Marine Record, June 30, 1883, page 8

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\ 7 Tne Meyer^inlc Corlc Jacket Twonty per cont. more buoyancy than any other Lilo-Prcscrvcr in tho market. Is the SAFEST and only RELIABLE LIFE PRESERVER in EXISTENCE, as proved of the Into wreck nn the Pacitlc Coast, flt the Pacific Mail Steamship, "City ot San Francisco." RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. " > W to ►3 Approved nnd adopted by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors ?u1bo by the principal Ocoan. Lake and River Steamer Lines, as the only ReliableL^lfe P^eeirver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED Send forClaulurs ^,«A™ .. „, D. KAHNWEILER140,148 & 150 Worth St. Nenr < enjer St. New York. THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. -—MANUFACTURED BY- AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. »i KATSENBTEIM'S I 8ELt-ACT!NU METAL TACKING i I ob PisTpji Rods Vaive Stems Ac. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship Cotnpa* nlc* within tho lust eight f~\ years in this and Foreign \ | countries For full par- Qvl \ i ticulars and reforencep yy address *A L KATZKNSTEIN & CO., \ 165 Chrintophcr Street near West Street, N Y LORD BOWLER 1 CO AGENTS FOR CLEVELAND ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37, Merchmto' building, ClUCtbO ILL ________ WILLIAM FORDE, .SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. h L Ctir Columbus Ivn t Waterbt SASpLSM, OHIO —PALMER & BENHAM, CRANK CAPSTAN. PATENTED SEPTEMBER 7, 1880. As only a few men can operate a crank capstan, it Is Been at once that it must bo veiy powerful to answer the purpose The a company had this fact particularly In view when designing this cnpstin, and u comparison with any style In the market will show Its superiority in this respect. To make the. gearing equal to tho great strain often put on It, the gears are all made of tho South Boston- Iron Company's celebrated gun iron. The same care Is takon In Its manufacture as with the power capstan to make every part as perfect as possible. It U mude to work Power or Speed, according to the direction in which the cranks revolve, without any other change. SE&LING A&ENTS ON THE LAKES D 3 AUSTIN & CO UPSON, WALTON & CO. M. I WILCOX JAMES. P DONALDSON & CO. G. D NORRIS &■ CO. DUNIIAM& HOIT, BUFFALO, N. Y. CLEVELAND, 0. TOLEDO, 0. X DETROIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE, WIS. CII1CAGO, ILL. SIlCWflMfB t» H F^LMfcRA SON Vessel Owners & Agents, - No lit) Wutar Rtnek Room»o I 7 U.tM'LAND^—r OHIO —BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, Vessels chnrlurtMl, purchased ami nold, contracts maJu for cobihl anil heary frelglilB Laka Superior and Lscumibii iron ore cbaitersfor viD itlo trip or hi&mhi u B|icctallj Office. aJvK.Visaii Clereland, 0. 1 feli-phmw No OV) ' -------MOORE and BAI.T0W,------- Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 St Hair Street, Rimidi J7 LlrVhLAND - OHIO THOS. WILSON UANAOINO OWNER Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder Freight and Vessel Agent CLEVELAND O HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents 06 and 168 Broadway 114 La Hallo Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS C11ICAOO, ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, * 240 So Water Straat, _________CHICAUO, ■ 1LLINOIB, ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 LaSa.Uo Htrwl _ . CHICAGO___._ JLL.____________ A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, it Exchange bt. ■ Buffalo, N Y. t#-lF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE «Y MONTHLY LHT OF VIS-EI & „OlJr- •!.., &L:.J Kh .-. J. W. Grover & Son, Ship Chandlers -------AND SAIL MAICEliS------- Cleveland,O U7A119 River ntreet I'MAlll, Dock UPSON, WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers. tyOno of the largest stocks of Wire Rone in the United States. CLEVELAND .... OIIIO "Anchor" Snatch lllocks PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. BOLE UAMIFACTURFna OF THE CKM5IIRATFD "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. "■" ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED on WITH OUR SELF-LDBRICATING FHOSPHOB BRONZE BUSHINGS. The metal In theae Bush tngi Uthecelebiated Phos¬ phor Bronie, the beat bear¬ ing metal in market and being perfect selflubrica tors they are fast superscd ing all other styles tor sale by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere. ASK FOR"ANCHOR BRAND" BLOCKS. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TBII BXUST A.1NT30 OS&AF1HT. SEND FOB rniCES TO .SMITH'S BOAT ■WORKS, 159 South Street, New York, m tat^rj^-cut anfk jrCus mi c . ZTT^Improved SNATCH 3L0CK Clasp ^losctl 30i STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL & LOtJD, Boston, Mass. Sole ManufiMtureri In V. S. A* of our Celebrated Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush ** Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail CLEATS, ETC Improved Snajtch Block ^joaif Opened T 1 LIFt* H.C.&J.H. Calkin, Coprais and Plnmbers, Steam itad Gas Fitting, %mm stoves. HBO * »87 West St., Car, Lalght NEWYOFK U tljjl C. .10- 42 12

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