It THE MARINE RECORD. j£-k / Ufcp J/UHKiC.lTK TUK VVAVKti.' ■. Sc)MKIiVII,I.Nr4<. J„ Alig. 2". Editor Murine. /im.rtl:, ■ , ■'. Kuferriug to jliu ni-lli'lu iintTiTi' Uih liunfl <>\ "l'oiirlnjj Oil upon Tr<uit>lu<l Wiilem" tulirir from your ifctiiuilii-tl i'<>iiU'ii>|>onny,llH' N.iii".- tluul, Uti'/utli", of New York, wlilrh wu* piini- • eel In the ItKCoiiii liisl wwl;', AiijiiW 23il, would fiii'thoi'my tlitit. this old,, ul't-iiiiiit'uil nnd.fiiuillliir f.iyin^, or. i>lirri.-c", lios lonir • liueu looked upturns ni(''"a lui'taphorov %111'ubt' i>|i(!tvli,tliiilmiil uotliiu^ mor'e, lint. thoro unit,mi lciiKi'i' b« iliefcllglilijsi doubt In regard to its ellli'iirv'iM' aiiliiliilnt; tin: troi;- bluil mill lirip-y m-.'i iliirliiKH jyili'.' 'I slndl ui.ilviivor timmvlui-u any sub.-yrili ors ol" lliii Makinm> wlni limy still hi! skt'iilk'ul', in I liiinw niiiiciil'yiii:i'Iiiku- fnrlnj; iicopli! sirt»—u^jL to I'mlglmnFiK tjiir Bitlt-wutur 'Miu'lis." •■ ■ • A eiisulnoii r'cToril whi'iv ihivslilp Ahriiin . II. lloVrlmiil was I'tin^lil ill ntvpliooiioll' tin' coiiBt of ,l;i|iiiiit iiinl ■ Iny. to, iiiirlioivd us It wurc, to mi cnojiiiond ri^lit w.liuly. As tin' • vessel drifted n'way from the grei^y iiioiisut the ten bei'iuue sniontli owing lo the oil froni the aidnial liaving Imki'd iiiil.-of him ami 'Sinoollied the waves. '•1'his ship owed liei life 10 the in;etioiis fluid which lloweilTrom the deiul whale. Fishing vesnd», eupcelally whalei^oltea rllltt easier in a gale on account,of (he oil which salurati'd the woodbind sfilns hnvi- more' than onep been saved by idlowlii^ a minute slrciim of oil lo trickle over the side. It eaves n vessel from being strained or tak¬ ing heavy seas on board, aipl lessens the dangers of foundering, and I am. Inclined to bellev,e\liat It Is puly ignorance of Its sooth- ring virtues, or else it false ivfid Binful econo¬ my, thnt at present Interferes with its gcn: . eml ndqptlon by iiiiiiiners and boatmen. .'*'■ Of the advaiitiige of tills means ot safely there Is no longer the slightest doubt, ns the writer has learned Irnni practical experience. Divers in the MediterraneniieaBt oil upon the waters in order to clear the light under tile surface of .the sen, by the stillness so caused. The-leakage, of refined blubber from olil whaling ships, while in harbor, has been no¬ ticed to keep tho , water In the dock so-' smooth that a ripple could not even ruffle ajeB sper-in coated ijurtncc. Tills agent? is perhaps one of the most r£- mnrkablo of all pheuomenn, mid yet, strange to say; those who would be the inout: bene¬ fitted by Us uso seem to take the least inter¬ est In testing It to discover which of the. many oils bring about the most satisfactory results. Any mid every kind of oil will net, but I think some of the cheapest and coarsest kinds nro superior to the line and high . priced oleaginous Holds. Tho Montrose (British) lifeboat even a short time ago made two careful experi¬ ments which were highly Haltering and powerful testimony of the great value of oil lu subduing the turbulent sen. < A small (jiuntlty of oil might be the means of saving bouts, gear and crews ol llslilng(boats while attached to their nets after the slitting in of stormy weather. The following niece of rhyme written, probnbly, by somo olJ whuler poet Is full of significance: Wlion round (bo rjhl|i thu tempest ruses, A little oil us wrath munllKi-*. And helps uQ'i-ctuaily lu south It; Tho •hl|>'n path, luu, It nerve* to hiikkjUi. llow curli u\ Is it uol, lliul.Hi-tau oil . HhOuld bu tbo antidote to liiri'i-eft / The ancient Greek and Assyrian seamen constantly used it upon thulr coasts with (jreat success, and yet here we are \n lb i nilust of learned eheiuists and H'lcnllsU) anil nineteenth eontury philosopher*, nine out of ten of whom know nothing of pouring oil up¬ on tho troubled water-', excepting as they may have used I lie,phrase lo quell a turbu¬ lent debate about the-propi-nlcs of lumi¬ nous puliil or the advantages til elcotrlclly lor working purpo-es, etc. Hoping yon Will again call the attention of nautiei.l people lo lids uiust linpmltiiii f.iotor for'savlng preidons lives ami vidua; l)le property, I remain,^denr sir, •■ Yo|liS very tllfly,'. 0. l'osii.u lloWEi.i.. A Ill'UlAli AT H'iA. • Yon lllUe souii-liutl's sT'CIl tlli:,ur:iil laiii In rest in the tuihon: nl' Ihcir mviher eartVi; yi>! yon ever uiu.i.-- the corrc-niiiiiling eei inony pertuniied at -va'. 11 -o, yuii i.ceil m,[ be reuiiuihd ul die uinil and mm in^ aliclioly 01 .-i.l-h a -ii he, 'I',, lidlnW I In) ir.aii ri'iiiitins lo the family gntve. and Irllvr them there amid kindred ami fiienil", »ml the gentle einhleuis of iniiuplllUy and peneiv Is an olllee suillclently .soluuin and.torching, hut to consign tlii-iii' with rude mill lin»ty cereiiiony to li. the pathler> ways of tin- restless deep is it duty ,-o sad and pathetic a; Id stir the sensibility o'evcu die inostslolc- al ami Indillerent. To thnr-u who travel . much at sen few voyages pasH without some incident of a iiecuiiaroi- Inking character. The one in question was noexeeptlnn to tl'ds rule. It was one of the stormiest of the many slorin pn;.-ngesencountered by Allan- tie steamships during ill - present spring. The weslwaid bound shiplafiored hjiril lir her course, and what progress she made was achieved with the utmost difficulty! All on board were In a .-.talc ol great liiscomfurt, many In one of absolute consternation and illsniny. Thu sickness hfetdiiiftnl fh^Htich' lliiM-s prevailed extensively, hut this Is' a malady on which It is not thu 'custom to lav¬ ish much sympathy or ivuimcut. One poor fellow'..hi val'ltaiilar had,.been down in file "hunks" lor several days.'hut his illness,- aggravated by other causes; was of ii-kliu.l to merit even hiss conslderntloji than ordinary sea sickness Itself, lie I'donged to Hie steerage, had conic on birard at Qiieeustown, and it became known that then, and for some 'time-previously, lie had Jieen drinklng'haril. Sifeli a course has gem rdly hut one lerinlii- ation. Thl-1 one w-as soon to have iw issue ill the common doom. ... Hut wliata nioi'iilug' 'was-that, on .which tills spirit broke from its'clay! The >oa wa-. wiislnd to a leinpest, wild and leriihleio .look nt, and It seeiped as if every, hionient wo would all hi! engiilphed hi a-. winery grave. The Jioor fellow had only been dead an hour when all-In the "forward" are asi'ir willr'iiiepaiaTious for Ids burial. Those slurdy inarines,.vvlio fear neither the tem¬ pest nor llie couiiti'J'.s foes, become liinld.ln tin- preseueeol' ih nth, lor die iradilional su¬ perstition ol lheil-<:las» has taught them to regard It as a system of-dlsaster. In.ciiviiiii- stances liko-llicMi no time 1« lost lu iieeillc.-s pre.panilion,; so, lu a iuirrlcd and puifiiucto- ry faslilou, the boy-sitrgeou had'soon given Ids' ecrtillealc of death. The ship's carpei « ter, loo, hail eom|ileieil his task, and, in two bout's niter his decease, this poor unclaimed wail of humanity was lying in Ids rude board ! eofllu ready for Jjnilal. A few minutes mure, and the collln .with the British wja|iped around it wits ready to be home aloft lor the Una) ceremo¬ ny. ' A-detachment of iible-bodleil sennie'p were detailed for this purpose. The rutle box, wrapped in its English ling, WHS, with difficulty, luilf driiggei1,li'nll earr.led up the narrow wihtllpg stairs, and slowly reached the entrance ul tbo companion way, where a priest in readiness had for some time been rending from his I-alln book. In a few uinils the good father explained to those wdio had the conduct of the ceremony that the Church, in circumstances like these, permits abridg¬ ment of her customary riles. The wlild and waves were now Indeed terrible. Sen after sea broke over the Bhlp, one minute delug¬ ing the deck with tons of water, and the next shrouding everything in .darkening Whirlwinds of.spray. .Small groups of the thoughtful or curious had managed to crawL above, and now stood cowering and shiver lug tinder the. Ice of the deckhoHBCP, wait¬ ing the end.of lite ceremony," Familiar with, every caprice of the ocean the skilful sailors teemed lo uccoinmodulo their movements to the motion of the ship, and even to utilize her rollings and pl.uug- Ings to forward the solemn work on hand. Alter much difficulty they at length renclted' the side ol I be ship, mill, with trends uncov¬ ered, formed n circle round tho rude collln. For a moment all was silent expectation, until the good father who was reading from Ills I.nlin hook made a motion with his baud, when the black plank was thrown out, and one end made to rest on the rail of the ship, and thu other on the shoulders of two sail¬ ors. There was a momentary pause In the progress of the rite, and t|ien the priest be¬ gun anew to recite his uiiiiudible utterances in the ears of the storm. Tho elements raged on with redoubled force, and each time the ship sunk into lite waves it nppcared ns It the might go down to rise no more. It ap¬ peared as If now wu must have reached the very climax of tjie tempest. In rapid and terrible succession ten upon sen continued lo thunder on the deck, nnd nothing could be done but hold on, nlul Walt for some abate¬ ment in thu llcrcehurrlcai c. ff among the few spectators there was u pious soul he might well have ejaculated the prayer—"Ob ! savage and Inexorable sen, re¬ mit lor one short moment the tumult of your rage, and sutler this homeless ami iinbe- friended wreck from the human race to sink ;i|ideily down Into your silent depths," Hut perhaps llie deep sen wcpld have been Inex- ■ iiinblu to prayer, and It was In-uertliat those bravo men should again luaee themselves for a sopn-ino effort ai action, fin fliey lUien on through the pauses m tic siorin, and , wait tin- llie opportune, moment, which, ever ' sooii.-r or Inlor arrive.-, it i-nme, A favni- ilU'. lurch nl the vessel enal led the men tu i himl the niile collln on llie black plank, hut. bclou: the priest had lime to make a second I motion Willi Ids hand, a huge wa\e had swept the heavy weight from Ho- I,lad, ' plank, niid.i-ariieil It from right into llie bulling wash- below. All was now i.ver. ! ship laboied loiwanl iliniiigh the -lorm brfol'o, and llie Hide box, w iLh llie ll.ig-ol Hill 'in wrapped around it, was suoii left I'm held; il. Alt Improvement in liiuiznniul steam boll- its, designed to make llie most economical Use of fuel, ami lo secure great, strength am! healing stii'fiioiyhns'receiitly been patented by Mr. tieo. Iviogsly, olT.'cttvcnworih, tva*., 1'lic holler is so cinisii'iicieil as to lie reailllj cleaned of scale, and .the Inventor claim- that lu case one of the llucslnnl become rup lured, no greater dnuuigu thiiii'Uie extln- ^uijliiueiit ol the lire would be llie result. The late fieiiaior (Jiinndler'imee when rlu decline of American shipping was iimle1 discussion; poohetl at llie Mniue eomphiinir nnd said that Michigan built more shlpplh: tliiin Maine ever did, iiinl lliat her slilphulhl lug Was, never more tlouiislilng. T735&- l GLOBE IRON WORKS, General Founders, Macliinists, Blacksmiths and BqilerTg s Makers, > \ AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. ^ OFFICE & WORKS, Cor. ELM &SPRUCE Sts, CLEVELAND. 0 Wi'urc |ircii:nI'd l'i funihli nn sli.irt 1141ft*-*1 jSI»iimmrV ur. Mnrino, ultlmr llkli!,Pi*c.isirt,l T^iw PrwHrnu; Con- tlt'ii^ltiii or I'uiiipouiiil KiiKiu«*!ir llur,li!i>;iliil*()r Vfrtlcul, with or wltfljmt'KnHhuiUngcutyll. ' Vertical Engines Kept in Stock. ^? •v.- 1 * , W'v Vfi'|i nil ^l/i's u( vertlriil eiiKiiie« In Htucli, wliUli wuuru [ir. [mn'il Id.-flint ri'*|iurtivo |irl«cti, Suttluii- 11 ry t't^iii' liuIiili'H 'invfrimr, Throttlo, ryllnilt-r, iiinl oiltn, (til Cii|)s nnd Wn-ttf! ColUh. Murlno ICii^Tnu' liH'ltnli-.H-Mi.kiiiHl Hhviji.u'. MnLliiii^Clririiliu- Tlirottli', CylliuUr, O1I1 r, nil C1111.4 untl Waato Cuukti, nuiiR u» Miitliiiniry,—tin »i»Vt!rti')r or lly wliuid. Non. 7, 8, !> nntl 111, liuvi>.i>tiKli' irruuku, wlllt ^t'Jmi^lo jouriHiUvliuihlHL'd Willi Miilitntiiry c-ii|>lin?!i. * ^ , Tlicy are, |»rovlt|t!(l wlil» nooil lirniw Imxen In Iwih LMiil-i of iiiiiiiet,-liiv< i"1' mill cnisH liiiml, with bum powrt- til^|iri>v|rluu mutlo fur UikniK up Ihu Tim Cyl¬ inder, Siciiiu Clnst uiii) lower lit'ud' uro cunt In one l>]i;(c nnd tliofrumo, nlidefl, Hud 'joitrnftlH In «no plcc»t -tti^rt-'hy lefiHcidim lialfllliy of dora'iigimnintand llrntcouL and'liimrlny u duru.blcMiinchliii;. Tho Cyllndcra nrt>' neatly covered wtili rast iron IhkIiik. Slide viilvo'wllh )nr, u (mit». I'lrfon lllk'd with ^ood inoliilllc (melting. Malurlul and workmnnshlp 1,'iiarantecil. - MAHINK'KNniKK- Having provided our new boiler works with the most approved tools for rivtting by steom, plan¬ ing'the edges, instead of chipping,, punching, shearing-and bending by Hcam power, we fccli warranted in saying wfe can furnish the b*st work, for the least money in the following kinds of boilers,. whicrfwe can build of either Iron or Steel: Return flue, Marine Boilers, Tubular Uoilers, eiihc hur • izonjal or vertical, Locou.otive Boilers, Cylinder Boilt'rs, Flue Boilers, Smoke Stacks and general, plate Iron work, ; TUBULAfli: BOILERS! OK ALL SIZES. Plll.l. Tl'"" IIOII.KR. VERTICAL BOILERS. TUBULAR BOILERS OF ALL SIZES. HtJIIUKHllKD TU1IK. For small power, where size and weight are objectionable,- we recommend these styles, which Wo can.' furnish, made of C. H. No. 1 Iron or Steel, with or without Cast Iron Base and Smoke Stacks and Trimming. Ship Chandler's List luciadei the Celebrated Clmlu Sheuve UlntllaM, with Amuieen Beam, WruuKl.l Irun 8h«fl„ lluxeH, Iron Win«h IlemlH, and Ilrakea. Prices Furnished on Application. The Common Pat¬ ent Windlass, includ¬ ing all castings,wel- ding butt I shackles. <& 5994