r. THE MARINE RECORD ENGINEERING AND MECHANICAL . INVENTIONS. Fftm Iht Sttmlljlc American. A Hue plugging devlco for mending the fluos of locomotive and other engine hollers wbon they become ruptured, and whlcliimlv bo accomplished by tills Implement while tl e boiler Jain use, bus been patented by Mr. Frank Sharp, of'Los AngeloB,-Cal. Mr. Jjowls E. 'Williams, of Pcekeklll, N. Y'„ Is tho patentee of tin Impi oved burglar alarm and door bell, In which a gongda at¬ tached to the lock spindle Inslilo ol the house, so that tlie turning of tho knob to opon tho doors nt tlie same time oporaUs tho hammer-jind sounds tho alarm. [ Mr. John Strncnan, of Sow. York city, hai obtained a patent for an Itnprovod method of bJtshlng thcJlueopcnlngs of steam holler hetiUs, which consists lu an iiutlarod ring of soft metal, and driving this ring into the flue oponingof tho boiler head, and tlnally expanding-tho ring In tho opening, whereby the Inner walls ot the ring will always be In the form of a true clrclo, Insuring always a perfect fit with tho ends of the boiler Hues. A machine for trimming lumber nas.been patented by Mr. W. B. Swartottt, of Three Rivers, Mich. This mnclilno is an improve¬ ment upon a mnchine patented November 20,1881, bv tlie same Inventor, whloh w.is designed for cutting lumber or boards Into "tandard lengths, iJeflaln ol1 the saws being .Jirown automatically out of action according to the length of the lumber. The object how¬ ever, of the present Improvement is to pro¬ vide for throwing the automatlo mechanism Into or out of action by hand or foot. An Improved governor for steam engines hnB been patented by Mr. William Knowlcs, of Bolton, county of Lancaster, England. Instead'of employing the ordinary ball gov¬ ernor forcontrolllng the action of the throt¬ tle valves and cut-offs of' the engine, Mr. Know leg has.Interposed between tji'u main governor and the valve a regulating govern¬ or which'operates automatically, and serves to accelerate the no Ion of the governor on the I'ut-oll', and reduce to a minimum tho variation in the speed ol the engine. A magnetic separator, Intended for, sepa¬ rating Iron sand from common sand, the ob¬ ject being to obtain as Inrge a percentage aa possible of the ore free Irom other snnds, bus been patented by Mr. Joseph La B. Vigor, pf Montreal, Canada. The invention con¬ sists'in an ondleis traveling apron combined wltn a serloa of magnets placed at an In¬ clination, so that as tlio'Band Is ted to the side of flic apron the magnetic particles will <be rctilined thereon and carried lorward to the discharge end, while the common sand will fall through Into a waste receiver below. An Improved apparatus tor regulating tho feed water supply of steam boiler?, whereby thelevel-of the water may bo constantly maintained nt tho Biimo point, has been pat¬ terned by George C. Pyle, of Dayton, O. This contrivance isvSQ constructed that when the water In the regulator reaches the lovol re¬ quired, the tlont will automatically open the escape pipe, mill the water instead ef flowing from the pump into tlie regulator, will pass off' by tho cseapo valve, but If tlio water falls below the proper level the escapo valve will be clused, and tho water will flow Into the regulator again until the water has acquired the desired level. A balanced rotary valve Is the subject of a pntent grunted to Mr. Abel E. Wilson, of Worcester, Mass. The invention consists In a double valve carried by a siifgle stem and formed with ports combined with a body or case for use with regulators for either steam, water or air, and Is applicable for any situation where u Irlctlonlsss .valve is necessary. Tlio t*o valves are balanced by tho pressure of water, or other fluid, and consequently thero is no friction even under heavy pressure, The valves Way be rocked by Blight variations In pressure in the regu¬ lator. The valve cubp is to be connected lu a water supply pipe lor regulating the din- charge and pressure, and "having tho stem conneotod to a pressure diaphragm In atiy suitable maimer. _ THE PBAIt JAMES DID NOT TAKE. "Jnmos!" "Yes, pa," "There wcro seven California pears In Hint cupbonrd. Six of them nro gone. Do you know anything nbout III"' "1 never wok ono of tliem." "Sure!"' "Certain, pn. Wish I may' die |f_" "You wicked, bad boy; how often hayo I told vou never to use such nn ex¬ pression ? Hero comes ma; lot us see if she knows anything about It." Mamma says sliosaw James take at loast.tlvo of thorn. "You little rascal I How dure you tell me you never took one, and hero Is only this little ono with the grub-enten side leftV" "Oh pa, don't lilt me. 1 snld I didn't take one of them—and—and—and that's the one I didn't take." Pa relented. LONG ROAD TO RUIN. The liquor saloons In New York alone, nlaced In opposite rows, would make a street eleven miles In length. Tho road to hoalth ' and wealth la through tlio use of Swayno s pills, which aro warranted to cdre tlio great variety of diseases which begin lu rjerangc- ment of the stomach, bowels, ami kidneys. ' Contain no morcury or other deleterious —substance. Thoyimrlfy the blood, remove Substructions aWI bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek. PUR1FYTHE BUOD ACT_AJL*. HEART CORRECTOR - and by elunilag, ngulillng, and itnngMIng tha eroant el digiifloa, Mention and iMorptlon, curs apopltn, I Dliilniii, D«bMlty,„ dlca.LhiriadKldnt] diet, Lhw lad Xldaw com.pltlnt, I Low Spirit*, InmgMflon or Oyipai ConibpiUon, F«vVn,Milirfiiml< I'^'V.'JSTO' $----' Nnmlgli, qout..>«mil« Ufukniii, Urinary Dl|. ordtn, InJ all tmgiilirltlii of th« SptMa, Stomieh, Bliddtr tad Bwwli. tnfvti ealTBT Dr.RWAWR * R0H.Wlii.lfHi, Pi ABKIDl'B DBpOOIBT»OBTHBUT^ rrlM,tiCu.n»hi«,|i. SuubiamuurlUna. COM-. '*' Davlil DarnhlHil. Ak(, DOMESTIC * STEAM COAL. Cleveland, Ohio MARINE .LAWYER*. Knelp A Morrison FROCTOKB fN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monro*. St Homu Et flUi-min W i \T Itl'l l.l>KU> l)«an £ Co. BOAT BUII.IIEIIS ' MlHt. LAUNIilfY. BOAT WXbULNU' and general Laundry in few hours. Cr.KVKi.ANi>. Stkam Laun- DltY. 33 St. Clnir St. Telephone 118. "J'erliupH llusmu Hi jtnlieli.\i»ly ii'ittd nwy azluc, in the IKor/d."—Thb National, N. Y. Sept. 1SS2. THE CENTURY •FOR 1882-83. The twelfth year of this magazine—the first under the new name, and the most successful in its history, closed \vith the October number. The circulation has shown a large gain over that of the proceeding season, and Tin; CENTURY begins its thirteenth year with an edition of 140,000 COPIES. The following are tlie leading features ; A NEW NOVEL BY W, D. HOWELL'S,; to succeed this author's ••Modern Instance. ' It will be an international' story entitled "A Woman's Reason." LIFE IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES BY EDWARD EGGLESTON—the leading histor¬ ical feature of the year; to consist of a number of papers, on such topics as 'iThe BeKJnging of a Nation," "Social Life in the Colonies," etc., the whole forming a complete history of early life in the United States, Especial attention will be paid to accuracy of illustrations, A NOVELETTE OF MINING Lire, BY MARY IIAMLOCK FOTTE, cntiUcd "The Led- Home Claim," to be illustrated by the author. THE POINT OF-VIEW, BY HENRY JAMES Jr., a series of eight letters .from imag¬ inary" persons of vaiious nationalities, criticising America, its people, society, manners, railroads, etc. THE CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OP CONNECTI¬ CUT, by the Rev, Washington Gladden. An account of practical co-operation In Christian work, showing how a league was formed in a small town in Connecticut what kind of work it attempted, and how it spread throughout the whole Stale. "RUKDER GRANGE ABROAD," by Fiank R. Stockton; a continuation of the droll-"Rudder Grange" stories, the scene being now in Europe. THE NEW ERA IN" AMERICAN HOUSE¬ BUILDING,n series of four papers, fully illus¬ trated, devoted to (I) City Houses, (3) Country Houses,, (3) Churches, and (4) Public Buildings. THE CREOLES OF LOUISIANA, by Geo. W. Cable, author of " Old Creole Dnys," etc.; a fresh and graphic narrative, richly illustrated. MY ADVENTURES IN ZUNI, by, Frank H. Cushing, government ethnologist; an adopted member of the Zuni tribe of Indians. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED PAPERS ON THE NA¬ TIONAL CAPITAL, including "The Capkol," ••The Supreme Court," "The While House/' etc. -MISSIONS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, "H. H. "; three or four papers of an exceed¬ ingly interesting character, richly illustrated. ,', MANUFACTUkEM OP ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. office; and factory 36 Michi£an fit, CLEVELAND, OHIO. M-V. B0BOMAH, Proprietor. The Madison, • (VOnMKBLY MtVKnE DOUSE) Detroit, Mich. ' s Moat Centrally luxated. Street cars pass tlie door every few minutes to Depots and all parts of the City.-1 Three nitnu.to'8 walk to L S & M S, D & M, and Wabash Depot*. Bttti 11-80, to 13.00 per day, The Nicket Plate! SEW YORK,; CIIICaWo * St. LOV». '* """"VAT. "'r Tho passenger orpilpmcnj of 'thfi New. Trunk Line la nil now anil la supplied' with tho Intait-apnlfancoa nooeaHrytoa«fo iposdy'indcomlorloblo IriTcl. At Chicago, pBHonger tralna otiIto at and loare from tho Union liopot, Van Huron stroeL Fol!owlngris tho time In eflbot Uajr u, l£8ttr and un¬ til further notice).-' GOING EAST. Lt. Cnlcago.........».16l.m.................................. Arr. Vali)aial»„.,10.o» " .................,............... "• Fort Wayno. 1.80 pi m.................................. " Now llovon,. 3.05 " .....„...,..„................. . " Wo«t Lolptlo. 100 " ................................. " AratdU.........B.10 " ...............,.. ,;............ " Fostorla.........B.SS " ,..,,........................... " Oreon Springs 013 " ................................. " BolIeTiio........0.40 " ................................. Lt. B0II0TUO.........0,51, " 8.90 a. m. ArrClorelnnd.......II.'m "" 10.B5 " Lv. CloToland..................... 11.00 Art Palneatllla.... " Ainiabula.. " Coonoaut.,., " Erio.......... " Dunkirk..... " BulTnlo....... .1200 p. m. 12 88 " 1 FOR SALE. An iron it4?ara ynchtSfffoet lnng.O tout beam, Sfoet top; rum Tory fait, and well found. Enijuirfl of D.P. Nickkuaox, Eticliil AvflDueSlalion, doop; FOR SALE. - Aq Iron yacht 85 foot long very 0nelly flnlihed anu turn (abed. Draft 81-2. foet rum very font, Enquire of D. P. Nick ono n Hitrknet.1 Block Kuclld ATeBinllon. FOR SALE Sicani bnrfo. Keel 144 Icot.Bonra 80 fool,depth of hold 11 foot; eaparttr 400 M foot liimtwr, 050 tons cool besides hor Fuel. Bulltln 1882. Addiw MmiNK IlncnllD OBce. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway, The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. A FINE .YACHT FOR SALE. Averyflno ytclitfor lale. I^nath, 100 feot; twnra, 10 foot; double engtnoa: two vnlondla cedar boiti; nico uwnlng; ft ipleuUld double Kitchen, puutry and two alale roomi; roanii well furnbhedlo aloeplo nerdona; forflcuatle; upright piano, and, In fact, all thai can be dfaired. Thla yaoht can be putxhaaed at a bargain. Addro'a MauinicRkcoki) Clcvuland, O. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO THAIXS SUNDAYS, Lenve Clcvelaml with Tlirougn I'alaco Coaches mid Elegant Sleeping Curi>, Tor COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERREHAUTE —AHD— SJ. LOUIS ■WITHOUT CHANGE. 1.25 ............... 2.28 ■...........„.. 4.21 ............... 0.00 0OINQ WEST. 10.15 a. m......... .tr.M 1.361 2.53 "A«om, 4 20 p. m, S-JBt " • 0 38 " 0.06- " Lei'vo. 0.46 a. m. 7.14 " 8.11 « U.2J >' 7.10 a. m. ...... 0.80 " 0.40" •♦ 10.07 " 10 40 " 11.00 " LV BufTalo....... Air Dunkirk..... " Erie............ " Cotmcaut..,, " AahUbuta........» 25 I* Paineirlllo......4.10 41 ClevoUnd.......-. S.2S Lt Clovelftud........3.30 ArrBellevuo.........755 ■ Lt BelloTiie................. " Q rcon Springs.......... * Fontorla-.................. " Arcadia.................... t .............. " Weat Lelpilc.................. 11.6*. "............... " Now Haven.................. 2 OS v. m............„., " F.irt W.tyne................ 2 20 > .............. " ValprnLio........................ 6 20 " ............... •• Chicago......M.................. 8.20 '» .........„..,. Trains run by Coluinbtt* tlnio. which ia twenty mln> utej falter than Chicago lime, flvfc minute* alower thun Cluveland. ondalxteen mlnuiea slower thin Buf¬ falo time. For information, call on ncnroBt ngebt of the Com¬ pany; or address B. F. HOItXER, Oou'l Pniwenger Agent, LEVfis WII.TJAMH, General Manager. Cleveland, O. Bocky Itlver Acctiinmndalioii departa at 7:50 a m. [dull)]; 0:10 a. m [dnllt]; I0/4S a.m. {Sunday only]; \;\IS p. in. [ditily); VH p. m [Sunday <mly]; 7;«) p. m. [Sunduy only]. KucliducionjinodntionduiMtrlaut 12*15 p. ni. MailyJ; S'15 p. in. [daily except Suuda ];«-35 ji. m. [Hunday only J ■■ New York, PeM.ylTaniafr.OMfl R,R. (Formerly A. ,11*. W. Itallronil.) NIJW YOIIK. 1MM4TI.N AND TIIE EANT. Tho Miorlmt mill Qiilrkont n»nt« to Pltta- burir. WnahluEion nnil Ililllllnoro anil the Honthcaat: Until further noltre trains will Iravo from tlio now . (Ytitnl! Ilcpi)t, bmvH Wulcr ilrcet and Vluiliicm. fol- Iowh: 1'On 0 III ATLANTIC i:XPItt:sS-(Dntly) I'ull- LliV (I, 111, man i.lic|ilng unit luitol comlit'j Irom U-avltlfl'iurBll tl.Oo n. w. to Now lOrlt, Albnny and llfjstou without cliang . l'nrtnr Uir frutn Cltivclunil mid Sotuniancaj Arrivo at Mi-ailitllo ul 11:20 a. m. (iMnnrr) Fraaklln 12 !W p in , Oil I liy l:0Up ni.,Chr- ry 1.-00 p. in., .Tainoatown (Lnko Cliimftiuu.ua) 2.00ii. IU , Bu0uluO:lAp. lu HoclieMtr h .'HI p m.; Homelf- Ttllo 0.-IO p in [aupprr]; Comlnit 8:V5 p Ui. Elmlni 8:57 ) n). lUngliniitun 10.58 p. 111., AlUmy b^io a lu. Boitou :45p. iu.; arrnlnuat Now V..rk a fio u.iii. Thu i« tho only tino matting Direct Connection' with all tho principal Trunk Llnea of tho Earn for all -Southern, Southwestern nnil \yester'n jlgltrtn, olther by way of Cincinnati, Intltanipolla or at. LouUand all Uallway Town! iHUSSOURI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, % NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO ' iNDTHK PACIFIC COAST. £... . l.IMITKI) KXl'llEafJ-ThrouRh Pull „._,_ r.__inii'i idcenliig cttrh from Cleveland it Now York. Arrives at Meudvjllu al li-M p. in , James- P. 1. Equipment New and Comprising all - Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. t3r"Tlcket8 by tills popular route for fule ut till rcgiilnr Tckm Olllcw. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Guncrul Manager. TnlOlc Atanagor. A. 1. SMITH, General Paarfcngcr Agent. CLKVKLANII, OHIO. CLEVELANP, (.'OI.UMI1U8, CINCINNATI i INU1- ANAl'OLIH. CunimencInK Siuuh), .Tumi Itllh, trulnsof the Roe Lino—CloTolund, Coluniuuii, Ctnrlliiiuti A 1ikIIuiiii|iuIU ftuilwa) will li'uvDumt arrlvu ut I'levulmitl ag tolliiwx. No. 1, Cincinnati A Columbuii Exnreafl..... No. 11, Indlanaimlli A \V heellilR Laprow.. No. 17,B|ioolalColunit>usl Clnetiinatl Ex. No. 8, Hpoclal full A Su Loula I-Ixpruu .. No, li, Oof. tin.. Illci. It Hi. Loufa Lapresa.. Nn. 7 O LA W t Oalllim Aec...,............., No. 2, Col. A Cln. & Ind. Expreu............... No. 8. C. L4 W. Acu................................ No \it 81, Lout, k Indlann|tolla Kxpreai..... No. 0, Col. Cln. A IniltatuipulU Kxprvu...... No, 4, Coluiuliua A Cincinnati Express........ No. 10, Wheeling Exproaa.......................... No, 14. fllnrlnnatl A N. Y. .t-litl Line Ui'iiurt "wSkTam 7.-10 A M J.-50 1' M •2.18 I' M «7.-10 1" M 4 no I> M Armu. ~*l. io"a M I0.1B A M o.l-JO I' M 10 00 V M "3 50 V M 7.IIS 1' M 1.40AM Tralua luarked « dully, ull other truma dally exco] Snndny. tonn 9:18 p. m., SulniuilDCu 10.11) p. lu., New York 10.-25 a..ni. n.nr n m NJCIIT EXPRFSs-IDally exe.pt ,UU Ui 111, Sunday) 8»p'»« coach frpm CUiTeland Iloruullsvlllil Arrive at Yotiiigdtomi nt 1:55 a. ui.. Moadvllle 3:50 a. ui., Corry 5;'^0 n. in. Jameatown 618 a. m, Buffalo 11:45 a. ni.. Itbchca'er 1:10 p, m , Itornolls. »lilo, 11:20 a m , CorniuB Ii:fl3piu. Eliniralisi p. m., I)llighamplnn^2.90 p m., Now \ork U.25 p m. ArrlTe at I'lltaburgh 0:11 a in , without chiinuu. 0>/;n II fit J'lTTSUUBl.ll EXl'llSs - Dally - 6,jU U, 111* -Through without cnuuge, Parlor oar at¬ tached. Arrives at Youngstown fi.-Qo p m., PltUborg 7:48 p. iu., Woshlngion 711'la. in , Ilnlllluo eS-10 a. ut. JiMn n MA1IONIN11 ACIOMHOPATION - 4iUJ II, fir, Blopplng at all wuys iitlons, ariivlne at YoungHlown 7:2-% p. m , ahariipyinio p iu , Shsrpesvllle 8:40 p. in. Cconnecls al LeavfttBhurgli with train No. 20 for Mnndvllle and Intermodule poluta Airivosat Mcuilvlllu 11:20 p.m. r/'Ofln. _ lllTTHBUItdll EXI'IIKSS - Dally - I i/jU U, IU, Tlirougll without cliuegu Arrives at YoungalownlOOO a ui-, tiharou 11 02 a. ni., Sharps- vlllo I1.-10 a. in., Pittsburgh 1243 p m , Returning, leaves Pltttburgh at 4.48 a iu , 8;i3a. in., 1,30 p. m., unit 4-20 p ui Uflfn n YOUNdsTOWN AND l'lTTSBUIIQII, 1)3 d. llli ACCOMMODATION-Mopplng at all ,Way atallous, arriving at \uuugslowu 1:43 p. u.,Pllta- liuiilh, 0.10 p. m. Trains arrive at Cleveland, 0.40 a.. m., 7-05 p. m., 10.o5n.mi 100 p. m.,andl0.15.p. in, AsTThla Is the only oil e bv which posHengors csn roncti Oorry Eliulrs, Uingliiinipti)n, New Yorlr Clly sud intormediiue points without chntigu. No chuugo to lkislou and New Eoglsoil Cities. fiuggago cheekeil through to nil points £ast Through tickota aud information regarding the muto can be obtained at tho titllco 131 llnnu street, and at new Depot ol V. V,P,10lt lt, Boulh Walorslroel aud Viaduct, Clowlaud, O. ^ A. E. CLABK.. Gen'l l'aas'r Ag't Cleveland, O. J M FEIIUIM, Con'l tfan'gr, Cleveland. (X M. L. FOUT8, Passenger Agent, 131 Bank 8j. Cleveland, O 11. D. UMJLPER. JOHNF. WEH G0ULDER & WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. 14 4 10 ATW ATEK BUILDING, CLEVELAND, O Our Collection Department Is In charge of an Ex¬ perienced Obllector.