£ *b AROUND THE LAKES, CLKVKLAND, ' . " '< Tliu bnrgo Florence Dlxotv, hiinbar'liulu'n, (llirlliK.tlio Iidiivv eon ur Monday h|>1'iiii(C h Iffllk 'Oiueldd of |lil» port; Tho hip; J. It. Wornvvlok vvont-ptit mid towed her. In. She lind 2% feet of iwilur hi tier Iwlil, und'her, . c«r(ro Intel lo be i|iiloiiileil In on'er in (jot lit the ionic. ,- Tho ructinier Stclnhofl' wiim lllieled hint week for $178 wrecking services rendeied mat Inil. The uliilin wiw setileU.__ • Th'.' i.uli which wan beliiK tovvuil by the tii)! ViiIuiiii. ulilcli blew up nonr till* city, win towod In hy tile .lug Chiu'lca Kellogn nmltiei. Ifl'thi'lii.eiik.wiitui'. The Viilumi win rim In lit Vermillion iintfle 11 very bud wreck. . Judge y.ntehlim, of the police court, de¬ cided thiil"Shinier Riimgey, of ihu Vessel Owners' Afincliiliiin, in not vented Willi po- lhe puweiK by reimoh of his commission im n Vn|ley Rullroiul pnlluei The ('eclslon limy Up purloyj. for Uutiitey: naJuiU nti trlnHor shooting lit Fn>:u->>n ulili Intent to Jtlli. The tug Siiiiimiii himeniiipleleil her repidrs nnd \* out of ilryilnck. She goes tit once to Aslitiihiiln fnrthrM-'hooners Wnbasli, the 0. C. King, ii'ntl the Jolumon, which arc to be liiken to Dnlntli. The follow ing cliiirtefs were nnide lit this port on the 12: Schooners Robert Wiilluuei coal, from Anhliibiilii to Milwaukee, p. t.; Moiiginigon, unali Jroin Lorain to Alllvviiu- kee, 7iV; CtiiisUliltion, coal, Cleveland la\ Qreen Buy, p. I.; American, coal, from Bla^k river lo lirockMlle, oil contract, tlience ip Ogdon»biirg for ore for Clevcluilil, on con. tract; Emilia C. Hutchinson, coal, fruni Cleveland lo Chicago, 73 cents. »' OSWKQO. Times: William -Wllllnms of West JOth" 6trcet hti" jimt eiiiupleled an elegant row boat lor Nullum Monger which N now lit Hanlcv's bout limine. It is built of ceder with black nalnui iriiiimiiigs. When lined . with modern nppl ances^ln the way ol row locks, clc, It vv ill be one of the finest boats on the. river and the builder has no reason to bo nslinnieil of bis work.. dontl JoIiiiMcQIiiiieimof Now York;'Qon- ornl Mntingor mid Trowitiror, Chiirlcs- Mills, of SnuiliisKV; Secretary,-ItenJ. Marshall, of Sandusky. "■ BnrRo Scithliry cleared for Detroit to go. ontho dryioekfor roptilrs. •; • TOLKBO. ' , Tho wmer In ibe river lifts been very low The Boliooners Rogers and I.eadvlllo were', nopoi ted nt tho custom bouse Saturday for nor-hnvlng their plHehil iiuinbe'r curved on tho niiiln boaui, as !■• quired Jty law, .• Their Eupcra .wore taken rip, but the onilsston l|Hs oen corre.oied. \ , Tito scow Ina lias been churtereil to carry cdttl to Windsor, The rcvonuo cutter l'erry has left port. The Blrcklieiid brought -100 sturgeon from Lako-et. Cluir. The Btoiimbnrgo Worlhlngton nnd consort Shlnvilue,iincl the steiiuibarge Iron (Jllli'loft fi r Dtiluth, coal laden. Tho schooner St. Peter hns been olinr- ,torod to carry corn to Und'nln at l?jc; pro- poller Lake Ontario, corn to Montreal at Q% cents. . .- —7 - — dktiioit. ' Tho-flne bow steamer Walter S. Frost was] launched at this port on Saturday \last. Much admiration wa« expressed nt licrrOno appearance: She U.itilontleil for the route from Oftdensbiirg to' Chicago.' She irwoll and strongly built and.'wlll carry a large cargo. She was bullt.iiiider the <l!reetiou of Ctrpttiln J. C. Parker, <i/|iM>f'Uio' best builders on tho hikes, and ' will be commanded by Captain I'heatt Keudill, formerly of the Iron Chief. thovs. niitl Chun, Ax ford wevoontfor n sail In n small boat on tho .morning of June-10, nnd got capsized by. n sudden puff of wind. Thoy were rescued by tho llfo-siivlng crow of this port- ' CHICAGO. . , John Muriel, shipbuilder at Snugntuck, paid 'a visit to Chicago Inst week mid en¬ tered into rjpgbtliillnis lo build n tug tor parties here. The schooner. Wnllhi, waterlogged, was tpwod up Chicago rlviir on Tuesday by the tugs Win. Kulug mid A. B. Ward, to tho Chicago Drydoek Company's lyosHide dock. The new. passenger and freight steamer City of St. Joseph of the Graham and'Mor¬ ton M'ue is enniitiaiidcil by Captain EH<>nv late of the Lorn. Captain Sillies formerly of the sieainbarge Skylark lias taken com- rtintKl nf.the'Loni. .' ' '"' jKnplnlii Wallace, who has returned from Arizona, purchased none-half Interest In the schooner Leo fur ^1,700. He will command her In the future. The schooner Emma L. Coyno went Into ....i—,. I*..-.. .,—j..—i. „.,„. i,„.,it,ln v,.,,,, Tho plor fit Horn's plerhnrbeon piitlnre- palr ngnlu, nnd tho steamer Corona will onll nt that place1 as often us business domandslt. ' -MOANAIU. .WoriMnTceolvcdtlinttlie propeller Massn- ohusottr with 1,500 ions of Iron ore, whlolt loft for the North Chlciign Rolling Mill Co., has arrived safely ns also the schooner Mer- rlinnc with 1,700 tons of ore. 8. A. Murphy-hns tnkort tliojnb of releas¬ ing the schooner C. II. Burton from the" rocks at llBlrorirriHt'fwihniil, near G'reon Buy.. Sim rnli on thoro Inst full, on hor way ffpm- Chlcngo to Eseanitbn fo>- Iron oro. The stciimonrgo A. .^verelt went oh tho Eleven-foot slionl about,noon, Friday. She Is nut three .foal>*fortt'H.rd- aniK-a foot" and n ImJflffK bnUvni mnkihg no Wntor,, Tugs nnd lightens have gone to her -nssistnncu, _ Frolglif for fron ore frbin"B8oniinbn to ' Ohio ports, Including Erlo, has now. settled down linn at fl." * SAULT 8TII, MAllIK. The I'hljipowii'Nowssnys: Mr. Willlinne Is.down making arriiiigetnouts to have his .,., -r, . ii ,- in ... L I having tli- foundation of Ills new onglnce]- IhoBotrotlMcell-e-ssays: ."At »bo"t lnK pninl^H laid by V large foroo'of work- 0 ° ^'"i."" ly.l!!!!,0""!.'!5 evli!!',,!K,"":' l,)r.0l)a.IN I myn. The new building will be much more drydoek for a thoroiiBb_ovo!iuiullugr___Uieidiedge^icaws, otc.'i towed up I.ako Superior propeller Ijiiwreiic"e"weut Into MIHor Urns.•- * ' "-'■ ""-■" " *>■■■>......i V-...,.i. drydoek iiml.hiid her wheel repaired. ' Captain Edwlml IJnlke, of the tug Amerl- ciin Eagle, was reported to the custom house authorities bore bv Edward Co^nlskey en¬ gineer of the tug Annie Smith, lor allowliig tho American Eagle to be run without a licensed ei|gincer. Tbecacc is being Invest- sgiited. This should he a warning to other captains wltli" lugs, w no MMiietimcs go out without an engineer. Robert Tarrant, the marine engineer, Is * BUFFALO, Express:. It Is Buffalo Eihrcvs:_ It Is reporioti from Ogdensbiirglbiit llierc isan unii'uul iinionnt of west-bound freight accumulating there, which is reeking shipment by Irke on ac¬ count pt the increased tnclllties by means of tho new Wellaud canal. Formerly this region found anoperlng by rail or boat lo Toronto, and thence to Colllngwood by rail. A Bulfalo vessel-owner states that he was lately urged to send a vessel to Ogdcnsburg for a cargo. Captain Higgles, Alio has been at work ' on the wrecking schooner J. W. DoiTfte" af j Buffalo for nearly u month past, has linally abandoned her, and her spars are being re¬ moved. • Her anchori-, chains, booms, etc., have all been removed. Her stern has been raised several limes with pontoons, but she did not move amidships. Her backbone Is broken and docks nnd deck frames all gone. George h. Simmons engineer of lhe steam¬ er Riverside, who jumped on board ^tho steamer H." J. Gordon on Tuesday nioriiiug last and Interfered with the navigation of the boat, had his license as engineer revoked to-dny by the local Inspectors. The captain ol the Riverside was reprimanded for hib share In the affair, and the captain pf the Gordon' ' cautioned. One ' of the Flint nml. Peie Maiquetie steamers is e'xpeeted hero In a Week to be cut hi ttvo and length¬ ened lolly feel. When she is finished, the otlfepwill beetmllal ly scrretl'. The steamers have 'proved too small for Ibe business. ' ^"ttoal coiLifu>es Scarce on account of the huge drui\, upon k lately. Uiily lhe Erie docks have any amount, and thin is divided up between eeveinl parties. Quite a num¬ ber ot vessels tue walling'lor ilielr turn 10 . load. SANIIUBKY. The crew of the steamer Hayes report wlt- luistlug a singular sight while steaming up S'andiisky-'Bivy.^Two wood-laden scows with all caiivas-WkutUl^SnlJIiig Jiefote tlip -wind, siithleuly oucoiihtVAd:4JCr.cii)urkulily strung current,, upon leaching ifnTL. S & M. S. bridge which crosses tho hay at this {mint and were carried back about four miles lefore the current spout its force siilllelently to enable them to tntiko miv headway with their sails against Its The current was*for n tljho.so strong that the water was ■ full ol whirlpools. Schooner Baiuiey Evelclgh, whljli, went ashore on the reel at Pelee is mlw a total wreck. Her stern Is all gone and her decks and rail aft of the main batch have been washed away. All her wire rigging Is still on. -Her foretopiiiHst broke off mid got foul of her cross troos where ll still hangs. Captain Hackford, of tho' steamer Hayes, has resinned his position on that steamer. Tug Annie Robertson is hauled out on Monk's drydoek to hqve her stern bearings fixed. Tho party of Now York and Chicago gen¬ tlemen that hnvo been In the habit of going OvertoPeleo Islaud twice" every year black. bmsUshlug, have'organized a club ami. nro going to erect a club house on tho Island.' They elected the following officers: Presl- er Chirloy, bound up, collided, with the schooner Hercules, which was sailing up, mill damaged her to such an extent that she tilled ami weiit'totbe bottom at oticc, giving lhe crew timely time lo save themselves, it wns broad daylight at the time, and great Indignation Is manifested by those whonaw [be accident, against the ollicer in charge of the projeller. Two of tho Hercules' crew got aboard the propeller, and were take.ii to Port Huron. They state that the captain offered them good wages with nothing to do It they would go with him lo Milwaukee, but they refused and returned here. The Hercules Ilea on her starboard side n short distance above the Club house, on the Can¬ ada sido of the St. Chili River. The hull Is completely under water, uutl the topmasts broken. Her sally are set. The schooner belongs to J. Myrffones, of this city, mid Is Insured ngnliisuul-'d loss only." The Free Press says Ibe bargo Prlnglo uriived up frojn Huron on Wednesday with a cargo of euul tor the Ohio mid Pennsyl¬ vania Company. On arriving the Ohio ami Pennsylvania poople refused to-tiiko coal; chiming that they did not drder It. The Captain ol the Prlnglo says he will sell the coal if tlie company don't, accept It. The schooner Golden Fleece passed heie Tuesday with her bowsprit and jlhboom cur-1 Hod uwiiy. She collided with tho burge Chicago ito.ud of Trade opposite Algonac Monday night. The Dour' ol Tiude was In tow of the oteainbargo Belle Cross and the schooner in tow of the tug Mocking Bird. Groin freights are quiet and nominal. hay city. " •*■ The Bay City Tilbiino of Saturday says: "E, F. Gould has chartered his barge Gould to take a load of lumber trom Saginaw to lliltlaln at $2 per in, 25 cents below lhc*rV- gular rales.- The charier also calls lor the towing of the barge, lo Suginuw from. Hay City and return. The charter Is not re¬ cognized by vessel agents, and will not affect the established rates, if vessel-owners hold Ill-Ill - *' y The steambargo S. If. Caldwell with the barges Junius F 'joy nnil iMonltoi In low have left lor Useoiln, .where thoy tnke oi. Inulher cargoes for Chicago. On mid after Tuesday next, June 12 tile shore steamers will leavclliiy ;C|ly nt'l t30 p. in. IHsteud ^t(2»8iisherotot(irb>."<i,fu!. boatf will rtnrt auntioi'ftrtfie arrival of-the IrnlcTronr Uolrbtty^itssengei's for. shore 'points should bear this change in iiilud. Cleared June 12—For Touawundu, stenui- Darge Biroklioail B00,0U0 feet lumber, 1,7G0,- 000 shingles; Empire 340,000 feet lumber; barges Tailor,"350,000 feel lumber A. M. Moss, 360,000 feetliimbor; for Bull'alo.barge Qebhurt, feet lumber; lor Cleveland, barge Mary Stockton, 180,000 feet" lumber, 250,000. shingles, 200,000 hth. EAST UAQINAW. ThCslcmn yncht, Duvld Sutton, has been purchased by Cnptidn UeEuiid ol Bulfalo parties, and added tothetnunugoof Snglnnvv river. 1'hu Sutton has good capacity lor 75 passengers mid can be chartered for picnics or excursions by societies and parlies nt a reasonable price on application to James Roberts, who has been- appointed her ugont.—Herald, " MDSKEUOli. The schooner Evelyn Rates Is hero in n water-logged condition, she hud on a cargo of lumber mid sprung n leak. A tug mid steam pump have been sent lor to Hnyen. . GRAND HAVEN. Mr. Clins. A. Mosuimi, Silllman U. extensive thim tho present one mid will be completed by September npxt. The ln.ctol R. Taixuni 'requiring to double the size of Ills bushier" pi emlscs proves that'his friends appreciate hi-jnir dealing mid the excellent work done at Id- works, nnd must he very encouraging lo'biin. The schooner Mystic was run Into on Sat¬ urday u|ght about 0 o'clock, In a dense fog off Grossc Point, liy the rummer Sheboygan, of the Goodrich Line About six feet of the bow ol the My-tlc was cnirlcd awny am! she ,liumedlaii'ly filled. Tho tugs J. II. Haekley and American Englo sighted her. and Went to her rescue mnd towetl her to Chicago on Sunday morning hi a wuter- logged condition. Captain and crow are ull safe. ■ At tho Chicago Drydoek Company the schooner Kate Howard will bo entirely re-, built on her port side, will have new masts, and he thoroughly overhauled and calked at mi estimated cost of about $2,000. Schooner Higgle had her bottom examined and. sonic calking done, she having struck the butloin of the canal on her last trip to Kingston. Schooner John Minor received now stem," jlbboom and other repairs to damages caused by n collision with tliBsuropcllorR. A. Pack¬ et , Sel.....iiei TcuipJuiQwlil hnvo her bottom L'ulkfil. MliuoneT WoIIIu will be inspected anil lepalied. • - MII.WAUKKK. , The schooner City of Green Bay, which was wrecked on Thunder Bay Island, about two weeks ago, Is still in the drydoek iin^j dergoiug repairs. She was damaged to the extent ol f0,000 and wusiusurud lor *10,U00. It is slated thai Iheieis a prospect of the un¬ derwriters paying the amount ol lhe insur¬ ance and selling tho vessel for whatever she Will bring. Captain l'.lphlckc, of Chicago, 1« hoi: owner, and has gone lo Port Huron to look iiltorhcr. An attempt Is to-be .made to dredge the schooner Sailor Boy, which wont ushoic three miles south of tiiis port during the re¬ cent disastrous gale off the beach. She is In bad condition and It Is doubtful if Ktiecim be.released. I,. J. Rlondon, of this port, bus been'ap¬ pointed Airihe command of the Government tug IrorQ- .-JMlB\#ttUt -,Winslow again went to lhe schooTitenwGi. Moicy, which lias been on the roiiltsJtjJtBMlley'shurbor lor neailythroc weeks, nuusUccecded In releasing her. Charters reported Monday weie Echooners Snveluml, 48,000 bushels of corn to Buffalo at 2% cents; Puthlliider, 50,000 bushels of outs to Buffalo at 3 cents. Freight rales on wheat me understood to nine advanced'to 3 cents per bushel from Milwaukee to Buffalo and 5 cent* lor corn Lfrom Mllwauk'i-o-to Kingston. Poring the fog the other night tho schoon¬ er Elbe wont ashore at Whitehall Buy, The tug Coe, with the life-siivlng crew wept to her assistance, mid utter throwing ovqrb'onrd n portion of hor dcckloud, succeeded In pull Ing her oil'. Shu is considerably damaged, ' ; 8TUBQK0N BAY. The Advocate: 1 As estimated that $0,000 will be required for.'dredglng In the canal during the present souson. Tho foundation for the new lighthouse at Sherwood's point, near the mouth of this buy litis been completed. CnptuhMCjrtland's vessel, the -Veto arrived nt Green Bay lust week vritli 7,000 burrel stnvos frnnrtlorsoshoo Bay. The propeller W. I.. Brown, belonging to the Depore Iron Co., has boon placed In or- Mut" dlnaiy, at Groen Buy temporarily. irand- to Luc la Belle. • Tho E. M. Peck and Gush- Ing have been hired, to do the job in, soon- ns" the weather Is favorable. Mr/ Will, lams has nlso chartered tho tug Clara Hlck- jer for the season. The water In the Snult Ster Mario river Is seveiitoen feel deep, hut vessels drawing over eleven leot^slx Inches cannot nnvignte Porta o river. ^S^x^ On Thursday mo>nlngi,.the two monstor Ciiniifliun boats, thej^wipaim mid the Unit¬ ed Empire lay alongside our wharves. Thoy nre two or lhe hngestp/lBsenger bdats oi^ tlie lakes. Tho former Is about ten feet the longer. • DL'LUTII. . '■ —" The DuIuHf Sentlniil Is responsible for the following: -Ijnst year there wort ovei'.llvo hundred disasters reported on the lukce About sixty of those proved a total loss, and about one hundred lives were lost, tt Is u notorious mid will authenticated fact that where the loss of life wis greatest the ves¬ sels were so rotten that they wont to pieces before any cfiort at rescue -could be made, while the same menus used to rescue those in equal |H'iil, but on board of stronger ves- sels( re-ul'ted almost Invariably in saving the entire crew. It Is also n fuct flint out of all tills loss of life not ouo occurred on Lake Superior. , . the captain of the Alpenn rather astoni¬ shed the tugcaptains June 8 by towing In his own barges without even shortening up his towjlne. Tho propellers St. Paul nnd Wlnslow,niid srnnmbiirgo Colllnborry mid consorts New- como and Pflster etenre'd from Bullnlo foi this port on Thursday. The White Pipe Transportation Company Is the latest.. It Is composed of the tug Agate, and bnrges'Suin. Fijleld mid Bob. Ingles. John Fljnn Is the general manager. —Times. Much building Is going on here, also a large Increase in dockage and elevators. The tug Dniiforth cleared for On'onagoii where she will he stutiolied tho rest of the season The liandBOinc stijanibai'ge Kuto Buttroni "named after one of the best looking young- ladles on Ibe St. Clair River," arrived here this morning'with 000 wns of coal for the Northern PaclflcRallroad Company. She Is comparatively n now bout, this being her third seu<nn out, mid she is looking iib neat us the day she was launched. KiNasroN. Kingston News: The schooner Charger arrived with a Inail of coal .from. Sandusky for the Locomotive Works. , The T. R. Merrltt. limber laden, went ashore at Snake Island. She Is just between the Iwoliuoys tind'on pretty hard. She bt^ longs to Captain Neelou and is not insured. The schooner Wutertoun bus arrived from Sunduskv with a cargo of 050 tons of "black diamonds" for Swlit. Captain Col nors re¬ ports the Ing so ihlclwmn the lake that be could not see the end of tho bowsprit., lie W,us loriunalc hi meeting with no ncclilent. The propeller Persia nrrlved In port lifter - u delay of. 28 hours ciniRcil by her running ashore on a flat-rock near Superior shonl. From a passenger we learn thnt lioavy fogs prevtflVd almost from the time of loiivlng Port Dalliouslo on Tuesday afternoon. ^Mr, Siimsdn. of Quebec Is hero In the In¬ terest of Mr. Hosn, ovVnar of tho Conqueror. Tho bout will bo raised at once and sontio Quebec. She Is not desirable at this port. Insurance agents hnvo announced that hereafter double preniluirs will bo charged on cargoes In bouts that run In couples, that is, steamers and consorts, either pushing or-. towing. Sovernl accidents having lately pc- our red to such boats, ngoitfe |leom It neces¬ sary to charge extj'a-prjiniliiins.—<■ VESSEL SALES. »' Tho Goodrich Transportation Company have sold to tho G. T. ll., Company the steamers Cltv of Milwaukee, Michigan and Wisconsin, the price received being $600,000," This sale bus long been pending, mid lis consummation has been expected ore tills. The Canadian schooner Anna M. Foster lias been bought by Chambers & Chadwlck. pfTprpntp, lor $3,000..