THE MARINE ^ECORET. CLOSE IRON WORKS. General Founders, Machinists, Blacksmiths and Boiler %~~ Makers.. AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. OFFI0E&W0RKS,0or.ELM&SPRtI0E.StBr0LEVELAj>H),0 Ivo aro propirod to lurnUli on short notice Jjiullonirr or Marine, either Hl«li Prouu-o, loir fcroMmro, Con- dcnilnj or Compounil Engine,, Horlrontnl or V»rllc«l, With ur without, • 'Vertical Erfgines Kept in Stock.. f : Paper Mill DloacKcrs &Ifotofos. Guomrtcrs.Saltpans Smote Stacks VlATlONAilY K'fUSK V MAMM- PNOISB Welcep alUUesof \oHM onslnen In itock, which we Ore prepnml to tu>U at roqpeitlvo prioos Station¬ ary engine tnUinlci Governor, Throttle, Cylinder, ,jLbdOllttri01I Cupft i\nd Wanto Cocks Murine Engine lncluUWu>>kau(l ItMerw) Motion, Clrcnlnr Throttle, C\ llnoVr oiler, Oil Cups and Wnste tocki, muue n» Ktutliiimrj,—no govomoror Hy wheel Son 7. 8,i>nAd in, Un\ t (Ingle cr»nk», with sepnrulo Jounlnl when wed with MiUloiinr) engine* Thiy nro provided with good 1>rnt» taxes In both cmla of (.oiinocllnrf rod jiml crow hind, with bent ponl- blepro\lBloti made for tnkliiK up the wear TboCjl- tinier, Stiniii Chcwt und lower htnd Are cant In one piece nnd the fruiui,) slides, and journuls in one ploco, therohj |oBMoniii(4 liability of derangement nnd first cost and Ininrlng n durable tumblm The Cylinders ire it* atly covered with cost inm laying Slide \ Hive wlflps l.r (i port* PSsiou filled with good niettilllc packing Matt rial nml wurknmnahlp guaranteed OIL STILLS 8c AGITATORS. v 'Eapahing Promptly Atanilodta^ And aA buds of HewyBate 4 Shoe t TroriWcrk office & Works »- 144.246.248.E50 252 Jbd.254. 6 yT!?l!ikah"- WaBF,mF*IHht Fferry SI;. 'XAHK3. ^ _^m.^^-M.'M^WSi__________ Havme provided our *e« boiler works with the mp»c approved tools for nvetmg by steam, plan m^ the ed«s instead of chipping, dr.l ing, punching, sheattog and bending by sleam power, we feel 8 ,fjm :,„.„» we"can furnish the bcstwbrk for theleast money in the following kinds of botes, *TT , r™ hmfd of either Iron o Steel Return Hue Marine Hollers, Tubular Boilers, eilhe. nor. rS^^^*«XUlylinto BoUcrs, Flue Helen, Smoke Stacks and genera, plate Iron woik ESTABLISHED 1830 Gam DAV'Bl —laxmriCTunnns or— *, CORDACE & OAKUM. is o* AMERICAN, BUSSIA anil ITAUAV HEMP of tho rery test qui'ity made to order AT ONE lOTICE. MANIlrAsndBJSAL BINDER TWINE No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. • Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y TUBULAR BOILERS OF ALL SIZES. TUBULAR BOILERS OF ALL SIZES. H I I 1U1IK II ilTl II VERTICAL BOILERS. " -ft .Km «nmll power, whcio xi/e oiul weight me j tji ob)ertiminl)le, we lcciininiuiid tlusc stjIeH, which we tun funiwh, niiulc of C. H No. 1 I lion 01 Sttel, with or- without Cunt lion Banc anil Smoke Stacks anil Timiming SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET TIE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. 1 lierjc tamps gi\ e a more urlllnnt light than any Signal Lamp now In use 1 hc\ hu\ i been adopted h> tho principal Ocean and Lake Su atnora and- Voisels, and atq for su t in the principal porU on (be Atlantic const and lakct Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Bend (orcalnl)KUO Mnmifacturod by »1 I/IHOUSEN * lllI.HHKLL, 130 A HI MAIK ST., BUFFALO, N. V MAIltNE ENGINE WOItttS MANUPACTUK1CROV Marine and Stationary Engines, PEOPELLEB WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS & OEKEHAL HA0HIHEBV ftS, 57 * DO BUohlltnn 8U CHICAGO ILL. 1 CoRMUi'or.niiNc k Soi ihtkd. Ship Chandler's List. h. l..d.. U*»tt,l?l..l.. M...»c Wln.ll»«. »lih A..m»... «»...». «™»"' Iron fll,.ft, ^Jlucluile.." ||,KB», Iron Wlnrli Il«».l», mill llralun. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion* It saves TUEL, LABOR and RE PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular gtvlnfr nill Information to HOUGHTON & CO, Solo Proprietors und nianufticturern / 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL STEAM-PUMP IN THE MARKET/" for rul.lnir UqiiIiIh miliar and up tu 100 fttut No nru.lilnery, n„ oil, Nt. Special Care Cull nu workuri mNpund«<l by u chain. Will |>a>tit KTlt, iiuul. .an.C l>ult), eto^~»lth»ut Injury to Un |utrt. Need, only untuuni |ilne from bailer to rhn It I'rl.o, WOO jrallon. per hour, «AO l.aou lit S1I>I 3,00(1 ll(i HIOO, (1,000 .1... SIMM 10,000 Uo »17ft 18,1.00 il,. ■aliO 1 90,000 do )»315 I *B,000 do «400, 110,000 <lo »SOO , 140,000 do SI,000 Coinparu till, .villi uuy other rump LUt A\ rlto for lllufltrntud iltB( rlpllvu ImoU « Uti u hIIuioiiIiiIh A.i Mallei! frtt rljLSOMKTUllSlbAMl'UJll'fO , 83 Jollu Ht„ Nen \..rkCUj,l .S A HictkunrlilKo, MIlIi Cuirollto.i, Mltli St Mnrj 'a. Ohio Moul]ielloi, Ohio. ..ah l Atioitiia. Prices Furnished on Application. The Common Pat¬ ent Windlass, includ. ing all castings, wel¬ ding butt | shackles, DeGM, AYMAR k CO,, MiNUl* AM) IMI'OltlBKU UV CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS^COTTLW & FLAX DUCKS. MARINE UARDWAltt AND SHIP OHANDLEKS' GOODS GENERALLY Hoi 84 ft 35 SOUTH ST., HEW YOEK- THE MARINE LAW BOOK ____is now w:al>y — SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. mm~++mm i ■»" i. i. l .iJLt^ r\. -l •««' srm*mu*i3t8&«' 0915