked upon b> her ndinliers as the livid ol ihe Jetvelt, passed I'oit Huron also, bound tip, fifty minutes niter the Jewetl. 'I'm.'Tap tain nl the Ftost said tlmt ho gullied ulgliteen minutes on tho Juwtttt finin Detroit to I'ort Huron, mid that he would bent her to Ihe upper hikes. At dusk last etuulne; the Front had not arrived. Tin t nptidn ol the Jewett stated that he saw hoi at Oelinit. 'the weather was undouloilly tt|o wnrin lot Frost.— VfiwauAt,!, iStnlim.1. Tho olllcera of the l'mst say theie was no race, and.that the Jettett wne loin honis and nhnlfaliend attheallegnilntuiiiug point. ' —Port Huron 'Iintra TliePrlncoof Wale-, wtlghs 224 pounds.' OUUVMltUVli '%?HJ MKCHAMCAL. INVKMITONS. A pnlon has been recently Issued to Mr^ F. H. Gnllek, of Ilollvor, M Y„ for an Im¬ proved stove pipe holder, which consists of an extensible hunger and an extensible hoop, contrived In ii simple aiiaiigeiiient for sus¬ pending stove pipes In a better way than by the wire suspender* commonly employed. An Improved grinding altiieliinent for vitlve* has been patented by Mr. A. Wells Casi', ol Smith Mimchester, Conn. The In¬ vention qoiiKlstsTn it viilve'liend constructed w Ills n square recess In Its fncu to rei'clvo the Bipiareenil ol a mil which slides longitudi¬ nally through ik shilling box In a screw plug uppin-lto the fiieoof the valte head, thus en¬ abling the engineer to giliu| the valve heads to their seats without removing thorn Irotii tliu vnlves. Mr. Enill C. VaI, of JefTersnii City, Mon¬ tana I Tcrrltort, hns patented n combined loldlng lire e»ea|ie mid Inddei, the plntform ot Ihe escape being a net u ink Maine ol Iron or steel, hinge J against Ihe house 111 such a poi-liloo Hint when lowered It fni ills a plut- Iiiiiii just below the window sill, n chain huldi'i nt the smiie time ttiifnldltiir from It to the ground. Wlieu not In use the ladder Is folded Into the triune nnil the I nunc Is turned i.p against the wall of Ihe house and seen led i ttte window sill. An Improved Hour mid moid holt has re¬ cently been patented by Mr. William Mo- «het,of roiighkeepnie, *N. y. Ill tills mn- chlne the course pin tides are separated first Instead of Inst, ns In the ordinary revolving bolt, and In couseqiitnie the huge llakes which coininoiilycover Ihe mo»hcs, ami pie vent the escape of the liner pin titles will be di"posed of first, u hereby the separating will be gicully expedited and fiicilltatcd. An Improved evaporator Is Ihe subject of letters patent lecenily Issued to Mr. T. L West,of Falutlue, III The liuprotenieiilt consist'In the construction and arrangement of the evaporntiug pan, the menus of sup¬ plying the eliiip to the pun, the moans of regulating the application ol the heat, and toi the management mid action of the sirup, and the sepsnul g It from the seml-sliup, as well as dlstlmrglng It finin the pan. The inventor claims it Is nunc economical In the use of fuel ami Is belter In hs application ol liuiflluin llie evnpoiatnis now In general use, ' Mr. John Speugler, of Clnrlon, Town, is the patentee of a cm movei, adapted to move rnllrond ears hj menus ol a level power ap¬ plied to the niUwnv triu k at one end, and to n Imino hewn'of the car. at the other end The lowei end ol the Implement grasp* (he luad ol the rail by means ol jiiwsanda chisel edged lever, and the uppt'i end la at¬ tached to the floor bean' of n car. A hori¬ zontal level with connecting bars is used to work the device and It linn boused attached to the inlddle of it ear Instead of nt the end, ns theupeinlorstiuds outside of the track. A "very simple ami Inexpensive steam whistle lias been patented b) Mr. Frniik Me Cube, of I'roildenco. R, 1. '1 he slemn Is ad- fnlt'ed into Ihe steuin chamber by depiess In; an ordinary t hu k valve, and the said clupnber Is prutlihd nlth n longitudinal slot for the escape of the steam. Hi Increas¬ ing or diminishing Ihe size of this slot differ em tones iiuty Le produced lu ihe whistle, and III ordei to unable the size of this aper Inn to lai vailed the Inventor lias provided tile whistle with a movable lip plate which inn\ he adjusted lu Ihe desiiid position Mi .lohu lloiipt, nl bpilniEtown, I'a., has putt nifd all hummed compound feed pump to ,i< inn bnlleis. In Ihl* Invention the' tone pump with h supplies the tvittei lo the boiler has combined with It an iiuxllhii) piinij) with ehtik vnlvo between them, the nuxiliai) pump being nrrnpued between llie Hist iinnied pump and the heater, anil both pumps tvqrklug sliuulliiiuously In like ill- tee! Inns to "piuihite mi iiitllltlal pulsation mid oveitotne anv undue batk pressuie In the cyllndir nnil supply pipe. Tliu inven¬ tion is no Improtonii mem upon n patent ginuted to Ihe same Inventtr iu August, 1182, mid the especial fiiiture of the Im- pioveiiient tonshls lu using eloiignUd pluu- geis In llie piiinpB Insiead of pistons wllh valvts In thtm —SciruttlU Amnicnn •I UK GEOLOGY OP THE GKEAT - WEST In Ills report tnxhn Naietnrv ol the In- tMloi, Mr J/W l'owill, direilpr ofthe 11 uin 11 stnles Oiologh nl sorte), gives some InttrtHtiug tints In t uloiiiilo, viduiible beds ol nnlhintlte mid nl hiltiiiilnous coal have bieu loiiiul, sui passing lu ipialllt an) heretoloie dlstoveied In iluit legion, and In¬ dications of 1'irgedepoBlts ol iron are vlBlJile. KvldcnecB nf tlie furiiH-T exl»teiiee#of n largo liesh water hike In western Nevadii have been dlstoveied. Ttucesot it vasleuntlnen'liil glnclor have been lrmilil,<r>f so'well dellned n tharnclii as pn-slhlv In i lunge the pteseul gcologltal ioiiililiiloiis.nl pluvious exploia- tious. In tin wmk doni-l* inilndtd a sut- vej ot the ( n-iado inline lu Ortgon mid Ninthein Cnllliu nia. Ml Powell hiij h that this'region Is ptihap* Ihe holdei of the Runniest and most extensive display ol mil in nl phtiinmi nil In tho win Id, and its ex¬ ploration and thorough Investigation will add giently to Ihe latts ol geologic stltncO. —(Sciuiiylc jlmei icarj. The New American Dictionary only $1.00 ■ ' " tOnlriliiB i;«Oft HV<.IIAVl\IJK nnit lOO VMllW MltltM tliiiu nity other Hook or thn bind fvnr piililiihed Tlili utulul aikL aleumit vnhinit Ii » I lbr*rjr ■lit) Knojrcln|ioiIU or KBimrHl kmiwIfltlKO.MwnllMlhoboit IMclltiiitry In th« world Hup«rtity botmil In clntli mill ullt No tincket tsnTnlr, lint»1 Mrcto vnln < « ItonnUlnfoverr unoful w(iri1luUioHnilli'ln»n(iNt(H»l*lthUitniBniuanln|,d«rl»iiloinipolUrRtittl RrntiunclHtion mn|» vmt amount i f ftbinhitoljr rtW"«»ry |nlnrm|itlnn u\m* clntirn llythnlnpy,H1ri(ir»ph),AmDrlcmirlllt.t(ir)r,lii«ilv*ntl»ntt(HidInlerMt UwN.eic. bain* n finrfprt IJIirnrr of Rctfrrfinr*, Wrt»t«f'■ Wo uuarjcotnll oo iitid UivNaw Amnrkan IHctini)»rjco»ti only fliOO Ilmd what the Pr*fM« Says t "Wuhnvenawiriopulu uquul elth«f In iirlea flnliltor oontenU "—Thk 'AnroflATK "WoriW ibii tlmaa tha TOonB.r i'-Thirunn and Pabikb ' A parr* a dictionary unit IHiwynfrafaranea '•^iKii.iBlil.'DNKWft, "WitiM; rranitunt Occiilim to na* tho New Amarlenn Dlctlnnary In oiir orncAind rtuard Itwiillwnrintlmprfro ' —(JhrutuhUNtON "WiththoN»«r AmeHcNn Die tlnimrj In ihollbrnry forrnfaranra, many «ih«r iniirh m«ra oipanalTn wnr«« can bndlNr>an>ad wlih, nndlnnnmnranrhU eimiiiry, hlatory, builnsu, law. ott, .lilnuxeuiablnlit any man "-HciKHTirifl Aiianiciir IVotn thri prlcn Si.00 PMt pnlili Two4'«Dlri for SI«7B* Extraordinary Oflier. iffiWKrf/jo'il wn wlllnotid niKK aaniirflmlumttinAmiirlcan Walerbury Htsm Wlndlnffwai WaterburyH ....... ....., .lllvarlluntlr. wo inti I fnia. * I lily a Hnlld Uold Hum wo will aonil Iron, a Hnlld Hllver lluiUlnffCMa Waloh wo will aonil froo, flotiU' Rotlit tiold HunlltiR Cam Wntcfc iijrwaich .,_ . jloh aa«« Mfatim— Hand a tli llnr al i ncn tor a aam|klo cop* You can oaally *naum one or tl watcliua in »dny or two or during your Isliuro tlmo « veiling! Addroiii *Wor»d M'f'g Co,, 122 Nassau Street, New York. THIS Sl'FNMl) COIN SILVER HUNTING CASK WATCH FREE I knit: tlU AM EW AMERIOAN ICTIONAmiH OAe Hollnr Knrh. * Any imrrnin dan roa Illy aocnra nr taon aubicrlhsriln ni^uor two hnurn orlh aaliifflonvnnltiR If ymi want nRoodHoiidColnHllvnrlViitcli and w«nt lu tint tt Without Mnnm youcanoaatlydoio H«ml Onfl Ikflillnr for a aamplA co|)> <>r tho Now Amnrlnnn Dlotlon- nrynnd lunliiweaiiy you can K">t tip a chib nrvirtnon. WHAT AtiKKlT* RAYt Inhtalnort Mniiliaorlbonilnaainanymlnulni ltoRT H Woob, offlcnoftliq Audlioroftho Troiuurj I' 0 Do par t man t Waili liiaton I) L —I unci)rod oo lubicrlbora In ona aftarnonn UU* I aura Coll, AnnniirilU, Mo—Hold my Premium Silver Watch drill A B tiurken, PloroncD, Uo Rand money by roslit«redlntii)r«r l'oil Oflloo Unncy Ordor 48 I'au* Illuiiratea Caialiiithaof Ouni Bolf cocltlnp lta\olvon Teleicupoi SpyQIuapa Walchoi, AcrordiNina Vlo)lni,Orjian«ll«», Uaslc Lanterni, to fTM WOELD HJlNuTO CO., 122 Rush BItmJ, Heir Tort DISEASE CURED Without Mfldtalna. t Valuable l>Ucovery/or tvpplylny MagnttUm lo'thi' llu- man Syiient Lltdlricily and MaynttUm utllivd at ntver before /or Healing the Sicl THE MAGNETON API'IANCE CO.'S Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR MEN IP WAREuNTED TO CDRE WK.rrr; witlmm mfdl( iue:—Vain is thk rack, uu'fl, qe«d ok L1MU8, NFIiVOlia UKIIIIITY.MrMIUflO, UUNKIUI DKII1L- 1TY, nilKUMATIHH, PAliAlYHia NBtlltAUlIA, BCIATttA, DIHKAflKflOP THK KlnNKYB HI'INAI. D1NBABK8, TOIIHI) Ln«K, Gout, Hetnlnnl KmUnlona, Itni>oteiivy, A*thin», Heart UIhouh, I»>*tp»|»«l«, Oonitlpn- tlpn: Eryaltwlaa, liidlffeatlon, Hernl» ur Rup¬ ture; ( otarrli, Pilau, EpllBpay, l>umb Airue, etc. Whtiuanr tl Wl«y *»' Jl»M ofcNKItATJVK OH- t.ANH occurn LpMt Vitality, Lack of Norvo Force mill Vigor, WuatiilK Wflttltlioan, and all thoao Ultt- ouattaufK ptrsoiml tinturo. from whattvircniHt, tliu lontlnumia ntreum of MuKiit'lltm jkii mta lug thruiitfll tlm parts, limit rmtnro tntin to h lieiltliy uclion 1 here in no ittlhlwko nlxtul tliiu u|iulliiiicu TO THE UDIESl-rJT^wllSlSi of the Nptnei FuIIIiik of tho Womb, Ixmcorrhtmi, Chrunlu 1 nilun»mullun mid Ulrerntlun of the Woiuh, Inotileutal UemorfhA(f>» or Flooding, I'^lnful, Nuppreiifed und Irre^ulitr Menitrun- tloif, UMrreiiiieiiK, unit ChiAnffe of Ufo UiU Ih the I!e»t Appllnnt'e uuil Curative A Kent known. ror all funui of Female IXfllcultlea Itta uuaur- puiidcd by itnyililnti '>< ton lnvouto I, both w u ciirntivo »({<!»t and iib h a mrco of powur und vIIuIieuiIuu, Price of rlthm Ikltwali Magnetic Innolcn, 910, root by tixprew C. 0 I', and cKHiiunition allowed, orby mull on iculplof price In orduring send uioaauroof wHiat, and aizu of sliue, Kenihtancc can be niud« in currenty, Btnt lu Inter at our rink flic M 'gutton Uurtneula uro uduptcd to all ages, arc worn <>vi r ilio uiiHor clotliln/, «ol next to the body like the ipiuiy Oulvuntn und Elertrlc llurabuf{H ud\ertlnn(l no extenalvely, arid should b« laktn olT ui ulttlK Thoy Ituld Hulr IMW l.H I'UHi.VHii, ^d aru worn ut all fltaSons of tin \ tnr bcud mniiip Inr iliu"Ni w iKpuituru In M«1IluI tirnlt- nitnl Ulthont Medicine," wj|h iHoumuids of ttBtl nioi.iuls THLMAtlNFl IN Al'PUANCh CO, ■J1H Mtute Street, Chicago, IU. Notk —Sund nnu doll ir lu porttu^o ntauipfl ' r turti i\ cy In ktltritt our itwlt. with nil of tihcn iTitimlly worn und try out M«g""H(- Inwlui) an I Ih. cotiviuco l of tliu iMiwir n^ldiutf lu our otlicr MuKuuiIl AppliaucLR l'ositi\(l> imtold fail when tiny uro worn, or mouey rAf undid FOR SALE. AT TI1L GLOBE IRON IRKS, SI I UNI) HANI) TUIIIILAH liOIl ' It 44 Inthn ill uimitt-r 4t tulitn J Imluri tliiniiitcr und 12 (out long htiuni driiiu 10 IntliiB dliiuiiiiir 4U it ctiua hiuh, fuiir gruliit, flitlngit nmi hnecUltigH K od ordor si COM) HAND MAlUNi-. HOIl I It, In notfl ordor Sliill, 7-16 lutlt Iron pint*, illiiim tot. 11 Iit-t fllndiad li'i'utli IH ftit, Wl) lubti 4 liu ItuH In dlumoler, II fuel 0 iiichta Iim k Hint llut.ii 18 lutliim uUmutur, *wo flues U lnihm dliiintkr two tlittia III 1 I IucIuh diiimultr. lire box, G feci loii)., 4 (ml lilfilij ntu mi chimney, 7 (out high, hl(i)NI) HAND MAUIN1 Itoll LU (our fiU wldi, 0 1 .IfiLt luitLj 5 Kit high, ulXly-fonr I 1 .' inch tubta tH) luulifiii long, CbtliLtii bretLbiiH, good us nuw SI o 'NI> HAM)MAllINr LNti IN l.t double direct- acting fixB iucli cyllndur, uliafl und whiul fur yacht or tug, good 14 ULW H> V. BOEGMAH, Proprietor, The Madison, (I'OIIMI 111 \ 111 U HI HDliHI') Detroit, Mich. MoNt (tilllrllllA LoimtoU htrect film imh" llm ilmii evcij tm\ inliiiitcs tn lJt'polH nnil all pnrlH ot tliu City. Tini'u minim'h walk to h S &, M S, I) & M, anil Wuliiihli Depute. Bstei II00. to 12.00 pet dsy. a H RAND H. D. IlURtlH RAND&BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS. WITH JDZEBTT DOCS • ATTACnBD TO TUG WORKS. • ALSO l'KKI'ARKI) TO DO WEEOKING AND TOWINO WITH THK Tug John ^.Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC,WIS. A. ANDREWS, HARDWARE, Ranges, Stoves & Tinware, No. 259 Detroit St., CLKVKLAND, OHIO. F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Mannfactiirers of Hotel Ranges & LannUrr Stoves, and. Dealer in 128 8UPEKIOU ST., CT.KVKt.ANn, 0. Capt. D. S. Webster, \HASI I. AMI IN»l!ltAN(I.A<ILN1 Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, IMC, llOUlllll ANll H(1L1M1N COMM188I0N Ghartcnna anil Freighting of Cartas Coarse Freights Specialty, *> No. 64Woodbrldge Street Detroit, Mlohlgu