Marine Record, August 30, 1883, page 3

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OLD TIME 9TEAMBOAIING From the Minnwivttt Tribune. Mr. ifcnry J, Lyda, steward of tho Bollo of Mluuetonkli, lias had an expeileuco of thirty-seven-years nn a stentubont, isiiil being nn excellent conversationalist, alien epic- tains Ins friends with"reminiscences i-f twenty and thirty years ngTS. Mr. Lyda hat' n very retentive memory,and his uxnerletiee snvbrs decidedly of the romantic, lie con - mencod Ills steamboat lite March •lth,.181ti, when he wan less than 10 vcars of age, en¬ gaging ns cabin boy op the Zauesvlllc packet, running between Pittsburg, Pa., ami Zancs- I villi', O. The bunt, was one of the largest on the inland wiitcr-j iit that time. She wns , owned by Captain Scales, ficv commander, nnd Jane McMlllon, who usually sailed with bs. " 'Old' June, ns sIiomviis host known, wns one of the most leinarkahlo characters I have ever known," snhl Mr. Lyihi.- '•Own¬ ing hull'the boat she kept her'weather eye open, mid was omnipresent.' Dining the trips she lllled tho various positions on the craft from chiimbevhinld 10 pilot nnd captain, nndlind the host general knowledge ol nnii- tlcnl nll'nirs of any person on the boat. When ehher Captain Scales or his sous-were sick, old Jane would (HI the positions fordhcj nonce, to complete satisfaction, and'she mndo It a pthsnnnl matter to see that all went right fi.....) stem to stem. I have often seon her on the lower deck lookftTg after the freight,, se'elng ilmt it was properly stoned away, and that It went ashore at the right landing, or if not on the lower deck, she would be up in the pllot-houso with hand on the wheel, snoring the boat. There'was no pilot on the boat or on the river who knew tho channel better than old Jane. I have often seon her on the hurrlciuiedeck ' acting as captain and giving the orders for Inndlng. Juno 'was brave, generous and' charitable, and As long lis sho\owncd the boat, her acts of kindness wcreViany and vnrled. In 1848 she retired from iteatnboat- ing and passed the remainder of her days on her farm, op tho hanks of the Muskingum river. On her retirement the boat changed hnnds. She was always successful as long as Jane commanded her. and she will be re¬ membered by many persons now living nt Pittsburgh, St. Louis, etc. Ditve Tipton, now commanding a United States signal- service steamer, was mate on the Newark during 'Old Jane's' Incumbency of the sev¬ eral positions abovo noted." In 1850 Mr. Lyda was stcnmbnatlng nn (he Hntchee river, sixty miles above Memphis, and which empties into the Mlsslsslpi river at Randolph. The river was very crooked, and It was not an unusual thing' for two boats to run for hours in sight of e.ach other, . though going lu opposite directions. Be¬ tween the curves of the river at stated,In¬ tervals was n narrow strip of land, nnd the river wns so narrow that the boats could hardly pass each other at nigh', and it was founil necessary to build tires oil the" bow of tlie boat each night that tho pilots might dis¬ cern where they were going. "Wo did not pay 15 to 25 cents lor meat In those day*, for every boat carried one or more hunters, who would stop over on the neck, and while waiting for the bout to come around a bend would kill enough game to last several days. Wo bad lots of fun killing bear In those days, and even to the present day bears are plenty on the banks of the loner Mississippi. A yearor two ago, while In slghtonnefcsburg, I saw .two huge black boars on the shore come to tho water's edge, drink and walk bnck to the enno brakes." Mr. Lyda served through some of the most Important naval engagements in the rebellion nnd ranks In the navy iib an able- bodied seaman. He tins been engaged on the largest, lluest and best steamboats on tho Mississippi and Its tributaries for the past thirty live years, and Is probably ono ot the most widely known steatpbonters lu the northwest. This Is his Second senson on the Belle, nnd during the winter months ho runs between St. Louis nnd New Orleans. He achieves success in every position In winch he engages, nnd his romantic oxiieilcnce, If properly recorded, would All an Interesting book of many pages. Mr. O. II. KobhiBon, of Manistee, Mich., Is the patentee of an Improved rotary engine, in which he employs a wheel or ease having internal steamwnys eecenttlc to Its shall, and provides Ihe shafts with a radially mov¬ ing valve which serves irs a gate or piston against which Ihc steim acts. A patent has recently been Issued to Messrs, F. F. and II. F. Harwich, ofOnngn, Kan., 1or an Improved boring machine. The Invention consists ot Impiovcd feeding mech¬ anism, and a system of eliange-geiirlug for driving the same, whereby the IVed gear can bo icversed to withdraw the anger to bring the chips from the hole, while tl e tool con¬ tinues to. revolve In tho Biime direction as when boring. AN IMPORTANT PIECE OF ADVICE. Few readers can be aware until they have had occasion to test the lael how much pain nud expc isc Is oltcn saved by 1111 curly nt- tenllon to any slight bodily' nllllction. In this coniiecilon It would be well 10 explain by way of Illustration that any Irritation of tho skin or symptoms of piles sholtld com¬ mand hnmcdlitc attention nnd 1111 Immedi¬ ate application of Swsync's ointment, other¬ wise it might develop into something moro than superficial. . ..____________i,udiS«ltttOiaJftr" coNBTiPigiow.iamg&ia.1'-* DYSPEPSIA, Sff^aftflBS nnd tonrttrnotf at pit of stomach, dcirpondfJiicy. LIVER Cornplfclnt, BHIoiitniM, MtUrU, Chilli and also bottom of ribs; wcarlncu, Irrltnbllity, tonguo eon ted, nkln yellow, hot nnd cold icn- fiatlonH.oyosdtiU.drycouflh.itifledandobstruct' od feeling, Irregular pulso, bad colored stools. APflPI PXY Epnep»y,Pi»rfll3r»IM1m . ,nlghr "omul In caw-giddlnena confUKlon In head, nervotwncwi, flaihra of light bahn •rei, lau of mimonr, DIhuu of Dltddar mi IfinilPVQ uflno dnrlc or light, red deposit; imumui J, burning, Btinging.bcQringdown ■•niittloni, frtqtiant dailra to nrlnita, nneuineii, infliunsd aroi, dark clrolM, thlnt. |DII»MM of - 111?ART ■>"» palm, fluttering or wolglit noir . nunn 11 haart, mora W on tnovlnf quickly and when lying an Hft slda! ont of breath on tiertlon. nbHUHurib) ana or bead) falntnm, nauita. Drop«T Is oanud by vatarr fluid, Rhoatno* tlsm, **., bj\.urlo uld la blood. Bowel Dla> order* broorrapt nattar. Vomii by the \xtt$ within. Cold* br choking of tb* ■•eretlona, RWATHE'R PIIXM, by gentle action, ramone the eanie, making a> permanent enre. Bent by mail fot 2S oenta box or M Fillet fi baxat, $1.00. (In poita** ■tampa) Addmaa, DR, SWAYNB c% JBOM, ■ * ' OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Hiciiiean St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. •M- T. B0E0MAN, Proprietor. The Madison, (VOMIKRI.Y HKVKIIK HOUSE) Detroit, Mich. Moal .Cantrft'lly Located. Street cars pass the iloor every few inlnntca to' Depots anil all parts of the City. Three minute's walk to I, S & II S, D A. M, and WhIuihIi Depots. Haiti »1»0. to 92.00 per day. Vessel men SriOl'I.D HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing nil polnie o( MAR1NK LAW na dc- lonnlned by tho Untied Statu PouiU Beninen, Own am, FrolfihtA, Charter*, Townjro, *" ItfiUrintry, Cnllinloiii, KnroUinontH, Qenernl Avernjie, Common Carrier*, Outlet or Snaiuon, Mnfctern St Owner*, Hill or Lrtdlnir, Wave*, Ac. Tho volumn lit humlKmufly liound In stiff Board covora, aud 'luo Ktnillali cloth Miidlng, Monk a i.f ttun kind generally onat$:l.mi. *-■■■ wo i^JII nend It to nny addroHH, jKwtugo paid for %\ 25, or with the MaKINK RECORD for utiu yt-ur, both for only 8X00 Addreai MaHink Ukcoith. Cleveland o. POSITIVELY CURED All auffurora from tldd diVn^n thnt^are nnxlouft 1o be cured Hhould iry'DB KISSNflti'B OELEBEATED CONSUMPTION POWDERS. .Tuts.' I'owdoranru the onW nrvtinratlun known tlmt will curo,rojimiiiiptl<>n and all nWmiesot ttiu THH0AT and LUNGS—1mlihi I, ao strong is our finth In tlicm. nn I ul-o to loiivtiuo y*m tbatthev uru no hiinili'iir, mo will forward to ovury luflcrer, by innll, nott paid, n Froe Tiial Box Wo do I'lwniil your money until yon aie )>eifi*ctly nnt- laQod ofilieir curative novum. If >our life U woilli saving, don't delay In nlvhitf these POWDERS a .ti lu) as they will surely cm o ymi. Price, for lanto B«x. 8:> 00 or 4 Boxen for S]0 00. flvnt to, any pai t of 1 he Unit d Mules or Ctnadu, by urnII, on receipt uf prlco Addrusv ASH & ROBBINS. 360 Fulton St.. Brooklln. N. Y. FOR SALE. £n Iron sU-am ynchtllft feet Inng.Q fet't benm.nieo deep; runs very fast, nnd well found. Enquire of D.l*. NicKMtiuN Euclid Avenrii Stmlon. FOR SALE, An Iron yacht 3(1 feet long very flnelly finished anu furnUhod. Draft S 1-2. fo>-t runs very fust, Enquire of D. l\ Klcti rson Uiirk^es' Iliock Kuclld Avo Station. FOR SALE S'enm barfo, K(oll44 feet, Benin 30foo',depth of hold U foot; capacity 400 M feet lumber, flfio tons coal bcftldcj her fuel. Built IirJH82. Address M/hink Bkodkd Unlet, BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. FirsiM FALLING SICKNESS MANBNTLY jnl lib! -by BKD-N0 HDKBUO _, ____I GOULARD'S uelebrated 'dori- 'loconvince mittcrcrfl tliut .UblofitHwdori l'ovilura wiltuu ull we claim for Ilium wu will wnd lliom by mull, pojt nald. a Freo Trial Boi Dr. Ooulnrd la the only lTiyMutan tliat liud uvur nmdu IMbdi>o.iso u hpiK-ial Biudv, and as lu our knowlcdifti thousandii huvu buun pormanonUy cnrcil by tho line uf thcM Powder,, wo will guarantee a permanent onr« in every cone or refund your all money ex¬ pended. All Buflervn anoukt glvo ihmo Tor-'-------- mrTjf^ilal, and beconviniod nl tbelrcuritllvtl Powder, oure in every^ c .. _.,._-,_ „__._______„__ I'tiwdura un irlyltlal, nnd buconvinied nl tbelrcuritllvt) pow< Price, for largo Boi. $3 00 or4 lloxei for till 00. by mail to any pari ol tlio tin tod tttatcs or Cnnud receipt of price, or by oxprcM U O. 11. Addrui ASH & ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St.. Brooklln, N. COM,. I>nvl<l HiirnlrlKi.l. \tt, ■ IMrJIKNTIC A HTKAfl <OAI ('l4kVOllllHl, THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Lonve CluVGlitml 'viltli Tliningh Puliiiie Coiiolios nnd Elctjnnt Slei'pliiK Curn, Tor COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. Tlie imMCngQr. pqnlpnlPnt of title,1 la nil now nml la Rnppllcd wltli tho: Iff, nret-aam y lo antr niJoody nnd comfortable At t.']iicngo, paaacniier trnlna anlvo fnmi'ttio 'Union Depot, .Viin'Ruronatieot.' .. FolloMng la Ilia (lino In offiict May 14. UMfi til further notice: • GOING EA8T. I.v. Chicago........8.ln a m......................,........... Arr. Vali ninlo.. W.OS " '......................'........... " f'ort Wny:lo. 1.90 p. in......................;........... 11 New Haven.. 2.0.1 " ................................ '• Went tallHle. 4<m " ' ..............'.................. " Aruiili.i.........11,10 " ................................ " Kostoiln.........n.VA ■*^t ................................. " tlreon Hprlnga (11^ " ................................. " ltolli'Vilo........11.40 ■' ................................. I.v, tlcllcviio.........O..Vii " 8:m n. ro............».. Arr t'lovi'lnlid.......O.'-'O ' " lo.M _" Acconi. I.v. Clevolnncl....... „............ 1100 "• 420 p. m, Arr rnlniavlllo....................12 Oil p. m. 5-3(1 ." • [ " Aahtiihiilu...................... fi fin... !" OJW. " " Co.....milt.......................—riSeT^T '—J"S5 .i " •Krlo............................... 2 2H, " .............. '• Dunkirk.................;....... 4.21 " .............. " Buirulo......^.................... 0.00 !' .......... '. GOING WEST. l.v DutTaln...........10.15 a.m. ...-.............................. Mr Dui.kirk.i,........ll.M 'i " Krlo................ 1.115 p. in................... L**nvo. " Conncaiit........ 2511 " •........-.:........ 0.45 a. ra. " Anhlulmla........1125 •' • „.....„......... 714 " ■• Palnoivlllo......4.10 " ................. H II " " Clevelnnd.......5.25 " .................. 0.25 " Lv Cleveland......„ 5.00 " 7.1,1 ll. 1U............... Arrllcllovuo.........755 •' II110 " .............. Lv llcllovno....................... H.40 " ............... " Green Sprlnga.............. 10 07 " ' Fo>iorlu..........................10 40 " ..............'. " Arcadia......................... 1100 " .............. " West Lcl|i>lo.................. lLIM " . .............. " New Haven................. 2 0.1 p.. m................. " F. rt W >yue.................. 2 20 ■" " Vnlpralao........................ I! 25 " ............... '• Chicago..........•.............. S.20 " .............. Trains run by Colulnbuit tlmu, which 'la twenty mln. utea fuatcr tlmn Cli<cag«i llino, llvo minutea alower than Cleveland. and^sUtcon inlniileB Blower Hien Dlif-~ fulo time. For information, call on nenrest agent of the Com¬ pany, or address B. F. HOI1NER, . (ieu'l I'UBaenger Agent, LEVIS WILLIAM", Gem-nil Manager. Clevelnnd, O. Rocky lllier Accommodation tleparta nt 7:50 a m. Idtillv); li'lii a. ni [tl»ll>]; 10 4S. n. in. [Sunday onlyj, l.-:i8p. ml [il.illy|; 4'2,'ip. nt fHundny only]; 7.00 p. in. [Sunday only]. Euclid iitTouiiiiodutlonde|iuita at 12. '5 l>. nt. hluily]; 6.-4.1 p. in. [dally uxcept Sundn 8 36 p. in. [Suudity only ] t New York, PeiiBsylyauia & Ohio R. R. (Formerly A. A U. W. Itullroud.) NKV YOIIli, IIUMTUM AM) THE EAST. The Mlnrtral HnilQillcUont hoiilo lo iHtta- burir. Wnahlitsxton and nnllimoro nnd tho Houthcnat. 7.20 a. i, Jrhia ib Uto-ouiyjincjuakiiig Direct Connection with all the principal Trunk Llnea of the Fatt for all So"tbenr, Poiilhweatern and Western points, ulthor tiy way of Cincinnati, llidinunpollaor St. Lcufland all lUUnay Towl ■ .illSSOURI, AHKANSAS, TEXAS., KANSAS, NEBRASKA, ftOLURADO NEW MEXICO. OLD MEXICO ANDTHK PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. Tlie Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. Until further noHre trains jrlll leave from tbo n«w Ccntrnl IX-put, touih Wuter sirevt anil Viaduct a» fol- Iowh: ATLANTIC i:X['lir^.s^{nally). Pull. man r*k'rj>ing u> <l liolul toin Iil-h from UiivittH'HUKti 1)05 (i. in. to Nlmv York, Allmny and Host oil witlluul L.lmii({ . Tiirliir Car from Clt\ clnnd nnd haliiiimnca. Arrlvu at Mraili lllo'iit tl:'J0 u. m. (dlmit r) Franklin 12 W p*m , Oil City 1.00 p m , Cnr-» j-y 1.00 p in,, .TumL'Hlowti (Luku Cluiutauqun) 2 00 p. in , lliiHjtloG 1ft p. in' Itoi'litmttT S 30 p in.; Ilornell- vllle 0 10 p in [mtjip' r], Oirnln^ 8:.'5 p in. Eluiini 8:57 n in. lilnnhantoii 10 3H j». in , Allwuy d .10 a in. Boatoa 2:4,r)p m :arrlvln« nl Nt'W York 0 SO u in. L iOU lli Jilt n>uo nlw'»in« curii f[on) (luvutntid to New York^ Airlvonat Meaavllle at 0 .W p. in , Jnmcn- luun D'i:i p in., Sulniuituctt 10:10 p. in., New York 10.25 »> in. U'Ofi n m NI(iIIT EXPRlrS»-^1tntty ncopf lUO lit 111i fundii)) Setup1 tig i unci) from Clevitlaml llorneilnvlllo Arrive at Youiig^lowii nt 1.55 a. ro.. Muiulvllh* ;,::>{) a m , Corry 5-'20 ». in. J ii must own 018 a. m, lluflulo U-45 a in., IloclieiKcr 1:10 JP, m , IlnmelU. villi', 11.20a iu , Cuming Yl:&\ pin, lumiral:21 p. m., Hlngliumptoii 2 iW P n... Now York 0.25 p in. Arrive. at rTitatiuivli ti 1ft u in , without elum,!.'. fl.fft n m IMTTSVUIUill IZXI'KESS -Dally - i.JU [li HI, Tiiroudi without cliUngL', I'urlor cur at- tnelied Airlvco at YoiuiKslown iS.DO p in., Pittsburg 7 18 p. ni., WiLtlilnu'oii 7-00 a in , Uallliuine 8 I!) n. in. A»% M m MAllONINd Am>MM()l)ATION - 4iUU lli 111. Siopplntf nt all wny h allium, arrlvinit at Yiliiiiijrttowii 7 2'r) P n< i Shnmn K :iup m , StinrpetivUlo 8:-t()p m. Goniu'ctH »l LeuWttaburtfli wlili tnilo No 20 for MVmlvlllu nml Intinuedintu points Airlveaat Muu villeU-20p. in. 17 ,nn n m PiiThiU'iuiii rXpiti:ss - daii> - / i&U lit Hit Throiigli wftliont cliiji ({» ArrlTOB at Yunngn'owu 10(H) a in., Stiiv<m 11 0-u m., Sliarpu- \llli- il 10 .i in., Pill Mi" o;li IJ 1ft |) m , Hi turning, l.-iim-s I'lll-hunjli tit i 48 a in , f; 11 u. in , I.:t0 p. Ul , mid -1 JO p in UflC fl u\ \(MiN(iMO\VN AND ['1 risiuinoil Uj d, 111. A<C(i.M»it)IHTinN_M..ppiuB a' nil U'iij hIiiiIoiih, urrl^lugul \ oiuigBtuw n 1 1". p in ,PlMo- IiulkIi li 10 4* m MAKINK l,\WYKK.s. Knelp Ai Morrlrttiii puncroius in admiuai.ty*. llfi MminniM Huom M flilnik'n t??"'ri('ki'l« by [liih |H»|Mf)tu nMiif hu c:tk' nt nil n'mihir Ti-kt'l UlUct-, E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Mjlinger ImllU MmiagiT A. J.SMITH, til HIT 111 !'tlsil'|l[;iT 4^1'tlt CLIVKLAMI, OHIO. ' 1 mini arrlv.. Ill M it in; I 00 ]i no This la tli.' ilt t'i.ny| Clt'M'luinl. l! lit it n .nml in IS |i in. nml hit hi Itiiiliiii I'liKiTu t-an Vurll Clly Nu .liangii MOAT ItlWUH'.K* , Dintn Jk C(i. no \t mni.i>i:it-t- I.AUNDKY. t I 1 \ 1.1 VMl, t.f)l.ll.\llll's t'INtlSNAll A IN1>|. ami Vlii'hi'ct, lluvilau.l, o. A.SAHH Ih I nunn in inn Siitulm I in.. JIUi trilliinl tlivlli'i I I n'--' l.'.iUml, t'i.iiiiiilni-,1 In. |tiI..ilI A lliiihlliupilt' L Itailwuj will [iuii anil atlh. at I li..»liil|il .tq toll.>\\ • I Ui>]itirL ]\ ou'o tiv \%hiuli Jll1 a, llln^li iiii|il'4ii, Nt' ..ini. » iIiiiiikc n.l N.» I :i,l.nnl ( Uliri Ilah'ilano c lift kcil IIihiukIi I" ull [lulntn Ta^t Thtnnnli tnki'lt jiii.I liil.trinalloii n'K'inllni; tint Hilt'. mi >n .itihunt'.l tit tli.< olfi.'i! 1 11 IliinlPitn-i 1, anil II, vi l).-[n.l i.f •>. V . I1 At) It It .tiuulll Wati-ratrovl I . 110AT WAijHINC! and .general .Laundry in few hours. Ci.kvki.a.nh Sika.m Lalx- uitv. 33 St. Cl.tir St. Tel*i>honc__ 118. . 1. I'liM'tnnatl A ruliuiitiui Kxino^H .... No. It, lntllalliimilia A \\ Itoi Unit I'.xpri' a Nn. 17,8liut-lulC<illllnlilla,\: C'lllt'llin.tll fjx Si. l, SiiLilul lint ,« M. IjxilM i:i|iu'm N'o Vl'iil. 1 In . I till A M l/.uli l'X|.li- V. -. LA W \ l.allli.n \>e...... A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. A very tine yai'ht (or t-utu. l,oii|<tli, ion /n-i, bi.un, 10 ft'nt; tl'iuliln oiiltIul'.s, two Hiilt-nilitl ^, ulcu awning; a pplriiiild (lniil>li> Vlichen, piintr) .iiultiTo htttlo rojiniH; rotmia well furnlulii-d lo ikop li> ixr-<oiis, (urodurlo: unriglit pluno, nnd, In (net. nil that ran hv dcfllrod. Tills jnclit can bt) pnnluiu'd .it a l..ui;iiiii Addre a {tUitlMC Itwoiin, fltvidund, 'J. N -. IfCo] A I In A 1ml K\|iifii n.. ■». r l. .; W Air................ Nu 1.1, hi. I onh A liidl.inapolis I'Xpri' Nn h, ftil flu A linli.iHUpoll» Kxpi.-i No I. t-olumfius A (inriuuittl 1,X|im-m No 10, Wliirllm.1.xprijti.............. No. ll.Clni'liuuU A N. Ys **ntt I.iwo. "T—-------"------------—~ MUnlay. . tn irktil dally, nil mlK'i ii']iti "TikiXm 7-10 A M l.fil) 1' M '2 1.1 I'M -7 III I' M 'i nu I' M \rrm. "7 III A M II) i, A if I .'0 I' M Hi III) I' M 1 SI) !■ M 7 ii r m 1 10 A M tr.inia .Inily I'Xti'iit A. E CI.AItk. (Ji'n'l l'aai'r Ak'i t levt liuiil, O. .1..M I DKlils, t.on'l Maii'ur, I li M'limil, 0 . It. 1. FtlUTf, P.i>acni|tr AijpiiI.ISI Bank St. t'lijvetarnl, O II. li. liUUI.KKIt- G0ULDER Attorneys and CTounsellors, AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. U ,V Hi ATWATi:il Bli'll.llINO, Ci.r.VDI.AXD, O Our Cull-ctliiti IH'|iarln out lain charuD uf an tii- yiTlfiici'd Oillfftur.

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