Marine Record, August 30, 1883, page 7

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..A CANOE VOYAGE. The Interest of the loungers about the whnrvoe Monday ovonlng wail centered In a llttlo crnft, of rig compiirntlvoly -tinknov/n in Montreal, which was (mplpd coming ifown the harbor, and shortly after headed for Joe -^Vincent's hnsln, whore Its* only occupant jumped ashore, and carried the boat into tlio boat house, eays tho Montreal Star. It soon becnino known that the halo and hearty looking gentleman who so mysteriously landoil In Montroal was ono of the adven¬ turous members of t|io Knlckerbnoker Cnnoo Club, of Now, York, who left Cape Vincent on Lake Ontario) about a fortnight ago, with the intention of running all of the St. Law¬ rence rapids to this oltyY and ns he wns, car¬ rying his frail craft Into the bout house, Ire' ■was accorded a hearty cheer by the bystand¬ ers, Tho ntlvonturotts voyager is Dr. C. E. Woodman, who fli st proponed tl)o trip to tlio inomborfl of the club. He loft Capo Vincent on the 11th instant, and line consequently boon thirteen days on the trip. AU)gdeus- burg ho was joined by a half do7cn other members of tlio club, but soon afterward they parted company, not thon' having de¬ cided tn come the whole distance. The doc¬ tor had-had, on the whole, a pleasant trip -of it, although tlio wca'hor was very change¬ able and the recent storms delayed Ills pro¬ gress. Ho ran the Long Snull, Cotcnu, Ce¬ dars, Split Knck, and Cascade rapids, and would have "done" tho Lachlne rapids also, but wbb persuaded from dotnjfSorBn account of tho high water and unfavorable wind. He wns determined to make the whole trip bv wntei, however, and consequently enme down tho canal. The trusty little vobboI which has so well brought the doctor over hla pei ilous course 18 lusmnll, ddoketl, lap- streak canoe, fourteen feet long. She Is named the Stella Marls, and Is built of white cedar, with deck of red Spanish cednr. She U fitted with a slip keel and sail, and pro- greases In cnlin weather by a doublo bladed paddle. Her Internal arrangements are perfect, and her occupant slept in hor dur¬ ing the whole voyage, a neat canvas cover¬ ing being drawn over tho well at night, and an air mattress on tlio bottom of the llttlo vessel making ono of tlio most^-comfortable of beds. ' TriE. MARINE'^RECORD. (llOttAFlp-'HflMMONO, <i B RAND It U IlUHQEIt RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS! LESSEES . OF DRY DOCK. ALSO I'KEPAKED TO DO WRECKING MD TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. FOR THE ,L FooCtioo's Balsam of Shark's OH. ti.Ij oil Isalnlrictnl from pi Millar swells «( wnoll ,J l.HlmrU i iuuIU In tin l'""> *•» known os V"' iu Uswrl - •« n riatnrnlivo of h»nrliiK »Wi M.°Zjlei 1 » BuilhW priesi el <- ' 'I'" J<« **<!> ','" itl-tcoiorco o) « ■ Ild ml|,i» so soomliifftj uiroswomso i '"ur ""r"„,t"l) »«. omolnll) pro- ...ln».ilo»«. lJl '° ;™Sri II. mo liuini. «. ^1°,\ I, o?..v»r .100 j.-»r. no .lm.n.... I.i» Sutwlumoi Btl.eClit»«»e|.eoiile Mi.l, cliun," Bear What the Deaf Say1 nLvorlu-i.oJ.uiiU.MIie.lclU Iron Shipbuilders, Ml ImarhiB 1» Improjluu l'lM.'uTviiiiTlloo'l sillstucllon, jl,Vol«irn«-»«»y l»3iiolllt..l nml nm njnlcod lh»l 1 saw UiO notlio_ot_n__________________ . II. ,i,l„OB IIIO.IISUIIKMTIOVAIIIKMICI ll« IIIIUTIWt "B^'Sw^o^l^ii^^'p^ ™,«" l' \ ol. will u-»«r riB-rot doing so "-Luitos »> MJtTo\'»o,ld"lo.i,in H"M.IK P'oil.0 «ad inorfr) "J HtUIHIKUKl- liKTTItn __.vl-fcrU - JFVJkKY. Paper Mill HodchoTs &Rrfari69. Gdsomcters,SaltPms Smoko StarJa. td ill kmis of Heay Hate & Sheet IroiiWoifc Office & Works, M4.246i248.250-252 And.254. Perry St. 8 To r0.o6ff,BI,|S- 'MHK3. OIL STILLS «* AOITATORS. Repairing RomptlyAttendaflta KSTADLISntD 183C -MANDP>CTUIlRnfl OF- CORDAGE * OAKUM. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. __________Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AvSlD COLLISIONS. These Lumps gli c a more brlltnnt Until tlinn any Slgnnl Lamp now In use Tire) havoboen adopted lij tlio principal Ocean oml Like Simmers noil Vosseln, and are for sale in the principal ports ontho Atlantlcceast and hikes Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Bond lor catalogue Msnufaclurcd by FELTHOUSKN * RUSSELL, 130 * 141 MAIN ST., BUITALO, N. V. t> MARINE KNGINI! WORKS P UAswAcrvnan op Marine and Stationary Engines, PE0PELIEE WHEELS, VESSEL FUHP8 & OENEEAL MACHIFEEY CoanKSTONDEhCt Soucitkij___ Stl, lit £»0 Mlohlenn St. CHICAGO ILL, NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, * Which keeps it free from Scale, Mm) or Sediment, Prevents foaming nnd lebsens the liability of Explosion. It sives VVV.L, I AltOR and Rfe PAiRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe Send for Circular irHlna; full Infoniiatlop to HOUGHTON & CO, Sole Proprietor* uttri Mitnufiuittfrerii 130 Reatle St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for raining liquid* umhir uuil uji to 100 t<»«t. No Hn^lilnorj, No Oil, ><> Spaoliif C»re. Cun Ijo worfcml iiiHpuudtd l>y n chain Hill pnHH (jrlt mini, NAtid. pulp, etc., without Injury to ltw pnrtii NuoiU onl> ikHtmni pipe front boiler to run It, l'rlce, OOO gnlloiu per hour, *50, l,<j()0 <l< • 7IVt 3,000 tlo. SlOO, 0,000 do. tlffO, 10,000 do WI71 18,(00 dn B'iM , 'J5.000 do. »ii75; 45,000 do. «400; 00,000 tlo, »AuO ( 1 JO,000 do. •1.000 Oomparti thli with tiny other rump Lint. Wrllo for illustraud Ul« rlpliM booL will, ^llnimiliiln \i Wuileit ft« PULSOMETEH STEAM PUMP CO , 8J John Ht , Nun A*»rkCit>, 1 .8 A. Machinists, Fonniers anil Boiler Makers,' Corner Elm and SpruOe Sts., Cleveland, 0. CANFIED Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, To lie linil on sliorl notice, b) mnllor tclcgriph A. O. WHEELEIt, CnAS. GJJEWUCH Maiiaitor. Wrookliw MssUir NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND' VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN A COrfPANY,'H WA0.09IAI. HFE BOAT CAN HE IIHED IN PLACE OF THE METALLIC LIFE BOAT IF I»nEFEREI\_IIAN BEEN ADOPTED AT WAWII. INUTON BY THE DdAnn OF HV- PERVINttU INKPEC- TORM. ' Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEHD FOB PRICE I.I8T. DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. HE. MHII, AMI Vessel Brokers, . nui.L'in, MIXX. St. Mm V's, Olilo Montpellcr, OI|l<> UAll I-ACIUKI] -3. A" lliuk. nildi;!, Midi (iniolllu ., Midi I! M»M,hACnl|lHls AM) IMI'ftllllllB Ol' CORDAGE, QAKDffi, ANCHORS, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA -BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTJON & FLAX DUCKS. MAH1NE HAKIJWAltr- AXD .SHIP rilAXDI.KHs' GOOto GKNhKAI.I.V No, 34 ft 3J SOUTH 8T., HEW YORK- THE MARINE LAW BOOK —is now ki:u>y------ SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. F. * H. BORN, PLIMHKRS. Manufacturers of Hotel Ranges & Laiilry Stoves, and Dealer m 1> si I'UtlOKNl ( 1,1 \ |,U\1),() Capt. D. S. Webster, U v| I IM> IN-l It \N< I M,| NT Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, 1 Tl IIOIl 111 ISM Mil Ihi\ (iiilMKMUS GMnDi anil Frcishtiug of Canadian Coarse Freights a Specialty. Office: Room 32, Second Floor, Moffat Block, lllTUulT, MKIIII.AN MECHANICAL NEWS. in 11 -ii in nj $1.00 PER YEAR With ■ Prelmium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Lllxirl] Si.. Sen lor U.N. \. \ 7750 9977

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