Marine Record, September 27, 1883, page 5

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c THE MARINE RECORD. IRON MARKET REPORT. The Cleveland markot Is without.quotable -change. Foundry grades are In some re¬ quest, bui ilieic Is mi -peelnl movement. i2s mtn oo is mm on 24 oogJ7 no 23 00«2n 00 5S HOIS')? 00 . 28 «](S33 00 CHAM OAl. 1MO III0Y No 1 Lake Hnparlor... , , . ^o 2 l.iko Superior ... Nos t and 4 take miporlor ., **n<. fiandO I-nlc* Superior . . S"" 1,2, M l>, Dillshury . . Southern Car wheel .......,...,„ , - Jtfijntihftt by J, / llarjier A Co, Llwiimntt Theeoii«tltuent elements Qf I he mill kot ate unchanged. There Is nil I in pi oveil tonus howevor, Inquliies being quite numerotls nnd vdlumo of business slightly Increased. Wo qnoto as prices current: ' POUKtinY. Hanging Rook Charcoal No. 1..............m 76 to 124 2i Hanging Roclt Charcoal No 2 , , 22 SO " Zt 25 Strong Neutral Coko No 1......... . It) 50 " 2050 " " • No 2 . . 18 00" 10 00 Amorjoin-tojtcli, No 1 ...» .......18 BO to 10 00 C \ obev ponaa. NouAral CoM ........ JIT JO to lis 00 told ShorK ; . . Jo 60" 1700 \ CAn WIIBEL AVI, UAI LBAM.P. Hnjlglng Roclt, slrlctl> colli blast 928 00 to 28 75 ' ' " warm hlast ^4 00 "24 60 Lako Superior "Vulcan" all grades 2' 60 Southern Car Whool, strictly cold hlsit 28 00 " 20 00 [Continual fiom HI p«j/e,] iiioiie pel coid. The supply Horn tlio Enu Is putty ncaily exhausted. The bulk shipped from the Saginaw valley goos to points fartli- ei east. The quantity an IVing here hns been <[ li I te limited thus fat this season. At Windsor, opposite, ineaupplvof lumber is trom various points In Georgian Bay wljjfl, a liberal supply on hand which is shippe/Ty exclusively on Canadian vessels. Theie are also Lwo or three coal depots at that place which lecelve patronage from steamers owned on either side of the line. The hulk of a sunken steamer was plainly -discernible it few days since near Craw ford's <iuniry, on Lake Huron, appaientlv In a well preserved condit'on. It was pi obably the remains of the steamer Bruce Mines, which lotindcred In that locality November 1854, freighted with supplies for the mining re¬ gion. Here Is an opportunity for wrecking experts to test theli genius as the w ater is of moderate depth, not exceeding forty ,feet. The steamer Spartan, which completed her repairs some three weeks since,still remains. Captain MoGiegor states tljat tho difficulty is with the Insurance company. Her repairs have been definitely arrived at and amount to $34,000. Tho Insurance company claim that much of the lepairs Was wholly unnec- i-hiiry, and accordingly do not feel disposed to loot so exoibltans a bill. H. W Gmiigei, Unltod States Inspector o< -jteun > easels hore, has resigned to accept the superintendency of the Detiolt drydock «ugine, he also becomes it stockholder. Barge Conemangh and towbarge Aiizons u e ashore at Grindstone City. rorientand Manlst*quelosta huge raft of umber oft Sand Beach durltg Wednesday night. 1'he schooner Lucy J.Clark, bound up, v cut ashore at Cheboygan. A large fleet of vessels are a( that point and also at Sand Beach. HAN,DlHK\ biiecial to the ilartne IlffMril , '1 lie squall that Btiuck this plnco Moiida) itternonn was the seveiest that has been felt loi man) a long yeal. 1 he onlj accident leported Is the capsiz¬ ing of the pound bout belonging to \dam Midi, of this tow ii she left In the morning loaded with twlpe to sit In the cape, and when they wero a couple ol miles fiom the ohoie the squall struck them, Instuntlj lurii- nig them ovei The stouu Increased in vio¬ lence till lt blow a perfect, gale. The men, James White, M. White and Ed Slaokford, clung to tho boat Waiting for assistance. <'nptalu Moore, of tho tug Cal Davis, know¬ ing that there weio fishing boats out on the lake, Btarted out and picked them up. One ol the men was very nearl) doad, having .boon washed off tho boat bo often. While the tug was trying to savo the pound boat -die got a lino In hoi wheel and waa disabled, being unable to move, when she was In this condition tho tug Patrick Henry, of Clove- land paB88d by and was , signalled, She checked up and inquired what was the mat- tei, and on being told she quickly went on hei way leaving (he tug and the pound boat crow to the mcroy of the olomonts. The lino waB.finally gotten oul of the Davis' wheel and alio got to town. It wasifound impossible to save the pound boat and it was abandoned. About (160 worth of twine was lost. The boat was woitli about (200. A Bmall boat was also lost M,r. Stoll's loss Is about |S75. Forepiitigh's circus was In session when tho hiirilcnno struck this town, and the pnnlo which took place there beggars de¬ scription, men, women and children ollrob- Ing out us' bost thoy oould. Luckily no one jviis seriously hurt. The canvas was badly trim but things wero patohotLup sufficiently .fo-glvo a performance In tho evening. ' PORT COUlOnNB. SjuoUtl to tht JVoWm RKord Tho schooner Norwayi of Kingston, owned by Calvin * Son, Of Garden Island, wont ashore while trying to make this harbor Monday, night. She Is lying on rock bottom east of tlio piers dismasted, full of water and llkoly to prove n total loss. Slio. was bound from Byng'Injetto Kingston, laden with timber; No Insurance. The brig Hercules, bound down tho hike with lumber for Tonawandn, ran ashore cipu of tho piers while trying to get Into the har¬ bor. She lies on sand bottom, and will llkolv be got olf without much damage. The Her¬ cules Is ownod by W. Y. Emery, of Port Burwoll. The crowd of both vossels came ashore In the small boats. Tho propeller Waltei L. Frost, whloh ar¬ rived hero Tuesday morning reports having a vory rough night, and had to run undor Long Point for shelter. A*nember of vessels and steamers are ly¬ ing in tho harbor wind-bound. The schooner Mary arrived from Detroit, having suffered considerable damage to Her sails. tort hunoN. The Canadian schooner Cecilia was at> tached by United States Marshal Graves to satisfy a claim for towing by S. B. Grum mond and for advanced freight money by Merrick, Fowler & Kelsey, both of'De¬ troit. The schooner is bound up with a load of brick for Port Arthur, The schooner Wlnslow was got off. Wednesday night and Is at Alverson & Co.'s dock loi iepulis. The cribs are all down at the Sand Beach breakwater. Tho sovoral appropriations of (100,000 have been expended and (175,000 more is needed to complete the work. Last year 1,022 vessels with a tonnage of 280,703, found shelter at the harbor of refuge. When the pioposed dredging is finished there will be an area of about 100 sores outside the eighteen-foot line and 300 aores outside the twelve-foot line. The steambtiige Sanilac, bound down, ran aground on tho middlo ground, noarl'oit Edward on Sunday night, during a heavy rain squill on Sunday night. Tugs Sweep¬ stakes and Bob Ilackett went to work her oil at daylight. They had been working but a short time when the Hnckett got out of po¬ sition ao that tho Sweepstakes could work ahead, and the Sweepstakes picked up tho Hackett'g towlino In her w heel. The Sweep¬ stakes then went agiound and Ib still on at noon to-day. The collector ot customs at Samla seized the Sweepstakes for wiocklug in Canadion waters. Tho steambargcOutoniignn was destioyed by fire nt tho southeast bend Sunday night. 'I he file was first discovered near the smoke stack, and spreail bo quickly that tno crew could do nothing to check (he flames. She was grounded neiu tlio Star Island House, where she burned until there Ib nothing left of hi r. Mic was instiled with a fire risk of (8,000. Slio had no cargo, and was bound for Bay City with three bargos In tow. 'Iho steainburi.e East Saginaw foundered below Sand Bench harbor 'I ucsday morning. Sho was bound up with foiu biurgcifln tow. Captain Harry Rlchaidscn, of tho steamer, says that she was holding the tow to the westward, ttjing to make the harbor It was blowinglicavj^fiom the northwest and ruining hard. She sti lick the reef south of tho pletB and biokc her wheel. She was on the rocks from hull past 10 until 1 u. in., Impounding heavily. Her canvas was set, and the steamer caino oil and drifted into the lake, leaking until the Urea weie piit out by water. The crew then took to the yawl boat until thoy wero plokod up by tho propeller Conouiaugh. Tho steward of the Saginaw had a vory narrow cscjlpe for his llfo. Alter trying four times Captain Cochiane.of tho Conemaugh, succeeded lu gelling tho crow on boaid and in lived here at 4 p. in. The Sagluaw was owned by F. W. Gilchrist and others, of Alpena. Captain Rlchaidsou was part owner, and BuflToraoftJio 1oaa gfJIJ.OOO. Sho was thoroughly robulrBhrec years ago at Detroit and vol nod at '(24,000. Three bargos of tho to* are now at anchor oft Sand Beach. Tho Wend-Iho-Wavo Is heio for safety, Much praise Is given by tho res¬ cued orow to Captain Cochrane nnd his men, Tho tug Sweepstakes (s still aground lierei Her matter with the Canadian Government has boon settled. The tug Champion Is ex¬ pected lido to tako her off In the morning. MIMVAUKKH, The^ stoamburge G. T. Burroughs,! whloh left for Muskegon about 10:30 o'olook Wednesday night, who iinbout tour miles off this port broke her crank-pin, completely disabling her. Her whistle was blown for assistance but none came,' Her canvas was spread and alio headed foi this port, but made little head way. A quantity nf oakum. Ignited with nil, was set on fire to act as u toieh. The cietv of the tog Staiko Brothers dtecovoied the lire and headed for tho ves sel, which was at;first supposed l.o be on fire. TheSjiarke towed the disabled daft Into the harbor. It Will take soventl days to make rqpalis. 'lhe tug CM. Cllainley, with a scow bound from Chicago to Sturgeon Buy, came in far a new crank. The schooner Graham Brotheis, lecently ashore near the Door, aril veil here. She was in Rand & Burgers dijdock at Mani¬ towoc. There is some demand foi grain carriers and4^olsolloied on wheat to Buffalo. Vessel owners are sending tlielr vessols fi om here to Escannba to load ore, In pre¬ ference to Chicago to load giain, on account of the falling oil in grain freights, but ore Irelghtsarc also weaker. Shippers are offer¬ ing but (1 40 lrom Escannba to Toledo, while (1 50 wus paid Inst week. Captain James Bruce to-night tolegraphed the owners ol the schooner Typo at this poit from Rath, Out., that the Typo had gone ashore this morning on Amherst Island, near Kingston, and that she was badly broken up and lull of water. The Typo has a cargo of 22,500 bushels of wheat, shipped*] by C. J. Kershaw & Coulpanv of this port, and consigned to Kingston. Tho cargo, which Is a total loss, Is Insured. The Typo/ measures 303 tons, nnd was built nt this pi in 1873. She was owuo'd by Al. and Lou' Bleyer, and is valued at $15,000; fully ln; suied. r BUFFALO. The little schooner Twlllghtcame In with her malnaall gone. Captain John Perow, of flic, propeller John B. Lyon, roportB that heUuw an unknown schoonei disabled on tho lake yesterday. As far UB can bo learned no lives were lost or poisons Injured during the gale. 'lhe vessel ashore at Windmill Point turns out to be the schooner John Wesloy, with Iron oiIs from Escannba bound for Black Rock: The crow is safe, but the vessel will pi obably be a total wreck She Is Valued at (U.OOO, Insured lor (10,000 'lhe schooner William II. Vauderbilt foundered at Long Point, ore laden, valued 111,(20,000, Injured for (15,800 A disastrous Btorin occurred heie last Monday night, tho wind at one tlmo being at a voloolty of flfty-toiir mllos per hour The bargo York State, In tow'of tho_8teain» binge Buckeye, with wheat fiom Toledo, broke her tow-lino iicuilng Bullulo before daylight on the 25th. 'lhe B^bkuyo was ),iinuble to do anything tor. the bulges and came Into port alone. At daylight It wiib reported that a white Vessel wits ashore near Hav View, with the crew In the rigging It was asecitallied however that It was tho Yoik State, she threw out both anchors and road out tho storm. lhe floating elevator Margaret broke loose fiom hoi moorings nt the Erie basin and raiserNmvou with the propellei St, Paul, bieuklng quo ot hertrches, her guards, and other parts. Ibe damage will amount to several hundred dollars. It Is also reported that she broke the stern qf the schooner H, G. Cleveland. The schoonei E. Fitzgerald, bound down from Toledo lost hur canvas and had a por¬ tion ol her bulwarks carried away Sho in r(ved here leaking, and hei cargo of w heat Is thought to bo damaged. The schooner Nellie Gaiduer'a staysail and foresail were split. SIIKSOYGAN. The schooner City of Chicago stranded at McGulpln's Point In n fog, and threw over¬ board constdopibla or her corn to release hor- self. She Is not damaged. I'AIR( uavkn. * «. The schooner Serepta went ashore hore, Jtibt oast of tho breakwater, In the heavy gale blowing from tho west, nt seven o'ulook Tuesday morning. AH hands wore saved. Tho cargo of coal and merchandise tar Toionto was not badly damaged. The vessel Is lying In good shape and can bo got oft as soon as the weather la favorable. Add OBwego. The Oswego Times says about twoo\lncl$ tlio 24th the lookout at the station made out a small sloop trying to maka tlfe Inn bur. Sho made a failure of It and went ashoie noar the station. It turned out n*. be the Tourist of Pultnoyvllfe owned here and , known us the "Potato Bug." ' She had a cargo of lish and was abreast of Sodusl'glnt when the gale struck her. Sfio could not get Into the harbor and next* ,trled Fall Haven with the same result and kept on for this port. She had lost some of her rigging , and was pintlully disabled, which perhaps accounts for the difficulty in managing hei. The life saving crew have, got u lino around her spur and she is not poundlngj much and will not pi obably receive much damage. 'lhe schoonei Gold Hunter, under the command nf Captain John Jackson, who commanded tho .schooner D. M. Foster at tin- time she went ashore last lull, ciime In about lour o'clock, the oirly vessel to make the harbor during the night. The spars have been taken out of the wreck of the Foster which hns been lying oit'tho rocks where she struck since last fall. This lightened tire wreck and some time during the night the hull floated off, and this morn¬ ing was out of sight down the lake. O8WEQ0." The schooner Magdula will receive repairs on Mitchell & GaHnghcr's drtdock. The schooner Horbert Dudley brought about 5,000 buBhels of wet wheat from King¬ ston, part-of the cargo of the steamer Prus¬ sia. Ic is at the N. S. dock In charge of cus-^ toms officials. KmoBTdN. A trl-weekly line oommenced on Tues¬ day between Hamilton and Montreal. Captain Zealand proposes to Bend the 'Gleiifiiilas over the Niagara Falls, on fire, about the first of Octobei. Captain L. Collier and D. W. Allison, Esq., of Adolphustown, have entered into part-" nerehip in ordorlng a now steamer tcS ply on . the Bay of Qiilute. The order Intfl been placed with Captain R. Davis, of Kuigstxiu, who had a high reputation for building this class of boats. She wtll bo something alter the model of the Princess Louise. TOLEDO. The last trip of the propeller Russell Sago from Buflulo to Toledo was made in twenty hours nud fifteen minutes. '1 his beats the bestpiovlous time of the Wabash Hue .Ueam- ers by twenty-five minutes, which had been tho fastest time on record between these poi ts. DULU1H. The hull and machinery of the burned Glontlnlus has been Bold to Captain Murray, of Port Dulnousle, for $050. 1 lie tug Nellie Cotton has beon.placed on the dock, and tho workol repieliing her will be commenced at once Tlios, Dowse, agents tor the owners Drake Bros, of St. l'liul, lias sold the tug Pacific to Herbert it Roberts, of Aslilnnil, for $5,200. Her new owners are at work on hor, and Saturday will take hei to Ashland. Hon towing will bo her business llieio. Enough tugs will bo loft In tlio harbor to do allilii work at tho head of the lake The steamer R. U Stewart Is rocclvnuf upwards of (5,000 worth of Improvements at the Detroit drj docks. Her broad guards are being taken oil cntliely so as to mako her a bcttei sea boat lor outside woik, and othei changes arc being made to fit hor for tho route between Duluth and Agato Bay, where slio k) tp run In tho future. She Is expected buck here by October first. By authority of Cltj Engineer Rogers, llliigson oi Woods yesteulay began work on tho removal of tho sand scow wieik lying just north of tho harbor entrance. A dredge was used to raise tho obstruction,, and by night most of it had boon removed. One portion raised was about seventy-five feet long.

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