Marine Record, September 20, 1883, page 7

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THE HARINE RECORD GLOBE IRON WORKS. General Founders,-Machinists, Blacksmiths and Boiler Makers. AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. OFFICE & WORKS, Cor,.ELM & SPEUOE Sts. OLEVELAN D, 0 We arc prtpnrcd to fiirtdxb on jdiort notlco'Hiaiionnrr or Mmrlno, i Ithnr Ulnll I^mu-p, Ixiw I'Mkniirc, Co>- d( imhift or (.ompnuud I nulnm, llorlxonlul or Vertinil, with or wlthuut uradUutltiK < ut ofl Vertical Engines Kept in Stock— HTATIOVAKY "x,jl\J- MAIIINK F\ni\p W e kcip ;ill hI/lm nf u rt|( il enj(liieH In atoi k, wiiifh wonro pr pm»d tow Hal r*«p(iil\o {trice Mtition- nry udkIiu liRljiHa journor Tbr^ttlfi, f) Under, and (Jllfir Oil ( upn mid misto (.oika Murine I nplno lm India 1 ink iu id Ho'cr«o Motlnn Cirtiilai Throttb, , (\ Hiiil r (>Ui rf Oil < nptt nnd ^\astc ( ni.kit, miiho iih NtiitUniiirj — no goVirmir nr i\\ wIiliI Niih ", H, thmd 10 liiiw n'li^lt crunks wllhoeparuio JuiiriiulwIiLnuMid with Ktiitiimiir) t nplnoH Tin v are provided * Itli good brnNH Ikixcs in liotli t ndn tf fiinncclliu n>d and crowi In ad uitb IiphI \wrn\- I In pr< \ l-ldii inado for t4ikiitK up tlu wuir riut'J\l> Indir Mt aid ChifL and lower lu id art msl in, oii« , I Ilii and lli< frauiL, HlUUfi and Journals in one pit i iliinlij IfteuliiK linbllltyofdcni Kinuintnnd llrttt cmt and huuriuKii durable imiihliu Ilio MUmbra aro nintly tovtrtd wllh cast Iron la inn Sll lo \ ilvp with Ur ti ports Pls'on filled wllh u»n\ iiiotnlllc [nuking Mattrlul and workmniisblp niianmleed Having provided our new both i works, with thfe mosr approved 4ool» for nvtting by steam, plan ing the edgeB, instead of chipping, dnl ing, punchjng, shearing and bending bysteim power, we feel warranted in saying we can furnish the best work for the least money in the following kinds of boilers, which we enn build df either Ironoi Steel Return flue Marine Boilers, Tubular Hollers, eithe hor J lzontal or vertical, Locomotive lloilers, Cylinder lioiltrs, Flue Boilers, bmoke Stacks and general plate Iron woi k TUBULAR BOILERS OF ALL SIZES. fUBULAR BOILERS OF ALL SIZES. H ILTUnB 1IOU MI VERTICAL BOILERS, I'm -mall jiowii, while -i/i' and wn^ht nu i)l)jLctinnnl)l(, hp iiLiimmiml thec ->t\lt>-, | hIiioIi hp can luuiihli, imulr ol (' IF >o 1 lion hi Mixl, with 01 without ( iixt lion Bn<c und Sn)okp Stiuks and Tiiinining «i iimi lirni n iik RIOhWRb HAMMOND, JflHN COOH. STATIOMARY fjperMill Bloichere fcHotarios. Gisoraites,Salt Pans Smckc Stacks And all Ms ofHeavy Plate & Sheet WVotk Office & Works, J44.E46 248 250 ?58 A„d.254. r. Pprrv SI- locomotive OIL STILLS 8c AGITATORS. TO r0 r/im ■• Hiepomng PhimplWAttendaita KKTAIILIMIhll 1H3C ILL'S i ------MANtUMCTUItRllB OK------- CORDAGE «t OAKUM. Gnimsof AMTKICAN MMMA anil ITAUl\ llrMP uflho vLr) lust qua ity mnili to order ATONE DAY'S NOlIUb MANILA and SISAL BINOtR IWIM No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory^Brooklyn, N. Y,«, SIGNAL LAMPS, —wini- Patent Flutrd Lens And Perfect Colors. • GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. 1 Ikm I ntiipH h\\l a iimri brillant Unlit than un\ ^ihintl iJiuip now in use Hicf limeboen mlo] Nil l»y tlio |irlncl| nl Orenn 4iu 1 Lobe 6ii imLra mill VckhIm, mnt arofortULli in tin prlndpol }i »rtn oiiCIil VtluntiT>oithI jintl lukci Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send forrnluloKUO Manutnctuml by H LTIIOVMhN d HUHMKLL, 110 A 141 MAIN NT., MIFFAI O, N. V. MARINE KNOINK W OKKS TrMMm • MA\U1-ACTUIIfc.K OP Marine and Stationary Engines, e> PBOPELJEB WHEEIB, VEB9E1 POMPS &, OEKEEAL HA0HI5EBY tioitltuapo\l>KN( u SOI ilitki) RJI, A7 ASO Mlohlffnn St. CHIOAflO ILL. Ship Chandler's List. Iutliulen the Celelirattiil rimtn mioiiti^ UtmlltiiH, with Anm/«'en lluini, Miotiirlit Iron Sltnft lloxeH, lion \\ tilth IIaikIm, itilitl ItruktM Prices Furnished on Application. The Common Pat¬ ent Windlass, includ- ing allcastings, wel¬ ding butt I shackles. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foimlng nnd lessens the liability of Explosion. ' Ij saves I ULI, LAHOR and KE PAtRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and .Absolutely Safe Send for Clrculur iflvlnir fiill Information to HOUGHTON & CO, Solo Proprietor* imtl Mtmiifitctiirers •> 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YOtiK. If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP For Mlnlnir, nullrond nr Strnmtiont imr, Panrr Mill, I henilrnl nr Un* » ork« Tannery, nrewery or HUKnr Itetlnrrt, UralnlnK <|unrrAe», Cellnn or Plnnl «- tloii», IrrlKntlnir or llydraulir Mlnlin, Mlnklii* 1 oiinilnlloim, CofTrr l»aiii, Newer, Well Nlnklnc and nthrr (oiilr»rlor»' Work, nr Ral»liw Wnter for any kind nt Mnnufacliirlnirnr Flrrl*m*|mi.r, urltu for an UIiih- trat.-d ill m rlilllvo 1h. ik nn thu M'.W l>l !>.UMirrFII, . nuli.liin unalh m\ue A prlous liundrLila of h HthnouinlH . t. Mnllt Ifno TH ih lodpi r <uut lm\ or tlmn other Bvervpump teatod beforo •hlpmont ami tru^nintaeil as reproaonted, ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED, Piilsomcter Stciira Piimp Co., Si) John St., Vw \ork Cltj, U. S. A. aJ^Beo 1'rittH iiLit Initio at tblu 1 Bi«.r %.0 ~>[ Miil\ 8 Ohio Muiiipclioi. Ohio ) Vlt I ALIOItlt-S & IlKiktuiliIji, Mli h , Liiiiullfn , Midi M IM I At I ITlil Its AMI IMI OltllltN tlF OAKUM, ANCHORS J ' Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RlJS§!rvBOLT-ROPE,'FLAGS' COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MAKl.VK HAKUWAHl' V\l) Mill' (IIWDI.KKi' GOODS (.LM1ULI.Y - Noi M ft 35 SOUTH 8T , HEW YOEK- THE MARINE LAW BOOK ------IS \(M\ UKADY------- SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE. RECORD. 5 4915

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