Marine Record, August 28, 1883, page 3

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THE MARINE RECORD ! POUBIKG OIL ON TROUBLED WA¬ TERS. FrmlhtMaulkal OoitUi. SoHEnviLLK, Somerset Co., N. J. Tho subjoot of "Pouring Oil Upon Troubled Waters," Is one ot vast Importance to all ' thoso who go to sea In ships nmr do busi¬ ness upon thtfgroit waters, and yet compar¬ atively llttlo attention has been paid to it ex¬ cepting by n few enthnsiastlo scientists nnd Chemists, who were fascinated by the mar¬ velous results it produced, whllo experi¬ menting with the different oils, viz: fish, mineral, nnd vegetable. Thntcelcbratod an¬ cient philosopher, Pliny, appears to have , been the first ono to bring to tho notice of ^ tho world this wonderful property of still¬ ing the waves with oil, but tho Interest In It soon died out, and It was not until more modern tlmos, when Dr. Franklin attracted the attention of learned^nen to this romark- ablo agent, that It again came Into tiso among mariners. Until quite recently it lias been cither en¬ tirely unnoticed or trei ted ns fabulous, but by the energetic and eutorprlslug efforts ot John J. Shields, Esq.,ol the Wallace Works, Perth, Scotland, who discovered its wonder¬ ful Influence over the surface of water just by mero nccldent, whllo he wns superintend- ' lug tho exoavatlon of a fish pond, and to him nllcredtt and honor Is duo for having been the pioneer In brlrging It Into practical use at the North Harbor of Peterhead, Scotland, - and also nt Aberdeen. Lust year Mr. VI- nengo Fondnearo, of Montevideo, built him¬ self a throe-ton boatrto cross the Atlantic, in order to demonstrate what cnn bo accom¬ plished by a small vessel currying olive oil to lubricate the wnves. His safe arrival at ' Naples, Italy, won for him distinction, hfid he was invited by the king and queen to the royal palace to give an account of his re¬ markable passage, etc, The flshernion of Gibraltar were neons- - tomod to pour a little oil on the sea In order to still Its motion, that they might be oua- bled to see tho oysters lying at the bottom, which wero thoro very large. Might notour Yankee fisherman take the hint and go nnd do likewise? The fishermen of Lisbon, when about to return Into tho river, If thoy saw < too great a surf upon the bar, would emr. ty a bottle or two of oil overboard, which would suppress tho breakers nnd allow them to pass frcoly and In safety. Another'way of ob¬ taining tie same results Is some tunes re¬ sorted by French tlahermen on the "Banks," when thoy are laboring hard in a storm, aud I cannot'imagine why somo of om Intelli¬ gent Gloucester, Mass., fishermen do not try theBiime m-anj. Cutting open their codfish, they extract the liven and crush them to ob¬ tain the oil, after which they throw them over the sides, bow and stern. Tho oleagi¬ nous mattei soon sprends a thin skill or film of oil, forming a complete ring wound tho vessel, and prevents the sea from harming her. It has bie i observed thnt when seals are eating a very oily fish, which they In¬ variably do under jyjitor, the waves above are very smooth; and by this the fishermen know just where to find them. Fruit schooners trading betweon Groat Britain aud the Western islands, while run¬ ning before n gale of wind and high sea, nearly always carry two perforated canvas or leather bags filled with oil, and hang one over encli quarter, where the oil drips into tho sen, and dlltuslng Itself over the surface, Btnooths the waves. There are people in the world who do not believe that Christ's mlr- aclcs'wcrj wrought by anything more than natural power, and they toll us that wutei was made wine |ust by mere "chemical" aetion, in tho same manner that wine Is changed Into water. In the sartie way they would try to explain that the Groat Captain used oil to still the waves on the sea of Gal- Ulce, and thus make somo believe that the master brought about a calm sea by natural means, as thdjuechanioal aetion of oil on wa¬ ter seems almost n miraculous achievement. Tho calming eflcct of petroleum rising in the bed of a Mexican river, and carrlod cnit- to boh Is attested by tho fact that the spot Is called the oil pond, and is used as a harbor of refuge aud safety by small vessels, who run from tho approach of a storm to ride out the gale In ease and sccqiity. The oil forms a thick scum, tho effect ol which Is stated to be so great that even In tho most violent storms the sea Is comparatively smooth In tills spot. Not long since the Earl ot Car¬ narvon called the attention of Parliament to the eP'eot produced by pouring oil upon tho son in tempestuous weather, and Inquired what mongures the Board of Trade had adopt ed to tost the value ol recent experiments, nnd to fliicouiuffo u discovery vuluabte to lift aud property at sea. I think It i ow high tlmo thnt the Ameri¬ can government had Instructed the Life-Sav¬ ing Service to compete for prizes for the best achievements scoured by pouring oil upon the troubled-waters. If any reader doubf the efficacy of greasing the ocean let him tri the experiment, and I venture to eny he will bo highly delighted at tho result, ns tho writer has boon. Shipowners would do well to put a lew extra burrols of oil on board as a part of tho Hie saving apparatus. Tho English Insurance companies a^o likely to Swaynes ' fflSLfllOM All. ' PURIFYTHEBLOOD ACT AS A HEART COREICTOR anil by eHinilnfl, rsgutsllag, and ilnnglhinlni Uit orgins of dlgiulon, ucnllM and tbisrptlon. curs apoiKiy, f OlitlaiiirihbffHy, ---------jndKldaty Lew Spirits, fjidtgsifl) fuvtuintii, .—......___JrstHiJtiiB- omplilnt, Lata ef Appetite, lis, Hill'--'- Paralyili. Ni --------"-1Bi mpumi.Li efDyiMjpi Itriatadci ipty, Colds i Wiiknisi — and .sH Ifwgi___ llomaoh, Bladder tad Bowels. uuiiniii, imdiiit, nillptitness, Bad dlce.LlversnjIKIdawOi------" ■- ?:§ .._. ____ ems . ..._........______.. irdon,. and ,aH fagulsritles of-Uie Spleen, impi R« start _____ ■opey, Colds, Bliei._____ Neuralgia, Bout. Femsle WeeVneii, Urinary Dli- GoneUjiauon, Fevtre, Miltrteena Cuntenton, Fever "" Toue, DUmioje, o«pr •■ "-"- "'------■■— end Itche, . .Fever wmetlim, toputl mly by Dr. RWATHB » RON.HIIuUleUi, M, ASKTOt. R DRpaOlBT FOR TBBUT^ MM,ticu.ri»bia,|i. twikraiiiuuriun). Vesselmen SHOULD nAVE OUR MARINE LAW .BOOK, Containing all poind of MARINE LAW n» do- tormlDod by the UnJtfel 8tali* Courts ,--------------ON--------------, ' Seamen, FralghU, Towage, CoUliIons, General Average, Outlet of 'Seamen, Owner*, Charter*, Iteirlitry, Euro lime ni*, •Common Carrlcri, MnAtari ft Owners, Illll or LiidiifW, WaffeR, Ac, Ttin TOtumn It handsomely bound In ittff Board cov«n, and lino Kn^llnh cloth binding Book* of thin kind generally cost St DO, but ire will iwml It to any juldreu, pontage paid for $t,25, or with the MARINL RECORD for ono year, both for only $)0O Addnu Marink Kuxmu, Cleveland O "am ily prupu] id all mw POSITIVELY CURED nnxlo LEBAJ wiioran AH Bufloron from th|B dliease that ore anxlou* to be cun'd fthoutd try DR KISSNER'8 CELEBRATED ■» Tin JTTfl CONSUMPTION roWMUM."*ho»liowdoni nre the mown ' hoXH________ n strong U our fait It In thorn nn 111U0 to luiitIiilo you _________'TW_________,„. only prtipurutlon known that will euro cuimunipllon loasea of tho THROAT and LTJNG8-iii'l<*xl It In thr ' * ' tnatthev are no bumbujf, me will forward to every ■uflerer, by mall, pout paid, n Free Trial Box Wo don't want your money until you *re perfectly aat- fifled of tholr curat!vo powers If your life Is worth taring, don't delay In giving those POWDERS a trial ai they will surely cure you. Price, for largo Box, |3 00 or 4 Boxes for 810 00 Sen) to any part of tho Unlud States or Canada, by mail, op receipt of price Address. ASH & ROBBINS. 3R0 Fulton St.. Brooklln, N. Y. FALLING SICKNESS PBBHAJTEHTLY these Powders will do all we ■end thorn by mill, post pali. _ _ ,„_______ Dr. Goulard U the only Pnynlctau that hot ever made LAO&fl celebrated re- To conrlnco auoeren that 11 we claim for them we will aid, a Free. Trial Box Aa this dlfOJeso a upetial study, and as to our knowledge thousand!) hare been permanently cured by the use of these Powders, we VUl guarantee a permanent cure I" every cose or refund your all money az- ■ " ■" " 'Ivo theso TowdTira an RSWii, All suffurerssl « - - - - - ., nnd bo cod Tin red oT their curatlTa power Trice, for largo Box. t3 00 or 4 Boxes for 110 00 nt by mall to any pirtof the United States or Canad on receipt of price, or by express C O. D Addrtf ASH & ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St., Qrooklin, N. Y. CO A I,. maEo It a condition of granting Insurance. Swabs saturated with nil have been hung over ships' sides while "lying to," In order that the sea might not break on board and atrnln their decks. Yours very truly, '. O. FOSTIR IIOWKLL. David Uunililael. Agt, nOMEATIG * STEAM COAL, Cleveland, MAKING LAWYERS. Huelp dt Morrison PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, lift MnnrquHt Room H Chlnano BOAT BUILDERS. Dean St Co. BOAT BUILDERS I- DETROIT MICH. LAUNDRY. BOAT WASHING and general Laundry in few hours. Clkvklinp Stk^m Laun¬ dry. 33 St. Clair St. Telephope 118. A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. A very fine yacht for sab. Lent 10 feet; double engines: two aplendli —■—said di A very fine yacht for sab, j feet; double engines: two api awning, a splendid double kitchen, pantr; state roomi; rooms well furnished to Bleep fjiCisillo, upright piano, and, In fact, all that can bo de ired. This yacht can be purchased at a bargain A< dreii M*aixx Rkcobd. ClcT^and, O. Length, 100 foot; beam, •\l ' ' • _.......wr _..... en, PAntry state roomi; rooms well furnished to sleep 16 cedar boats, nlie and two lerwni; pel tat c MANUFACTURERS OP ~ ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 'Michigan St., CLEVELAND; 'OHIO. F II. V, iOEOMAN, Proprietor, The Madison, (FORMERLY RKVERK HOUBK) Detroit, Mich Mo*l Centrally Located, Street cars pass tho door every few minutes to Depots nnd all pnrts of the City. Three mlnute'g-ivnlk to L S & M 8, D & M, nnd Wnlinsh Depots. Bates »l-50, to ts.00 psr day. FOR SALE. A n Iron atcanl yacht 35 feet long, 9 feet beam, 8 feet deep, Kins Tory fast, and well found. Enquire of D.F. NicKstMON. End lit Avenue Station. FOR SALE. Ad Iron yacht 86 feet long very flnclly finished ana furnlebod. Draft 3 1-2. tout runs very fast, 7 Enquire of D. I*. Nlcti rson Hurlcnosi Black Euclid Are Station. FOR SALE Slcaro barto. Keol 144 tcet. Bourn 30 foe!, depth of bold U fool, oajpacltr 400 M (col lumber, 050Ionia* 1 be.lilci her fuel. Built In 1682. Addnw M J aiNK Kkoord Office. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati nnd Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to' the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with Through Palace Conches nnd Elegant Sleeping Curs, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS TERREHAUTE —AUD— | ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. Thii ii ino only lino making Direct Connection with el, the principal Trunk Unea of tlio East for nfl Southern, SouthwaitcrD and Western points, olther byway of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St Loulliodall Ballway Town MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, CC-LORAIX) NEW MEXICO. OLD MEXICO^ ANDTHE PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Improvements. Modern The Best Roadbed and. the Safest Road in the West. tyj'lckots by UiIb popular route lor mle ut nil regular Tckot Olllcot, E. B.THOMAS, ~ 0. B. SKINNER, Otnorul Manugor Tniflk Munugir A. J. SMITH, Oinorai Passenger Agent CI.EVFJ.ANI>, OHIO. . CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI i INDI¬ AN AJ'OLIS Commencing Sunday, Juno 241b, trolniof tho Bee Lino—CleToland, Columbus, Cincinnati A Indianapolis Hallway will Icwre and arrlvo at Clorelnnd ae follows: Popart No 1, Cincinnati d Columbus Kxnross.... No 11, Indianapolis A \V hurling hxpra,s No. 17:8|)oclilC<iluiului».t Clnilnnutl El No. 8, BihjcIbI lnd A tiu Louis Express Nn, 5, Col. Cln , lnd i St Louis Express Nn. ?; C L 4 W 4 Qalliou Aio................ No. 2, Col A Cln A lnd Express.. --------• 4 W. Ace No. 8, C. L._ _____.............................. No 13, 8t, Louis t Indianapolis Express ... No, 6, Col. Cln. A Indianapolis Express...... No, s. Columbus 4 Cincinnati Express....... No. 10, Wheeling Express.................._.. No. 14. Olnclnnatl A V. Y. Fast Line .........._ Trilui raarxod • daily, all other trains daily uoept Sunday. •8 0O A M 7 10 A M 1 M I' M •2 IS 1" H "7 10 1' M 6 00 PM Arrive. •7 10 A M 10 25 AM •8 10 f it 10.00 r h •3 50 I' M 7 IS I> M 1 W AM The Nickel Plate! SEW TORU, cniCAdO A ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. Tho pancngor equipment of this Now Trunk Line Is nil now end la supplied with tho Intent apnllancoe necessary lo safe speedy and comfortable tr.ttol. At Chicago, paasenger trains aniio at and leave from tho Union Depot, Van Huron street. ' IS, and un- Accomr 4 20 p. m, 5-.18 " 01)8 " 0 06 " Following la tho tlmo In cirbot May 14. „ til further notice: OOINO EAST. Lr. Chicago.........8.16 a m...........,....... Arr. Valparaiso.. 40 OB " ................ " Tort Wayno. l.flo p. m.................. " Now Ifnvon. JOS « .............. „ " West Lolpslc 4.00 " .................. " ArcndU.........6,10 " .................. " Fontorln.........S.}6 " ......,.......... 11 Ureon Springs S 12 " .................. " BoIIotuo........0 40 " .................. I.T. IIoIIotuo........ 0.66 " 8 80 n. m. Arr Cloreland, ... 0.20 " 10.65 " Lv. Cleveland.................... 41 00 " Arr 1'oimivillo........'....... 12 00 p. m. " AsMnbuln.................... 12 68 " " Connoauf................... l 25.' " "Erie.......................... 2 28 " '• Dunkirk........„........ 4 21 " " Bufflllo.,...................... 0.00 " ' OOINO WEST Lt Buffalo .. .10.16 B. ni................... Air Dunkirk..........1160 " Erlo............. 1.85 p. " Conncaut. ... 2 68 " Ashtabula,......8 26 " I'alncsrllle...... 4 19 ' " Cleveland...... 6.25 ' Lt Cleveland,;... 6 80 ' ArrBellovue.........766 ' Lv Ballevue............... " Green Springs...... ' FoltpruL.................. " ArcWIa.......... ......... " West Lolpslc., ......., H Now Haven " Fort Wuyne .......... 11 Valpralso.................... a ^, V Chicago............._......... 8 20 Tralna run by Columbus tlmo, which is twenty mtn. utes foster than Chicago lime, five minutes slower thun Cleveland, nnd sixtoon minutes slower than Buf¬ falo time. Far information, call on nearest agent of tho Com¬ pany, or address B F. HORNER, (lenll Passenger Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMS, • " " ' General Manager. Cleveland, O Rocky River Accommodation departa at 7-60 a m [dally]; 9 10 a in [ddilyj, 10 45 a m [Sunday only], 188pm [dully], 4 25 p m [Sunday unl\], 7 oo n'm. [Sunday only] Euclid ucionimodation dopurts at 12 '5 p m [daily], 5 45 p. m [daily except fcundn » 35 p. m [Sunduy only J ................ 0 46 a. ni. ...........1..... 714 " 8 11 <• 0.25 " 7.15 a. m. 9 30 « 9.40 " 10 07 " 10 40 " 1100 " , " .......^. 205 p m. 2 20 " 6 25 " New York, Pennsylvania & Olio R, R. (Formerly A. & O. W Railroad ) NEW. YORK, IIOMTON AlVti THE EAST. The MiortMt and Quickest Ronte to Pllta- barsr, WiuhlsiBitoii nntl RstlUmore and the Southeast. 7.20 a, m. Lt'a.ltu'iuiflh Until further Dotlro traina will leave from the new Contra! Depot, fcoulh Water airuct aud Vluductaa fol¬ lows ATLANTIC EXI'ItKHS-tDally) I'uU- man ukeplng and lintel com hea from h 005 n m to Now York, Albany and Do-) to ii without chantf Pnrlur (nr from Cleveland and Halnniauca Arrlvo at Meadvllle at 11 20 a. ni. {dlnni r) Franklin 12 83 p m , Oil (Ity lOOp m, Cor- rylOOn tn., Jamestown (Lnko Chautnuqua) 2 00 p. ni. Ounalofl 1ft p. m Rochester b 30 p m ; Horaell • Tille 6 -to p m [supper], Comlna 8 16 p m Ehulra 8*67 n tn Uinghauton 10 58 p. tu , Alluiny 6JS0 a tu. Boston 2 45 p ni. arrlvlnit at Nuw T<>rk 0 ftO d hi 0'/.lill m LIMITED LXHtE^S-riirouKli I'ull- u ijU |ii Uli man »l«epluK crnich from Cleveland lo New\ork Arrives at Mt>advlllo at tl M p m , Juniea- 0 13 p m., Sltlamuaca 10 10 p tu., New York )0 25 a. in U,nf n m NIGHT EXPJlE8a-(Dally ejeept iUj Ui Uli Sunday) Seepliiv coach from Cleveland Homollsvlllo Arrive at Youngslown at 1 55 a vx.. MendvltleSSOa m , Corry 5*20 a in. Jaiuettown 818 a» m, Buffalo!) 45a ni., Itocheiier 1 10 p, m , HoruelU. vlliu, 1120a m .Cornlnij 12R3pm, nimiral:21 p m., IHnghanipUm 2-W P m„New "Vork uifl p m. Arrive at I'Tttsburgh 0 in a m , without chntiJO. O^fl" n HI riTTSBUIWII EXI'llESS - Dally - •J.IJU U, 111. Ttirough without cIiunkc, Parlor cur at- Uichetl, Arrives at Younirstown fi-00 p m., PitUburg 7 48 p tu , Waahlnglon 7flD a m .^Baltimore S 10 a. m. i,f\t « m MAHONING ACCOMMODATION — 4idU Lli Ul. Slopping at all way » atious, arrlvludOt Youiigdiowii 7-2A p ni , Sharon 8 30 p in , Bharr-e.Yllle 8 40 p nt. Cconnt'cts at Lcavlttsburgh with traio No 20 for Musdvllle and Intermedin to polntJ Afrlvaa at Mta<lvlllDll.20p m 7 ,nn n m I'ITTBBUROII EXIMILSS - Daily - f ifiU di llli Threlish without cliaugu Arrives at Youngitown 10 00 ftv m , Blinron U 02 a m, Sharpa- vlllu 11 10 a iu , Itttibi.rijh 12 45 p m , Kcturnluir, leaves lltLiburgl) at 4*48 a m , 8;i3a m,],30p. tu , and 4 JO u iu •> tl fl*C n m Yt)UN*ISTOWN AND PI 1TSUUHUH 11 U3 d. llli AtCOM*IOUATlON-Mtopp|ui iL. all Way stiulons, arrlvlugat YoungBtown 1 45 p. m .IMtts- bunjh.G 10 p m Trains arrlvo at Cleveland, 0 40 a. ip , 7 05 p m , 10 W a in, 1 00 p. m , and 10 15 p m, -WTThls Is tho only toiite>by vrhtcli paesongeri can ronch Corry Ehulra, blnghftmnton, Now York City and I u to rna»l tit to polnu wltlurih Llmngo No chungo to BohIou and New hngland Cities Bigijngo LhtLktd through to nil points Fant Tlmiugh tickflls atid Information rognrdlng the mute cnn be obtained at the olllco 1II BnnU street, and at uuw Depot of K. Y , P AO It. It, tkjuth VYaterstroot and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. , A. E, CLARK. Gcq'I Pala'r Ag'i Cleveland, O. J. M FEKRI8, QenM M*n'gr, C lev el and, O, U.L.FOUTS, PtUBcngor Agent, 131 Bank St. Cleveland, O 11 D UOULDKIt JOHN F. VYGli G0ULDER & WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 14 4 18 ATW ATEIt BUILDINQ, CLEVELAND,^ Our CqIIocIIod Department Is In charge ot an Ex* *- perlcaced Collector.

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