Marine Record, June 30, 1883, page 5

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AROUND THE LAKES. " CMVBUND- r Thodrodgo Erie Is now at the mouth of ,tho river hard at work. . Tho schooner John TlbbHU Is In Smith s ,Wcd with 2,732 tons ol ore on Wfcdncflday. Caotaln H. J. Webb's health Is Improving and ho Is expected out again In a Jew dayir Theswamer Saginaw, Captain George Lebo, has gone into the excursion buslncBs ^rrwilBon, cook ot the Sooner Ha vana,dled on shipboard near Vermillion on Friday nlghtk-v eofthoTH.0 Tho schoonor Imperial went into tho Chi¬ cago Company's drydock to be surveyed. She will require 80 streaks of now plank, wmo Mow frames, now stern and apron and rocalKcd. Tho now tlmo tables for the present season havo boon Issued by tho,Goodrlch Line. They gtvo all necessary Information as to tho tlmo of arrivals and doparturoa and rates of faro 'if all their boats on tho different routes, I The schooner Imperial of Manltowoe was [tow&d up tho river on Wednesday sho was wnteiloggedlifttMicr jlbboom and bowsprit wore gone, sho having boon In collision with The steamer F. & P. M. No. 1. was placed In the drydock on Monday to be lengthened. •Tho fishing tug, IS. K, Roberts, a fine modol, was launched recently tit Detroit drvdook. There has been much complaint by vcbbcU men nb'out tho obstruction of Marquette haSI bor with rafts of logs. Tho rovonuo cutter Andy Johnson goes from Detroit to Chlengo^Ivherc she will re¬ main a few days, after which alio will leave tor a trip along the enst shore, stopping at all ports. Tho scow M. Tuttle, of Dotro)t, hound fo The Irraido of thoTloatlng Bethel has been ^ newly painted and some other little Improve¬ ments have boon mjulo. The wrecking tug Wlnelow has gone t> lihko Superior to rescue tho stoamor Spar¬ tan which Is hard 'aground on Carlbean Island, Captain William Rolls, of thejiiirnod tug Vulcan, has taken command ot the tug Glad¬ iator, vice Captain A. A. Cox, who takes charge of tho Kate Williams. The schooner S. L. Watson, drawing 12 feat 0 inches of water, had to bo lightered be¬ fore sho could get up to the uppor furnace dook. which shows the need of further dredging up the river. A schooner was run Into by an unknown tug on Wednesday morning between the crib «nd the breakwater, causing considera¬ ble damage. Tho captain of tho tog has not reported the accident, and Is much blamed therefor. The tug Thomas Thomson, which ran onto a snag and Bank after being towed in above Smith's drydock, was raised by steamllghter Greenhalgh and put on Smith's drydock. A large hole waa found under the luff of her port bow. H. P. Chamberlain Intends running the sidowheel steamer Ssglnaw between Cleve¬ land and Put-In-Bay for excursion parties this seaspn, to leave their dock at the footol ' Superior St. every Tuesday, Thursday, Sat¬ urday and Sunday mornings at 8 o'clock. Satisfactory progress Is being made with »— i.fc.siranto* Fourteen crlb^i of ilfty feet worogone,sho Having ucon ui cuiusiuiimiM lnc,v„„ ... ______ the schoonor C. A. King during a fog off tho Detroit from Kclloys Island with a loa'd of Foxes. ' stono, went nsboro two miles west of Col- John Martcl tho shipbuilder of Sanatuck, cheater, Wcdnosday. Sho lloin on sandy has arrived^to build for Captain Thomas bottom and does not appoar to bo rhuchln- has arriveu w uimu ,», u,,|„*.... ...»...... I'ecd of ChloSigo a tine now tug of the follow Ing dimensions: Length over all*74 feet, breadth df boam i1% feet and depth of hold 0 feet. Robert Torrant will build the engine. _ Captain Tom Richardson of Milwaukee nrrlved horo last Thursday In command of jurod. While at anchor during a south west gale she sprang n 'eak and alter throw¬ ing over her deck load, tho water still gain¬ ing she was benched. ' The crew Ib safe, i Duurrn, Repairs are In progress on the tug Ozaukee having sailed, to this port since the spring of I860. Ills many friends here were greatly pleased lo have him once more among them. BANDUBKY. Marine business Is du'l but prospects are good. Schooner Rodgors arrived with coal lor Groch & Maokoy, Schooner AcontlaB arrived light from Do- trolt and cleared with coal for Point Ignacc. Stoambarge Yosemlto with consort "Wal- brldgo arrived with lumber for Ryan John¬ son & Co being repaired at this port Recent soundings show the witter In the hnrbor to he in no place lets than 16 feet. ■ ^__.WAUKKE. |_JJomo trouble has boon experienced at this porlliotween union and non-union men. The Hello Crons left tho barge Board of Trade, lumber laden, at Milwaukee, Grain freights are steady nt 2 cents on corn to Buffalo and 5 Cents on wheat tQ - Kingston. The stcamhaigo Potomac started out from this port and came back the next day In a disabled condition. She went Into drydock for ropalrp. Tho schooner Thomas L. Parker, ore la¬ den, wont ashore on Washington Island 4ui« Ing a denso fog. She was released by tl e steiimbargo Milwaukee. Tl e barge Guiding Star, of the Luke Su¬ perior Transportation Company, w Ith coal for this point waa run Into a short distance I out at 6 o'clock Wednefdny morning. Con¬ siderable damage was done. Insured for $800. Milwaukee, Juno 27.—The rumor that the barge Argonaut was burned of Kenosha, wns owing to the destruction of the Glen Flora Hotel,' near Waukegan, the glare of the flames being reflected over the water. , The Argonaut passed this port at 0 o'clock J Tuesday evening, and is supposed to be In- S. G. JohmAn will be captain of tho schooner Belle Stephens after the present extensive repairs are completed. Entire cost when completed (3,000. Captain McDougall's new steam scow Is not entirely completed yet. Tho scow is 04 feet long and 18 wide and 0 feet deep. It is" a very strong and powerful boat, being run by a thirty horse power engine. It will be used In unloading of boats, tho carrying of lumber, freight etc., In the harbor, for willed Escanabo.—Leader. son & Co. . iuiuuc., "«.*"*"-.....-— • ,. „nU rescu Schooner Ire>,e arrived with staves for „ork It Is perfectly adapted. 1-ne part wn ^^ ■Hodgman & Co., and cleared with stone lor the boat to which we referred as not^ beingy ^ TERRIBLE DISASTER AT8EA. - A dlapntcli dated at London, on the 24th., Inst., gives the following account of the collision of the passenger vessels Hurnnul and Waltars, of the New Zeulanu Shipping Company, oil Portland, Friday-night. The Wultara sank In two mlniiteB. Twenty- five persons were drowned, or for wnicn t rile Huru""' Immediately launched boats, The part of-| "P"1 rescued sixteen persona struggling in This bWwaty. Fourteen ciM of fifty^hlveJbfon ptaced this season. Hopes 3 to the mouth 3/tho rive, and as will make 1,150 for the Bowon-s work ^ CHICAGO. MILLER BBOTHEIUI DRV DOOK.-lhC inor Wat« Sherman is In drydock or a throuuh rebuild. Tho schooner A.G. Morej Uln drvdock (or a now keel new bottom clanking, now frames and a through over- hauling The schooner America went Into drvdock for new bilges, frftmes and bilge atrea^l-'JulllldC"lklngK110VU th :rdnCr^tootSe^.nc»,ma,,waB ,. -i.,.rtiv«i1 Thoscow Daniel lowers „ a d n/s refastencd and recauIked. In aou, >v> .gindi-jdocklora Srk5[Ib^dCr and new plank LoherCo- The sloop yacht Wasp, It. to dryuock and was otuilked scraped ^pilled, and was supplied with a new dimensions The stean.bargc Buckeye* nent Into drydock for a ,unv WT,1'schooner Alvln Bronson went |m« ^theChlcagn Company's diydock to get a ^ahS" Ames has taken command of ^Cmbargt J. S—,,s vice Captain FrscSr& waterlogged and has i ,n this nort. Hor cargo will he rn'rirdt^llUo.nto drydock for »rfThT*hMl of the propeller Nc- .tcrn'boarlng on ^loltd left hero on a^tSS£^- for her .ate Sunday, looking, ,0 tll0 bottom o^itlKvanstouafowwceks V0, ^s- Port Huron. Schooner Kcldechouse and steambarge Ar¬ gonaut, arrived with grain trom Chicago and oloared light. BargoB Wend-thc-Wave, B. B. Iosmon and FoBtorla arrived with lumber and cleared light. , Propeller Oaceola, of Ward's Line, called In here and took on a loadot lime and fish kegs for Duluth. Schooner H. Mulr arrived with grain from Chleagp for B. A 0. elevator and cleared with corn for Buffalo. Stcambargo Michigan, with oopsortB Da- cotah and Clinton, arrived with lutnbor, Steambargo cleared with coal for Saginaw, barges cleared light. Dredging In the bay is completed. The dredges are now working on the channel In the lake off Cedar Point, having about 10,000 yards to take out there. Schooner Kelderhouse arrived with grain from Chicago for B. & 0. elevator. The cook fell overboard while tho boat was pass¬ ing Cedar Point but was rescued. Stoambarge Siberia arrived from Chicago with 74,000 bUBhels of corn for the B. & 0. elevator and cleared for Toledo tp load grain for Buffalo." She cam0|ln without trouble drawing 14 feot 7 Inches. Excursion business is booming here, there leaving here on Sunday ono on the B. & O from Ncwaik and way stations and one on the L E. & W from Mitncle, Ind, ami way stations, tho Jay Cooke and American Eigle taking thorn both to Put-ln-Bay. Tho B. F Ferris took ono to Lakeside. The Deputy Colleotor here recently took the official measurement for Fries' new ves- scl tho Golden Age Leugth, 278 feet, beam, 88 leet 8 Inches; depth, 20 feet, gross tonnage, 1,850.1)11 tons She has four spars which aro being phu-cd In her at Huron, preparatory to towing her to Cleveland where she will be lilted out. A sailboat with a largo party aboard cap. sized on the bay on Sunday,. Tho tug An¬ nie Kobe rtsou picked them up and towed them lUhore One of tho party lost a valu¬ able gun. A dog got fust under the sail and one of tho party waa thoughtful enough to dlvo down and roleaso the canliio. No lives lost. DETROIT. Two new steamers tho Keystone and Mohawk aro approaching completion nVtlila point. On Saturday tho steamer Saklo Shoppard was launched In tho presence of a lingo orovvd. She Is a flno boat owned by B. Shepherd and Wickham & Co. of Huron and Mr. Howoll of Toledo. the boat to which we referred as not being j> ^^ ^^ ws, „ ,,ldy gllloon pM8engor completed Is a hoisting machine wn,c\" w whom „ B,uor, also saved, had given hi now being made. The scow will carry 100 tons. To give some idea of Its capacity, It recently, while In the operation of unloading Italia from a boat, took out one and three- fourths of a ton from the hold in a minute, which Is very rapid work. Sam Rankin Is engineer of tho scow, which the captain has named the "N. P." I East Saginaw. The barge Transport has u load of lumber for Ohio. The propellers Ouooo and C. K. Green got (1,00 on from Esoauabu.l 4(0 Vessels drawing ton feet six Inches are getting over the bar all right now, but the time is limited. ' Tho tug Mocking Bird released the! schooner Emma C. Hutchinson on Thursday night and towed her to Chebovgah. About |-200 tons of coal was jettisoned before he release was effected. nuFiALo. Coal freights quiet, 75 cents to Chicago and Milwaukee. The schooner City of Cleveland arrived yesterday with 01,100 bushels of corn Jroin This Is the largest cargo of grain to whom a sailor, also saved, had given his life belt. Two other saloon passengers weft^ also saved. All the second-clasB and steerage passen¬ gers were 'ost. The captain of the Watmra was dragged aboard the Hurunul with the aid of ropes. The two vessels left London together Fri¬ day. The Hurunul struck the Wnitara, end on, just tn front of the saloon, on the starboard side. The survivors state no crash was heard, but the side of the Waltara gave way like cardboard. More of tho passengers might have been saved had a bark and steamer seen near by heeded the Waltara's signals nf distress. The Waitara Is an Iron ship of 83d tons, built in lbli.1. The IIui until is also an Iron ship , wooden ves- Chicago ever biought Into port In BCl. tSCAKAnA. Escanilltl-tnrnlslu'S the latest snake story A boat meets a snako four feet lu length five miles ft on. shore. Who next" 1'hoEsumaba 'lowing and Wrecking Com¬ pany has sold the tug Pilot to the hpalding Ltlinbe. Company, running mills at the mouth of Cedar river, ami will build or buy anotliet boat 10IKIIO We clip the following from rhuisday'- 'tIic piopeller Oneida, ol the N I' Line, arrived this inoinli.g Tho bargo Iron Cl!ll, coal laden, left this morning tor Duluth. There area largo number ol snags report¬ ed In tho rive, here, whlqh vcsselmcn, It Is 8„ld will need to watch out for. Tho pro- nollorJ C. GaiilUms had two wheels bro- L, bv them within tho past thirty days, entailing a loss of between |100 and «".00 KINGSTON. The Frank Terew loft for Montreal In the 23d., with six barges with 100,000 bushels of BrXhe schooner Argo, sunk at the Lime Kilns last fall, w»s raised on the 22.1,, Inst. with tho aid of two steam pumps, h hi was scUed by the wreckers and will be sold. ODD SCR'aPS OF'NEWS An electric light Introduced In a Pennsyl¬ vania coal-mine the other day Beared a lot of mules there out ot their wits, and miners suld It was the first time ono of the animals was ever known to'show fear underground. The skill and occur icy of ancient astrono¬ mers Is stilklngly illust.ated by tho survey ot jLiniamoun, In Mesopotamia, lu the ninth, century, who gave the earth's mean clrciim- fireriie at 13l,doo,2U0 (eet, according tn Clara's elements of 1878 it Is ldl,,181,4 w feet. Even at a'pei lod as early as Arlsntlc, d-10 II C , tbl» mean ohcunilerence was known, rtllh astonishing precision, as 131,128,0(0 tut - It seems that H W How gate the ah- -iending disbursing n.llcei ol the signal , uln, who stole about $J(sl,lHXI, lias been inivillng about the Lulled Mutes In various dls"ii|ic-« He bus eludud the di tccllvcs lor .(\Tiul mouths even though hilnu beneath thilr ve.ynosis NutnialU be lias black liuli and ties, and alwiiM) muled a nine to a»-lst hhn In «alkliiK llewassicn lu New Orleans, being idi milled quite as much by the companionship ol his mistress, as for tho MUKOii his disguise was pencil and. Ho had dved his hall and eyebrows a llery red, his lace was marked by artlllolal freckles, ard he walked without a i miu and unllmplngly. V I'ovcinnii'ut oIIIum was untitled, but a railroad accident presented his getting lo New Orleans In time to prevent Howgato's departure lor Cuba After the battle of Chlci mauge, Gereral Stodnian found General Ward lying Inan oCd house with a bullet hole In Ills breast apparently dead. He had been given up by tbo surgeons Stecdiuan had a canteen of "lomtnlsBiiiy" whisky. Ho poured It down tbo throat of the wounded man ana saved I his 1 c Since that episode Stcedman and I Waid have been close friends.

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