Marine Record, June 9, 1883, page 2

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a L , ABOUND THE LAKES. • oswftao. ^Thoatoamor Nolllo Cuthbort .has beeh sold to Bollo, Kdsb & -Tatt of Penotanjrul- shone, Jind wllUrun between that plaoo and Ov/un Sound, She was. built nf Bollovillo . two yours ago, is qf strong construction and measures 00 tons. • The tug 'Jessie. Hall, while ph horwny from Kingston to Montreal, with six grain laden barges In tow, burst her cylinder head about four miles below BollovlHo. Tho tug nnd barges are all safely anchored nt the red buoys.' , The steamer Saginaw Valley, -iho second of the Ogdensburn and Clijoapjo- 'Transit lino, wiib at tho N. T. dock taking on freight. " Tho steamer Is not as largo us tho Rnimoko, but Is better adapted at presont tor carrying passengers. The dimensions of the bout are na follows: Length oyewill 105 feet; beam beam 30)6 feet; measurement 605 tons. She can teommotlnto 150 passongfei **, The on- •■ tiro upper deck Is "occupied by.tho cabins and staterooms and the steamer Is vory nicely lilted up throughout. Her officers are as,follows: Captain, A. Keith; mate, Captain W. Rollo, formerly of- tho N.'T. lino, well, known In this cttv; 1st engineer, Jamos Black; 2d engineer, Thomas Welsh. BUFFALO. Coal freights are at former figures arid the following charters are reported: Schooner Atmosphere to Detroit at 25 oonts; schooner J. E. Bally to Sheboygan <4 86 cents; sohoonei Francis Palms to Gretfn 'Bay at 85 cents; schooners Northwest and Comrade nnd propeller Ballentlno to Milwaukee at 75 cents; and to Chicago schooners Ida - Keith. B, Hallaran, A. W. Sago, L. A. Law, and propellers Siberia and H. H. Packer at 75 cents. Buffalo Commercial Advertiser: The Canadian tug W. A..Booth Wednesday af¬ ternoon arrived with the schooner Miami ' Belle, which had been nshoro on Mohawk Island. She was leaking freely and a steam pump was used to keep her afloat. ' She was placed In oi.e of the Mills dry docks. The Bchooner had bn about 17,000 bushels of corn from Toledo for Og'lenBburg, about hah* of which was pumpou overboard. Tho masts are being pulled out of the schooner S. A. Murphy. Slle was purchased by J- W. Iioiiue asliofo on the breakwater, and he has ibnndoned the wreck. Tho David Dows with wheat from Duluth wbb short 'ISO bushels, and the O'lty of Borne over ran 00 bushels. ^ TheclearanceBofcoal on Saturday amount¬ ed tp 21,020 tors—the largest o>y!a ship, mentever known here. Pur tho week the total shipments were 08,030 terns, far the largest week's nggrogate on record.. kiiib. ■ The propellers Lycoming anil Juniata with corn and sundries, Fred Mercnr will corn, arrived fii.m Chicago. The propeller Alaska with mdse balled for Uliit/agos schooner George Sherman, Milwaukee coul. ; CLKVELAND. The freshets this season have made a shoal condition ot the river as seen In case of the Thomas Parsons which came Into this port Monday laden with 057 tons of, ore. In «olng up the river to the Cleveland Rolling llll's fdru'acesiforran aground nuhe upper central way bridge and the tug Patrick Henry whu had nor In tow was nimble to move' her off. The tug Virginia Joined Patrick Henry but both failed and the schooner must be lightered or drcdged.ouT Dredging should be done in this part of the river at once. ' The Lake Superior News says: C. G. Frttnklln, agent of the Luke Superior Tratntit company at St. Paul, on Mondav sold tho first through ticket of tho season from St. Paul to Cleveland by way of the lakes. Charters—Sarah G. Sheldon, .coal Lorain to Duluth, 95o.; schooner C. G. King, coal Talpdv^p Duluth, 95c.; schooner W. B. GgUen, coal, ulnck River to port Huron, p. t»; schooner George Sherman, coal,' Erie to Milwaukee, 75c; Bteambarge Mackinaw, Black B|vor, tionl to Port Huron, - p. t.: fiteanlburge Henry Oblsliolm, coul, Buffalo to MHwuukce, 75o; schooner Porter, coal, Cleveland to Chkmgo, 75u. The citizens"o/siucktnao have presented tjlc now pulnetmcamor of the' Detroit and Cleveland Steam Navigation Company, vhtch Ib named after their iBlaud with a IIno set of colors, The steamers of the Detroit and Cleveland Unttliave tho contract of taking from Cleve¬ land to Detroit 5,000 Win of railroad Iron. The. business done In general freight by these steamers recently It very large. The schooner Owaitoo Is In'the Globe dry. docks. She sprung aleak on Lake. Ontario, and was kept afloat by continuous pumping till she arrived here. She Is ohartered.for a "cargo-to BroukYllIo audio OgdenBburg and • return. * Schooner Craftsman'takes coal to Kings¬ ton at 11.20. . > Tbe schooner Erie Stewart brings atono from Thorald lor $9.25. Leader. Vessel owners art not anxious: to take freights of ore, although Inquiry for vessels for that service Ib a little more tliau It bat been lor some time past. One .reason tor this li that tbe price Is rather low, but tho stronger one, thov say, Is tho deliiyjn unloading. A good deal ol ore Is unloaded direct IrjTto cars, and for this arid other causes tlior'o Is frequent detention ol vessels curry¬ ing nre^and they say they wmtld profor taking grain from Chicago to Buffalo at two conti per bushel ilmn ore nt ninety, because they Can go to Buffalo and unload the grain rapldlv aud reload with hurd coiil for Chi- ougti, itlso In a short lime, and thus 'make frequent trips and it more profltablo noncon., In this connection a luct may be stated In regard to tho unloading or "rent Brookvlllc, wnero there has been conalde'rublo detention In the post. Iiu|irovoinonis.lluve been mudev so that this. Ib greatly obviated. Avessol which has hint taken a cargo of ore and un¬ loaded at the Canada Pacific docks In that port, ropprts having unloaded* In one and •throe-fourth (Jays, and further Bllys vessels need have no four of detention' there more than at any other harbor. On Sunday theievenuecutter Commodore Perry nrrlved In-port.1 It was ascertained that the new cutter Commodore Perry will bo completed la May ,1884 at u cost of 183,000 she will be better supplied with quarters and outfit than tho oltl.uutter but she can Imrdly do more efficient work for the latter reported 228 nnd selgned 71 undocumented vessels last year. . Tho schooner /. F. Card ha« dopuEtod/Wr Marquette with coal and the schooner Helene for Duluth. SANDUSKY. Business Is reported dull, nothing offering Steumbargo .Point Ablno arrived 4ght, and olonred with coal for Mafysvllle. Bargo Waldo arrived with 260,000 fuel of lumber for Byun Johnson & Co. Schooner Erastus Coming arrived with 46,000 bUBhels of wheat for the B. & O. ele¬ vator. Shocleared light for Toledo to load coal for Milwaukee. A Blemlller will probably have bulkheads put In the tug Oil Davis and otherwise fitted out In accordance with the law regulating the equipment of passenger carrying craft. BurgeB L(ght Guard and Weud-thMVnve Arrived/with lumber from Alponn. Schoon Wutertown arrived from Chicago with 22,090JuuhelB of wheat tor the B. & O. elevator. . Scow Mary Amelia lontied stone nt Mar- blehead for Port Huron at (4 per cord. Schooner J. E; Bailey loaded wheat at I. B. & W. olevator tor Buffalo. Schooner Irene arrived from Port Huron with staves and headings for Hodgeman & Co. She loaded .stone at Hartshorn's tor Port.Uuj.on. , Scow Charles Crawford arrived from CusevlUe with a cargo of-salt and cedar poles for Ayors'& Co. The firm hud'no dock room lor tho salt, bo the sco'w cleared for Cleveland. Schooner E. Corning, while in tow of the tug Myrtle, ol this port, her tow line slipped oil the-tow-pout, and there being u fresh breeze from the southwest she went stern on into Dhlemucher & Co.'s dock, breaking some of the dock timbers. She then BWung round and carried uwuy ubout 100 cedur posts . off Hodgeman ez Co.'s dock. The schooner was not dumuged.- As soon as the tug got hold of her again, the former's .cyl¬ inder head blew out, doubling her. Scow Morning Lurk arrived with u cargo of wood from Pelee Island. Schooner Wutertown cleared with coul for Kingston. Ancflor Line propeller v called here for freight at B. & 0. Scow Mugruder cleared for Port Huron with stone from Hartshorn's, Murbleheud. Bnrgo Sunbury arrived. She wu9 water¬ logged during tho recent gale aud lpst 100,- 000 feet ot lumber off Tawns. She also lost pne of her crew lu the harbor at Buy Clj.y. Schooner Soablrd arrived with barge Sun- bury's deckload consigned Co Norwalk pur- ties. She loaded stone at Murhleheud lor Port Huron at |4.50. * Schooner Buy State 1ms been chartered to carry 15,000 bushels. Wheat hero from Chi¬ cago. Government steumbargo Warrington, with lighters In tow Is nt Marblehead load¬ ing stone. Cuptnlh Young, of the steamer Stclnhoff, has sold his Interest in snld steamer. He will probably bo succeeded byCnptulu Wont- on, of Chuthuiu, Cun., who formerly com¬ manded her. Captnln Slnckford, of summer Huyea, Is luld up with an attack of pleurisy. TpLKDO. Tbe steamer Watte hak been overhauled, refitted and repainted and will makolior first trip"of the seuson, Sunday, running to tue Islands. Niiio vesselii wore loading coal at one time this week at the Ohio Central Coal Dock. The Qormanla, Jitter leaving her tow left fpr Cleveland. There Is extremo dullness In marine cir¬ cles at present. DETBOIT. Tho barge Sunbury is being pumped out. There Is only 11 feet ui water over tho bar at Ludlngton and It Is dangerous to enter there during a storm. BAST SAGINAW. . ^ The Boom Company tugs uso their sparo time doing transfer" work nnd vossel towing. Great damage may come from tardiness In swinging tho F. P. 11. B. B. bridge. - Totnl shipments to Juno i" have been i Lumber, 182.458,140 feet; Shingles, 22,7U0r 000; Lath, 6,810,000: staves, 54,701; oak tim¬ ber, 387 pieces, - uoamtaoN.- Wo are sorry to record that H, J. Foot-' lander, shipbuilder-hero, loat by Are ^n tho 17th or May, his workshop,' tools,' plans, models, hauling out tackle,- nnd. ways, also aomo guffs, Jlbbooms, fenders and stock, en¬ tailing upon him n loss of 1)8,000, which Is n very serious mutter to him na It almost puts a-stop to his business, In addition to hlrrloss. H.J. FootlnndorW a now foremast and mainmast Into tho sohooner Andrew Jnok- son. of this city. 'He will jilso supply the schooner StaflnrdiWlth a new Jlbboom, and tho schooner H. B. Mooro with a new fore¬ mast and mainmast. . ' Captain Archie Hitchcock Is doingn large amount of pllo.driving around the hike here with Ills (wo steam-pile drivers. Cnptuln Seth Lee's ferry stenmors.are do ihTg a brisk business between here and North Muskegon', although tho Into seuson and bad weiither has been very disadvantaged]! fr> tho woithy Captain's enterprise. TlieNfclfu saving Station No. 8, Cnptuln H. J. Wrirjtovjjeeper, Is In tirsl-clnus csndltlon Inoyety rVejieuf, everything luts been .fresh painted unit" varnished nnd looks us neat and nice us u new pin. All the appliances for saving life, are kept in excellent condi¬ tion, aud the'captain has a very smart and Intelligent crew whose experience well qualify tliem foi their duties. Captain Klrby of Grand Hsveu is doing a large amount of work to the- piers here by putting lu new dribs here and dredging. The tug James McOordon was sold by F, 8. Fnrr to some piirtles at Green Bay for $10,000. Tom Bnrrv proprietor of the tug Geely of Muskegon has purchased the steam yacht Vane and placet! her on, Bear Lake. Beur Luko bus become a popular resort for pleasure seekers n grand regatta will 'take place there mi the 24 and 25 of July when a great number of goad men and crews will compete for superiority. ' , -The Muskegon BoomvCnmpany are build- Ing a -tug to take tho place of the ojd tug Pony. Quite a number of new docks are being built here for the piling <if lumber and old 'dockA nPttbetngonlai-geil. CHICAGO. The achooner Kwc Howard was towed full of water Mm the Government basin to the Chicagoilrydook where she whs put Into dryilock and Inspected, «lien tlra damages she sustained were estimated at ll.tiOO. ' The schooner M. E. Cook had hor repass oompleted at the Chicago drydock and left here on Tuesday evening. Captain Will- lams bus' inndo up hU mind nut to let her try Jumping ovor the-,hreukwuter.iignln. He says one such juni| Is quite enough. The schooner Myrtle was supplied with u new bowsprit and jlbboom at the Chicago dry dock. The schooner H. C. Albrecht, Captain Chris E. Baker made u very oiilok trip lust week. She left hero for ^Muskegon on Thursday evening and returned with a large enrgo of lumber on Sntilrdivy morning. The schooiier.M. Dull,of this port, which was dismantled In -the lute heavy gale, has received new fore and main musts and rlg- gl'ig- The Northern Michigan Hue of steamboats aoiumanceil ibis week to run us follows: Tho Clinmplalu will leave hero Tuesdays and return Mondays, ami tho' Lawrence will lonvo on Fridays, and return Thurs¬ days. "The tng Loreiiu Is again In Commission. ' Captain Glllman, of the Goodrich Compa¬ ny steamer Ludliigtiiu, wits presented with a handsome gold wuleli and chain Valued nt $300, by his many* Manistee us u souvenir of their uppruoluttun of, his efforts to please them during the many yeurs ho has run theio. MUWADMB. ' I • ' Tho Bohqnnor Llflle E.; In dock' hew,, will fequlropnrt of a new keel, oonslderable yaw planking, entlro rofastenlng ana flallilng, now stern post, n now ruddor, ana tin entire now cabin. Sho will bo repaired by tho un¬ derwriters and given back to hor owners, who nbnndonod per last week. .Tho schooner ToungAmerloainftot bolntt out twonty-sovoo days from- Erlo, arrive*}.. •hero with aoargoof coal. ;Tho oonslgnoo. claims damnge for the' non dellvory of the cargo qn' time. . - . ' Tho body of Captain; John Larson, who was first mate of'the Bteambarge B. G. * Peters, whlph burned and sunk with all hands oil this port In tho forepart of last December, wag discovered Tuesday off Kewaunee by the wrecking tug Llvlnthnn. It was so badly decomposed tlint It oould not , be taken tin board. The llfe-proserver on tho body was removed' and a plooe ot .Iron* mado last to sink It. This Is the first body • of any one of the crew of tho'Peters that has been discovered. Owing to a break In a steam-4>uinp the wrpoklngtugLevia Mjoahaej. that wus unablo to goTo-tlje wreoked sohooit* er Moroy, and tho tug Wlnslow has been sent - to her from Detroit. On tho 5 of June tho polloo worecallod to the sohooner H. C. Richards to quell a dis¬ turbance between- her captain and the orow of union mon who were shipped yesterday. jfWprew objected to tho condition of the mmL's forecastle, but would not leave her (until each resolved a' half day's* pay, which tho captain first objooted to', but at last paid.- Another crew of union men were shipped. DULUTB. The passenger boats are all running on time. The propeller Hodge left June 2, with a load of wheat and flour. Tho steamship Wallula broughtl.OOO tons of coal for the Northwestern Fuel Cot The former captain of the C. N. Pratt •seized hernt Windsor, Ont.,,for fl.OOO duo him on laBt season's wages. She was loaded here lately. She wus bonded and allowed uud allowed to proceed. - Marine Insurance rates to Buffalo are 20 cents, to Montreal, 00coins. KINGSTON. Kingston News: Sailors raport that there arc 50police stationed on the Wollaud Canal, to guard against the. looks' being blown- up , with dynamiters, The police are In sentry- boxes along the banks. ■Robert Davis has christened his new Bteambarge the Freemason. 'She U 01 feet 5 Inohes lung, 21 feet wide, and 6 feet depth nf hold. Machinery is being put lu ner by Davidson & Dornl). The Ellit Murton has arrived with u non¬ union ciew. The President met them to¬ day nnd they .will probahly loin the Union. Union men iln unillkethe Idea of non-union men geitlugll per day anil no lost time, when they get' u»ly |l,B0 uud discharged when they reach port. . . "Rutting" It pays best, it eooms. Fflday, June 1, teing payday, tho Vessel Owners Towing Company puld (8,500 to the tugincn in their employ. Ths oxc cutlvo committee of tho Chicago Board of Marine Underwriters call your at¬ tention to tlie pructtcu of towing vessels, when disabled, past the port of repairs ar¬ rived at, aud then to port of destination • The prncllce Is In direct violation of all marine law, and In case of'disaster after pissing suoli u port,' renders owners of ves¬ sels liable to heavy loss. But if in your best Judgment It Is deemed safe, and pru.donl, and Buvlng of expense and time, to proceed in tow beyond port of ropaire, telegraph your owners to get the consent of all parties In Interest to db so, By doing this, yocrsolf and owners will be relieved of great responsibility,- and will avoid ohuneHs nf litigation, If partial or total loss sh6uld occur beyond the first port of repairs reached; , W. M. Eqan, President. HxnbY C. Rannky, Secretary. VERY EXHORB1TANT, INSPECTION CHANGES. Editor Marine Records ■ • Apropos to the recent change In the In¬ spection charge for yachts which has been reduced to |5, several tug owners In Cleve¬ land and vicinity, who having keenly felt tho heavy fee (|25) charged by tlie Govern- - nient for the usual yearly inspection of their ™ bouts, have come to Hie conclusion that tlrby are paying a larger fee than they Bhould, taking into consideration the size of the bouts compared to the large eastern steamers which pay the same amount and run all tbe yenr. ,«hereus they only run trom six to seven months, and also the fact that pilots uud engineers have hud their license fees\ reduced from $10 and $5 to 50 cents. \ Now if tug owners along the lakes will \ consider this and address their 'respective ) representatives to Congress with a petition for a i eduction In tlie inspection fee, we think, flnasmucli iib pilots and engineers licenses, and yacht Inspection fees-have been reduced by tho same procedure, that Congress will, consider tho petition favora¬ bly. As this can only be accomplished by an act of Congress, wo hope all tug owners wljl give this their Immediate attention. Cleveland Too Owners, PRODIGALITY OF THE ANCIENTS. JSsop, tho poet, once paid $400,000 for a dinner, and Caligula, the cruel, wasted the same euormouB amount on a supper. Mar¬ cus Antonlous owed $1,500,000 on his elec-' tloir, Mnroh 15, and paid It off on March 17. He afterwards oleared $720,000,000. These are all well enough lor historical faots, but what wo want to got at Is to toll you that Swuyiie's O ntment Is the most reliable rem¬ edy for Itching piles nnd sklnVllsenscs ex¬ tant. It never Tails. Ihe Canadian sohooner Jessie Drummond takes hardwood lumber from Chicago to Quebec She Is now In drydock at the Chi¬ cago Company's y»rtl for ovarnaul!ng pre- paratory to making the long voyage. She wlI be loaded au3 ready tojeavoby the middle of tbe week.

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