Marine Record, October 18, 1883, page 5

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THE MARINE RECORD. 6 IRON MARKET REPORT. l , Ci.v.vklaM), Out. 18. The mitrkot lias boon dull bnt'stciidy, with .a limited .domand. Wo quote, all Iroe on board ears at Cleveland: - n Wot. 1A 2 charcoal.................■...................J2I 00SM 01) Noil. 8, i, nail li ohnrroal............-..........,. 25 IW('$27 00 1 No. 1 all Lnko Huporlor ore, coke foundry 'it (Xl('C22 00 Na. 2, all 1-ako Huporlor ore, coku foundry 20 00(il'U.oo Mill fronii.................................................. IS 60 Ho. 1 American Sciteh...........................IS ISO Ko. 1 Hoft silvery......v...„:................. 20 M@3I Nl Jteporttll by ft. J.. Jlarjtrr II Co., Ctnctnvntt. There Is no change In tbu condition of things' slnco our last> report. " Consumers feel assured that their wiiuts can bo readily supplied at any time, atld entertain no ap-. brehensions of a searcltly that will affect their requirements. In the minliitimc, pro- ' du'ctlon of Iron' 1b on the decrease, lind.ln- sufficient to-day to supply a healthy or nor¬ mal demand. ,U'Ib a question of time when the crude metal will be sauce enougn tn bo appreciated. The Frenchman who-did not need his money bo long as he was sure he could got It, but was exceedingly anxious to - "have It when there was some doubt about his getting It, may Illustrate the position of pig iron consumers- to-day. and in the near future, in this country, while there is no likelihood or occasion for a sharp advance, prices are lower than tho real situation war¬ rants. We quote as prices current r I'OllHIlltY. Hanglns-nnck Cliareoal No. 1.................J23 25 lo tit is llnnxlnu Rock ClinmuU No. 2...... 222.1" 2.126 BUong Nculral Coke No. 1.................. 1460 '• 2060 " " »• No.2....v..l............ 1800" IIIUI ABOTlcan Scotch, No 1..........................16 60 to 1060 UaBYJ.OIU)K.7 Noutrn] Coko...............................,'........817 00 to SIT 60 ColdShort..........:.............................. 10 50" 17 00 CAK WIIBKI. ANI, MAI.LUAni.U. HftnRing Hock, Blrjctly cold blast........ 827 75 to28 26 " " warm blast....................24 00 " 24 50 1/iko Superior "Vulcan" all grades..........2'00 '• 27 00 Southern Cur Wbool,Mrlclly cold blast... 27 00 " 2860 ~""----------_™ ■ i ■----------- [ Continued from lnl ptiye.] Continental, of Now York. Tho crew were all Bavod. ^ "Your correspondent, on Saturday, paid a visit to the boat building establishment of Sean & Co., located In this city on Atwater street, and was -surprised at the extent ol their operations and the Improvements In- trod icoh In this line ol naval architecture. Tholrjjlilldltigs, largo and coinmodlousj em¬ ploy quite a number of hands who turn out an average of one boat pur day, or six por week. A boat suitable lor tho .largest craft on the lakes can be turned out In two and n half days, including painting. Two lads can cut out and put In shape a boat lu twenty minutes. Tho planking for a four.teen foot boat Is made ready in ton minute*. Though .built strong ami substantial, tlrey are light. In weight, requiring hut two men, one at each fall, to hoist It to tho dav|ts. They linvc lid knees, mid though planked as other boats, require no calking. Another specialty in their lino ■ that of life boats, which' are considered superior to the metallic, are more easily handled and, when once seen, require no endorsement. Their establishment 'Is probably unsurpassed west of New York. In oonncotloqwlth tho fnrogolng I should bo quite remiss should 1 omit mentioning a novel invention which, ll'-over attempted be¬ fore by others, lias unlit now failed to prove a decided success. This Is what Dean & Co. style a water velocipede, which, In lorm, Is like those used ou terra 111 ma, vl/., one wheel forward and two alt, | arallel » lib eaeli other but cylindrical lu style. The tiller wheels have on the outside seven Sheet iron tans 4x0 Inches square, which seive as the pio- pelllng power. The forward wheel Is three feet lu eircuinfeicnce, the others loin feet. The drums of all the wheels are of sheet iron, ami the whole Is painted In unique style. As to Its proving a sueceaa, tbeie Is no gain¬ saying, as a trip across the Detiolt .river was performed a few days slnco In the short space of twenty minutes. Il r")Ust be seen In order tu comprehend more\dettnltely its true character. __,, ' I ClII^AliO. \ Ifyecitil to the Murine liecoitl. J A'B tho schooner Flcotwlug—wits being towed out the tow lino parted and alio drifted over against the plot', smashing her Btern and sustaining other damages. On Friday oveiilng last the stcambargo George Dunbar collided with a canal boat In tow ol a tug going' up the rlvor and sank her, she was loaded with B,bill) bushels of cnil and the loss on the cargo and vessel will bo abouj *a,(»0(>. The tug Parmclcc, with the schooner R. P. Mason in tow, tried to pass the tugs Loreun and ,1. V. Taylor, with the large schooner' M. E. Tremble In tow, near Cly- bourn avenue brldgo yesterday. As results the Mason lost her tnlzzenniast- iind main rigging, and the Tremble Im.l hor.great Jib- boom sprung. The schooner Kibe, ol Milwaukee, is in the hands of the marshal at this port. She arrived with a cargo of culled lumber.. The captain who Is part owner, sold tho cargo and disappeared without paying off the crew. No ono wasjeft in change of the craft., The crow concluded Unit tho captain was trying to defraud>(th0in out of their falrpay,so they have got out a libel against the Bchoonoraiid It was seized. Grain vessuls were,In moderate demand -t/wlay at nnolianjicd rates. Several large Kteain and sail craft weie chartered to take ore from Eacanahii to, Lake Krlo porta. Among these Were the schooners M. S. Bacon, Sunrise, Uopaldsun, and J. Bigler. The best rales obtainable on grain cargoes Is on a basis in" 3'^a tin- corn, and 3J;fc for wheat to Huftalo. Several telegrams wero roi'chcil from Milwaukee asking for vobsoIs to conic theic and load wheat lor BurTalb at Chicago ra'os. A heavy southeast galo has prevailed for two days. The schooner.Potiel, bound from Biiruham's Pier for Milwaukee, with a cargo ol wood, water logged oil Sheboygan this morning. Ilor cargo was jettisoned In order to keep her afloat. Signals of distress wero made, but owing to a heavy sea tugs did not ventuic oat. On reaching tho piers she broached to mid sunk. She 1b now a total loss and Is going to pieces. The crew were saved. The Petrel was built in 1807, valued at $1,300, and was uninsured. She was wrecked at Milwaukee last May and three lives lost, but was repaired and again set alloat. The schooner Pilot arrived bore on Thurs. day last from Milwaukee where alio had iindccgone repalra to damages sustained by herdielng In collision with tho schooner R. Hallarau a short time ago. The following changes pf vessel masters have been recorded at the custom house: John C. Maddock, aohoonor Adventure, vice II.G. Hamilton jJWIlllam Courtlaud, schoon¬ er Conucaut,^lce Captain Ruben Caasidy; William Wahlinan, schooner C. G. Mixer, vice 11- C. Fulton; S. Chrhjtlatisun, subr. J. LooihIb McLaren, vice Charles Swoiison; P. C. Roach, tug Robbie Dunham, vice i'addy Gorman; Arthur Magulro, tug J.C. In¬ gram, vIceCaptalu.Elllntt P. Loarned. The barge Michael Corry collided with the schooner Gipsy, ol Sheboygiui, In the liver on Monday morning and carried away the jibboom, bowsprit and cathead of the latter. The steilmbargo Wilds collided with the schooner Adirondack at Twellth, street brldgo and carried away the hitter's bow¬ sprit'. The crew of the Ivvnnstoii life-saving sta- ' lion did good service to the schooner Piaiict on Wednesday, the lUih Instant, by going to 1 her oll'Grossc Point, where she had sprung a leak, and manning tliu pumps, thereby sa\ - higher from sinking until a tug arrived and towed her Into this port, when alio was taken to Millet Brothers'drydoclT. At Miller Brothers' drydock the sclioouei Noriiuin was calked; schooner Planet was calked; slealnlmlge Michael (iroll had a leak stopped ; tug .I. W. Paruielee got her aboe llxed; schooner Moses Gage was re-calked.; schooner Dauforlh got anew centreboard; schooner H. 1*. Mason goi a new iiii//c|iuiiim and mi/./.eu U puia-l; schoonci (iips), a new jibboom, topmast and cathead. At tlie Chicago I-)i vdock Company's dock schooner .lapan had her holloui calked; tug Rebel got a leak slopped; schoonci Belle llrown, anew shoe, and rudder Muck anil some calking ; sleambaige IVhllcand l-'ilaiit, her alloc lepaheil and a new wheel, ^chnoucr Scotla, a new rudder stock; barge \\ hliheck, a new boom ; schooner Alice, a new jthhoom ; schooner Adirondack, a new bowsprit; barge Mlnnecoiiuc, a new >ruddei'Btock; schooner Bangalore,'calking; schooner Kitty Grant, calking; schooner Waukesha, some repairs; schooner M. L. Higgle, new boom and some calking; schooner Two Fannies, ceiling calked; tugC. W. Parker was lilted at the derrick and had a lino taken out ol her wheel; the steiini canal boat U. J. Moore was Uftcd at Iho den Ick and got a new wheel. Captain Falcon, llie well known subma¬ rine diver ul Chicago, is about to start "With a wrecking crow for New Orleans, where he will, If pOBdble, raise the steamship Qresluuii, which Is laying ot the upper city limits lu 00.feel of water. The steamship Is 200 feet In length, 11-1 feet beam and 2!) feet deep and measures TflOO tons. She Is of Iron,built anil owned at New Cas:le-on-Tyiie, England, hy Messrs. Smith & Co., anil In¬ sured by Schofleld, of the saine"'r lace, and was valued at $150,000 when she sank about two yeilra ago, by drifting foul of a steam¬ ship anchored In the river, and punching the flew of an anchor, through her quarter. A Cincinnati wiecklng company tried to raise her by means of chains and capst/tns, and spent some $1,000 but did'not succeed and abandoned her. Captain Falcon ,went to New Orleans In February last, and in¬ spected her,and will proceed to raise heron terms cf 7u per cent, of the ship's vii'uc. Ill'l'I'ALO. ' The body of a man was found floating In an eddy lu the Niagara river on Monday, above tiro old si-sponsion brldgo. It was entirely nude, with tbu exception of a blue stocking upon one foot. The -body shows marks of having been in an accident ol some kind, and it Is thought twhe that of one of the missing Colorado victims. A somewhat .embarrassing point appears to have been reached In the Colorado ex¬ plosion case. Tliu Investigation was ad¬ journed until to-morrow, when It was hoped that the Injured men would be ready to teatlfy. It now appears that Engineer Lovott, tho ono moBt Interested In the case, Is far from recovered, and If he is not to appear it would be cruel to admit further direct testi¬ mony against him In bis absence. It Is stated that the -developments of the ease have told seriously against bis chances of recovery. However this may bu, there will probably be some unimportant witnesses ex¬ amined, and the most direct part ol the testi¬ mony held over until It can be confronted •by Mr. LoWtt. Damaged.wheat, coin, apd floxseod Is' offered for salo at Buffalo. There uro 105,- 000 bushels. The grain was in tlfe Steenberg Elovntor, recently destroyed by Ire. The boilers of tho steamship Fred Mercur wero tested by Inspectors ;Learmouth and Dickson, and under a cold water pressure of 140 pounds tho front of them showed a Blight defect: Last year they were allowed a working pressure ol 110 pounds. This last test waB twenty-live pounds lighter than that used last, ycai. yCoal freight*on Monday were extremely Active Jiatos "were somewhat mixed; 110 cents wag .reported to have been paid, al¬ though nothing definite could bo ascertained. Engagements: Elizabeth Jones, forCbleago, lUao; W. H. Illinium, lor Milwaukee, 00c; Wayne and Whitney, for Chicago, at 80c, having chartered to arrive. On Tuesday J I.(10 was paid tho charters at that rale being propeller Queen of tl]o West and the scboon cr Ellen Spry, tu Chicago; and schooner Annie Sherwood to Milwaukee. MD.WAl KKK. Heavy shipments of grain from here are looked for until the close of the season, and bettel rains are expected. The rales are now on a basis of llj^e lor ivheati to Itnllido. 'Hie schooner Australia, reported inls-iug for three weeks, and given upas lost, has been heard trom. Tbeie is a big deinand for grain cnrrieis at this port, but there aic tew vessels. Tlnei regular lino propellers were chartered In- day lor wheat u> Itnlb.lo. . . It is ruitioied thai llie Seaman's I idon would 11 x uages al $.'i.5ll per day, au alliance ol 111 iv coutsi This will no doubt be a surprise to vessel owners, most ot whom ba\e been complaining ol the advance of a week oi two ago, lioin $2..10 to tfl.00 per day. claim¬ ing (hut Iho wages were cxhorhilaut chii> sideling the freights. osu i.uo. The steamers Toionto and India on the Niagara and Toronto louto, connected with the Michigan Central and Canada^'Southern .railroad Hue, have laid up for tho season of 188:). Captain J. Daggett during tho year lias been manager of the line. On Friday, tliu steamer C. II. Dimmers corn lailcu, was sunk in liiu Eric canal, above Schenectady. Tho schooners Sea Foam ami Monitor are on Slitcliell it Gallagher's drydock. The dredge Wolverine Is doing good work ' on the out ran In (lu; harbor. - Tlie survey on tho Typo has been com¬ menced. ,.■'"» I'oIlT COI.IIOIINK. 1 The schooner W. Y.' Emery has liikcn tho cargo ol'lumber of the wrecked Hercules. Tho schooner X«ruay wiis.,rlghtc(l up anil taken to Port Dallmiistn to lie docked.. The propeller Roanoke has beep lying at Welliuid since Saturday night, being unable to get through jJijb aqueduct on account of the low water occasioned liy the easterly and nnrlhcrly w,Iiic1b Which have prevailed horo since yesterday. Other vessels bound down arc also being delayed In consequence of tho low water. -n ' KINIISI'ON. Tbo Hiram Calvin pulled off the John A. Inst evening with one jerk,-alter forty cords of wood had been removed off her deck. She was not damaged any. Shu has been taken lo Garden Island, where she will be laid up for the winter. The work was done under the supervision ol Mr. A. Malone, Ciilvhi'iSs Sun's uciv and rising wrecker. The Ameri¬ can government w as very courteous In allow¬ ing a.Canadian boat to do the wrecking. • Mill:. On Friday, Oct. 12, .he steamer Ontario, of lteatty's-ltne, which leftSiirnia Thursday night siiith about :i()0 tons ol freight, 100 deck and 40 or 50 cabin passengers, for liuluib and Intermediate ports, wont hard aground about :< o'clock p. in. during a heavy fog about half a mile from shore about eight miles'southwest of Port Elgin. After Ineffectual ell'orts lo extricate her from her rocky bed, and fearing the effects of Jjie ap¬ proaching storm, Captain James McMaugbi about midnight, decided to laifd tlie ladies 'iml children, which was successfully carried out, altbouicli a heavy sea was running at the time. This morning the'balance of the paBBcngers were also Bafely put ashore, and are encamped in a wood on the beach. Every care and attention Is being paid to their wonts by the ofHcers of the steamer. The steamer Is awaiting the arrival of a steam tug, when it is hoped that she- will be Hot safely oil without Injury If tho weather remains favorable. She is resting on the bottom, in about eloveu teet of water. Her bold llavlug been tilled with woter to atcady her, no damage Is believed to havo been done to her bottom up to the present time. Great praiae is due to the captain, olllcers, and crew for their admirable conduct under the trying circumstances. Lieutenant McConncll, Superintendent of tlie third life saving district, Long Island, was detailed to come to Erie tins week to Investigate tlie charges prelerred against Captain Clark, ol tho llie suing station at Oils port'. The chin ges grew out of tho drown¬ ing ol James O'Brien and two others who were out on n Sunday excursion last July, ami wherein It was alleged that Captain Clarke had not responded lo the alarm with aiifiloicul promptness. The investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of Cup- tain Clarke and his crew. SICIIUKOX HAY. The new light near Shei wood's point was displayed lor tliu llrst time Wednesday night, and Is a valuable acquisition to the light¬ houses ol ibis legion. The lug l'eiisaukec is employed in tow- li g logs from Menominee and 1'eshilgo to I lie llolt'iv. Ilalcoin mill, Oconto. The key holding hoi -cieii go;'loose last Fiiday, obliging hei logo lo Red in ei, w hui'e there ale colli colonics lor lidsing llie stern of a disabled lug. >he was repaired on Naluiday ninj leturued In l't'slitlgo tor a latt on .Sun¬ day. The lug Leathern made some rapid lime on halinday, having taken foni heavily laden schooners, from Menominee in the hike, passing through the canal just flvo hours from the moment she stinted. They don't all make such runs ne lids, or II they do they keep 'mighty.quiet about It. The schooner ('. A. King, me laden from Kscanaba to Chicago, found tlie southeastern too heavy for her on Monday, iind when oil' the ship canal signaled fur assistance, Tho tug Spear brought her Into the harbor, where the sea was so lilgls that the' King stVuck bottom In sixteen lect of water, disabling her iudder. Tlie damage was repaired, and on Tuesday tlie Spent was lowing. Ihe ves¬ sel Into the lake when a davit was broken, causing the King lu again return l.o the har¬ bor. Tlie diiMI was mended, and nn Wednes¬ day morning tho tcsscl resumed her voy¬ age.— -bo la'iltu

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