Marine Record, June 23, 1883, page 2

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a jf AROUND THE LAKES. i 0 LEVEL AND. ' The tug Worswluk has been newly painted . and fitted up In nice style. • ,'fho tug Worswlok has n new wheel and runs fnetcrthnn over. . , . The trouble betweon the union unci non¬ union sailors Is ended. Tlio tug Dreiidnuught received a new wheel in the Glooo drydooka. It Is proposed to nu. the steamer Saginaw out of this port on excursions Captain Toba • , Jn commiinu. ■ . The tug Champion brought In from Lorn- ington, Cmsiuln 345,000 lector timber for (ho Cleveland Hoop Company. The Bturtevant Lumber Compnny havo . bought hair Interest In the propeller Cleve- Infill for $10,000. The barge, Everett wont Into tno Globe drj'dock Wednesday. She has been on the rocks nnd needs some repairs.' More plies for the break wntor havo been driven. Vessels are otmilbnod to run east¬ ward of the lino of the west pier or thoy mav run nloul of them. Captain Greenlmiigli Iihb bought the two DeLainator llghtois advertised In the Marine Eecoiid and Is prepared to do all kinds of lightering on short notice. Captain Gray of New York Is In the city putting in for Captain Greenhalgh if steam . polsometer. This will be used in his new business of supplying the, builders with good ■ plastering sand. Captain Greenhaiigli Is about to Btartu sand and gravel iradc in connection with hit tug Business. lie will bring a flpe grade of sand for plastering from Falrportand gravel for roofing purposes from Point au Peleo, Captain AlVa Bradley's schooner EBcniiabn, ore laden for Cleveland, ran on Gull Island Reef In Lake Michigan: She was In first claBS condition as all Captain Bradley's ves¬ sels are and what the Iobb will hi h not yot known. ^ OSWBQO. The schooner Mystic Star Is on Mitchell . & Gallagher's dryuoek for repairs. Charters: The schooner Xassau takes coal for Evnnston, the Jamison for Hamilton aud the Erie Queen for Oshawa from the Ontario and Western trestles. The Boliooner Proctor takes coal for Hamilton, the Moni¬ tor for Saokotl's Harbor, U|oL. B. Btone for Alexandria Bay, the N. P'. Downey for Napaueo, the Freeman for Belleville' and the barges Texas and Erie for Montreal, from the J). L. <fc VV. trestleB. .The \achoonor Queen of the Lakes, Cap- - tain Sullivan, while ofl port, broke the bolt "rope of the in.dusall and was working on under foresail and jibs when brought in by the Mnrey. The first screw propeller on the great lakes was the Vandalla, built at Oswego In 1841, being 138 tons burden. She was also a full-rigged sloop; In looks she was an un¬ gainly and slow craft. BUFFALO. Vessels continuo very scarce. Our ship yards are unusually lively. Tlio tugs In tills harbor are said to consume a 100 tons of coal dally. Now sails, stringers, etc, aie being given to the schooner Duvkl Stewart. The schooner Evolelgh. ashore some time since at Pclee Island, Is now a total wreck. Though business begun three weels later this year than lust yet the season's shipments are ahead ol last to dale. Boats have been coming fioin Dotiult Bay City to get coal cargoes for the upper lakes. This Is unusual. , A. M, Barnum,of the International Mai hie Agency, has sold1 the small schooner Louisa, for McDonald $ Molester, of Benton Har¬ bor, Mich., tl> Jticli •.& Company pf \taii- iieiipollH, for tf ,400, Sho will be used in the fishing trade at Dulutli, After repeated oflorts to dispose ol the schooner Watts Sherman, she has dually been sold to Hi. Mlchaelson for $1,000. The sale Is not fully consummated yet, as the transfer papers will have to be .sent to Bull'alo to rcuelve the signature of her own- ore. The Bteambaigo C. F. Curtis miiju a re- iiinilyibly; quick trip from Buffalo to with her three barges. Made tlio run from Buflalo to Detiolt In 30 hours; from Detroit to Marine City in o)£ hours, and from the latter placo to Bay City in it hours. Buflalo Express: "The new patent valve for drawing off the water from the bold of a vtstel by meant of a vacuum, oauied by the motion of the vessel, was partially teated In the harbor lately, and worked satisfactorily So far as observed. Some slight defect was Iscovered, however, and the trial was sus¬ pended until It can be remedied," A* soon as the weather will permit the Government engineer will place a black can buoy over the wreck of the schooner Fal¬ mouth, which haa drifted Into the channel ■bout one hundred feet north of the north end of the breakwater, Buffalo. At the ordinary lake level the wreckage has a leant ' 13 feet eight Inches of water over It. Sandusky1. Vonsel business la'dull'at thja port, al¬ though the shipping Hat reports ii number of jiiilvalB.yet vosselaclear' light us there la nothing offering. Sandusky Is once mdrtf re-Instated as a flret-0'nefl signal station,' Sergeant Hough hka beon nrderod to report bore by June 80. We would like to see our former Sergeant, M: H. Perry, baok 'again, as hi* frlonds here aro numerous. The Sergeant was here Sunday on a vMt looking up friends and scolng wlnit his chances'aro for being re-ap¬ pointed. He at'present Is stationed at Port Huron. Ftshermon aro getting tholr twine out of the lake hereabouts, as their time Is up un¬ der the old law,' no iiMontlon having been paid to (ho new one. ' Steamer Stolnholl' gives an excursion to Petrolt oh July 1. There Is some talk about .her being able to do so as she Is n Canadian bottom. Barges Light Guard, Fostorla, Wend;thc- Wavo and Icaniau arrived with lumber Aud cleared light. • . Barge Emerald arrived with lumber, lirfv- Ing gone past to Cleveland, with a deckload for that point. The schooner Wanderer arrived light and cleared wllh coal for a Canadian port. Anchor Llho propeller Lehigh arrived and took on freight at the B. & O. docks. Stcambargc Argonaut arrived with 22,000 bushels of wheat from Chjcago And cleared light. ytcumyacht S. H. Hunter, of Vermillion. | ran in here leaving a vessel at Marblchead loading atone. ' . Steamer Ferris was hauled out on Monk's drydoek for repairs. Steamor Jay Cooke took an exourslon from Lorain to Put-In-Bay. The partv wiib from points along the Nickel Plate. Steamer Eagle ran on her route. Steamer Louisa brought over 200 sturgeon from Canada on one trip. Barge Emeu arrived with lumber, from Sand Point for Cincinnati parties. She will load coal for Godcrich. Steambarge Oswegatchle,,which has been due at Boesliug's dock, Marblehead, was li¬ beled at Buffalo by Thomas Hodgson, agent of the Pennsylvania < 'oal Co., on account ol a debt owing to Keltch Bros., coal dealers of Chicago In 1882. Hodgson sold the coal to Keith, on which f 11,200 Is nllegedtb be due. They are part owners of the stoamor. She waB appraised and her value set at $0,000, much lets than was expected. The reason glvdn was that sho wn» badly out of rdpiilr. Hhc has been released and Is expected at Marble- head wlioro sho and her consorts Ketchum, Amaranth, Lester and Antelope will load atone for Bay City. _. i Schooner Trojan loaded stone at Ohle- macher's dock, Marblehead, for Port Huron. TliertTbclng four tugs in this harbor the competition in towing is quite lWely, and as competition Is the life of trade, we should think vpsselmen ought to profit by It. Steamer Stelnhoff lookout a party of la¬ dles and gentlemen Sunday for a two hours' rldo on the lake. It waB-a complimentary excursion given by the owuors of Jhe boat. Stoamer Jay Cooke took out ail excursion party Sunday to I'ut-in-Bay, that came off' the Lake Erie & Western Hallway from points along that road from Lima. Steamor AmerlcairKngle took out an ex¬ cursion to Llmvood Grove Sunday. Steamer Hayes is laid up to paint, Steamor Alaska Is making dally trips to Detroit since June 11. Schooner Alliance arilvcd from Cabada with a cargo of fish and cleared light. Steambargo Yescmite and consort Wnl- brldge arrived with lumber for Hyan John¬ son & Co.- ScfTooiiefVj'ura arrived with 240,000 feet ol lumber tor 1. B. & W. and cleared with 10,000 busliols of whual lor Erie. DKTUOIl'. assist In earning the large arnniint of freight offered this line. Shu fakes her place on the routo iff once. The propollcis Oneida rind Walter L. Frost will soon take their places on the eamo route. The Inquest on the body of George Globs, the deckhand who died at the' hospital In Detroit recently was concluded Friday oven- big. The verdict rendered was nil .follows: ■'Death can»<'il"h,v lying on the boiler. Gaiise unknown, and tin blame attached to any¬ body." Glbbs was badly burned, .while sleeping on the boiler deck of the Canadian schooner Kincardine^ and after being paid off by the captain was tut ashore al Detroit. Ho was taken to tlio hospital where' be died June 8, and tills verdict exonorated the captain fioin blame. . • • • - KA6T SAGINAW. Ernest Bradley a young limn aged 18 years was drowned at South Saginaw on the 10. His relatives live In Berea, O. The first craft built at Saginaw river was tiro stem wheel river boat Btieiia Vista,- In 1840, and the schooner Jane Ralston waa the first craft launched at Gibraltar, Mich,,, In 180BI Duurrn. ., As a result of good management the -tug Paige has brought In hor tonth raft and haa not lost more than a dozen logs.' • Tholargoat raftoftho season, 700,000 was brought In by the tug Johnson. Tlio revenue outter Andy Johnson is com¬ ing. Prepare.- . 's A largollncroaao of dockage ant) elovators will bo adujed to our. shipping facilities this ilni DAY CITY. The old United States cutter Dan Rogers Is now u lowbni-irr and i< waiting for a load. The tugs Cheney. Anna and Avery have, had their boilers Inspected. GRAND HAVEN. Grand Havkn, June 18.—The schooner Ironside's, of Muskegon, lumber laden, en- route to chlcagOg-itiul the schooner Antilles, light, bound Tor Muskegon, collided tuenty- flvo miles oil' Grand Hav.en at 0 o'clock last night during a dense fog. Both vessels were damaged to the extent of seVoral hundred dollars. The Antares came In here for re¬ pairs., The Ironsides kept on her way to Chicago. The first stoainei arrived at Detroft Aug¬ ust 22, 1818. The suhooner-scovt Frank Norrls, Captain George McCluro, Is ongaged In bringing uravel from Pelee Island to Detroit for pav- ln|f purposes. She arrived on Saturday with a cai go, haying made the trip frotp Detroit to Police Island and return Inside of twenty-' four hours. This is the fastest work of its kind on record. The schooner Hercules, which was run down over a week ago by the Iron propeller Clarion, at South Bend, Is still on the bottom of the river. No settlement has yet beeh made with the steamboat company, as they want thc,o\vn«rof tlio schooner to accept about half her value, to Which he will not agree. It Is Hot likely that sho will be raised as her owner looks on her as a rntal loss, and unless the owners of the Clarion or the In¬ surance companies raise her, she will re¬ main where alio \».—F.ree Prest. A now stcamef for the Detroit and Chat¬ ham route Is being built at Chatham and Is nearly ready for the water. Notwithstanding the number of large pro- ftellers now on the Chicago and Ogdensburg Ine, the managers have found It necessary U> charter the propeller .Pacific, of Detroit, to CHICAGO. Much talk Is had about lighting the harbor by electricity. The now steam ship Edward Smith Is in port. Efforts aro being made to connect the life saving station on Lake Michigan bv tele¬ phone. The work of tlio service would be thus greatly faelHtated. The wrecked schooner A. S. Morey has arrived being roleased by tlio tug'WInslow. The cost ufjhe release amounted to the value of the schooner. The body of Mr. Lynch, the cook of the Ill-fated Wells Burt haa been identified. ■ x The J. F. Tracy haa been laid up ever since Captain Archie Doyl's death. Captain Edwjird Costln went to the east shorn recently to buy a light draught steam¬ er, which lie intends to run on Calumet Lake and rlvor. ' The lug Butler was bndly crushed by the steambarge Swallow against the piers of Rush street bridge Monday night, sho was taken to the dryuoek. Captain J. P. Mlnskcy of Waukegan, formerly of the schoonor Newsboy, having purchased the,steambarge Monitor is now making quick trips between Chicago and some ol the port* across the lake in the lumber trade. On Monday the suit against the tug own- ers'here for violating the snioke-consuinlne ordliiniiuffWHSRWlied before Justice HiimniJrn Health CommlsBOner.DoWoll,City Attorney Camion and a representative of tile Citizens Association appears as prosecutors and Mr. J. A. Duncan represented tho defendants.- A continuance of the cost whs grunted until Friday the tug owners agiceiug to burn hard coal as a means of ubatchig tho nuisance. The schooner Mystic has been In drydoek getting a now bow and other repairs. The schooner C. C. Trow bridge, Captain W. Billion went Into drydoek'to get a small leak stopped and some calking. The schooner A. G. Morey Is in drydoek for inspection she is veiy badly damaged she having had the greater part of her keel rubbed off and sonic large holes jnnde through hor bottom when nshoru at BalleysJ liurboi. MII.WAUKKK. A heavy tog was over the lake all day tho J7. making navigation dangeious. Tlio H. B. Itlchaids cai|io Into port leak lug badly. Mrs. Moss, wife of Captain Moss, of the T. C. Wilson, still thinks lie Is not lost, an sho recoived a poalal curd to that effect from South Haven, Mich. BTUHGEONHAY. Jesse Spalding, Presldont. and Geuora W. E. Strong, Treasurer of the Stur"goort Bay Canal Company, have made a tour of In¬ spection of the canal. Dredging will bo completed by the 20, which will allow ves¬ sels drawing fifteen feet to pass through tho cajinl and harbor. The government hits one dredge In the. harbor, and will havo the second about July 1, and the work of dredg¬ ing tho whole harbor will be completed as soon as the weather permits. season and Vulldlng Is booming throughout the city. AjniEnaTDWta.' A large raft ownod by Messrs. Fisher, of Bay City, which was roughly handled on Lake Erlo last tall, and brought back to the" bay below S. Frasor's la still lylng-thore.and Is In fair shape. - ■ Captain Spotice had a steam pump at work on the schoonor Argo Tuosday, and on Wednesday diver Quinn went.down and ulosod one of tho cabin windows, and It was expected to havo her up yesterday. FORT COLDORNK. The schoonor Bay Trader arrived here on the.10-, with the orew of the' schooner J. R, • Benson. Captain Maokey, of the Bonson, says a squall struck the Bonson when off Rondeau point, and -ho rolled ovor, Olio" man, a Swede, whom ho shipped here on his way up, name not known, was drowned. 'I ho balance of the crew hung to the vessel until taken off by the Bay Trader. Tho Ben¬ son was bound to Toledo light to load tim¬ ber. Captain Mackey will take a tug from here. Sho Is owned In &t. Catherines. KINGSTON. ' According to the exchanges nearly 1,000,- 000 bushels of gritin id enrouto on the lakes for Kingston. Tlfe'Two Rivera life-saving crew are mak¬ ing an excellent record for themselves. They saved two more lives on Sundayi The Kingston council has passed .a bvrlaw prohibiting steamera from blowing whistles while lying at the wharves. They can give throe short blows ot' entering the harbor and three on leaving. ' The propeller Canada sank near Rock- port. She carries general merchandise. - The wrecking stejrmor Hastings went to her, rescue and brought her to this port. TORONTO. Globe: Tho total number of vessels, sail and steam, in the Dominion in 1882 war 7,842. Or these.073 Were steamers and 0,337 sail. In 1882 the number of vessels in On¬ tario was given by the Government returns to bo 430 Btoamprs and 682 sail. The num¬ ber of Vessels In Ontario this year tluit would come under the description of Insur¬ able property Is pot so large, but the returns given are thoso of vessels In actual business and traders. The nnmber of steamers is 114 which includes tugs. The number of pro¬ pellers Is 337. The number of schooners and lake barges Is 332. This gives a total of 083 vessels, steamers and sailors. Thore aro also 341 rlvor barges. CHIl'PKWA. News:- The Campana Is 'evidently com¬ mencing another season of blow. She Is not the fattest boat on the lakes, and the American boats have scooped her on divers occasions, as the files of the News wlll'show. VESSEL SALES. The staunch steam yacht, David Sutton, has beeh purchased by Captain DoLand of Buffalo parties, and added to tho tonnage of Saginaw river. Tho Sutton "ha" good capacity for 75 passengers aiid can be char¬ tered for picnics or excursions by. societies and parties'at a loasouable price on ap¬ plication to James Roberts, who lias been appointed licr'agent. Amherstburg Echo: Captain P. Young bns-eolil his Intel est In tho steamer Stoln¬ holl'to Nelson Wigle, of Klngsvllle. .Cap- tali; John Weston lias taken command," ami she Is again on her routo after receiving some repairs In drydoek, „ Tho schooner Watts $horman haa been sold in Chicago. Captain Slytlel'd of St. Clair sold a one half Inteiest In tlio propeller Cleveland, to the Sturtevajit Lumber Company of Clove- laud, consideration $10,000. The Allen steamship company is said to have offered Its business mid vessels foranio lor $10,00.0,000. ilnoss and vessels for salo August Lock, of Sheboygan, has Bold one- hall of tug K. Duvls to C. JL Harris. ----■ ■- .BEAUTY IN A PARAGRAPH^, Beauty, though It bo only 8klu deep, Is a tieinoiuloiis lover upon humanity. Tho monarch and the peasant bow down alike In homage to It. I-ivery ,,„„, nUnilres beauty and t Is the duty ot ovory wife to make hor- sell look aa beautiful as poeslblo, especially before hor husband. Pl.nplo, uulJ JloU)1 £ ofteni disfigure what would otherwise be a beautiful lace, but In such cases Swavna'a Ointment for skin disease* will eradicate the Tho Cornell, Wesleyan and University of Pennsylvania crows have entered for tho regatta at Lake Goorgo, July 4 The Harvards won the boat ra«e at New London on the 20th, Inst., (our miles straightaway by twelve lengths Time 24:45; Columbia's time 25.46. 8 ■ ■ NMety-threo thousand aores'of land were planted with tlmbor In Kansas last year"

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