Marine Record, August 28, 1883, page 8

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IM the: marine record. ■Other L! "TII8 XOTBRUdL CSFir JackBI _ !ji4)e>con Ito^fescl jrwont£rpe> cent, tflprc huoj nnuy thnn any _ j'l'TciJelvcr lu the nwket, Is the •SAlfaST and only •RFJ^IABIE LIFE FRESKRVLR In "EXISTENCE, iib proved oft'io late nreck on the Puclllc Const, 01 the-Pacific Mnil Steamship, "Olty ot Sun Francisco." r~ KING BUOYS AND FElsDERS. O B H Hi W 01 > w en *3 /Approved nna adopted by the United States ♦•■Board of Supervising Inspectors ;u1bo by the principal Ocean, Lakfi and River Steamer tines, as the only Bellabte Lite Prjserver, .VESSELS AND TBADE SUPPLIED. 8end for Circulars ^„„™ .v.Q, D. KAHNWEILER HO, 148 & 150 Worth St. ________Nrnr Center St..New York. ^ KATXKNSTEIN'S SEbf-AWlNU METAL TACKINO Fob rim> hods, Vilvi STEUB Ac. Adopted and in n» by lh« principal Iron Worki and SUamalilp Compa- Itenrtthilrtk'^aaUljM yeara In this and Foreign I ronntrles For full par- I Moulin and references — address h. KATZENSTKIN ft CO., 100 CArlatophnr Street, neat Wert Street, N Y I/>Rn BOWTERACO AGENTS POnCLFVLtAND ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37, More, tan ui building, CHICAGO, ILI, WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cor Columbus Ar" & Water St SANDUSKY OHIO ' PALMER & BENHAM, Bucceflaoni to J H I'ALMUt A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Watar Street. EoonnO 4 7 CLEVELAND - OHIO BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, Vl acli chartered purchased and Bold, contracts, madu foccoarno and heavy freight^ LukL Superior and bscanaba Iron ore cbaiters for ilu- de trip or muoq a ipocUlty Office, &fc«^ Mil, 0. '________r«l>ptione No _«M___________'__ MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 81 Clilr Street, Room 27 Cl.KVU.ANB - OHIII ____ TH0S7 WILSON UANAOINO OWNKK Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent CLEVKIA.NI> O HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents _ .... »MV.. eoafldSSS Broadway 114 U Hallo Hrert. MILWAUKEE, WIS (HirAliO ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 So Water Street. _______ CHICAU3, • ILLINOIS________ ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 I.iSollo Street. rairAon___■ ill________. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, I r Exchange St. . Buffalo, N. V. ••-IF YOU DO NOT KECEtVE JIT MONTHLY I.I3T OF VESSELS WR8AI.E. SEN'.) FOR IT. THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN -MANUFACTURED BY- American ship windlass go. ■.■wmw&jxKmz} ies . - Km CRANK CAPSTAN. PATINTfeD BKPTKUDKn 7, 1880. As only a few men can operate a crank capstan, it Is seen at once that It must be veiy powerful to answer the purpose. The company had this fact particularly In view •when designing this capstan, and a comparison with any style In the market will show it* superiority In thiej respect To make the gearing equal to the great strain bften put on It, the gears are all made of the South Boston. Iron Company's celebrated gun Iron. The same care Is taken In IU manufacture as with the power capstan to make every part as- perfect rb possible It U made to work Pow er-oTSpced, according to the direction In which tho cranks revolve, without any other change. - — 8BLLINQ AGENTS ON THE LAKES D. 8. AUSTIN 4 CO........ BUFFALO, N. Y. - UPSON, WALTON 4 CO....... CLEVELAND, O. M. I. WILCOX........ TOLEDO, O. JAMES. P. DONALDSON & CO....... DETROIT, MICH. _____________ _ „______.„_.____. _ ,,— . - J-JJ*-.«V**. UlXVlle O D. NORRIS 4 CO........MILWAUKEE, WIS. DUNHAMA HOIT, .,.-.. CII1CAGO, ILL. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TTTTI BUST .A.SJD OSmcVPXUSI?. SEND VOU FBIOES TO SMITH'S BOAT WORKS, 169 South Street, New York. Improved Snatch 3lock Clasp closet! STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL & LOUD, Boston. Mass. Sole ManufWoturarf Id V. 8. A. of ojtr Celebrated Metaline & Sleeve Roller Rush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail CLEATS. ETC, Improved Snatch Block Clup Opened 00. UPSON, WALTON & Ship Chandlers, Sail Makeru and Riggers. HTOno of the largest stocks ol Wire Rope In the United States. CLEVELAND. - - - - t HIO. J. W. Grover & Son, Ship Chandlers -AND-SAIL MAKKiff^ tmiigBIVeratraat IMilMDock Cleveland.O METALLIC LIFE RAFT, H.CT.&J.H. Calkin, Contlis and Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitting, GALLEY STOVES- >S« * »ST Wul St., Oar, Lalf hs NEWYOBE Cl-cttlatf aert upon tppllcatio- PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. SOU MANUFACTtlltKnS 0V TDK CELEHItATKD "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. v •nJT* ALL STEEL roller Bushed on with our SELF-LUBRICATING PHOBPHOBB80HZK BUSHINGS. The metal in these Bath¬ ings lithe celebrated Phot- Shor Bronte, the belt bear- )g metal in market and being perfect self lubrica¬ tors they arc fast supersed¬ ing all other styles For sale by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere. ASK FOB "ANCHOR BRAND" BLOCKS. Illustrated Catalogue* ud Price Lists mailed bee ipsa application, BiupH aiders aottott,d. Lata.1 lm|>ro»t tsM 136 42 55

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